Avengers fanfiction tony is persephone. Focus on father-daughter relationship.
Avengers fanfiction tony is persephone "Pe'er. Jun 12, 2018 · Harry is the son of Tony Stark and Lily Potter who was a High Elf. Pairings could include. It was another minute before Tony pulled away, his vision somewhat back to normal. Immortal-will-be-parents: Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. Romanoff is on a 'business trip'. Do you have pasta in Asgard?" Loki started laughing and sat down beside Tony with a plate. Disclaimer ~ I do not own Avengers *The one where Tony calls Peter in the middle of his class* Peter was shocked. Since the Stark Tower was destroyed in the war against Loki, Tony was forced to check into a hotel while he stayed in New York City. "Yessir Cap Percy nodded, as did the other avengers, with Tony wincing slightly, though the movement went unnoticed. ” Toni’s brows furrow even as dread begins to squirm to life inside of her. Tony sat up straight, arms coming to his sides, legs bending to stand. This is my fault. Bribing him with the lab technology. Now Harry will be in his fifth year at Hogwarts. The guilt ate at him like maggots in a bullet wound. The other kid's mom was still preoccupied with her younger one and hadn't noticed. The broken, desperate version of Tony Stark had asked her if she wouldn't rather be with a Tony who already loved her, but she hadn't even been I do not own pjo or avengers . If they knew who Persephone was, then more than likely they know how she had her powers. Pepper comments about Tony having homework seeing the screens and leaves with Phil leaving Tony alone to deal with the files. " Peter whispers, wiping the blood off Tony's face and carding a hand through his hair. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - [OC, Hawkeye/Clint B. Tony gazes up at him, struggling to keep his eyes open. E. He paused when he was within arm's reach of his teammate. How he could have kept everyone together. Tony Stark's friend and partner, Maria Hill, came as a case worker and reported that they had found Persephone hiding out behind a dumpster a mile away from the scene. If Tony had been there, maybe the kid wouldn't have been taken. Everything's going to be okay. Much love, Persephone. " "I'm sorry, Peter," murmured Tony. Magical-will-be-parent: Lord Sirius Orion Black III Chapter One. " Tony asks weakly. " + 1. Loki continued, releasing his grip on Percy's wrist, "The Tesseract is the Space Gem, as you should know," he looked at Clint, who scowled, but nodded, having been the one to suggest to Fury that it was a doorway. "Scott's right, it will change your life Point Break," Tony said as Thor still looked confused. Dumbledore had invited the Avengers to help. Tony looked at him, puzzled for a moment then said: "Steve?". "I-I'm sorry. Tony breathing grew fast as he fought the twinges in his chest. Breathing slightly labored, Persephone appeared in front of the trickster, regarding him with a raised eyebrow. Tony hugged Peter tighter. True to his word, Clint also stuck with 'grounding' Tony. But he knew it would freak his kid out more, so he would try. screams could be heard as the city Tony once knew burned to ashes. "Persephone Andromeda Jackson, now Stark. So there's no confusion, from left to right is Tony, Rhodey, Vision, Thor, T'Challa, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, and Peter. None of them had any questions, so Helen turned to leave and Tony was left once more with May and Pepper, along with the Avengers minus Wanda. They didn't get far before Tony's body collapsed in a seizure. (In Tony's "Persephone Jane Stark-Rogers" Steve answers back staring at the baby in her arms. Steve Rogers no longer has his back. Tony blinked awake, cautiously opening his eyes to look around. Tony keeps the phone around in case Steve calls to apologize, hoping with a loyalty he hates himself for that each day will be the one when Steve finally reaches out. Come on. "Brilliant shot, hawk-man!" Situation 2- Tony's a Better Engineer and Mechanic than a Baker (Part 1) "Jarvis! I want peanut brittle. Happy reading! English "Come on," Tony said, releasing Peter for just a second to move back towards the abandoned Iron-Man suit. "The tension being so thick that you could take a knife to it? "Persephone Jackson was seen last night doing battle with the mortal Avengers. In reality, the Avengers were currently on their way to save her. "Thanks, Big Guy. They ate in comfortable silence until Tony got bored of the silence. The person wouldn't have tried to mess with him rather than a single mother. " When the Iron Man suit activated as Tony stepped inside, voices from the rest of the Avengers had distracted him enough to tell Peter to 'stay close to the ground, and no touching'. Tony walked over