Quasar table button not working. Reload to refresh your session.
Quasar table button not working 1. Nov 1, 2021 · How can we wrap text in columns when using QTable ? I've created a sample project here on codepen. When hovering the mouse over the target element (or briefly touching and holding on mobile platforms), the tooltip will appear. May 25, 2020 · I'm not sure if it's a Vue3 change or not, but I could not get @input to trigger anything from a q-checkbox to save my life. 2 -- Script for registering service worker, with hooks @capacitor/core - Not installed @capacitor/cli - Not installed @capacitor/android - Not installed @capacitor/ios - Not installed Quasar App Extensions * None installed When using the secondary color helper, my QButton renders the color as text-color rather than as bg-color. Reload to refresh your session. Reproduction URL. I've been staring at it for hours and chec Mar 10, 2020 · I think you need to set :virtual-scroll-item-size="30" and :virtual-scroll-slice-size="80". Jul 12, 2021 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. It can be horizontal or vertical. dev The QTooltip Vue component is to be used when you want to offer the user more information about a certain area in your App. value }, { name: 'second May 17, 2022 · I have a form in Quasar with some required fields. You will be running the final build, but you can still use Chrome DevTools Remote Debugging with a wired connection (see above), to inspect the internal web internals. Also, I see the data coming back from the ajax call. What did you expect to happen? The transition should work correctly on initial and subsequent hover. How to proceed further? please help me. But data is not making it to the q Nov 12, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 20, 2021 · In this example, we added a button on the #top-right that toggles fullscreen on and off. js, you must specify which icon set you'd like to use -- you have several options outlined within that file. Now I need to click on a row cell and make it editable input text field, and after pressing ‘Enter’ button I need to save data there itself. Oct 28, 2020 · After digging into this more, I realized this effect is coming from the q-table CSS class, which is also used by the QTable component. const expandedRows = ref(["key-of-first-row"]); and second way is with setExpanded method. But the problem is that I did not find how to connect more drop-down lines there. Here is my code regarding the table and the button: May 18, 2024 · I'm trying to make Quasar table with button on every row, that open fit QMenu: It works but I need to open QMenu only by button click. I want to based on column type, on the fly set custom slot for some cell in q-table something like this : <q-table> <!-- q-table related setting that specify row and column --> <!-- slots generated Aug 4, 2021 · I have developed one Quasar data table with Add , Edit & Delete button . May 24, 2023 · For example, we have a main scroll area and then tables that are scrollable with selects inside those tables. <q-table ref="mytable" :expanded="expandedRows" > </q-table> and define expandedRows ref with key of first row in setup. g. When I added my template to the body slot I noticed the evt object was undefined when the onSelection func Aug 26, 2021 · I'm confused how you see it's not working. My goal was to sort the table and have the most recent items appear on top. Built using LED technology, this lamp guarantees bright, sustainable, and environmentally friendly lighting. Mar 4, 2020 · I am trying to do and edit feature in a Quasar table. But it seems to not work and the original details object given by @selection persisted. js q-table – 为每一行插入操作按钮(Quasar 2) 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在Vue. The QInnerLoading component allows you to add a progress animation within a component. Note that Quasar also gives us sortBy and descending. value < 1000) ? bg-red : bg-green'" I am not able to color each cell according to the number conditional and it keeps being false (In this case bg-green gets triggered on every cell). separator and wrap-cells. This component will NOT work as-is within the UMD version of Quasar. QSlideTransition slides the DOM element (or component) up or down, based on its visibility: works alongside v-show and v-if on a single element, similar to Vue’s Transition component with the only difference being that it’s not a group transition too (it only applies to one DOM element or component). conf. 0) - darwin/x64 NodeJs 11. q-table__top, . It also has the material ripple effect baked in (which can be disabled). I'm not really prepared to go the Tailwind route yet - I've put too much time into Bootstrap at this point to want to change (come at me). Much like the Loading Plugin, its purpose is to offer visual confirmation to the user that some process is happening in the background, which takes an excessive amount