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Wot best german tanks reddit. Then it’s the best tanks for you.

Wot best german tanks reddit And if you want to play clan wars eventually, the British is the best choice and the German sometimes gets used too. Medium line tiers 9 and X are one of the best in the game, while tier X heavy is probably the best heavium ATM you can get in tech tree. Best camo in the game, but not as versatile as others. It also has the highest top armor in game with the weakest point of top armor sitting at a nice 80mm. The tier 8 is an amazing combat scout. High pen and extremely good camo. The Leopard is still just a bit better, since the buff, but not really great. Could someone please explain the smaller things to me! Gold! What is gold useful for? My standard order for all light tanks and TDs. The tier 5 is acceptable. 01 D can be some fun medium tanks. Russian Light Tank line, hands down #1. He has the most subs among all wot cc. Everything below tier 5 sucks. Very strong in downtiers and doesn't get sucked up to the 7. The Grille had a very high arc and a big gun but the aim time and super narrow gun arc was a pain. com Nov 23, 2024 · A comprehensive review of the German tech tree in World of Tanks for 2025. Not beginner friendly tho'. I think the E 100 is the better tank with its better damage dealing and more mobility. It is a tank will very little downside, and what helps is that the ways you get it typically means only good players aquire it, adding more to its power. So right now, I'm making my way over to that line, since the majority of my focus is on German tanks. 2 kind of guns but the 152 is weak after HE nerf but fun to play. So pretty straightforward: are german light tanks worth it or wheeled tanks made them completely irrelevant? Right now I own the VK 28. slap a turbo on it and you get some crazy mobility for a medium ngl The best tank nation in WoT Blitz depends on your playstyle. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. If you just wanted to play 4 games a day with premium you'd get xp worth 16-20 non-premium games played a day. French arty is fast and has good RoF but rather low alpha. Conclusion. Pretty much every tank in the line is a solid or awesome choice and in the end e100 can still be fun if the enemy team doesnt go full heat. Mar 6, 2024 · Check out our list of the best tank destroyers in WoT. He only shows you the best case scenario. Research any russian tier 7 tank instead and buy SU-14-2 which is collector tank. People camping with Leo will camp with their other tanks too, it's one of the best offensive mediums because it is just so freaking fast and can retreat out of almost any situation, at the same time one can use it to spot, I just had a 10k spotting game on prokho because my EBR died first minute. Especially when you add modules to buff that ability. The rest is all average or below average. Well i try my best to win as any tank i use also with arty And its easiest to play compare to any tank I've played And now I'm looking for targets to pick for to win the game And your right BZ-176 is OP and it can solo win games I'll do what i have to and i got a long way to reach tier 8 since I haven't picked proper arty line yet Before that massive HE nerf things like a Foch could dump an HE magazine on a tanks front deck and be done with it. I failed with various Tier 8s as well. I know you said you wanted to snipe, but as a once begginer myself who started playing with the STRV line then with T110E3, the difference in performance (and fun) was SL Efficiency - B tier / Research Efficiency D tier / Fun Factor - A tier (Russian tank that doesn't face German guns) Bfw. If it actually hit as hard as it does in the Lore or was as durable as it is in the Lore it would have the hardest hitting Gun in the Game and the best Frontal Armour, with Side Armour being second only to the Predator which would have the 2nd most deadly Gun in the Game with the 2nd best Frontal Armour in the Game. Best moving is Sheridan, the hull amor is smaller than the appearance because the space amor. Maus is pretty slow, has bad Pen, and can be penetrated with gold easily, which makes it the worst choice imo. I look for the best one possible. After that, you should play russian medium tanks towards obj. Heavily armored targets won’t be a problem too. But people just assume that if both tanks just keep left-clicking that the German heavy would come out on top. Meanwhile you can get some heavy tank TD like the T110E3 and go with the heavy tanks which requires infinitely less knowledge of the game and would be way easier for a begginer. I think they're the most accurate tanks with good aimtime and dispersion. Repair saves you precious seconds when you need them, much more than camo -- though low-level and Russian TDs love camo. E100 definitely not possible. If you don't like SPGs, then go play WoT Blitz. See full list on gamersdecide. I find it finnicky at times and has a tendency to get eaten by Russian ERA for some reason. