
Carl zeiss opmi pico. It makes details and fine structures clearly visible.

Carl zeiss opmi pico HALOGEN BULB, 12VOLTS, 100W by Carl Zeiss Meditec - Surgical Microscope Division. It enables you to better visualize It enables you to better visualize the regions of interest and consistently provide your patients with high-quality examinations O OPMI ® pico da ZEISS proporciona a nitidez, usabilidade e qualidade que estes especialistas exigem, combinando o lendário sistema ótico ZEISS com funcionalidades fáceis de utilizar, num design compacto e robusto. Descriere Microscop endodontic OPMI PICO - varianta standard : - marire in 5 trepte - lentila obiectiv f=250mm cu inel focusare - tub binocular inclinat - stand podea S100 - sursa iluminare Ha cu 2 becuri 12V/100W - schimbare rapida a becului ars - fibra optica - maner manevrare ZEISS - OPMI pico/ S100 by ZEISS. Інтерфейс MORA дозволяє легко і точно налаштувати мікроскоп OPMI Pico в правильному положенні для вас. perfection with the OPMI® pico: mobility, handling and optics. OPMI® pico from ZEISS offers the clarity, usability and quality you require by combining legendary ZEISS optics with user-friendly features in a compact and robust design. ar Australia Carl Zeiss Pty. View the whole mouth The Varioskop® 100 objective lens Page 260 System Data S100 / OPMI pico ® S100 / OPMI pico (Carrier unit for external lighting) (000000-1095-094) Devices ® S100 / OPMI pico (Atmos support unit) (000000-1080-349) Electrical safety The medical device complies with the requirements according to – IEC 60601-1:2005 + CORR. , oświetlenie halogenowe - z tubusem ukośnym 45st. Download PDF. pdf), Text File (. Es bietet viele innovative Funktionen zur Optimie-rung der Behandlungs- und Arbeitsqualität – auch in punkto Ergonomie. ZEISS OPMI pico Quality you can see OPMI® pico from ZEISS makes details and fine structures clearly visible. Доставка по всей России. De ingebouwde video camera optie bij OPMI pico vergemakkelijkt de één-knop, op maat documentatie die essentieel is in het communicatie-proces zowel met de patiënten als met het personeel gedurende de behandeling. PDF-1. OPMI pico is a compact and easy-to-use microscope. com. . Подробное описание кольпоскопа Carl Zeiss OPMI PICO. Jan 2, 2013 · The document describes the OPMI pico microscope from Carl Zeiss. O ZEISS OPMI pico oferece imagens de alta qualidade em todos os níveis de ampliação. Manual Carl Zeiss magnification changer, 1:6 ratio in 5 steps; Objective Lenses. From examinations to minor outpatient surgery, ZEISS OPMI pico lets you focus on what matters most – your patient. Product Details. Zeiss constantly improved what was already excellent in recent ENT diagnostic microscopes and brought it to perfection with the OPMI® pico: mobility, handling and optics. OPMI® pico from ZEISS, the most frequently sold ZEISS surgical microscope worldwide, is the trusted choice among doctors. Tubus / Okulary The Zeiss OPMI Pico Microscope with additional Single Viewing Binocular is suited for the many different tasks performed by an ENT diagnostic microscope: OPMI® pico. 0 2018-11-23; Page 2 – A list of abbreviations, key words and technical terms in the annex facilitates the search for specific terms. Integração completa da tecnologia e design na suspensão. au Austria Carl Zeiss GmbH Modecenterstrasse 16 1030 Vienna Austria Phone OPMI picoは、これまで肉眼あるいは、拡大鏡を使用しても観察が困難であった部位への最良な診察の可能性を拡げ、新しい視野を提供し ます。3変倍アダプターをとりつけると、最大倍率42. 5 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Lang (en-US) /Metadata 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R /Type /Catalog /ViewerPreferences /Direction /L2R >> >> endobj 4 0 obj /CreationDate (D Accesorii microscop endodontic ZEISS OPMI pico: Separator optic si adaptor camera foto digitala SLR (fara camera si adaptor T2!!) - 30,940. 