Is there aim assist on pc modern warfare reddit I understand higher fps, fov and graphical detail possibly being an advantage on PC, but so far that pales in comparison to the almost non-existent aim assist pc gets. Rotational aim assist is the aim assist you get when AA automatically compensates for movement. Frame drops in fight, even micro, drops can throw off your aim assist completely. Why there is option to disable it on console, when most used console input has the brutal advantage, and there isnt such a thing on PC?. Possibly a lot is due to KBM, but console players have also ranked up their gear and having played most CODS (not this one) on both platforms over the years I know the MKB movement has a strong advantage, which is why console gets aim assist (assist not bot :) ) but there's been many many questionable players throughout the games, doing odd Aim assist doesn't do all the work for you like an aim bot. It's not. Having an option that keeps Aim Assist large like 80 FOV while you play at 120 FOV is just extremely unfair and eliminates the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released in 2019, developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. I’ve tried reinstalling the game and turning aim assist off and on but nothing. i dont get it, i have played years and years without aim assists on console before switching to pc and i never had any problems getting kills or points or camos. Ive found playing linear/standard is way better for recoil control and aim assist when there even is aim assist just my opinion, im on the same boat as you man sometimes i feel like there is no aim assist. They have aim bot so you'll have to get quick and accurate to beat them. Can someone give me and tips ? Heads up, PC (controller) aim assist is way worse than Console's. That's been my experience thus far from game release and all I use is controller on PC. it can be done. Rotational aim assist as you clearly see causes drag and if you aren't quick enough that drag becomes like dead weight holding you back. No effort needed to stay on target because of rotational aim assist. I’d say make sure it’s set to Default aim assist type, and mess with your deadzone settings. Hey! I'm questioning something. xbox would be 2nd and ps5 sadly last. Another thing they do is aiming at a corner while slightly strafing to get the lock on effect. Aim assist does effect the aim assist ' 'hit box'. You're talking out of your ass here and the people upvoting it are just ignorant and probable lousy pc players frothing at the mouth that a console player can do something other than get stomped by their steelseries gaming mouse If they're gonna remove aim assist, they need to do it like bo3 on pc, when you turn target assist off on that game, the ads and aim feel perfect. The pc players hate having to feel cheated by the aim-assist the console players get. Typically it is going faster than it should actually go, causing you to over aim or under aim. It’s as simple as that. 1 to max 0. After turning it off to make sure it wasn't just my imagination, I turned it back on again after a few minutes and it's suddenly working. Realistically, what kind of effect would this have on PC players? ok so I saw a post on here that Aim Assist is stronger on PC and works much better than it does on consoles. I'm a little late, but there are many things that contribute to the aim assist. People acting like it's aimbot is just ridiculous. For some reason there is still super sticky AA to the zombies heads. And no it's not just higher FOVs making it look less strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some weirdass setting that’s cranks up aim assist to some ridiculous degree. Edit: the down-votes are fascinating to me. I thought I would check this out. Had someone else come over to try and play and they also noticed the huge difference in MP with aim assist compared to there setup. Watch what the CDL pros do, they know better than the usual pupstomper. Either the aim assist on controller is too strong and makes it miserable to play on KB&M or the aim assist isn't strong enough and controller players stand no chance. If someone’s using a mouse and keyboard and good with it, they’re even deadlier than a controller with aim assist. Everybody wanna be streamers now so you're going against people playing with scuff controllers, paddles, gaming monitors, high end headphones, computers, and then you have the people using cheats such as scripts,walls, and aimbots. Everyone with a controller has insane amounts of aim assist that honestly feels so broken. The ceiling MnK has to aim and flick is ridiculous. Call it ANOTHER potential dev oversight I'm getting real tired of modern games having forced crossplay with console. It feels normal to me, but I also know there’s some aim assist customization in the settings for controllers. Ping affects how good your hitreg is as well. Everytime I do great and my aim feels amazing I end up being called a hacker. Please don't take that the wrong way but without any clue how good you are on KB/M and controller in general I have to take your findings with a huge grain of salt. Little controversial opinion but i think aim assist is in right place tbh. But I just think this level of aim assist just damages the perception of controller. Everything about this game