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla Depends what you want, and for what tier. Vk72 is the most effective because of its rear facing turret with decent armor and high single shot damage. Fair enough. Emil is absolute crap, probably the worst tank in the entire German tree imo, but it still has a great gun if that's worth anything with its shocking mobility and 0 armor and camo. E100 line is probably the best heavy line in the game overall, with the tier 7, 8 and 9 tanks being really great and tiers 5 and 6 are quite good too Tiger I is especially fun to me, that gun in tier 7 just feels nuts, it would be good on a tier 8 medium Dont play arty if you want to play world of tanks. Great camo and can do light tank things. Best Tier 10 Premium This is easily the Chieftan. It also has no prammo. Sometimes you may see some tanks are rated bad but as long as you are enjoy it, it’s a good tank as well. It is pure pain to drive those things stock. otherwise i woudnt recommend german tanks get yourself a soviet medium (or soviet tanks in general) instead. Tiers 5 and 7 are ok, tiers 6, 8 and 9 are best on this tier. Not the best camo or firepower, but definitely the most versatile and can even bounce occasionally. I will be honest with you - this is worst tier X german heavy tank and one of worst overall. I’m clueless about what are the best tanks or where to go next to get the fullest enjoyment from the game, any recommendations would be fab. Now that arty has been nerfed into oblivion, and have less than 1k damage per game on average AT TIER 10, you need something that can shoot precisely, and that can shoot fast, and only obj 261 ticks all those boxes. . I think really the only thing it needs is a buff to dpm and bringing it's speed on par with the 277 to make it a very solid vehicle. 00 average ranking, which I think can be attributed to the recent buffs that really made the tank shine. Some advice is that you may also want to grind the IS7 line simultaneously as most of the guns carry over to the IS4 line (it also saves your exp for other modules), and trust me, you do NOT want to play the kv3 and kv4 stock. At tier ten the British one is the best. ; there really is nothing the Grille 15 would truly be "bad" at. QB is also THE best WOT premium tank sales man, he only talks about the good thing of a tank. So I can unlock any tank in the line. Small maps, faster game play, no SPGs. Yeah, ltwt got its armour combined with mobility, which can easily prevent some mistakes, but if I want to play armoured mobile tank, I can play t9 med. Noticeable tier 6 tanks: The VK 30. For fast, agile tanks, go for the German line. Unlike with most other TDs that are just one-trick ponies with only one "correct" way of playing them, with the Grille 15 you can experiment and try out multiple playstyles; it's good at sniping, brawling, ambushing, getting into early positions, providing supportive fire, etc. 02 M and the VK 30. LIS is one of the best tier 8 premiums in the game. CS-63 is an acquired taste but is a hilarious tank that is a lot of fun. soviet: the best t5 tank in the soviet tree is the kv-1. ELC Even 90 - if you prefer to be the sneaky cockroach. The tier 9 is an amazing combat scout. If the 10 euro a month isn't a problem it can really improve your WoT experience, especially if you don't have much time to play. tanks don't require massive amounts of gold spam at tier 10 premium vehicles are good too and fun Close second for Poland for same basic reasons- 60TP and 50 TP Prot are both hugely entertaining and legitimately good tanks. The tier 7 weird, but fantastic. 140 or T62A, and then, after you read through all of the wargaming official world of tanks wiki and understood it - you can play light tanks. My friends in the EU server suggested it. However the Maus was my first tier 10 and it was the vehicle I really wanted. Maus at 100 tons, this one at 188 tons. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. 105mm DM33 and is slightly worse than DM23. Run by players not WG. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. The G. Even its HE shell can penetrate its enemies for tier IV. Has an autoloader so it can defend itself, but it's very hard to play properly Posted by u/sovietization - 2 votes and 20 comments I got bored and started grinding German arty's for the current On Track event. You like to delete enemies from the map, go for the Jagdpanzer E100 or either of the FVs. Hello everyone, so I was wondering what would be the best medium tank line of any nation which would suit me as I am begginer with 2500battles, currenly I am at italian tier6 medium but I have seen lots of comments that at higher tiers you need to be more skilled, also grinded sweden med till tier9, but I found it very difficult to play at tier9. As a side note, people that complain about SPGs in World of Tanks doesn't make any sense to me. So in short the Mäuschen is essentially a Maus prototype It's more of a tank destroyer than medium tank and that kind of play style tends to either heavily entice or dissuade people from enjoying it. You can have tanks that balance just two of these components (like Borat or Maus, for example - mobility and firepower in case of the French cockroach, firepower and durability in the case of the German brick) and still be good, but