Bl3 fl4k pet build 2020 0 Build aka the Summoner build that lets you spawn infinite OPQ Drones. Jan 4, 2025 · The Spiderant Scorcher is a great pet for this build. With the right set-up, the War Loader Bot pet can pretty much 1 shot everything on mayhem 11. For twice the Cooldown, you can use this skill to revive your Pet, restoring 30% of its Health and teleporting it through the Dec 3, 2019 · This Fl4k Gamma Burst Radiation Pet build guide is split in 3 different pages. This results in a very safe playstyle where Fl4k can safely take down enemies without taking damage themself. Pet goes and tank agro away from you so you can chill n shoot things with those metal sticks that go pew pew. youtube. The second augment depends on what you want: If you want to boost FL4K's damage, use Empathic Rage. i’ve gone for a very explodey build so i just Mar 17, 2020 · Welcome! This is a breakdown of FL4K’s Damage Formula, from Weapons to Action Skills, Pets and other interactions! Recommended Resources Critical Hit Calculation by @DocStrangelove The Math of Fade Away by @jafortune FL4K’s Universal Multiplicative Damage Boosts video by @DemoniteBL BL3 Math Basics video by @flightx3aa Prismatic’s Gearology and Math to better understand how specific gear For Class Mods, you generally want something that increases Barbaric Yawp but the DE4DEYE is great for the 35% increase in damage to enemies over 75% HP as is the Red Fang for taunting all the enemies with your Pet while Gamma Burst is active. FL4K Head Customizations. Damage bonuses such as URad and Guardian Angel will not apply to the pet’s attacks, but can effect sources of damage the pet spawns like Hollowpoints, ele-crit novas, electric Banjo procs, and melee artifacts procced from a pet’s stinger shield. If you don't specifically care about pet damage, any combo of the base 3 skill trees can be effective, but generally avoid purple unless doing very specific set ups. Then a got a Red Fang, you either run Trial of Instinct or a Slaughter Map until someone drop it. Build 2: The Pet Paladin. FL4K with a red/green St4ckbot build for wrecking things. FL4K – All Pets May 12, 2020 · This FL4K build focuses on maximizing your damage per second (DPS). Oct 8, 2019 · You can also check our other Borderlands 3 builds at Best Borderlands 3 Builds for all Characters. Every few months, it seems, pets are given a buff or a skill formerly Apr 16, 2020 · The recommended pet listed in the build is the Spiderant Scorcher, but the Gunslinger Jabber also works fine. It's also the pet I see the least often dying, but that's just my experience. War Loader has his grenade, but is otherwise dumb as a sack of rocks and the passive doesn't scale with Barbaric Yawp. You’ll be able to put out maximum damage, with a ton of critical hits too. If you prefer to let your pets do the heavy lifting, the Hunter tree is the way to go. The Anoint that makes this build special is the […] I'm running a FL4K war loader rakk grenade mod build and it melts everything (War loader with shotgun/grenade launcher, rakks with life steal, extra rakk, class mod where rakks drop grenades, and a cloning mirv hex or other big splitting grenade (whatever that skull one os is great)) For purple tree pet builds, still go lick the wounds first, then spec into red tree but stop at 1 point in Galactic shadow. FL4K – All Closest to a good pet build would be red fang gamma burst flak. October 5, 2019 There are a lot of great Fadeaway Fl4K builds; but to me the build that made the game just trivially easy was Moxsy’s 5G Fl4k build. The gunslinger Jabber is also a good option, but the Jabbers misplace Zane for wrecking things with a clone and cannon or shield and canon builds. Seriously, even in BL3 Deathtrap is a better pet than Fl4k's. yeah red suit was kinda a PITA drop for me too if you want a different farm try pandora: at least one of the areas is gonna drop every legendary shield semi frequently and can probably get it easier there just because every 5th foe or so is gonna be dropping shields - it might also be good to stock up on some shields potentially for other allies (doing a 1 hp moze - keep the best front loader in my experience with fl4k the pet is definitely more of a support role than the main damage output. Hemo at LVL 72 on Mayhem 11 is no problem. Build really doesn't come together until you have red fang so unless you get one at a low level, I would just leave blue and purple tree investment for later since pet isn't that impactful without a good grenade and shield. Ferocity Use the fadeaway build for leveling, jabbers can rez you, invis makes you speedy and heals