I am loving but watching back killcams makes it look like every single person has aimbot. EDIT 2: I have tried setting the game to Capped 60FPS, low FOV, tried all aim assist settings but it all feels ineffective compared to console. I’ve had to train myself to nudge my analog stick up everytime I aim to actually land headshots. It's something this sub has a hard time dealing with. People wiggle their left sticks to make sure rotational is The higher the health, and slower the TTK, the more advantage controller aim assist tracking has over a human with no aim assist using a mouse When 1-2 bullets kill, aim tracking is less relevant and initial accuracy and speed are what matter. Somebody beams them HE IS ON A PC, there is so many programs free and paid for like 7$ that OFFER XIM input + Macro + mouse to gyro aim. So being pushed when aiming ahead of an enemy, pulled when behind or following for a bit when someone jumps or falls. Please ensure that you are understanding of our Rules in the future. It's insane. so I used all same controller settings on PC,PS5,XBOX. Everyone that has played FPS's for a long time knows this is true and if they say different they are lying. Changed several times and still the same. There is no snap. The higher it goes the less aim assist you get. Just cause you had an fob slider and aim assist. Either way it goes, some portion of the playerbase isnt going to have as good of an experience. Me and my friends were talking about this the other day. If not then stop complaining about there not being aim assist on pc, because the devs understand that pc players don’t need it. Yes aim assist is too strong. How it should be is the Aim Assist should always scale to FOV regardless and the player tunes FOV around having a good aim at most ranges. I had been playing on 103-105 range and noticed there was not no limited aim Assist playing with Xbox controller. It is literally impossible for a PC player to react as fast as rotational aim assist does. But that could just be me sucking on MnK from far away. Everybody says "aim assist is broken", "rotational aim assist is so strong it's cheating", while I have to sweat blood to keep the crosshairs on the target. MW 2019 and MWII I don't feel at a disadvantage vs the aim assist because of the lower TTK, the increased TTK means you need to put in even more effort than controller while also needing to deal with this game bad mouse input. my FOV is at 100. The benefits KBM give you everywhere else far outweigh the slight help aim assist gives you. This isn't a typical " I tried a controller " type of deal. It does. Although other people have already said this, if it is actually based on the fortnite system, the controller will have aim assist on PC, but you will still be matched up against other PC users either on controller or MnK. The only time it "pulls" is some of the aim assist slightly following the enemy's movements. Never had that on older CoDs. Just. bro playing with MnK feels so much smoother for me especially with movement and such. Which takes away the arguments of FPS games. (with max sense too) Doesn't seem like they did a straight port for controller I don't have this issue as I don't use rotational aim assist(I use focusing aim type) My aim assist is very minor, I simply practice without aim assist on veteran level bots. I play Hardcore 99% of the time so it doesn't really affect Hardcore modes (or so i thought). Yet another post complaining about aim assist. The problem is that some dolts are telling people that aim assist works like aim botting, where the controller "snaps" to and follows their target. There are aim assist settings in the menu, I'd suggest checking to make sure they're enabled. The PC port was done by Beenox and my assumption is they made their own version of aim assist instead instead of a 1 to 1 copy so its far less sticky than consoles. But that not the case. Without aim assist thumb and stick would be so inferior to MnK that they couldn't even be in cross play with each other. Realize that there is a limit to aim assist. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released in 2019, developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Its like playing a racing game but everyone that uses aimassist gets a faster and better car. Is there something similar in place this year? Aim Assist normally slows down around the target, and sometimes aim assist gets fucked up when two players run past each other. aim "assist" is pathetic in a shooting game. If you get less frames than you used to, the aim will feel way different. All platforms have the same options for aim assist. it really was on mw 2019 on PC. Aim assist NEEDs to be toned down by a lot, or there needs to be option for MK players to turn off crossplay. Didn't have it on ps5 or Xbox either. I’ve seen so many kill cams now where a sniper misses by like a foot and a half but it still counts and then you’ll see kill cams where bullets are just zipping through the enemy and finally a couple actually register. It doesn't matter how you move. The game isn't made for mouse and keyboard, like you said. It's the AA that you get when someone runs through your crosshairs and your aim gets dragged following them. Monitor, pc, overclocked controller is optimal. There is a reason why a vast majority of players who die instantly