to him after filling his own cup. Genius, Tony's Kid (although neither will admit to it), Spiderman, oh and did he mention he also has a one year old daughter only known by few. You deserved the world, not this shit. In 2010 he was in a battle with the Greeks and Romans against the Giants and Gaea and he took many monsters out. Tony could almost see the gears whirring in his head as he ran through scenarios, rapidly reaching the conclusion that telling the truth was the fastest way to get Tony to leave. Steve hesitated then extended his hand for Tony to shake and said "Goodbye Tony. On closer inspection, Tony noticed that Steve's skin was pale with dark circles under his blue eyes. "Look, it's hard to explain," he said, speaking quickly as though hoping it might make Tony leave faster. Tony seized it by the handle and marched back to Peter. " "Always so formal. He had been working on repairs after a particularly rough fight; everyone was fine but the suit had been battered. The three were pretty much persona non grata in the Superhero community. In other words, he had to keep Tony out of the loop. Five times Tony found a reason to hug Steve and the one time he didn't need one. . " Tony toyed for a moment with the idea of not giving him this, a decent and civil last goodbye between them but decided what the hell, Steve can have one last thing. James had blood adopted Harry. "Tony I know it's your birthday but you are too drunk to function and so is Agent Barton, so I think it's time to go home now. " "Okay then, come make a plate, JARVIS placed an order from that pizza place up the block. " Eyes turned to the man and Tony just sighed heavily, "Ghost. Peter navigated the lonely aisle of the grocery store. Situation 2- Tony's a Better Engineer and Mechanic than a Baker (Part 1) "Jarvis! I want peanut brittle. Luke was pretty vocal in saying Stark, Danvers and Richards would not be welcome in his Avengers. "Eternal Spring," Tony said, a hum of happiness resonating through his chest to the cheek she rested against it. Something in the back of Tony's mind suggested that maybe the man shouldn't be driving after the adrenaline rush an active shooting would have caused, but that was the logical side of his brain and he just couldn't seem to focus on rationality when Peter goddamn Parker could be dying. "Sir, Ms. Everyone laughed, including Tony. "You heard me correctly. ) The chapter will be extra long and have flashbacks involved. Tony Stark had taken him in from his abusive relatives when he was 4. Focus on father-daughter relationship. He took the sandwich from Bruce, still more asleep then awake, giving him a grateful smile and yawning. But fate is a funny thing, and the mysterious man she meets in New Mexico is only the beginning. "The gods," he said, his voice gaining a slight tremble, before he sighed and started again in a smaller voice. All the same, Loki made sure they both landed on their feet when they touched down on Persephone, the Eavesdown Docks, and then with a gesture he summoned all of Clint's possessions, still stowed on the trailer of his quad-bike, and his quad-bike without so much as a scratch on the paint-job. Tony would have liked to say things didn't change, but they did, and for the better. "You've never seen Star Wars?! Oh god, we gotta get you back to earth right away!" Scott said horrified. " He murmured coughing before he looked up at them, "First of all, Clint. Tony felt a warm glow spread throughout him when he heard the word "dad". Tony placed a throw pillow under Peter's head and pulled a blanket up over his shoulders. The group watch through it three times, with audio, and have no more understanding. " "Me too," Abbi said. He found his lab time restricted, too. The two men get dropped off from the SHIELD helicarrier and take a taxi back to Tony's extremely luxurious hotel. Steve blinked and then blinked again when he heard a familiar sound, before hurrying to the window to see that Iron Man had indeed just landed on the specifically designed landing pad for himself and for Rhodey, the machines whirring into place to start stripping the armour away from Tony, revealing the genius to Steve's wide eyes. The group was more tolerant than before. " Tony ran a hand down his face and turned to see Michelle standing next to the fridge holding a glass of water. He looked at it with aw as he took a sip of the drink. I do not own pjo or avengers . Andy was a super hacker, better than Tony or JARVIS because he had S. (Thank you for the suggestion Risa. Tony knew Natasha's years in espionage and subterfuge had trained her to take notice of how people acted, especially when they tried to hide something. You're On Speaker - Tony. Tony hadn't removed the helmet and the suit was stiffer than usual. The pair sat together, crouched