0 July 2021, OPMI pico technoscope Instructions for Use Version 1. Mikroskop stomatologiczny marki Carl Zeiss – światowego lidera w produkcji optykiGłówne cechy:– Dostępne tubusy 200 mm, 250 mm oraz 300 mm– Płynna regulacja natężenia oświetlenia– Uchylny tubus w zakresie Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Com o ZEISS OPMI pico, a óptica e a iluminação andam lado a lado. ZEISS OPMI pico delivers high-quality images at every magnification level. ZEISS OPMI pico enables you to visualize high-contrast, true-color images – the key to improving the quality of examination and treatment. The system enables you to better visualize regions of interest and consistently provide your patients with high-quality examinations and treatments. floor stand, wall mount, ceiling mount) and flexible support arms an ergonomic ZEISS OPMI Pico for sale ⏩ Best deals to buy ZEISS OPMI Pico on Bimedis ️ New, used and refurbished models ZEISS OPMI Pico from trusted sellers ️ Contact us for more information ️ W mikroskopie OPMI Pico MORA chip kamery, sterownik jak i kable są schowane w głowicy i statywie, co eliminuje wszelkie niedogodności. 3 Nov 2011 - 2011-11. Mikroskop OPMI Pico dostępny jest w następujących wersjach: - z tubusem ukośnym 45st. Basta ligar o cabo, ligar a alimentação e o ZEISS OPMI pico está pronto para ser usado. pdf By clicking Download you are confirming this is the correct document for your purposes Carl Zeiss S100 / OPMI® pico User manual G-30-1781-en Version 4. OPMI pico DENTAL Para ver mejor. OPMI pico dent это: Carl Zeiss OPMI Pico MORA. OPMI 1FC/S100 3. Surgical microscopes. It enables you to better visualize the regions of interest and consistently provide your patients with high-quality examinations and treatments. OPMI pico is a compact, high-performance, easy-to-use microscope. Interfejs MORA pozwala łatwo i precyzyjnie ustawić mikroskop OPMI pico w odpowiedniej dla siebie pozycji. Forums; Documents; Videos; News; Request a quote Request Parts Add to My Bench. Distribué par : Carl Zeiss Meditec France. Dane techniczne mikroskopów z obiektywem OPMI Pico i statywem S100: 1. ZEISS OPMI pico Операционный микроскоп Carl ZEISS OPMI Pico дарит вам контрастные изображения с достоверными цветами - ключ к улучшению качества обследования и лечения. OPMI PICO S100; OPMI SENSERA S7; Technical Specs. Desde reconocimientos hasta cirugías ambulatorias menores, ZEISS OPMI pico le permite centrarse en lo más importante: su paciente. OPMI® pico: Fällt auf durch Leistung und Design Innovatives OPMI® pico mit vollendetem, kom-paktem Design Funktionalität des OPMI® pico fügt sich in die individuelle Praxisausstattung ein Budgetfreundliches Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis Im Stativinneren verlaufende Kabel für einfache Reinigung OPMI® pico: Entspannt bleiben, konzentriert Page 1 ZEISS ® ® S7 / OPMI PROergo Instructions for Use G-30-1435-en Version 11. Dank seiner kompakten Bauweise eignet sich das Mikroskop Zeiss OPMI ® pico besonders gut zur Anbringung an HNO-Behandlungseinheiten. ZEISS OPMI pico enables you to better visualize regions of interest and consistently provide your patients with high-quality examinations and treatments. Optik und Beleuchtung gehen beim OPMI pico Hand in Hand. Grâce à sa conception compacte, l'OPMI pico est particulièrement adapté pour être fixé aux unités de consultation ORL. pdf G-30-1453-en Toggle navigation Home Carl Zeiss OPMI pico mora Classic идеально подходит для специалистов, стремящихся повысить качество и Page 1 ZEISS S100 / OPMI pico Instructions for Use G-30-1781-en Version 9. 0 Nov 2013, OPMI pico technoscope with table console Quick Guide Issue 1. лучшенная визуализация поля работы хирурга и детальный OPMI® pico (classe I) est un microscope destiné à améliorer la visualisation peropératoire lors d’une chirurgie ou lors d’une consultation. 1 Pachetul OPMI Pico Dental StartUp contine urmatoarele: Corpul microscopului cu marire in 5 trepte si focalizare fina la o distanta de lucru de 300 mm and spinal surgery from Carl Zeiss: 1. 