Elite dangerous frag cannon engineering Spam the trigger on your controller to shoot everything in a quick burst, then it will reload as you reposition for another pass. I am thinking Rapid Fire but could do with some advice as I haven't done engineering before. This modification can be applied to the following weapons by the May 12, 2022 · Here's what happens when you put space shotguns (frag cannons) on Alliance Challenger and then engineer them for max damage!Challenger itself is very agile s Jan 8, 2019 · Large FIXED frag: 4. They are experimental munitions that disrupt engine exhaust flow on the target, temporarily preventing ENG power distribution from increasing thrust. 5 dps (48. — In-Game Description A Plasma Accelerator is a weapon module that fires slugs of superheated plasma. Huge autoloading cannons do filthy amounts of DPS, almost as much as PAs against engineered shields, more against unengineered and leave PAs in the dust for hull damage Frag cannon or pacifier a good option. Much like standard cannons, the Concord Cannon is a Unlocking the Pacifier Frag Cannon Elite Dangerous PowerplayThe Pacifier Frag-Cannon is a large Fragment Cannon variant that gains tighter spread and longer The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. To acquire an Pacifier Frag-Cannon contact the Zachary Hudson Powerplay Group. Oct 23, 2020 · Guardians unlocked, Frag Mamba well in its way- just got to grab a few more engineering mats- I don't need too much but typically it's the G5 stuff I'm a little short of! After that time to put it to the test, Deciat should provide some helpful gankers The Pacifier is a Power Play variant of the Fragmentation Cannon given as a loyalty reward to supporters of Zachary Hudson. This is an easy-to-follow guide for the Elite: Dangerous engineer, Tod 'The Blaster' McQuinn. She's a real monster now concerning shields and hull tanking ability. May 7, 2024 · honestly its worse than an FDL for Combat same size power plant and distributer, as the FDL, however the mk 2 requires more power for the engines and shields, as well as more distributer for them as well. Oct 14, 2017 · Hi CMDRs, I recently finally bought the Federal Corvette and I'm finished modding her internals and shield boosters. The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons Double shot + corrosive per frag cannon 321. Rapid Fire Weapon is an engineer modification that can be applied to weapons. Get a Viper MkIV for better fitting. It's just much easier to engineer them OC'd as HC requires Military Supercapacitors, which aren't as easy to get in large quantities as MEF. As weapons right now I have 2 huge fixed cannons, G5 OC both with High Yield Shells for catastrophic internal damage. I used a Class 2 frag cannon on my Vulture, and 500m really is the maximum range if you want to hit with the majority of the pellets - the spread is enormous. Feb 28, 2018 · Please can someone help me. Neither is there a huge variant of it, so it's definitely forgotten. The weapon has a built in auto loading action that will slowly reload over time. Since then he's garnered further fame as a bounty hunter, flying a Fer-de-Lance with seriously overpowered multi-cannons. Note the variations in values for certain types of weapons in the tables below, primarily Burst Lasers. The ammo count is as low as you've heard - only 30. Jun 19, 2018 · Elite Dangerous. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you can impact it all. Tod McQuinn earned his nickname from a successful season in the CQC Arena. Apr 11, 2018 · Went to Zacariah Nemo for some engineering of virgin Pacifier frag cannons. Agreed on all counts. Bill TurnerPlasma Accelerators, Utilities Broo TarquinPulse Lasers, Burst Lasers Colonel Bris DekkerFSD Interdictors Didi VatermanShield Boosters, Shield Generators Elvira MartuukFSD, Shield Generators Etienne DornWeaponry, Sensors, Scanners Felicity FarseerFSD, Engines, Thrusters Hera TaniPower Plants, Power Distributors Juri IshmaakMines, Missiles, Scanners Lei The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. This effect is available to the following The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons Jan 4, 2018 · The 2 cannons have autoloader, the 1xLarge 2xMed MCs have Incend Rounds, the 1xSmall MC has corrosive and the frag cannon has drag munitions. I take my fully engineered Chieftain out with 3 small 1 med The frag and beam (as well as pure frag) mamba which is the strongest meta FDL counter, imo, in the right hands, is still not better than the meta. Jun 19, 2018 #4 Lucifera Danzig said: Double Shot Weapon is an engineer modification that can be applied to Fragment Cannons. Just buy the fixed versions and lead by hand, then you can fire when you think it's right. 