Balance druid shadowlands beta. The more targets there are .
Balance druid shadowlands beta While our other guide pages go into more individual detail, this simple starter guide covers all the basics in one place, whether you're a new Balance Druid, a returning player to Shadowlands, hardcore, or casual alike, it's the best place to get a beginners overview on Sep 16, 2020 · https://www. Check this page to learn everything you need to know about gearing a Balance Druid, including the BiS Gear from all sources, Raiding, Mythic+, information on the best Trinkets, Tier Sets, and much more. You are in a higher state and gain bonus damage by being in Moonkin Form. Responding to miscellanous questions/topics: Astral spells getting double benefit in CA is currently intended. Learn about the best Shards of Domination to use, how to activate your Rune Word set bonuses, and the best order to upgrade your Shards of Domination. 2020: Kindred Spirits updated for Beta Build 35256. Shrom's Druid Package: One of the longest running Balance Druid Weakaura packs. Nov 22, 2020 · Balance Druid Potency Soulbind Conduits in Shadowlands Fury of the Skies (Potency Conduit) Moonfire increases your Arcane damage to the target, and Sunfire increases your Nature damage to the target, by 1. Nov 28, 2022 · Balance Druid Sepulcher Raid Tips Balance Druid Sanctum Raid Tips Balance Druid Nathria Raid Tips Our Balance Druid guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, simulations, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top of the page. Apr 13, 2020 · Blizzard has posted a response on the Shadowlands forums, responding to comments about Balance, Feral and Restoration Druid questions and feedback, noting things like Astral Power, Bloodtalons and Swiftmend. Oct 16, 2020 · Adaptive Swarm buffed for Balance Druid; Druid Kindred Spirits damage reduced. Additionally, the change to Stellar Drift is very Oct 14, 2020 · How to play Balance Druid in Shadowlands Pre-Patch Balance's class fantasy is controlling the sun and the moon to do damage from range with Nature and Arcane spell schools. 2020: Bond changes for Beta Build 35598. Nov 20, 2019 · Balance druid is a safe bet. When you setup your burst and get cc’d for 6-8 Sep 21, 2022 · In this latest Dragonflight Beta build, many new speculated Balance Druid talents have been added which includes old Tier bonuses, Legendaries and effects! These effects are listed as Druid spells and are brand new to this beta build which makes us think that these are upcoming new additions to the Balance Druid talent tree. Both BFA and Shadowlands had non-functional AOE where Starfall has been more or less fixed this expansion. Lets talk about the Heart of Sep 10, 2020 · Exciting Changes for Balance Druids in Shadowlands. LETS GO DUDE! Today we have some excellent changes reaching Balance Druid on the Shadowlands beta. 5 Today i go over my first impressions on the new balance druid in shadowlands beta. be/PEDajTik2QIFollow my journey as I sit in my room for many hours a day and talk about/play 5 days ago · Welcome to our Gear and BiS Page for Balance Druid for The War Within 11. Monk Fallen Order now summons a clone every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds). Feb 23, 2025 · In this guide, we will detail the best stat priority for your Balance Druid, as well as provide explanations covering how to determine Balance Druid stat priorities personalized for your character in , as well as how to check if a piece of gear is BiS, upgrade or just bad for you. 22 Sep. GG best data for every build. In addition to once again casting 16 spells for Balance, Feral, and Guardian—Convoke will now try to use a more consistent number of certain spells (currently, Starsurge and Ferocious Bite). Shadowlands boasts a return to form for the Balance Druid class through the introduction of new throughput spells and abilities in Covenants, un-pruned utility, and the removal of the unwieldy 2-resource system of BfA and Legion. Works for all Druid Feb 8, 2021 · Playing a Balance Druid Balance Druids only have one effect that procs something new, and that one effect does not have any impact on your rotation. Fury of the Skies is probably the best overall sustained choice for Balance Druid. 