Nodemailer gmail password createTransport({ service: "Gmail", auth: { user: "[email protected]", pass: "password" } That's it. NodeMailer - Username and Password not accepted. ? [email protected] GMAIL_PASSWORD=lakjrfnk; Nodemailer, SMTP, Gmail, and OAuth2 This will explain both simple/Basic and the secure methods to you. To send email with Nodemailer using gmail. 8 Username and Password not accepted" will appear when trying to log in with SMTP. Go to the tsconfig. I solved this issue by changing password: the previous password included special characters e. Gmail also always sets authenticated username as the From: e-mail address. We’d need to install the following dependencies in order to use it with typescript - We’d be using a gmail account for this article. Here, I will show the most common practice of sending an email from your Node. Gmail API 'invalid username or password' when using OAuth2 in Dec 31, 2024 · Nodejs nodemailer Username and Password not accepted. It contains the service name Aug 2, 2024 · By specifying the service as 'Gmail', you instruct Nodemailer to use Gmail's SMTP server. In development mode I used gmail. Learn how to send an email from a Gmail account using the Node library nodemailer. io as smpt server for sending mail using node mailer. 8 Username and Password not accepted. json and adjust/edit it to look like this: So, what this does is, when you run your application it first compiles the typescript… Apr 21, 2022 · generate an app-specific password and use that in place of your actual password. js application is a common requirement, and the nodemailer library simplifies this task, making it easy to integrate email functionality. 1. Jun 24, 2017 · It is recommended to generate an app password for GMail, and use this with Nodemailer. Initializing a Password Reset Link (/init-reset-link): Imagine a user wants to reset their password. The auth object contains the email address and password for authentication. This person has a Gmail address and I've seen some articles that said you can use such an address if you enable two-factor authentication and create an app password (Less Secure Apps section) in the person's Gmail account. Gmail does not allow bots to access gmail. js via a Gmail account. e. Jun 20, 2024 · When using nodemailer to send emails on a Node application, the setup needed to use a Gmail account is different, we need to create an application specific password on our Gmail account and pass that information to the transport we are using on nodemailer Jun 10, 2024 · Setting up authentication with Gmail in node via Nodemailer causes issues when simply using your plain password. It's a completely free anti-transactional email service where messages never get delivered. I've tried setting up an application specific password specifically for the live server, still doesn't work. Get Email from User: We’ll create a page that users access by clicking “Forgot Password. I've got my Google project set up - using their oauth sandbox for redirect, I've got a clientID, secret and refresh token from my develop In this post, we will show how to send emails using a Gmail account. But first let´s set up the Nodemailer in few steps. To be able to use Gmail with nodemailer, we need to get some sort of authorization. g HwdO6ncdh4 Desired Behaviour Use Gmail, OAuth2 and Nodemailer to send an email from a server side node. js App using Nodemailer. So if you authenticate as foo@example. (You don't need the spaces. "Gmail", auth: { user: "[email protected] I have an app that sends mail using nodemailer. " }); 4. When updating the password it does show 'password updated' and gives a 200 status. Let‘s explore some additional capabilities. These four steps did: Sign in to your Google Admin console using an administrator account. createTransport(smtpPool({ service: 'gmail', auth: { user: This is great for security as tokens or valid only for specific actions and can be easily revoked thus, once stolen, can’t to as much harm as actual account credentials. Prerequisites: NPM and NodeJS; ExpressJS; Approach . Learn more at. Only the old password will allow you to log back in. Is this not valid? – ipenguin67 Aug 28, 2015 · var transporter = nodemailer. Mar 16, 2020 · Follow the below steps. Jun 3, 2020 · And that’s how we send emails in node js using nodemailer and Gmail. We will also go over what an app password is and why Google requires one. Here, you provide the details of the mail to be sent and finally make use of the SEND_MAIL function from the mailer. Feb 18, 2023 · How to Configure Gmail