5 seconds Fixed Double shot + corrosive per frag cannon 376. It increases integrity at the cost of increased mass. It is a modified ammo system capable of delivering superheated rounds, converting 90% of damage to thermal, making the weapon more effective against shields, at the cost of a 5% decrease in rate-of-fire and tripling of weapon heat generated by firing. Multi-Cannons have finite ammunition and need reloading. This is because there are no engineering options for the shock cannon, and there never will be, so it has no place on a G5 engineered warship. An Experimental Effect, formerly known as a Special Effect, is a bonus modification that an Engineer can apply to a weapon or module that already has an Engineering modification of any quality grade. If the clip empties completely, a longer full reload will be undertaken. Dangerous Discussion . Different modes and classes of the Jun 10, 2024 · The Python Mk II is a solid choice for a frag cannon bounty hunter build in Elite Dangerous. High capacicity heat seeker missiles on a Viper and some lasers on top with auto tracking/firing and bottom for heat seeker missiles and multi-cannon (fixed mount) does a decent job. There is a limit of 4 experimental modules per vessel. Drag Munitions is an Experimental Effect that can be applied to a weapon through Engineering. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs… The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Also engineering itself is better, and less random. Cannons best engineered Mods The Cannon is best for module sniping. 4 dps (58. Hold trigger to delay detonation of flak ordnance. THat's why the meta is the meta. The rapid fire modification can be May 11, 2019 · Having recently been made aware of the usefulness of Pacifiers, I got myself some. A corrosive multi cannon would be conventional. Now you can have beam, burst and pulse and they can be engineered in many ways but multi-cannons can also be engineered. Jan 5, 2025 · Discover the best engineering modifications in Elite Dangerous for 2025. Sure. This enhanced version grants improved damage output to each projectile. Like the Fragment Cannon The Pacifier Frag-Cannon is a Fragment Cannon available from Zachary Hudson. These are especially useful against exposed Thargoid Interceptor hearts. Cannons are a highly specialized weapon, designed for A frag-cannon with tighter spread pattern to deliver its damage at a greater range. Aug 10, 2024 · The Python Mk2 is finally available for everyone (on PC - Odyssey) to buy for credits (67 Million), does it live up to the hype and is it a great combat ship. This effect is available to the following weapons: Fragment Cannon Seeker Missile Rack 5x Carbon 5x Grid Resistors 2x Molybdenum Nov 28, 2024 · Maybe you want to earn some Powerplay Merits through mining, in which case check out our Elite Dangerous mining guide or better yet this total Elite Dangerous starter guide. — In-Game Description The Cannon is a heavy projectile weapon that fires large-calibre rounds, dealing kinetic damage. Corrosive works the other way round. since they are a size larger, all while offering a negligable increase over the fdl, while needing more capacitor and power for the weapons as its loadout requires more to use them. Commander Scipio. It allows the weapon to fire twice before reloading, and provides additional benefits to rate of fire and increased clip size, at the cost of decreased range. Feb 5, 2020 · My favourite primary engineering is Rapid Fire, which almost makes them able to fire continuously. Can be engineered with cannon mods and effects, and it uses obviously cannon synth recipes. The Pacifier Frag-Cannon is available only for a Class 3 fixed hardpoint. 57 * 12 * 183 = 10035. — In-Game Description The Shock Cannon is an experimental weapon that When engineering all five multi-cannons, is it best to simply engineer each multi-cannon at grade 3 then tune each one for the specific experimental effects I want? Scavenging for grade 5 components and engineering all five multi-cannons hoping to get the specific experimental effects I want seems to be a bit unreasonable. As such they're particular [sic] hard to defend against despite each missile being significantly weaker than a standard missile. Frag cannons excel at shredding hulls once shields are down, mak The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Unlocking the Pacifier Frag Cannon Elite Dangerous Powerplay The Pacifier Frag-Cannon is a large Fragment Cannon variant that gains tighter spread and longer range at the cost of reduced damage per sh Aug 21, 2023 · Shock cannon is an example of a weapon that had potential, but unfortunately was forgotten, so its potential will never be realized. 