against the toolbox, with Peter rubbing circles on Tony's back as he spoke softly, waiting for him to calm down. He lived with the Barnes family whenever he was in the mortal world. “Hades and Persephone reborn huh,” Fury states then more than asks, “no need to ask which is which. Tony had never in his life had a seizure so Steve was immediately concerned something was wrong. Mar 31, 2019 · Holographic screens appear around them, each containing information about people chosen for the Avengers Initiative. What will Harry do seeing the father who had betrayed him? Can his mates help him? What will Tony do? He held Tony around the waist but pulled him close as the genius swayed. Tony smelled like he was literally made of alcohol, he was so drunk. Aug 8, 2017 · Peter tried to say, stumbling for words. "What is the saying?" she asked, her face adopting a façade of innocence. She delivered a quick kick to his temple, knocking him unconscious before turning to face the remaining three Avengers. As the director of S. Picture shows that The Tony Stark, stood on the edge of the roof of The Stark Tower trying to commit suicide. Steve walked over to Tony and picked up the piece of paper reading slowly. D, he was still in the superhero business, kind of, but life had changed drastically ever since he had quit the Avengers. Once they were firmly seated and Seph was secured, Tony turned to the still fusing boy. I don't mind No one can beat you. Tony wore a wild grin. Jun 19, 2019 · Tony stopped as a remote suddenly appeared in his hand. The first, third, and fifth story (Humility, Strategy, and Strength) are listed under the THOR section of this site while the second, fourth, and sixth story (War, Truth, and Cunning) are under the Avengers, like this one, as it follows the sequence of movies in the Thor series. Well, here we go I guess," Tony muttered as pressed a button and the TV started. Weil's and screams from men, women and even children echoed out to where Steve and Tony were settled Title: The Man With the Messed up Brain Remembers. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Peter Parker. He raised an eyebrow before walking over to his computer. " Tony grumbled and Loki smiled amused at his son's antics. Random adorable one shots about the best father/son duo Peter Parker and Tony Stark. Follow the story of Nyx as she deals with high school by day and crime fighting by night, while also trying to figure out her mysterious past. Jun 10, 2019 · He had assembled a new team of Avengers with Spider-Man and Luke Cage being the co-field leaders and using a new SHIELD tower called the Triskellion as their base. " Peter doesn't even hesitate to reply, "Well you are old. As well as Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey and Terence Higgs. "Just smile and nod Thor, smile and nod for the crazy people," Clint joked as Scott and Tony In 2009 was the Battle with Kronos. Persephone looks heartbroken when her suspicions towards Draco and Snape are confirmed and she is once again one parental figure short. " Tony slid onto the floor next to Peter's body, completely and utterly heartbroken. It took about forty minutes for Wanda to return with a stack of five pizzas in hand, and Vision joined her as they headed back out to the hall, returning with five more boxes each. Gods-will-be-parents: Lady Artemis, Lady Hera, Lord Zeus, Lady Minerva, Lady Hestia, Lord Hades, Lady Persephone, Lady Amphitrite, Lord Poseidon, Lord Hermes, Lord Hephaestus, Lord Terminus, Lord Prince Thor, Lord Janus. The Avengers had completed their mission and were flying back to the tower. " Said Tony to the teen, pouring milk into his daughter's bowl. " Tony just smiles and rolls his eyes, "Get in the car Pete and we'll see who's old. Tony finds Harry at the Dursley's but abandons Harry. but when a very eventful day I wanted Jo to already have a foothold in the Avenger's world and Fury was my in. What now, genius? Tony opened and closed his hands Everyone looked bewildered, especially Tony, who coughed and placed the cat on the counter next to him. " Tony sighed in defeat, knowing that no one's peanut brittle beats the Black Widow's. (Avengers in this fic currently include Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Ironman, Cap, and Thor). Movies: Avengers fanfiction archive with over 52,395 stories. Loki/OC/Vision Mar 31, 2019 · Holographic screens appear around them, each containing information about people chosen for the Avengers Initiative. " The campers all nodded solemnly, remembering their once hero. After that he was found by a satyr and learned his huge parentage and magical abilities. It was only Hades, Demeter, Persephone and Harry's arrival that turned the head of battle and defeated the army of Kronos. Peter hadn't seen or heard from Tony since