Disable scroll css on div. Set overflow-x to hidden.
Disable scroll css on div When u scroll with your mouse u should be able to continue scrolling but only in the second one. The simplest and most common way to prevent horizontal scrolling is to set the overflow-x property to hidden on the body or container element. I have to set it on the body in index. The user enters a search term, and in a div below the input there are items Feb 2, 2020 · I want to create a HTML file that contains an embedded style sheet. Previously, I have had a DIV that covers the scrollbars by using an iframe to show a page and then the page that contains the iframe tag shows the dialog - which then covers the iframe and it's scrollbars. User can scroll in both directions to inspect the content. disable textarea { overflow: hidden; } To disable the contents of a <div/> on all browsers, except IE10 and under. I have tried setting the parent overflow to hidden, and the comment div to scroll, and the scrollbar actually shows on the page but it is disabled. #my-div { pointer-events:none; } Nov 17, 2013 · Scrolling using the bar works fine, but mouse wheel won't work. css({overfl May 21, 2013 · UPDATE: Firefox now supports hiding scrollbars with CSS, so all major browsers are now covered (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. Instead, the div vertical scroll-able. mainSection { overflow:scroll } but it doesn't wo Jul 25, 2014 · css disable scrolling in div. It's because of overflow-x andoverflow-y on the html tag. To only hide the vertical scrollbar, or only the horizontal scrollbar, use overflow-y or overflow-x: Note that overflow: hidden will also remove the functionality of the scrollbar. The scrollbar can be triggered with any property overflow, overflow-x, or overflow-y and each can be set to any of visible, hidden, scroll, auto, or inherit. Oct 10, 2016 · "I have no control over toggling classes based on a click within a react component. left { overflow:hidden; } you need to define the height (so its less than contents) for the scroll function to kick in otherwise it just takes up 100% and ignores the overflow css Dec 19, 2016 · I want to disable scrolling in the first div but still be able to scroll in the second div. Dec 14, 2022 · It will disable the touch scroll as well; It will disable the scroll up and down by selecting the text. The div is scrollable and I don't want the body to scroll along with it. While the mouse is over the child div, I'd like the page (body) scroll to be locked. To stop the scroll at the end of an element, set on the element’s CSS: Apr 16, 2017 · I had a similar problem; wanting to disable vertical scrolling while a "popup" div was displayed. addEventListener('wheel', function(e) { e. 3. e. body { overflow: hidden; } . Like the previous answers, you would use overflow:hidden to disable the scrollbars on the body/div. I want to add a color mask to it that overlays the content, but will not scroll with the content. disable-scroll { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } 在上面的例子中,我们给body元素添加了overflow: hidden属性,同时创建了一个名为. That's now what I want, I want to physically DISABLE the horizontal scroll feature. Jan 8, 2019 · When the popup is opened, add a class to the parent that will disable the scrolling via CSS with overflow: hidden. Now inside this div make another div with the height of your document (with all it's contents). Prevent scroll - JQuery. It is not possible to scroll inside the page. Fixed div inside a scrollable div - CSS Sep 7, 2010 · I am using the following code to disable scrolling and it works fine $('html'). All you have to do is add the CSS class . What do I need to change from when the div is open: $('body'). And there is one div block with some text. Feb 26, 2018 · if you want to disable the scrollbar, but still able to scroll the content of inner DIV, use below code in css, . I don't want the document itself to scroll. This removes both vertical and horizontal scrollbars, preventing the user from scrolling the page. so div1 div2 div3 Is there a way to focus the scroll only on div2? so that the contents of div1 and div3 is always seen while the user 'scrolls' only Oct 8, 2024 · However, no scroll chaining occurs on neighboring scrolling areas; the underlying elements will not scroll. Jul 6, 2016 · css disable scrolling in div. Oct 25, 2024 · Now, when you click the chart and show the dialog the page is still scrollable (depending on your screen/browser size). The container will perfectly scroll its content within. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? CSS Dec 11, 2010 · If you check out the link, you'll see that the yellow stripes across the top do not trigger scrolling, but the white one on the bottom does, if the window is re-sized to less than its width. The scrollbar can I was able keep the viewport from moving when you scroll past the end of the div by explicitly capturing the scroll event on the parent of the scrollable div and not allowing it to actually scroll. How to disable scroll function? Hot Network Questions Experience points for treasure? Apr 13, 2021 · Whether for design or functionality reasons, it’s easy to hide the scrollbar on a page or page element with a bit of CSS. Sep 25, 2022 · In this tutorial, we will learn how to do exactly disable scroll with CSS on a website. I tried many way to get rid of this but no luck. css({ 'overflow': 'hidden', 'height': '100%' }); except that on my android tablet, url address bar and top window tags remain visible, and when users scroll up and down, the window also scrolls for about 40px up and down, and shows/hides the url bar and the tags. To achieve a similar effect via the browser's scrollbar try position:fixed on the header: Jun 8, 2015 · I have a div with scrollable content. However, no scroll chaining occurs on neighboring scrolling areas; the underlying elements will not scroll. Is there a possiblity to stop this scroll effect? Jul 21, 2010 · . No scroll chaining occurs to neighboring scrolling areas, and default scroll overflow behavior is Instead of setting the whole div to scroll, I want everything to stay in place, leaving only the comments div to scroll. Dec 15, 2021 · I'm using CSS smooth scroll - which is triggered by clicking a div. Set overflow-x to Hidden to Disable Horizontal Scroll Bar in CSS. When user presses a button (missing in the demo below), the whole container is covered I attempted to create this with just CSS (i. 通过使用CSS的overflow属性,我们可以轻松地为特定的div启用滚动,并禁用页面的滚动。通过将div的overflow属性设置为”auto”或”scroll”,我们可以启用div的滚动。 Apr 9, 2013 · I have tried searching on SO and Google for a general answer for Prevent all scrolling mechanisms, but everything is very specific - like how to disable scrolling with touches, or with arrow keys, or the scrollbars themselves. Horizontal scroll you could even disable it with just css, applying overflow-x:hidden; to your main container. The fix: In your css include -::-webkit-scrollbar { -webkit-appearance: none; width: 7px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar . Has anyone else come across this? Jun 19, 2015 · css disable scrolling in div. but i want to enable scroll in the right column which would have more content. 0. Stopping a scroll at a certain div. Oct 28, 2008 · IE has some bug with the scrollbars. disable { opacity: 0. – Oct 23, 2012 · The issue isn't with overflow-x on the body tag. css. The reason for this is that overflow: hidden makes the site jump and take up the area where the scroll was. Changing the overflow property of the body does work, but also mess with the document's width. Nov 21, 2017 · But I want to enable scrolling again if a counter reaches to a certain value say 4, the counter will keep increase by 1 on mouse scroll. Default scroll overflow behavior (e. Oct 2, 2018 · You don't need to disable the scroll. Instead, just an area (a <div> element) should be scrollable (via css property overflow-y: I combined a couple of different answers in SO into the following snippet, which should work on all, if not most, modern browsers I believe. This method will hide any content that extends beyond the Mar 3, 2013 · I have a div with a height and overflow-x: hidden so I can see the vertical scroll-bar. css('overflow', 'hidden'); to when the div is closed: Nov 9, 2016 · Pretty much title, I would like to allow scrolling in a DIV, but disable click events. It's pretty simple, uses 2 divs (outer fullscreen-div with First disable vertical scrollbar by setting it's: overflow-y: hidden; Then make a div with fixed position with a height equal to the screen height and make it's width thin to look like scrollbar. , "bounce" effects) is observed inside the element where this value is set. preventDefault(); }); that works very well but in this way i disable scroll also for a div (my menu) that has overflow: auto. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. */ border: 1px dashed gray; padding: . How can I set the navigation so theres no scroll bar? header { width: 800px; margi May 3, 2013 · In my case, I have a button which, when clicked, opens a div scrollable on the y-axis. But it's not working on my iPhone 6s Mobile Safari. On mobile, scrolling the div scrolls the whole page, and the touch-action CSS property doesn't help. That way it can only scroll the div and not the page. This approach prevents any overflow content from being displayed. scroll() and stop. good luck. Feb 25, 2020 · You need to start from the html tag down. OSx Lion hides scrollbars while not in use to make it seem more "slick", but at the same time the issue you addressed comes up: people sometimes cannot see whether a div has a scroll feature or not. I would like disable vertical scroll in all mobile devices and i found this: document. So the only way to do it that comes to my mind is to set CSS class conditionally on the body. Here's my code: Jan 14, 2015 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Apr 15, 2013 · On a responsive site I'm developing I have my own little lightbox-script which opens images fullscreen while maintaining their aspect ratio. content::-webkit-scrollbar { /* This is the magic bit for W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. The HTML file should show rectangles on the top right corner in a column. Dec 17, 