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Best uses for elite void. Edit: did some napkin math and got 4.
Best uses for elite void Other than that I have no other advice ha. That said, it's good on a lot of quest bosses - switches are easier and it has better magic defense than dhide and is better if you're wanting magic defense while meleeing as well (such I was just looking into this the other day, as I have void elite wireless that I use. For irons it's actually not that good at vorkath. New corp, mithril dragons, anything where youd use void range Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . You will generally have to drink 1 dose of prayer pot in 4 man with karils. either way it's not a big difference, 1-2 max hits i'm guessing. Realistically as a learner the only thing got need to be able to do is verzik unless you are a full 0kc team. I keep seeing mixed answers from a year+ ago of people saying "yes go for it" or "I hardly use it now" but don't say why they stopped using it. Old. Not to mention if you plan on doing tob later on you'll want to start out with elite void there anyways. You'd be much better off with a set of blessed d'hide, or even mix and match with tank gear (Blessed d'hide top, Veracs skirt + helm is the OG setup). Results will definitely vary, I am using a blowpipe which definitely makes Ahrim a lot faster. Elite Void mage is literally like 1% worse than ahrims with tormented bracelet at Akkha and Warden, and Void Melee is like 5% worse than Bandos. i run solo toa 200's with elite void, fang,trident, d cbow with dragon ruby and diamond bolts. I have done just over 100 hard clues and have enough pieces that I can choose what god/color I want to rep. To buy and equip the items, a player depends how comfy you are. Thestrongman420 • The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. I am currently attempting the Galvek fight with Verac's Helm, Karil's top and skirt, barrows gloves. Void range is used for damage boost, and is worse for your accuracy than basically anything else, but because dragon hunter crossbow gets a massive damage and accuracy Buff it negates the lack of range bonus on void while benefitting Elite void ranged is better than armadyl in all regular cox layouts that do not feature mystics or vespula. Its versatility across different combat styles, be it melee, ranged, or magic , Google search “dps calc bitterkoekje”, it’s a google spreadsheet. I got faster kill times with it over arma using BP only, and dhcb. You only use them for inventory and prayer at fight caves (f1&f2). (currently 97 combat). Reply reply -Aura_Knight- • all but lumbridge is the best one for elite Reply reply Obviously no one knows what set ups will be best for the new raid yet, but I was wondering if anyone thinks elite void will be useful? Share Add a Comment. Slayer+Torture is only best with dragon def + Ardy Cloak. Note your magic accuracy and multiply by . I'm pretty sure off the top of my head that elite void ranged is better dps in cm cox as well, except for mystics and vespula; which Elite void and dhcb can get you sub 1 min kills. If you don't have Elite Void, just stick with Ahrims. You use elite void range for DHCB because its accuracy is so high the range str bonus comes through. I use it for all three sets rn with mostly bis boots/rings/etc. Practice using f keys for just those 2 during your trek to good ol’ jad so you’re used to it when you get there. More posts you may like r/ironscape. Wearing In total, elite void will cost you 1650 commendation points. I recently got full elite void and it's honestly so much faster. Don't let the wiki fool you. I would suggest doing the void grind, unless you still need other items from barrows like tank items or ktop. New. For this setup I could see how void is better for landing BGS specs more consistently (melee helm switch) but thats Try practicing f keys during the caves. Very useful for barbarian assault, especially for speedrunning. Good luck!!! I've got a berserker that I use for pking / trybridding / revs and based on my current characters stats, when Im fully maxed I should end up at 99 combat. just good if you're on a budget. Question After doing some extensive DPS calcs & browsing the wiki I've determined that elite void is about as strong as my current mixed hide/mystics gear for most of the stuff I'm doing. Elite void knight top is an upgraded version of the regular Void knight top featuring a slightly higher armour value as well as an added prayer bonus, which becomes available upon completion of The Void Stares Back. I was But with other gear, like say a DHCB, Elite Void can be very good at Vorkath. Icon Equipment Commendations cost Helmet: 200 (each) Top: 250 Where are the best places to use elite void? Share Sort by: Best. Q&A. My zerker is 75 attack and 46 pray (soon to be 52 I personally still use mage void at ToB to get my 100% freeze because I use range void for maximum tbow dps. Top 1% Rank by size . Fill inv with anti poison, food, pray pots, etc. If not, use karils and maybe a Veracs helm, assuming you are just going for the vorkath head. Whilst What are some good uses for elite void? Share Add a Comment. Like Diamond bolts would be enough to make void lead by a small margin with rcb (and elite void has higher prayer bonus as well) - but the calculator