
24 hour halacha hotline. A project of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation.

24 hour halacha hotline self-clean oven) or until it begins to glow. Nishmat’s Golda Koschitzky Women’s Halachic Hotline was established to meet the needs of women who seek a woman-to-woman address to clarify Jewish law (halacha) as it relates to issues in women’s health. The Rama (YD 121:5) writes that one may use a non-kosher pot or bowl with cold foods (even before it has been kashered, so long as this is an occasional use (derech ara’i), such as, if one is staying in the home of a non-Jew, or one is home, but a kosher bowl is not Whether you are at a hospital, in your home, or anywhere else, Ematai can provide you with immediate rabbinic assistance via our helpline. If it is late in the day, and it is not feasible for the food to arrive Based on the teachings of the Mishna Berura and R' Moshe Feinstein. 1-800 The 24-Hour Hotline is a resource for loved ones or professionals who need support or have questions about domestic violence, sexual violence, or human trafficking. The Halacha Institute of Toronto (H. It is permitted to kasher a non-kosher dishwasher. org or call: 773-510-0621. 24 HOUR HOTLINE: 718-ARUCHIM(278-2446) S ephardic 24-Hour Hotline: 347-578-8200. Health Advocacy and Counseling S ephardic 24-Hour Hotline: 347-578-8200. The hotline’s poskim rule in accordance with the Shulhan Aruch of Bet Yosef,” says hotline supervisor and Jerusalem resident Harav Yaron Ashkenazy. At the OU we get asked these questions on a daily basis and I would like to share some of these questions and answers. com. 3 days ago · Halacha hotline (Five Towns and Far Rockaway): 516-239-2500 or (718) 337-8370 Vaad Hakashrus of the Five Towns: (516) 569-4536 Five Towns Eruv (YIW hotline): (516) 295-0150 and press 1 week. Some hold that offering credit for a large purchase is not ribbis , arguing that it is only ribbis when the merchant stipulates that future purchases must be made at his store. 337. Post navigation. Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald. 732-730-1000. 3 days ago · With Rabbonim answering from Eretz Yisroel, Lakewood, New York, Los Angeles, London, Melbourne and Johannesburg, Kav Halacha provides a 24 hour solution to timely shailos. You can ask a shaila online at https://kavhalacha. Advocates are trained to provide support and resources to adults, teens, and children, who may be in crisis or feeling confused about an experience. Although this food is not fleishig, and eating it will not necessitate In a previous Halacha Yomis, we have seen that if food is heated uncovered in a fleishig microwave oven, even if the microwave is clean, the food will still absorb a secondary fleishig taste (nat bar nat) from the walls of the microwave. 24-HOUR HALACHA NETWORK: Around-the-clock accessibility to leading Poskim, with specialized divisions, including medical halacha. What should we do about bentching, kiddush, davening, Al Hanisim, etc. Momenus (Choshen Mishpat/Ribbis) 2-3pm and 9-11pm at Ext. But in your case tvilah is not necessary at all, because the utensil is likely owned by a non-Jew (Y. These helplines are open 24/7, so you can reach them at any time: National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD): This hotline will provide information and referrals to appropriate resources in your community. Asking your shaila to a reliable posek has never been easier! If a pot has not been used for 24 hours (aino ben yomo), the flavor absorbed in the walls becomes stale. What would be the halacha if the cold, kosher vinegar had been kavush for 24 hours in a tank which had previously held cold, non-kosher vinegar for 24 hours? Answer: It is forbidden because it reinvigorates the aino ben yomo flavor absorbed in the tank. Run by : Rabbi Yehuda Meisels & Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky . Call Free Now. The water that one tries to use to kasher the utensil will receive the non-kosher ta’am and it itself will become non-kosher. Our hotline 2896 0000 is operated 24 hours a day. Contact us by calling 646-599-3895 or click the box below to launch the Whatsapp chat. Discover a world of Jewish wisdom and get your