Different wave theories FAQ: Wave Theory and Particle Theory – Frequently Asked Questions. Crenshaw, K. UV rays and radio waves are types of electromagnetic waves. Download scientific diagram | Wave theories validity fields according to Le Méhauté [30]. Understanding Elliott Wave Theory Basics. microwave May 13, 2024 · What is Wave Theory of Light? Wave theory of light proposes that light travels in waves. In nonlinear theory, more waves may be of the progressive type. Sep 1, 2023 · Through a specific internal solitary wave case in the northeast of the South China Sea, we compared the calculation effect and difference of internal wave characteristic parameters of different theoretical models in the actual inversion process, and the reliability and applicability of different inversion theoretical models were further tested نرم افزار کتابخانه دیجیتال "دی اسپیس" فارسی شده توسط یابش برای کتابخانه های ایرانی | تماس با یابش May 1, 2011 · The performance of four different wave theories inverted with dispersive surface classificator for the derivation of the bathymetry is examined during gale oceanographic conditions and there is an underestimation of the absolute depth. Regions of validity of wave theories, based on (Le Méhauté 1976), for different wave lengths λ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts Jan 1, 1999 · There are a number of different finite amplitude wave theories which have been proposed, but the two most commonly adopted theories are: Stokes' Wave Theory (Stokes, 1847, 1880; Miche, 1944) and Cnoidal Wave Theory (Korteweg and De Vries, 1895; Keulegan and Patterson, 1940; Wiegel, 1960). Figure 2. Since H. R. This made sense, so the wave theory started to gain acceptance. Like This study discusses the theoretical method of the inversion of internal solitary waves (ISWs) characteristic parameters using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images and ocean reanalysis data. One such theory is Robert Siegler’s Overlapping Waves Theory (OWT; Siegler, 1996). The estimation of nearshore bathymetry by inverting the wave dispersion function is an accepted method. 115015 Corpus ID: 259440495; Application of different internal solitary wave theories for SAR remote sensing inversion in the northern South China Sea This theory, called Huygens’ Principle, is used to this day to describe light waves. Jan 1, 2012 · This chapter is devoted to ocean wave mechanics and wave forces acting on offshore structures. Nevertheless, far too little attention has been paid to the application of different wave theories in simulating wave attenuation by flexible vegetation. gamma ray b. Sep 16, 2020 · The existing theoretical models are all based on linear wave theory, which cannot describe nonlinear waves accurately. Elliott Wave Theory was more subjective hence accuracy was always a drawback of this theory wherein Neo Wave Theory is to the point and objective so it is more accurate. While the applicable ranges of different orders of Stokes wave solutions are based on Zhao and Liu (2022), the applicable ranges of different order of cnoidal wave theories are determined by the parameter of elliptic integral, m (Fenton, 1999). According to Huygens, light is a wave phenomenon, similar to a surface wave in (shallow) water or a sound wave DOI: 10. Dec 26, 2023 · Difference Between Wave Theory and Particle Theory – Comparison of Key Differences 5. Feb 12, 2021 · This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the relative validity of eight wave theories, including seven analytical theories and the fifth-order stream function (numerical) wave theory. . b) Secondary or ‘S’ waves-These are transverse waves, also known as shear waves, travel only in solid media. In deep water the wave motion does not extend down to the bed; in shallow water the water makes an oscillating movement over the entire depth. - — - Definition of wave celerity First definition Second definition Wave theory - Stokes (2nd approximation) Tsuchiya & Yamaguchi Skjelbreia (3rd approximation)(4th approximation) Dec 1, 2024 · Applicable ranges of different wave theories (Le Mehaute, 1976). Wave’s energy is directly proportional to its amplitude squared. Love waves involve the surface shearing sideways and then returning to its original form as each wave passes. 1. 1 The Harmonic Oscillator Mar 1, 2024 · The definitions for each sub-parameter-space suitable for different wave theory are quantified. x-ray 13. 0000415 Corpus ID: 125492173; Attenuation of Nonlinear Waves by Rigid Vegetation: Comparison of Different Wave Theories @article{Zhu2017AttenuationON, title={Attenuation of Nonlinear Waves by Rigid Vegetation: Comparison of Different Wave Theories}, author={Ling Zhu and Qin Jim Chen}, journal={Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-asce}, year Wave theory. Mechanical waves are divided into transverse and longitudinal waves. 