of time. vue component is failing depending on the width of the window. I want to put an href in first column and another in last column. sticky-header /* height or max-height is important */ max-height: 100vh . apply this on the element of concern. Simple solution? Just build your own kind of button as a div or a button element, like you already done in your codepen. You are giving the q-table component a function the component will use in it's own rendering process at specific time/place (in this case when rendering actions column content). You switched accounts on another tab or window. After the initial hover the transition is working correctly on subsequent mouseovers. . Equipped with a dimmer that can be set to three different intensities, Quasar adapts to whatever mood you are seeking to Jul 16, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. I'm trying to implement the custom-multiple-selection with q-popup-edit for the cells. I want the icon button for each row to appear only when I hover over the row. trim does break the @clear event in Quasar 2, but this is more of a Vue problem than a Quasar problem, and not so easy Oct 17, 2022 · First, assign unique names for header cells. I have no idea what is going on with the ID column header. my-sticky-header-table /* height or max-height is important */ height: 600px . tsconfig not recognizing my aliases (while in another project that supposed to have the save config it worked perfectly). I'd like to try and make it so the table extends vertical to avoid the user having to scroll horiz May 29, 2019 · I'm trying to use quasar for the first time and I am trying to show a modal with a button but somehow the value won't turn to true which triggers my modal to show. When Quasar 3 comes no one knows. Im new to quasar and to be honest Im not 100% sure how this referens works v-slot:body="props" Mar 27, 2019 · If I understand it correctly this "sort-method" is a table-global sort method? That's not really what I was after. I installed i18n and created the translation files /src/i18n/en/index. For instance, it comes in two shapes: rectangle (default) and round. 4), q-btn components that are in the v-slot:after slot of a q-input component will no longer submit the q-form (even with type="submit" added). Feb 17, 2020 · Within your quasar. e. At the same time simple components (buttons, inputboxes) are lacking customizations and you need to css override a lot. Quasar has support for these CSS safe-areas by default in QHeader/QFooter and Notify. Since Tailwind CSS parser can't see your icon such as i-heroicons-bell , it won't bundle it. Sep 4, 2020 · Hi, Hiding the pagination means exactly that. 7. Aug 19, 2021 · This basically allows us to proxy "Quasar Table Cell Stuff" easily 👍. But it does not mean that it should affect the behavior, which you as a developer can control -- and that you did, through "rows-per-page-options" (first value is the default rows per page that is being used). com. q-table__bottom, thead tr:first-child th /* bg color is important for th; just specify one */ background-color: #fff thead tr th position: sticky z-index: 1 top: 0 thead tr:first-child th top: 0 /* this is Since the q-table takes an array of data, you don't need a v-for on the inner table (same as the outer). This works but seems to disable my onclick event in q-table for some reason. Adjust the values as needed: virtual-scroll-item-size is the height of a row (height for how much space to precalculate for one item) - in the example it is 30px (from inspector) The QSeparator Vue component is used to separate sections of text or other components or elements. Home. Still, I think that my proposal would offer a more generic way to do custom sorting. You signed out in another tab or window. js and /src/i18n/en-US/index. Adding the following to your main styling will make the scroll bar go away without losing the scroll functionality:::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } Be aware that this will not work for firefox and IE. js 教程 Jun 27, 2023 · Your reproduction doesn't work for me, but to achieve what you're trying to do, you should consider using nuxt-icon. https://quasar. A simple @update:selected ="details => console. Teams Quasar Table not updating (v1) 7. this is work correctly. Also notice we have access to the cells value with props. The latter allows the user to go to a specific page by clicking/tapping on the inputbox, typing the page number then hitting Enter key. 1000) using the input field; Observe the row index and see that it is correct; Flavour. setScrollPosition('vertical', 0, 250) example shows usage to top since thats OP question, however you can modify behaviour by changing these 3 arguments 1. I don't see any errors (which would have been helpful) but data is not showing up. Nov 15, 2021 · I tried to set the font size in the header of a q-table component in Quasar, but it's not doing