2) Remove four screws (1) and cover (2). Mikroskop marki Carl Zeiss - światowego lidera w produkcji optyki. The compact, high-performing, easy-to-use ZEISS OPMI pico offers solid support for the most demanding applications – whether in restorative dentistry, endodontics, implantology or periodontics. Fabriqué par : Carl Zeiss Meditec AG. Główne cechy: Le microscope opératoire ZEISS OPMI pico met en évidence ceratines structures et détails. OPMI ® pico from ZEISS, the most frequently sold ZEISS surgical microscope worldwide, is the trusted choice among doctors. It features many innovative functions that optimize the quality of treatment. Most importantly: better vision is the key to improving the quality of the diagnosis and the treatment. 1 Manuals, IFUsincl OPMI pico (SAD) Colposcope Instructions for Use Issue 2. ZEISS EXTARO 300 ENT. OPMI Pico * Mikroskop stomatologiczny marki Carl Zeiss – światowego lidera w produkcji optyki * Główne cechy: – Dostępne tubusy 200 mm, 250 mm oraz 300 mm ZEISS OPMI pico también incluye opciones de cámara para facilitar las consultas de los pacientes y la documentación, en función de las necesidades específicas de Carl Zeiss OPMI Pico MORA Dentistry Microscope. Features: Integrated 360° rotation function Patented multilink design Highly flexible syste Carl ZEISS OPMI pico аество оторое в моете видеть Операционный микроскоп r ei OPMI Pico позволяет увидеть детали и тонкие анатомические структуры. Visualization technologies such as LED illumination and Varioskop ® 100 provide clear visibility. txt) or read book online for free. ¡Descúbralo ya! Mit OPMI® pico von ZEISS erhalten Sie ein hochpräzises und leistungsstarkes Instrument, das die legendäre ZEISS Optik mit kompaktem, robustem Design und bedienerfreundlichen Funktionen vereint. Created Date: 7/30/2014 3:55:45 PM Feb 29, 2012 · Tom Kennedy, Director of Sales for Carl Zeiss Meditec, showcases the OPMI pico dental microscope and discusses the ways in which dentists can benefit from us OPMI Pico is a compact, high-performance, easy-to-use microscope. La tecnología de microscopios de Carl Zeiss ayuda a ver claramente los detalles y las estructuras más pequeñas, permitiéndole visualizar imágenes de alto contraste y colores reales. Different focal lengths from f= 200 mm to f= 400 mm, graded in steps of 50 mm Dec 9, 2005 · OPMI PICO좀더 완벽한 진료를 위한 필수품. Also find product list from verified suppliers with contact number | ID: 2851211495288 O OPMI ® pico da ZEISS é um equipamento de alta precisão e alto desempenho que proporciona a nitidez, usabilidade e qualidade de que precisa, combinando o lendário sistema ótico ZEISS com funcionalidades fáceis de utilizar, num design compacto e robusto e apoiando-o diariamente para ultrapassar com sucesso os seus desafios. Dzięki temu pozycja lekarza może być nadal wyprostowana, nawet gdy zabieg wymaga patrzenia pod kątem. Завдяки цьому положення лікаря може бути вирівняна у вертикальному The large selection of accessories enables you to configure OPMI pico for any conceivable treatment situation. Carl Zeiss Opmi Pico ENT Microscope - Buy Portable ENT Microscope at best price of ₹ 13500/piece by ABC Trading. 900,00 mit folgender Ausstattung: 5x Vergrößerungswechsler Binok. Qui plus est, ces technologies de visualisation ZEISS vous aident à effectuer des examens de qualité, des traitements et de petits actes de chirurgie ambulatoire de façon optimale. Explore clinical peer insights on Операционный микроскоп Carl Zeiss Opmi pico ENT предназначен для ежедневной диагностики и хирургии The amazing line of ENT microscopes from Carl Zeiss: 1. Both skill and good optics are needed to recognize tissue changes. Микроскоп OPMI Pico - лаконичное продолжение May 13, 2012 · S100 / OPMI® pico Safety Measures OPMI pico is a manually operated microscope that can be used whether the patient is in a sitting or recumbent position. 치과용현미경JM 시스템에서 수입판매하는 Carl Zeiss 사의 치과용현미경 OPMI PICO는 보통 3배에서 최고 26배까지 확대할 수 있어 육안으로 확인할 수 없는 부위를 밝은 조명 장치와 함께 선명한 이미지로 관찰하고 수술시 활용할 수 있는 치과용 현미경이다. Das ZEISS OPMI pico bietet kontrastreiche und farbechte Bilder – eine Grundvoraussetzung für eine erstklassige Untersuchung und Behandlung. 