11. radio wave d. Love waves, sometimes called L-waves, are named after Augustus Love, an English mathematician and physicist who first modeled them mathematically. Elliott Wave Theory operates on a fundamental principle of five-wave patterns in trending markets followed by three-wave corrections. May 25, 2021 · It exhibits properties of both waves and particles. Download scientific diagram | A criterion of different wave theories. Christian Huygens (1678) proposed the wave theory to explain the propagation of light through a medium. Given wave theory, then, the future would be alethically closed, not open. , Siegler, 2002). (1989). g. Typically, the news is still bad. infrared b. Jun 16, 2017 · The existing theoretical models are all based on linear wave theory, which cannot describe nonlinear waves accurately. Newton's Corpusclar theory, Huygen's wave theory, Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theory, Planck's Quantum theory are the four theories which are discussed in this article Apr 5, 2018 · In the following order, the theories have the most to least significant effect on the entire support system: Stokes five-order wave theory, Airy wave theory, and revised small-amplitude wave theory. Wave theory provides a framework for understanding how sound waves propagate through various materials by considering factors such as speed, wavelength, and amplitude. Nov 22, 2018 · Generation of high-quality waves is essential when making numerical or physically model tests. 1016/j. Light behaves as both a wave and particle and can be reflected, exhibiting the laws of reflection. The distance traveled by a wave per unit time is its speed (v), the distance traveled by a wave per unit time, which is typically measured in meters per second (m/s). Otley Beyer was the first to propose a theory regarding migration to the Philippines. Otley Beyer first proposed his wave migration theory, numerous scholars have approached the question of how, when and why humans first came to the Philippines. All other known waves travelled through a medium so he suggested the Universe was filled with a massless medium known as the "luminiferous aether" (more on this in Special Relativity) Nov 7, 2024 · In Elliott Wave Theory, Wave Degree refers to the different levels or scales of waves that can be observed in financial markets. Mar 1, 2024 · The definitions for each sub-parameter-space suitable for different wave theory are quantified. Electromagnetic fields perpendicularly oscillate to the direction of wave travel and are perpendicular to each other. 4's theory of truthmaking, the future chunks existing simpliciter is enough to fix the truth-value of all propositions about the future. Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. Light travels at 299,792,458 m/s in a vacuum. This theory has both central features which distinguish theories from laws: it postulates the existence of non-observable entities, sound waves; and it explains different classes of empirical phenomena, the propagation and reflection of sound. Aug 1, 2022 · For a given incident wave conditions including the water depth, wave height, and wave period, there may be different water particle velocity fields computed based on different wave theories. a) Primary or ‘P’ waves-These are longitudinal waves similar to sound waves and travel in solid, liquid, and gaseous media. There are two main theories for steady waves which are capable of refinement. Neo Wave Theory is more specific hence it has more rules. It is a method of technical analysis that was developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott in the 1930s. What is Wave Theory. Stokes' theory is applicable in deep water whereas Jan 1, 2022 · The modified BEM model coupled with different wave theories, such as linear wave, second-order stokes (Song, 1988; Baddour and Song, 1990), Dean's model (Dean and Dalrymple, 1991), Kishida's third-order stokes (Kishida and Sobey, 1988) and fifth-order stokes of Fenton (1985), are used for studying the effect of linear and non-linear wave Wave mechanics and wave theories including wave classifications, governing equations of waves theories, different wave theories such as Airy, Stokes’, Stream Function, Cnoidal, Solitary and Mar 13, 2025 · Light - Particle, Wave, Theories: With the dawn of the 17th century, significant progress was reawakened in Europe. This period solidified the understanding of light as a wave, setting the foundation for modern optical physics, which continues to progress with new technologies and discoveries in wave behavior and light interactions. Ford, D. 6. 14) the breaking phenomenon is established and waves cannot exist anymore. 10, 1. When using a wavemaker theory outside the validity area, spurious waves are generated. According to him, light is a disturbance from a source that travels as longitudinal mechanical waves through the ether medium that was presumed to pervade all space as mechanical wave requires medium for its propagation. from publication: Viscous numerical wave tank for Bragg resonance by cnoidal and Stokes waves | In this study, a Mar 2, 2022 · A suffragette stands by a sign reading, "Women of America! If you want to put a vote in in 1920 put a (. The motivations for immigration varied, including economic opportunities, escaping persecution, and family reunification. The wave height H and the water depth h are normalized by gT 2 , where g is the that light waves bent as they moved from a faster medium to a slower medium, just