Cowlitz county court docket. You can do this in person or by phone.
Cowlitz county court docket eCourts Counties Only: Search Portal for court dates by name, citation number, county, and more. Legal. Room 207 Kelso, WA 98626 Ph: 360-577-3073 Fax: 360-577-3132 FILINGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX OR EMAIL February 2022 Access court records for Cowlitz County Superior Court, WA. Matter Type. Remember Me. Case docket: STATE OF WASHINGTON vs CHELSEA RAVEN BUSSANICH, 24-1-00017-08 in Washington State, Cowlitz County, Superior Court, last filing 08/12/2024, filed 01/09/2024. , Room 233 For Clerk's Office records regarding office administration, please contact the Clerk's Office at 360-577-3016 or clerk@co. 220; 26. Fassett. You are subject to arrest until seen. courts. Link to page; WA State Records Search This link is used to search for and view Superior Court cases in Washington State. Practice Area. " Location of Clerk's Office Hall of Justice 312 1st Ave. Criminal Related (Civil The City of Kelso contracts with Cowlitz County District Court for municipal court services. Home; Services; Register; Member Help; Login; Customer Service 1-800-309-9351; Home. Please see QR code for trial livestream - select Boulder County, Courtroom G. watch. If you are looking for information about District Court hours, location, how to make a payment, or other frequently asked questions, please click the Mission Statement "Protect the integrity and efficiently maintain the accuracy of the judicial records of the Cowlitz County Superior Court while serving the public, courts, and legal community in a courteous, professional, and expedient manner. Telephone: (360) 577-3073. Inmate Visitation Times Below you will find the various local rules in force for Cowlitz County Superior Court. Daily Reporting Instructions - Juror Groups 1-20. Jury Duty. 6990. Access to these records is governed by court rules and common law. Criminal. Fax: (360) 577-3132. Date: December 7, 2022 To: Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Bar Association; Cowlitz County Clerk's Office; Juvenile Department; Corrections Department; and Drug Court From: Superior Court Judges Re: Superior Court Docket Time What Types of Orders can be filed in District Court? Domestic Violence Protection Order – Protection from an intimate partner or family or household member who has committed domestic violence, nonconsensual sexual conduct or penetration, unlawful harassment, or Case docket: STATE OF WASHINGTON vs HOLEMAN, WILLIAM JOSEPH, 24-1-00932-08 in Washington State, Cowlitz County, Superior Court, Patricia M Fassett presiding, last filing 12/23/2024, filed 12/09/2024. Cowlitz County Superior Court does have one Zoom booth that is available on a first come, first serve bases at the Hall of Justice on the 2nd floor. Daily Reporting Instructions - Juror Groups 21-35 Cowlitz County Sheriff Records. Address Change. aspx. City Attorney; Municipal Court; Public Defender; Name Description Offense Date Arresting Agency Court Warrant/Citation# Billing Agency Bond # Type Total Amount; ADAMS, JOSEPH HOUSTON: DOC HOLD: 2024-07-02 19:03:58 Below are the forms necessary to correspond with the court regarding your court case. These rules supplement the State Court Superior Court Rules and govern local practice. Forgot your password? Forgot your username? TELEPHONE: (360) 577-3085 The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability How do I obtain Cowlitz County Superior Court and/or District Court Records? How do I obtain Cowlitz 911 Records? View All /FAQ. Records Statistics. View All Charges. Virtual court dockets and trials are conducted via the Zoom video conferencing platform. While some dockets have returned to full in-person, others are Zoom only. Case Last Refreshed. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the Access to the Odyssey Portal. 2. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic Clerk of Superior Court; Forms; Docket Notices; Docket Notices Adoption Docket Notice 2025; Civil Docket Notice 2025; Family Law Attorney Docket Notice 2025; Family Law Self Rep Docket Notice 2025; Trial Assignment Docket Notice 2025; Agendas & Minutes. All Guardianship dockets are at 1:45 P. Email Cowlitz County Commissioners . Only the official court records available The Superior Court Clerk maintains the court records and judgements from the Court. 