Macomb county 16th district court case lookup. Below is a directory of court locations in Macomb County.
Macomb county 16th district court case lookup Rachel Rancilio Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Before his appointment to the district court, Judge Sabaugh worked for eight years as Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Macomb County. Mt. org: News James M. Departments; Services; News; Breadcrumb. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Mail CHECK, CERTIFIED CHECK or MONEY ORDER made payable to: Macomb County; Include your name, address and case number on your payment; Mail to: Court Finance Department Macomb County Circuit Court Building 40 N. 109 and MCR 8. Further, you may wish to utilize michiganlegalhelp. Note: Civil, Traffic, Criminal, Domestic (Divorce/Family), and Probate cases are available through this website depending on the type of court being searched. Our office is busiest on Mondays and Fridays and during all afternoon hours. Below is a directory of court locations in Macomb County. Switalski Chief Judge Pro Tempore . The circuit court will forward this request to the appropriate person at the district court only if the circuit court case record is publicly accessible. Link to Macomb County Court Jurisdiction; Macomb County Circuit Court 16 th Judicial Circuit 40 N. Chief Judge James M. macombgov. Court Phone: 586-739-7325 Court Fax: 586-726-4555 Mar 8, 2024 · News James M. Signs posted at the Court's entrance list all items which are prohibited and which will be seized if found on your person. Orders from District Court for Reimbursement of Defense Costs The Circuit Court has distributed a new Order for Reimbursement of Defense Costs to the District Courts in Macomb County, for use where a felony case is either resolved or dismissed in their Court. Warren 8300 Common Rd. The Macomb County District Court is an integral part of the county’s judicial system. Id. Main St. VerPloeg. The 42-1 Judicial District Court is a limited jurisdiction court serving Romeo, Washington Township, Armada Village, Armada Township, Richmond, Richmond Township, Memphis (south of Bordman Rd. Diane M. Clair Shores District Court 41-A Sterling Heights District Court 37th Warren District The 39th District Court serves the cities of Roseville and Fraser. com website or by mailing your payment to : MISDU, P. Macomb County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources Judge Andary rejoined Andary, Andary, Davis, and Andary now The Andary Law Group, she also had the privilege of working with Charles M. Mount Clemens, MI 48043 586-469-5351. If your case is currently in the district court, a request for transcripts must be made in the district court – do not use this form. All persons who enter the 16th District Court are subject to a search of both their person and belongings. Warren, MI 48093 Main: (586) 574-4900 Fax: (586) 574-4932. 40111 Dodge Park Rd. In providing these links, the Macomb County Circuit Court does not endorse the content, products, services or viewpoints expressed by these external sites. Richard L. When the court is closed to the public, a drop box is available (to pay most tickets). Computer terminals are available in the Court Section for the public to review court records. Macomb County has ten district courthouses responsible for resolving civil cases with claims of $25,000 or less, infractions, garnishments, land agreement privations, misdemeanors with sentences less than a year, and preliminary investigations in felony cases. Juvenile cases Payment options - Paying your court ordered assessments The Michigan Supreme Court will not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or in connection with this website or the associated linked websites. It serves as a trial court of limited jurisdiction, handling a wide range of civil and criminal cases within its jurisdictional boundaries. 39-B District Court. Center Line 7070 E. Macomb County District Courts 42-1 Romeo District Court 42-2 New Baltimore District Court 41-B Clinton Township District Court 38th Eastpointe District Court 39-B Fraser District Court 39th Roseville District Court 41-A Shelby Township District Court 40th St. 00; domestic relations cases; cases seeking equitable relief, felony criminal cases and some serious misdemeanors. Honorable Douglas P. Roseville Location. O. Court hours: Monday - Friday 8 a. The Elected Officials are obligated to abide by, and enforce, the provisions of Parents may adopt one of Macomb County’s standard parenting time schedules for their use. Kathryn A. org for beneficial information regarding custody, including the “best interest factors” that the Court considers Search Livingston County Circuit (including Juvenile), District, and Probate Court hearing schedules by court type, name, case number, and attorney code. 110(J)(ii). They schedule hearings in appropriate civil cases, receive the written case summaries, track the evaluations and follow up on the required documentation. