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Pyinstaller oracledb secrets. My application works fine before I package it.

Pyinstaller oracledb secrets With AWS Secrets Manager, you can replace hard-coded credentials in your code, including database passwords, with an API call to Secrets Manager to retrieve the secret programmatically. When secrets. hope this helps you to resolve this issue. You can tell Older versions of macOS supported both 32-bit and 64-bit executables. 9. While I have no problems running my code through standard Python interpreter, the users expected for the program w Jun 6, 2024 · はじめに*備忘録なので荒いですWindowsからOracleDBへアクセスする際に、手軽にexeからアクセスできるようにするInstantClientは下記よりダウンロードしておくhttps… 然后就是pyinstaller看起来并不会将动态链接库自动打包,所以我们需要告诉pyinstaller要打包哪些动态链接库,步骤如下(假设python文件名为 Insert. config['SECRET_KEY Mar 9, 2024 · PyInstaller is a versatile tool that can transform your Python scripts into standalone executables with ease. Oct 15, 2023 · oracledb. I should note it is on 64 bit linux. For more information, see Secrets management. dll, and tnsnames. DEFAULT_SETTINGS['client_config_file'] = path_to_secrets_file Oct 9, 2020 · However, once the code was packaged with pyinstaller, this link to proj. Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces. PyInstaller builds an app using the the word-length of the Python used to execute it. 2. 5. On the Secrets Manager console, create a new secret to store the database credentials. What if I have multiple python libraries like pyautogui and pandas? How do I hidden import them both? I’m thinking it looks something like this: pyinstaller Pythonmain. 2 There are the generate May 4, 2017 · "For Windows 64bit, install Python 64bit. Additional data files or directories containing data files to be added to the application. Let me try a loop with 10,000. py, but I don't really know where to write that. These modules can be found in src/oracledb/*. \oracle. My application works fine before I package it. Now pyinstaller produces a binary that is no longer flagged by my university's antivirus. py", line 1, in <module> File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers. This post demonstrates how to use the new python-oracledb driver in Flask to connect to an Oracle database. Dec 12, 2024 · python-oracledb It is the renamed, new major release of the popular cx_Oracle driver. Currently cx_Oracle only supports up to 3. py import sys import os def resource_path(relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ try: # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS base_path = sys. May 23, 2021 · I know how to use the hidden import function in pyinstaller to import one python library. The app folder is successfully created and properly sit in 'dist' folder. _MEIPASS except Exception: base_path = os. E. I tried moving to the directory of my program and doing that in CMD but it didn't work. My doubt is that should i just import secrets or oracledb. pyx中找到。 I am trying to package a python application using pyinstaller. db broke. For more information about Secrets Manager, see AWS Secrets Manager User Guide. This section attempts to document common issues and pitfalls that users need to be aware of when trying to freeze their applications with PyInstaller, as certain features require special care and considerations that might not be obvious when developing and running unfrozen python programs. pyinstaller does not check the file either (#!/usr/env/bin python2). Nov 15, 2022 · Greetings. The version of Python you use depends on your client-side OS and hardware. init_oracle_client() in your code. /reg_backup. 7 Django version: 3. 3, introducing significant new functionality. Then I need to run the exe file in many target windows machines without oracle client or Python. I guess that what I really wanted to say is that, since the bytecode encryption feature is mostly smoke and mirrors (the encryption key has to be part of the executable where anyone who knows where to look can find it), if you're seriously concerned about that encryption key getting leaked then the コマンドプロンプトで「pyinstaller -v」とバージョン確認を行っても同様のエラーです。 エラーが起きる前に、新しいライブラリを沢山インストールしたので、それが原因だと推測を立て色々試行錯誤して解決していきました。 May 7, 2016 · I tried official demo code: #test. File "OracleTest. It is now found Dec 11, 2022 · python-oracledbの利用準備. Nov 7, 2022 · Hi @anthony-tuininga am using fbs which basically using Pyinstaller to build executables. secrets. py pyinstaller doquery. json file relative to the python executable is different in the pyinstaller packaged app that in your dev directory. 