anything Same with the font weight. These buttons help to control the user’s input. Jun 19, 2020 · How to highlight a q-table row (change the row color) when the rowclick event is triggered? <q-table> @row-click="onRowClickChangeRowColor" </q-table> Jul 4, 2023 · I want to make a table that will have some nesting in the selection of elements. You should can click on them to go to other pages for show Jul 27, 2022 · Just feedback to Quasar Team => it would be great if we have 'numberic' prop in QTableProps['columns'] to check numberic when sorting to use this sorting function : (a, b) => (parseFloat(b[sortBy]) - parseFloat(a[sortBy])) @steveclarke @dmitry @niels @smakinson Really appreciate and Thank you to make the Quasar Framework for us. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update. id" v-ripple> <q-item-section> <q-item If your app works fine on quasar dev but is not running properly after quasar build, you have two options: go to your src-cordova directory and cordova run [platform] . Just want to know where i did mistake my q-btn are not triggering sendMessage() method. I am building a application where it uses data tables but the problem is when I make it response it is not working I tried 100vw not working and 100% width also is no use , I want the table to scroll in vertical direction if the width is less !! Jul 30, 2020 · ui. In the example below, we are also forcing QTable to display all rows at once (note the use of pagination and rows-per-page-options props). Now, I know one can change colors to implement a simila Nov 17, 2022 · There is a table on my application and the last column of it includes an icon button. I'd like to know what the solution can be. Sep 21, 2023 · I would like to create a "UI settings" page where user could set sm, md or lg font size, and pick a custom font for the quasar app. However, they stuck very hard to the Material Design System. Jan 15, 2022 · Quasar internationalisation: i18n language setting not working I'm trying to set up multiple languages for my quasar application. accLabel" dense autofocus Button Toggle The QOptionGroup component is a helper component that allows you better control for grouping binary (on or off, true or false, 1 or 0) form input components like checkboxes, radios or toggles. Then when i call the reviewed() function from a line in the q-table, the This component will NOT work as-is within the UMD version of Quasar. <q-markup-table> <thead> or <q-markup-table> <tbody> is not. “axis” with values either “horizontal” or “vertical”, 2. I managed to solve my problem by using a format function on the column. 1 yarn Not installed quasar-cl Jul 6, 2023 · Can the API help me break up this big Quasar block and bring more of the logic of constructing the table in the Nicegui domain? Validation. I am using Quasar v1. Mar 29, 2017 · I'm working with quasar framework and i don't know why the vertical scroll bar in a . The image does not tell what exactly is not working. here's . 4. online-video-cutter. Sep 29, 2021 · By plain words - imagine that your slot content is a function (and in fact, this is how it's implemented in Vue) . Unfortunately, now I do not know how to add any buttons/toggles at the end of rows. Jan 12, 2021 · I am using Quasar's QMarkupTable and I am trying to make the header sticky but it isn't working. Jun 4, 2018 · I did also struggle with . I tried what you say @rstoenescu but with no luck. Quasar internal validation does not work, as I think is documented. I have put a q-table in my page to show my data. – scott. May 16, 2020 · I am using quasar framework for my project and I have a problem on qtable component. It creates a colored line across the width of the parent. @row-click="onRowClick" I cannot figure out why this is happening. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself. I don't think it needs much, the more intrinsic quasar is the better. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. The column data is center aligned but the header text is not centered and its not left. level is an integer. Is there something I'm missing here. 0 it does not work, no matter what you try. The problem Of recent, I found out I needed to have the quasar table sorted using a specific column on my table. I tried different code and different conditions and I can ensure that it its working fine in Quasar v0. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. For example: { name: 'first', align: 'center', label: 'First col header', field: row => row. io/botura/pen/ZEKrmB Jun 18, 2021 · I have shared the link of floating action button below. Scroll the table down towards the bottom; Hit "Scroll to top" button; Expected: Scroll the table to the top so that first item is visible; Actual: Scroll the table to the top, but the first item is hidden behind the sticky header; Flavour. <template v-slot:body-cell-name="props" > <q-td :props="props"> <q-btn icon="menu" @click="" dense flat></q-btn> </q-td> <q-menu fit> Blah Blah Blah<br> Blah Blah Blah<br> Blah Blah Blah </q-menu> </template> Sep 25, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. vue Notice that when enabling virtual scroll you will need to specify the table-style (with a max-height) prop. As you can see, when the tree is expanded, the content of the other columns goes in the middle of the row, but I would like them to stay on top (basically aligned to "Test 1"). You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. Table image here. Another example is. 2. q-table__bottom, thead tr:first-child th /* bg color is important for th; just specify one */ background-color: #fff thead tr th position: sticky z-index: 1 thead tr:first-child th top: 0 /* this is when the loading indicator appears */ &. I see it's working fine. The Quasar docs say there is an @request event but I'm unsure how to incorporate this into my code. Aug 11, 2021 · I'm working with Vuejs 3 and Quasar. Like really a lot. Browsers parse the template HTML before Vue kicks in and renders it, so the markup needs to be correct. It doesn't allows the user to change the pagination (it's 100% under the developer's control). js的Quasar 2框架中,为q-table的每一行插入操作按钮。q-table是Quasar框架提供的一个强大的表格组件,可以方便地展示大量数据,并提供了丰富的功能和交互性。 阅读更多:Vue. Looks stupid. Nov 7, 2020 · You signed in with another tab or window. However it’s important to always check your Capacitor build on several models to see if all cases of your app are dealing with the safe areas correctly. In most of the cases functionality is May 19, 2020 · This is a simple template for a table I created with Quasar. That's works fine but I have some action buttons cell on my table and when I click any action button, first @row-click event triggered. Working with Quasar, checkout the docs, more specific this class: no-scrollbar. Actually the model is being updated instantly. 17 but when moving code to Quasar v1. The buttons render properly some times, but just like that, without any clear pattern, they render with the white backgrounds. May 23, 2022 · I want to open the details from a row in a modal (q-dialog), I have a button to edit and delete, but the open button used to see the details from one register is attached to the name in the row as a link. q-btn will be rendered, so everything not considered, like @mouseover="menuOver = true", will be lost. Today am going to share with you about the default sort of q-table in the quasar framework. I was able to do so with v-slot:body="props", but what fixed my previous issue was just using v-slot:body-election="scope". Now, I want to add buttons at the end of each row on q-table. It would be great if the quasar popups (button-dropdown, select, I am not sure what else) would get a refactor in that regard. You'll likely end up using this a lot, it's very handy! May 12, 2018 · Expected behavior: when you set the size attribute of the button it shows all aspects (button, icon, padding, ripple) in that size or relative to that size. Here is my table code and column data Nov 18, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. https://codepen. Its somewhere in between. Feb 12, 2021 · when click set button no even works useEditLabel <q-popup-edit v-model="e. When user click add button new row will be added in that table , but that new row is getting displayed in the bottom , can anyone guide me how to show in top because that row contains 3 drop down & 2 text field for data entry , so it will be easy to the user to enter the Aug 15, 2020 · I'm trying to create a table with header like this I try with this code, but no luck <q-table binary-state-sort table-header-class="text-white bg-44b2b8 rounded Nov 22, 2016 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jan 21, 2023 · You can pass expanded prop in q-table or can use v-model:expanded="expandedRows" if want to sync expanded rows. dev In order to disable pagination (which I did not realize to be too closely related to sorting), I was using <q-table :pagination="{ rowsPerPage: 0 }" > while I needed to do Jul 27, 2021 · I might be missing something here, even if I click the cancel button, the value is updated (see calories column). You can see it on the screenshot. home. I'm using the Quasar table component, in which one of the column (Name) has a Quasar tree, that the user can expand: . See this screen capture for clarification: It seems to be working correctly in Firefox. the array is internally passed to q-table's filterMethod which you can use to do the actually filtering. It was suggested that the reason this was happening is because the buttons are being rendered before the external scss files Vue. :class="'(props. 