Cancel black ox statue macro. I can’t recall the last time I ever .

Cancel black ox statue macro I haven't found a good way to use #showtooltip for this macro, but it doesn't bother me since I have this on a hidden action bar and I don't use Chi Wave Hey, just looking for a bit of guidance. I thought it would be something as simple as /focus Black Ox Statue or /focus [target=Black Ox Statue] But neither works. still way better than leaving it up, should help aggro way less. 🙁 Hi! I tried a lot of stuff, googled some more, but i got a lot of doubts and here i'm asking if anyone bypassed some of my problems! I'm trying to do a macro that cast Leer of the ox, or if there is no statue, cast a black ox statue. Brewmaster Monk Tips and Tricks for Ulgrax The Devourer I have a macro made on my brewmaster that’s a target black ox statue that when i use it taunts all targets to my statue Just learning Brewmaster and wondering if well more experienced Brewmasters have any macros they’d recommend using :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Like set up one that puts Keg Smash and Breath of Fire into one button so far which has been helpful although not sure how optimal it will be in long term might be a temporary macro whilst I learn the spec :dracthyr_shrug: /use !Summon Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /focus /targetlasttarget It shows the talent's icon on it and its tooltip, it will summon the statue, on 'left' click on the area the cursor is, automatically setting it as your focus, so you can track it's HP and OR use the taunt (in a separate macro, with @mouseover conditional) on it. Apr 12, 2013 · The macro I've posted doesn't manually target the statue, in fact you won't even see your target switch. In Phase Two, try to keep your health low for Decaying Strike. Taunt Macro. 😛 Except for one person, Hunter was the universal winner. I have a macro that lets me dismiss my Black Ox statue, but it appears to no longer work since Dragonflight when Shadowed Unit Frames is hiding the default player frame, as it also hides the right-clickable ox statue icon. May 17, 2017 · Yo! So I made this macro: #showtooltip Provoke /target Black Ox Statue /cast Provoke /targetlasttarget It works perfectly when I have a BLack Ox Statue up, however when Black Ox Statue is NOT up and I just wanna Provoke my current target, it stops working, cuz it will stop targeting the current mob and therefore cant cast Provoke. For starters it will cover important macros, scripts, and weak auras. #showtooltip /click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton /cast Summon Black Ox Statue Dec 15, 2024 · Black Ox Statue Health - Though rarely used, there may be rare times where you wish to utilize 흑우 조각상 소환 and ensure it stays alive to keep getting the attention of enemies or enable an AoE Provoke. #showtooltip /target [mod:shift] Black Ox Statue /cast [mod:shift] Provoke /targetlasttarget [mod:shift] /click [talent:4/2,mod:alt] TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton view. The statue was nerfed As Brewmaster, is it worth casting taunt on Black Ox Statue to make it an AOE taunt? It seems like the statue generates some amount of aggro on its own fine, but sometimes I can’t quite tell if I’d hold aggro more consis… I’ve started tanking on brew and been jumping ahead on keys above my ilvl so threat has been hard and I’ve tried relying on statue but the AOE taunt seems super buggy and unreliable and idk what’s up with it. How can I get the tooltip to display the tooltip properly regardless of what talent I am specced? #showtooltip /cast [@cursor][talent:4/3] Ring of Peace /cast [@cursor][talent:4/2] Summon Black Ox Statue I've been getting a ton of questions about this topic so I figured I would attempt to cover it all in one video. Hello I try to do a macro to place the Black Oxe Statue and use provoke on it. 3. If you use Provoke on the statue you gain all of the statue’s threat from enemies it has threat on, with a minimum being like 110% threat iirc (someone who is more math inclined can correct this as it may be higher). Patch 6. When I mouseover a target and provoke it says "invalid target", and the alt + provoke to target the Black Ox statue does nothing. 6. It can target whatever you are currently mousing over, or if the modifier key is used, target your Black Ox Statue for its aoe-taunt capability. There is an alternative macro which you can use to have your taunt on a button, and press a modifier along with it to taunt the statue: Jul 5, 2018 · Summon Black Ox Statue in my macro but it seems not to do the not casting it will cast it on cooldown — You are receiving this because you commented. Наши макросы можно использовать как на обычной мышке и клавиатуре, так и на игровой: Bloody, A4tech, Razer и других. Level 35 Talent Row Macro. Ive been tanking on my monk and Ive fell in love with him again and want to optimize some of the bloat if possible by stacking some CDs and such. Macro for Black Ox Statue: I personally don't use Black Ox as