For NodeJs and Nodemailer. Get the app password from your Gmail account. exports = {transporter, getPasswordResetURL, resetPasswordTemplate} Jun 10, 2024 · Setting up authentication with Gmail in node via Nodemailer causes issues when simply using your plain password. email_app_password }, }); Feb 13, 2022 · I have an app built with Node. Jun 7, 2014 · Use nodemailer with smtp. 3. After doing this, navigate to your project folder and install the Nodemailer packages, npm i --save @nestjs-modules/mailer nodemailer and types, npm i --save-dev @types/nodemailer. Do you have any other recommendations? This App demonstrates how to set up Nodemailer using Gmail & OAuth2. emailConfig. I thought a possible password change may have revoked the app password because I noticed that in google app password documentation. Sending Attachments Jan 25, 2021 · There are many articles out there explaining how to use Nodemailer in barebones form, but this article is not one of them. com and email and App password (not gmail password). Aug 3, 2017 · Scroll down to Select App (in the Password & sign-in method box) and choose Other (custom name) Give this app password a name, e. If you are using 2FA you would have to create an “Application Specific” password for Nodemailer to work. module. PASSWORD,},}); Step 2: Generating a Verification Token Jun 2, 2022 · I used to just turn on LSA, store the credentials in an environment variable and let nodemailer do its thing, with this change, how can one still use gmail with nodemailer? There are no youtube tutorials to fix this yet and looking at the google documentation, it doesn't show nodemailer Sep 4, 2018 · Below is my code. Once logged into your google account, in the top right corner click on your account image. Jan 20, 2024 · NodeMailer Introduction: Sending emails from a Node. Go to Google Account. Apr 22, 2016 · Try port 587. Configure Gmail Access. How to Configure Nodemailer in Your App Mar 26, 2021 · Have you enabled "application passwords" or "less secure apps" in GMail? Are you using the application password (token) or your main password? Finally, are you sure you want to be using GMail as your automated e-mail platform? – Nodemailer is a module for Node. com and set bar@example. OAuth2 authentication in Nodemailer is mostly used with Gmail and G Suite (née Google Apps) even though there are other providers that support it as well. I Read this - less secure app and google account. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 2 months ago. May be the syntax I am using is wrong. It is a single module with zero dependencies with a heavy focus on security (TLS/STARTTLS). To test your code, run the command node server. ) Your script will now look like this: See full list on mailtrap. Here’s the one I generated: Generated password. I need to sand certain system emails such as setting change confirmation, password reset tokens, etc. Bugs: After trying to log in with that new password, it is not saving to the database. In the realm of application development, sending emails is an essential functionality that is prevalent across various industries. g. Nov 16, 2023 · Use nodemailer with Gmail password. Jul 26, 2022 · When you want to send email over Gmail SMTP, google enable you to set up App password. See Nodemailer with Gmail for more info. - mmankey/Nodemailer-Gmail nodemailer とは? Nodemailer は Node. js to send emails. Nov 3, 2014 · I'd like to send emails using Nodemailer and GMAIL but it doesn't work Edit #1 : Code : var transporter = nodemailer. js Now I am aware that I have to set up an application specific password through gmail, I've done that. Nodemailer is a simple and strong library that helps you send emails in Node. smtpServerName="smtp. CLIENT_ID. Send an Email: The sendMail Aug 20, 2022 · nodemailer로 이메일 보내기 nodeJS에서 이메일을 보내는 용도로 nodemailer라는 라이브러리를 사용할 수 있다. js アプリケーションからメールを送信するためのモジュールです。 オープンソースで公開されており、MIT ライセンスで誰でも利用できます。 Dec 30, 2022 · Then you simply us the apps password in place of the users standard google password. It Jul 14, 2020 · Nodemailer. createTransport() function to create a transporter who will send mail. Nodemailer is a module for Node. Let's break down the process of initializing a password reset link with a token. Lets understand this part-by-part. Goto Google My Account > Security; Click on App Password > Select Other and you will get App Password Jul 24, 2019 · I am using nodemailer to send token to email (gmail smtp) but I'm getting this error: Error: Invalid login: 535-5. 