I'm using doesn't support them. Have a bit over 80kc in TOA solos (29 expert) from bow of fa + elite void. The two pieces, the elite void top and elite void robe, become available after completing the Hard Western Provinces Diary. The elite Void robe (or) is an elite Void robe with a Shattered relics void ornament kit added onto it. Elite Void Knight equipment is an upgraded version of regular Void Knight equipment. I would definitely recommend an occult necklace, ahrims if you don’t have void, trident of the Is Void here in your opinion good option if the They are trolling you, elite void is fine up until about 200. You use arma/blessed d hide for BP because Vorkath's defence is high enough that accuracy on BP needs it more than void's . Range void far out-dps's literally every other option vs low defence monsters. It has its uses. Karils/serp helm are degrading as you use them, so this added to using a dose of prayer pot every kill costs more than the 2-3 food karils/serp would save you in 4 man trips. It’s good for when you’re first learning raids and have a hard time with switches, it’s pretty good for Zulrah for the same reasons, and i know a lot of people use it for Corp. but alas. I barely use it outside of that, d'hide is much better dps for anything with a semblance of defence. Pieces of Void Knight I used mine for several months (91 ranged to 31M ranged xp) until I finally got 70 def. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you can impact it all. Your kill times will go up quite a bit. Uses for Elite Void – where is it good? The elite void ranged set is by far the After 10 attempts I finally figured out Zulrah so now I have my elite void. Helm + cape + neck + weapon switch is quicker than the alternatives, leaves more room in the inventory for supplies, and you can achieve competitive Elite Void Knight equipment, commonly called elite void, is an upgraded version of regular Void Knight equipment. There are a few exceptions to this such as gw, and I think wyverns with less than 90 range. Open comment sort I’ve been thinking about getting void on my GIM and have really been wondering where it is useful? I come from a near maxed RS3 account that is nearly 15 years old so I have seen the rise and fall of elite void on RS3 but have always wondered if it’s good on osrs where slayer is either you take no damage w/ reg armour, or you use prossy and pray through your task. Void is definitely worth it!! Don’t feel like you need to get it all in one sitting either, set small goals like 1 piece a session and spend a couple weeks here and there playing for it. Ahrims for Bursting/Barraging . Elite Void Mage vs. Is it worth the grind to avoid barrows rng? I’ve also heard it’s pretty good at zulrah comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. What has worked super well lately (specifically for Tarkov), is turning off the 7. Thanks r/ironscape! Locked post. r Just keep in mind that void does exponentially better as you gain levels, in my calculations at maxed melee stats void has greater accuracy than Bandos+fury+barrow gloves, with equal or slightly lower max hit (-1) depending on the weapon you use. Void is a nice way to learn content that invovles multiple styles like TOB and COX due to its minimal switches, which means more room for more supplies. Void ranged used to be great until they nerfed it, which I will never not be salty about. Elite void gives no extra melee bonus but does give a +2,5% extra The Elite Void set offers a significant damage and accuracy boost, making it a popular choice for boss encounters and high-level PvM activities. I feel like defense isn’t a good argument for what makes a set good or not. The Elite void knight top Void is a MUST HAVE! There are many places where you need it, and it’s required for diaries which late game are a main reason why you play the game. It can be upgraded from a Void knight top for 200 Void Knight commendation points by speaking to the Elite Void Knight, The Elite Void Knight set is arguably one of the best gear sets in the game. Generally, it’s of great use whenever you need to do any sort of range/mage/melee switching Im running an basic mage setup, and running elite void with blowpipe currently. This In addition, the elite void robe and top now have a +3 prayer bonus, totalling an extra +6 prayer bonus for upgrading the set to elite void. I didn't do the void grind at low levels and now that I am medium high my clan mates are really pushing me to get void and then elite void, but looking up its stats and what it is good for the only boss it is best in slot for is Vorkath and I don't do that boss. You will sometimes get extra max hits over something like ahrims from its magic damage bonus (1% per piece) Top 1% Rank by size . Since im struggling on DPS with the bp. Dks for example are a good example for wanting things with high defense. I have them bound for attack style, inventory, prayer, spell book and I unbound the rest (esc,f1,f2,f3 in that order). Best. 37dps for diamond bolts dhide vs I’m 121 combat and still don’t have elite void nor have I ever used my void set. Should answer everything you could want asked for void. The only stat difference elite void gives over regular void is the +6 prayer bonus. Like you said, void has extremely low defense. If you find yourself taking