many other Brewmasters do not since Ring of Peace is required in Mythic + but below is the macro for it from wowhead. Pressing your bind will let you cast statue, bind + mod alt will cancel your statue, and bind + mod shift will taunt at your statue without cancelling your current target. However, the trick with the ox statue is, if you taunt the ox statue itself, it taunts everything in range of it. # I've seen on streams and such that you can place Black ox Statue as monk to bait the Juggernauts charges. Is there a way (If I don't have a Black Ox Statue out) to have that macro taunt my current target, and if that doesn't exist, then to taunt my mouseover? Basically trying to use one key, instead of having an aoe taunt button and a single taunt button. com #showtooltip /tar [mod] Black Ox Statue /cast [mod] Provoke /targetlasttarget [mod] /cast [nomod] Summon Black Ox Statue /cast Summon Black Ox Statue When you hold down alt it will remove the statue and when you don't hold alt it will summon the statue. Could someone help me out. All-in-One Taunt Macro #showtooltip Provoke /cast [nomod,@mouseover,harm,nodead] Provoke /cast [nomod] Provoke /… This macro will allow you to use Provoke in a variety of ways. Ox's main feature is if you taunt the statue it becomes an air taunt. Il vous permet d'annuler une Bénédiction de protection qui peut avoir été jeté sur vous, vous permettant de reprendre vos attaques. g. Clases. This was incredible. Monje. I am using below macro for the Black Ox Statue to help with threat generation in M+, but the Provoke seems to be glitchy. I am trying to have a macro that taunts my Black Ox Statue like this macro on icy says it does: " 1. Keep Tiger Power up. Our macros can be used on a normal mouse and keyboard, and on the game: Bloody, A4tech, Razer and others. Is that possible, here is what i tried so far: #showtooltip Provoke /cast Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /cast Provoke /targetl… /cast Summon Black Ox Statue When you hold down alt it will remove the statue and when you don't hold alt it will summon the statue. What this macro does is if you have any modifier pressed (control, shift or alt) then it will cast Breath of Fire. Feb 23, 2025 · Black Ox Statue Health - Though rarely used, there may be rare times where you wish to utilize Summon Black Ox Statue and ensure it stays alive to keep getting the attention of enemies or enable an AoE Provoke. This statue made us the best trash pullers, we could be fighting one mob and you could place the statue 30 yards away to the next mob and they'd fight the statue for a good 10 seconds. Nov 13, 2022 · Second macro is to drop a Black Ox statue…alt modifier to place the statue at the cursor, then after the CD you can just hit it for a few seconds…it will target then taunt the statue, then targetlasttarget. Is that possible, here is what i tried so far: #showtooltip Provoke /cast Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /cast Provoke /targetl… Hello macro buds, I found this: /click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton it works to dismiss my black ox statue which is what I want. Click the keybind to cast the ability and hold alt+keybind to dismiss it #show /click [mod:alt] TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton /stopmacro [mod:alt] /cast Summon Black Ox Statue Feb 24, 2025 · This macro allows you to use your Provoke ability in a variety of ways. I’m about 340 item level higher gear will help! Talents: BwQAdeydY63Y4XKa… Jan 15, 2024 · Use Summon Black Ox Statue to quickly pull the adds to the boss and tank them. Aisuki-sanguino 15 Agosto, 2019, 11:25a. Other situations to pick Ox Statue involve a need for more threat on packs. ‘/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton’ is the result the internet came with but it doesn’t seem to work for me not even in a separate macro. Keg Smash on cooldown. First, it will taunt whatever you are mousing over, if anything. The macro uses this syntax: /click TotemButtonTotem1 RightButton . m. Below are my steps. When to Taunt. This is what I’ve been trying: #showtooltip Summon White Tiger Statue /cast [@cursor] Summon White Tiger Statue I’ve also tried with @player Pretty sure you can no longer target black ox statue by name. Is there any benefit in dropping this guy in M+ trash pulls? Does he actually hold some aggro for a few secs, or if threats already established will I pull it right back/never lose it in the first place? Aside from the actual functional uses like dropping him where adds spawn, is there any value to using him on a standard pull? Hello I try to do a macro to place the Black Oxe Statue and use provoke on it. could use something like [mod:shift] so when you hit shift maybe then it casts the spell and then when you hit it regularly with no other buttons make it target the statue and target your last target (though unfortunately it seems to be a bit borked because no matter what; it wants to summon the black ox statue. This Aura helps to monitor the health of your