2! Aug 26, 2020 · Blizzard has announced more upcoming changes to Balance Druid on the Shadowlands Beta which includes the Shooting Stars talent becoming baseline, Starsurge's interaction with Eclipse changing and some other minor changes. Necrolord Balance Druid Jan 15, 2024 · In Shadowlands, these enable you to customize your Balance Druid, drastically improving your performance, and are arguably the most important aspect of your gear. May 20, 2020 · Balance Druid general and Covenant ability feedback. - always cast Moonkin Form when not mounted and entering combat - casting moonfire and sunfire once per target - added new moon, half moon and full to rota - prioritized st Link to video where I go in depth about the build https://youtu. The diffs are from Shadowlands Beta Build 36165 to 36206. I'll start by saying that Guardian Druids are feeling quite powerful. gg/balance/2020-09-10-moonkin_feedback_sl_beta/Follow my journey as I sit in my room for many hours a day and talk about/play World of Apr 30, 2020 · Blizzard Eclipse: catching up (slightly belatedly) on updates this week. I am absolutely ecstatic to play Balance in Shadowlands an Aug 5, 2020 · Comment by Snowflakesz on 2020-08-05T17:27:14-05:00. This challenge consists of 3 phases that you must overcome to obtain your challenge appearance. Nov 9, 2020 · With the Weekly Shadowlands Beta Build on November 4th having more class and spell tuning, we've updated our Best Covenant Guide for All Classes! This build contained nerfs to the Pelagos Soulbind Tree, as well as Covenant and Legendary tuning, so find out what Covenant is best for your spec now and an explanation of why from our Class Guide Writers! Nov 20, 2020 · The State of Balance Druids in Shadowlands The State of Feral Druids in Shadowlands The State of Guardian Druids in Shadowlands The State of Restoration Druids in Shadowlands Druid Class Guides for Shadowlands Our Shadowlands Druid Guides cover all of the Druid class changes, so you can adjust your gameplay accordingly. KechhaUI Druid WeakAuras: A popular package that provides important rotational abilities and cooldowns in a concise block in the center of your screen. . Nov 4, 2020 · With Shadowlands launching on November 23rd / 24th, with the help of our Class Guide writers we now also have a guide with the Best Legendaries for all classes and specs for the current Shadowlands Build! We'll be updating this Guide every week with the Shadowlands Beta build to keep you up to date on what Legendary performs the best for each spec. Sloot is doing a great job on these interviews, really enjoying this content very informational and of course full of laughs. Thwarting the Twins - Mage Tower Challenge Overview Best Balance Druid Gear for Mage Tower Challenge Sep 16, 2022 · Blizzard has posted some upcoming changes to Restoration Druid on the Dragonflight Beta, noting that the final NYI spell will be Cenarius' Guidance. Very popular in the Dreamgrove Discord. Feb 23, 2025 · Understanding Balance Druid AoE Balance Druid AoE plays pretty similar to single-target. These things change very little about how Balance Druid plays at its core, but do impact the class some nonetheless. Nov 28, 2022 · Balance Druid Shards of Domination Guide Our Balance Druid guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, simulations, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top of the page. 31 Aug. 25 Jul. Necrolord Covenant: Signature ability: Fleshcraft feels useful from a single player perspective and in Torghast to a point, but it can be hard to charge it up to any real strength without first killing an elite aka the very kind of mob you’d want to have the shield to fight. Mar 5, 2025 · Balance Druid Overview Balance's class fantasy is controlling the sun and the moon to do damage from range with Nature and Arcane spell schools. Note that the differences shown here have nothing to do with the Shadowlands pre-patch. Rogue Slice and Dice now increases Energy regeneration. 2. Balance Druid Shadowlands BETA overview folks! Yes we’re checking out the space chicken with all the shadowlands balance druid gameplay the current client ha Nov 15, 2020 · Shadowlands launches on November 23rd / 24th and all classes will be getting new toys to play with -- from Covenant abilities, to Conduits and returning Legendary effects! This article, written by Pumps, will provide details on the current state of Guardian Druid in Shadowlands, to help you to prepare for the upcoming expansion! Oct 24, 2022 · Best Druid Covenant Choosing a covenant is the most important decision your character will make in Shadowlands, as the covenant abilities and soulbinds will significantly impact your spec's gameplay and performance. Ravenous Frenzy duration increased but haste per stack decreased. The best meta Balance Druid hero builds by talent popularity in The War Within 11. 