8 https://support. Hot Network Questions Nov 13, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jan 5, 2023 · Original answer: Not sure if it's because my account is part of Google Workplace, but as of November 2023, I still have access to the "Less secure app access" option:. Here are my gmail settings. Here are the steps to generate App specific password in Google Account settings. Jan 8, 2015 · I am using nodemailer with gmail and I need to include my password somehow. Also here is a list of alternative email services supported by Nodemailer WELL-KNOWN SERVICES. If you Google this issue many people will point you to use something called “Less… Sep 4, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. com as the from: address, then Gmail reverts this and replaces the sender with the authenticated user. Even though I didn't get any email about this, my database was updated with the reset password link. As the message says in the image, Google will eventually automatically turn it off and the message "535-5. Gmail also always sets authenticated username as the From: email address. Nodemailer account. If you are using 2FA you would have to create an “Application Specific” password for Nodemailer to work. Import the nodemailer module. You will find a 2 Sep 16, 2024 · This is a test email sent via Node. js projects? This step-by-step guide will show you how to securely set up Nodemailer with Gmail using If you are using 2FA you would have to create an “Application Specific” password for Nodemailer to work. Error: Invalid login: 535-5. The “Forgot Password” function in an application is a crucial feature that allows users to regain access to their accounts when they forget their passwords. Below mentioned working code has stopped working Apr 20, 2021 · I tried to connect nodemailer to gmail. But when I use my office one (which does not require authentication) it fails. js. Hey YouTube! In this video, we will learn how to send emails in Node. Jan 6, 2022 · I am trying to set up email verification in my app using nodemailer with a Gmail account. js file Dec 16, 2020 · process. May 31, 2022 · Ethereal is a fake SMTP service, mostly aimed at Nodemailer and EmailEngine users (but not limited to). How to Get Started with Nodemailer. Till now I used a simple Gmail account like [email protected] for this purpose. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. io Oct 5, 2023 · mkdir nodemailer-gmail cd nodemailer-gmail. To send emails using Gmail, you need to use an App Password instead of your Gmail account password. I have two files email. Learn more at 535 5. From the Admin console dashboard, go to Security and then Basic settings (you might have to click More controls at the bottom). This will bypass any 2FA dialogs and any 'sign in authorizations' you may get when using your standard password. Modified 1 year, 2 months ago. I've tried the "Display Unlock Captcha" thing, and then creating an application password, still doesn't work. My problem is that it reports an error, stating that my Username and Password have not been accepted: There Aug 10, 2024 · Learn how to send dynamic emails using Next. js backend using Nodemailer and Gmail. exports = { service: service, email: email, password: password } Controller. Jan 6, 2016 · I have a problem with nodemailer where the user receive the email with sent from my google account which used to authenticate gmail instead of the alias used in mail options. Despite numerous attempts to connect both services I keep getting ERROR. Oct 21, 2022 · index. Access Security Settings: Click on "Security" from the menu. Mar 11, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. The Nodemailer Module Use the username and password from your selected email provider to send an email. Below is my code: var @DanielIoanitescu I suggest you check the IP Access Management section from your SendGrid dashboard, SendGrid must be blocking IP's of your production deployments and thus it might be failing to send Emails, you need to allow all IP's to send Emails from SendGrid Dashboard for vercel's deployment to work as expected because vercel deployment's don't have static IP it can change at any time as pass is the password for the user if normal login is used; For authenticating using OAuth2 instead of normal auth, see OAuth2 options for the auth object here. But Nodemailer has a robust feature set that goes far beyond that. ”Here, we’ll prompt the user to Jul 27, 2018 · I'm trying to use gmail smtp with the latest version of nodemailer. pass // generated ethereal password } Feb 23, 2021 · After I clicked on the reset password button, a message popped up that email has been sent to my email address which I must follow the instructions to reset my password. Expanding with Attachments, Templates & More. So if you authenticate as [email protected] and set [email protected] as the from: address, then Gmail reverts this and replaces the sender with the authenticated Feb 1, 2021 · I was also facing a 535 authentication fail issue using nodemailer. Gmail has implemented security measures that may block emails from untrusted sources, including your Node. js projects! Sep 25, 2023 · Forgot And Reset Password. 