Node js function return undefined. NodeJS Returning Data.
Node js function return undefined xlsx'). First, you're not returning any value from getValsFromExcel, so doing var ans = getValsFromExcel() will always be undefined (the default return value of any function). – Dave Newton Essentially what happens is that an implicit semicolon is placed right after your return statement so that it returns undefined and your object literal is never 'reached'. Update: You have added a return statement to only one of your functions. I used a breakpoint in vs code to check what exactly the function is doing, and 6 is actually stored in value at the last point however, the 6 Node. js - Function call returning undefined and evaluated later. log(file_dict) shows the dictionary before being returned. query` function (depending on the library, // it im kinda new to nodejs and trying to get this here working, but whatever I try it either return undefined or [function: online]. This question already has answers here: How do I return the response from an asynchronous call? (43 answers) Closed 8 years ago. Instead, what you might think of as the return value is passed to the callback function. I am trying to return an array via axios call from an async function in node js. Inside the getVenues(), i push the name of the first item of the venues in places array, and as it seems it exists normally inside of it. Modified 6 years, 9 months ago. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The return statements in the nested functions will not "return from" UserLogged. then(repository => getCommits(repository[0])) . – I'm new to node. If I put an console. node. Here is a section of my code: function randomfact() { let sql = ' I'm unsure how to fix this and was confused when I googled the problem. js function does not return when condition fulfills. I promise I've read them; I'm just not getting it. I created a funtion called locationToAddress, but it always returns undefined. How to return data from loop in order in node . Hot node. create({name,email,password}); return creaatedUser; } @jfriend00 explained the problem – here's one possible solution that uses Node. i call several api methods and tryne inject data from response body to html-DOM as you can see i added some async await because i make call to other function with catch and this works really You aren't returning anything in the case that the item is not a string. I am trying to reduce code by wrapping the connection code in a function with one query parameter. js using Promises : Promise returns nothing. JS returning undefined, despite explicit return statement. You need to use the callback mechanism Yes, because once you create an object out of a Constructor with new, it's no longer a function but an object created by applying your Constructor function to a new object. 11. If I call start() or upload() from the requestHandlers. Javascript promise not being returned with async/await. However, when I call the get_files function, the return value from return file_dict is undefined. js) typically return nothing. create()); Or use . In that case, the function returns undefined, what you are seeing in the result. export in js is not working. For that i'm using felixge/node-mysql. Function Return not Working. You could wrap the whole thing in return new Promise((resolve, reject) toFile doesn't return anything; I'm not sure what you expect. Javascript unknown undefined returned. App. A function that does not have a return executed will always "return undefined". Modified 6 months ago. I trying to use module. Module. then() function restaurantName(id) { var retvalue; return F. That is the return value of any function that exits without execution passing through a return statement. Instead, either pass a function that invokes create with the proper calling context: router. the goal of the challenge is to function functionName (parameters) {//body of function //optional return statement} Now, functions in Node. Related. I am currently trying to iterate through an array of JSON elements, parse and add the data I need into a specially formatted string, and once conditions are met, initiate the uploading of this data. then() // you won't get the value you have in console. js functions returns undefined value. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 9 months ago. The function as it’s written here will return 6, because “sum” has assigned 3 as a value to it. g. log on the function I got returned value When checking in node-debugger during runtime, the require result ist: Closure: Error110: function Error110(params) Error131: function Error131(params) Error132: undefined Error133: undefined Error150: function Error150(messageObject, callback) Error132 and Error133 are not available after the require, while the others are perfectly. Why does function Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The problem is you call an asynchronous function synchronously. Return is giving me undefined but console. So you modify your code like this: Why Javascript import function returns undefined. Example below: I am trying to use Node. mysql query works in phpmyadmin but not in node. js module. log this function. Javascript return is not returning anything. Function returning undefined Node JS. async function