0 July 2021, OPMI pico S100 Suspension Arm Instructions for Use Ver 6. With ZEISS OPMI pico the customer can stream live video into the network for viewing through various devices. The Zeiss OPMI Pico Microscope is an exceptional tool designed specifically for the diverse needs of ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) diagnostics, offering unparalleled mobility, handling, and optical performance. It makes details and fine structures clearly visible. g. Carl Zeiss is vermaard voor zijn voortreffelijke optiek. OPMI Vario/S 88 System 3. 0 Nov 2013 - 2013-11. Ltd. Con la óptica más avanzada y las más novedosas técnicas de visualización, como la cadena integrada de vídeo HD, ofrece una visualización óptica de máxima nitidez Het resultaat is een schitterender, echte-kleur beeld. Carl Zeiss has been developing and producing world-class optical systems for more than 160 years. It highlights that the microscope provides high quality, high contrast images [1]. OPMI pico betekent een grote vooruitgang bij het voorkomen van nekbelasting en rugpijn. ZEISS OPMI Sensera. G-30-1384-cle Operationsmikroskop OPMI Pico Ausgabe 10. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Thanks to its compact design, the OPMI pico is OPMI® pico from ZEISS, the most frequently sold ZEISS surgical microscope worldwide, is the trusted choice among doctors. Wystarczy podłączyć kabel i mikroskop OPMI PICO jest gotowy do użycia. Он комплектуется прямым или наклонным откидным тубусом, возможно подсоединение складного тубуса. OPMI pico может оптимально соответствовать помещению. P/N: 380079-9040-000 Key Specs. Het integraal ontwerp van het product is ongeëvenaard zowel als de voortreffelijke optiek, en maakt deel uit van de talloze functies dat Carl Zeiss aanbiedt met OPMI pico. OPMI pico Elevating the level of care. The integrated HD video camera of ZEISS OPMI pico delivers 1080p high-definition images with high color fidelity, enabling you to distinguish fine anatomical details. 5までになります。 ZEISS 光学システム KSK 150 FC, Kolposkop E y S100 / OPMI pico de Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Microscopios ópticos ZEISS de Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH. • Keep it at the site of use of the device. El OPMI pico de ZEISS es compacto y fácil de usar, y supone un gran apoyo hasta en los casos de uso más exigentes, ya sea en Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer OPMI pico mora Classic - стоматологический микроскоп с интерфейсом MORA и вариоскопом, каталог Carl Zeiss Кольпоскоп Carl Zeiss OPMI PICO по выгодной цене с заводской гарантией. OPMI pico ist ein kompaktes, leistungsfähiges und einfach zu bedienendes Mikroskop. The compact, high-performing, easy-to-use ZEISS OPMI pico offers solid support for the most Um equipamento muito compacto e com pequenas dimensões como o ZEISS OPMI pico encaixa-se perfeitamente em praticamente qualquer ambiente profissional numa clínica. Obiektyw: 200/250/300 mm z funkcją fine focus (13 mm; 3. 5 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Lang (en-US) /Metadata 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R /Type /Catalog /ViewerPreferences /Direction /L2R >> >> endobj 4 0 obj /CreationDate (D Zeiss constantly improved what was already excellent in recent ENT diagnostic microscopes and brought it to perfection with the OPMI® pico: mobility, handling and optics. ZEISS OPMI pico brings fine structures and details into clear view. OPMI pico/S100 System 2. Thanks to its compact design, the OPMI pico is ZEISS OPMI pico enables you to visualize high-contrast, true-color images – the key to improving the quality of examination and treatment. EyeMag® Loupes 4 1 3 2 OPMI 1-FCOPMI 1-FCOPMI pico / 1-FC. With this dental surgical microscope, optics and illumination go hand in hand. Zeiss a constamment amélioré ce qui été excellent de les microscopes de diagnostic ORL et l'a apporté à la perfection avec l'OPMI® pico: la mobilité, la manipulation et l'optique. OPMI Pentero® C 4. 2004 Информация получена с официального сайта EL OPMI® pico de Carl Zeiss es un sistema de alta calidad con un diseño compacto y robusto, especialmente diseñado para el uso diario en la práctica otorrinolaringología. 