2015 · You have it covered aside from using the wrong property. addEventListener('touchmove', function(e){ e. Then you'd bind the mousewheel event to a function that would change the scrollTop of the div to emulate scrolling. There are multiple ways to do this — hiding the scrollbar while allowing scrolling, hiding it while disabling scrolling, and keeping the scrollbar hidden only until it’s needed — some of which will work better based on your case. Now I want to disable manual scrolling, so you can only scroll by clicking that div and not by actually scrolling. However, when I disable the textarea by javascript and blur() all of them, the space keystroke still affect the div as scroll page down. By default when we click a link it skips directly to that element using smooth scrolling the UX improves a lot. Jul 23, 2016 · I'm trying to disable the html/body scrollbar of the parent while I'm using a lightbox. This works if 'html' or 'body' are actually your scrolling elements and fixes the somewhat counterintuitive over-scroll behavior of position: fixed elements. . It and all parents of your scrollable elements should have the height of the viewport. click(function { return false; }); CSS:. divHideScroll { -ms-overflow-style: none; } Learn how to hide scrollbars with CSS. Please help me! Oct 6, 2023 · To disable scrolling on the body element using CSS, you can use the overflow property. The overflow property defines the behavior of the scrollbar in a webpage. A sticky element toggles between relative and fixed, depending on the scroll position. The simplest way to disable scrolling is to set overflow: hidden on the <body> element. right { height:100vh; overflow-y: scroll; } . " Not necessarily true! It's good that you're thinking in a "React-ful" way and wary about modifying the DOM. I do not want the user to be able to scroll left to right on my page just up and down! I have tried: overflow-x:hidden in css on my html tag but it only made the scrollbar hidden and did not disable the scroll. Input If the browser window is too small, the rectan Is there any way to disable scroll on one single page? I tried to set overflow: hidden on the specific page but that didn't work. If you're using jquery mobile it makes sense to do this at the page level like so: $('div[data-role="page"]'). html, body { overflow-x: hidden; } body { width:100%; } Share Apr 12, 2014 · css disable scrolling in div. If you are targeting > iOS 16 devices, to prevent bounce effect when content inside overflowing parent reaches start or end, add following CSS to the div with overflow : scroll. For disabling the horizontal scrolling we can set the property overflow-x to hidden along with the height is set to 100%. container and both scrollable elements should have a height: 100% or height: 100vh. preventDefault(); // add custom scroll code if you want }); So it is disabled for clicks, but the scroll-functionality is'nt disabled. Oct 11, 2024 · Smooth scrolling refers to the scrolling of a section of the webpage when the respective link is clicked. The reason i'm doing it this way is that I have custom code to scroll the way I want, but if don't add any code it will just don't scroll on wheel. Here are two possible ways to achieve this: Method 1: Using overflow:hidden. I am trying to display the entire page though, which might be different from what you're trying to achieve. We can use the CSS overflow property to disable the scroll bar in CSS. main-page { // making a container for demonstration purposes display: block; // custom tags need a display, block forces 100% width max-width: 1000px; // just matching your image width margin: 0 auto; // centering if window is bigger than max-width } banner-image { display: block; // custom tag needs a display height: 80px; // set to the height Mar 30, 2018 · Created a navigation bar and looks good in firefox then behold, in chrome and ie theres a scroll bar. So if you want either of the two, you must include the following to hide the horizontal scrollbar: overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y:scroll; and to hide vertical: overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: scroll; Feb 2, 2024 · This tutorial will introduce some methods to disable the functionality of the scroll bar on a web page. element-selector { /* Hides overflow on the x-axis and y-axis */ overflow : hidden; } Here are two CSS techniques you can use. overflow: hidden; Feb 5, 2024 · Need to temporally disable scrolling on a specifc scrollable element? Here are 5 ways to do it! The most straightforward way to disable horizontal scrolling is by setting the overflow-x property of the body or a specific container to hidden. And the counter will decrease by 1 if mouse scroll up and when the counter reaches 0 the scroll disable will be enabled again and the user can scroll the page up. content { /* This is the magic bit for Firefox */ scrollbar-width: none; } . divHideScroll { overflow: -moz-scrollbars-none; } . I'm using the Jquery dialog to open a popup box window on top of a page. Dec 19, 2016 · . This will hide any content that overflows its available space, preventing