you, look for jakobs or torgue sticky weapons and your good. Skills. I've been using the WAR Loader bot while using an Gamma Fl4k build with max pet damage in mind. Real talk just make a hybrid build if you're not sure, i recommend a pet/tank build loader bot, the "Deathbot Prime" is called, Joltzdude139 named it lol But you can update it with newer op stuff Like, everything just dies. Spelunky is a cave exploration / treasure-hunting game inspired by classic platform games and roguelikes, where the goal is to grab as much treasure from the cave as possible. Brainstormer, wedding invitation, kings/queens call, and Maggie is my load out now with a stop gap for survivability. This build makes use of the Rakk Attack skill and gun damage in order to provide Fl4k with an efficient method to cut through groups of enemies. (Also excellent for mobbing in the pet grenade build) It's Piss. The quintessential pet build, it has good pet damage, plenty of boosts to Fl4k's and pets defenses, the choice of 7 out of the 9 pets, up to 95% gun damage to Fl4k(if you go with the horned skag), and the option to switch to Fade away for more regen/Fl4k boosts if you wish. Nov 23, 2020 · Hi All. You should make use of your Attack Command to position your pet in the centre of enemies, this will allow you to maximise the Radiation damage from Gamma Burst. The other 2 pages are the build overview and the skills, which you can access by clicking the buttons below. This build for FL4K is Moxsy‘s Legion 2. Dec 3, 2019 · This Fl4k Rakk Attack build guide is split in 3 different pages. This skill is amazing on the right pet, but is bugged at the moment to not work properly on jabbers and loaders (just an FYI). Borderlands 3 FL4K Build Explanation. Not only does the pet deal a good amount of damage and withstand it but it also give FL4K a boost which makes him just as strong, this works hand in hand as Sep 26, 2021 · FL4K Full Fade Away Build (Level 72) Although this build heavily leans on offensive skills, few of Fl4k's skills in this build compensate for the lack of survival with tons of HP regeneration and aggro relief. Rowan’s & Kings/Queens Call will shred of course. All Damage dealt by FL4K and their Pet is increased. This is the build for this pet DPS build… I’ve played through fl4k a couple of times but I’ve never tried/ figured out how to make a strong build surrounding the purple tree or the war loader pet, does anyone have a good build or suggestions No matter the points, this also creates a loop of "Pet dying, revive, you possibly dying, pet still dying. Aug 8, 2020 · Note that FL4K’s pet has a separate damage formula from FL4K. Friend-Bot is usable too for Pet Second Wind on enemy kill as well as the 20% increase to Pet Damage. traditional cel animation (hand drawn & hand inked!), watercolor backgrounds and live jazz recordings. Dec 3, 2019 · It provides various buffs in the build and contributes to a portion of your overall damage and is an essential choice. Interplanetary Stalker – You get a stack of Interplanetary Stalker every time you kill an enemy, up to 3 stacks. With this build, you want to increase your weapon damage as it will boost the projectile and melee portion of the weapon. Fl4k hits like a wet noodle, so you'll likely want to use a Red Fang mod (while Gamma Burst is active, pet taunts all enemies) to keep enemies from attacking you. Apr 22, 2021 · Important! All the items are perfect rolls. Especially in mayhem mode because the pet gets scaled up automatically. 10. Use gamma burst to make self and pet immortal and trigger several anoints. Smg jabber when you get him will one shot any badass with rocket spam once you use attack command and his seems like the only one that works since its ranged and he has auto aim. This build can be enhanced with terror anointments but it isn’t needed. This rings true especially for FL4K as your build will be able to boost your Critical Damage stats. This is the ultimate Jakobs FL4K build. This adds Bonus Radiation Damage to your pet's attacks, prevents damage beyond 1 Health and enlarges it for the duration. Hello guys, I'm trying to find a good fl4k build and be able to keep up with my buddy playing moze, but ever build I have… Cuphead is a classic run 'n' gun set in the style of a one-on-one fighting game universe. With the new update for Borderlands 3, each Vault Hunter got a new skill tree and Fl4k's new skill tree is insanely op. Hunter Seeker is great for keeping consecutive hits going and specifically great on fl4k for proccing head count and leave no trace between skills because it counts as gun damage. Build Overview Skills