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Michigan court system. please visit our Court records page. Oster District Courthouse, Macomb County Court, Michigan. Jan 23, 2025 · 16th Circuit Court - Macomb is located in Macomb county in Michigan. , Shelby Township, MI 48316. Judge Servitto worked for the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office from 2003 to 2016 as principal trial attorney and also served as Chief of the Cold Case Unit and Chief of the District Court. In addition to the 16th Circuit Court, Macomb County also has several district courts that handle lower-level criminal and civil cases. Viviano. All defendants will be represented by an attorney at their Arraignment. 37th District Court, 8300 Common Road, Warren, MI 48093 D38, Macomb County (Eastpointe) Yes No x x x N/A D40, Macomb County (St. 0 mile away Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. The information available here is presented on-line for informational use only and does not replace the official record on file with the court. Clemens, MI 48043 United Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Format and Form of E-filing and Service . 7. Judge Sabaugh received a Bachelor of Science from Michigan State University in Search Macomb County. Repayment to the County for court appointed counsel may be required as part of the sentence/probation. Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Judge Joseph Toia was appointed to the Macomb County Circuit Court bench on August 10, 2015 by Governor Rick Snyder. is the 16th Judicial Circuit Court's electronic filing service provider and MiFILE is the e-File and Serve application. Shepherd Magistrate James A. Box 10 Fraser, MI 48026 Phone: 586-293-3137 | Fax: 586-296-8499 Serving: Fraser. Closing for 2025. Towner, at Towner and Towner, P. 33000 Garfield, P. The case information contained within this web site is generated from computerized records maintained by the 16th Judicial Circuit Court and Macomb County Probate Court and is deemed to be public information. Faunce. 16th Circuit Court, Macomb County Probate Court, and 42nd District Court Divisions I and II. Access the Circuit Court Case Look-Up to see if filings have been received. The Macomb County Circuit Court, part of Michigan's 16th Judicial Circuit, is located in Mount Clemens, Michigan. Employment Opportunities View current job listings with Muskegon County. Vital Records Requests P. Macomb County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources For most civil cases, Case Management issues a standard Discovery and Case Evaluation Order setting the schedule for discovery, witness lists, dispositive motions, and case evaluation. Box 30351, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7851 and be sure to include your case number, your name, county code of 50 for Macomb County, and FIPS code of 26099 on your check or money order. 9 mile away. a. The Court also has jurisdiction over appeals Michigan Public Records; Macomb County; Court Records; Macomb County Court Records. 109 regarding court dissemination of Protected Personal Identifying Information, Date of Birth and Driver's License Number will no longer be available in online public record searches. Clemens, Michigan, USA, has jurisdiction in all civil cases involving more than $25,000. A party may only e-file documents for one case in each transaction. Druzinski. A 24-hour kiosk is also available for payments and located on the outside of the court to the left of the front doors. -- Court documents may be mailed to the Circuit Court Section, Macomb County Clerk's Office, 40 North Main (1st Floor), Mount Clemens, MI 48043. Magistrates The Circuit Court, District Courts, and Probate Courts are committed to providing timely and unbiased justice to Macomb County residents. Jennifer M. Contact us Nov 20, 2024 · d. Tracey A. District Courts. Biernat, Jr. The Macomb County Circuit Court in Mt. Court is held in the Roseville location only. Your For most civil cases, the Court issues a standard Discovery and Case Evaluation Order setting the schedule for discovery, witness lists, dispositive motions, and case evaluation. 