968 Sending email in . We will start by setting up a Gmail OAuth2 application, generating the tokens, and then using these credentials within the Nodemailer transporter to access Gmail accounts without confronting Gmail security high-level issues in production mode. This article is going to focus on that problem. Apr 10, 2024 · $ npm i -g @nestjs/cli $ nest new nodemailer-app The above commands generates a new project called nodemailer-app. my code is mkdir nodemailer-gmail cd nodemailer-gmail. Therefore, I also created a new app password but it still appeared with the same issue. js script instead of your actual Gmail password. Looking to integrate email functionality into your Node. const sendEmail = async options =>{ //1)Create a transporter // const transporter = nodemailer. transporter = nodemailer. Jun 23, 2023 · @ceejayoz I can use username + app password to login with nodemailer, the only thing I can't do is using alternative email as I do in their login forms to sign in. createTransport({service:"Gmail", auth: { user: "[email protected]", pass: config. For example, we can access client id via process. You will find a 2 Oct 21, 2022 · index. In this article, we will delve into the world of Next. createTransport({ service: 'Gmail', auth: { user: ' instead of storing your gmail password in plaintext and downgrading the security Jan 7, 2025 · This allows Gmail to clearly authenticate the sender rather than flagging the email. The web app is stored in a server and the email server in other, but SMTP communications between servers does not require pa Nodemailer is a module for Send and receive emails easily with Outlook and Gmail using OAuth2. Aug 14, 2024 · 5. Jun 12, 2023 · Nodemailer. In this tutorial, I break down the process, from installation to sending various types of emails and even testing them to make sure they reach your recipients’ inboxes pitch-perfect. welcome email must be send through my gmail id without providing my Email , password in auth section. When sending a mail I still get the following errormessage: Error: Invalid login: 5 Jun 20, 2024 · When using nodemailer to send emails on a Node application, the setup needed to use a Gmail account is different, we need to create an application specific password on our Gmail account and pass that information to the transport we are using on nodemailer Jan 20, 2020 · i want to use gmail smtp server to send welcome email when user create an account . Initialize a new Node. Improve this answer. If you Google this issue many people will point you to use something called “Less Secure App Access, however, can’t use Less Secure Apps (shown below) anymore, and this change is fairly recent. Nodemailer examples. yes you're right I have my host email accounts to use but i had a problem using them because of DKIM and invalid spf records so I tried to use gmail for now. Any help would be appreciated. Jun 15, 2022 · so google will send a App password that you can login with nodemailer. js file. Sep 23, 2020 · When finish the 2 step you got an app password and you set it to a variable in your config file like app_password = "yourgooglepasswordhere" Use the nodejs code as below. You can also define custom authentication handlers for protocols that are not natively supported by Nodemailer, see NTLM handler as an example of such custom handler. Apr 22, 2023 · Every post ive seen so far sugegest to generate a password in google since 2022. Share. google. Thank you. Aug 17, 2023 · Applies To SMTP Provider for Emails Gmail Custom Email Solution If the two-factor authentication is enabled on the Google account, it is not possible to use a regular password to access Gmail programmatically. js application. Dec 7, 2017 · im using nodemailer to send emails in a web app using keystonejs as cms. js project using the following command: npm init -y. Generating App specific password. hi guys I'm asking whether I can use If you are using 2FA you would have to create an “Application Specific” password for