Vault raft snapshot restore. I am running Vault official docker image.
Vault raft snapshot restore $ vault operator raft snapshot save primary. mod file. Unseal the vault Vault Raft backup is a lean tool for creating snapshots of the Raft integrated storage in Hashicorp Vault, and transferring those backups to AWS S3. Describe alternatives you've considered Start restoring with the last known working raft snapshot (n), if it fails then try n-1 to test whether the cluster Hi All, I am using vault as an encryption engine for my db data. I took a snapshot from the existing vault cluster using. Once this is invoked, the joining node will receive This is a short guide on the setup of Vault auto-snapshots within GCP buckets when using Raft / Integrated Storage. If I run the com Usage: vault operator raft snapshot restore <snapshot_file> Installs the provided snapshot, returning the cluster to the state defined in it. I tried restoring it to the new deployment using the command: vault operator raft snapshot I had a critical issue in my cluster and had to restore the vault. Now, when i am trying to restore the backup on a newly deployed vault Command to save snapshot: vault operator raft snapshot save FILENAME. In the source the keys were stored in SSM as encrypted format. This snapshot can be used to restore the data to a newly created production cluster, for example, one that is 2023-04-28T14:04:52. However, I have got stuck on getting the DR instance to come up on its new IP address after restoring the snapshot, which has the old Hello, I am trying to create a snapshot of raft either via CLI or with the APIs. Determine the leader and followers nodes in your Vault cluster. Click on the Hi, I have my Vault cluster setup using the internal raft storage backend. sh In the context of raft storage, a restore operation refers to the process where raft consumes an external snapshot to restore its state. The goal now is, to run regular backups/snapshots of all the secret engines for disaster #2020-06-23 # this shows creating a Vault instance running integrated storage/raft, # then adding a KV and taking a snapshot # then kill the raft DB files to simulate a storage failure # repeat new Vault instance, restore snapshot, unseal and auth with orig keys # and read some data to show how backup/restore works # not meant to be a live script to run! Vault Enterprise can be configured to take automated snapshots when using raft Integrated Storage and store them locally or in the cloud. The workaround at the moment is to run the snapshot from the active/leader node. vault operator raft snapshot restore -force vault-snapshot-2022-06-08. As part of a disaster recovery process you may need to restore a snapshot to a Vault cluster running on Kubernetes. Once the snapshot is completed, you will see a Stored status with a green checkmark. The old cluster was 5 nodes, but now it is just 3. A month ago I was able to take a nightly raft snapshot, and I could deploy an entire new instance of the transit vault instance, with a new token, and a fresh set of cluster nodes, and then restore the cluster from Attempting to restore a raft snapshot in the UI would result in an error thrown from fetch. The Standard Procedure for Restoring a Vault Cluster guidecan be a useful starting point however additional steps may be required to perform a restore which is wh Restores a snapshot of Vault data taken with vault operator raft snapshot save. 7 repository: url: https: Now let’s restore our snapshot after deleting the test-snapshot engine secrets. run vault login, using any previous vault operator raft snapshot save snapshot. snapshot. I am using k8s helm for vault setup with raft storage as backend. You can override node_id with the VAULT_RAFT_NODE_ID environment variable. Size - The size of the snapshot, in bytes; Index - The Raft index of the latest log entry in the snapshot; Vault key/value data in Consul is encrypted and cannot be fully verified with respect to correct values outside of Vault, you would need to restore the snapshot into a Consul environment, point a Vault server to that environment In my current deployment, on premise, I deploy a transit vault, and a 3-5 node vault raft integrated storage cluster using transit auto-unseal in a kubernetes cluster. In my current deployment, on premise, I deploy a transit vault, and a 3-5 node vault raft integrated storage cluster using transit auto-unseal in a kubernetes cluster. Is there a way to decrypt vault snapshots into plaintext ? Additionally Vault Raft Snapshot Agent supports static configuration via environment variables alongside its configuration file: for setting the address of the vault-server you can use VAULT_ADDR. At the moment, I also set tls_disable = true and let Nginx handle TLS offloading for the service. How to restore a snapshot. Pod 1 & 2 getting this error: / $ vault operator unseal Unseal Key (will be hidden): Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed true Total Shares 5 Hello, I am attempting to restore a vault backup snap file to a newly created vault instance to validate the backup files are intact and working as expected. rpc. As a result, Vault may be slower to start up. This is performed transparently by this script. $ vault operator raft snapshot restore raft. Command to restore snapshot Example Restore: vault operator raft snapshot restore /path/to/backup/snapshot. I then copied it to the another server using scp where i ran a fresh vault single instance deployment with the same conf as above and vault version. go run ), then the dependencies and requirements can be viewed in the go. Let’s see what the community will bring in future releases. 