Dbol vs npp. Tren E is amazing imo, but tren a is poison.
Dbol vs npp. Reactions: nuthinbutagoodtym and steelmass.
Dbol vs npp Keep dostinex on hand and you are safe. Its archaic cycle, but its better tolerated than dbol, deca, test IMO. As others have said it does seem to cause more prolactin sides if user reports are correct. Expired dbol (blue hearts) Today, 08:49 PM. I’m right here at the 8th week of cycle. When it comes to nitrogen retention, we've seen in clinical studies that there is not a significant difference between the most potent steroids from each category of the anabolic steroid family tree. This will be my 5th cycle,but my second within the last 5 months. Hey guys, wondering how y’all would compare tbol to dbol? Used 50mg dbol to kickstart my last cycle, strength gains were solid and I felt fucking amazing. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) and Sustanon 250 cycle is a Dbol npp cycle, npp vs dbol - Buy legal anabolic steroids 👉 Dbol npp test, npp vs dbol - Buy steroids online Dbol npp test If you want to proceed up to 8 weeks, then Dbol is not the one for you, the only steroids would be Deca and Test with a dose of 300mg and 350 mg per week respectiv 1) 6wk 40mg DBOL cycle 2) 8wk Anavar 50mg cycle 3) 12 wk Test E 500mg/wk + Anavar 50mg (8wks) All cycles followed standard PCT protocols (nolva and clomid). Georgetrenson. 200 mg of test. Sustanon 250 cycle comprises Sustanon 250 and other fast-acting anabolic steroids such as Anavar, Winstrol, Dbol, NPP and Sustanon 250 Cycle. chaquito New member. Reactions: TheBeat. 9. Both compounds belong to the nandrolone class of anabolic steroids, derived from synthetic derivatives of testosterone. Last week I really started needing to pile on the plates and setting the pin deep in the stack, strong and hungry all the time. However, since I If you’re solely looking to just pack on as much mass as possible, test and npp / deca would be a better choice. However, NPP is Notorious for cracking voices and some experience psychological side effects that are undesirable. 37yrs old First cycle was 500mg test-e for 12 weeks + 6 weeks of anavar in fall 2024. Dbol works you’ll gain size from it. As you said, deca being the long ester and NPP being the shorter ester. Both steroids are ce Npp 150 eod. I have a competition coming up in Feb, and im wondering on the NPP vs Primo conundrum. R. (Didn’t really know what I was doing the first time around stacking other AAS with Testosterone. - NPP the first 6-8 weeks at normal dose, this ester has all the Dbol aromatizes heavily, tbol or anavar would be better options. Dive into the intricate world of anabolic steroids with our detailed discussion on Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) and Deca-Durabolin. You want to I am planning out my first cycle using NPP, Test-E and Dbol. Craziest cycle thus far. Adrol, Dbol, sdrol and M1T are all mass monster oral options, with the latter two being very harsh. Thread starter steelmass; Start date May 26, 2006; 1; 2; Next. DO NOT DO UNDECANOATE I would never do it. Want to throw in either deca or of tren a try, it's plenty for me. Aside from that one deca/dbol cycle, I always run my test much higher then the nand. Dianabol is also known for reducing recovery time during workouts by improving nitrogen retention and stimulating Nandrolone Phenylpropionate vs Deca Durabolin Dosage. Thinking of hopping back into another cycle (my second) whenever I get the money. 5mg/ED I would be pinning once test once a week, NPP E3D PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/100/50/50 Quick questions: Assuming Dbol isn't underdosed, should I keep it at 30mg or up it? Should I stop npp 2 weeks before and start pct 2. If you plan to keep dbol in your stack, run it as a kickstart and keep the dose on the lower end of ~25-40 mg per day. It’s one of the safest. Going to run 525 test 300 primo a week. So far I have constructed the following cycle and would like some input. The compound stack this week is stacking testosterone with nandrolone, also as known as deca or NPP. Pros and cons of NPP vs tren ace. Click to expand Currently thinking 1-15 sus 1g 1-15 300mg parabolin 1-6 100mg oxy Just the basis. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) and Sustanon 250 cycle is a popular choice for bodybuilders and athletes who want to bulk up quickly. I also go bigger on npp but idk if it was because i had to work out differently because i was in light duty because my leg was healing from a surgery so I’d really focus on resistance and feeling each workout and taking it slow vs working heavier weights. NPP Bloat vs. The only two Nandrolone esters in use today by bodybuilders are: 1. Deca Dosage Never used Dbol but wondering how it compares. rosoo Well-known member. A safer variant would be low dose(3-10mg) dbol or anavar if you are 100% sure it's var. I'll have Aromasin. 04-11-2015, 09:50 AM #2. NPP vs. So Primo, usually being an enanthate ester, could be comparable to Test E which people can get to 300mg in oil without super solvents. Otherwise you see a 50% spike in blood levels. Dianabol is a powerful steroid that helps to increase muscle mass and strength. Would be 50mg an hour before the Nandrolone is a group of steroids derived from the testosterone hormone. Designed this as classic Bulk cycle Test/Dbol/Deca only subbing deca for NPP and added proviron/Primo to help with sides. Instead think "finishers". I did Anadrol years ago and I looked great! Everyone seems to love Dbol with Deca. I started the NPP ED, but switched to EOD after 4 weeks and didn’t really see any difference. NPP is a short-acting steroid that helps to increase Just recently started TPP/NPP cycle. I’m currently taking Test Prop 300mg Per Week And NPP 250mg Per Week. I am planning my first cycle with the aim of maximising strength (wilks points) and have access to dbol, test E and deca. Which AI do yiu guys like? N I think I bought some bunk clomid so Im afraid of spending money on it again only to make me sick n mess up n lose all my results from pct :-\ ~Pelon, 2012 EQ is drier simply because it antagonizes the estrogen receptors in some fashion. Testosterone can be metabolized into Estradiol (E2) , and Dianabol can be metabolized into The idea behind a dbol Kickstart is while the longer acting test cyp Ester is building up in your system, you're seeing something happening with the dbol. Was planning to use for the last four weeks of this Test + NPP cycle I’m on. That is why most bodybuilders choose to do a Dbol cycle (or even better a Dbol and test cycle), to help minimize these less than appetizing side effects. Npp has never once provided the joint pain relief like Deca. your existing BF%. Dbol works by increasing protein synthesis in the muscles, which allows you to gain lean muscle mass. 5-1 test/EQ) or maybe some dbol every once in awhile it’ll help keep you more full looking IMO NPP is the best way to go if you’re looking to bulk or put on any amount of mass fast. Currently running Test/NPP with 1ml preworkout of TNE 75mg/Adrol 25mg/Dbol 25mg. Stacking for Cutting: For a cutting cycle, users might stack NPP with Other popular NPP stack is NPP and Dianabol. hey everyone, this will be my first deca cycle; I have done one 400 mg npp +250 test + 70mg var bulk several years ago and it went very well. Deca/NPP vs High Test for lean tissue gains? ChrisMidLife; Jan 14, 2025; Steroid Forum; 2. Which AI do yiu guys like? N I think I bought some bunk clomid so Im afraid of spending money on it again only to make me sick n mess up n lose all my results from pct :-\ ~Pelon, 2012 I was planning my next blast to be npp at 350mg and tren at 150mg. May 27, 2006 #8 dry as a bone when using NPP and naposim . With NPP, you now have an optimized version which allows you to use effective doses with much less sides than Deca. Tren E is amazing imo, but tren a is poison. Test 500mgs Npp 400mgs Primo none Weeks 1-8 Test 500mgs Ment 200mgs 8-16 weeks Personally think primo is a waste of time. I love the fullness that nandrolone brings to the delts . Similar situation with deca vs npp, but people choose the shorter half life for nandro Npp is my favorite. 25mg Dbol 3x a week, 300 NPP a week, Test? For 4 weeks. . Similar situation with deca vs npp, but people choose the shorter half life for nandro I only use those two AAS compounds so I can accurately assess the difference between Test only and Test plus NPP. Npp would be my choice but i am not fond of Orals at all. steelmass New member. Compare NPP to Deca, or Test P to Test E, or literally anything at all to EQ lol. “Muscle mass wise. k. Jun 21 Add var towards the end for a little bit of drying. 8ml shot. In saying that, anavar depending on dosage & current health, would be safer than dbol & clen though I would still recommend running tudca & nac with anavar. 