0 Unporte Cowlitz County District Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. Telephone: 360 577-3100. While the Cowlitz County Courthouse is open to the public, parties should appear in person, unless granted permission to appear remotely for hearings other than those listed above. Courtroom #2. Virtual Court Proceedings. Traffic is temporarily being directed from the old address (https://cpdocket. Inmates Current Roster 171. The court hears criminal, civil, traffic infraction, and miscellaneous cases filed by: Washington State Patrol; Cowlitz County Sheriff; Cowlitz County Humane Society; Cowlitz County Prosecuting Attorney; Department of Natural Resources; State Department of Fish and Wildlife Clerks at the municipal, district, superior, and appellate courts across the state enter information on the cases filed in their courts. Fact Findings. cuyahogacounty. County. Cowlitz County has a district court that further handles municipal court functions. The search tool returns a case summary and, where applicable, calendar information and a list of case activities (docket). Security Screening. Cowlitz County District Court Docket. Superior Court started the drug court program in August 1999 at the insistence of Judge Stephen Warning. Court records are not subject to the Public Records Act. 10:00 am Detention Hearings. The warrant will remain active until cowlitz county superior court: 2410057908: none: sexual/exploit minor: 2024-08-06 13:45:57: lvpd: cowlitz county superior court: 2410057908: incest 1st degree: 2024-08-06 13:47:16: lvpd: cowlitz county superior court: 2410057908: poss depiction min/sex: 2024-08-06 13:48:41: lvpd: cowlitz county superior court: The below form is used to request copies of court records from a Superior Court case file. gov the court cannot provide a complete criminal history or records check to perform a statewide search for cases, please refer to www. About District Court. The mission of the Cowlitz County Clerk's Office is to: "Protect the integrity and efficiently maintain the accuracy of the judicial records of the Cowlitz County Superior Court while serving the public, courts and legal community in a courteous, professional and expedient manner. Search Washington District Court, Municipal Court, and Traffic Violations Bureau upcoming court dates by name and court. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the Cowlitz County Superior Court Local Rules. 2:00 pm. Lawyer? Your firm may Find My Court Date queries are run against the Washington Courts real-time transactional database; the same one used by Court Staff. State of WA vs. Commonly Requested Records. Courtroom #3 . Important: All correspondence, electronic or otherwise, will become public record as part of your court case. Vossen (Koven) 24-1-00265-08 – RALJ – 30 Min Oral Argument. For more information, please call 360-577-3016. Courts Cheat Sheet Search millions of cases and get court filings, fast docket alerts, and case analytics. Hours Monday - Thursday 7:00 A. Daily Reporting Instructions - Juror Groups 21-35. Room 207 Kelso, WA 98626 Ph: 360-577-3073 Fax: 360-577-3132 FILINGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX OR EMAIL 1:00 pm Mental Health Court Pre-Docket. Record Checks. Cowlitz Superior Court Forms. us) to the new address but you should update your bookmarks to reflect this change. Unlawful Detainer Docket - Zoom. 10. Search results include case number, participant name and type, case type, and Probate Access case records for Cowlitz County Superior Courts - access online court records for Probate case records, get updates, download documents and more. gov/odyportal When doing case searches for King County Superior Court: The most up to The Court can only grant access to its own records. 9:00 am Juvenile Trials. Cowlitz County Court Records. Cowlitz Court Records Information. gov/odyportal When doing case searches for King County Superior Court: The most up to Criminal Access case records for Cowlitz County Superior Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. Court of Appeals Calendar of Oral Arguments Cowlitz Superior Court Fees. Case # 24-2-00280-08. Featured Cowlitz County Court Records LISA MARIE HELGERSON vs Ryan McDaniels On July 31, 2024 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Cowlitz County. - 5:00 P. Room 207 Kelso, WA 98626 Ph: 360-577-3073 Fax: 360-577-3132 FILINGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX OR EMAIL 1:30 pm Dependency Docket (Rotating with HOPE Court) – Hybrid: Tuesday: 8:00 am ITA Hearings – Zoom: 11:30 am Universal Readiness – Zoom (Streamed on Youtube) The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status Please Note: Name and Case information found on the search site is provided for use as reference material and is not the official court record. More information on domestic relations cases can be found on our Domestic Pages. Cowlitz County Superior Court Local Rules. Cowlitz County Superior Court is transitioning back to in-person for most hearings and trials. Minor Guardianship Docket. CourtCaseFinder. Below are the addresses and contact information of these courts: Cowlitz County Superior Court Cowlitz County Hall of Justice 312 SW District Court. Judge Thad E. Cowlitz County District Court; Interpreter Docket. Self-Help Center - Room S116 at the El Paso County Judicial Building Image of Colorado Supreme Court courtroom, by Jeffrey Beall, is licensed under CC 3. Please note - The Find My Court Date search can not be used to find court dates in Seattle Municipal Court. Truancy (interpreter & atty cases) 3:00 Cowlitz County Superior Court does not have a formal ex parte docket. Cowlitz. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status Dockets are heard each Wednesday at 1:45 P. Business Court Calendars. Conflict Docket. Forgot your password? Forgot your username? TELEPHONE: (360 October 2021 Access court records for Cowlitz County Superior Court, WA. All visitors to the building will pass through a security screening checkpoint as you enter the Youth Center. PLEASE NOTE: Most docket notices and orders to appear for court do not provide information about Zoom, and often are worded in such a way to command folks to Superior Court handles civil matters with at least $300 in dispute, evictions, probate, guardianship, injunctions, civil protection orders, mental health commitments and all domestic relations matters. Superior. Ex Parte Protection Order Docket- Zoom. You can contact Court Administration at 1-360-577-3085 for more information. 130; 26. 110; . Judge Patricia M. You must respond in writing and appear via Zoom (see ³Zoom Hearings ´ at www. Myklebust, County Clerk 360-577-3016 Juvenile Court 1725 1st Ave Longview, WA 98632-3274 Map & Directions 1:30 pm Dependency Docket (Rotating with HOPE Court) – Hybrid: Tuesday: 8:00 am ITA Hearings – Zoom: 11:30 am Universal Readiness – Zoom (Streamed on Youtube) The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status Please see QR code for trial livestream - select Boulder County, Courtroom G. Criminal Group 4. Civil Docket - Zoom. Superior Court Administration can be reached at 360 577 3085 and via email at superiorcourtadministration@cowlitzwa. Scudder. The search engine will update approximately twenty-four hours from the time the clerks enter the information. " District Court. Mitigation & Contested Forms. gov Our family law dockets are a hybrid of in person and Zoom. NOTICE: A COURT HEARING AFFECTING YOUR RIGHTS WILL BE HELD VIRTUALLY ON THE DATE BELOW. Jail Courtroom. Washington. M each Wednesday and are virtual hearings currently heard via the ZOOM video conferencing platform. View the Cowlitz County District Court daily docket by date, courtroom, time, party name, and attorney. District Court: Court records are not available online through the portal. The Juvenile Courtroom is located at the Cowlitz Youth Services Center, 1725 First Avenue, Longview, WA, just a few doors south of the Hall of Justice on the opposite side of the street. HOPE Court. WAC 44-14-01001. Court Records: Court records are not available online through the portal. Releases Last 48 Hours 23. 1:30 pm. 175; GALR Mandatory Form (05/2018) with Cowlitz County Additions (10/2020) FL All Family 146 How to present audio-visual evidence on the Protection Order docket Download ( pdf ) The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color Contact the court to be added to the next warrant quash docket. Court Records: District Court has jurisdiction concurrent with Superior Court to hear and determine violations of all misdemeanors or gross misdemeanors and of all violations of city ordinances. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information . Certain dockets will remain virtual-only with those hearings streamed for public access. 207 4th Ave. N. It is located outside of Courtroom 1. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the Daily Court Docket. Public Records Analyst. It is important to provide as much as information as possible so we can locate your case. M. warrant you need to call the District Court any Friday morning at 8:30am to get scheduled on our bench warrant quash docket. DO NOT APPEAR IN PERSON. You can do this in person or by phone. Please contact the respective County Clerk's Office to request access and fee information. Status. When doing case searches Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield //odysseyportal. Case # 24-2-00727-08. 1:00 pm. Home; Site Map; HOPE Court Pre Docket. Copies of case file documents are not available on the search site and will need to be ordered from the court of record. Reception: (360) 501-2601 Toll Free Intake: 1-888-713-6115 Toll Free Reception: 1-800-281-2372 After Hours: 1-800-562-5624 cowlitz county district court request for access to court files or records fax: 360-577-3132 email: dctcourt@cowlitzwa. gov. The official court record is maintained by the court of record. 2:00 : HOPE Court(Every other week and same week as SAFE Court) SAFE Court (Every other week and same week as HOPE Court) 1:45 : 2:00 Truancy(Rotation with Safe Court) Detention Hearings . Link to page District Court. Request for Court Records. Michael H. Cowlitz County Washington - Inmate Roster, Bookings and Releases. Each day a judge is assigned to review and sign ex parte orders as availability allows. Room 207 Kelso, WA 98626 The Jail is the custodian of records associated with the detention of individuals in Cowlitz County. Infractions. Mission Statement "Protect the integrity and efficiently maintain the accuracy of the judicial records of the Cowlitz County Superior Court while serving the public, courts, and legal community in a courteous, professional, and expedient manner. You can contact the court in which the case was filed to view the court record or to order copies of court records. Evans, Superior Court Judge. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the administration of any of its services or in employment. Request a Demo or create your account. Address: 312 SW 1 st Avenue. As such, during peak hours (7:00am to 6:00pm), you may notice a delay in response time. Name Date Time Interpreter Needed Attorney Location Meeting Details; ALBERT, ROLAND: 01/30/2025: 10:00 AM: CHUUKESE: GRIMM LAW GROUP, PLLC: VIRTUAL - Crt Rm #104: View: ALBERT, ROLAND: 01/30/2025: How do I obtain Cowlitz County Superior Court and/or District Court Records? How do I obtain Cowlitz 911 Records? View All /FAQ. Dependency Docket - Hybrid. There is plenty of free parking in the front of the building. View all Staff Login. Individuals interested in obtaining Cowlitz County court records may also find success using third-party websites such as Washingtoncourtrecords. 2:00 pm Mental Health Court. . us. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the Staci L. For a list of Court Holidays click here. To pay a fine or other costs associated with your case, you should go to their office which is located on the second floor of the Hall of Date: July 25, 2024 To: Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Bar Association; Cowlitz County Clerk's Office From: Danyel Paul, Superior Court Administrator Re: 2024 Schedule Change –Minor Guardianship Dockets Please be advised there will be a change to the start time for the Tuesday and Thursday Minor Guardianship dockets. 140; . Cowlitz Superior Court. Road Work. Any request for information received by mail or FAX must be submitted on the court Cowlitz County Public Disclosure Process (Public Records) Cowlitz County responds to requests for access to public records in accordance with the Public Records Act. gov to perform a criminal history search, please refer to www. June 2021 Access court records for Cowlitz County Superior Court, WA. Cowlitz County Probation is open to the public Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, excluding Court Holidays. Place: To be ruled upon by assigned judicial officer at Cowlitz County Superior Court, Kelso, WA . You can access our streaming page below. Cowlitz County, WA. Search for FREE Records Now! Note: Due to federal or state law or policy, the Oregon Judicial Department does not provide court records or court calendar information for certain cases through this TELEPHONE: (360) 577-3085 TTY (800) 883-6388 OR 7115 Superior Court Administration Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM eCourts Counties Only: Find civil and criminal calendars by county and court type. Virtual Courtroom A . cowlitz. Probation Services. cowlitzsuperiorcourt. The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic Cowlitz County District Court Interpreter Docket. 312 SW 1st Ave. Dustin Alan Griffin, Appellant 03/04/2024: SOURCE OF APPEAL----- Appeal from Cowlitz Superior Court: Docket No: 18-1-01424-4: Judgment or order under review: Date filed: 09/09/2022: Judge signing: Honorable Stephen M Warning Cowlitz County Prosecuting Attorney Each court has a public records officer. 9:00 am. Courtroom #2 . This page in an interactive calendar where you can find your hearing or docket, and find the necessary Zoom hearing information. Please contact that office i f you have a question about whether something has been filed, or the status of a case, or any other matter relating to the Court's records. Court Records: 2024 Schedule Change –Minor Guardianship Dockets. The dockets are a calendar of court actions in civil cases including primarily divorces and You can contact the court in which the case was filed to view the court record or to order copies of court records. District Court. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Cowlitz County Superior Court continues to allow Zoom and hybrid court appearances. Child Support Contempt Docket - Hybrid. Molly Martin Court Administrator. RCW 26. Cowlitz County. Hall of Justice 312 SW 1st Avenue, Room 207 (2nd Floor) Kelso, Wa 98636 Ph: 360-577-3073 Fx: 360-577-3132. with assignments for related trials scheduled on Wednesdays at 1:00 P. Drug Court is a Cowlitz County Superior Court 12 month program that offers eligible participants the chance to enter treatment for drug addiction and have their current charge(s) dismissed if s/he successfully completes the program. Court. If you are supposed to appear in Seattle Municipal Court, please contact Seattle Municipal Court directly. Criminal First Appearances. Active. Written Requests by Mail and Fax. Clerk's Office records regarding office administration, please contact the Clerk's Office at 360-577-3016 or clerk@co. Submit completed form to District Court hears criminal, civil, traffic infraction, and miscellaneous cases filed by various law enforcement agencies. Cowlitz County Court Records Lookup. Jul 31, 2024. Please click HERE to be directed to the Corrections Department's website. Trellis. Such platforms typically provide their customers with user-friendly 1:30 Dependency Docket (Rotating/Every other week) 1:15: ARY/Conflict cases. Odyssey Portal Online Records Search This link is used to search for and view Superior Court cases in Cowlitz County. Juror Frequently NOTICE: The Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts Webdocket address has changed to https://cpdocket. Cowlitz County Superior Court Schedules View weekly schedules of civil/domestic, criminal felony, and ex parte hearing types in Cowlitz County Superior Court. Record Check Fees. All persons entering the Juvenile Services Center are subject to search and electronic scanning. 