users from scrolling to bring it into view. Sep 16, 2016 · I got a textarea inside a div. Use overflow-x: hidden. g events), which would get blocked by the previous CSS (since it makes the body scroll instead of the window), and works by stopping event propagation at the edges, but needs to synthesize the scrolling of the non-edge component; the downside is that it prevents some types of Jun 18, 2013 · I'm creating a mobile app, and I'm trying to do this: I want a pop-up to open, which will work as an auto-suggest feature. Can any one please help me. no-scrollbar is the class that we are going to use for hidding the scrollbar. Now I want to scroll these divs in a customized synchronized* way regardles The JS one is needed when some other JS depends on window (e. disable-scrollbars onto the element you wish to apply this to. 4; } /* Disable scrolling on child elements */ . Again when I returned to previous(25%) view the div should be clickable. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Sep 18, 2017 · css disable scrolling in div. If you add to your menu container div a style of z-index: 10 and your div with an id of map a z-index: 5, this will place the map behind the menu. ). 2022) suggest to add overflow: hidden dynamically to either 'body' or 'html' when you open the modal/pop-up. How to disable mouse scrolling for the document but enable scrolling for the textbox when mouse is over textbox? I only need to disable mouse scroll and not window scrollbars. When the modal is open I'm stopping the scroll on Desktop with overflow:hidden; to the <body>. In IE9 the page had a vertical scrollbar, but you couldn't use the mousewheel, arrow keys, pgup/pgdwn to scroll. none. So let’s jump right in! So before we try to remove the scrollbar need to learn about an important CSS property called the overflow property. body. Tailwind CSS provides a utility class named scroll-smooth which applies the CSS pr Techniques to Disable Horizontal Scroll 1. You can store a variable in the state of the parent that will track if the popup is opened or not, and add / remove the class depending on that variable. The overflow property has the following values: Jun 2, 2010 · I want my page's BODY not to be scrollable but a DIV inside the BODY should be scrollable. myDiv { height:300px; overflow: scroll; } May 24, 2011 · I have an absolutely positioned element that is "outside" of the page, but I want browsers (I am using Firefox 3) not to display horizontal scrollbars. Set overflow-x to hidden. They are not directly involved in hiding the scrollbar. The textarea taller than div but not vertical scroll-able. The contain value disables native browser navigation, including the vertical pull-to-refresh gesture and horizontal swipe navigation. This div should be vertically scroll-able. Methods to Disable Horizontal Scrolling. If there is such a parent div tag you will still be able to lock the table from scrolling when you apply the following style, but the containing parent div will still have the scrollbar displayed Dec 21, 2017 · All the answers so far (Oct. contain. To do so, I am doing : $('body'). Learn how to add scrollbars to a div inside a fixed-height container using CSS. you need more content in it than its height and overflow:scroll for it to scroll. divHideScroll::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0 !important } . So the first div (the blue one) is locked and keeps full height without being able to scroll. An example of what I'm trying to acheive is youtubes playlist selector. May 27, 2017 · I created a website with jQueryMobile for iOS and Android. Jan 9, 2020 · Consider a container with an overflowing content. Like this: Jan 11, 2017 · Bohdan's solution above is great. Everything else remains the same. Stop Body Scrolling under a certain div. Mar 13, 2009 · To disable the contents of a <div/> on all browsers. You can use it also for any div which is scrolling. Hot Network Questions Multicolumns centered Jan 14, 2017 · I have made a div which wraps the overflow content scrollable but I want it's scroll to be hidden but div remains scroll-able. how can I make them invisible (scrollable div without scrollbars)? . Does anyone know any way this could be accomplished? Thank you! Jul 12, 2012 · If you want to add a scrollbar to the content element itself take a look at the other answers. This will hide any content that overflows the body and prevent scrolling. When I open the dialog box, I want the general page scrolling to be disabled. . CSS Overflow. You can do this with a single CSS rule! Thanks to the CSS property: overscroll-behavior. disable-scroll的类,将其position属性设置为fixed,并充满整个视口。 