tanks that are specialized and can fullfill only one role can't be regarded as "good", pretty much by definition Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. If you prefer heavy armor and brawling, the soviet line is strong. Screenshots show my current situation. While other CC like skill4ltu will tell you don't buy this tank, its a waste of money, there are better tanks. That said, there are some tanks that may behave better than average. Czechslovakian tanks are consistently in top spots for high tier tanks, so I would say yes. The rest are pretty balanced with the exception of the M6 which got a massive buff with DPM and turret armor (I think mobility too). LT-432 - Currently the best tier 8 LT in the game. The gun handling is also one of the best in game, 1. However alpha is poor. It's called T55A and German engineering saved by mother Russia!!! The rest of the German tank not worth it at the moment. 7s aim time! Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Then go for the T-34 to get used to mediums and where to position & flank. Each nation has its strengths, so choose based on your preferred gameplay style. French SPG Line. Might i recommend that you DO NOT play the kv-3 and/or the kv-4 stock. New to the game and only started unlocking tanks in the German and USSR tech tree. On some kills they say "Wir haben sie", which means, We have them. It's not great but will be enough for many missions. Then it’s the best tanks for you. The VK is possibly the only tier 8 heavy that isnt completely outclassed by premiums, and it does a good job of teaching what The St. The Stug III G is also pretty solid. There are issues though, mostly with medium line. Tier 10 is bad comparing to 261, CGC and even M53/M55 so stick to tier 9. If you really want to go further, Tiger II tier 8 german heavy is considered one of the best tanks for its tier followed up by E75, also one of the best tier for tier tanks. Light tanks may have the least raw power, but skilled player who understands all game ins and outs can get even better results than in heavy - Leopard 1 (best German tank IMO), you can do a lot of missions with Leo and not only various damage and kill missions but also spotting missions - if E-100 is giving you a hard time for blocking missions you could go for Maus/Pz VII line and you don't need to get to tier 10 even; VK 100. Try and push through to tier 5 for real world of tanks, where people behave closer to intelligently. Statistically (winrate) at tier eight the French one is the best. The grille has a bigger alpha but it comes at the cost of gun handling which makes it less accurate than the stats would dictate. A tank destroyer that yourself shouldn’t be underestimated. Leopard 1, this tank is very dangerous in the hand of a good player. The French SPG line is characterized by mobility and high accuracy as well as rate of fire. Rather, you have to play this smart. the Mäuschen ( and the VK 100. Best amor is WZ. :) Seriously, I don't think it's worth grind them right now. The only high tier german tanks i would really recommend are the borsig, e50, e50m, leopard 1, E75, E100 and MAYBE the grille 15 if you like the td He knows how to get the sweet clicks. 01p and VK 168. The E 50 M line has pretty good tanks and personally the E 50 M was my first tier ten and my favorite high tier tank. Great gun, good armor. 141K subscribers in the WorldofTanks community. However, the Maus line is still worth grinding for, as the VK100. Overall good - t100lt (or manticore for skill players) T100lt has a very good line (except 8lvl), amx has a good line too, but you have to find some “feeling” of it. What's the best German Tier X heavy tank? MAUS in da HAUS. German light line is overall good, but more like very fast medium tanks without any armor personally have not experienced wot blitz, however it’s one of those tanks that heavily punish you for doing mistakes. Indien Panzer is a painful grind. British line has best tracked LTs in the game, unfortunately starting from T8, lower tiers are garbage. Löwe is the best credit maker in the game but i becomes boring to play because of its speed. Best TD line depends on what you play like. Mostly they did not shoot, or spam HE on heavily armoured German tanks. Apologies in advance for the rambling, but it’s more in depth than what’s been said so far so I hope it helps. This is based on a F2P account, so I'm not dropping and resetting skills. Bourrasque / progetto / skoda t56 are fun tanks but you have to fire gold to be competetive so you dont earn alot of credits. german: the star of tier 5 germany is the pz4h with the 105mm gun. Ive done the russian heavy line (up to obj277) and German TD (wt e-100). The best overall is the e100 heavy line. Really it is fine but the Chaffee, Leopard and ELC are all pretty nuts. Tiger one is fun, tiger 2 is like a tech tree renegade, e75 is one of the best tier 9 heavies and the e100 is good but definitely not meta. German jpz series is good for sniping too like Swedish. the hetzer, Stug 3 g, Pz. Best tier 4 tank is the one you are most comfortable to play with. Memorize enemy reload times. I think The tier 9s Are The best tanks in those lines. Finally: It's THE heaviest tank in game. 3 Cold War tank black hole) Some of them are better at what they do than others, and there are obviously tanks like the poor ol' T34 or FCM 50t, which are just forgotten and obsolete at this point of WoT's history - but, again, if you are at least an average player, you really need to specify what you want to do with your heavy tank before deciding which one will be "the For the 279e campaign, you don't need a German SPG of tier 8+, so if those are the only reason you need arty I'd recommend staying at the GW and starting the American ones to reach their tier 9. 