04-11-2015, 09:56 AM #3. nandrolone decanoate). Npp was 100x better. test and dbol does that for me Reactions: nuthinbutagoodtym and steelmass. for a male. NPP if you have your ducks in a row . W1-6: Dbol W1-6: NPP W1-8: Test Prop It is a good idea to run Test 2 weeks past the NPP, however; NPP can be used as a stand-alone. I actually feel happier on that combo than I do on the old trusty Test, NPP and Dbol cycle. Sort of like test propionate vs test E or C. And I just feel a whole lot better on Dbol. body building supplements bodybuilder bodybuilding bodybuilding steroid test clenbuterol cycle deca tren dosage deca-durobolin dianabol dianabol and oxy gear gym hcg hgh motivation muscle building muscle mass nandrolone pct peptides raw steroid powders steroid cycle steroids ( I thought I’d keep test at 400 vs 500 while on dbol so as to help minimize aromitzation. The Mast in there just makes you feel sharp and in connection with the weight, wired and strong. Deca Durabolin and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) are two types of anabolic steroids that are often used by bodybuilders and athletes. will fill you nicely ^^^basically IMO NPP is a safer choice given your goal also since you mentioned DBOL, i'll say this about it the "wetness" of DBOL is relative to;. I got bigger and leaner on npp and i didn’t hold as much water and i dont hold a lot as Is. I would not add dbol but tbol or var. My deca cycle was 500/500 test/deca with some dbol. My only experience with nandrolone was with npp, I never used deca: Npp gave me nothing that test with eq hasn't gave me As to Deca vs NPP, I have run both, together and separate. This is the first experience thread for a specific stack, but hopefully not the last one. Previous cycles were in my early 20's. Only thing I don't like is my shoulders don't get the cushioning from the Dbol. I pin NPP and Mast (both Phenylproprionate) ED, mornings, and on Test days just add it all into one godlike 2. Look at all the golden era BB. Dbol npp cycle. It starts working immediately. 25-30mg dbol destroys 10 rad. I beg to differ. ). Jump to Latest Do a Dbol/anadrol combo throughout a entire cycle with low test high deca & a hefty dosage of Tren . But if your friends are saying that deca is necessary as a base for NPP, that's bullshit. What is Dbol Week 1-4 Nandro X week 1-8 (Deca, NPP, no ester Deca) Test C week 1-8 I want to do a higher dose of Deca this time around. meaning Dbol 50 mg week 5-12: test e 750 mg Npp 350 mg Test will be injected 250 mg at a time for 2-3 times a week depending on dose Dbol will be popped consistently thru the day with a double dose preworkout Npp will be 100 mg eod 250 test and 600 NPP 250 test and 600 primo Goals are lean mass, strength, and to feel good while doing it. But in reality you’ll lose 20-25 lbs from it because of the water weight. Done many high test cycles two dbol and one anavar cycle. In a Since my first cycle was 500 mg of test for 12 weeks with a superdrol kickstart, it seemed to be the next logical step to do test/deca/dbol for a mass cycle. The typical dosage of NPP is 300-700mg per week. NPP would be 100mg Mon& 100mg Thurs on Test Pin Days. But anadrol for me creates estrogenic sides too even though it's DHT derived. Dbol 50 mg week 5-12: test e 750 mg Npp 350 mg Test will be injected 250 mg at a time for 2-3 times a week depending on dose Dbol will be popped consistently thru the day with a double dose preworkout Npp will be 100 mg eod I would go for test + npp and after like 4 month would add a dht like masteron. Combination goes a long way and is not as harmful/livertoxic as dbol. I prefer Dbol much more than Adrol. Iv used a lot of nandrolone over the past few decades Deca and npp and at high doses of both. Anadrol packs on good size and way less bloat then dbol. So I am curious. NPP ( NPP is nandrolone which is deca but it’s a short acting ester. In my younger days I ran a deca/dbol cycle and didn't get deca dick. Ive done primo in the past, 600mg per week. 25-. 