0 Gedrucktam 1 1 . Eigenschappen. L'éclairage à LED et Varioskop ® 100 propose une visibilité adaptée. MICROSCOP ZEISS OPMI PICO. 2. Arquitetura equilibrada Pruebe OPMI® pico de ZEISS: un instrumento de alto rendimiento y gran precisión, que combina la legendaria óptica de ZEISS con prácticas funciones en un diseño sólido y compacto. Доказано качество в денталната медицина. At Carl Zeiss they make the world visible when the naked eye is not enough. Nie […] OPMI® pico de ZEISS ofrece la claridad, la idoneidad y la calidad que usted necesita combinando la legendaria óptica de ZEISS con prácticas funciones en un diseño sólido y compacto. Desde os exames de ORL a pequenas cirurgias em ambulatório, o ZEISS OPMI pico permite-lhe centrar-se no mais importante: o seu PDF-1. Вы можете выбрать OPMI pico на настенном, потолочном, напольном штативе или на штативе Centro KaVo. Online Shop Carl Zeiss Argentina S. Modalitate de plata: 40% in avans si 60% la livrare, in contul Tehnodent Maintenance SRL, Termen de livrare: 6 saptamani de la plata avansului. Enhance Patient Outcomes. EyeMag Excellently suited for the many different tasks performed by an ENT diagnostic microscope: OPMI® pico. Charakteryzuje się elegancką formą, która została uhonorowana nagrodą Red Dot za wysoką jakość projektu i bardzo łatwe w użyciu funkcje. Mikroskop CARL ZEISS OPMI PICO umożliwia pracę dentyście w komfortowej pozycji, dzięki czemu lekarz może uniknąć problemu przeciążenia szyi oraz pleców. 10. This compact microscope seamlessly integrates with ENT treatment devices, thanks to its lightweight design and compatibility with Otopront halogen, LED, or Super Bright LED light sources 世界中の様々な医療分野で認められ、2004年には栄えあるレッドドット・デザイン賞を受賞した手術用顕微鏡opmi®シリーズ。あらゆる治療の過程で優れたパフォーマンスを発揮いたします。 ZEISS OPMI pico позволяет получать изображения высокого качества при любом увеличении. 手術用顕微鏡 OPMI PROergo シリーズ コンパクトな鏡基本体に、伝統のカールツァイス光学システムと色収差を補正したT*マルチコートアポクロマー ジーシー 50 pages (600 KB) Carl Zeiss - G-30-1453-en - OPMI pico (SAD) Colposcope Instructions for Use Issue 2. OPMI Pico OPMI Pico Poprzednie Następne Nowy, najwyższy standard OPMI PICO to kompaktowy mikroskop, który optymalnie pasuje do organizacji pracy w typowej praktyce. Featuring a design with completely integrated cables, light source, light guide and video camera, ZEISS OPMI pico is an asset to any small OR. The compact, high-performing, easy-to-use ZEISS OPMI pico offers solid support for the most OPMI® pico makes details and fine structures clearly visible. A. 0 2012-05-13 S100 / OPMI® pico About this manual Orientation aids Scope The instruction for use is part of the delivery package. Thanks to its compact design, the OPMI pico is particularly suitable for being attached to ENT treatment devices. Medical Technology . 1 (2006) + CORR. OPMI®pico. It has an integrated and compact design with integrated cables, light source, camera and control console [2]. Zeiss constantly improved what was already excellent in recent ENT diagnostic microscopes and brought it to . , oświetlenie diodowe LED Manual de Usuario Microscopio Carl-zeiss Opmi-pico Orl - Free ebook download as PDF File (. ZEISS KINEVO 900 S. The integrated video camera option for OPMI pico facilitates one-touch, on-demand documentation essential to the communication process with both patients and staff during treatment. Optik und Beleuchtung gehen beim ZEISS OPMI pico Hand in Hand. It offers dentists a wide range of comfortable working positions, magnification potential and positioning ergonomics – even at extreme treatment approach angles. O ZEISS OPMI pico permite que você visualize imagens de alto contraste e com cores fieis, algo fundamental para melhorar a qualidade dos exames e tratamentos. Компактният, високоефективен OPMI pico от ZEISS отговаря на високите изисквания дори на най-взискателните приложения – ресторативна стоматология, ендодонтия, имплантология или Sonderangebot: Dental-Mikroskop OPMI ZEISS pico Wir bieten Ihnen derzeit aus unserer Ausstellung das OPMI ZEISS pico zum Sonderpreis von EUR 12. 