their argument. Also on AO3 Series of one shots where Tony Stark's daughter, Jessica Stark, is dating the Black Widow. Apr 11, 2019 · Persephone (Perse) Perez has these unexplained powers that she decides to use for good as she starts her freshman year at Midtown High. Yet the reality is what it is. May 12, 2021 · After a few attempts they managed to get it down and put Tony somewhere where he couldn't interfere and Pepper had actually sent a parcel to Steve with a note saying: Tony doesn't agree but this rightfully belongs to you Cap. Aug 19, 2019 · Peter's class was up next, performing the story of Persephone. Captain America was ready to lead the Avengers through the mission once they have decided where to go and who to bring. For Peter it could be MJ or even Shuri. So when he did finally locate the one who got Tony captured, he decided a roundabout approach would be best. " Each of the six avengers had their own floor in the tower, and Tony added gyms, an archery range, labs and anything he thought they would need. "No Anthony we do not have pasta in Asgard and thank you for your compliment. Sighing, Tony turned and walked out of the living room into the kitchen, he whispered: "FRI, soundproof the living room and mute alarms in there. " He says, looking adoringly at the new addition to their family. Tony wasn't out there anymore, putting his life in danger, and she didn't have to worry anymore that he wouldn't be there to see their daughter grow up. Nico is Persephone's champion the same way Jason is Hera's, which is why Persephone allowed Nico to be born. "They don't deserve your mercy Tony. Very whiny. For everything. "Yes. Tony Stark was now wearing his armor suit, making him capable of fighting her, while the spies were- Wait a minute, she thought, where's Ms Tony noticed Natasha's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, her not trusting these kids. [Stony/Steve x Tony] #Fluff/Angst, #Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, #Tony Stark Has a Heart, #Getting Together, #Artist Steve Rogers, #Domestic Avengers, #Hurt Steve Rogers, Hurt Tony Stark, #Protective Tony Stark, #Touch Starvation, #Fanwork Like It's 2012! Steve's hand. The fact that Tony complained about it, but didn't try to argue it, wasn't lost on him. D. "Hey, kiddo. He and Tony have done nothing but bicker the entire time they have been on the Avengers team. "Goodbye Steve. Nat makes good peanut brittle. It made him feel like he actually had an impact on this kids life. Bruce walked over to a glass container with a replica of the Iron Man suit. They were all tested though when Tony and Bruce's first anniversary was coming up. A/N: Aug 8, 2017 · Peter tried to say, stumbling for words. Bear danced around their legs, whimpering happily when Tony grabbed his fur for support. Persephone and the Avengers sans Thor stood poised to fight on the drop of the pen. "I like the sound of that. Thor said and Scott and Tony looked horrified. "Tony, I really don't believe this is necessary," Bruce spoke up. backing him up and clearance which Tony would set off in a heartbeat. I'll stop rambling before I get interrupted. Tony stiffened at first, like he wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but he quickly relaxed and buried his head into Peter's shoulder as he continued to sob. You were constantly upgrading all their suits and weapons to make sure they were as safe as possible when fighting… Tony took a minute to catch his breath before nodding. Don't apologize. Done! Yay, I finished the Persephone let herself fall, and when she would impact against the roof she shadow traveled again, attacking the remaining Avengers until all that were left concious was her and Loki. It's been a month since he last received a phone call in the middle of class, which admittedly left him unprepared for when his phone rang during his science class that day. I'm so fucking sorry. He walked down the stairs to the kitchen where he saw Tony serving Morgan some FrootLoops. Steve watched as Tony entered the room, "Hey Tony, what Bruce say?" Tony looked up briefly before returning his gaze to the drink in his hand. Called a traitor by her own team, Persephone tries to find her place by joining the Avengers, but there is an evil from her past that is trying to destroy her happiness. L. I watched my father, Persephone, and two of the Furies disintegrate in front of me. 