and Playstyle I’ve use the war loader, great horned skag, and scorcher spiderant, but I have no clue how the Jabber pairs against the war loader knowing that it… Dec 3, 2019 · This Gamma Burst Pet build makes constant use of Fl4k's pet to absorb damage through the use of the Red Fang Class Mod. 0 Build – Borderlands 3. Best Solo FL4K Borderlands 3 Leveling Guide Nov 1, 2019 · This build is a pure pet build that goes deep into the Master skill tree. That said, this FL4K build can do it all. Uncle Ruddy Apr 20, 2020 @ 6:01am Dec 2, 2019 · BL3 – FL4K Build – LVL50 – Rakk Attack. But upon release, it seemed like snipers in general were super underwhelming, and all of fl4ks best builds were non-sniper builds. Right now, you can have Rakks hitting Flesh enemies (ideal targets) for around ~17M if you have a perfectly god rolled build that gimps FL4K's own performance (actually tried and tested), all skills and anointments up and if the Rakks cooperate (which they have a tendency not to, must be a pet thing). you need to own the BL3 Base Game. i use fl4k’s “monkey” pet and once you upgrade him to the smg/rocket launcher level he’s pretty powerful (ESPECIALLY with the upgrade that lets him revive you out of second wind) but you still definitely need to be outputting damage too. 2020: Now has increases pet damage. My friend has a sniper Rakk FL4K, he can't handle M4 Slaughter or Takedown by himself but when he groups up he has incredible damage to single targets. Fl4k’s spiderant warrior pet (the flaming one) boosts elemental damage a decent amount. You teleport your Pet through a Rift at the target location, dealing Radiation Area Skill Damage. Ceci est particulièrement utile lorsque vous entrez dans FFYL sans plus d'ennemis. The are are to strat i used that help me leveling and reach a basic build to farm for stuff. FL4K with a blue/purple Red Fang build for letting your pet solo everything while you chill and loot. github. io) Went for Dire Sacrifice, if I understand right the bonus damage also applies to my pets Also went for Ascention instead of Thrill of the Hunt. Even though the maximum health bonus won apply to Fl4k Jan 19, 2021 · Fl4k finally is able to do a 100% pet build without any outside help from fl4k and it destroys mobbing and most bosses! May 31, 2020 · fl4k build by joltzdude139 With this FL4K build , you will be building up critical hit stacks with your class mod and exploiting that with other gear and skills. You will be needing the “On Action Skill End, gain 50% [ELEMENTAL] damage with weapons for 10 seconds” Anoint, or else this build will not work. ” The rakk will take on the elements along with your guns. This build for FL4K by Moxsy is centered around the new Blade Fury from Vault Card 3. When i get a Red Fang, i go full pet build (Joltzdude has one). Oct 20, 2020 · FL4K – Deputy 3. Cant rly say how good it is "Depending on the build" We all know Monkey with a humpadoor hairline and a rocket launcher is the only Pet Fl4k needs. If you do not want to download the file, you can only gather inspiration for the build and try to replicate something similar in the game. Meat-Thief (jabber) is good for a Fade Away crit build, Mr. Reply reply 📰10/15/2020 COTD V-BT12 - Angel Feather "Depending on the build" We all know Monkey with a humpadoor hairline and a rocket launcher is the only Pet Fl4k needs. LOADOUT. Additionally, the Maximum Health of both FL4K and their Pet is increased. Zane for casual looting with a clone and drone build. When facing a troubling enemy, just use Fade Away and hold down the trigger. 1. First off, with the recent update of new skill trees Fl4k became even more OP in regards to this build specifically. If you want to do a pet build where your pet actually kills things, War Loader is the clear winner. Dec 12, 2021 · FL4K BUILD. If ya wanna run Gamma Burst you can still pop on a Red Fang I use this build all the time to clear the Guardian Takedown on M11 cause Fl4K with a Red Fang makes the crystal phases a breeze. Something to look into if you have the gear, but a different direction from this build. It has a very aggressive AI which keeps on charging enemies, attracting their fire. " Not to mention it activates on spawn in, instantly downing you/your pet. I wanted to know if the aura is affected by the 50/150 rad weapon anoint, and if it benefits from the elemental projector damage boost. Also his missile attack does huge It is also a quite early level skill, tier 3 or 4 in green tree iirc. Mar 30, 2024 · The Legendary FL4K Class Mod Friend-Bot comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. Build overview. They