accuse the other player of cheating, Aim Assist when you know what you're doing looks demonic as fuck in kill cams. I'm currently on pc. A higher FOV means a smaller target, resulting in a smaller Aim Assist bubble. Most of you people just get shit on and come up with any excuse as to why you died. Although in the first few weeks it was discovered that PC has less aim assist than consoles using the same exact controllers. I have about 500-800 hours in most CoD games, I've practiced enough, tried every assist and sensitivity setting, but my aim assist is still not the magic spell that others claim it to be. It doesn't move the sticks for you buddy. Play on both. You have to figure between recoil and the sensitivity of a thumbstick, if there was no aim assist, you’d miss every shot past the first one. Let the latter group play however they want as long as they are doing all their own aiming. I used to play battlefield 4 on pc with a controller, no aim assist and I would regularly top the scoreboards. Feel like the distance on aim assist goes out to far. I went to my friends house the other day who plays on PSN, and played a few games before we went out. I'm coming to the conclusion that different console have different amounts of aim assist. Hecksmith (guy who basically exposed how strong rotational aim assist is and how to best use it) tested between mw2 and mw3 for differences in AA and found no difference. Chronus does not help with aim assist it can just run scripts like anti-recoil scripts etc. Everyone who actually understands the game agrees. Another thing I've read that may or may not be true is some weapons depending on their configuration don't have aim assist, like sniper rifles. But this topic generates massive amount of views so that BS gets posted on YT over and over again. People would be up in arms. Personally I use aim assist as I think it helps me, but it's frustrating when there are two enemies on the screen fairly close together because aim assist gets confused and alters my shots and much of the time I hit neither of them and they kill me. Second would be that once you are on standard, the thing that makes aim assist broken is rotational aim assist which is the part that tracks for you and kinda sticks to the person. There’s no difference on console, aim assist is non-existent. get. The game will target the player you don’t want every time. Back in the day there was no cross play and the video op posted shows aim assist was just as strong then as it is today. The reason for that could be to even out lobbies with mixed inputs (Mouse and Keyboard vs Controllers) as for MnK users there is no aim assist. FOV reduces the amount of aim assist you have relative to the number. Rotational aim assist is only active when you are moving so what you want to learn to do is to strafe to the side in order to make minor adjustments in aim. Controller player here (Xbox controller on PC). That doesn't have to do anything with my mindset or damage fall off of individual weapons. Vanguard multi-player was the only COD that I had a slight aim assist. I cant believe there's not a single topic about this and yet I wouldnt be surprised if I was the only fricken soul having to deal with this shit. If anything, they could tie the aim assist to the fov and fps settings if that's such an issue (as many other people have mentioned). So when you come jumping or sprinting around the corner the aim assist starts moving before you even come around the corner. Aim assist does not snap. we are not the same You get aim assist. Jump shots/dive shots only work on PC players. Mabye try playing without aim assist. Completely random guess, so I could be full of crap, but I went down the rabbit hole or watching/testing out these aim curves and aim assist settings, going in depth about levels of aim acceleration when a thumbstick moves, how aim assist settings works, what may be better for sniping or reg guns, etc Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a 2022 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Standard or Black Ops aim assist Standard or dynamic sensitivity curve a sensitivity between 5 and 8 I'd like to first mention that I don't necessarily care for Aim Assist. XBox players use the work-around in their settings & also turn off crossplay. so aim assist is indeed stronger on PC, I would say PS5 Is the weakest. But everyone plays together, SBMM controls who plays with each other. And for aim assist, anything below 50m is exactly that range, short to medium. The issue is that Aim Assist is tuned strongly. People really do just have great, raw aim from practicing and high levels of knowledge. r/ModernWarfareII is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. Ruins the game, movement is pointless. It's simply how aim assist works. Same. I'm completely fine with aim assist in this game, that's not what this post is about. What you've experienced is what's called a better player. With that said I have been PC with a Xbox elite controller from day 1 with no issues Aim assist isn't even that bad feels the same to me as every other cod I play. I play on PC and compared aim assist to my Xbox (of course a noticeable difference). Things like that annoys me the most. It's very wonky and doesn't always work. The dpi and speed of a mouse is insanely fast and much sturdier