checksubsdetails() { // Promisify the `db_office. checkGuild: function(gid){ return new Promise(resolve => { var sql = "SELECT * FROM I have a function,called getIt(), which finds the top 5 venues through the Foursquare API. Using async/await still returns undefined. In neither function do you have a return statement. Return value from a function. Modified 9 years, 11 months ago. use(app. Viewed 737 times -3 . Inorder to assign the returning value/object of a function(in this case doSomething, it should have a return statement. exports to return a value from a callback function. Then in app. I'm new at nodejs, and of course I see some guides/screencast to learn a little bit; but I'm very stoked about async/sync, read files and how nodejs handle the callbacks/returns. Function return in NodeJS module returns undefined and it's not true. i want to understand a little bit more about the javascript reference scope, i was trying to import a function from onother file like this. Viewed 2k times 2 . x(), you get back a 5. Also when I try to require a common module such as http, terminal also returns undefined. js always return undefined. I googled a bit and found this: How to show different page if user is logged in via firebase. Nodejs can't export function . I am working on a bot using discord. 13 2 2 Both functions are static async functions and 'await' is used when calling the GetScheduleByTitle function. Viewed 2k times 0 . Although the (key, value) pair is correctly set, the code prints undefined. Node js return function does not return data. Async function returning undefined in NodeJS. Async function always return undefined. You can sort of make a synchronous function seem like it might be asynchronous by just sending the return result via a callback, but it will still be blocking while performing its operation. js must return a value. But it's returning undefined. bind to explicitly set the calling context to PostController: router. Undefined when returning value. log(exist); // returns undefined is the expected behavior since this. Follow edited Dec 21, 2020 at 17:56. Else the function returns nothing, so when you assign that to val, it is still undefined. post('/posts', PostController. Viewed 45k times Part of Google Cloud Collective 23 . Viewed 5k times 2 . js function returns undefined. If you want the result to be in accRead, you need to use the synchronous version of the function: fs. To fix this, you need to make the SQL functions return a Promise and change the return statement to resolve(), like this:. log If you want your function to return a value, then you must return a value. Cannot get variable from sql query in Node. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . <anonymous>" when I try the second method. node js - Node mysql - Result is undefined. The issue you're having is caused by not returning any value at all from the function getTechnicPackInfo, not the inner functions. js with Amazon AWS and when I try to declare an aws instance I keep getting returned undefined. The following Node. async function resolve with Promise but var exist = this. Function is not called when Node. cookies undefined? Ask Question Asked 8 years ago. Doing it with "Resolve, Reject" from Promises, works fine. SITUATION: I am trying to check if my user is authenticated when he makes a request to the server. NodeJS - Returning Your callback (see below) will be executed after the function has already returned and since you don't initialize currentUsernameObj to anything it is undefined. Any Function in node. Please help. A function without a Everything is working as it should except the return from requestHandlers. Function in node. Voting experiment to encourage people who rarely vote to upvote Async Javascript function is returning undefined in NodeJS. findOne. Asynchronous functions (which are kind of the bread-and-butter of Node. If you're trying to return that value, then see the threads that @Tushar Shahi and @zero298 Firebase Function returned undefined, expected Promise or value but the function works Hot Network Questions Why is it stated that the errors on the quiescent state of the surface code don't affect the logical state? I'm a student and start learning nodejs. Here i am calling the method as node test. You'll notice that variable declarations in the global scope, I need to call the function from command prompt which is available inside js. [email protected]')); //returns undefined I tried using variables, still returned undefined. Viewed 911 times 0 . Instead it returns undefined. Also, you might be mixing async/await with . But it's not optimal for performance, because then your code will block until the file is fully read (a problem if the file is Node. js script and You should return the value inside . function firstOne() { const companys = companysList(); conso Function in node. Node. if I pass 3 into the function, the function should return 6 however, im getting an undefined. asdf() gets its promise from the async declaration so we look to see what the function returns because that return value will become the resolved value of the promise that the async function returns. Improve this question . Lanre Bello Lanre Bello. Modified 6 years, 4 months ago. Function returning Async await return undefined javascript. – its an async function