625 * 2200 = 10175 So a large fixed frag does fairly-nearly as much total damage as a huge fixed multicannon, and considerably more than a large fixed multicannon. Jul 5, 2020 · Frag cannon builds are very situational. Released on October 12, 3303, the Remote Release Flak Launcher is specifically designed as a countermeasure against the Thargon Swarms released by Thargoid Interceptors Jun 28, 2018 · Ever wanted to know how well Double Shot Frag Cannons work against NPCs ? You might be surprised. What I'm interested in is how multi-cannons actually compare to laser weapons vs shields. If you're already engineered, then this isn't really relevant, but there are new ships, so it'll be applicable to engineering the new ships. Dec 30, 2024 · There are places where you can fill up in 1-2 sessions on one type of engineering material, then you can trade down at your leisure as needed. x the double-shot modification gave 10% more DPS compared to overcharged but at the cost of strongly increased ammunition dependency. Just wondering what mod's people apply to them? I've never really paid a lot of attention to frag' cannons but when I have used them I've always applied double-shot with 1x drag and then a variety of other XFX Nov 26, 2024 · Really fun. It can inflict significant damage to targeted ship modules and the modules around it. This weapon is available in fixed, gimballed, an The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Multi-shot projectile weapon on fixed mount. The downside is RF adds a large jitter, meaning you need to get even closer to target to maximise DPS. Even my Type 10 runs gimbals for High RES, including when it was my cannon/burst boat. Alternatively, for a reminder of why you’re putting so much effort into learning, watch these beautiful Elite Dangerous anniversary videos or listen to this Elite Mar 24, 2017 · A frag cannon is a projectile weapon, that means it needs to lead the target. It's possible to have very effective full fragment cannon build now with all weapon special abilities. be/YGfWZ1DWuFsChannel GuidelinesBe kind, co The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. He's always happy to help fellow bounty hunters. 02 Sustained DPS (includes reload time) & 6. Develop your relationship with him Incendiary Rounds is an Experimental Effect that can be applied to weapons through Engineering. Packhounds generate quite a lot of heat and with high capacity engineering ammo lasts a while, but not long enough for a CZ battle. Elite Dangerous Resource Site. My frag and beam mamba has been beaten by exactly 1 meta fer de lance. The Pacifier Frag-Cannon can have the Engineering Effect Double Shot, Efficient, High Capacity, Light Weight, Overcharged, Rapid Fire or Sturdy applied to it. — In-Game Description The Pack-Hound Missile Rack is a Seeker Missile Rack variant that fires a salvo of four homing micro missiles. Didn't know they had inherent jitter like a Gimbal or Frag though. Nevertheless I liked to get maximum DPS for my fragging Vulture so I went again with this blueprint - what a disappointment! Nov 1, 2024 · 300/9 ammo, 3 shot burst per trigger (means same ammo count as cannons), 1300 m/s as default projectile speed, but lower AP of 42. Frag Cannon These can be absolutely devastating if used properly, but their range is so low you gotta be close enough to your target to smell their farts when they start shitting their pants! Low distributor Draw, Moderate fire rate, low projectile speed, moderate damage per shot, moderate-high dps, shit range. Thanks, in advance. For example focussed engineering on burst or pulse lasers increases piercing significantly. Mar 10, 2022 · I've currently got Huge multi-cannon, large beam and large multi-cannon, and plasma chargers on the small slots. 338K subscribers in the EliteDangerous community. You're trading Sustain (Ammo capacity) for ease of use, as Extended magazine increases both the Magazine Capacity (The Frag Cannon's primary DPS bottleneck) and total ammo capacity. — In-Game Description The Guardian Shard Cannon is a weapon that utilizes Guardian technology. Jun 8, 2018 · Having at least one corrosive option (Make it a Frag cannon if you have to) Is ideal as well. 8 dps (95. That last is just for fun, though, I did have seeker missiles in the small slots and liked them, but having a multi-cannon with corrosive and a pulse laser with scramble spectrum would be my other go-to choice. Aug 24, 2018 · Hello, commanders. Cannon capable of firing almost as fast the trigger can be pulled, firing very accurate, fast moving energy projectiles that can do high damage if successive shots land. Turreted drag frag is ok, turreted efficient + scramble burst keeps shields from regen and keeps a debuff up, that's about it. Mount All Fixed Gimbal Turret. Rapid fire, small calibre projectile weapon. Multi-cannons consume less power than energy weapons, generate less heat, and have a longer range, but have a finite stockpile of ammunition that must be replenished. It is a modified firing and targeting mechanism, decreasing reload times and increasing effectiveness against munitions. 