7 seconds i would say. The buffs to the E 50 Ausf. I need a German crew training tank for one of my german TD's, I prefer it not be a TD tank. Commander - 6th sense, BIA, Situational awareness, Recon (if radio operator as well) camo, repairs, mentor. net I was also looking at the T-25, which also has a 10k average credits per game, the full 5 crew members and it's only $10 (Well within the $30 Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. It has significantly worse 60 degree pen vs. Tier for tier, which one is the best? I'm up to the Hummel so far which seems pretty nice. My best tank statistically. the stug is also quite decent, the rest of the tanks are mediocre at best. Also, while I know you like to stick to Mediums and TDs, I explore you to at least try out the KV 1. Good burst damage - french amx. The tier 6 is alright. German E100 line is in my opinion the both the strongest and most beginner friendly. At T10, the Obj 261 is the only one worth considering. Currently doing japanese heavy and medium but starting to get a little… These are commonly accepted definitions for Best tank overall for the community. But still no one wants to get hit by 330+ pen HEAT with 750 alpha. If you are a stealthy player your Strv will do fine. Besides the American and british line they all Play alike in lowtier. I have countless blueprints and more free XP than I can do something with. Everybody and their grandma knows about German DPM, which is pretty much the case for every German tank except the 12. Lights: Luchs -great mobility, camo, view range, great fun with the 3cm automatic gun M5A1 (chinese one) great mobility, camo, view range, accurate gun, BT-7 exceptional mobility and camo Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. IVc, Tiger 1are pretty good credit makers (atleast for me). Imho the true sneaky scout playstyle represent Ru way better. For instance, German tanks say "Auf gehts" at the start of a game, roughly meaning move on. In my opinion T29 (American heavy) is the best tank to do a 3xHP in blocked. Best ammo is Manticore but long reload, low DPM, ammo count, best camo/viewrange effective also Manticore. And the 261 even though it has the lowest damage, it has the best reload and is surprisingly accurate with a good shell velocity therefore it is sometimes used to snipe driving EBRs in CW/Advances. 01 and just need a bit more experience for the SP1C, but I want to hear some opinions before continuing down the line. tiger 131 is a tier 6 heavy premium tank, doesn't make as much credits, plays like a tiger 1 lower tier with a lower tier gun. a beast in close ranges and still pretty good on open maps due to improved softstats. Alternatively don't research any arty. it basically does what the matilda does at t4, but with a Snipers tanks arent only the so called tank destroyers (TD), basically if you want a sniper tank you will need around 0. The E 50 before it is decent, but it's probably among the top 5 worst stock grinds in the game. 8 cm E75 and the Lowe. American arty are the most friendly. So the best German tank to blocking is? Slightly adjusted summary from icygamer: . Business, Economics, and Finance. It has the second highest HP of all tank destroyers in the game, and its gun doesn't dissappoint- with an excellent DPM and with decent accuracy. It has amazing turret armor and not a lot of HP, unlike the E100 or mouse for example, and the T29 can bounce higher tier tanks easily when hull down. USA only for T49 derp. A KV-2's HE shell would easily blow modules out by the dozen. Until tier 5, it's pretty obvious, which tanks are good: Hetzer, Pz IV H, Luchs and Pz I C are fun tanks to play. It can shove any and all tanks off a cliff too. 01P and the Maus are both great tanks. There are a lot that have this but the playstyle can be very different. German only for Ru 251, lower tiers are excellent passive spotters, very similar to gsor gameplay, but the shell velocity is atrocious on these tanks. The 277 is an exceptionally good tank so this kpz certainly won't be terrible, and it's a tank style that's certainly lacking in the German tech tree. Tier 5 is when the game starts to get balanced and tanks start to have individual traits rather than being slowish unarmored boxes with guns. You can use camo net and turn 360 degree, you still have camo net. and the 122mm, is very fun considering the paper tanks at the tier, and if you plan on getting the kv-2 (would recommend) its best to get used to stalin guiding your shells at range, and just crippling heavies at close range without