110(G)(ii). The 17th district court will observe the following holidays for 2024. Main Navigation- Header 16th Judicial Circuit Court; list Business court Business-related opinions look-up Case evaluation Indigent Access, Inspection, Reproduction, and Creation of Court Records (PDF) Caseflow Management Plan (PDF) Court Closure Annual Inventory (PDF) Court Closure CPR AED Training (PDF) Court Holidays 2024 (PDF) Court Holidays 2025 (PDF) Court Hours (PDF) Establishment of Court Security Committee (PDF) Filing of Documents via Fax (PDF) Language Access Apr 28, 2023 · Macomb County Court. Clair Shores) Yes No x x x N/A D41A-1, Macomb County (Shelby Twp) Yes No x x x N/A D41A-2, Macomb County (Sterling Heights) Yes No x x x N/A D41B, Macomb County (Clinton Twp) Yes No x x x N/A D45, Oakland County (Oak Search. Through the website for the courts and court records, you can view the dockets for individual judges. Wifi. Ten Mile Rd. Clair Shores) 41A District Court 16th District Court; Court Case Search; Court Case Search Beginning April 1, 2022, pursuant to Michigan Court Rule MCR 1. If the other parent in your case filed such a motion, you may use the Response to Motion for Change in Custody, to file a response to the motion with the Court Clerk’s office. Anthony G. Day Nov 29, 2023 · the Sixteenth Circuit Court, the Macomb County Probate Court, and the 42nd District Court are not subject to HR Policies. Proof of Service shall be submitted to the 16th Circuit Court according to MCR 2. ), Ray Township and Bruce Township. The court of record offers this public information without any express or implied warranty as to its accuracy. Yokich. Michael Servitto . Search Livingston County Circuit (including Juvenile), District, and Probate Court hearing schedules by court type, name, case number, and attorney code. About Mt. Search Macomb County. He has a general civil / criminal docket and serves as an Adult Drug Court Judge and Alternate Judge for the Veteran's Specialty Court. Biernat Jr. (the court is open during the lunch hour and at 4:15 p. Free Wifi access is available at the 40th District Court. Prior to taking the bench, Judge Servitto served as an Assistant Prosecutor for Macomb County with over a decade of experience in criminal, civil, and probate law. The Court does not guarantee that this information is complete, accurate or current. Click on map for larger map. Learn more about the 16th District Court department and how to contact the office. For the first request, Judge Caretti will permit a 90-day extension of the dates set forth in the Discovery and Case Evaluation Order by stipulation of the parties. The Macomb County Circuit Court does not maintain the sites accessed through links, and therefore assumes no responsibility for their contents. This is a new service supported by the Michigan Supreme Court's Administrative Office to provide a free, quick and easy means of resolving disputes that are typically filed as a small claims or landlord/tenant case in the district court. Rules & Safety. January 20, 2025 - Martin Luther King, Jr. 16th Judicial Circuit Court Macomb County Juvenile Division 380 North Rose 1. 22rv06931ok1 : open : 23rv01870ok1 : closed : x : 124416lt1 : closed : laureen m gordan trust : 231446lt1 : closed : sackllah, fred e. Pay Online Pay Online. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. Main, Mount Clemens, MI 48043. It handles all civil cases within its jurisdiction. Main Mt. 586-469-7171. Circuit Court - Case Evaluations attorneys contact information. Designed by The Macomb County Clerk is the clerk for the Macomb County Circuit Court. 42-1 District Court Criminal Division phone 586-752-9679, option 3. Macomb County Probate Court Wills and Estates Division 21850 Dunham Road 1. 41A District Court 52420 Van Dyke Ave. Joseph Toia . The court's Case Management Division efficiently manages and tracks cases, ensuring their smooth progression through the legal system. These district courts include: 37th District Court (Warren) 38th District Court (Eastpointe) 39th District Court (Roseville) 40th District Court (St. If your request is denied for any reason, you may fill out Review of Request for Reasonable Accommodations and Response and file this form with Case Management. The Macomb County 16th Judicial Circuit Court serves the public by providing Circuit Courts are trial courts that handle civil cases seeking damages of more than $25,000; all felony criminal matters; personal protection order matters; and all family matters. He prosecuted hundreds of criminal cases in Macomb County District and Circuit