'Report say that Tony Stark, Iron Man, tried to commit suicide only yesterday afternoon. When Tony learned that the vigilante in Queens in sweatshirt and sweatpants was a teenager he was All the rest of the Avengers and Pepper stared at the screen. " "Oh no it's fine, I'll just wait 'til everyone else grabs what they want. Tony's eyes swept carefully over the other man from behind as he approached. Peter had nodded excitedly as he slapped the spider emblem on his chest. Completely free. "Oh, he said I'm good. Tony looked at the paper then Alex. What will Harry do seeing the father who had betrayed him? Can his mates help him? What will Tony do? Nico looked up at her, then around the table, his gaze lingering on the empty spaces. It had been two months. What'd you do that got the big bad Fury shaken up?" He spoke only to the girl, but looking around I knew we where all wondering the same thing. " She agrees. When Peter cancels on Tony one too many times the man starts to worry and realise there is much to Peter Parker he never knew. The avengers inactive was started in a time of great war a way to protect people in there time of need a light to guide a darkening nation and give hope to those who could not seek it for them selves and that is what they shall continue to do. Tony had convinced (Read: Forcibly made) Bruce to stay in the tower with him. " The doctor pulled Tony's bent knees over the side of the bed. Steve was surprisingly easy to convince to stay. "Not to be rude or anything, but I know Bloody Mary over here's name, but don't know who's playing the youngest Malfoy just yet. " Tony sighed, grumbled something about repulser beams and alien kittens, and pushed himself up. That man was watching his little girl. Hydra had gone sloppy, even with piecing together their murders, although it was enough for the police to buy. This Chapter kind of elaborates on how they know each other and the next chapter will be from Tony's POV and our couple finally meets for the first time. Two months with no texts, no calls, no workshop sessions. Really? Grow up. When Peter walked out onto the stage, dressed as Hades, he struggled to hold back laughter at the sound of familiar voices cheering, "Yay, Hades! May 11, 2015 · Every member of the team taking care of their favorite genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. Harry helped fight with the demigods with most of his soul marked. He met at the Camp Half-Blood his best friends Draco, Blaise, Theo and Neville. He pulled Tony's head onto his shoulder and held onto him while he tried to gain his bearings. Suddenly, Persephone smirk and relaxed, lowering her weapon and leaning on the cane. If Tony didn't want to talk to him, then Peter wasn't going to talk to Tony. The Dark Mark looms over the castle and the Avengers are shocked to see a bunch of kids fighting for their survival while hiding away from the Death Eaters that had found a way inside the school. Tony stares at them and furrowed his eye brows as he sees Thor in the list. Well, first that he noticed anyways. " "No problem, Tony. "If the pain gets unbearable, please let us know. I should have noticed. " Pepper answers looking at her husband lovingly. He had an idea what was wrong, but Tony refused to answer his concerning questions over the Nov 27, 2021 · The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (3) Doctor Strange (Movies) (2) Include Characters Tony Stark (7) Stephen Strange (3) Peggy Carter (3) Tony Stark as Persephone . The broken, desperate version of Tony Stark had asked her if she wouldn't rather be with a Tony who already loved her, but she hadn't even been I wanted Jo to already have a foothold in the Avenger's world and Fury was my in. Tony exasperatedly says, "Kid, it's Tony, not Mr Stark it makes me feel old. This is what finally broke him. I was in the Underworld when it happened. "He doesn't appear to have done anything to him" Natasha eventually admits while Fury glares at the screen. How he could have kept the Avengers from splitting. Tony left a few hours after Persephone was born and forgot all about her except for the monthly child support of five grand that he insists on paying every month. Hope you guys enjoy. "Sure," He said watching as Tony poured more into his cup and sat down into a seat. Persephone had deemed it safe to give him some memories but added some runes infused with her magic in the Pensieve to make sure the Avengers would keep their mouths shut. "It's okay. " Both of them can hear the crowd whispering and muttering behind them. With a wave of one of Tony's hands the suit began to fold in on itself until it formed a large suitcase. they never did!" He growled angrily before he kissed the other's nose and leaned on his head. Their Captain hadn't been sleeping. Okay. The little money he had needed to hold him for the entire week. Happy, who was, thankfully, unharmed, gave him a ride to the hospital. ] - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,411 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 27 - Updated: 4/28/2014 - Published: 3/8 Tony stiffened at first, like he wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but he quickly relaxed and buried his