too much damage and don’t want to buy armadyl then blessed d’hide works fine. If you are wanting to grind out the uniques, I would put off grinding it out until you have the lance. Share Sort by: Best. Hell i used BP during a rebuild and wasnt bothering to use bgs and still got fast kill times, (did 1kc trips and pray flicked so used 0 ppots and minimal supplies, then poh Tele to restore, rinse repeat). You can farm her pretty efficiently in the Void Vessel – especially if you’re using the Just wondering where people use elite void while im getting one full set for diary and cant find a straight answer somewhere. I mostly use void when maging (without a black mask(I)), range training, and quest bosses. But it isn’t really best in slot unless you’re ranging vorkath. The Descendant that we’d strongly recommend you use for Void Erosion Purge is Ines. Good luck. It also helps a lot for damage multipliers for vorkath. The kit gives no additional bonuses, and is only used to add aesthetics to the top. Do a few runs whenever you’re in the mood. Open comment sort Most likely, it’s a good setup for TOB learners and it was used a lot for COX early on. so its fine to learn with even up to around 150-200. So it might not be something you need right now, but it is something worth getting eventually. And since there are like 6 different god d'hide sets you have a pretty good chance of getting them from clues. OhMyGodfather The one for elite void and the one that lets you use fairy rings without a stick. I used elite void, fury, suffering, book of darkness, trident of the seas, mage arena 2 cape and had 10 Sara brews left over (ironman 92 mage). Void Knight equipment is an offensive set of the Hybrid class that can be bought from the Void Knights with Void Knight commendation points, earned through the minigames Pest Control and Conquest. elite void isn’t all that everyone makes it out to be. Would it be better to bring Elite Void? I keep dying even with my current setup which is supposed to be tankier, and I feel like the extra damage from Elite Void would really help me get through the fight quicker and use less food. New comments cannot be posted. Edit: did some napkin math and got 4. You can also use it at Zulrah to bring more food and less gear, although honestly bringing like ahrims and dhide i think is better for learning because of the def bonuses. Share Add a Comment. We’ll also be outlining the main differences between Void gear as it gets upgraded. I've managed to kill her with blitz + pinaple pizzas + anglerfish(i think 7). Elite void gives no extra melee bonus but does give a +2,5% extra However I STRONGLY suggest getting void, and elite void at that. Add a Comment. I've never used Void or Elite Void so I'm not really sure where it sits in the gear progression. Theatre of blood, Elite void range over arma at cox if the raid does not have mystics or vespula assuming max stats, Vorkath, Can use at Zulrah It’s BIS when using rune darts in the blowpipe I believe. With max str setup(ie bandos lance and such)go with slayer helmet and turt,with dhcb elite void +salvie ei Reply reply Every time I have run the dps calculations on elite void vs my normal gear, void comes up short. My vorkath max hit no ruby crossbow proc and rigour is a 68. Void is worth it, yes. Elite Void RANGED is BIS at TOB for any ranged DPS. It might just be a small step up from the regular Void Knight set but you’re still getting something good for vorkath, ankous on task or not, zulrah, corp, and chinning. r/2007scape. Is void or elite void really even good? Is there any content that it’s really meta for? Feels like even with the set bonus, most of the time it’s still just better to use normal gear. I've also never done raids though. Best uses have been covered but I think it's worth noting that it's just nice while learning content so long as prayer is an effective defense. Now for the real breakdown on Elite Void. That’s my advice. Don't let people talk you down from elite void. odds are if you're going with decent players who have scythes the only room you have a good chance at mvping on is maiden, so if that's the case i'd probably just bring void and pack yak/buy extra stams every raid The Elite Void set offers a significant damage and accuracy boost, making it a popular choice for boss encounters and high-level PvM activities. Should i buy the BOWFA? And is it It’a really good for cannoning shamans in the valley because the high accuracy helps with cannon and the range is long enough to easily avoid the purple things and still do Yeah im using icue for the void elite wireless Reply reply AyKayAllDay47 • You won't go back if you go Artiswar route. Void/elite void is good, range is used for vorkath, while mage is better dps, but a little squishier at zulrah until you have tormented bracelet. (Elite void is also used quite extensively at tob because it's that good) Definitely prioritize buying weapons such as dragon hunter lance, dragon hunter crossbow, blowpipe, trident of the swamp, bandos godsword (Dragon warhammer is better, but more expensive), dragon pickaxe. And the reqs for SotE aren’t that high. This guide will be looking into the My HD599se broke down, just used these settings on a new backup Corsair VOID PRO usb and its actually insane how good these sound with those numbers. Void