questions answered. to 10:30 a. Nov 14, 2017 · Halacha Hotline of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway Community (google for the telephone number) Sunday-Thursday (regular hours) 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM and 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM Nov 10, 2023 · For immediate halachic guidance, contact the AskTheRav Hotline at 718-604-8000, extension 5. Thus it emerges that double knots should not be tied or undone on Shabbos; single knots—which some consider non-professional knots and others don’t reckon as knots at all—should not be tied or undone if meant to last more than 24 hours, but if the need Medical Halacha, monetary Halacha, a fertility Halacha guidance division, Kashrus questions, Safrus, a special hotline for Sephardi Halacha line and so many more. 8370 and press prompt 6. Therefore, if your question is at all different from those published online, we encourage you to submit your question together with a link to the database for us to The Beiur Halacha (447:8 s. Dec 13, 2024 · This service is available during regular business hours with a “live chat” support on the weekends. 3 These hotlines provide information, resources, and support to those struggling with alcohol abuse: SAMHSA: 1-800-662-4357 5; Alcohol and Drug Help Line: 1-206-722-3700 10 Your feedback is important to us. How may I help you?” Anyone seeking information, support, shelter, or legal services can call HAWC. Our core services are a Halacha Line: where rabbonim are standing by to answer your questions; Halachic Business & Estate Consulting, to assist those interested in ensuring that their businesses and estate planning operate within the confines of halacha; and a Jewish Jul 11, 2008 · Ordinarily, we require waiting 24 hours before doing hagalah on utensils that had absorbed non-kosher. Hours: change by season Feb 13, 2024 · Following Rav Katz’s words, Rav Eli Biegeleisen, a coordinator of Kav Halacha Network, shared some of the options for the tzibbur to ask shailos on the Kav Halacha hotline and the resources and contacts developed exclusively to support rabbonim in dealing with specialized shailos. Surface should be completely clean and dry. 8400 x411. COM offers the first and most extensive ask-the-rabbi service online, providing answers to your Jewish questions from a caring, international team of scholars and educators. Home; Kav Halacha Is Now Worldwide: The 24/6 Halacha Hotline Expands Around the Globe May 13, 2023 · The 24/6 Halacha Hotline Expands Around the Globe May 13, 2023 7:00 pm Kav Halacha , started over a decade ago, primarily serving the English-speaking communities who were seeking Rabbonim that spoke their familiar tongue. Oct 1, 2024 · An infectious disease is deemed life threatening by halacha if it can occasionally have fatal consequences if left untreated; consult a physician to determine whether this applies. When your call is answered, you will hear the Crisis Advocate say, “SARA Crisis Hotline. Find contact information for Cebu Pacific Air including customer service details and support options. In addition to the myriad acts of chesed we are performing and the meaningful initiatives in their merit, we invite you to join Nishmat in a 24 hour day of Torah learning. We forward all questions to qualified and experienced rabbis, or, if necessary, to Rabbi Amram Fried himself, and respond with their answers, usually within 24 hours. Jun 20, 2008 · However, the Taz disagrees and only permits the use of a keili hassui lehishtamesh beshefah if the issur and ta’am imparted is unpalatable. D. LIBUN GAMUR Surface must be heated to a dry temperature of approximately 850° (i. v. Although technically speaking, a proper self-cleaning may be done immediately without waiting 24 hours, since it is possible the self- cleaning oven is not working the way it should, it is best to be careful and only Most of our Wellbeing Practitioners have backgrounds in psychology or counselling and are passionate about mental health. Still, Chazal forbade cooking meat in this pot out of concern that if this were allowed, one might easily The Crisis Text hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the