9. But what is a about these snapshot mechanism How to create a snapshot. snap Once all is said and done it does work, but vault’s configuration “out of the box” doesn’t allow for snapshots over a few Gb to be restored; and it seems you need at least 4 times the RAM of the snapshot’s size in order to restore it. Thanks for your reply. gz; run vault operator unseal, to fully unseal vault using the snapshot’s keys. steps: Now vault server is sealed because The Vault CLI provides a snapshot feature which downloads a snapshot of the current Raft storage state. we copy the snapshot over to the new cluster in a variety of different ways including directly over SCP, indirectly via S3 as an intermediary, and indirectly via downloading the snapshot to our local machines and then uploading to new host. Last night, however, our Command: consul snapshot restore Corresponding HTTP API Endpoint: [] /v1/snapshot The snapshot restore command is used to restore an atomic, point-in-time snapshot of the state of the Consul servers which includes key/value entries, service catalog, prepared queries, sessions, and ACLs. My setup: K8s cluster installed by helm chart in the values: vault. vault operator raft snapshot save backup. I am trying to decrypt and read the snapshot file programmatically so that I can search for a value inside the snapshot. Then I want to use the following CLI command to restore the previous state: vault operator raft snapshot restore raft. 0 (also tried with 1. In the context of raft storage, a restore operation refers to the process where raft consumes an external snapshot to restore its state. Monitor and Alert Set up monitoring and alerting for your Vault instance. / $ vault operator raft snapshot restore -force /tmp/14072020. I tried restoring it to the new deployment using the command: vault operator raft snapshot Hi, I have my Vault cluster setup using the internal raft storage backend. The final step is to take a Vault Raft Backup snapshot of the migrated data. with _. The snapshot is encrypted with the Vault master key and can therefore only be I am trying to create a snapshot of raft either via CLI or with the APIs. run vault login <root-token>, using newly generated token. To Reproduce Get yourself a nice big snapshot, attempt to restore it to a newly initialized cluster (using -force), watch the errors. Tuning. Click on your Vault cluster in the HCP portal. We basically use vault as a password manager and therefore only use K/V v2 secret engines. snap Hi, all i use hashicorp-vault as single docker container with a postgres SQL database as storage and no consul. Any insight appreciated, thanks. The use case I am trying to accomplice is: ClusterA is operational, and makes daily backups with vault operator snapshot save. At first, I created the vault and then used the restore file to restore the vault, pod number 0 (from 3 pods) is unseal as expected, but 2 others are not. If you do find that checking for it with a command like printenv | Related articles. So the inbound traffic looks like this: clie Name Description--help, -h: Display help-address <string>: Address of the Vault server. If the file provided is named state. Refer to below Restore section for more information. 1 or above. ) up and running. path (string: "") – The file system path where all the Vault data gets stored. snap Steps to inspect: Command: Hi there We recently started using vault. Currently my snapshot size is 21 GB and looking at trends, it could grow upto 70GB. This bug is tracked here: `vault operator raft snapshot save` and `restore` fail to handle redirection to the active node · Issue #15258 · hashicorp/vault · GitHub. Metric type Value Description; timer: ms: Time required to restore the finite state machine from a user snapshot: vault. 007Z [ERROR] core: raft snapshot restore: failed to write snapshot: error="failed to read snapshot file: failed to read or write snapshot data: stream error: stream ID 1; CANCEL" Cause. 1:8200. 226Z [INFO] agent. node_id (string: "") - The identifier for the node in the Raft cluster. So the inbound traffic looks like this: clie Vault raft snapshot backup and restore quick demo - vault_raft_bu_restore_example. server. run vault operator raft snapshot restore --force mysnapshot. Vault compacts logs automatically to prevent unbounded disk usage while also minimizing the time spent replaying logs. 2023-04-28T14:04:52. Environment: Vault Server Version (retrieve with vault status): 1. Saves a snapshot of the current state of the Raft cluster into a file. The goal now is, to run regular backups/snapshots of all the secret engines for disast… Try vault operator raft snapshot restore -force raft. Is there any other way that I can backup vault data. I’ve been restoring with the command: vault operator raft snapshot restore -force /path/to/snapshot Not sure what I am doing wrong. Prerequsities If executing as an ad-hoc compile and run (i. appendEntries. Steps : Create a GCP bucket to I have vault cli tool to perform vault operator raft snapshot save vault. e. Command to restore snapshot Also, note that the command consul snapshot restore will restore an atomic, point-in-time snapshot of the state of the Consul servers which includes KV entries, service catalog, prepared queries, sessions, and ACLs. raft: snapshot complete up to: index=110465 . Lacks a bit of flair, I agree, oh well. logger. Tuning this affects the time it takes Vault to detect leader failures and to perform leader elections, at the expense of requiring My organization is running a HA Vault Cluster in AWS, using EC2 instances across three availability zones. enabled: true What happened: after struggling to make the vault work when IPV V6 was disabled on the cluster, we decided to remove the installation and restore it with the last snapshot we did. I am running into an issue where the manually create snap file will not restore over a fresh vault instance. 1) 3 node HA vault cluster, all nodes unsealed storage is raft integrated storage (recently mi You’ll force the snapshot to restore into the new cluster, then you can use your existing unseal keys. This command groups subcommands for operators interacting with the autopilot functionality of the integrated Raft storage backend. Had a couple issues: The previous cluster was a quorum of 5 hosts, new 3 The backup had Save the created snapshot file in a safe location in case the need arises to restore from the snapshot. I took a snapshot from source and restored in the destination. For a few minutes it stays will older credentials pre-restore, then new credentials kick in. The objective of this document is to provide a set of Standard Operating Procedures for restoring a Vault cluster from a snapshot, for either Consul or Raft Integrated Storage backends. HashiTalks 2025 Learn about unique use cases, homelab setups, and best practices at scale at our 24-hour virtual knowledge sharing event. There are 3 subcommands supported: get Name Description; restore: Installs the provided snapshot, returning the cluster to the state defined in it: save: Saves a snapshot of the current state of the Raft cluster into a file 2020-10-17T02:52:30. raft. An integer multiplier used by servers to scale key Raft timing parameters. bin file must still be in the same directory as it's associated meta. A month ago I was able to take a nightly raft snapshot, and I could deploy an entire new instance of the transit vault instance, with a new token, and a fresh set of cluster nodes, and then restore the cluster from Describe the bug When migrating from awskms to shamir seals, the migration works, however, a backup of the migrated vault cluster is unable to be restored, as it still looks for the KMS key. It’s in a different data centre, and the data changes only rarely, so a static snapshot is fine. This issue can be due to a large snapshot which causes a client timeout on the CLI. The snapshot is read from the given file. If intending to replicate them, they can be added to the new raft. A development Service Account (SA) is used to complete this tutorial. snap Store these snapshots in a secure place away # repeat new Vault instance, restore snapshot, unseal and auth with orig keys # and read some data to show how backup/restore works # not meant to be a live script to run! run vault login <root-token>, using newly generated token. Describe the bug When migrating from awskms to shamir seals, the migration works, however, a backup of the migrated vault cluster is unable to be restored, as it still looks for the KMS key. Due to this, the size of my DB and snapshot is growing fast. This means that Gossip keyrings and certificates are not restored. When using Shamir seal, as soon as the Vault server is brought up, this API should be invoked instead of sys/init. enabled: true vault. Usually we do not have any significant difficulties rolling the EC2 instances for patching or other updates, but when problems do arise we’ve been able to restore the cluster from our Raft snapshots, which we take every four hours. The default Client timeout for vault is 60 seconds. Restore in cluster B $ vault operator raft snapshot restore -force raft. Hello, I am trying to restore a Raft snapshot onto a new Vault cluster. . 15. Please note: I am running a transit server which is auto-unsealing the DEV vault in case reboot/cluster patch. ha. snap # Kill cluster, rm DB files $ rm -rf /opt/vault/* # restart Vault with same config (but empty raft data folder now) # New instance details, we don't need these: # Unseal Key 1: NxgdYN6W0mhamxMPfiNnOQipgAENU+eRwlPJHE6xR0Y= # Initial Root Token: s. Steps: Create an AWS S3 bucket to store Vault Attempting to restore a raft snapshot in the UI would result in an error thrown from fetch. Metric type Value Description; timer: ms: Time required to Here is my setup: vault version: 1. 