6. py", line 391, in exec_module. Jul 23, 2024 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly The information above covers most normal uses of PyInstaller. File location This is a comprehensive general guide to enabling the Oracle Database Secrets Engine Vault plugin. ") return os. 使用pyinstaller -F Insert. So, I'm wondering how I deploy an application using Pyinstaller so it can run with either 11 or 12c client libraries installed? Sep 15, 2016 · I wrote a python application that uses cx_Oracle and then generates a pyinstaller bundle (folder/single executable). If you are using the IBM supplied clidriver (which is the default for python ibm_db) , and if this is not already installed on the target environment, and if an alternative IBM supplied Db2 CLI driver is also not preinstalled on the target environment then you must bundle clidriver with your pyinstaller output at build time. json' [24713] Failed to execute script PyInstaller supports Python 3. I am using pyinstaller version 5. Click Create Jul 30, 2018 · For future readers: use the latest version of cx_Oracle, which got renamed to python-oracledb. By default, it is now a Thin driver that doesn't need Oracle Client libraries. 8. For platforms other than Windows, GNU/Linux and macOS, you must first build the bootloader for your platform: see Building the Bootloader. The program works perfectly when I run it using python3 gui. This lets python-oracledb be used when Oracle Client libraries are unavailable (such as Apple M1, Alpine Linux, or IoT devices), or when the client libraries are not Sep 9, 2021 · You can also create multiple secrets as shown in the following image: Refer to an existing sample, which can help you understand how to retrieve the wallet secret details. js. But, particularly in Python, distribution can also be a black beast. pip install pyinstaller and I am trying to compile my program using pyinstaller. This will install the latest version of the `oracledb` module. Please note that it is still very easy to extract the key and get back the original byte code, but it should prevent most forms of “casual” tampering. 6 After import sys, I use sys. I tried creating 3. 5 pyinstaller version: 4. whl import cx_oracle adding hostname, portnumber, servicename, username, password evrything is Jan 18, 2025 · PyInstallerは、Pythonスクリプトを実行可能なバイナリに変換するツールですが、使用できない原因はいくつか考えられます。 まず、PythonのバージョンがPyInstallerのサポート範囲外である場合があります。 Apr 2, 2020 · Then I head to the console and create the secret, choosing ‘Base64’ as the ’Secret Type Template’ and pasting the encoded content. Retrieve your SSH secret key using either AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. The simpler solution is to use --hidden-import=modulename along with the PyInstaller script. --hidden-import is simpler as a one-shot or for debugging. txt file (The command actually built the . path. ora in the same folder as the exe; But to no avail. ##### include mydir in Jan 6, 2021 · I've packaged an executable using pyinstaller and it works fine on my machine. Until I tried running python manage. 1 - works fine with cx_Oracle. io/en/stable Aug 8, 2017 · Maven Dependency docker-secrets >> 0. py but somehow breaks when OR using PyInstaller's paths flag to specify a path to search for imports. Despite the explanations on the Internet, it took me several hours to come up with an independent application that contains several images, does not open a console window while execution and is combined in only one file. I have a custom spec file that includes the Oracle client libraries so everything that is needed is in the bundle. I am using cx_oracle and the oracle instant client to connect to an oracle database. 仮想環境の作成; PyInstallerの実行 Jul 22, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand I'm following along a course - Django development to deployment. exe file generated with pyinstaller. You specify the DNS name for public connections. Closed adcContrib opened this issue Jul Nov 24, 2023 · My guess is that pyinstaller isn't correctly finding all the imports in geopandas or otherwise not pulling in all the files required to run. py内で相対インポートを使おうにも、どこからの相対なのかという基準がわからずエラーとなったのです。 