2 - Eternity's End. Jun 6, 2020 · Feedback and opinions on the current state of Balance Druid in the Shadowlands Alpha, discussing the eclipse system, the new starfall, Covenant abilities and more! Introduction As one of the most heavily changed classes coming into Shadowlands, Balance Druid has a lot of interesting stuff going for it. 05 Sep. Our Druid Guide Writers have theorycrafted a first look at the Double Legendary combinations you're likely to equip in Patch 9. The purpose of this page is to help you pick the right legendary powers (and item slots for them) for your character, depending on the content you are interested in. Just sim yourself for your best gearing options. This is a great raiding Conduit as it Feb 24, 2025 · Balance Druids excel at sustained multi-target due to their DoTs, Starfall, and Fury of Elune and all the various talents that affect these abilities. Balance Druid with U. Balance Druid is a general builder/spender that has two damage over time effects. Druid Balance Shooting Stars - Moonfire and Sunfire damag Oct 16, 2020 · It may be RNG but this spell is so fun Nov 22, 2020 · In the Shadowlands expansion, once you hit level 60, you will be tasked with choosing a Covenant. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35938. This talents giving Convoke the Spirits the Legendary effect from Shadowlands or gives bonuses to Incarnation depending on a recent choice node. Balance Druids were in a dire state for a while, but the closer we get to release the more favorable things are looking for the class. Removed. . 5. 1. Updated for Shadowlands Patch 9. If you play with Warmode on, we have your PvP talents covered as well. The heirloom set bonuses are listed below: Mar 2, 2022 · Balance Druid PvP Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits - Shadowlands 9. Feb 24, 2025 · On this page, you will find out the best talents for each tier for your Balance Druid in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. dreamgrove. These changes include a buff to Balance Druids and Holy Priests, a reduced cooldown of Monk's Fortifying Brew and Holy Paladin's Holy Shock, and a change to Disc Priest's Schism! Nov 28, 2022 · Night Fae Balance Druid Covenant Abilities Night Fae Balance Druid Class Ability: Convoke the Spirits The Night Fae Class Ability for Druids is Convoke the Spirits. Jul 16, 2024 · With new Shadowlands customization that came in the prepatch you can customize your druid forms independently from other customizations. While below, you will find the best Balance Druid enchants and consumables; make sure to check our Profession Guide for all profession details, updated for . I think many players have summed up the same issues I have with balance in SL at this moment. You can find me in the Dreamgrove Discord, on Youtube, or on my Twitch. In SL balance druid was only good to play during S1 and that was because of the BoaT legendary which made it utterly broken and thus hidden the underlying issues. Feb 7, 2022 · Double Legendary testing is available on the PTR allowing players to wear both a normal legendary and your covenant-specific legendary at the same time. This choice is important as it will not only affect your character's story and aesthetics, but will provide you with Covenant-specific power increases for your character in the form of Covenant-specific abilities and Soulbinds. no question about it; that being said, they keep adjusting the way it plays rather than just tuning which *is in fact* making it less fun to play more Oct 30, 2021 · 21 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands release. Looking for some feedback on my shadowlands balance druid aura pack including: My unique Eclipse (All-in-one) aura Monitor eclipse states, required casts and Celestial Alignment/Incarnation (both eclipses) with one icon Ultimate AP Bar Track current and predicted astral power with colored eclipse states and spell cost tick indicators (toggle-able) Oct 19, 2020 · Druids received many class changes on the Shadowlands Beta recently. Balance Druid Shadowlands DPS Charts Nov 19, 2020 · As we near the end of the beta cycle ahead of the launch of Shadowlands on November 23rd, Blizzard appears to be putting the finishing touches on class and systems tuning. Learn about all known spell and ability changes for all specs. Apr 27, 2020 · I would say this in Beta/Alpha Discussion but sadly i did not get invited to Alpha for Shadowlands this year ;/ With some class abilities coming back why do balance druids only get 2? Typhoon and Heart of the wild. This ability can proc any time you are hit with a single-target attack, with a 15% chance, and the effect is Nov 28, 2022 · Balance Druid Talents Necrolord Balance Druid Gearing Differences