Bdo fps drop in town. Basically the longer I play the worse it gets.
Bdo fps drop in town When I enter the game, I can move and use skills but I cant react with npc or open menu or inventory or anything or hit monsters, it reloads every couple of minutes and I am running bdo currently with many fps drops just like most games and i wish to not have those anymore. Recently I've dropped down to 9 FPS everywhere (In and out of town) on Medium settings. I expect an fps drop/stutter usually but not single digit low) You on an SSD right?I expect everyone to be on an SSD these days or else games and w10 in general will start to act out. Jan 9, 2022 · Currently I am playing on remastered mode and I am getting 120 fps on standby, with V-Sync and G-Sync off. You have to do extra work on the dev side for a windowed game to use graphics cards settings and override the windows v-sync, which I highly doubt PA would put in the extra work in to do. Apr 19, 2022 · There are several factors that can cause your Black Desert Steam game to fps drop issues. Example: BDO is fine for weeks, then comes a patch that causes me to crash after 2 hours on a character. Remaster or not, I'm pretty sure an old PC rig from 2019 could run this game better than high end PC from today. ofc it'll not be pretty and you should probably avoid anything that involves alot of other players but it should be playable. there's a good guide here from ACanadianDude or something, i forget name. Getting 100-110 FPS in wild, and 35-50 FPS in towns. 30-40 fps is perfectly playable in BDO and the same goes for Mass Effect Andromeda. Intel Network Drive I get 30-40 fps in towns in town and I could reach up to 80FPS in the wilderness at 1080p. Also look at gsync monitors (or freesync monitors that are gsync compatible, they are cheaper) newer versions of gsync allow you to uncap fps, but also prevent screentearing if your fps drop. I set 75 FPS global on the Global Settings, so everything else I do in the background of BDO or on my second monitor, is all rendered at 75 FPS If your CPU has less than 6 cores, leave Shader Cache Size at DRIVER DEFAULT and turn Threaded Optimization to OFF On the Program Settings for BDO, I set the FPS at 185-200 FPS. Thats with giant swirling AOEs and particles and the text all over, I know back with my i9900 and 3090 I used to get a ton of stutters while grindi Feb 24, 2021 · The CPU usage stays pretty much the same when the fps drops The only diffrences are wattage dropping from 128. I run i3 12100f (oc to 5GHz) with rx 6600 and get monitor cap165 fps outside of town and 120-130ish in town at 1080p remastered. For some reason other players are dropping FPS very hard compared to environment. Then play around with the Game optimization settings for BlackDesert64. This is my pc spec:CPU: Intel Core i7 5820KGPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPERMonitor: ASUS VG3 hey, hadn;'t played in a few days to get numbers. Either is fine. Btw and its either that - using cc cleaner - or as just found out, deleting LOG folder in your black desert installation directory. Jan 9, 2022 · Currently I am playing on remastered mode and I am getting 120 fps on standby, with V-Sync and G-Sync off. In remaster I'm getting plenty of frames (120fps, where refresh rate caps it) If you are running 4k, try enabling a little bit of window crop. Just built my own rig and went all out on price but unfortunately playing BDO was more smooth on my potato computer. I'm on a 3080 (non TI) with 5800x3d and I'm 130+fps stable when grinding/going about in the world/afk in town. how/tutorials/bdo-fps-boostA short tutorial on how to boost your FPS and overall performance when p adding to a few other comments and too lazy to find the right spot to reply: - optimize BDO, particularly the UI (use the 3D map over the 2D one, for example). Reduce Ping in BDO. GPU is a 5700XT and I know there is no problem with that card. Games I play: arkham knight, stellaris, swtor, star citizen, diablo 3. Okay, I am desperate. 60-70 FPS in small scale PvP, and max 30 FPS in node wars. Overall game feels less choppy. Spent hours on it. Any ideas ? I've rebooted etc. Specs: 7700k @5. Dec 13, 2019 · How to increase performance in Black Desert Online. Follow this guide to fix lag, stuttering and improve your gaming experience for Black Desert Online on your computer. I used to have 70-60 fps on high quality, now the fps fluctuates between 50(max) and drops below 20 even on low quality. In the end no matter which of those settings you use the FPS in BDO won't change a bit. I'm curious if any of you guys have some fps drops over time. Every time I use I spell or some else uses a spell, I can fell a heavy lag spike, and my fps go down to 40’ish from 60fps. Apr 9, 2022 · It seems that setting the CPU affinity of the game launcher solved the low fps issue. I would consider the points ultrawide vs normal, panel type va vs ips vs others and refreshrate and pick whatever fits your budget. 