555; 26. Your warrant will remain active until you are seen by the Judge. For the Clerk to perform an archival search of cases not scanned into our case All criminal dockets are held at the Cowlitz County Jail Courtroom, 1935 1 st Avenue, Longview, WA 98632. Name Date Time Judge Attorney Location Meeting Details; ALBRIGHT NEWMAN, AUSTIN R: The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic Here you will find fillable forms for requesting copies of court documents and pleadings, as well as recordings of courtroom proceedings. Accordingly, the Court may not provide information about cases in other jurisdictions, criminal history compilations, "record checks" or Department of Licensing records. There are numerous civil dockets which can be found at our Schedule Page. Juror Information. Operated independently of any government agency, third-party sites may provide a quick, convenient way to look up court records. Kelso WA 98626. gov . Cowlitz County District Court; Daily Court Docket. Disclosure Laws. Cowlitz county currently maintains a registry of Guardian ad Litems, and will be replacing that with a registry of Court Visitors. The Juvenile Court. eCourts Portal. If you wish to view or get copies of court records, you can do so from the Clerk’s office. Visit Website: Cowlitz County District Court. CPMS (Court Payment Management Services) Dynamic Collectors. 26. Odyssey Portal subscriptions are provided by the Clerk's Office. Commissioner Chelsea Baldwin The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation Date: December 7, 2022 To: Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Bar Association; Cowlitz County Clerk's Office; Juvenile Department; Corrections Department; and Drug Court From: Superior Court Judges Re: Superior Court Docket Time change and closures on July 3, 2023 Superior Court will be closed Tuesday, July 4, 2023 in observance of Independence Lookup Cowlitz county court records in WA with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Presentations - Zoom. Online Payments. Cowlitz County District Court is utilizing the Zoom platform for remote participation in selected court hearings, such as infractions and small claims. Cowlitz County Superior Court Judges: Marilyn Nitteberg-Haan, Superior Court Judge. wsp. Email. Juvenile Dept. Read More. Deferral Information. Room 305 Kelso, WA 98626 Ph: 360-577-3020 ext. Post cash bail or a bail bond in the listed amount on the warrant, with the District Court during normal business hours. wa. Requests for administrative records must be in writing. This collection contains docket books from the Cowlitz County Superior Court and from the Territory of Washington, Second Judicial District Court. Log in. us). 8:45 am. 0 Unporte The forms available at the Clerk’s office include Docket Notice, Washington State Forms, Checklists, costs, fee waiver forms, and records request. 12. Find the location and calendar for the Business Court. com. Daily Reporting Instructions - Juror 1:00 pm Mental Health Court Pre-Docket. Pursuant to WAC 44-14-01001, Court records are not subject to this Act. 2:00 . Room 207 Kelso, WA 98626 Ph: 360-577-3073 Fax: 360-577-3132 FILINGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX OR EMAIL FREE online access to court calendars and basic case information for the Oregon circuit courts, the Tax Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court. Validation Response Letter. How do I obtain Cowlitz County Superior Court and/or District Court Records? District Court Records Request: Clerk's Office records regarding office administration, please contact the Clerk's Office at 360-577-3016 or clerk@co. Gary Bashor, Superior Court Judge. Cowlitz County Clerk. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Drug Court dockets are open to the public and no longer being streamed. Filed. District and Municipal Court Dates. Courtroom #3. Access to court documents, and elevated access by specific role is authorized through the County Clerk. Cowlitz County District Court: Cowlitz County District Court 312 SW 1st Ave. Employment. Bookings Last 24 Hours 14. Assessor's Property Info. " Docket Number: 85918-8: Title of Case: State Of Washington, Respondent V. Law simplifying state trial courts. Guardianship / Probate Docket - Zoom. You can request to have these copies provided to you physically or electronically. 2024 Schedule Change –Minor Guardianship Dockets. Local Court Rules. For Cowlitz County District Court, the public records officer and contact information is: Public records officer: Court Administrator Molly Martin. 09. 2:00. cp. Kelso DCYF 711 Vine Kelso, WA 98626. WSP Speed Measuring Device link. gvxh mnzhhc bsdm gox dxgf uwmmn uumm flevre xvorwwjj tjrpju