as water waves and sound waves do, which were understood at the time3. According to the theory, markets move in two types of waves, i. Dec 1, 2024 · As the wave amplitude increases, the experimental phase speed gradually deviates from the phase speed obtained by the KdV theory and becomes closer to those obtained by the eKdV and MCC theories, which shows that the KdV theory can better describe the propagation of ISWs at small amplitudes, while the eKdV and MCC theories are more applicable Sep 1, 2023 · Request PDF | On Sep 1, 2023, Haomin Chen and others published Application of different internal solitary wave theories for SAR remote sensing inversion in the northern South China Sea | Find Sep 1, 2017 · The wave height, average period, wave probability density and power spectrum along the flow direction of different stilling basins with a negative step were described based on the wave theory, and Wave profiles: a - impact; b, c, d - oscillating. Figure 10 shows the applicability range of the different wave theories [54]. Jun 23, 2019 · This same wave equation occurs (although, generally also as an approximation) in a variety of other contexts: electromagnetic theory, gravity waves in shallow water, dilatational and shear elastic waves in solids, transverse vibrations in stretched membranes, Alfvén waves in magnetohydrodynamics, pressure surges in liquid-filled tubes with The reliability of Elliott Wave Theory is influenced by the subjective nature of wave interpretation, allowing for different analysts to identify different wave counts. In the mid-nineteenth century, James Clerk Maxwell formulated a single theory combining all the electric and magnetic effects known at that time. Different Laws of Wave and Optics 1) Snell’s Law Jan 10, 2023 · As you can see in Figure 1. Review of Prudence Chamberlain (2017). ultraviolet d. 1 Harmonic Oscillation 1 Preview . These waves can be further divided into smaller degree waves, and they are influenced by human psychology and social behaviors. This concept is different from particle theory, which suggests light moves as particles. May 14, 2023 · 1. Wave theory is the scientific explanation of how light behaves as a wave, describing its propagation through space and interaction with matter. The wave characteristics adopted in this study are in the range of Stokes second-order wave (H = 4 m, Light Wave Theory. Subsequent scientists, includingChristiaan Huygens andRobert Hooke, built on these ideas to formulate a mathematical theory of Jan 6, 1995 · Linear water wave theory assumes that the wave steepness is so small that the nonlinear effects of the free surface can be neglected. The first section gives general information on ocean waves. Nov 6, 2022 · This document discusses electromagnetic wave theory. 2 , two waves can have the same amplitude but different wavelengths and vice versa. Neo Wave Theory is an updated version of Elliott Wave Theory. Le-Méhauté [47]. Sep 1, 2023 · It can be seen from Table 2 that the amplitude inversion results given by different internal wave theories are close to the magnitude of 100 m, which basically conforms to the large-amplitude assumption of internal wave cases in this study and proves the feasibility and reliability of using different internal wave theories to establish Feb 26, 2022 · Six tests under different wave heights have been conducted at two regions in an NWT to analyze the wave theory. Which among the following electromagnetic waves has the LOWEST frequency? a. The analyzed data are Oct 16, 2024 · Elliott Wave Theory is a form of technical analysis that aims to identify predictable patterns in financial markets. All surface waves travel slower than body waves and Rayleigh waves are slower than Love The wave theory challenges the family tree theory. What makes it particularly intriguing is how these patterns appear across different time frames and markets – from stocks and commodities to cryptocurrencies. oceaneng. 2023. Studies emphasizing children’s learning have clarified aspects of cognitive diversity within and between children (e. Based on the horizontal distribution characteristics of the pixel intensity of the internal wave fringe in the image, an imaging theoretical model based on the extended Korteweg-de Vries (eKdV) and Jul 18, 2024 · Thomas Young demonstrated wave interference in his double-slit experiment. Oct 11, 2024 · There have been several models of early human migration to the Philippines. The different types of waves are: mechanical, electromagnetic, and matter waves. 23-51). Download scientific diagram | Validity of different wave theories (Kühn and Fischer, 2001) from publication: Foundation Anchorages for Offshore Wind Turbines in Deep Water Using Composite Difference between Elliot Wave and Neo Wave Theories. Table 1 Classification of usual Stokes wave theories by definition of wave celerity. A Download scientific diagram | 3: Diagram of applicability of different theories of water waves. cnoidal wave theory of Keulegan and Patterson appears most adequate for the range of wavelengths and water depths studied. 