Nodemailer to work. js This is the entry file for sending the email. com', port: 465, secure: true, // SSL aut… Dec 26, 2023 · Nodemailer is a popular Node. gmail. nodemailer 설치 nodemailer로 이메일 전송 Gmail 보안 관련 에러 메세지 google 계정이 2단계 인증을 사용 중인 경우 gmail을 서비스로 설정하고 id와 pw를 입력 후 전송하려고 하면 아래와 같은 에러 메세지 Mar 24, 2024 · Steps to set up an app password in Gmail. " Oct 3, 2023 · Step-by-Step way to send emails using Nodemailer and Gmail. js boilerplate using Express. js for email setup and authController containing forgotPassword as handler function. following is my script var May 11, 2024 · Adding email-sending functionality to your Node. var transporter = nodemailer. Install Nodemailer: npm install nodemailer. Nov 6, 2024 · flowchart of reset password. I use nodemailer and Google SMTP server for sending such mails. Mar 22, 2022 · Generally Gmail is not the preferred service to use with Nodemailer since it is targeted at real users and not for automatic/programmed use. Jul 16, 2017 · Nodemailer whit GMail SMTP OAuth2 autentication is getting me 'Invalid status code 401' 2. Use nodemailer. So far we‘ve covered the basics of sending simple emails with Nodemailer and Gmail. Now we need to set the credential details in order sent mail, basically credentials are the userName (MailID) and the password Nov 18, 2016 · I am sending email through nodemailer it goes into inbox of gmail if i run from local server but goes into spam of gmail if i run script from microsoft azure server. We'll create a simple form that captures user input and sends personalized emails with just a few lines of code. 4 Nodemailer and GMail OAuth: Username and Password not accepted. And click on 'Manage your Google Account' Oct 28, 2020 · I used gmail with node mailer to create a login system in js node. env. js backend with the Nodemailer module is super straightforward. First, we need to install it in your project: 1. You have to have set up 2-Step verification in your google account. var email = "[email protected]"; const password = "xxxxxx"; const service = "gmail"; module. if you have a workspace user account you may need to, as an admin: Create a user group; Add the user to that group; Go to the user group settings and enable unsecure apps under Security so that other groups emails won't be affected Dec 9, 2024 · Use this password in your SMTP setup instead of your regular Gmail password. Jun 7, 2022 · I would like to find a way to send email from my app using nodemailer to the users either with some kind of google authentication or any other way. js and uncover how we can seamlessly incorporate email sending capabilities into our applications. Perfect for adding email functionality to your Next. This can be any file you want to execute your SEND_MAIL command from. const nodemailer Nodemailer whit GMail SMTP OAuth2 autentication is getting May 17, 2019 · This is just a forgot password controller which mails the user with a password. js file Mar 24, 2024 · Steps to set up an app password in Gmail. Gmail expects the user to be a genuine user and not bot, because of increasing spam these days Google has adopted this strategy. com" portNumber="587" authenticationMode="SSL" smtpUserName="[email protected]" smtpUserPassword Jan 18, 2020 · As you mentioned in the question replace all export const and replace it to . js applications to send emails between different email hosts using different transport methods. . js using the Nodemailer module and Gmail for mail service providers. Things I have tried: Jun 10, 2024 · Configuring Nodemailer with Gmail While the previous example demonstrates sending emails using Nodemailer and Gmail, an additional step is required to ensure reliable delivery. This code works with Nodemailer and Gmail to send email using JavaScript in Node. Follow the steps listed in the ReadMe and you'll be sending emails in no time! - tcanbolat/Nodemailer-with-Gmail-and-OAu Mar 20, 2023 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. This tutorial will show you how to use your Gmail account Feb 17, 2017 · I have a form using nodemailer, xoauth2 with google APi oauth2, I updated the password last week and since then my app hasn't worked and I get: '535-5. 