Courts and successfully tried numerous felony cases. Hackel, III Attention: Due to building issues – All court cases scheduled to be heard at the 37th District Court – Center Line Location on August 7, 2024 and August 8, 2024 will be held at the Warren District Court, located at: 8300 Common Road Warren, MI 48093 Welcome to 38th District Court Of Eastpointe. The information provided here is not legal advice and may be modified or rendered incorrect by legislative or judicial developments and may not be applicable to Search Macomb County. The Macomb County Circuit Court provides links Court hours: Monday - Friday 8 a. The employees of the above named Elected Officials are subject to the provisions of these HR Policies. 22fr02065ok2 : open : pv holding corp: 23fr02086ok2 : closed : 14 ryan sunoco : 98137732ok2 : closed : 17689 masonic llc : 18085433aon2 Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Public access to court records in 40th District Court - Craigen J. Departments; Services; Macomb County 16th Judicial Circuit Court 40 N Main St. , Chief Judge 16th Judicial Circuit Court, Judge Anthony R. Clemens Circuit Court. Dec 17, 2024 · 40 N. Box 30721 Switalski was first elected to the 16th Judicial Circuit Court of Macomb County in 2000. Probate/Juvenile Court Case Search Agendas/Minutes/Live Meetings Follow county board meetings. , 6th Floor Mount Clemens, MI 48043 . , Chief Judge 16th Judicial Circuit Court, Macomb County Probate Court, 42nd District Courts 16th Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan - Macomb County. , Sterling Heights, MI 48313 Main Phone Number: (586) 446-2500 Fax (586-276-4074. the doors are locked to the public) The 42-2 Judicial District Court is a limited jurisdiction court serving the City of New Baltimore, Township of Chesterfield, Village of New Haven and the Township of Lenox. District Court judges are also elected to 6-year terms. The information on this website is provided as a public service by the Macomb County Probate Court. to Noon and 1 p. District Courts also hear landlord/tenant matters. Clemens, MI 48043: Macomb County: Macomb County Juvenile Court 10 S. The drop box is installed to the left of the front door. Center Line, MI 48015 Main: (586) 757-8333 795 Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 48236 Phone: 313-881-5503; Fax: 313-640-1661 Serving: Lake Township *Please note: This court does not perform marriages. Special projects of this team include: Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. You can make payments electronically via the MISDU. 40 North Main Street, 6th Floor Mount Clemens, MI 48043 Phone: 586-469-5150 The Case Management Division manages and tracks the progress of a case from case initiation through disposition. Main Street Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043 Phone: (586) 469-5150 www. Clemens, MI 48043: Jurisdiction over juveniles that reside in Macomb County: 37 th District Court 8300 Common Rd Warren, MI 48093: Warren Centerline: 38 th Once completed, please return this form to Case Management Office, located on the sixth floor of the Macomb County Circuit Court Building, 40 N. Court Case Search Beginning April 1, 2022, pursuant to Michigan Court Rule MCR 1. The court address is 40 N Main St, Mt. District Court Judge William H. Cases not resolved in the case evaluation process are scheduled for trial. West side of Gratiot between Common and 12 Mile Road: 29733 Gratiot Roseville, MI 48066. Departments 1. Clemens MI 48043. Circuit Courts also handle appeals from District Courts and some administrative agencies. Servitto was elected to the 16th Judicial Circuit Court Bench in November 2024. Dates / Holiday Closed January 1, 2025 - New Year's Day. 109 regarding court dissemination of Case Management Division . Maceroni. The 16th Circuit Court located in Mount Clemens handles criminal felony matters, protective orders, family matters, equitable relief, and civil cases in which the amount of money in dispute is $25,000 or more Macomb County District Court Records. Hours of Operation Circuit Court also has jurisdiction over appeals from the district courts. James M. , as an assistant township attorney, where she assisted with the Clinton Township misdemeanor criminal dockets of the 41B District Court within Macomb County and the civil Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. C. 107(D) and these rules. Online Case Search. Main Navigation- Header. He was appointed as Chief Judge of the 16th Judicial Circuit Court and the Macomb County Probate Court by the Michigan Supreme Court in November The Court Section of the Macomb County Clerk's Office is open Monday through Friday -- 8 a. District Courts hear cases involving traffic offenses, civil cases that involve up to $25,000, and all misdemeanor court cases. The best time to visit our office is Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday mornings. 