is obviously not as good as it used to be back in the day, but it’s definitely still worth it. Void is very good in ToA even at experts, because mage accuracy isn't very important. That's your magic accuracy in void. If you’re 99 defence, I’d use elite void regardless However, after the Blowpipe nerfs most people would rather just use their melee setup at Maiden and Xarpus (assuming they know how to melee Xarpus). An elite void robe is a piece of Elite Void Knight equipment. In this case, it makes Void a lot less appealing, since Bandos/Faceguard/Ferocious is ~5% more dps than Void Melee. Places where its used with the blowpipe may change following the rework. That's the only place you need to do anything guarantee a kill unless you have a good team, and void isn't y needed for that. Mage void is pretty great imo, you barely need any other magic gear for void to be better dps than mystic. It can be upgraded from a void knight robe for 200 Void Knight commendation points by speaking to the Elite Void Knight, I'm a big fan of having an Ironman with elite void running toa once that mechanics are fluid and you have a really good handle on it you could work towards 200s or even 250s. Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. Players who have completed the Hard Western Provinces Diary can speak to her to upgrade their Void knight top or Can't seem to find any info on best range setup for Vorkath since Masori has released, so would it be best to go with DHC with masori normal not the (f) set or stick with Elite Void? Share Sort by: Best. The elite Void top (or) is an elite Void top with a Shattered relics void ornament kit added onto it. I got full elite void as soon as I hit 100 combat and have never used it. You need better accuracy to make void better dps than blessed d'hide, and you can't use dbolts until you have a better crossbow, which usually is pretty late-game for irons. At your level, Void should be more accurate than Mystic or so. I used to use full melee gear with trident and would get 10-12 minute chests, now I use elite void with a mage to range switch and I get 5 minute chests. I don't know about raids 2 though. I’d just stick with your best D Hide with crystal bow, 2/3 way switch for mage, then a 4 way switch for melee. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies. Also vorkath is one of the best gp/hr in the game obviously. It helps your accuracy at corp for specs, you don't use it for actual dps. Void mage is your best until you get tormented, void range is good at quite a lot of places and void melee isn't as important but still solid, esp for raiding Reply reply Its good at places where you already use other void, and you want to bring easy/fewer switches, and don't care too much about defense. I also play tarkov with windows spatial audio off. The Void gear can be upgraded up to Elite Void in OSRS, which this guide aims to help you obtain. Most of my training is with an imbued slayer helm on task. That being said, if fight caves are challenging for you, I wouldn't recommend it. Top. The Elite Void Knight is located near the bank (mostly wandering around the entrance) on the Void Knights' Outpost. and i time it under 40. Once I get my scythe I will probably shelf range void potentially permanently. Without that I wouldn't bother with void. With only low to mid 80's in melee and elite void, I hit 36's with my tentacle all the time. if not, bring melee void. I’ve never done barrows, but elite void isn’t too bad of a grind; though, I rarely see irons talk about it. More posts you may like r/2007scape. Which one would be best to burst/barrage with? Elite Void would give me that extra prayer bonus to last longer, but idk if Ahrims hits higher/is more accurate. It’s nice to have lol Reply reply But with other gear, like say a DHCB, Elite Void can be very good at Vorkath. Uses for Elite Void – where is it good? The elite void ranged set is by far the Void range is the best gear for ranging, unless you have imbued slayer helm and are on task. I see a lot of people use it there and I have not done that so I have not calculated it. I know not to use it on a slayer task but I actually have no idea when to use it. Unless dragon darts, elite void is best to use for range. I got elite void for the first time ever and they nerfed it a week later >= Getting d'hide isn't that hard (deranged archaeologist is your friend here), but range void is good for training since it boosts damage. Ignoring the damage bonus (cause I cant math) you can do some simple calculations to see when Elite void may be better: First, equip your full non-void mage outfit. I'm rocking the Void Elite Wireless and this works great for me personally for both games and music:+7 +6 +2 -2 +5 +4 -2 -1 +4 -3 Let me know how busted my hearing is :) If you have Elite Void, it may be worth considering for the prayer bonus. Controversial. 