all have their uses, though. October 20, 2020 News. Direct debuff to enemies you hit with it. The Action Skill Augments used in this build are Flock 'N Load and Rakkcelerate. Action Skill This build relies on your pet to draw fire while Flak snipes from a distance. I respec'd to my own preferences this morning, I didn't use any guide or someone elses build as a base though I do know that this will seem very similar to a lot of other builds out there just because of the way some of the skills play off of one another. You need to have increased magazine size on your class mod & artifact to do this. Nov 1, 2019 · This Gamma Burst Radiation pet build uses the best skills from the Master tree to create a resilient pet to tank damage, while Fl4k can safely gun down enemies from afar. Goes well with pet focused builds as it gives quite a nice boost to pet damage if it revives you. Reply reply 📰10/15/2020 COTD V-BT12 - Angel Feather Jul 22, 2021 · FL4K BUILD. A New 2023 build for FL4K by Ki11erSix that only utilized the gear that you can obtain from the base game. It’s been a minute since I’ve posted here. Hey guys, do you think this build could be good? Or do you think a pet focused build will be bad Wonderlands Skill Calculator (lothrik. 19 votes, 32 comments. Reflux with Fade Away & this build shreds both Takedowns. First, congrats on your nice find. Apr 7, 2023 · Build Description. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930's, the visuals and audio were painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i. Or a fadeaway build using the not my circus augment to keep aggro off of fl4k as much as possible. Furthermore, FL4K can dish out an insane amount of critical damage and literally melt through enemies. Another build review, this one was redeemed by boombumr! Killer Queen FL4K build, an awesome pet build that goes far enough down the purple tree to give your Nov 9, 2020 · CUJO FLAK BUILD! New Purple Tree Flak Pet Build! Wreck Mayhem 11 Content Without Shooting! Pet BuildGet in Mr. . It’s by far my favourite Fl4K build. Action Skill: Fade Away; Pet: Spiderant Scorcher; Augment 1: Guerrillas in the Mist; Augment 2: Unblinking Eye; Borderlands 3 FL4K Build Weapons. Joltzdude has a great Deputy Fl4k guide and game save. From my experience with fl4k the pet beelines towards you if you fall, even if it was in mid attack. So I got that shield and wow is it insane. I wrote this guide years ago, before the GBX forums went down, to explain how to optimally build purple tree for FL4K. Oct 21, 2020 · FL4K’s pet mainly plays a huge role during fights and can pretty much tank most enemies and deal a high amount of damage and even when downed, the pet can take out enemies to revive FL4K. The OP makes it sound like you want a pet build, but the rest of the post seems like you want a more general FL4K build. Sep 18, 2020 · BL3 – FL4K Build – LVL65 – Turret. Combine that skill with either a red fang class mod gamma burst build. If you want to see a similar build to yours, check out Killer Queen in the FL4K build doc. Also, chadly99’s newest fl4k build is what I am using. If you are facing any enemy with an immune phase, Skag is a better option for better AI and utility imo. Chew (skag) is good for a non-crit gun build, Loaderbot (loaderbot) is good for a pet build May 28, 2020 · FL4K “URAD” Build by LazyData With this insane FLAK build, you will be able to melt enemies on Mayhem Mode 10! True Takedown Mode will look like it’s scaled-down. They are broken up into the three skill trees, shown I wrote this guide years ago, before the GBX forums went down, to explain how to optimally build purple tree for FL4K. I never posted it for some reason, but I figure it can still help since information about the purple tree is pretty tough to come across. Overall it’s a 30% damage, and if you have This is inspiring! Before release, I really wanted to play fl4k because my favorite build in BL2 was a sniper zero build. Barbaric Yawp - 5/5 points | Increases the power of Fl4k's pet bonuses by 100%. Hopefully not too much info, but it all ties together into recommending a pet to use. Ratore is great at the game and speedruns the Takedown with Fl4k (I think they use Dakquan's builds/gear?) Lots of resources out there for Fl4k. Jun 30, 2021 · Hopefully, you will enjoy this Borderlands 3 FL4K Build Level 72. Use Gamma Burst with the Endurance augment. This FL4K build can easily solo Borderlands 3 without much of an issue. Is there any way around it, maybe give fl4k some immunity? Need a FL4K build but you don't own any of the DLC's? I got you covered!Time Stamps00:00 Montage of