U. The Biur Halacha (317:4) rules that one should assume it’s 24 hours, except in cases of great need, where he may go with one week. 120:8). OORAH. HAGALAH Surface should be completely cleaned with hot water and unused for 24 hours. Harav Ashkenazy is the Moreh Horaha and Rosh Kollel at “Choshen Mishpat” and has been associated with the Halacha Hotline from the start. Although this food is not fleishig, and eating it will not necessitate Inspirational ten minutes of free shiurim on the phone 24 hours. The Halachos on our database are meant for Halacha L’Maaseh – practical Halacha, and can be followed in regular circumstances. The accessibility of Kav Halacha – [732-707-6666 in the USA, 0553-200-200 in EY, 020-4538-4538 in the UK/EU] has attracted callers from all over the world, enhancing the A 24-hour hotline for English speakers staffed with leading poskim for when you have a shaila and your own Rav is not available. Staffed by devoted dayanim, this invaluable resource offers individuals the opportunity to receive accurate and authoritative answers to their Choshen Mishpot questions. For time sensitive questions please call: Rabbi Chanoch Ehrentreu at 416-712-9752. To become a leader or find out more: bnos@agudahil. The non-kosher water will be reabsorbed back into the pot, and the pot will remain non-kosher. AA Hotline: 24-Hour Availability. Center for Culturally Sensitive. CHAYIM ARUCHIM 24-Hour Hotline: 718-ARUCHIM (278-2446) Jan 30, 2025 · But the Shulchan Aruch’s view is accepted as halacha (Bris Yehuda 11:24). COM offers the first and most Nov 2, 2016 · Israel KAV HALACHA HOTLINE Halacha Shailos Hotline for the English speaking community 02-569-5103 -24 Hours a day (From 2am until 5:30am only urgent shailos). On any given day, the hotline receives about 3,000 Saturday Night: Half an hour after Shabbat ends to 12 Midnight. Online chat hotline; National Street Harassment Hotline: a service of Stop Street Harassment. 2022 Together, we can develop a safety plan that meets the specific needs of you and your children. Popular Reads: Daily Life When you make the decision to call the SARA 24-Hour Crisis Hotline, you may contact us by calling 540-981-9352. Veterans Crisis Line Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press 1 or text to 838255 24-hour telephone hotline. Similarly, if one immerses a non-kosher utensil The hotline’s poskim rule in accordance with the Shulhan Aruch of Bet Yosef,” says hotline supervisor and Jerusalem resident Harav Yaron Ashkenazy. ? A The Rama (O. I. The 24-hour hotlines maintained by Alcoholics Anonymous are available in many communities around the world. When dropping off a sheilah please include all relevant information and your phone number. Children’s’ Shmiras Halashon Halacha and Story Hotline. It must be left dormant for 24 hours and then it may be kashered by running three consecutive full cycles. If medical advice is unavailable, take the treatment, because even safeik pikuach nefesh overrides a de’Oreisa . Our hotline is staffed by trained Crisis Advocates, typically volunteers, through a mobile cell phone service. Call anytime to hear Rabbi Meir Erps teach a daily Halacha in Shmiras Halashon with an exciting story. At all other times one can leave a message. Open 24/7, this hotline aids kids and families experiencing relationship problems, thoughts of suicide, and addiction. e. If one cooks water in a non-kosher pot without first waiting 24 hours, the water becomes non-kosher because the non-kosher flavor that was absorbed in the pot is expelled into the water. org/ask-a-shaila/ USA: Golda Turner | 347-743-4900 | golda@beineinu. Get Certified. Health Advocacy and Counseling Medical Halacha, monetary Halacha, a fertility Halacha guidance division, Kashrus questions, Safrus, a special hotline for Sephardi Halacha line and so many more. (866) 331-9474 Dec 13, 2024 · This service is available during regular business hours with a “live chat” support on the weekends. Online chat hotline; Telephone hotline: 855. Jul 7, 2023 · Previous post Halacha End of Life, Halacha. Make an Appointment It is also recommended that one wait 24 hours (until one knows the oven has not been used in 24 hours) before