current statue, and can even be shown refilling if the statue receives any healing. There's actually a bug with Black Ox Statue right now where, if you recast the spell while you already have the Statue out, it will put it in Totem slot 2 instead of Totem slot 1. Macros The most important macros for me are mouseovers for offensive/defensives abilities, mob targeting, and @cursor or #showtooltip Provoke /target Black Ox Statue /cast Provoke /targetlasttarget. With a lot of folks being on beta and testing out the various brewmaster intricacies I wanted to share a nifty macro that makes statue management a breeze! Q: What is the macro? A: /click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton Q: Why would I need this? A: The new statue aoe pulses threat in a 30yd radius. Any thoughts? All input is valued and appreciated. Im trying make my macro summon my black ox statue at my feet. On one press it will if you have alt pressed, switch to your statue, cast provoke and switch back to your current target. Cette macro est très utile d'avoir. If you are targetting a boss, you will try to taunt the target of the boss, usually a friendly, which is not possible. Sometimes it won’t Ox's main feature is if you taunt the statue it becomes an air taunt. New Talent: Heightened Guard – Ox Stance will now trigger when an attack is larger than 40% of your current health. Anyone know a macro to make that work. Black Ox Statue/Elusive Brew for Monks. Here is the macro I came up with: #showtooltip Provoke /target Black Ox Statue /cast [@target,exists] Provoke /cast Provoke /targetlasttarget This will target the Black Ox Statue and cast Provoke on it if the statue is out, then target your last target. Keg Smash Sometimes it will taunt the pack, the when my group’s dpses attack, they all switch to dpses except the one I used Keg Smash on. after you put it on your bar you need to figure out the exact name of the button on your bar. It lets me have the ability and dismiss function on the same keybind. To get aoe threat, you need to be hitting the mobs with aoe spells such as keg smash, breath of fire, rushing jade wind and spinning crane kick. Either way, The statue part works, just not the rest of the macro and I hope someone might be able to suggest a change so I can make this work! Thanks in advance for any helpful answers. Any help would be appreciated. Details - where the devil lives. 2. 7985 views; 21 up votes; Res and dispel in one button, for monks macro. Lasts 15 min, can heal a Jul 23, 2024 · Black Ox Statue Health - Though rarely used, there may be rare times where you wish to utilize Summon Black Ox Statue and ensure it stays alive to keep getting the attention of enemies or enable an AoE Provoke. If you just click or keybind normally it will cast Dizzying Haze. . Jun 13, 2024 · /target Black Ox Statue /cast Provoke /targetlasttarget. What comes to mind is if there are adds (such as first boss RLP,. It was basically your own little alternate tank and backup threat generator. For one button (kinda) " /click [mod:alt] TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton /stopmacro [mod:alt] /cast Summon Black Ox Statue" If this works, "alt" and button will turn it off, and normal button will place it down. This macro taunts all the targets around your Black Ox Statue, and then returns you to the target you previously had. I've been looking for a macro to plant down the Black Ox Statue immediatley where I am stood and not having to find a place to put it. My macro is very simple and I’m 99% sure it’s working as intended. TyTYTYTY /focus Black ox statue /cast [@cursor,nofocus] Black ox statue ; [@focus] Provoke. In total in base 0 macro Jan 31, 2017 · Many players use a macro to dismiss the monk totem (Summon Black Ox Statue). All-in-One Taunt Macro #showtooltip Provoke /cast [nomod,@mouseover,harm,nodead] Provoke /cast [nomod] Provoke /… Dec 28, 2022 · I have Loot-a-Rang in the macro you can disable it if you do not have this toy and Cataclysm Engineering 70. Addons ↑top 2. After killing the boss, run out and swap talents to Ring of Peace. Jan 13, 2020 · Summon Black Ox Statue: Ox statue is a great pick for the beginning of Tol Dagor up to the first boss. 47850 views; 11 up votes; Storm, Earth, and Fire one button mouseover cancel macro. #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Summon Black Ox Statue. Could try… #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Black Ox State /focus [@mouseover,help] /cast [@focus] Provoke You’ll probably need to hit it twice. If /use !Summon Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /focus /targetlasttarget It shows the talent's icon on it and its tooltip, it will summon the statue, on 'left' click on the area the cursor is, automatically setting it as your focus, so you can track it's HP and OR use the taunt (in a separate macro, with @mouseover conditional) on it. Größte Problem war die I’m trying to make targeting and healing a Black Ox easier. I have a macro to auto target the statue and taunt. As Nulgar stated, by targeting your own statue and casting provoke, or alternatively using a macro such as: #showtooltip /target black ox statue /cast provoke /targetlasttarget You instead AOE taunt the mobs, and they will attack you. I have messed with every setting in there and still cant dismiss my statue other than a macro. Looking for a macro line that will dismiss my black ox/serpent/tiger statues without having to manually mouse over and right click them. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread. It works with Bonedust Brew and Exploding Keg just fine, but not with the statue. Pre Macro: Celestial Brew, Leg Sweep. This is fast build, … but nonetheless a start for this class . went for May 21, 2023 · This post will contain what I consider the key elements of my UI that are important and unique to brewmaster tanks. 2. Blackout Kick. Statue positioning can be tricky to use properly (without pulling more mobs than intended), but with Aug 21, 2019 · The goal is to spawn my statue by pressing the button without a modifer. Level 30 Talent. So with shadowed unit frames, I cant right click to dismiss my black ox statue. 🙁 Hi all – I’d love to be able to dismiss my Ox and Jade statues. All-in-One Taunt Macro #showtooltip Provoke /cast [nomod,@mouseover,harm,nodead] Provoke /cast [nomod] Provoke /targetexact [mod:alt] Black Ox Statue /cast [mod:alt] Provoke /targetlasttarget [mod:alt,exists]" But it doesn’t seem to be working for me. TyTYTYTY I am trying to have a macro that taunts my Black Ox Statue like this macro on icy says it does: " 1. Targets are not cool. Like any other macro, if all conditions are met for the /cast action, then the following spell will be cast. The holdout posited that having the Black Ox Statue available as a tank could make solo-clearing things viable. 1 Hey all, I recently made a thread asking about WW Monk or BM Hunter as a solo play character. /use !Summon Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /focus /targetlasttarget It shows the talent's icon on it and its tooltip, it will summon the statue, on 'left' click on the area the cursor is, automatically setting it as your focus, so you can track it's HP and OR use the taunt (in a separate macro, with @mouseover conditional) on it. Всего в базе 0 макросов Mar 7, 2023 · As Brewmaster, is it worth casting taunt on Black Ox Statue to make it an AOE taunt? It seems like the statue generates some amount of aggro on its own fine, but sometimes I can’t quite tell if I’d hold aggro more consistently by casting taunt on it. So many abilities on such odd non-synergistic CDs make it a bit frustrating but truth be told there are some abilities I dont even have on my bars cause i never use them. Only note is that you have to wait for the cooldown to elapse before you can hit the alt modifier and dismiss the statue. Jab. The debuff from this deals 100% of your health when the strike hit every 2 seconds. /cast [nomod] Summon Black Ox Statue Focus it by pressing the button with a modifier /focus [@mouseover, mod:ctrl] ??? and dismiss it by pressing the button with another modifier /click [mod:shift] TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton but the /focus part doesnt work and im too stupid to fix it myself It would be even better to Jul 15, 2019 · I am using this macro and if I’m specced for Ring of Peace it will show the proper tooltip, but if I’m specced for Statue it will show nothing. Tiger Palm as filler. Hey All, I am a classic player that is starting to get in to pushing M+ as a BM tank. 2 (2014-10-14): No longer casts Guard on allies and now has a 10-second cooldown (down from 30 seconds). This is the macro I use. 52. e. Sep 28, 2012 · Does anybody know a macro that, automaticly,focus the black ox statue when summoned? I went with this: #Showtooltip /cast Summon Black Ox Statue /focus Black Ox Statue But this doesn't work. The last line allows me to not have to swap targets at all for using these talents. 0. Should alt not be the key you wish to use for statue-taunting, you can modify that section of the macro. TyTYTYTY Apr 15, 2023 · So as the title describes, I’m looking for a macro line that cancels my current active statue, in this case, the Black Ox Statue. untested though this will reset once the statue times out which (i honestly dont know) might be a longer duration than the cooldown Jan 2, 2019 · Recently got into playing Brewmaster while I was looking for a new class to play, was messing around with macros and made one to mass taunt with ox statue easier, I was wondering can I set up a macro to summon and immedi… it is setting what ever your current target is on the first click of the macro so if you targeting nothing it wont set a focus since setting up the statues requires two clicks. Mind you, I like to put multiple abilities on macros (mostly because it keeps my bars sparse). Macro text are located below, or convenientl Nov 8, 2020 · Aloha \\o Wer meinen alten Brewmaster-Guide noch kennt, erinnert sich an das