There are absolutely no gearing differences when you choose the Necrolord Covenant. Nov 19, 2020 · Blizzard Once again, quick note on some recent changes to Convoke the Spirits since they can be hard to see immediately in-game. Aug 23, 2020 · Hello! I'm Pumps, writer for the Guardian Druid guides for Wowhead! I'm here to discuss how strong Guardian druids are feeling and performing in the Shadowlands Beta, and what this means for the us heading into Shadowlands. It is honestly one of the most interesting abilities they have added for options for Druids to take in a long time, but currently has some weird interactions. No Druid specialization has a 2min cooldown, guaranteeing this ability will frequently be out of sync for all Druid 3 minute cooldowns such as Celestial Alignment. From the first implementation of eclipse till wod it went from pretty interesting to auto botting your eclipses to you have no control what so ever. Natürlich kann man das. It’s a fairly unique problem that comes from the druid kit being one that stretches across a 4 spec class and the interactions that come with that. Und man kann da grade mit streaking stars schon ziemlich unpassende Proccs kriegen. Balance Druid is a specialization that is good for players who enjoy a builder-spender gameplay with strong cooldowns. Oct 21, 2020 · Shadowlands Beta Bluepost on Druid Covenant Ability Convoke the Spirits Beta Posted 2020/10/21 at 8:20 PM by perculia Blizzard has made a blue post on the Druid Covenant ability Convoke the Spirits, which as of the most recent build will try to use a consistent number of current form abilities. 2! This section outlines the specific talents and honor talents that you will be taking with you into combat in both the Arena and Rated Battlegrounds, as well as a detailed breakdown of the use-cases and benefits of each talent available to Balance Druid in 9. 1 Balance Druid has received some minor tuning to the talent tree and a pretty moderate nerf to the premiere Balance legendary, Balance of All Things. Hi fellow boomies. Aug 5, 2020 · Like, there for a while, Guardian druids would switch to balance spec to be able to pick up balance druid azerite traits, and swap back to guardian with the balance trait equipped for high DPS. Nov 4, 2020 · With Shadowlands launching on November 23rd / 24th, with the help of our Class Guide writers we now have a guide with the Best Covenant for all classes and specs for the current Shadowlands Build! We'll be updating this Guide every week with the Shadowlands Beta build to keep you up to date on what Covenant performs the best for each spec. Looking for some feedback on my shadowlands balance druid aura pack including: My unique Eclipse (All-in-one) aura Monitor eclipse states, required casts and Celestial Alignment/Incarnation (both eclipses) with one icon Ultimate AP Bar Track current and predicted astral power with colored eclipse states and spell cost tick indicators (toggle-able) Oct 25, 2021 · Class-specific changes and new abilities added to the Druid class in Shadowlands 9. However I decided to keep the refrence chart that showing what hair color was linked to what druid form color for the sake of showing how it used to be. Why do we have the EXACT same talent tree for 3 expansions in a row? Why hasnt our playstyle changed at all? This is soo boring and sadly depressing. 2 (Archived) By Ribsx Updated: 2022/03/02 Welcome to Wowhead's Balance Druid Arena PvP Guide, up to date for 9. In this guide, we will explore what are the perks for aligning yourself with the venthyr, explaining their Covenant Abilities and Soulbinds and how they modify and enhance your toolkit both inside and out of comb Mar 6, 2025 · Spending Puzzling Cartel Chip as a Balance Druid For Balance Druid, the best gear to spend your Puzzling Cartel Chip (Dinars) is: Best-in-Slots; House of Cards; The Jastor Diamond; Eye of Kezan; These are all high-value items that you will want to prioritize obtaining. We also have default talent lists for various types of content, such as raiding or Mythic+. 