even aiming (however HEAT is also effective) Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Probably get O-I for completing personal missions, making credits and just memes if you want to play Japanese tanks as a new player, its a very simple tank to play and not hard to get, but stop there and dont climb the line further. It’s slow, but its unrivalled for survivability. It doesnt have Maus armor or E100 firepower. Go for the best German tank. It severely lacks damage or splash, has an awful shell trajectory and speed and has a huge reload time (auto-loaders). Stationery position concealment values up to 70, like ghost TD. Get used to angling, sidescraping, try out how different types of guns play, etc. VI - Stay clear from tanks like the M4A3E8 and the likes; Tanks like the Pawlack, Ji-Ro and Staghound are a must-avoid in most cases and basically any other tank you see underperforming. KV-1 is probably one of the better tanks to start learning on. Also best DPM but horrible accuracy. W E is an Allrounder accuracy, splash and dpm are neither bad nor “good” (compared to other SPG). Discover the best tanks at each tier and expert tips on upgrades and equipment selection! Jun 23, 2021 · Now let’s see the best German tanks tier by tier. İf you try to new things on world of tanks you should choose. Grille 15 line is amazing. E-75 is an absolute beast of a tank with great alpha tier for tier and one of the best armor layouts tier for tier (If you know how to use it of course) and jtiger is great with its 560 alpha, good dpm and penetration. I was thinking about the Pz IV S since it's about $20 and it has the full 5 crew members along with a 10,000 credit average per game according to vbaddict. The E100 itself is not "meta" (although it's not bad), but until you get there you're pretty much always playing one of the best heavies available. German is an all around average British has best arc and slow shell French has best mobility, a magazine, and sub par gun American is an alpha monster Russian is bias but has a sliver of an arc Fv304 is the best Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. It is solid enough to perform in any roll, but it is best as a beginner's hull down tank. Jagdpanther: SL Efficiency - A tier / Research Efficiency - B tier / Fun Factor - A tier (The cooler Jagdpanther. On paper this tank doesnt look bad but in reality everyone knows that part below turret cheeks is huge weakspot so you cant sidescrap. Good tanks for newer players include the KV-1S for heavy drivers, T-34-85 for meds and the MT-25 for lights. The Object 140 has the highest standard deviation for a tank above a 5. Its He penetration is fun to play around an its a gem in the German Light tank line. they were Porsche's early designs in the super heavy tank program that would evolve over time to meet the funny moustache man's requirements, each project not being "enough" until the Maus was conceived. Guns on light tank - german light tank. Sfl. TDs i cant say much about. I won’t recommend the MT since it takes Strv 103b and Leopard 1 are probably the two most reliable snipers. Swedish line is good in tier 8 to 10. I enjoyed the tier 4 more than the Grille. That said, the M735 sabot isn't the best, especially in uptiers. At tier nine the French one is also the best (though statwise I think most people agree the American is the best). 30 or lower dispersion and a aim time beneath 1. The bounced armor one is something like, "Wir haben sie nicht mal angekratzt", or, we haven't even scratched them as the English saying is. I dont know tier 5 TDs that well, but I know the French and Swedish TDs have very big and very funny guns, while the T67 is the usual best in class choice. You try the tanks, you find the tanks that fit your style, you have fun in playing those tanks. The Jagdtiger is a german tier IX tank destroyer on the basis of the Tiger II heavy tank, and it is massive. 01p ) were both stepping stones in the Maus' development. Can deal huge damages, one-shot sometimes. Turret?— No. If you like sniping, the American and British lines excel at it. You will always damage vision system, engine or tracks with arty. the alpha and dpm are much to demand but it performs very well in all other aspects on the gun while having enough armour to bounce some to most base shells when hull down. TL;DR on these: 6th sense is the best perk in the game, no questions asked, snap shot works on every tank, yes TDs and SPGs too, clutchbraking makes your tank turn faster, if you need to ask why this is good please do. German, the lowe is probably only heavy tier 8 premium available to you, has a relatively good penitration gun with its standard rounds, not the most heavily armour tank by any means, but has similar game play to tiger 2 etc. The E100 line is the best line out of the options and is objectively the correct choice. 01 P at tier 8 is pretty nice for some of the blocking JpzE100 has a great boomstick and very good frontal armour but like the other German superheavies at T10, it's a huge arty and gold magnet. Any ramming will kill all other tanks. qfd bgid ltbj nhcha gkz qilbcro vkhwsg uutsf xfqhs jdhcp ibo todq dpwpfj feie vibllis