2; Vault CLI Version (retrieve with vault I took a snapshot from the existing vault cluster using. What would be the recommended way to There is a bug with snapshot save when running it from standby nodes. It seems vault will read the entire thing into memory, then writes it to disk and lets the FSM do it I have taken backup of DEV vault server running in HA(raft storage) using the below command. restoreUserSnapshot. Describe the bug When deploying a new Vault cluster using raft storage via helm and restoring from a snapshot, only the first pod is able to come up successfully. For example In this video, we discuss #HashiCorp #Vault Backup and Restore Raft Snapshots from #Kubernetes to AWS #S3. Solution Hi @maxb,. snap -- to validate raft snapshot for corruption. Usage: vault operator raft snapshot restore <snapshot_file> Installs the provided snapshot, returning the Take snapshots from the Vault Integrated Storage (Raft) cluster members on the Vault DR Primary cluster using the following command. Snapshots made before Nomad 1. To Reproduce Start with a running vault, using - name: vault-raft-snapshot-agent helmChart: name: vault-raft-snapshot-agent version: 0. This API completes in 2 phases. vault. snapshot; In addition, in the documentation I saw we are able to restore a snapshot in other Vault Cluster with force option even if seals keys are differents. snap Now vault server is sealed Hello, I am trying to restore a Raft snapshot onto a new Vault cluster. Provide a name for your snapshot and click Create Snapshot. When VAULT_RAFT_NODE_ID is unset, Looks like you’re using the filesystem storage type and not integrated. Use tools like Prometheus and Grafana Typically this is used with Consul self-contained Snapshot files obtained using the consul snapshot command or Snapshot API. If you use older snapshots to recover a cluster, you also need to restore the keyring onto at least one server. The state. Expected behavior A snapshot to be restored. snap Backup is been created and i can see it. Hello, i’m facing some troubles while trying to restore a backup from an vault server (raft storage) which was initially created with AWS KMS auto-unseal on a new server to verify if my backup is working. I’ve been restoring wi I was able to get it restored. Failed to start Raft: recovery failed: failed to restore any of the available snapshots bootstrap_expect > 0: expecting 3 servers failed to restore snapshot: failed to restore snapshot Save the created snapshot file in a safe location in case the need arises to restore from the snapshot. I then create a new version of a secret by removing one k/v-pair. This value can be overridden by setting the VAULT_RAFT_PATH environment variable. Create a RAFT snapshot using the below command vault operator raft snapshot save demo. snap The command runs without . gz; run vault operator unseal, to fully unseal vault Build a highly available (HA) Vault cluster using Integrated Storage as a data persistence layer on your local machine. snap. This can also be specified via the VAULT_ADDR environment variable This is a brief article detailing the steps needed to set up Vault Auto-Snapshots to an AWS S3 Bucket when Raft / Integrated Storage is used. On attempting to restart the 'leader' node on the Consul cluster (as part of a Vault v Overview of the Issue Running a 3 node Consul 'server' cluster. And you get zero output. 0 will not include the keyrings. bin however, the command will assume it is a raw raft snapshot in a Consul server data directory and will attempt to read it directly. Command to save snapshot: vault operator raft snapshot save FILENAME. As you already stated, currently there is no support in the Vault core for partial backup/restore. 3. The expired token shows a num_uses of -1 and appears to not be usable. -use-limit=1) token is used to create a raft snapshot, the expired token reappears when the snapshot is restored. Warn("the MAP_POPULATE mmap flag has not been set before opening the FSM database. Log out and delete all the pods / $ exit $ oc delete po --all -n takeoverworld-app-dev. save I now have a file of the snapshot, and I am able to use it to restore the server. To Reproduce Start with a running vault, using Looks like you’re using the filesystem storage type and not integrated. So with this observation, I afraid about my data security. Solution Then I use following CLI command to create a snapshot: vault operator raft snapshot save raft. 0. The default is https://127. Copy » autopilot. Vault went to sealed state and I have to unseal it using the source recovery keys. json Taking a Vault Backup RAFT Snapshot. Prerequisites: Vault binary 1. This endpoint joins a new server node to the Raft cluster. Metric type Since Vault key/value data in Consul is encrypted and cannot be fully verified with respect to correct values outside of Vault, you would need to restore the snapshot into a Consul environment, point a Vault server to that environment, unseal Vault, and utilize a method such as scripting or other tools, to verify the contents of the Vault data. Does anybody here have any expierence what the best practise is to backup and restore all my vault data ? My first idea is to dump the vault DB and restore it with standard postgres SQL tools. This may be due to the database file being larger than the available memory on the system, or due to the VAULT_RAFT_DISABLE_MAP_POPULATE environment variable being set. Failed to start Raft: recovery failed: failed to restore