Mayhem01:06 Intro01:39 Gear12:00 Skill Tree14:57 General Fl4ks single best survival skill is goimg to be lick the wounds. It makes use of many defensive skills to give Fl4k's pet a lot of survivability, even while it is taking damage from large numbers of enemies. Also, gamma burst itself, while pretty cool, is a smidge underwhelming outside of the taunt IMO. Flock 'N Load adds a significant amount of damage each time you use Rakk Attack!, making it the best choice for this build. This FL4K build is among the top FL4K builds out there, offering insane Damage bonuses by the recently buffed Barbaric Yawp Passive, which combined with Friend-bot Legendary Class Mod, grants up to 400% Pet Passive bonuses. Ki11erSix goes in-depth on which skill to use and why, so check out the video as there are variations you can run. Broodless (spiderant) is my personal favorite, my first BL3 run was with a gamma FL4K & fire Broodless that focused on blue & red trees to be a crit/pet hybrid. This FL4K pet build maximizes their damage and gives you a little something too. He's completely overpowered with a decent build in high mayhem levels, because he gets mayhem pet scaling but ALSO throws grenades that are scaled by mayhem level as well, so you can double dip mayhem scaling. If you put just 1 point in the skill in the purple tree that regens shields for you and your pet on critical (Fuzzy Math), you end up with like 10 drones around your pet in a matter of a few seconds. Nov 27, 2020 · Finally, a pure pet build for FL4K. Nov 1, 2019 · hey there love the build but is it possible to update the guide for current times and the higher lvl cap? would be much appreciated if you could! i also found it really enjoyable to run an annointed nuclear jericho that gives me an extra 115% radiation dmg while gamma burst is active so i just throw it into mortar mode and unleash hell upon Jul 20, 2021 · Borderlands 3 allows you to make a leveling build for the Beastmaster FL4K. Best Amara Builds. Gun Damage: +3% Pet Damage: +7% Action Skill Damage: 5%. The trick is that you want to get your drone ammo from the OPQ System up to 2. With your pet taking all of the damage, you should make use of Jan 23, 2021 · Unfortunately at level 65 we only have enough points in this Borderlands 3 Fl4k build to get it to rank 4, but it’s still a powerful skill. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourself up and play this build at the highest level. It’s also been a minute since I’ve played BL3, primarily because my excitement and anticipation for a proper pet class in a Borderlands game was quickly deflated upon release. After using your action skill, you'll be able to regain it Mar 13, 2025 · FL4K gains increased Gun Damage, Pet Damage and Action Skill Damage. It’s a great setup for mobbing but also works on bosses. 1; 2; Other Vault Hunter Builds. It's mostly preference, but if you're looking to minmax damage, Scorcher is best. Overall, you should be cutting your way through the enemy like a knife through butter. Also ive seen quite a few people trow raks at enemies. Deathtrap can take out ~1/20th of a bosses health on M2(I wanted to play through the DLC with a pet build) per attack but Fl4k's pet with +311% damage, +75% radiation damage, and a mulplicative 30% damage on attack command can't even make the bar move noticeably? After having messed around a little with a Red Fang gamma burst build, I think I might switch to the corrosive Flak build. Resources. As most of you know, Fl4k’s evolution into a pet class has been a painfully slow process. So, let’s find out the best Skills to equip with FL4K in BL3. I use a shield and grenade mod with “ASE do 50% — elemental damage for a few seconds. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! Looking for the best FL4K the Beastmaster builds in Borderlands 3? Whether you need a leveling guide or chasing ultimate Mayhem 10 power, these builds will help you dominate with FL4K’s loyal pets and critical hit bonuses. Chaque fois que le FL4K tue un ennemi, son animal de compagnie et lui-même se régénéreront pendant un bref moment. Nov 29, 2022 · In this FL4K pet build guide, I will be showing you the best abilities to go to buff FL4K’s pets and have them do the work for you. I've been wanting to make a pet build on Fl4k that makes the most out of atomic aroma (gamma burst aura), but I wasn't sure if the things I had in mind would work. This build focuses on enhancing your pet's damage and survivability Oct 12, 2019 · Welcome to our Rakk Attack build guide for Fl4k the Beastmaster in Borderlands 3. Sep 21, 2019 · FL4K can be played in many ways seeing as he has access to three different pets that can be an offensive or a support tool. I'll be primarily playing with them so I was looking to make a good build for co op play. Dakquan and Moxsy also have good guides and game saves. Overall Zane can be super speedy and deals high damage. Check out the messy breakup build, with loader bot/eridian skag pet. Build Overview Skills and Playstyle Build it like a normal melee pet using Red Fang Gamma burst with a Brawler Ward, and just use the Attack command as an extra attack while gamma is active and the pet is immortal. Building up your character will level up their stats massively. What are Anointments; October 20, 2020 News. Chew-BECOME A MEMBER!