than a thumbstick on controller. Same aim assist settings but his aim assist was huge on aim snapping. Has anybody else run into this problem? And if so, is there any fix? Aim assist worked while ADS'ing, but ROTATIONAL aim assist only worked while hipfiring and moving. It will aim at center upper chest. Rotational aim assist drags and slowdown aim assist slows down. I feel kind of bad for console players not having the option to be honest. OP is identifying that Aim-Assist isn't a win-switch, and this is being seen positively; but to invert the argument to say Aim-Assist isn't strictly necessary (or always beneficial) is seen negatively. But you cant mention aim assist on this sub. I tried changing the aim assist type, FOV, etc and it just doesnt do anything. If you want aim assist then go to console and play with the brain deads on there who need it. Aim assist is pretty much inconsistent on MW3 and I’m not even complaining it seems it bit fair and considering I saw a post a month ago it looks like it’s PC players with controllers that are complaining about aim assist that’s now inconsistent. I’m a controller play on PC and don’t know if it’s client side or just the game itself is broken. And im saying pc players could see this aim assist in videos and claim, back then, that mnk would be better anyways and controller players wouldn’t stand a chance. The only thing that you can do on console is turn off cross-play, which might make gameplay seem “fair” but in reality this game plays terribly for console/controller players - high ttk + faster movement require tracking, tracking requires NORMAL aim assist. There is also acceleration of the sticks which probably ties in to aim assist. I definitely notice the aim assist being weak or non existent on pc. let pc manual aim chads play amongst ourselves only while the peasant aim assist control console scrubs can roll around in their own filth together. Like said before if it was that OP everyone controller player would be a GOD at the game. r/ModernWarfare is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. There should be no rotational aim assist while jumping, only aim slow down near the target. I've turned it off then back on multiple times, changed aim assist settings and even restarted my game and PC. When ADS'ing it wouldn't move your point of aim automatically, but it would still assist by slowing your sensitivity near targets so it was harder to overshoot them when doing quick flicks. So maybe some console players think AA is stronger on pc. Does anyone have a fix for this or any idea of how to un-fuck the issue cause turning on aim assist or off, swapping out every setting in the controller menu does not seem to work/assist. new MW2 aim assist for PC KBM 100% confirmed! Watched a video of a PC player trying to melee a hacker/ enemy with infinite health, and that PC player was locked onto the enemy perfectly. There’s rotational AA, but that’s strongest when in close proximity to enemies and when aiming from the hip. I am nowhere near as accurate, especially at range, as I am on the PS5. I seen a video from crimsix where he says if you go to high you loose aim assist so I dropped it to 80 and it looks super zoomed in but I can defiantly notice the aim is super sticky now. Regarding MW2, aim assist felt almost non existant :)) it s weird coz it fel a little buffed at their presentation, but now on bet, it s almost not therei usually play with precision AIM ASSIST and lliterally it does nothing on PS5, changed to focus just to play with it a little, and it s the same, almost no aim assist at all :)) i don't I'd be getting the game on pc but I'd ideally want to be playing controller. Please be aware that all content regarding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) needs to be posted on r/ModernWarfareII. Besides all that there is like a virtual cone which has varying degrees of aim assist that changes depending how far you are from the target in four directions. So I've been having issues with no aim assist . The thing is, you'll notice when you're fighting the aim assist a lot more than when you're working with the aim assist. There have been plenty of people who say it hurts them more than it helps, that is, until they turn aim assist off, and notice their kdr plummets. But playing against the longbow is quite literally the closest I've ever felt like controller aim assist is "cheating" due to the fact it's a OSK gun. If your post is relating to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster, you can safely ignore this message. ) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is a 2023 first-person shooter video game primarily developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision. better I could get shit on by mnk 4/5 times the moment I kill them it's whining about aim assist, pc master race isn't looking so good with so many people crying all the time. Population for separate inputs for ranked would be brutal Playing against aim assist is brutal, join the club. Even with aim assist there are things only MnK can do (jump over player snap directly down headshot) There is no magic secret sauce to a shit ton of aim assist. Casual Cod is pretty much dead. mods will delete any post saying its too strong and any video clearly demonstrating why its too strong gets called fake. Mainly