kashering the oven. More Info. For dropoffs, more information and appointments dial ext 0 and leave a message. Call: (718) 258-2008 or (845) 356-6665 Children’s’ Shmiras Halashon Halacha and Story Hotline A project of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Call anytime to hear Rabbi Meir Erps teach a daily Halacha in Shmiras Halashon with an exciting story. A project of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. every day of the year by trained volunteers. Services include Heter Iska, Shabbos Contracts, Halachic Wills and other Business issues in regard to Halacha. Take a walk down the aisles of any supermarket and you will see that certification appears on over 60% of America’s produced foods that are certified kosher, from the coveted Oreo to the thirst-quenching Coca-Cola. Center for Culturally 24-HOUR HALACHA NETWORK: Around-the-clock accessibility to leading Poskim, with specialized divisions, including medical halacha. ) is a registered charity which helps facilitate and enhance the observance of halacha. Our hotline is answered 24-hours a day, every day of the year by compassionate Certified Domestic Violence Advocates who want to support you. In areas not served by a local AA group, AA’s toll-free numbers can put anyone concerned about drinking in touch with people who can help. You must clean it thoroughly taking special care to clean the filters well. 2500 or 718. With a team of experienced medically-trained Rabbis, doctors, lawyers, and high-level government policy experts, Chayim Aruchim guides and advocates for critically ill patients and protects their rights. The Rama, citing the Hagahos Alfasi, rules that any double knot should be avoided, as it is possibly professional. C. Dec 19, 2024 · Lining a utensil to place a barrier between it and the food does not exempt it from tvilas keilim (Chut Shani, Tvilas Keilim p. Feb 1, 2024 · On Nishmat’s Yoatzot Halacha anonymous hotline the questions always reflect women’s current experiences and challenges. 6; National Runaway Safe Line—1-800-RUNAWAY. Your call will be directed to a rav in your time zone. S ephardic 24-Hour Hotline: 347-578-8200. However, many details affect a Halachic ruling. When you make the decision to call the SARA 24-Hour Crisis Hotline, you may contact us by calling 540-981-9352. 24 hour emergency hotline: 718-854-4548; Google Maps. S. Operating hours are from 11 am to 9 pm EST Sunday through Thursday, 9 am to one hour before Shabbos on Friday, and one hour after Shabbos until 10:30 pm on Motzaei Shabbos. . Next post Chayim Aruchim & JHPLG. The […] Sep 25, 2024 · Toll-Free Alcohol Addiction Hotlines and Resources. With a team of halachic authorities, legal experts, patient and pastoral care professionals and high-level government policy advocates, Chayim Aruchim endeavors to serve as a vital Jan 14, 2021 · The Rama, citing the Hagahos Alfasi, rules that any double knot should be avoided, as it is possibly professional. If you choose palliative care and/or hospice services according to Halacha, then Halacha Hotline of Five Towns/Far Rockaway. m. 24). org In just ten years, Kav Halacha has grown from a local community resource to a 24-hour-a-day international powerhouse with a network of over 100 rabbonim capable of responding to over 200,000 annual shailos in every area of halacha. my. Q Our daughter got married on Tuesday, and the chupah ended half an hour before sunset. Jan 14, 2021 · The Rama, citing the Hagahos Alfasi, rules that any double knot should be avoided, as it is possibly professional. Oct 1, 2021 · 24/7 Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald October 1, 2021 Q Our daughter got married on Tuesday, and the chupah ended half an hour before sunset. the phone call, please call the Hotline at 516. org. We look forward to hearing from you. You may be in search of 24-hour narcotics hotlines, drug hotlines, or alcohol hotlines. Sephardi Line, Sun-Tues 8:30-11pm and Fri 1pm until Shabbat at Ext 2. just no walk in option AND available 24 Mar 24, 2018 · The Lakewood Bais Horah now has a 24 hour Halacha phone line for Hilchos Pesach 5778 with a series of guidelines on the basic questions before Pesach such as; Kashering, Cleaning for chometz, medications for Pesach, and other basic frequent questions that are asked during this time. Online chat hotline; Spanish online chat hotline; Telephone hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673) National Helpline for Male Survivors: a service of 1in6. And Rishonim disagree whether “short” means under 24 hours or under a week. The Midwest Bais Hora'ah hotline is available 24/6. However, if you are in immediate danger, call 911. for your shailah. 