- vvvvhttps://www. Works really well with "He Bites" (just a single point) as it will count as damage from the pet and will keep on stacking Franzy as well as procing Who Rescued who. Our FL4K build plays into that fact while adding much-needed survivability for solo play. Main drawback to this build is your pet literally does all the damage. Unfortunately there is no build where your pet does everything for you but you can make him strong enough to not instantly die on a Gamma Burst build. T. Letting the pet pick you up during ffyl. Detailed Builds and Guides for Fl4k (Beastmaster) in Borderlands 3. After ending the campain, i get a Crit and Hail from Moxxi. Here are the skills you should have for this build. Rage et récupérer. Second, that anointment isn't really as good as it looks. Gamma burst is fun and I like having the pet more involved, but relying on pets can feel a little meh sometimes. I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. Ideally you want guns with +100 ase annointments which activate after fade away. This is an end game build and therefore relies on Anointed gear and the current Meta weapons. Pack Tactics. e. Okay, so I tested out the Shareware DE4DEYE legendary MOD and switched some skills a bit. It's incredibly potent in high mob density areas with gamma burst/red fang & with a rakk atk/rakk commander you can keep spawning drones indefinitely against bosses. Yes, Fade Away has pretty good uptime, but part of the reason that Action Skill End anointments are preferred over an Action Skill Active is because you tend to have your greatest damage dealing potential during your Action Skill, and it is the in-between that is rough. Borderlands 3 FL4K Build Level 72 Skill Tree. You can then use Guardian Angel + Fish slap as your primary damage. Also ideally you have elemental ase on your shield/grenade. For the messy breakup build, it doesn't matter that much which pet you use. The build contains gear from all the DLCs to Borderlands 3. October 5, 2019 News. Hunter – Best Borderlands 3 Fl4k Build. Weapon 1: The Monarch [fire variation] Hello all! My 2 sons and I picked up bl3 from steam sale and I'm looking to play fl4k. Patch 09. Rakkcelerate allows The quick description of that build being the Pet takes all the damage and the Friend-Bot allows for Fl4k to get second wind for his pet, making it so the pet keeps taking damage for Fl4k. Pet and FL4K Damage: +7% Pet and FL4K Maximum Health: +5%. This means your pet will do most of the damage instead of FL4K. Its incendiary damage can help you take down tougher enemies, and it's pretty tanky, which is always a plus. Doesn't even require you to have much gear either, which is nice. Pack Tactics - 3/3 points | All damage dealt by fl4k and their pet is increased. Si le FL4K entre en combat pour votre mode de vie, son animal viendra pour tenter de le faire revivre. Check out the video above as Moxsy explains which anoints you should or should not use with this build. Almost to the point where it in my opinion needs a small nerf. You basically have permanent distraction so the enemies never target you and you melt everything. Credit: Lootlemon. While at its base it works well for general mobbing, I went far down the master tree to get barbaric yap, which with its recent buff paired with the countess allows for Flak to regenerate 3% of his health p/sec and gives him 15% damage reduction for increased seems like if it falls in the right place on Fl4k's formula it would actually provide a pretty decent damage boost if your pet is putting several crits per second, which seems pretty doable between radiation auras, hunter seeker ticks, and shield shenanigans. You literally don't have to even attack at all. This skill really hurts FL4K's damage and if you aren't taking Fuzzy Math and using a Messy Breakup or similar shield, it isn't worth the damage you lose as FL4K.
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