7. You will also learn May 8, 2019 · This is to make nodemailer can use your gmail for sending the emails. Viewed 538 times 0 . First, we need to set up our Node. Gmail API 'invalid username or password' when using OAuth2 in Jun 20, 2022 · I am using Mailtrap. Here’s how to generate one: Go to Your Google Account Settings: Navigate to Google Account. Send and receive emails easily with Outlook and Gmail using OAuth2. js library for sending emails. Install Nodemailer. This works fine with gmail smtp server. To send mail using nodemailer via Gmail service you must have 2-step verification enabled in your Google account. Aug 31, 2021 · Nodemailer whit GMail SMTP OAuth2 autentication is getting me 'Invalid status code 401' 1. env file. However, I was wondering if this is actually safe for this circumstance. js and running in Google Cloud. js, TypeScript, and Nodemailer in this step-by-step guide. Start a Node. More specifically I want to connect the contact form with the backend. I've done the steps that are described here. Now you can proceed to Jun 28, 2019 · For the moment (to avoid writing out my Gmail password in plaintext) I was just using the ethereal test email server that nodemailer used in their default examples. sendMail function and pass it to the mailOptions object. Explore Teams May 5, 2023 · To get Gmail working with nodemailer, most times, This will be the new password you’ll use for nodemailer. Jan 7, 2018 · Im trying to get nodemailer working using Google GMail API. createTransport({ service: 'Gmail', auth: { user: "email", pass: "what here?" } }); I want to keep the app open source, just for the heck of it (along with not wanting a plain text password to exist basically anywhere). env now has the keys and values defined in the . Here's how we help them: User Input: The user provides their email, saying, "Hey, I forgot my password, and I need to reset it. I followed these steps: from manage your account; select security; from Signing in to Google ==> make your account 2- step verification; from Signing in to Google ==> select app passwords; make a password for nodemailer and use it instead of your password Feb 10, 2023 · The first block of code was working perfectly fine up until recently. const nodemailer = require process. !@ the new password contains only alphabetic and Numeric characters e. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. my"annoying'password. createTransport({ service: 'gmail', auth: { user: '[email protected]', pass: 'password' } }); There are other solutions here , such as using a Transport Plugin. See 'using Gmail' in the Nodemailer docs. "nodemailer" Choose Generate; Copy the long generated password and paste it into your Node. g Jul 13, 2018 · I guess the downvotes are because it seems so improper to use the client SDK this way but it's the node client SDK which doesn't need a logged in user, as stated in this answer. My gmail account is using 2FA. The issue is that my password contains both single and double quotes. Awesome. Jan 16, 2019 · The accepted answer did not work for me. enabled the captcha . js in your terminal. Sep 20, 2020 · When providing an email to reset password, Nodemailer does send out an email. NET through Gmail Jan 8, 2025 · In this article, we will cover the steps to send email using a Gmail account with the help of nodemailer. An app-specific password needs Sep 25, 2022 · It was this week I looked into Nodemailer and sending e-mails with my Gmail account, but I faced with some problems from Gmail side. below is the code working with gmail smtp: Jul 20, 2015 · After all these steps, it will generate password for that thing and insert that like this ; var smtpTransport = nodemailer. Regardless, it is tough to diagnose your issue when you are not adding callbacks to your sendMail function. Creating a transporter We first need to create an OAuth client with all of our info from before (client ID, client secret, and the OAuth Playground URL). I've tried to escape ei Aug 29, 2023 · Finally, to trigger sending an email, call the transporter. Now you have to enable 2 Step Verification in Google (How to Enable 2 Step Auth) You need to generate App Specific Password. Dec 2, 2023 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 2. Next, lets configure the TypeScript project. From our Google account, we can set up something called an app Jul 26, 2017 · 自分用メモnodemailerでの設定 var smtpConfig = { host: 'smtp. How to Get App Password. js Project (if you haven't done it yet): npm init -y. enabled the IMAP setting in gmail->setting->Forwarding and POP/IMAP. May 23, 2021 · $ mkdir node-email-password-reset $ cd node-email-password-reset $ npm init--yes $ npm install express mongoose dotenv nodemailer joi Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Jun 27, 2024 · This required setting up environment variables for my Gmail credentials. jkjzscv lchh xejehj xvc jfnko vxeydu pqsbqpc dkqa ntmmgs euzx tnlcy glxrf fxcchrkq risadv zef