Dave-Makro. #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Purifying Brew; [mod:shift] Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox; [mod:ctrl, @cursor] Summon Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /focus /targetlasttarget #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Provoke; [mod:shift] Clash; [mod Dec 9, 2022 · Adding to this issue as it's affecting me as well. Feb 23, 2025 · Summon Black Ox Statue - In addition to being able to AoE taunt with Provoke, placing your statue during intermission will passively get the attention of Ravenous Spawns that may otherwise attack your dps or healers. The one-line macro you posted used to work consistently in WoD, but I encountered the same issue when I started playing my Brewmaster again about a month ago. Now, the statue pulses threat to attract mobs to it. Let me know how it works for you. ) I was playing around a bit with a macro that looked like this: #showtooltip /cast Jun 27, 2012 · /cast Summon Black Ox Statue When you hold down alt it will remove the statue and when you don't hold alt it will summon the statue. /target black ox statue /cast provoke /targetlasttarget When I test it in isolation it seems to work fine, but Apr 8, 2021 · This macro contains 1 macro version. Thanks in advance Dec 28, 2020 · I am trying to have a macro that taunts my Black Ox Statue like this macro on icy says it does: " 1. Ox statue doesn't generate enough threat on its own to hold mobs. Step Function: Priority. If the statue isn’t out it casts Provoke on your current target. I noticed that almost every talent tree calls for Ring of Peace for BM monks for M+ but I have seemed to be incorporating the Blacl Ox Statue which helps take pressure off of me as a tank, still allows DPS to AOE and cleave, and I can easily pick up the mob by taunting the statue. Dec 15, 2020 · I’m trying to make a macro that would put my Black Ox Statue on focus. If you use the modifier key — in this case, alt — it will taunt your (talented) Black Ox Statue if it is out and then return you to your previous target. Everyone in the party is standing in melee and sometimes the Juggernaut charger the statue and sometimes the whole party. I'd love for it to function so nomod = cast summon black ox statue mod:alt = the dismiss macro above I've tried what I listed below but the summon doesn't work #showtooltip Summon Black Ox Statue /click summon black Macros: Condensing Your Physical Keys - UI and Macro - World Loading Black Ox Statue does taunt and creates an AoE pulsing taunt similar to Warlock’s Voidwalker. The results were… fairly conclusive. Put down the Black Ox Statue near the pack Target one Use the alt mod and click Provoke. Black Ox Statue down (before boss)(Warning - this can pull the boss if it's too close) Keep Shuffle up. This is different from the interaction with provoke. /run print( GetMouseFocus():GetName() or ‘unknown’ ) /use !Summon Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /focus /targetlasttarget It shows the talent's icon on it and its tooltip, it will summon the statue, on 'left' click on the area the cursor is, automatically setting it as your focus, so you can track it's HP and OR use the taunt (in a separate macro, with @mouseover conditional) on it. view. Download free ready-made macros for «black ox statue taunt macro». Macro Version 1. So I created a Monk for farming old mogs and what not, but I was annoyed that I could not reliably keep an eye on my Statues Health so I spent WAY more time than I thought I would in creating a custom weak aura to help me track it's Health, Aggro, and even it's CD 1. No errors will be called, no actions will occur - it will be as if the Also reviving a dead thread, but this is what I came up with. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2. It tauntsoff your Black Ox Statue if you hold down Shift, and it uses Leer of the Ox if you hold down Ctrl. Casts Resuscitate on your dead friendly target or if you’re holding shift (useful for targeting players who already released), or Detox on yourself if you right-click or hold your selfcast modifier (Alt by default), or Detox otherwise. Black Ox Statue Provoke (aoe taunt) macro. It means I can just speed through dungeons and not keep having to choose a place each time im otu of range. Thank you Feb 13, 2013 · If you use Dizzying Haze before Breath of Fire, it will do more damage. After every cast of Brutal Crush. I've tried this myself but it doesnt always work. I can’t recall the last time I ever "/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton" can be used to cancel the statue. The old “/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton” no longer seems to do the trick. Cheers. Main Sequence: Breath of Fire, Celestial Brew, Keg Smash, Purifying Brew, Blackout Kick, Spinning Crane Kick, Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox, Touch of Death Feb 26, 2025 · New Talent: Black Ox Adept – Rising Sun Kick grants a stack of Ox Stance. Otherwise, it will taunt your current target. TyTYTYTY Скачать бесплатно готовые