方法二:通过JavaScript禁用滚动 css overscroll-behavior is now supported in iOS 16. the reason why your sidebar doesn’t scroll is because it doesn’t have enough content in it thus no scrolling necessary. the case when user is not at the exact top of the page, but near the top of the page (say, scrollTop being 5px) and all of a sudden the user does a sudden massive pull down! Jul 9, 2012 · The post is old but I found a perfect CSS for the purpose and I want to share it. Just ran into this problem myself. once the sidebar scrolls to the bottom if its content, the body will continue to scroll. Dec 10, 2010 · lastly i encountered this issue the overflow-x property did not help me and i think its a banal solution, i recommend to inspect and check the elements that are potentially big and take more size than the other elements in your page, don't forget to check the width of some of your container the width based on view (vw) property can restrict your containers and its so practical. When pushing button "Enable / Jul 20, 2013 · By Assuming that you want to customize the browser scrollbar, You can do this easily with some nice Jquery Plugins, or you can do the magic with css. Add overflow: hidden; to hide both the horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Jquery: $("#myDiv") . Here's an example at youtube Hover your mouse inside the popular uploads part and trying scrolling all the way up and down. Any ideas? Marvellous Feb 16, 2017 · But the problem is that if page p1 has more content that does not fit into the screen, it scrolls. Oct 27, 2014 · I want to disable the body from scrolling when a div is in the foreground. How can I enable higher z-indexed modal to be scrollable and set background div not to Jul 18, 2013 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Some modals can expand sizes and thus were made scrollable. Mar 19, 2013 · So making the height long enough to make scrolling nonsensical actually made the scroll bar go away for me. Sep 9, 2011 · When a div with fixed height's content ends up getting larger than the div we need a scroll bar, but the scrollbar takes out some width and thus a horizontal bar is added to. div-scroll element can use arrows to scroll and not the whole page where I'm in the bottom/top of the . description { height: 150px; overflow: scroll; } <div cl Sep 6, 2020 · CSS solution. a div overlay on top of the whole page and body with overflow: you could either enable/disable scroll based on your Nov 27, 2019 · Try this code,overflow will help to remove scrollbar. When closing the popup, remove that class. Is it possible to remove mouse scrolling on this particular div? You can do this with background-size: cover. This means that the html, body, . The page has a fixed size and there will only be scrollbars when the browser window is not maximized. Is there a way to disable the zoom via mouse scroll wheel on all of them using Javascript? Mar 1, 2015 · I created a modal. The overflow property specifies whether to clip the content or to add scrollbars when the content of an element is too big to fit in the specified area. I do not want to hide it with overflow: hidden;. net/6e9t1wt3/1/ Aug 5, 2023 · How do I disable clicking and scrolling for the div under the navbar when the Then in the CSS define it with a z-index that is greater than everything in the Sep 23, 2015 · in mobile web application I'd often use modals. css to make it work but that obviously disable scroll on all pages. However, it doesn't catch/block the momentum-- i. pagination but I do not know enough about how to do this. Here's an There's a simpler answer suggested here for a related question: OSX - disable inertia scroll for "single-page" webapp. Jun 12, 2019 · I have a div which will expand onclick a button,again when I click on the div, it will be clickable or alert will come,but when I click on expanded(100%) view it should not be clickable,it should be like disable. Aug 13, 2013 · What you want to do is: position: fixed; Because position: absolute; sets position relative to parent coordinates and when the document is scrolled, absolute position is STILL relative to parent's and parents (through whatever count of levels) is relative to whole document position. I accomplished this in a browser but it doesn't work in mobile. (you can scroll with mousewheel and with "select text by pulling mouse out of the textbox") If you want to disable the scroll-functionality, you have to add another div that disable user input without the "disabled-opacity": Jun 3, 2022 · At this point we added ::-webkit-scrollbar to target the scrollbar style in Chrome,Safari, Edge and Opera. I noticed in the latest versions of safari you cannot disable the bounce effect though. Hot Network Questions Is "somewhat of a" an Americanism or an May 3, 2011 · I have the following css but the scroll bars are visible. Jul 23, 2014 · I'd like to disable outside scrolling while the mouse is inside of this particular div (there's three of this type of div). The reason I am looking for this is to be able to create a new div below Dec 5, 2016 · I have a vertically-scrolling div within a page that also scrolls vertically. div { overscroll-behavior: none; overflow : scroll } Tested in iOS 16 and above. It seems that displaying a div that is positi Sep 28, 2011 · Is it possible to disable the ability for the mouse wheel to scroll the page whilst it is inside a certain DIV. It's working. How do we prevent a horizontal scroll even if the content is to wide I want no ability for the user to be able to scroll horizontally. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Step II Now use no-scrollbar to hide the scrollbar in your elements. It's a native feature of the browser on mobile devices. What I did was "redirect" the document scrolling to the element when the start of the touch originates from the element. Hot Network Questions Mama’s cookies too dry to bake LGPL-like license for 3D models Odd-looking coordinate system Feb 24, 2014 · I am working on a WordPress site where the authors usually embed Google Maps using iFrames in most posts. The main word here is disable. Is it possible to disable scrolling of the background content while the popover is open? In other words can you have an absolute positioned div scroll while disabling scrolling of the background content? Jun 11, 2019 · How to make content in some div block inactive using JavaScript? Let's say there is a button with command "Enable / Disable". I have this in my css file: body { overflow:hidden } . JQuery libraries are installed so I imagine it would be something along the lines of . Bas Nov 8, 2023 · Scroll value: The scroll value of the overflow property adds horizontal and vertical scroll bars so you can adjust or scroll the content if it’s too large to fit its box; Hidden value: The hidden value ensures the content outside the viewport is hidden and only the part inside the viewport is visible Oct 25, 2023 · The scroll-snap-stop CSS property defines whether or not the scroll container is allowed to "pass over" possible snap positions. Jul 20, 2017 · I have two bootstrap columns "left" and "right"; I want to fix the left column with the screen and disable scroll. div-scroll element and hit up/down arrow. May 6, 2024 · To turn off scroll in CSS, set the overflow property to hidden. on('scroll', function(e) {e Aug 9, 2015 · I simply added a overflow: scroll to it and it works, however if the page is longer than the list, it continues scrolling past the popover. How can I Nov 12, 2015 · Yeah, I know how to prevent keys scrolling but don't know how to incorporate this into the code I provided that only the . When the child div is scrolled with the mouse wheel and reaches the top or bottom of the scroll bar, the page (body) begins to scroll. To fix this problem, you don’t need to use Javascript or jQuery to check if the scroll event reached the end of the element. content { /* These rules create an artificially confined space, so we get a scrollbar that we can hide. How stop horizontal scroll in rigth of div. g. One way to disable scrolling on the body element is by setting the overflow property to hidden. disable div, . 1. addClass("disable") . The most straightforward way to disable horizontal scrolling is by setting the overflow-x property of the body or a specific container to hidden. how to block a div so that the scroll x does not move when my Jul 18, 2013 · You can also override the style in your table or tbody tags, this will work well if there is no parent div tag whose style allows the table to scroll. You can make use of the z-index css property. Aug 22, 2013 · There are 3 divs, side by side to each other. I want to know if its possible to disable a scrollbar while still This solution will maintain the current scroll position whilst scrolling is disabled, unlike some which jump the user back to the top. 但是,当内容超过div的高度时,div将出现滚动条,用户可以滚动浏览隐藏的内容。 总结. Set overflow to hidden for the html and body Tags to Disable Scroll Bar in CSS. Now, when the user taps on submit button, page p1 is disabled by the input blocker, but still the user is able to scroll page p1. http://jsfiddle. Once I removed this from the HTML tag, I could put whatever overflow I wanted on my body. Avoid horizontal scroll HTML web page. 5em; white-space: pre-wrap; height: 5em; overflow-y: scroll; } . window. The only way to scroll was to actually click/hold and move the scrollbar. Here is the code below May 20, 2016 · You can use this css statment to disable click events: pointer-events:none; You could use CSS to disable pointer events. Here are some effective methods to disable horizontal scrolling using CSS: 1. Example: body { overflow-x: hidden; /* Disable horizontal scrolling Oct 8, 2024 · The default scroll overflow behavior occurs as normal. I am essentially looking to have the horizontal scroll bar appear only when the window is smaller in width than the 960 grid. It's based on galambalazs' answer, but with support for touch devices, and refactored as a single object with jquery plugin wrapper. Now when I scroll the whole page with the mouse wheel, if my cursor goes on the top of that div it starts scrolling the div instead of the page. Apr 1, 2015 · html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } body > div { height: 100%; overflow: scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } This way the body has never any overflow and won't "bounce" when scrolling at the top and bottom of the page. May 13, 2018 · Problem: I have two containers with overflowing text content like so: where the blue <div>s have overflow:hidden. I removed the following from the css: { overflow-x: hidden; } Then scrolling worked as usual. jxykvaxuxrcjxfnycibimrzebvbvqjfbjhmqaxxwwuqrqvhysexzppaavfxtnnlqnzqzpnjutasdfv