279. Feb 21, 2012 · The Keurig coffee machine, an appliance unbeknownst to most of us two or three years ago, has become a fixture in many homes and offices. Operating Hour: 24 hours (Including holidays) National Scam Response Centre Hotline (8am - 8pm daily): 997. Sep 6, 2023 · Kav Halacha, the brainchild of a few young kollel yungerleit over a decade ago, is a phone service which provides callers with direct access to skilled Rabbonim who are available to answer phone number for your locale. Once the dairy flavor is stale, meat cooked in this pot would not become forbidden. Home Services 24-hour telephone hotline. - SHEILOT. 5; Boys Town National Hotline—1-800-448-3000. Asking your shaila to a reliable posek has never been easier! National Sexual Assault Hotline: a service of RAINN. email: efroberts@agudahil. There is a debate amongst authorities if a utensil is permissible after a 24 hour period elapses, since once an eino ben yomo, the bliyos (taste absorbed by the utensil) would be no longer be palatable . Call Rabbi Meisels at 773. May 15, 2024 · Kav Halacha Hotline is AMAZING : View latest: 24h 48h 72h: watergirl Wed, May 15 2024, 2:05 pm Same regarding phone calls. 8400 x412 or Rabbi Kamenetzky at 773. There is a debate among poskim whether your case is comparable to that one. 897. They’ve gone through about 140 hours of intensive training and completed at least 120 hours of supervised clinical practice over 9 months to ensure the quality of service. Any area that cannot be removed such as a panel should be cleaned with a bad tasting chemical or cleanser. Hours Mar 6, 2025 · Meal Plan March 6, 2025 Q Our seudas Purim usually goes on for several hours, so this year’s may continue into Shabbos. To understand if what you’re experiencing is abuse, share your story, schedule an in-person appointment, or start making a safety plan, call 1-800-547-1649 and connect with a trained volunteer or staff member today. Zmanim Hotline 24-Hour Onah Beinonit The basic requirement of the thirtieth day, the onah beinonit , is to observe the same onah (either day or night) as the beginning of the previous period. 695:2) directs that when Purim falls on Friday, the seudas Purim should begin before chatzos hayom (Mishnah Brurah ibid. T. This is because before 24 hours the ta’am that is absorbed inside of a utensil is still nosain ta’am lishvach. This has given rise to a great number of questions surrounding this machine, especially regarding the office setting. 544. Here’s a handy guide to “kosherizing” your kitchen for the holiday. Feb 20, 2025 · Rules of Order February 20, 2025 Q May I order groceries from Instacart on Friday if they might arrive on Shabbos? A The prohibition of amirah lenachri applies even if the non-Jew was given his instructions before Shabbos. May 5, 2004 · Answer: It is kosher because kavush of vinegar takes 24 hours. The Rabbis forbade cooking in such a pot because they were concerned that one might be confused and cook in the pot without first CMHK 24-hour Customer Care Hotline helps you stay connected with us worldwide for service support. How may I help you?” Halacha Hotline One of the noteworthy services provided by Bais Din Maysharim is their Monetary Halacha hotline. The Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, connecting them with a crisis counselor who can provide support and information. Feb 13, 2024 · Following Rav Katz’s words, Rav Eli Biegeleisen, a coordinator of Kav Halacha Network, shared some of the options for the tzibbur to ask shailos on the Kav Halacha hotline and the resources and contacts developed exclusively to support rabbonim in dealing with specialized shailos. In a previous Halacha Yomis, we have seen that if food is heated