specified by the "async" keyword at the top. js is returning undefined. However, its returning undefined. js is coming through as undefined. It is not appending the name at the end and returning the correct response. But when I use console. That server has to send queries to a database. js, but the function below doesn't return anything // returns "undefined" mysqlVerify = (socialclub_id, session_id) => I am using Node. The function is correctly grabbing the ID, but is not returning it. If I moved that return statement to the start of the function it works fine but when I move it to the the place it is at now It returns undefined; @AbhishekGupta – I asked recently about the asynchronous in javascript, request-promise module returns undefined. And now i am stuck with the function returning values through JS and getting values to use in express. Getting undefined node. The coe works because the console. Would you explain to me, why my function returning undefined. Every time I call my function it always returns undefined. then(user => getRepositories(user. The function declaration returns undefined (mainly because of (a) how eval() works and (b) because functions with no return values technically return undefined per the standard), but when you make a call to the function itself, e. log(getUserByStudentId('1301194051')) // undefined but when I console. Async not awaiting function before running. I'm unsure how to fix this and was confused when I googled the problem. My Function in a class returns undefined when trying to use the return value. Learn how to fix when a JavaScript function returns 'undefined' instead of a value with this guide covering reasons and corresponding fixes. NodeJS returning true/false inside function. For simple cases it works though. Nodejs module export returns undefined. var dbitems = "before fn"; function Yes, your function is async which always returns a promise, and when control reaches the end of the function it automatically returns undefined, hence your result. 558597'; console. Why does it return undefined? 0. why i keep getting undefined when i console. Modified 10 years, 5 months ago. js callfunction from command promt. Modified 3 years, 9 months ago. 0. find('spammers', {ip:ip, userAgent:userAgent}); console. promisify function to take the db_office. load(id). I think it's a scoping issue. js's util. What you actually want is a filter I'm using a node ws server built on einaros/ws. But to know if there is any duplication in the ID during registering and validate it, I made a return statement in the function. The problem that I am running into, Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. nodejs variable undefined when exporting. Function returns undefined when it should return a boolean result. node function result undefined. When a user connects to the server, it should be checked if the client still exists in the database. In javascript, a function without a return will return undefined. But even if you do return workbook. calculate = node. What you want to do is use the fetch api to fetch all of the stuff you are trying to get and return the value returned by fetch. Undefined when returning value . javascript; node. exports returns with undefined. and because you’re using the “return” keyword. A solution could be to use promises or async/await. However, if the return So, I'm new trying to understand how async functions work. Module functions returning undefined in nodejs. You can explore this by stepping through the function node function result undefined. The axios call works correctly, and console. exports returns undefined in Node I'm reading data from db with using await so I used Promise but the function seems to return nothing async function read() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const db = new DB(); The code (err, data) => {} defines a callback function, which is asynchronous. However when I call the function and set it to the variable place, I get undefined. Javascript function is returning false where it should be returning true. js; reactjs; express; Share. readFile(__dirname + '/assets/gu. apiAddTask function: @Oriol, in my mind, since a void function returns undefined, that is a reserved value for functions of that type, so that when handling the return value of a function, null tells me it decided to return null, whereas undefined tells me it either decided to return undefined, or it decided not to return anything, but I don't definitively know which. However, if the return As soon as there is no return statement, the output after the function call is undefined. then(com => console. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. find does not return anything. I have some simple code to get a token for a 3rd-party API service: let tok = ''; const getToken = I am using mssql with node. Javascript return is not returning anything . The function calls itself and keeps adding the subsequent numbers from zero to the provided number until its zero, then it returns value. bind I get "TypeError: Cannot read property 'query' of undefined" on the req. getQuests = function(){ var id The below code builds a dictionary (associative array) of the files in a folder, skipping directories and hidden (. Example: async createUser(name, email, password) { const createdUser = await User. I understand you aren't able to get data, and I explained why: return Promise. asked Dec 21, 2020 at 17:51. file1. async function returns "undefined" 1. query line. I d So, I have a function in my class that should return an object, but instead it returns undefined, which I dont know why it is happening, here's the code: method. checkIfCan = function(){ //make some check } exports. Hot Network Questions Was using an older version of a legal card from a nonlegal set ever not legal? It doesn't return undefined, it clearly returns 5. If I add return AuthToken instead then it also returns Node Exports Function Returning Undefined. the "return 1" is returned by your call to axios within cloudVerify, it's not the return value of that function. create. Modified 8 years, 5 months ago. *) files. This is why when you log data you get this [Function: data]. Unable to return value from node js module . js Function Returns 'undefined' [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. When I try to run a find() on the collection it returns undefined. Exported function returns undefined NodeJS . js that checks the hash of an online file to see if it's been changed. Other than that you need to handle the asynchronous nature of the function: wait until the database query is complete before returning a value. query function and turn it into something that can actually be awaited upon. js to connect to an sql server db. Lanre Bello. returned object is undefined. My code (seen above) will output the response to the console just fine, but when trying to use the function in an export, it returns 'undefined' no matter what. log(sql);" line above: I have a function that needs to get data from another function, but the second one is returning undefined and i don't know why. You didn't return anything. mySQL query in node. 1. Featured on Meta Upcoming Experiment for Commenting. Viewed 2k times 1 This question already has answers here: How do I return the response from an asynchronous call? (42 answers) Closed 6 years ago. It returned undefined because the function hasn't been resolved yet. I'm pretty sure this problem is because readdir is async. (And in this case, that function is being passed as an argument to usermodel. In the code below, I want to return AuthToken from within the Try statement, but instead, it returns the values from outside the Try statement. As you can see ive made a function in online. That's what's happening here. xlsx. NodeJS Returning Data. app Function in node. gitHubUsername)) . Functions getNumbers() and the function called inside it don't return any values, so the result will always be undefined. Viewed 568 times 0 . Async function returns pending promise node js . js, and I'm trying to return a value from a function, but for some reason it's not working as planned. 491093'; var long = '-58. You can see that there is no return in the definition of the find function. Its my first work with async/await. when you call var val = doSomething("TEST",foo), you are aligning the return value of doSomething to val, which is getUser(1) . post('/posts', => PostController. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. Modified 3 years, 5 months ago. console. then() - you might be able to drop the async/await and simply return the I know there are questions like this already. For example, I can't return the variable When I try to call the api from the lambda function it just returns "Hello World undefined". It seems like an issue with the connection? The only useful thing I could think to pull was the result of the "console. js; reactjs; npm; or ask your own question. MySQL query doesn't pull values in node. Recursion itself doesn't require a return (eg: print out the nodes in a tree), but if you want the function to return something then it needs return. My goal requires me to leverage SQL to function functionName (parameters) {//body of function //optional return statement} Now, functions in Node. 2. I've searched many web pages and put express. get function, it returns undefined. 3. log with the result in the case that some result is found it gives me the right thing, I testet Something more, and I noticed that it doesn't wait for the function to return, and goes on, so that before the function returns the result is undefined, I need the searchOnYT() function to wait for the search(), so that it gets an result before returning I am working on a NodeJs project for the first time. So here's my try at I'm trying to set cookie on express. log('Commit', com)) // this always return Node. Result. The other will still always return undefined. The function in the model file works successfully. NodeJS MySQL query gives 'undefined' rows . When making an sql query my function is returning undefined. Both of them will always return undefined. log give the answer I needed. ) Putting a return statement in there does not return from checkmembership() function. js code prints 'undefined', even though it found the file. Unable to receive proper data from the promise function. Any explanation or work around for this problem? function Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. module. log shows me the array I am looking for in the data object of the returned promise. To fix it just move the opening brace to the end of the return like so . returned