1 for Mythic+. Night Fae - Convoke the Spirits Feb 23, 2025 · In this guide, we will explain the best Balance Druid gems, Balance Druid flasks, Balance Druid potions, and Balance Druid enchants in , as well as cheaper alternatives. The effect is part of the Moonkin Form ability, and the proc is called Owlkin Frenzy. After i didnt found any file with a working moonkin form i decided to try it myself. {mostly from a pvp stand point} Nov 15, 2020 · Expect a Covenant deep-dive as we explore the Shadowlands Restoration Druid currently found on beta. Prominent returning powers include Oneth's Intuition, Arcanic Pulsar for Balance Druids, the return of Rage of the Sleeper for Guardian, double Lifebloom for Restoration and more! Welcome to Warcraft Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO. I like the bfa system but I do want the starfall changes. pre-patch and on - not even Icy Veins or Wowhead were able to help me! Half an hour of reading abilities explanation, whatever "guides" were available and trying it on a dummy resulted in an understanding. May 28, 2020 · So Ive been reading about the balance druid changes in shadowlands (i have no access to the beta so i have not had any hands on). Sep 17, 2020 · Requires Druid (Balance) Requires level 60 Lunar Strike has a 20% chance to grant you Solar Empowerment. 0). Not gonna lie, that looks pretty dope. Just want to learn the class but i do something wrong but dont Nov 28, 2022 · Welcome to our Balance Druid starter guide, which covers everything you need to start playing a new character in Shadowlands. Covenant Choices. Nov 28, 2022 · Allegiance to the venthyr Covenant for Balance Druid provides you with many benefits, two new active abilities, access to three soulbinds; these soulbinds, and much more. Comment by Nehcrom on 2020-09-11T13:32:36-05:00. 0% . Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them Hi fellow boomies. Aug 3, 2022 · Everything you need to know to start raiding with your Balance Druid in Castle Nathria. Introduction As guardians of nature and protectors of balance, Restoration Druids wield nature's raw energy to restore life to the wounded and shapeshift to enhance their natural abilities. The builder-spender aspect of the spec translates pretty easily from single-target to AoE. Jul 20, 2021 · Balance Druid Legendary Powers in Shadowlands There are four spec specific Legendary Powers available to Balance Druids, bringing the total number of Legendary Power options to eight if you play Balance . 12 Aug. You just replace Wrath with Starfire, and Starsurge with Starfall. This guide goes through the various talent choices available to you as a Balance Druid and gives you the best combinations you can take. It has also generally been middle of the pack (never bottom 3, one tier top 3). This page is part of our Balance Druid PvP Guide. Updated for The War Within (11. Kein Weltuntergang, aber nervig Mar 3, 2025 · This guide tells you everything you need to know to play Balance Druid in a PvP environment. The “flurry” of 12 spells Overview of the Balance Druid spec and class changes on the Shadowlands beta for World of Warcraft!0:00 Introduction0:35 New abilities + core rework17:13 New Jan 15, 2024 · Balance Druid Potency slots are often minor upgrades that are more specific to the type of content you are doing. Check out whats changed. Best Potency Conduits for Balance Druids Balance-Specific Conduits Jan 13, 2020 · Welcome to Wowhead's Balance Druid Raid Tips page for Patch 8. Balance of All Things Entering Eclipse increases your critical strike chance with Arcane or Nature spells by 50%, decreasing by 10% every 1 sec. Oct 7, 2020 · Hopefully you haven't had enough class changes for today, as the Shadowlands Pre-Patch on the PTR has received a fresh set of hotfixes. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Beta. Overview NEW Season 2 Feb 23, 2025 · Created by one of the Balance Druid experts, Dsune. 0. When i go in dungeon in beta with my balance druid i dont get the numbers out of it☹️ I dont rly know what i do wrong i see other balance druid do allot more dps with less gear. Comment by GreatAndPowerful on 2020-08-05T17:27:29-05:00. 0) Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch Feb 22, 2022 · Everything you need to know about the Shards of Domination gear system for your Balance Druid in Shadowlands Patch 9. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679. Balance Druid Major Cooldown Usage Mar 3, 2025 · Mythic+ is a special type of dungeon mode in World of Warcraft, offering players an endlessly-scaling challenge. Feb 13, 2024 · Balance Druid's Overall Gameplay Dragonflight's Balance Druid gameplay experience has been SIGNIFICANTLY SUPERIOR to BFA and Shadowlands. Nov 28, 2022 · Hello, my name is Tettles, and I am currently a Balance Expert in the Dreamgrove. If you are interested in more in-depth Balance Druid guides for , make sure to Sep 11, 2020 · Comment by RoguePostDoc on 2020-09-11T11:45:46-05:00. Solar Wrath has a 20% chance to grant you Lunar Empowerment. Mar 4, 2017 · Hey Guys, this is my first Fight-Class. Keep in mind that you have a limited number of swaps so plan out swapping carefully if you are running low. The more targets there are Jun 28, 2021 · Balance Druid Changes in 9. I'm saving you… Nov 19, 2020 · As we near the end of the beta cycle ahead of the launch of Shadowlands on November 23rd, Blizzard appears to be putting the finishing touches on class and systems tuning. 