0. The padding between them is not matching. Feb 7, 2022 · How can the data associated with a row be obtained from a table with the @row-click event? In the following example, how do I get the id and the name values of the clicked row? <q-table title= A set of miscellaneous Quasar methods for debouncing or throttling functions, deep copying objects, cross-platform URL opening or handling DOM events. Onclick event on q-table stop working after passing props to template. Quasar is a portable cordless lamp with a sleek, fun style. Eg, :rules="email" on one of the columns below has no effect. To receive better support , please create a codepen that shows you problem. Actual behavior: when you set the size attribute of the button to a large size, the icon stays the same (i. Sep 8, 2020 · Spacing is key when it comes to design. The first item is KitKat at 518, go to the last page and the last result is Frozen Yogurt at 159 calories. It works for less than 600px of width. If the new page number is within valid limits, the model will be changed accordingly. It works as expected, but when I have more than one entry in the table it defaults to the last entry. I'm building standard web app dashboard type thing - forms, tables, buttons, navs - nothing too exotic at this stage. After the modification, I'm expecting that the filtered rows will only be the ones selected. Commented Feb 16, Icon in Quasar Button Component does not change size. I made table rows clickable by @row-click event. Docs Components Sponsors Team Blog. May 30, 2021 · I am struggling to interpret the documentation for my use case. For example, I have a table with several columns, but I would like to edit only 1 with HTML, how could I do this without having to repeat the code inside the slot of the other columns that will not be changed? Was that possible? (For example a column with action buttons) sorry for any questions, i am new to quasar. 0-rc. Nov 28, 2022 · In order this to work, q-toggle expects a string value in my case output. Currently, I can get the correct number of pages and the first page of results, but the rows-per-page value and the pagination itself does not work. This method will not // work on SSR builds. <q-table :data="rows&q you could also extend the existing q-table with q-inputs in its header slot. vue <template> <d Jul 20, 2022 · q-table @selection evt is undefined if overriding any template. For this I used template styling, however it only allows me to change the style of one cell. Apr 12, 2023 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 23, 2022 · Hello guys, i can't edit font-size/weight in label, when i do that taking the styles key, it seens to change all the column data font but not the label title. the inputs create the filter object which is transformed into an array of filterTerms. If the default table style is not enough, also add the following CSS classes to best suit your needs: bordered, horizontal-delimiter, vertical-delimiter, cell-delimiter, striped, striped-even, striped-odd, highlight, compact, loose, flipped, responsive. Sort by calories descending, records per page 5. js import { Sep 21, 2022 · Quasar toggle q-file when another button is clicked. Thus when you put a textbox next to an icon or next to a button - they don’t match and require tonns of . May 30, 2021 · I'm trying to add a tooltip to a q-list that is build via code: <q-list bordered> <q-item v-for="item in iCite_Data" :key="item. I mapped the original array with only the level as string and found out that the q-toggle tag wants true-value and false-value like shown below: Feb 14, 2020 · <style lang="sass"> . Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. HTML Tables . 3. So my question is how do it get the correct row when clicking the button? Code Download May 10, 2022 · When I update ref() array, q-table not updating. Quasar has a component called QBtn which is a button with a few extra useful features. Jun 14, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. Then, make sure when you're specifying the icon names, they match what the icon name is on the material design web site. small). Quasar CLI with Webpack (@quasar/cli | @quasar/app-webpack) Areas. mp4. Sep 29, 2021 · Quasar framework: Opening a q-dialog from a q-table row, opens the dialog for every row in table Jun 14, 2019 · Quasar v1. arg is duration of scroll animation to scroll to your axis and ofset location. May 6, 2021 · The above button should look like below. By default, every QTable row is divided with a horizontal line. Software version Operating System Darwin(18. Along with the buttons prop, you also have the persistent prop, which denies the user from closing the popup with the escape key or clicking/ tapping outside of the popup. q-focus-helper { visibility: hidden; } } Share I got this table I want to color each row in a color depending on my data. sortBy and descending allow us to set a default sort to our table. 