95 to 110 fps (sometimes more out of a city) It is hard to do straight comparisons in cities because of the evolving scenes BUT i'd like my gpu to be at 99 percent in full screen to maximize my frames. I checked usage, and realised this is happening because BDO jumps in GPU usage Any advice? I've tried almost everything in CanadainNoob's FPS guide. Regarding the DDU, I've removed the driver in safe mode and reinstalled the latest driver (Driver Version 22. I had win10 1903 and back to 1607. Any help welcomed! Maximum performance simply keeps the GPU in 3D mode whenever the game is running. Share this to your friends if you find it helpful. That said, it has been said before that animations in BDO are loosely tied to your framerate. exe Every time I try to stream bdo on discord for my friends the game becomes unplayable, there's a huge FPS drop the moment I open the discord stream, which only comes back to normal when I end it. ) It's not much, but if you're comfortable with BDO combat you can disable them. Jun 6, 2019 · Hey all. exe and BlackDesert. Disable vsync in Nvdia control panel for BDO (Blackdesert64. I now run BDO with GSYNC on (for ALL applications, in window & fullscreen, Ultra low latency mode on, and Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling on. Typically I have BDO on Remastered but as mentioned, changing settings appears to do nothing about the stutters Specs: 5900X/RTX2080Super/32GB DDR4/1TB NVME for BDO Jan 9, 2022 · Durring grinding fps jumps all over the place between 120 - 60. I play BDO with a 4K G-Sync display (Acer Predator XB271HKbmiprz). RTX 3070/Ryzen 5 3600/16 GB/Ethernet Apr 9, 2022 · After tweaking the options the game still running at low fps. Since you have a 144hz monitor I’m assuming you aren’t limited to 60, so you will notice it more. . Fullscreen, grinding on Succ maegu at dark seekers 1440p and remastered with the crit/back attack text ON, I get like 250fps, sometimes it dips to like 230, or up to 280. Some players have said that animations can get about 12-15% faster at 144 FPS compared to 60 FPS, while some players report no difference. I have friends with crazy thousands of dollars PCs and they get big drops in really crowded spots. exe) Disable full screen optimization on BlackDesert64. Hello bdo community! I’ll get right to the point. Problem is fixed Hello, recently I tried to reduce, remove fps drops and stutters in game (especialy durring grinding). I usually play on Very High with 60 FPS consistently but since earlier yesterday (before the patch), my game started having MASSIVE FPS drops all the way down to less than 10 every 30s or so for roughly 3-5s. Not sure how bad skill effects will drop fps (if at all) since i never left town on that laptop. I have an i3-9100 + GTX 1660 + 8gb ram and I have stable 30+ FPS with everything on max even during bossfights (ofc with chars disabled). It could be during combat or at a storage keeper or processing in a residence, etc. Havent done node wars/sieges so no clue about that) I'm playing on Remaster, ultrawide 1440p (3440x1440). FPS drops will happen some times. I hold 45-60fps in ultra in town, haven't tried combat in ultra yet because I don't think it's a big enough visual increase to justify the fps drop. I'm using ryzen 5 3600 with gtx 1070 and my friend using i5-9400f with gtx 1070ti. 0W, and the GPU usage dropping from 99% to Jun 27, 2022 · I have a rtx 3070 gpu (max variant) Alienware M17 R4 laptop. On Low settings I am getting 30-40 FPS in the middle of the woods and 2-20 FPS in town (drops to 2 FPS when I go near Heidel bank for example). If you like PVE in your MMO I would HIGHLY suggest returning it, the end game is nothing but PVP and there is literally nothing to do PVE wise except grinding. Auto Frame Optimization will start hiding unimportant effects when your FPS drops below the specified number. I Either is more than enough for BDO. We got consistent 120+ fps while grinding and in town we got like 100 fps avg but can get low to 80 fps. When I'm doing portals or WT with raid groups, the FPS drop is so brutal that it drops to 7-8 FPS at some point. This setting requires a client restart to take effect. I'm curious, how much FPS do you guys get when you do WT with A LOT of people? It started good with 75-150 fps but whenever I visit a camp, town or settlement with a lot of players nearby my FPS will go to 40-50 fps all the time, resulting in tearing. Mar 7, 2021 · In this video I'll show you how to boost your fps, fix lag and stuttering on any games. I don't have any issue at other games getting max fps in all games but that happening only in black desert online and it's fcking annoying, literally ruining my all fun. I say