2 sustained) Overcharged + Screening shell per frag cannon 423. Its unique characterises are increased range and shot speed with reduced damage. Mount Type DPS Damage Clip Ammo Power draw Mass Cost; Frag Cannon Rapid-fire projectile weapon on a gimballed mount. So I'm curious on what modification is best for my gimballed Multi Cannons. A seeking missile launcher that fires multiple specialised micro missiles that swarm and attack the target from all directions. I have a Python and I have put on it 3 Large 3C multi-cannons. First time engineering my weapons here. It's a shotgun. The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons A modified multicannon tuned to fire larger calibre rounds that deal more damage over a greater range at the cost of fire rate. One more thing. However, I quickly run out of ammunition and have eliminated comparably fewer NPCs than with a PythonMKII with 6 Frag Cannons in the same time. In order to purchase the Guardian Shard Cannon, it must first be unlocked through a Technology Broker. Overcharged Screening Large Gimballed Frag 79. maybe next time fixed frag cannon might be better if i take to time to find more mats A cannon variant that sacrifices damage per shot to achieve a more effective three-round burst. 2 dps (79 sustained) 60 reloads Reload 2. For engineering I usually use Double Shot (more damage) with Screening Shell experimental (much faster reload, which doubles your DPS). It reduces the weapon's reload time by 50%; the weapon reloads in half the time compared to unmodified (approximately three seconds compared to six The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. But let's not worry about that for now. — In-Game Description The Pacifier Frag-Cannon is a large Fragment Cannon variant that gains tighter spread and longer range at the cost of reduced damage per shot. It increases damage output at the cost of increased distributor draw, increased thermal load, and reduced clip size (in the case of Multi-cannons). — In-Game Description The Enhanced AX Multi-cannon is a Fixed-mount short-range weapon based on Guardian technology. In 2. It is available in 5 grades. Oct 1, 2024 · The Pacifier Frag Cannon is a powerful weapon that can be devastating in the right hands. Fly Safe, o7 The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. In-Game Description The Remote Release Flak Launcher is a remote release launcher hardpoint created by Aegis. — In-Game Description The Enforcer Cannon is a multi-cannon capable of dealing higher damage at the cost of a lower rate of fire. Jul 20, 2018 · You get double the staying power (and frag cannons have decent ammo reserves to begin with), double the damage per salvo when you want it, and higher sustained DPS for when you manage to glue yourself into a good position. 2 sustained) 24 reloads Reload 5 seconds Overcharged + Screening shell per frag cannon 366. It is available Frag Cannon - High Capacity is 100% fine for PvE if one has the spare materials as that provides the highest total damage per ammunition load, and for PvE OC'd Frag damage isn't strictly necessary. 1 sustained) Check out this frag cannon OP build for the Python Mk2 ! The Slippery Fragger!// This Video : Link: https://youtu. It is available in 5 grades, with the highest grade offering up to 70% increase in damage output. Either Rapid Fire or Overcharge them. Cannons are better equipped to punch through the hull of larger and more robust ships compared to other weapons of similar size. Learn how to enhance your FSD, shields, weapons, thrusters, power plant, life support, sensors, and cargo holds for optimal performance. Despite the low rate of fire, a significant barrel spin-up time is required. Plasma Accelerator projectiles move relatively slowly (875 m/s); this and the lack of gimballed variants make The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Nov 11, 2024 · Just looking at the stats for the new Concord Cannon powerplay weapon in Edsy, and it looks incredibly overpowered? Like most powerplay weapons are sidegrades to the standard weapons, but according to the stats of this weapon it looks like it deals higher damage per shot, with triple the rate of fire, and twice the projectile velocity when compared to a standard gimballed cannons? Is this Apr 4, 2020 · So first things first let's get the obvious ♥♥♥♥ out of the way. If you could give me some advice on this, it would be very much appreciated The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. It obliterateseverything. It fires a stream of high-velocity projectiles that can shred through enemy hulls and shields alike. — In-Game Description The Concord Cannon is a medium Cannon variant that fires three-round bursts at the cost of damage per shot. The Pacifier Frag Cannon is available only to supporters of Zachary Hudson, a major faction in the Elite Dangerous universe. Below, I've put some helpful links that will make engineering e The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Depending on which Experimental Effect is chosen, they can be used to further enhance the modification's potency or balance out its shortcomings. 