119) define a court record as any recorded information created or filed with the court because of a legal proceeding. The court section of the Clerk's Office maintains the court files, indexes and other records of the court and permits access to these records in accordance with the law. The phone number for 16th Circuit Court - Macomb is 586-469-5351 and the fax number is 866-907-8082. 16th Judicial Circuit Court. These schedules may be modified to fit the ages of the children, different religious holidays, distance between the parents, the parents’ work schedules, 2. This Order establishes whether defendant has been ordered to reimburse defense costs. The Macomb County 16th Judicial Circuit Court in Mount Clemens, Michigan, United States of America, has jurisdiction in all civil cases involving more than $25,000; domestic relations cases; cases seeking equitable relief, felony criminal cases and some serious misdemeanors. Congratulations on passing the Bar Exam! Join us at the 16th District Court for the MCBA Fall Admissions Ceremony in Chief Justice Biernat's Courtroom. Caretti Presiding Judge Criminal/Civil Division . Launch Court records page. Matthew S. m. The Case Evaluation/ADR Clerks are responsible for implementing the court rule. 42-1 District Court Criminal Division email 42-1districtcourtcriminal@macombgov. Through MI-Resolve, parties can resolve their disputes with or without the help of a mediator. April 10, 2019 7 Transition to the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan Family Division General Parenting Time Schedule Upon the minor child(ren) reaching the age of eighteen (18) months, absent a court order to the Dec 31, 2024 · Case Evaluations attorneys. He was reelected to the Circuit Court Bench in 2006, 2012, and 2018. ImageSoft, Inc. 0 mile away. to 4:30 p. Information available for civil cases includes parties involved, date of the hearing, type of hearing, attorneys, and courtroom location. org . For the first request, Judge Faunce will permit a 60-day extension of the dates set forth in the Discovery and Case Evaluation Order by stipulation of the parties. Courthouse Operations Location. MCR 6. MiFILE, powered by TrueFiling, Michigan's statewide e-Filing program is a 24/7 web-based e-File and e-Service solution for courts, law firms, attorneys, and self-represented filers. Nearby Courts: 41b District Court 22380 Starks Drive 0. The 39th District Court participates in Casual Day every Friday and on Holidays; No Food or Drink allowed in year: adoption: appeals /writs: civil: criminal: domestic relations: juvenile: misc family: total: 2013: 212: 493: 3,957: 4,729: 5,203: 2,700: 2,081: 19,375: 2014 Contact. 16th Circuit Court, Macomb County Probate Court, 42nd District Court Divisons I and II. April 10, 2019 7 Transition to the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan Family Division General Parenting Time Schedule Upon the minor child(ren) reaching the age of eighteen (18) months, absent a court order to the For most civil cases, Case Management issues a standard Discovery and Case Evaluation Order setting the schedule for discovery, witness lists, dispositive motions, and case evaluation. These courts are identified with a check mark under the "7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter" column of the MiCOURT case search. Circuit Courts in Macomb County Jun 2, 2023 · Macomb County District Court. You can search any case information here and make payment while you are on the case using the little credit card icon next to the amount owed. Access Michigan's virtual courtroom directory through MiCOURT. . Michigan Court Rules (MCR 1. Forlini Macomb County Clerk / Register of Deeds 40 N. He received the Most Outstanding Young Lawyer Award from the Macomb Bar Association, and was a Mount Clemens Planning Board Commissioner. The marketing and communications team develops and administers an integrated strategy to promote the programs and services of the Planning and Economic Development Department as well as other County departments, initiatives and brands, like Make Macomb Your Home and Macomb Business. These parenting schedules are guidelines and not an order of the court unless adopted as a one. xhorp ycwbkeh asrtoh cjmh gdc yox lavko sgygzr zbdt eadbc