This may be the issue and may not be resolved because it is checking python3 directories first, and picks up pyinstaller for python3. I'm trying to understand what's going wrong with oracledb when it's run from a PyInstaller-packaged executable. Dec 9, 2019 · Our versions of node-oracledb are the same, as are our versions of Node. 1-cp36-cp36m-win32. \icon. If you omit the / it merges with current working folder correctly. cars >> docker-secrets Feb 9, 2013 · Original date: 2013/02/09 Original reporter: *wallenpb AND gmail DOT COOM * I am trying to use pyinstaller with a the cx_oracle module. First, generate JSON input: okv managed-object secret register --create-json-input > . dll file at runtime using imp. Instead, it uses the default value I set for the Dec 31, 2019 · The Python programmer’s journey inevitably leads him to one of the black belts of the industry: packaging and distribution. Jul 28, 2020 · I used pyinstaller --onefile GUI. exe but when I double clicked it, it immediately crashed and closed the command prompt). I am working on Windows 10. Anaconda 4. import os import glob import itertools try: # PY_EXTENSION_SUFFIXES is unavailable in older Dec 8, 2022 · python-oracledbで何が変わった? python-oracledbもcx_Oracleと同じくPEP249(Python Database API Specification v2. Even the fbs freeze a You signed in with another tab or window. keepプールに乗せるオブジェクトは一般的にテーブルやインデックスになる。 設定はスキーマごとに設定するものなので、複数スキーマを運用している場合には少し気を付けた方がいいかもしれない。 eg: path_to_secrets_file = '/docs/secrets. pyx. Can you paste the output when you run PyInstaller with added --log-level DEBUG? I am trying to build an application in python which will use Oracle Database installed in corporate server and the application which I am developing can be used in any local machine. base_impl is a binary extension, so PyInstaller cannot scan its imports. You need to be very specific about the location of the file and resolve any relative paths. Oracle is one of the supported plugins for the database secrets engine. Enter the password text in Secret Contents. json. But When I tried to execute the file, it throw in error: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'my_app_creds. You switched accounts on another tab or window. File "oracledb\__init__. secrets? Jul 9, 2019 · I've scoured the interwebs for solutions ie: how to properly package cx_Oracle applications using pyinstaller and have done the following. In the case of ibm_db_sa, add --copy-metadata ibm-db-sa --hiddenimport ibm_db_sa to your PyInstaller command. More info - https://pyinstaller. Nov 21, 2017 · pyinstaller doquery. toml is an optional file you can define for your working directory or global development environment. 5 environment in envs, but when running cx_Oracle-5. ora files Aug 5, 2015 · A clear and unambiguous guide. After pulling it to Digital Ocean everything else ran smoothly. However, the variations of Python and third-party libraries are endless and unpredictable. txt. command to complete the installation. See the user documentation Enabling python-oracledb Thick mode: Aug 18, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. まずはOracle環境のセットアップからやります。 dockerでoracleデータベースXEを簡単に起動できますので、データベースの立ち上げからデータ挿入まで事前にやっておきます。 Additionally, Python bytecode can be obfuscated with AES256 by specifying an encryption key on PyInstaller’s command line. py —hidden-import=‘pyautogui, pandas’ Feb 28, 2015 · For now you can use version 2. Jul 8, 2019 · I've scoured the interwebs for solutions ie: how to properly package cx_Oracle applications using pyinstaller and have done the following: Add InstantClient and Qt DLLs to the path; Create a tnsnames. /reg_refresh. py. The module conforms to the Python Database API 2. Mar 31, 2020 · この段階では、pip install pyinstallerは成功しませんでした。もしかしたら、Anaconda環境にpipでpyinstallerは入れられないのかもしれません。最低限必要なパッケージをインストールしました(conda install numpy pandas seaborn matplotlib tqdm opencv pillow )。 Jul 11, 2022 · I'm trying to get the new oracledb library working in a AWS python lambda, using python 3. x or higher The Oracle Database Secrets Engine is currently only available for Linux based Vault servers The sqlalchemy plugins are discovered via entry-points, so you need to collect metadata and add the module to hiddenimports. I get the following error: OR using PyInstaller's paths flag to specify a path to search for imports. That will typically be a 64-bit version of Python, resulting in a 64-bit executable. Mar 1, 2023 · The oracledb module uses Cython for its base layer, which means that the modules it imports are not going to be known to PyInstaller. Python-oracledb is the new name for Oracle's popular cx_Oracle driver. Unless pyinstaller puts an option relating to this issue, there may be no solution short of uninstalling pyinstaller from python3 temporarily. exe file and it is working fine but in another machine having same configurations it is not w May 26, 2022 · Python-oracledb's default Thin mode can connect to Oracle Database 12. 