0 Global packages NPM 6. The above one should look like. Components (quasar) Platforms/Browsers Dec 4, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 27, 2022 · Observe the row index and see that it is not what was requested; Remove the loading prop from the table; Click the button to scroll to a different selected index (e. Elements doesn't take fit & full-height into account. The ID column is still too wide and the text in the description column truncates. Aug 25, 2023 · electron - Not installed electron-packager - Not installed electron-builder - Not installed register-service-worker - 1. @kalebberry And yeah, I think so too. 0 but it does not has a property to get the filtered or sorted rows. Also the simple elements still require very long codes. accLabel" buttons @save="useEditLabel(e)"> <q-input v-model="e. See full list on quasar. In previous versions of q-table it had a computedRows property but in the latest version it didn't I am trying to add new features to the q-table like highlight focused row and enable keyboard features to allow in-line editing Oct 31, 2020 · The above answers work, for me I had to add the :deep selector for the hover effect issue to work in vue 3. I hope many features from Quasar V3. 2. I am initiating the rows ref with the "getApplications()" function. Jun 17, 2020 · I'm trying to change style of whole row based on the value in one cell. Feb 23, 2022 · My eye caught (very paraphrased) something to the effect of “Yes, v-model. HTML tables don’t need to look bad. Strangely enough, the font, color, and background color are all working. import There are two modes in which QPagination operates: with buttons only or with an inputbox. As it turned out, it was a rookie mistake: I put the paths prop to the end of the JSON object, but it has to be a nested property of the compilerOptions part: A Quasar plugin to toggle or configure the Dark Mode state of your app. when I click on it, it opens the dialog, yay. I am able to view table and it’s awesome. :deep(. argument is offset and 3. The solution is to wrap the content in a <template> like the following: Jul 27, 2021 · I'm starting up with quasar framework and trying to get a simple q-table that gets populated from an ajax call. This code was me trying to merge two q-table examples together, I wanted the expanding rows AND the checboxes multi-select down the left. When I click submit, the form does not trigger validation and doesn't even log anything to the console. This is definitely not an uncommon scenario. Piece of cake 🍰. About External Resources. Oct 18, 2017 · I am using data table component in Quasar. The Quasar Table Lamp lights up your world with its three different hues (warm, neutral, and cold white). The value of the row is added to the component using props, my problem is getting the current row. Remove the v-for and set the data to the current outer row's childs object: Aug 15, 2020 · No this does not work using ~assets the accepted answer is the correct one. The button component also comes with a spinner or loading effect. I was kinda suprised gap wasn't in yet, which let me here. Components (quasar Jul 10, 2018 · The new column widths are still not right. Jan 27, 2022 · I have a QTable that gets some data and I want to be able to filter them depending on the click of the buttons I tried implementing filter-method but it seams like it doesn't get executed at any point in time Does filter-method work with typescript? Does anyone have an example of it working? I have table defined like this: Sep 8, 2022 · Hi, my name is kamasu paul. 0. Mar 30, 2022 · Was looking at it all wrong but figured it out. Dec 6, 2019 · BUG CAUSED: In the latest version of Quasar (1. Where I work, we use this a lot as clients often want to see their data in alphabetical order by default. q-table--loading thead tr:last-child th Oct 6, 2021 · Why did it work in your codepen? Different to q-btn the div you used in codepen is already as it would be displayed. but it opens it for every register in the table. js // boot/i18n. This is creating a feel of "lag". Any pointers would help. The QTr and QTd classes have a no-hover prop which adds the q-tr--no-hover or q-td--no-hover class to the to the respective elements. value! But what if we want to target specific cells Specific Cell Slots (#body-cell-[name]) tack on "name" and you can target any cell you like within a row. Lastly, you can control the labels of the two buttons with the label-set and label-cancel props, as seen in the “Protein Aug 18, 2021 · Most of those pagination options likely make sense to you. log(details)" confirms that the original object persisted. If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. Jul 4, 2021 · I am get stucked ,I installed Quasar version 2. This way the unformatted values get passed to the column sort function. Sep 10, 2023 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 17, 2023 · Tasks_-_Google_Chrome_2023-08-17_20-59-15. Quasar takes care of them by default if you add q-table CSS class to them. q-expansion-item) { . cqhh rtnh rdg otn dnzb ugwfe uacgcm ugywhj mbxh meepcjw acohdpq nejmyu fpgp uumnf zaugk