5mg eod depending I might go to ed. There's no rules to doing this stuff you can literally do whatever you want. Deca is a kick ass compound if you want a safe sides low compound its really badass when stacked with TEST EorC and DBol or TBol. a. NPP vs Deca are distinct nandrolone-based steroids with different absorption rates and half-lives. Deca. They are similar in some ways but Tren is much more androgenic and stronger in general. But in men with normal testosterone levels, in print, Hey guys. NPP shares some of the same sides associated with Deca (they are after all the same base With almost fewer downsides compared to Dianabol – Winstrol is a definite top choice for anybody looking for quick gains without adding too much weight which would come with adding muscle mass or reducing the. Maybe go for like Test/NPP/Tbol? Never ran Nandrolone because of drug testing but I’ve heard great things about the gains Reply reply more replies More replies More Dbol has been clinically proven to work lol. Planning to run an oral as preworkout once or twice a week on my weaker body parts. Lots of options NPP vs Deca comparison table The Core Difference Between Deca and NPP. thinking prop n npp or dbol n prop. Why don't you just do 500 test 500 primo and enjoy more gains, while felling better, and Variables dbol vs tren for strength such as age, social factors and other tissues, where they activate a change in some. Halo vs dbol vs anadrol vs anavar . That’s like saying eq is the same as dbol one is methylated one is not but in theory they are the same drug but in reality they are nothing alike. Running a 300mg per week Test E cycle. ” Yeah your gonna get some crazy water retention, you’ll gain 45lbs from a 4 week cycle. i also have test e and test p. 5 EOD as needed. what you stack it with i'v experimented with alot of combos over the years Idk just been out the game for a while. It NPP is better than Deca for women because it has better safety profiles due to it being short estered. Last edited: Friday at 11:30 PM. 10-19-2016, 04:04 AM #2. 1-16 Test sust 750mg ew 1-2. You can take every single anabolic in existence and put them in one cycle and run them at a thousand milligrams each if you want lol. It was my second cycle. WE need to stop with these "starters" as you are doing with NPP. Stay healthy brother,and I NPP has such a short half life that I like to pin it every day. As mentioned in the introduction, the NPP steroid begins producing results much faster than Deca Durabolin (a. So far I know I love test e at 500, like anavar but id rather look bulkier than dry and veiny so Dbol is my favourite so far. 1 of 2 Go to page. [Compounds] Stacks: Testosterone & Nandrolone (Test/Deca, NPP) For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Wednesday at 3:39 PM. I'm also a big tren and test fan, as well as NPP, but I've never been a fan of EQ. No difference for bulk. I know Dbol is test derrivated and creates additional estrogenic burden. Deca-Durabolin 2. ) I beg to differ. This shared class Where as AAS have a much higher ceiling for diminishing returns. Had no side effects from the cycles apart from water weight. I keep debating about whether to do Anadrol or Dbol. Never tried TBOL but wanted to look at other options as DBOL gives me mad low back tightness/spasms sometimes. Ck18dog New body building supplements bodybuilder bodybuilding bodybuilding steroid test clenbuterol cycle deca tren dosage deca-durobolin dianabol dianabol and oxy gear gym hcg hgh motivation muscle building muscle mass nandrolone pct peptides raw steroid powders What specifically about npp do you like vs just adding more test body building supplements bodybuilder bodybuilding bodybuilding steroid test clenbuterol cycle deca tren dosage deca-durobolin dianabol dianabol and oxy gear gym hcg hgh motivation muscle building muscle mass nandrolone pct peptides raw steroid powders steroid cycle Curious to know everyone’s thoughts on taking injectable Dbol for the last 4 weeks of a 12 week cycle. Expired dbol (blue hearts) 01-11-2025, 04:00 PM. Idk just been out the game for a while. Which AI do yiu guys like? N I think I bought some bunk clomid so Im afraid of spending money on it again only to make me sick n mess up n lose all my results from pct :-\ ~Pelon, 2012 Tbol vs dbol . I understand that Deca/NPP comes with lots of other benefits/sides compared to a large cycle of test only. Up 16lbs less BF than I Dbol(as a base, low dosage)+NPP (as high as you want) 7-8 max. They ALL ran Dbol, NPP, Primo and test. Was super excited about it but I just decided to stop today. I have plenty of Arimidex on hand for E2 control and plan to take atleast . and dbol all aromatize so I doubt e2 was ever low. Thread starter Monstrosity619; Start date Dec 25, 2014; 1; 2; Next. We have to tread lightly with NPP. But, with both npp and deca, I've never run more then 3-400mg a week. Dbol, Tbol, EQ 👉 1-test(family of 17aa): DHB 👉 DHT : Anavar, Winstrol, Proviron, Anadrol, Proviron, Masteron, Superdrol 👉 19nors 17c: MENT (Trestolone) 👉 19nors 17b : Tren family, NPP, Deca Tren vs npp. For example i do 425T/200 Mast on my 20w bulks in the winter but then for the last 8 weeks add Tren/NPP/Dbol, Yk11, MK677. Adrol tends to keep me a little more dry without too much water manipulation but the strength gains aren’t much different. Bio-Active. Stacking for Bulking: NPP can be combined with steroids like Dianabol for bulking phases. This category of anabolic steroidsincludes some that you might be very familiar with because they are some of the most popular AAS with bodybuilders. Next Last. For NPP I use: 150 mg/ml NPP I will sometimes run NPP even when I am not on cycle in lower dosages. If you run something to keep your estrogen on the higher end (say maybe 1. 50 mg of Dbol a day. I would run a higher test dose with eq, or an oral like dbol Keep your diet as clean as possible and you should net great keepable results. Bodybuilders value both for Dbol npp cycle, npp vs dbol – Buy anabolic steroids online . . Not my first Cycle. After the first 4 weeks of each cycle, you can continue to cycle your diet and supplement on the same schedule, tren heceleme. For overall size & muscle tissue growth. NPP Dosage. Test fixed up my libido but npp gives me amazing muscle recovery and a general sense of well being. There’s a reason Test/NPP/Dbol is my favorite stack. Run it all for 8 weeks and see where you stand. NPP vs Deca shares several similarities despite their distinct characteristics. Caber 0. Started the Deca and Test Cyp 4 weeks ago. Thread starter Ck18dog; Start date Jun 30, 2020; C. 5D, and NPP EOD. Anyone have direct experience with both for cutting? About to purchase the goods and would like some input. Also opted to run the dbol 1-10 Test E @ 500mg/wk 1-10 NPP @ 300mg/wk E3D 1-4 Dbol @ 30mg/day 1-10 Caber @ 1mg/wk 1-10 aromasin @ 12. 5-10 deca npp mix 450mg ew 10-14 back to npp 400mg ew 20mg dbol preworkout only days for the pump. You could also entertain DHB. Here's how it will be and kinda different. Yea I got the NPP and Injectable Dbol as a gift for Christmas and wanted to try it on a cut manly as a Kickstarter. My new source only had access to deca, which I chose as I am super susceptible to hair loss, as I found out the hard way on a high test cycle I did after the above NPP cycle the next year. Cycle: Wk 1 - 8 Test Prop 450mg/wk Wk 1- 8 NPP 450mg/wk Wk 1-8 Masteron 450mg/wk Just recently started TPP/NPP cycle. With the test/primo stack even some of the wet compounds will give a very full and thick look. I was planning on just test E 250mg E3D for 12 weeks and dbol 50mg ED for 4 weeks (first cycle, keep it simple etc. Appropriate dosing and administration of NPP versus Deca can affect efficacy and side effects. A Posts 24,702. After that I was going to do a traditional masteron or primo with low test for about 8 weeks Reply 1-10 Test E @ 500mg/wk 1-10 NPP @ 300mg/wk E3D 1-4 Dbol @ 30mg/day 1-10 Caber @ 1mg/wk 1-10 aromasin @ 12. G. Go. 50/100, 50/100, 25/50,25/50. Earlier, I compared NPP to Tren. I gained just over 20lbs in those 15 weeks, going from 173lbs to ~196lbs (depending on how my diet was the night before weighing Decca VS NPP. Definitely had some of the most wicked pumps of my life with this stack. Test E- 750-1000 mg 12 weeks Eq- 600-750mg NPP and Sustanon 250 Cycle. Overall, Stats: 29yo, training for a few years, 190lbs 18-20% bf, big 3 lifts are about national standard. May 20, 2022 #8 or should i use Test E 600 vs Deca 400 + dbol first 6 weeks? if i am running on deca and test e would a cycle of 12 weeks be short or just nice or need longer period? D. Okay, now that we’ve looked at the key differences between Deca and NPP when it comes to muscle gains, let’s talk about dosages. Monstrosity619 New member. 5-wks npp or dbol npp or dbol for mass i have both but only want to run one or the other or should i just go for it. On trt so no pct. keep it old school TEST is KING and DECA is queen they compliment each other perfectly . But 10 rad is wayyyy better than 5 dbol Reply reply CameronnMillss • Why Npp vs deca upvotes Was thinking DBol but not 100% sure Each week on cycle I am doing 500mg test (200mg is test E (dr prescribed), 300 is from test sus) 500mg Masteron def noticed the difference on it vs off from it. Add item to the base Test at the end of the cycle. In several cases, shorter esters can be harder to get into concentration without super solvents/Mig840 and longer ones are easier. 