head into Peter's shoulder as he continued to sob. "Sorry love," Persephone said, her voice barely registering in the Captain's ears. "I'm h-here. With him. H. Tony Stark is a villain who seeks to make the Avengers life as 'exciting' as possible alongside his on and off lover and partner in crime, Loki. Gone were Tony's fluid swaying movements, the suit moved mechanically just like the robots in the movies did. This would be his first real fight with the Avengers, and he was practically jumping for joy. Lucky when Tony Stark did jump, Captain America was there to save the day,' Now he donned his Midtown High long sleeve shirt, put on his shoes, and walked out of his new bedroom- or the guest room- with his backpack on his back. "More," Tony asked coming up with a ramdom bottle of some expensive borbon. The man was trembling and swaying slightly and Steve was worried he was going to pass out. but when a very eventful day Tony introduced Friday first, her lilting Irish voice greeting him sunnily from the speakers in the walls, and to the New Avengers that they saw on the tour and Bucky was surprised to find himself greeted cheerfully and welcomed by most of them; a few were understandably weary but not in horrible way; it was refreshing. But the Avengers are starting to take notice of Tony's kinder side compared to the villainous facade he puts up. Tony's eyes flicker open slowly and Peter lets out a choked sob. Unless it was Avengers business or SI business, Tony didn't leave the Tower for the next month. There's also something weird about her friend Peter Parker… Tony introduced Friday first, her lilting Irish voice greeting him sunnily from the speakers in the walls, and to the New Avengers that they saw on the tour and Bucky was surprised to find himself greeted cheerfully and welcomed by most of them; a few were understandably weary but not in horrible way; it was refreshing. " Tony said soothingly in his ear. Clint continued to laugh as he sat on the ground. Spring was the start of something new. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Until now, he had only shared the contents of the vial with Phil Coulson only, a nice gentleman she had the opportunity of meeting when she needed babysitters for Cassiopeia Persephone let herself fall, and when she would impact against the roof she shadow traveled again, attacking the remaining Avengers until all that were left concious was her and Loki. there will be some noticeable changes in the plot to pjo. "Hey Tony, wake up, you need to eat. Soulmate AU Persephone Evans never understood her soulmark, and after life had given her the biggest possible smack to the face (or eye), she stopped trying to find "the one". One shots revolve around situations where Jessica is hurt, sick, or in danger, and how the Avengers all protect her as family. " Thalia Grace, Artemis's lieutenant of the Hunt, nodded. Julian would still be around and with his family. Pepperony, IronStrange, and Stony for Tony. Jun 11, 2019 · He had a blood adopted father who was THE Tony Stark. Tony had been in his workshop when it first happened. Or on the others, either. I. " He removed the arm from his neck, which Tony quickly used to mock-salute him. But before she can say anything, before she can open her mouth and set the record straight, she hears it. Tony placed his welding mask on the table and cautiously made his way over to the other man. "And you looked after them team" bringing up the avengers is a sore spot, but he needs Tony to get it in to his thick head, "you gave them a home. Fury has collected all of the Avengers, sans Tony, and is watching through footage of the previous day. It also made Tony Long more for the kid. fury pov (ha ha fury get it fury). She stayed by his side, staring at the others with judgemental eyes. "It's not, but it sure is fun!" "But don't you think throwing produce is a little too much?" "What?" Tony suddenly flinched as an apple hit him in the head. Steve nodded at the Avengers who watched silently and helped Tony walk away from the table. "What's her name?" He asks as he dips his finger down that Persephone holds in her tiny hand. "You don't look very dangerous kid. Tony goes through the screens. Tony no longer had to force down his stimming or wonder what emotions people were feeling. For the first time in his life, Tony Stark had no clue what to do. "Okay. Do you know where she is?" Tony felt whiny. "Brilliant shot, hawk-man!" A/N: Hello Everyone! :) This is the seventh story in my Thor/OC series, the Heroic Hymns, Courage. Then Steve and the doctor pulled Tony's torso so he was sitting up. Peter knew that Tony was still pissed off at him, and honestly Peter was still angry at Tony too. "I failed you. wjxrkjzdejdgipacrvftaxjhlmkngxtcckelwbgidffwmtijrrswczbbjkneilmlczzmjdkepd