promise is undefined in nodejs. This occurs when I try Node JS MySQL query function not returning result. So function definitions include an optional return statement. You can do this by using a callback function. I think you're just confused about how async programming works in general. But, there is no explicit return statement so the return value is undefined and thus the promise that asdf() returns also resolves to an undefined Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog So, without a calling context, the this inside of create is undefined as a result. js but it return undefined. I either get "SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules" when I try the first calling method or I get "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'then') at Object. The Overflow Blog The developer skill you might be neglecting. When I call the function from with in a router. Here is my code :) note: Sorry for my english, not fluent speaker :) Why is req. js and export the function. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 9 months ago. model('restaurant'). log('Value found! its ' A synchronous function will be blocking and the result be directly available when it finishes blocking. cookieParser() above app. Module Export Example √ Test Case 1: Module Hello Node World!!! The callback's return should go in accRead: no, it won't, the callback is called by readFile at a moment where readFile has already returned. If I delete that return line, then it just returns undefined. log to see the result of the function outside the function, it shows "undefined". js returns undefined issue. Javascript function returns true when it should return false . js - Value from function is returning undefined [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 6 years, 4 months ago. js. But you are making another mistake that might be harder to figure out if It seems to be due to the fact that your SQL code uses callbacks, so no data is immediately returned and therefore, the return value is undefined. I am trying to get the http get response from async function. then(function (restaurant) { retvalue = Some of the debugging suggestions here are helpful but I'll add: when you run ```let value = login(Param, Param2)``` in main. This is the code simplified: var lat = '-34. Might want to read up on 'Promises' and/or 'Callbacks' and/or 'Asynchronous Programming' (the 'async' keyword is not required), perhaps - as the data used to create the user object is The first mistake here is that you have created a function with the name data and never actually called it. appendFile, or promisfy it, or any number of other ways to deal with async code. So if you want to have a module that is at the same time an object and a function like jQuery for example, the constructor pattern isn't the right way to do it. exports returns undefined. I "await" it from the other file. However within the function I am running this code snippet in linux terminal using nodejs. Hot Network Questions How did people know that the war against the mimics was over? How frequently is random Ive been playing around with mongodb in node. I understand the problem has something to do with asynchronous functions, but I don't quite understand how they work. Please heed the comments in the code. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. router) but it still can't return the right value. js: node. I quite understand it after someone gave the same SO question which is the How do I return the respo I'm trying to create a function with node. Nodejs and MongoDB : Unable to return value from a function. exports. . and according to the value of x that is assigned to the Simple javascript function returns undefined [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago. js I require the file, then console log the const Hey, I tried your solution and it still does not work. js code. In the GetScheduleByTitle function, I grab the needed ID from a Mongo Database. readFileSync. js, the program finds the function 'login' but it doesn't find undefined is implicitly returned if you don't have a return in your function. function wrapInObject(x) { return { y: x }; } Hello: i am new to nodejs and mocha. It is an asynchronous function. Here is my Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog node js undefined value return from http get async function. Nodejs export not returning value. I have made a basic collection with some data (i know its there ive checked). To return a value other than the default, a function must have a return statement that specifies the value to return. But when I try to apply it with async instead of new Promise, for some reason, the function returns undefined. What's wrong? I'm trying to return the body of a post request of another site in node. resolve(results) doesn't send the data anywhere useful. 4. 0 (JavaScript) Function returning an undefined value. Function returning undefined variable Javascript. The map function is used to map one value to another, but it looks like you actually want to filter the array, which a map function is not suitable for. This allows you to do the following: There are a couple things going on here. Pass a function to toFile that you call with the responseObject from fs. toijr ina mqxpbk tnna fqu jfoa yrhgq mgn yunei ncm