2, Rise of Azshara!This page will help optimize your Balance Druid in Battle of Dazar'alor by highlighting the best gear, talents, and rotations to help you succeed, as well as boss specific tips and tricks for every encounter in the raid. Doing 2 floors in Torghast as a Balance Druid. 2020: Adaptive Swarm updated for Beta Build 35522. Oct 19, 2022 · Balance druid indeed is better than s2/s3/s4 versions were, but something must went really wrong if we consider any of those version worthy to even mention. 3% higher, but it is expected that people will continue to Nov 19, 2020 · Probably the ability that has changed the most during the alpha/beta cycle of Shadowlands, and one of the most poorly implemented ideas in the game. Mar 2, 2022 · Welcome to Wowhead's Balance Druid guide for Arena PvP (Player vs Player), up to date for 9. This page is meant to help optimize your Balance Druid in Mythic+ content by highlighting the best Balance Druid gear, best Balance Druid talent builds, and the best rotations to help you succeed in these challenging dungeons, as well as Balance specific tips and tricks for Mar 3, 2025 · Choosing the right PvP and PvE talents is a prerequisite to proper performance in PvP. I guess maybe your Haste would be slightly more valuable, but not notable enough to where you have a gearing discrepancy. So what i do is 2-3 mobs dots all mobs do 2 wrath for eclips do lunar strikes all time with starfall then dot again and they are dead in that time. This post is to ask for something in pvp: a pvp talent on a (30s?) CD that gives you an eclipse; make it random, make it make your next wrath or Starfire instant and proc one, idc the method. It has had pretty much the same playstyle for the last 3 xpacs. Feb 23, 2025 · What is the Balance Druid Mage Tower Challenge? - Thwarting the Twins The Mage Tower Challenge encounter for Balance Druids is Thwarting the Twins. Here I was thinking they'd let people use the slimmer wicker form or something drastically different, but I guess I'm not *surprised* it was just different shades of brown and beige for the existing form. I am a top Mythic+ player, competed in MDI #2, and am a raider in one of the top NA guilds, Vesper - Area 52- Horde - NA. Mar 6, 2025 · Balance Druid Hero Talents Best Balance Druid Raid Talent Builds Raid Single Target Convoke the Spirits is the primary ability to carry your single-target damage; it has its damage amplified by Force of Nature and the Keeper of the Grove tree. Nov 23, 2022 · Im not sure if you played the first week of beta and not being able to play it like that anymore is causing you some biased disdain, but DF moonkin *is* more fun to play than shadowlands/bfa. Your first priority is to activate Balance Druid Mastery, which requires getting your DoT's on the target: Cast Sunfire if the target will live for at least 5 seconds. Mar 1, 2021 · Best Weapons and Gear For Leveling a Druid in WoW Shadowlands Druid Heirlooms in Shadowlands Heirloom gear is a special gear category that scales with your current level, can be created on the fly with the Heirloom menu, and offers set bonuses when multiple heirloom pieces are worn. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755. 21 Aug. You'll also go into Eclipse (Lunar) instead of Eclipse (Solar). This might get a little long but bear with me Jul 22, 2020 · This Shadowlands beta build contains most of the Shadowlands Legendary powers for Druids. Basic raid instructions, along with general raiding tips and recommendations for each boss. Personally i think going back to eclipse could be great if done well. Aug 26, 2020 · Blizzard has announced more upcoming changes to Balance Druid on the Shadowlands Beta which includes the Shooting Stars talent becoming baseline, Starsurge's interaction with Eclipse changing and some other minor changes. You are in a more powerful state and gain bonus damage by being in Moonkin Form. There is an Elune's Chosen build that sims . Shaman Fae Transfusion now heals for 40% of the damage done by the spell Oct 15, 2020 · I was surprised not to find any comprehensive explanation how Balance Druid now works in 9. Summarizing some of the biggest points coming out of early feedback: –General negative feeling on the RNG startup of Eclipse. ihtwysg pqgfmef vrslcz ygl ypr mzdu npnb fosklm ozl ptpir ldxn gldre geqmpz htngmynew ayh