frames and bad servers. There's no confirmation on PC having aim assist for controllers, thought it is safe to assume it will. another reason propably is that CoD is no competitive shooter, its for casuals to have fun and with this strong aim-assist it closed the skill skill gap. It modulates your sensitivity based on the different tension zones in a stick to even out the amount of pressure you need to put on the stick to get one arbitrary unit of response in the game, throughout the stick's entire throw range. Which would be a small margin of people. Isn’t the PC platform still a small percentage of the player base? Let’s say the devs listen to all the bitching & nerf aim assist. I don't like Aim Assist in Zombies at all and when I turning off Aim Assist in menu It doesn't turning off it Zombies match. Not sure what become of this. Its insane how you can jump and have the rotational aim assist correct your aim to stay on target without any input needed. Input lag on TVs and consoles can also severely hinder aim. It has downsides as well. Either you or or your enemy can trigger rotational aim assist through movement. Same reason why everyone claims that all streamers who play on controller cheat. I had to see what all the fuss was about so I plugged in my controller and the aim assist just wont work. But I play on precision aim assist setting so there is that. Pls reread. Now in ww2 and bo4, it feels like they've intentionally slowed down movement and restricted the aiming for controller. aim assist set to standard. Hope they fix this so when the player base on pc drops I can switch over to controller. that's not how aim assist works, not even in Singleplayer. First off, controller is considered king due to how strong aim assist has been in the last few titles. Devs and pro players both say its too strong. Not sure why you’re complaining when everyone has standard aim assist and dynamic curve type. That said, Aim Assist works best on short to medium range. As PC player, aim assist is fine. Not sure, I have seen a few people under the impression AA is tied to fps though. It’s the skill based hitbox they added in season 3. The problem is not the controller tuning. And if you have a legit way to get more precise aiming that is legit, then more power to you. I am playing on 75 right now and find that comfortable level without sacrificing too much vision. I've tried it without though and I don't do as well. today i discovered this setting (scale aim assist with fov) that i think is gamechanger. Is there a significant difference in the aim assist this year? I know on mw2019 they had it where controllers would be paired with controllers, and keyboards with keyboards. Who is getting anything out of this? Just default crossplay to ps/xbox, and then give people with pc friends the ability to join up with that group. If you are playing core on mouse it's just not going to be a good experience with this TTK and how insane aim assist is. I’ve tried switching between the sim assist typed and response types. Any top tier player worth their salt using a controller is taking full advantage of aim assist otherwise they'd be a complete fool not to. Couldn’t do it, felt like there was very little assist. Visual recoil is down so you might feel comfortable with M&K. Please change the longbow to regular Sniper aim assist. Prob a glitch when it imports your settings. They can also play controller players using gyro. CoD doesn't have a complex system its basically just running and shooting so a controller wouldn't limit you performance even in Esports they play with controllers or used to when i watched it and they where insane and most of them even turned off aim assist. This is really starting to affect my k/d and gameplay and just bothers me constantly. Thats exactly what it is. But now that everything has an fov slider I think it's pretty even. I've been in a few games where it was incredibly strong (I could obviously tell that aim assist snapped to get a headshot), but for most games it's really non-existent. Yes the superior choice of M+K w/aim assist is the cheaper choice. get over yourselves and just use a controller. I feel that Aim Assist benefits longer gun fights (Core, WZ). If you think aim assist is "that" powerful then your failing elsewhere. When really what you want is to feel superior because youre on M&K. 5% aim assist. i want to see what everyones general options would be in… Aim assist in mw3 is just as strong as it was in mw2, anyone saying otherwise is lying or mentally deficient. It makes the gaming experience way better including in games like Fortnite but also all of the recent Playstations exclusives (TLOU, Horizon, God of War, etc). . You’ll be fine hopping in on pc. I am not going to go deep in that but you catch my drift. Turn it off and on again. I play on controller, because KBM just feels wrong for this game to me. Dynamic doesn't really have anything to do with aim assist but it's a great controller innovation. It's a slight slow down on target, you still need to be on target. Thought it mightve been a problem with my router. Anyway, check out and read my comment I linked, and enjoy. I know how Aim Assist works you dingbat. On the other hand, controller players learn how to abuse the aim assist to get better. Nobody argues there should be zero aim assist. The only "top tier players" not using aim assist are pc/kbm players. If you take away aim "assist" they might miss shots and feel bad :( or god forbid actually be forced to use an input that relies solely on the skill of the user for competitive play. controller can be fun tho when you get the hang of it. Mnk is purely based on your own skill. My sim assist hasn’t existed since the season one update. It's not even Target Acquisition Aim Assist (Left Trigger near enemy snaps to the enemy), it's Rotational Aim Assist that's the problem (Left stick is moved, Aim Assist is basically pulling hard towards the target. And it's absolutely bRoKeN. The 5-10 games after I get practically 0. I play pc with kbm but decided to try controller for a few days. For me it started with the season 5 update. PC players do not get aim assist. Aim assist with controller on PC: 1% of the time, it works every time. It won't have the same issue as bo3 aim assist because everyone you're up against will have the same assist. r/ModernWarfareIII is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. Can create a tighter zone and that can be advantageous with sticky aim assist. Obviously a challenge against aim assist players in close quarters but I prefer the more intuitive control method over aim bots since I use to play on PC back in the day. Gyros don’t have aim assist (nor do they need it). Without aim assist you wouldn't be able to use a controller, it is needed, you have to have aim assist. I played on K&M my whole life and recently switched PC for PS5 and obviously i am playing on controler, and i have to say its not that op as all of you think it is. Xclusive Ace did a fantastic video on the history of aim assist throughout the years. 1. I get nerfing aim assist on PC to cater to keyboard and mouse players, but it’s almost non-existent. I had to test this out. Aim assist doesn’t do everything for you honestly. However it is actually broken in the firing range where there is no aim assist at all. I say segregate lobbies into aim assist and no aim assist. And Aim Assist in Warzone and multiplayer works the exact same. I can’t quite remember the oldest game he tested but I think the conclusion was besides the maximum range in which aim assist is active the aim assist through Vanguard is very similar in terms of strength. Ever since launch, there have been numerous threads and tweets discussing the broken aim assist on PC with controller and how inconsistent it is against console players. aiming seems much easier on PC than console. I tried everything. In that case, why even bother calling it an FPS game with aim assist. Was having a miserable time BC I had zero aim assist on any setting. Us Playstation players simply turn off crossplay & carry on as usual. From videos I’ve seen mnk players use aim trainers to get better. Reason being is that standard/black ops aim assist have a huge slow down bubble (bigger than I have ever seen on console in previous CoD games) and that makes flicking between 2 targets on screen very hard, plus aim assist can resist your aim when there is 2 targets in screen. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a 2022 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Combine this issue with You shouldn’t need aim assist when you get to use ya whole arm, elbow, fingers, and penis to aim. You mnk players kill me always complaining about aim assist. PC players have an advantage when it comes to micro adjustments, shooting over medium to long range and movement naturally, it's there seems to be a lot of talk around aim assist and pc players thinking its unfair. You guys are just fucking lazy. you do also need to keep in mind aim assist only kicks in after a certain threshold of dead zone is passed on the controller or something stupid like that, correct me if im wrong. Obviously controller is inferior to mouse. One of the reasons it was op in warzone for PC players. Posted by u/PoggerfotTrumpslump - 1 vote and 5 comments Nov 3, 2016 ยท Go into a private match with bots and turn aim assist off and compare it with it turned on in the same game - you'll notice a big difference but not as significant as an aim assisted controller against M+KB users. quickscooping with this thing enabled is suddently easy af (is like having aimbot) but it feels weird when using all the other guns. I don’t expect someone who wants to use controller on pc to understand this statement. But the actual “stickiness” of aim assist is there and they did not nerf it. And aim assist is noticeably weaker once you ADS- it doesn’t work like Campaign aim assist. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is a 2023 first-person shooter video game primarily developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision. The problem is rotational aim assist that instantly reacts and tracks players at inhuman speeds. And aim assist on target for the most part. Aim Assist takes away any arguments of being an FPS game. No, I said there is no magical aimbot that reddit keeps screeching about, aim assist slows down your ads near a target, that's the fucking in game description, I am not listening to or watching some YouTube video to tell me otherwise every time a MnK player loses and then runs here to demand AA be nerfed because its literally "aimbot".
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