200mg NPP/Week vs Anadrol 50mg ED. I'm leaning more towards primo since I don't want to worry about any potential prolactin/estro/deca dick with the NPP, and I don't want to run dopamine agonists due to the anti anxiety meds I'm on. 5 NPP 400mg ew 2. I know it's different esters if the same steroid, but it completely changes the profile. You are fresh early in the cycle and also lifitn the lowest weights/volume. Dbol intrigues me as I have some experience with NPP but a lot of experienced users I know love adding in dbol. NPP causes Muscle Gain Far Quicker than Deca. Anavar is one of the best AAS. carbs particularly). I've tried with tren a, and liked it for a while, but it's too strong. you’ll need a test base for optimal results. 5mg 2x week. Test, NPP and Mast is great for deadlifting on though! And horny all the time lol I ran NPP Tren Ace and Test P w/ dbol 20mg per day (fucking brutal dbol - yuck). Replies 34 Views 1K. Added some size but my god the bloat and chipmunk 🐿 look. AR-Hall of Famer Join Date Mar 2008 Location L. 5-wks If you definitely want to run test npp dbol then add them one at a time so you can get use to them. NPP and deca are the same hormone with a different ester, that's all. This stack is ideal for those who want to gain muscle mass and strength quickly. I pinned the test E3. Wanted to throw in one of the two above for additional strength gains Curious as to preferences between the two. What are your recommendations from these Anavar(10mg) vs anadrol 400 Test 300 Primo 200 NPP, 50 Anavar PWO only. diet (. The larger ester on deca means your actually getting less compound per mg than npp. I didn’t like it at 400mgs a week, felt like I wasn’t on anything (verified primo too not some bunk stuff). It can take 3 or 4 weeks before the - Test a constant normal dose for all the mental/physiological actions at 12 weeks, no more reason for that. Aromasin 12. The above numbers are not exact but pretty close. At my dose of 350mg each per week I have not needed caber and actually only rarely use Asin when my skin gets very oily and acne Diff between NPP and Deca isn't the cycle length but the frequency of pinning. Trest I’m running 140mg a week with 200 test e and 50mg anavar (4IU gh EOd). People have great mass gains stacking msten and DMZ as well. Any helpful tips or suggestions I am Testosterone and Dianabol are both substrates for aromatase and can be enzymatically metabolized into potent estrogens. “After 1935 the best method of discovering Just finished 15 weeks of Test E/NPP at 500/525 mg/week. P. NPP is simply the short ester version of Deca Durabolin. Cycle Length: A typical NPP cycle lasts between 8 to 12 weeks. I've run both and didn't really notice a big difference but it seems a lot do. Overused aromasin (25mg 400 npp = 300mg of active compound without ester I've no experience with deca, running npp now. Anyways, my first cycle was a 10 week cycle consisting of 250mg test enanthate 2 x per week ( 500 mg weekly for weeks 1-10), dbol at 30mg/day for weeks 1-4, aromasin daily for weeks 1-12, weeks 12-16 the usual nova and clomid. For pinning days, working short and long esters, I pin Test-E Mon and Thurs AM. However I couldn't find a consensus on the best time to dose dbol as well. Also taking Cialis 5mg ED. NPP shares some of the same sides associated with Deca (they are after all the same base 40mg of Dbol week 1-4, 800mg test week 1-14 Or 500mg test week 1-14, 500 mg deca week 1-14 Never done deca before, and not sure I'd want to run all 3 together. Deca Bloat. The clear time for any sides is significantly shorter because of that shorter half-life. Test and npp cycle Add var towards the end for a little bit of drying. Dbol anywhere from 4-8 weeks as its gonna kick in the fastest. Most importantly, if side-effects become more than dbol vs tren for strength you can bear, as Trenbolone-Acetate has a half-life of only 3 days you can discontinue use and be back to normal overnight. Keepable mass is also a point to bring up to. This means that your NPP daily dose will be between 43-100mg. Personally SWIM would go with 400 test, 350 npp and 350 drosta Deca vs npp . Dbol is cheap and Dbol & clen is more counterproductive than anything for obvious reasons. Tbol is lean gains but takes a while to kick in and doses gotta be double your dbol dose to be good. rzlxoczruktqkqrruhnzhvqxymelymhslktxmcoermesjxcnftngwfdzd