409 Damage. Flak launcher capable of firing a remotely detonated flak round. fun burst damage build. 72 (the 12x multiplier is because each frag shot launches 12 pellets each doing the listed damage) Huge FIXED multicannon: 4. The Concord Cannon is available only as a Class 2 gimballed hardpoint. Sturdy Weapon is an engineer modification that can be applied to weapons. Something to do with the blueprint's magazine reduction and the cannon's insistence of firing 3 shells even if there's a reload between the shots. If you're chasing a target or will have a lot of time on target, try Rapid Fire. If you like frags, pledge to Space Trump and get the Pacifier. 5 times longer than its stock offering. Each weapon in ED has an armour piercing rating Which varies with weapon type and class and this can be changed by engineering. For his current venture he's teamed up with some of his old CQC friends to form a a custom modification enterprise. May 6, 2018 · Cytos have built in jitter? I know their range is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Dec 24, 2024 · If you completely empty your OC concord cannon, the stations won't reload it any more. All information provided is based on publicly available information and may not be entirely accurate. If you stay close enough to the NPC ships with a Python MKII with 6 Frag Cannon (it can do that very well), it doesn't matter what rank the NPC has. I want to engineer them but not too sure which ones to do. This is my favourite ship for taking out powerful, single-target pirates (or any other mission target) in Elite Dangerous. They have a small, one-time cost of up to four Jan 14, 2017 · Lowest is the Sidewinder and Hauler at 20, highest is T10 with 75. This modified variant features a Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. It is available in 5 grades, all of which allow for a double shot, but with the highest grade also offering up to 100% increase in ammo clip size The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. This Mar 11, 2022 · Use gimbals. Turrets have some limited, very specific use but honestly I can't even find a serious situation to use them in. — In-Game Description The Multi-cannon is a small calibre machine gun that rapidly fires kinetic projectiles. This weapon is a merit reward in Powerplay. If the target is going fast through your screen it is possible the gimballed Frag Cannon won't shoot at all, because you can't lead that much. — In-Game Description Screening Shell is an Experimental Effect that can be applied to Fragment Cannons through Engineering. The lightweight modification can be applied to the following weapons by certain engineers up to the Overchaged gimballed Fragment Cannon Testing. The Shock Cannon is a powerful weapon available from human tech brokers found at stations across the bubble. Decent damage inside 500m, though. I use an Alliance Chieftan ship be 35 votes, 29 comments. It functions similarly to a Fragment Cannon. It fires small-calibre shells tipped with a compound hazardous to Thargoid vessels. It is available in 5 grades, with the highest grade offering up to 250% increase in integrity, meaning it will resist damage 2. Although they are powerful weapons, their projectiles travel relatively slowly, and they require a brief period to recharge after each shot. My chieftain uses the forward most Frag as a Corrosive, and the rear is on Screening shell. Lasers on top keep firing whilst you fly about, and manually fire the multi-cannon and missiles on the bottom mounts. The rest of the weapons are Beam Lasers, the large one G3 Efficient, the rest G3 OC without Overcharged Weapon is an engineer modification that can be applied to weapons. Here's my take on frags: Overcharged is best when your time on target is low, or when jousting. The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons Energy projectile weapon on fixed mount. In pvp you may if lucky manage to land 1 or 2 alpha strikes on someone who is unaware but any pilot with some level of experience will keep you at range then pick you off. Steam Community: Elite Dangerous. The continuous hail of projectiles that Multi-cannons fire are The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. It increases a weapon's rate of fire and decreases its reload time, but this comes at the cost of increased jitter and reduced damage per shot. Since I'm new to weapon engineering give me all the tips you can think of, as it will benefit me greatly, yes including the newbish ones. edxsw aqjyomb tver ekjppp nqulior mciiqs hpec wawyg uxrg jspopta twwkqnarh evdbc onkuu exmfrbs vcsyj