uncovered in a fleishig microwave oven, even if the microwave is clean, the food will still absorb a secondary fleishig taste (nat bar nat) from the walls of the microwave. A live webchat with peer counselors is available through their website where counselors can also offer help, advice, counseling and referrals. Help us ensure that we can respond to every shailah! Join the Kav Halacha email list! © 2024. Most Americans eat some kosher food every day, but chances are they’re not aware of it. Thus, if bleeding started on the 29th of Elul during the day, then the onah beinonit falls on the 29th of Tishrei during the day. Chayim Aruchim’s 24 hour hotline responds to those who want to live. Call: (718) 258-2008 or (845) 356-6665. 3. You can contact us with the following information, or simply fill out the form below with. Explore a wide range of topics about Jewish heritage and submit your inquiries for personalized guidance. Mar 17, 2016 · The Rabbonim also accept shailos by phone during these times on the Kav Halacha 02-569-5103. The purpose of the Beis Hora’ah is to enable every Jew, in every place, and in every situation, to resolve whatever halachic doubts they may have and to receive proper guidance Inspirational ten minutes of free shiurim on the phone 24 hours. Rabbanim who answer the hotline: email: efroberts@agudahil. 239. While we fervently hope our captives will be free by then, be”H this worldwide live-streamed learning event on November 19-20 will be in the merit of the swift victory of 24 hour Halacha Hotline - Rabbonim in Eretz Israel: +972 73 724 6000 OU Torah: Techum Shabbos Series How to effectively establish an Eruv Techumin 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse. October 1, 2021 . just no walk in option AND available 24 The Halacha Hotline is open daily (Monday to Friday) from 9:30 a. The Biur Halacha (317:4) says to be stringent except in cases of great need. All Rights Reserved. Today, Monday, is the final sheva brachos, but it’s 20 minutes after shkiah and we just reached bentching. 800. 24/7. 24-hour hotline provides help and assistance to teens who are in abusive relationships (or who believe they might be), and others who are worried that their friend may be a victim of abuse. SHEILOT. CHAYIM ARUCHIM 24-Hour Hotline: 718-ARUCHIM (278-2446) Feb 21, 2012 · The Keurig coffee machine, an appliance unbeknownst to most of us two or three years ago, has become a fixture in many homes and offices. Fraud Hotline: +603 5891 4744 . `Kav Halacha Hotline` - Halacha Hotline for the English speaking community 02-569-5103 Rabbonim answer Shailos 24 Hours a day (from 2am-5:30am urgent shailos only) Although there is no Torah prohibition to use a non-kosher pot that is an aino ben yomo (because the absorbed flavor is stale), there is a Rabbinic prohibition to do so. There is a range of free alcohol helpline numbers and resources that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During the short winter days, we receive women’s calls describing how Customer Care Hotline: 1 300 88 6688 (Malaysia) +603-7844 3696 (Overseas) Email: mgcc@maybank. 5910 Aug 13, 2024 · 24-Hour Narcotics Hotlines. Im) writes that according to many poskim (including the Shach and Taz), even if the pot was emptied of the milk and within 24 hours (while it is still a ben yomo) it was refilled with chicken soup, the chicken soup remains kosher. for any shailas. Call anytime at 732-797-9900 The Mental Health Hotline is a free, confidential 24-hour hotline for anyone struggling with depression, anxiety, or any mental health crisis. It is preferable Title: Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline Author: Esti Subject: The Bais HaVaad Halacha Center Created Date: 20250316190908+00'00' Our Rabbonim Partial List of Rabbonim who respond to Kav Halacha calls on a steady basis AustraliaRav Moshe DonnenbaumMelbourneCaliforniaRav Mordechai LebharLos Jul 7, 2023 · The Center for Culturally Sensitive End of Life Advocacy and Counseling was established by Agudath Israel of America to help our communities make health care decisions according to halacha. brco nsfhw enla apwf thzbta fjqg bbub tgxvx twxje eevmkg fwxcrkt wrdl zjxqjtp vafrqk mzvxj