loosely because doubling your FPS over 60 to 120 will not give you a 200% casting speed or running speed. This can be due to a hardware resource issue, a graphics setting issue, or issues with the game files No matter how good the PC is, the FPS drops happen. I currently have a lot of FPS drops/stuttering, while grinding, pvping etc. The CPU multiplier going up cause draw call delays and fps drops much more frequently. I ran into an issue where if GSYNC was off, using windowed optimizations would still cap my FPS at 1. techy. Happens regardless of what I am doing (gathering with nobody else around, cooking with nobody else around or in town with people everywhere). Getting huge FPS drops when entering towns since transfer Hi all, Hoping someone can help, ever since the transfer I’m having terrible performance issues, entering towns now means that the game completely freezes for a minute or two, talking to NPC’s often has a stuttered background and grinding has random FPS stutters. Jan 1, 2022 · I have had an issue crop up just recently where BDO will be using 25-30% CPU and for no reason drop down to 5% usage for 3-4 seconds, then go right back to normal performance. I'm currently running BDO at Remastered mode with a Ryzen 5 1500X (OC 3. Only when I play bdo does this masive fps drop occur. I tried to do it on google meet as well to see if it's a discord issue, but the fps drop also hapenned. Tweaked settings using ACanadianDude's FPS guide, incorporating some elements from FakeUniform's YouTube guides. In the open wild roughly 130-150 or so fps, as I approach a town or city it drop bout around 70-100, depending on the town and how close the buildings are to each other & how many buildings there are, on a regular town in around 60-95 fps Into a clustered city and the fps is 30-65 4090 RTX with 7800 x3D here also playing in 1080p (its an esports pc) my normal pc runs a 3080 ti on a 12600k I5 for 4k 144hz and my esports pc pushes about 200-235 capped fps at 235 (240 hz screen in ULMB mode for esports or G-Sync for bdo) in Ultra while grinding with everything set to high and while it can drop to 120-140 in towns, I havent Jan 9, 2022 · Currently I am playing on remastered mode and I am getting 120 fps on standby, with V-Sync and G-Sync off. 90% of the time it's stable 144 FPS ( capped by monitor) but randomly, even when grinding in marni solo zones, i have also these huge FPS drops and stuttering. I would never go back to a non G-Sync/Freesync display. I have all the newest drivers, clear, fresh windows system. Those FPS are pretty consistent too, it rarely every drops below 10. 4. tested on hd 520, was better than expected. I got rid of really annoying micro-freezes (drops from 60FPS to 56-57) clearly noticable. Is there anything I can do to fix it so that i get the same results in fullscreen windowed? it really sucks that it takes forever to switch between bdo and other apps and its also unplayable. 4ghz (adaptive voltage) 1080ti @2075mhz 16gb x 2 ddr4 @3866mhz cl14-14-14-35 Bdo on 500gb Samsung 960evo Still get fps drops with c-states and balanced power profile. Cleaned case and parts, changed cpu paste. I decided to buy a G-Sync display because I knew that 4k will drop my framerate in many games and G-Sync does its wonders. I did the whole CanadianGuy optimization guide. My pc is decent: 2070 super, ryzen 5 3600, 16 GB Ram, SSD. Mar 3, 2021 · A short tutorial on how to boost your FPS (frame rate) and overall performance while playing Black Desert Online (BDO) on your Windows PC. Huge FPS Drop in Windowed Mode PC Basically title, when the game is running full screen I'm getting anywhere from 130fps-180fps on highest settings, but the second I change to windowed mode (which is what I normally liked to play in) the game drops to like 5fps. The 1070 is a solid card and the 7600K is pretty good (RDR2 is very CPU intensive and does prefer more cores/threads, but nonetheless that CPU is fine), the 8GB of Ram is likely what is contributing to this. BDO Ultimate Performance Guide Update 2022-JL-16 (Intel core affinities, kind of a vague overclocking section, debloating Windows, hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. I play at 4k and probably get around 30-60 fps until I drop to An example in hystria my fps drop to 40-50sh from 100+ for no reason and freezing like 0. Doesnt matter what hardware you have, both CPU and GPU utilization will hover around 30%. Fixes to freezing, stuttering, fps drop, spikes, low fps, lagging, high ping. Recently I have tried to follow a ACanadianDude Ultimate BDO Performance Gue and > How to INCREASE your FRAME RATE while GAMING | Black Desert Online | 2020 Updated gue - YouTube. My laptop with GTX 960M can run the game around 22 fps with 99% GPU utilization at 1080p. I know the game is badly optimized or whatever. (dropping down to 2 frames seems like a bit too much though. This can be due to a hardware resource issue, a graphics setting issue, or issues with Jan 14, 2021 · Not only do my specs outweigh yours, but even running on the low preset with low texture quality my fps in towns still tanks to between 5-10 for multiple seconds every now and again. I can run this game with the remastered, max settings at the +120fps but after some time it can drop to even 80fps. For more information, follow this guide:https://www. GTX 1070 oc, 16gb ddr3 2400mhz, 512gb SSD. This only occurs when I grind and fight. That said I have a newer model dell (2016 xps 13) and it's specs are similar to what you've listed. 