00 Lei Microscop endodontic ZEISS OPMI pico Preturile contin TVA. 3 Nov 2011, OPMI pico -S100 Suspension Arm Instructions for Use Ver 11. Conveniently capture images during treatments or surgical procedures using a foot control panel to further enhance your workflow. Zum Beispiel eine (Carl Zeiss Surgical GmbH), Германия 30 листов Генерапьный директор ООО «ОПТЭК» 2011 г. ZEISS TIVATO 700. 5 July 2021, and OPMI pico Instructions OPMI pico bietet kontrastreiche und farbechte Visualisierungslösungen – der Schlüssel zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Untersuchung und Behandlung. More importantly, they help you to perform high-quality examinations, treatments, and small surgeries with a high level of consistency. Microscope technology from Carl Zeiss makes the most minute details and finest structures clearly visible, enabling you to visualize brilliant, high-contrast, true-color images. • Carefully read it before using the device. Optimale optische vooruitgang. In diesem Falle wird das pico durch eine Otopront eigene, an der Einheit angebrachte LED oder Superbright LED-Lichtquelle versorgt und dadurch das Gewicht des pico weiter reduziert und die Beleuchtung optimiert. Fig. ZEISS OPMI pico is a compact, easy to use surgical microscope designed for today’s practice. Schwenktubus 180° 12,5x Okulare LED 120° Kupplung Orange- und Grünfilter Bodenstativ Feinfokussierung Es handelt sich um ein Mikroskop aus unserer Ausstellung (nur ein Exemplar File Name: Carl Zeiss - G-30-1781-en - OPMI pico S100 Suspension Arm Instructions for Use Ver 6. Darüber hinaus steht Ihnen eine große Auswahl an Zubehör zur Verfügung. ZEISS OPMI pico enables you to better visualize the regions of interest and consistently provide your patients with high-quality examinations and treatments. Optyka apochromatyczna; 2. With ZEISS OPMI pico, optics and illumination go hand in hand. Unit 13, 2 Eden Park Drive North Ryde, New South Wales 2113 Australia Phone +61 2 9020 1333 med@zeiss. Calle Nahuel Huapi 4015 / 25 C1430 BCO Buenos Aires Argentina Phone +54 11 45 45 66 61 bruzzi@zeiss. Provision: OPMI pico offers in connection with different suspension systems (e. Zeiss OPMI Pico ENT Specifications Magnification. MICROSCOPIOS QUIRÚRGICOS . Pięciostopniowa regulacja powiększania zapewnia jasny obraz – od przeglądu pola roboczego, aż do najdrobniejszych szczegółów. ZEISS OPMI pico позволяет получать изображения с высокой контрастностью и реалистичными цветами, что необходимо S100 / ZEISS OPMI pico ENT. El OPMI Pico es un excelente Microscopio de la firma alemana ZEISS que se puede utilizar para Neurocirugía, Cirugía ORL y Dental ¡Conozca Más! Le microscope opératoire dentaire ZEISS OPMI PROergo améliore le traitement et le confort dans toutes les spécialités de la microdentisterie, que ce soit la dentisterie restauratrice, l'endodontie, l'implantologie ou la parodontie. 9 Is additional hardware needed for the new HD 1080p Live & streaming with S100 / OPMI® pico OPMI pico Removing, installing and adjusting the OPMI® pico illumination module Removal: 1) Disconnect the light guide and (if necessary) the system cable (video cable) from the OPMI® microscope. 0 2018-11-30; Page 2 – S7 Centro suspension system, reference number: 000000-1254-580 Trademarks OPMI und PROergo is a trademark/are trademarks or registered trademark(s) of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG or other companies of the ZEISS Group in Germany and/or other countries. Das ZEISS OPMI pico liefert in jeder Vergrößerungsstufe erstklassige Bilder. OPMI Vario/S88 System 4. OPMI Pentero 5. This site uses Mikroskop OPMI® pico to nowy, kompaktowy mikroskop diagnostyczno-operacyjny dla otolaryngologii, o znakomitych parametrach technicznych- jasnej apochromatycznej optyce, dużej bazie stereoskopowej, o pięknej nowoczesnej sylwetce do wykorzystania zarówno w warunkach poradni jak i sali operacyjnej. qhwgl drropa cqr rbxr ibv jsoesdi csquaj okip eomp bnai ecpw lmuokz amjvw cxs yhrsysom