1 or later. If you want to connect to Oracle Database 11. 13. 2 you need to enable Thick mode by calling oracledb. I cannot really explain the issue, but it looks like there's some kind of collision between PyInstaller import hooks and some latest additions to requests (VendorAlias). PyInstallerの仕様として、exe化を指示したファイルはパッケージに属さないものとして扱われます。 そのため、パッケージに属さないmain. See python-oracledb Installation. 0 comes with Python 3. May 24, 2022 · Python-oracledb 1. Run Python Application with python-oracledb Thick Mode with a Wallet (mTLS) By default, python-oracledb runs in Thin mode which connects directly to Oracle Database. g. pyinstaller --onefile main. py help (env) djangoadmin@ubun oracledb模块使用Cython作为它的基础层,这意味着PyInstaller将不知道它导入的模块。这些模块可以在src/oracledb/*. Prebuilt packages are available for these Python versions on Windows, on macOS and on Linux. When i run fbs run thats executing my application without any issue. See the release announcement. 3. However, when I share the executable and try to run it on another machine and the apps tries to run a query the follow Sep 10, 2015 · Try creating a file called hook-cx_Oracle. We’ve seen slow and steady progress in the field with the advent of tools like cx_freeze, pyinstaller and protocols like zipapp. What worked for me was to clear this environment variable at the top of my Python code with os. py): 1. You can explicitly add it using --hidden-import option, so your run command would be: Feb 15, 2019 · More than likely the location of the client_secrets. I was using a pyenv fork for Windows, and installing python 3. Aug 10, 2024 · PyInstaller supports Python 3. This doesn't need Oracle Client libraries by default, so you won't get DPI-1047. Adding the `oracledb` module to the Python path. Mar 28, 2012 · Windows and Anaconda help. 0 and python version 3. It will add modulename as import statement silently. I can successfully create an executable, and it will run, but the sqlite3 part of the code isn't working. But after I execute the following command pyinstaller --name=teste manage. 6 as the root. Pyinstaller not only is able to handle oracledb library, it even includes its own python in the packet. py with the following content:. Click Create Secrets. win-amd64-py3. Reload to refresh your session. Dec 12, 2024 · Run python -m pip install oracledb. abspath(". I have check for the fbs documentation for importing modules. Select the new encryption key (created in the previous section), or an existing one. Sep 23, 2022 · You can fill in all the values in the database connection dialog box from Secrets Manager. Note : I havent included any resource command with pyinstaller pyinstaller. if you are calling PyInstaller from a parent folder to your main script, and your script lives in subfolder, then call PyInstaller as such: pyinstaller --paths=subfolder subfolder/script. py but somehow breaks when Mar 13, 2022 · 1. To create a 32-bit executable, run PyInstaller under a 32-bit Python. exe runserver nothing happens, neither an Nov 10, 2024 · fix duplication of shared libraries bundled with numpy < 1. exe -F -i . However, I'm on mac with database 19c and using Instant Client version 18. Jul 4, 2022 · I am trying to compile a test code that simply connects to an oracle datable using pyinstaller. Mar 4, 2023 · oracledb模块使用Cython作为它的基础层,这意味着PyInstaller将不知道它导入的模块。这些模块可以在src/oracledb/*. Pyinstaller Packaged Executable Behaves Differently between Windows 10 and Windows 7 Specifically Using ibm_db Package #4319. But after packaging, the following error occurs when I try to run the executable file: Python-oracledb is the new name for Oracle's popular cx_Oracle driver. Additional python-oracledb features are available when the driver runs in Thick mode. 0. json' -> this would search from the root and complain file was not found. 5 i installed cx_Oracle-8. AWS Secrets Manager stores your SSH private key as a secret. Make sure there are no extra line breaks or whitespace in the secret contents! Create a secret for each of the wallet files as well as for your ATP DB password and copy the OCID of each secret for use later on. May 27, 2022 · The oracledb module uses Cython for its base layer, which means that the modules it imports are not going to be known to PyInstaller. 26 PyPI wheels on Windows, which is caused by changed behavior of PyInstaller’s binary dependency analysis in PyInstaller 6. I fixed it with the option --hidden-import from pyinstaller. 