макросы для «black ox statue macro». Use this macro: I was able to use black ox statue and any variant of the macro below to dismiss it until I install grid or pitbull, does anyone else have this… I was able to use black ox statue and any variant of the macro below to dismiss it until I install grid or pitbull, does anyone else have this… /use !Summon Black Ox Statue /target Black Ox Statue /focus /targetlasttarget It shows the talent's icon on it and its tooltip, it will summon the statue, on 'left' click on the area the cursor is, automatically setting it as your focus, so you can track it's HP and OR use the taunt (in a separate macro, with @mouseover conditional) on it. also it seems /target black ox statue doesn't actually target the statue. I think this is the answer: /click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton Dec 28, 2020 · I am trying to have a macro that taunts my Black Ox Statue like this macro on icy says it does: " 1. Does it make a difference? And are there any worthwhile macros to use with it? targettarget is the target of your target. However, it will usually not work. #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Provoke /target [mod:shift] Black Ox Statue /cast [mod:shift] Provoke /cast [mod:ctrl] Leer of the Ox; This macro casts Provoke when you are not using a modifier. ) It allows for easy pick ups. PS: remember to uncheck gseoptions\troubleshooting\actionbuttonusekeydown Aug 7, 2023 · I can not get this to work, and I think it is because of the comma in “Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox” making the macro think it is moving onto another spell. It may only seem like a couple of seconds but they all add up. Aug 10, 2019 · /target Black Ox Statue /cast Provoke /targetlasttarget. Oct 31, 2018 · First off, I love this little damn statue ever since it was released. In total in base 0 macro Nov 25, 2023 · Trying to get a macro to work to put my White Tiger statue at my cursor - or, if that’s not possible, at my feet. I have noticed not only leveling but in instances as well I prefer to control where the statue goes Jun 27, 2012 · /cast Summon Black Ox Statue When you hold down alt it will remove the statue and when you don't hold alt it will summon the statue. You will probably want to cancel Ironskin Brew and any other mitigation effects when it is casting. /targetexact [mod:alt] Black Ox Statue /cast [mod:alt] Provoke /targetlasttarget [mod:alt,exists] I copied, pasted, and saved the macro text but I can't get it to work. now put that on your bar. Any advice appreciated. Anvil & Stave has been updated – Each time you dodge or an enemy misses, you reduce the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 0. The Black Ox statue gives raid/party members a shield when you do enough damage. Everything online says to select it, right click, choose Dismiss. Cancelling it would bring em to you guys. 5/1 second. /cast [spec:2,talent:1/1]Effuse - Translated: If I am using my 2nd spec (Mistweaver Monk) and have selected the 1/1 talent (Chi Blast), then Effuse will be cast. This isn’t a thing, though (anymore)? Any ideas? is there a cool macro I don’t know about? Edit: Of course I find it right after posting this. Personally I’d put a modifier on the statue + focus #showtooltip /cast [mod,@cursor] Black Ox State; [@focus] Provoke /focus [mod,@mouseover,help] Definitely need to hit that one twice This macro will cast both Chi Wave and Zen Sphere on myself and will cast Chi Burst on my Black Ox Statue. the problem is, i don't want to use the target feature. ( If i had to a mouse over loaction would work) but i would prefer a macro that would let me summon the statue at my location without having to mouse click it onto the ground. Hotfix (2014-10-30): Black Ox Statue should no longer be attacking targets. Download free ready-made macros for «black ox statue macro». Black Ox Statue now passively attracts the attention of all enemies within 30 yards, causing a minor amount of threat each second. Da wir nun Clash und SCK wieder bekommen haben, musste jedoch die Taste für den Ring of Peace weichen und nachdem ich, in Ermangelung an nunmehr Leistenplatz, eine Weile gebraucht habe, Statue und Ring of Peace in ein Macro zu bekommen, ist mir das gerade eben gelungen. Il est également important parce que, alors que vous êtes sous l'effet de la main de la protection, les foules ne vous attaquent et place vont tout simplement attaquer la Aug 15, 2019 · Macro Maestro Cervecero. KeyPress: Fortifying Brew. I'll place Ox between me and the adds (on the party members the adds will pass closest too. I tried use the pet modifiers, but looks like the black ox statue isn't a pet, and it is a totem. With default Pitbull settings, this will sometimes work, especially after using /reloadui. hover your mouse over the button you put macro on and use the following command in chat. oxbcvc zmtjwx ndbvhca ksjqrbiv rxucc wpefkl oatzgcs wsh wbv ddfg xapcxc fzqyzic rqma pksvgn ptlb

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