3 sec around. I get 144fps outside of towns mostly and in larger battles i get around 80-100. 0W to 46. Nvidia GTX 960 4GB Card with 12gb RAM and core i7 950 Processor. Basically the longer I play the worse it gets. My general conclusion when I encounter issues with BDO is to just wait because it's typically an issue on their side. What gpu and cpu would i need to have to run bdo at 60fps with no drops if possible (on medium-high graphics)? Also what specs would i need to keep a good fps on bdo while streaming? I9 13900K, 4090 TUF. 5x my refresh rate in borderless window. com Apr 9, 2022 · It seems that setting the CPU affinity of the game launcher solved the low fps issue. 95ghz), 2x8GB 2800Mhz, a RTX 2060 (+90mhz core +750mhz memory) and getting average 65 FPS @ 1080p (75FPS most of the time because of 75Hz monitor and sometimes dip to 55~60 while grinding). Unless you have a strong enough cpu that can feed the extra power BDO requires. I get low fps 50 or less/ laggy gameplay in fullscreen windowed but my fps jumps to 150-250 when i switch to fullscreen. So in the majority of cases it makes virtually no difference whether you're using adaptive or prefer maximum performance and BDO is no exception. You'll regularly run into a town have have the FPS drop into the 20s or 30s. Granted even on SSD you will still get stutters/fps drops just not as bad. This issue stayed constant durring all years I played BDO, sometimes less noticable, sometimes more. Out of town i should be getting 120+ fps assuming my card is working hard but it just wants to slack in fullscreen. In other games it's the other way around, like Battlefield. 80-100fps when more players (garmoth, vell, big town hubs like Velia, etc. nope there is an option to not cap your game, and playing in actual full screen uses the graphics cards v-sync options properly. When I first started out playing BDO (1 week ago) I was getting 60 FPS 2560x1080 (Fullscreen Window) on High or Slightly High graphics settings. It's more based on personal preference than anything to be honest. Also set your windows power profile to "perfer maximum performance". See full list on ghostarrow. After reading the very basics of fps drops which can only happen if the CPU bottleneck and after reading all these comments I did my conclusion: BDO is poorly optimized and it uses too much extra power from the CPU which leads to cpu bottlenecks. Also, always use full screen when you want the best FPS. On the bare minimum settings with every effect turned off and 'Crop' on I get about 20-25 fps outside of town and 10-17 inside town. This can be due to a hardware resource issue, a graphics setting issue, or issues with Sep 10, 2021 · It is most likely a software issue, because I know people who have 60+ FPS everywhere with 5th gen Ryzen CPUs (ofc not in Mushin or in known low FPS places). I7 4790k unparked. I think those tweaks will help your FPS much more than just a GPU, plus, MMO's tend to be more CPU heavy and AMD FSR drastically cuts strain on your GPU. Durring grinding fps jumps all over the place between 120 - 60. CPU cores always under max load at 5GHz. 1) even before installing BDO. This fps drops and stutters stay no matter if I play on remastered or lowest textures, graphics. CPU/GPU models on the very least, for some reason some newer GPUs don't like BDO sometimes due to driver support (like some RTX3xxx back at their launch) Reply reply the_lusionar 0:22 show current game settings 1:34 first fps drop 2:53 second fps drop 3:13 third fps drop When FPS goes below 50 i have some 0,5s-1,5s" screen freezes, they are small but constant, any fix? even if i put all in prereset small settings dosnt work, happens the same Jun 16, 2017 · Hello I have been playing the game smoothly for about 9 days, but recently it became unplayable. The stuttering doesn't appear to change regardless of the settings. Backup your AMD Adrenaline settings. Everything is maxed settings, and high end mode is a 10 FPS difference for me I've recently started experiencing small stuttering in BDO while grinding too, with a good PC as well. mubq zkwx mewa yne buaw osyj ubh kqrw dbwy dznw srluxb chgpxv lcriqocy bvicr faqwn