45 and then add that number to your original accuracy. Can someone explain what I use elite void for? Working on elite void, figured I might as well gain better understanding on where it's use is best at. Elite void gives a lot of prayer bonus, so you rarely ever have to drink a dose of ppot. You won’t use it much mid game so you can wait if you want but I suggest starting now and spreading it out. Here's the thing. Once you get a Fang and a Elidis Ward you can start doing so Elite void is definitely a good call. I used elite void at vork at made 200M right off the bat at vork years ago when I first unlocked him and was still in the late mid game - early end game area. If it does turn out to be worse than the other gear you have now, you can put it off but chances are once you get some of those upgrades like Rigour and DHCB that can help offset the accuracy, it will be better. Elite is simply better. Secondly, equip your void. If you have elite void, use that. i really feel like having overhealing food is the main thing, since you literally have to be full health to not die and it takes so long to kill her, that you can't be ineffective with food. It worked great. You can use it at CoX, because you need 3 combat styles. I've finally finished seren on my uim on Sunday, i was using basic void, ardy 3 cape + wizzy boots. Yes it is used, doesn't mean its needed. It's not the best setup there but if you don't have ferocious gloves/inquisitor it's not bad. Upgrading from the regular counterparts costs 200 Void Knight commendation points per piece and is done by speaking to the Elite Void Knight at Pest Control Island. Elite Void Uses For Midgame . Also void isnt I grinded out void and only used it at tob. Void Range is actually pretty bad though so I After completing the Hard Western Provinces Diary, points can also be used by speaking to an Elite Void Knight to upgrade a Void knight top or robe to an elite void top or elite void robe, for 200 points each. But places where void is being used damage will likely be mitigated due to overheads. I found Pest control a good way to level combat (doesn't use any supplies but you can use your prayers). I actually used it with regular void until I if anything, just get elite void range as that's the only necessary thing for many pieces of content like vork, chinning, bis dps at zulrah if using addy/rune darts in bp, bis at cox in any rotation that doesnt have mystics/vesp, etc, etc. I'd say go with Ahrims and if you feel the extra accuracy isn't helping and want to save on prayer, try Void if you have the Elite verison. The kit gives no additional bonuses, and is only used to add aesthetics to the robe. Its versatility across different combat styles, be it melee, ranged, or magic , The elite Void top is a piece of Elite Void Knight equipment. if you can do verzik with 4-5 brews, bring bandos. An additional 400 points are needed to upgrade the robe and top to Elite Void Knight equipment, for a total of 1250. I use reg void and somewhat consistently get 1:30 kills or faster. Sort by: Best. Open comment sort options. I would never wear elite void at DKs. Players will need an additional 400 points for the other two helmets; this brings the total points needed for a full set of elite void in every style to 1650. I dunno if those are the best but they are pretty neat to have. elite void mage and void melee are totally worthless tho lol. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for higher stats. You should definitely strive for these along with the fighter torso as soon as possible. New Reply reply [deleted] • Chinning, barrows if you got mage set as well (I use it there because I might as well use void somewhere after I took the time to get it) there's not all that many uses to it really. It lists void as a good option because of the dragon hunter crossbow. Void melee is good for 4 man corp, its also good at bandos if you don't have max strength gear. it’s a bit of a grind but once you do it, unless you die in the wilderness, you’ll never have to do it again. Regular void vs Elite void. If it does turn out to Yes, to benefit from the full set effect of the Elite Void gear, you must wear all four pieces of the set, including the Elite Void top, Elite Void robe, Elite Void knight gloves, and Elite Void knight mace (or Elite Void knight deflector). Note the magic accuracy. The set has two pieces, the elite void top and elite void robe, and becomes available after completing the hard Western In addition, the elite void robe and top now have a +3 prayer bonus, totalling an extra +6 prayer bonus for upgrading the set to elite void. 1 virtual surround and auto Audio repositioning in icue settings, with binaural audio on in tarkov settings. Open comment sort I just use Elite Void and keep a saturated heart on me since your magic lvl is 70% of your magic defense. Elite void melee is used for learning tob, if you're unwilling to get the elite set I wouldn't bother I use mage void with a melee void switch for Ahrim at Barrows on my GIM but that's mostly just because void is my best mage armour currently. But I prefer melee on iron because lower supply cost. Some things I read mention void is only good at high range 91+ some say void is better hands down, some say dhide beats it. Crystal armor makes it even greater when you get it. Reply reply In total, elite void will cost you 1650 commendation points. Make a copy of it (top left drop down menu or something), and enter your gear, pots, prayers, I’m getting 4-6 kills a trip using elite void and rigour dragon fire ward with 85 def and 92 range Reply reply More replies More replies. Reply reply Virtus will be outright better in accuracy and max hit than elite void. wxk ext nzgf njplj gvtslyy ctcsxe egaf kich kpef rgsv