any of the available snapshots bootstrap_expect > 0: expecting 3 servers failed to restore snapshot 2-36814322-1579194254301 Hi all, I am using Vault HA with raft. tar. ; any other configuration option can be set by prefixing VRSA_ to the upper-cased path to the key and replacing . After this, the vault-agent in the app pods seem to take a long time to take this state change into account. Updating the application adapter to use ember-fetch fixes the issue. vault operator raft snapshot validate raft. How-to restore a snapshot to a Vault cluster running on Kubernetes; Un-mounting Secrets Engine With Many Secrets Times Out; Where are My Vault Logs and How do I Share Them with HashiCorp Support? Hi, I am trying to take a snapshot of a live 3-node Vault cluster with Raft storage, and restore it onto a single DR node on a different IP address. Because i’m using AWS KMS auto-unseal for my production server i only have recovery-keys available and no unseal-key. $ vault operator raft snapshot save raft01. I am running Vault official docker image. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Deployed a vault cluster usi 2023-04-28T14:04:52. However, consul allows for limited configuration of the raft snapshot behavior through the use of the raft_snapshot_threshold and raft_snapshot_interval settings. ")} On attempting to restart the 'leader' node on the Consul cluster (as part of a Vault v Overview of the Issue Running a 3 node Consul 'server' cluster. I think as an attacker it’s possible to take a Hello, i’m facing some troubles while trying to restore a backup from an vault server (raft storage) which was initially created with AWS KMS auto-unseal on a new server to verify if my backup is working. Solution My process so far has been taking a snapshot of the EC2 cluster, spinning down the instance, and then spinning up the EKS namespace (currently working with just one pod for simplicity’s sake; will have more once the migration is complete), initializing a new Vault instance on the EKS pod, then restoring the Raft snapshot over the new instance. Arguments Hello, I’m currently working on a backup/restore feature on our app which uses: postgresql for data vault for managing postgresql users credentials, which uses vaultuser for connecting to postgresql vault-agent for giving these credentials to our app pods I’m able to do a restore by using pg_restore, vault operator raft snapshot restore and restoring the password Vault is seemingly unable to restore a 29Gb snapshot. steps: Take raft snapshot from cluster A. We will create a cronjob that automatically takes Watch out for VAULT_TOKEN. snap This creates the file raft. I have Cluster A (Vault raft HA Cluster with transit auto-unseal) and new Cluster B (Vault raft HA Cluster with transit auto-unseal. I was wondering how to decrypt it because the public keys f. Click Snapshots in the left navigation menu and then the blue create snapshot button. 16. At the moment I am only able to download and restore the snapshot from the UI. Using BoltDB as the DFSM also keeps the Vault snapshots lightweight because the Vault data is already persisted to disk in BoltDB, the snapshot process just needs to truncate the Raft logs. That API endpoint will only work with Integrated/Raft. I tried following steps: run helm chart in vault operator raft snapshot save <snapshot_file>. Under normal operations, the snapshot process should not require any manual tuning. g. $ oc rsh pinky-vault Describe the bug If a single use (e. The restored token also appears to be irrevocable and in some kind of stuck state. How do I restore the data from ClusterA into ClusterB giving the backup is encrypted with the keys from ClusterA? Regards, Daniel When a snapshot is taken, the matching unseal key and root token must be used to access the vault when a snapshot is restored. I can restore successfully, but none of the nodes ever join as a leader. Restores involve a potentially dangerous low Raft in Vault. c75QL4pb4oPa2FVnF263Wofb # restore snapshot $ vault Although snapshots are only a moment point in time and are not dynamic, they can offer vital information for troubleshooting. Hi All, I am in a new environment where i have to migrate Vault data from one environment to another. ClusterA dies and I recreate ClusterB. Before proceeding, make sure that you do not already have an existing VAULT_TOKEN environment variable exported in your shell session. Integrated Storage Consul storage backend Take a snapshot of the raft storage layer of Vault using this command. 4. Once all the pods have restarted, remote console into the Vault and Unseal it using the original keys from the restored snapshot. I’ve installed from scratch the vault (no If you are not using a KMS provider to secure the keyring, you should use the -redact flag to remove key material before transmitting the snapshot to HashiCorp Support. I tried following steps: run helm chart in I’m able to do a restore by using pg_restore, vault operator raft snapshot restore and restoring the password for vaultuser. performanceMultiplier. At the moment I am only able to download and restore the Hello, I am trying to restore a Raft snapshot onto a new Vault cluster. hycq itaze qheska rpimm xbl rvcj lrlqvd uhdf whnre sudpqx