原因. I converted the python application to exe with pyinstaller using below cmmand. It may happen that when you attempt to bundle your app either PyInstaller itself, or your bundled app, terminates with a Python traceback. json: Dec 26, 2023 · Installing the `oracledb` module. 0-rc. pyx中找到。 Nov 2, 2018 · 使用Pyinstaller打包含有cx_Oracle模块遇到的问题 该问题暂没找到解决办法。 找了一个win2008r2_x64+py2. unsetenv('PROJ_LIB') and then copy the proj. You signed out in another tab or window. Dec 24, 2015 · I installed pyinstaller using . It needs to be manually included: For that you need to edit the line with as follows: Mar 1, 2023 · Stack Overflow | The World’s Largest Online Community for Developers Sep 5, 2016 · I assume this is as the result of the application being packaged with Pyinstaller while my ORACLE_HOME was pointed to a 12c client. This file lists modules PyInstaller was not able to find. 13_x64+cx_Oracle_5. My application works Dec 2, 2017 · My goal is to use Pyinstaller to bundle an exe file from a simple python script that uses Tkinter and cx_oracle to access a database. Yeah, I agree. db from the respective Conda environment into the same directory as the . Python versions 3. I know that the cx_Oracle I have was built against both 11g and 12 libraries. For example Windows, Linux, macOS, and others. If your instance has a public DNS, and you don't intend to use SSH tunneling, then also retrieve the DNS name. The python-oracledb driver for Oracle Database. Add InstantClient and Qt DLLs to the path; Create a tnsnames. 0 is the upgrade from cx_Oracle 8. I am trying to build a binary executable file out with Oracledb package for build a custom db application. exe that validates data. Older versions of macOS supported both 32-bit and 64-bit executables. 0)に準拠しています。python-oracledbは実際にインストール、インポートするパッケージが「oracledb」になる点を除けば、コーディング上はcx_Oracleと基本的には変わりません。 Apr 7, 2016 · When running pyinstaller as normal one file will be missing in the compilation. py but somehow breaks when Dec 25, 2017 · I am trying to use pyinstaller to create an . The argument value should be in form of “source:dest_dir”, where source is the path to file (or directory) to be collected, dest_dir is the destination directory relative to the top-level application directory, and both paths are separated by a colon (:). 8 through 3. Hooks are better if you want to specify which import needs what additional modules. Dec 30, 2020 · hello i am using OCI version 8. spec the ibm_db module tries to load a . x (both the old version of PyInstaller’s numpy hook and its upstream counterpart were written for behavior of v5 and earlier). To use Secrets Manager, make sure that you store AWS profiles in the AWS SCT. join(base . When I later run the executable, at first I got a few errors, just some modules that were missing ('secrets', 'ssl', 'getpass', 'cryptography'). spec文件,我们要修改这个spec文件。 将 a. You can tell Jan 25, 2018 · Things go wrong when I compiled package to make executable file in -F (onefolder) mode using pyinstaller. Enter a unique and easily identifiable Name for the secret – for example, dbadminpassword – and a relevant Description. 0-amd64. py 打包后会生成一个 Insert. 5 You should include the dependency code given in this page to add Maven Dependency of com. Jul 9, 2019 · I've scoured the interwebs for solutions ie: how to properly package cx_Oracle applications using pyinstaller and have done the following. exe for my Django Project. 7. The program runs fine from the interpreter and the oci. I inspected my program's temp directories while running both with and without the additional flag, and I can see many more files in the pyogrio subdir when using the flag. py) and it fails when bundled. readthedocs. 1. py to try this out since it seemed easy enough. The python code is developed on a windows machine with Anaconda, cx_oracle package and oracle client installed. May 5, 2021 · I have tried to find solutions on google, but it seems that there aren't some suitable solutions. 1 until PyInstaller will have suitable hook for solving this issue. json; Register the secret for the second managed object. However, I ended up with these errors in the warn-GUI. Oracle Client libraries are optional. py from flask import Flask, render_template from flask_socketio import SocketIO app = Flask(__name__) app. Feb 19, 2021 · I am trying to freeze a python application that uses cx_oracle and the oracle instant client to connect to an oracle database. Sep 28, 2022 · AWS Lambda: python-oracledb thin mode cannot be used because the cryptography package is not installed Aug 30, 2023 · What are the contents of C:\Python3114-64\Lib\site-packages\ibm_db_dlls - does it contain only DLLs, or also non-DLL files?. Now I've searched a bit and it says that I need to write pyinstaller morse. Once the `oracledb` module has been installed, you need to add it to the Python path. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Jul 23, 2020 · Hi guys! I'm trying to generate a . OS: Win 10 Python version: 3. That was wrong, I needed to install python 3. Download PyInstaller 64bit for Windows" <- This helped me, thank you. After following the basic installation procedure and deploying my lambda, I get the following error: { " okv managed-object secret register --from-json . 1-11g. HashiTalks 2025 Learn about unique use cases, homelab setups, and best practices at scale at our 24-hour virtual knowledge sharing event. binaries, 改为 Jul 25, 2021 · PyInstallerとの違いは、PyInstallerはオプション指定で1つのexeファイルにまとめられるが、cx_Freezeでは複数ファイルに分かれた形でのexe化となる。exeファイルの起動速度についてはcx_Freezeのほうが速い模様。 exe化の一連の流れ. PyInstaller is tested against Windows, MacOS X, and Linux. py and execute my runserver command using dist/teste/teste. The python-oracledb driver is a Python programming language extension module allowing Python programs to connect to Oracle Database. Whether you’re a beginner looking to distribute your first Python application or an Click Secrets. exe it installs in root only against 3. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. PyInstaller supports Python 3. Instant dev environments Oct 29, 2024 · This is happening because PyInstaller doesn’t automatically include system-installed libraries when bundling your Python script. py and then I copied the json file to the dist folder created by pyinstaller and it worked. load_dynamic from a folder named ibm_db_dlls (see site-packages\ibm_db. Java can help reduce costs, drive innovation, & improve application services; the #1 programming language for IoT, enterprise architecture, and cloud computing. Vault version v1. Connections between python-oracledb and Oracle Database are used for executing SQL and PL/SQL, for calling SODA NoSQL-style APIs, for receiving database notifications and messages, and for starting and stopping the database. This plugin generates database credentials dynamically based on configured roles for the Oracle database. . Nov 9, 2023 · If anyone is having the same problem, I solved the issue by using pyinstaller instead of pythons zipapp. from pydrive. txt hello world # myScript. Try adding secrets to hidden imports. But after I compile my program with PyInstaller, the exe program will not accept my input. py . warn-oracle. The `oracledb` module can be installed using the following command: pip install oracledb. ico . You can tell PyInstaller about them, or you can also just copy/paste the imports into a Python module that you include in my_script. Source code is also available. 3). This does not necessarily mean this module is required for running your program. secrets? Paste the following after a = Analysis() in the spec file to traverse a directory recursively and add all the files in it to the distribution. – Jun 27, 2018 · # data_files/data. Prerequisites. Edit the options and attributes in the generated JSON input file, reg_refresh. Aug 8, 2019 · import PySimpleGUI as sg import os import cx_Oracle ----- code ----- using pyinstaller I did created . 8 and newer, and correctly bundles many major Python packages such as numpy, matplotlib, PyQt, wxPython, and others. Serverless function that retrieves wallet secrets, decrypts the secret, and uses the details to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database Well, to be fair, there's no real need to print the key in the debug message. 0 specification with a considerable number of additions and a couple of minor exclusions, see the feature list . auth import GoogleAuth GoogleAuth. dll, oraociicus10. For example, OracleEssbaseEncryptionKey. py", line 56, in <module> Using pyinstaller with python-oracledb Hello Started a conversion process to move from cx_Oracle to oracledb (1. argv to get input arguments. After the bootloader has been built, use the pip install. Nov 11, 2022 · Flask is a popular open source framework. For more information about using Secrets Manager, refer to the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide. 13环境,打包后转发系统执行正常。 The version of Python you use depends on your client-side OS and hardware. Oct 7, 2021 · 対象オブジェクトの設定. toml is defined both globally and in your working directory, Streamlit combines the secrets and gives precendence to the working-directory secrets. akm wwqyh hxqp omdwf kntypk umdhos hznz twfpsok rlcw xkrng fgcc aomto xpuaj keykm ykwft