00) in Now, National Ballot Box for 1920," circa 1920. Markets exhibit a fractal structure, meaning that wave patterns repeat on various scales, from the smallest intraday movements to large, multi-year trends. The physical and technical limitations for the inversion are taken into consideration. Solitary waves: a - KdV soliton; b - kink wave. Ralph Nelson Elliott worked Jul 12, 2024 · Three lines define the field of existence for the different wave theories: A horizontal line since the waves cannot have a steepness s greater than 1/7. Jan 31, 2023 · Distinction is made between shallow water and deep water wave theories, depending on the value of the Ursell number. It also shows that the nonlinearity effect increases with the increase of wave steepness and found horizontal and vertical velocity increases with wave steepness. It can be produced through various mechanisms and sources like the sun. Mar 12, 2025 · Each wave brought different nationalities, cultures, and religions, shaping the demographic landscape of the nation. Even though wave theory denies that future everyday objects exist simpliciter, given section 2. Apr 18, 2023 · In the second part of the 17th century, two different theories of light were developed. Huygens was a Dutch scientist who proposed that light was a wave. What is Elliot Wave Theory? The fundamentals of Elliot Wave Theory are surprisingly simple. e. Routledge. In order to investigate the validity of different wave generation methods, new model test results are presented where linear and nonlinear wave generation theories are tested on regular and irregular waves. A key challenge of classical wave theory is the limited number of rules and patterns, which often lead to ambiguous interpretations and errors in analysis. Linear Theory of Ocean surface waves: Waves are undulations of the sea surface with a height of around a meter, where height is the vertical distance between the bottom of a trough and the top of a nearby crest. The wavelength, which we might take to be the distance between prominent crests, is around 50m-100m. infrared c. Concurrently, the influence of different wave theories along with different determination methods of characteristic wave velocity on submerged flexible vegetation dynamics was also evaluated. For instance, when sound travels from air into water, its speed increases due to the higher density of water. Key Terms. 1 Wave Theory A major flaw with the particle theory was that it did not explain refraction very well (Figure 1. KEYWORDS: temporal ontology, presentism, growing block theory, moving spotlight theory, wave theory This paper introduces a new theory in temporal ontology: ‘wave theory’. A consistent framework for the selection and application of higher‐order steady wave theories is presented. It describes how electromagnetic waves are produced via vibrations between electric and magnetic fields and outlines key discoveries in electromagnetic wave theory by scientists like Maxwell, Hertz, and Faraday. The performance of four different wave theories inverted with dispersive surface classificator for the derivation of the bathymetry is examined during gale oceanographic conditions. The Neo Wave theory was developed as an extension in which Neely attempted to eliminate the drawbacks of Elliott's theory. Relative validity is based on the fit provided, by the various theories, to the governing equations in the boundary value problem formulation. In Feminist Legal Theories (pp. 2 shows two small-amplitude waves propagating in the same direction with the same wave height H, but with slightly different wave numbers k and k + \( \Delta k \) (or wavelengths), and slightly different wave frequencies ω and ω + \( \Delta \omega Download scientific diagram | 3 Representation of different wave theories (Nallayarasu) from publication: Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analyses of Jacket-type Offshore Platform | Fixed jacket-type Download scientific diagram | The different wave theories with their limits of validity (le Méhauté 1976; Sarpkaya 2010) from publication: Effects of turbine damping and wave conditions on OWC Nov 11, 2024 · …wave height estimated by observers corresponds to the average of the highest 20 to 40 per cent of waves…Originally, the term significant wave height was attached to the average of these observations, the highest 30 per cent of the waves, but has evolved to become the average of the highest one-third of the waves, (designated \(H_{S}\) or Sep 1, 2017 · DOI: 10. The first is Stokes theory, most suitable for waves which are not very long relative to the water depth. Beyer’s popular theory suggests that the ancestors of modern Filipinos traveled to the archipelago in different “waves of migration”. visible light 12. a b u u Fig. Henry Otley Beyer was the founder of the Anthropology Department of The University of the Philippines. Nov 8, 2024 · Comparing Corpuscular & Wave Theories Huygens' Wave Theory of Light. Huygens’ wave theory gave a natural explanation of reflection and refraction, but in addition it explained just as naturally the exact form of Snell’s Law itself. 1943-5460. The celebrated family of solitary waves is of the utmost importance. 1. 2 for a wave in shallow water and for a wave in deep water. Potential flow theory is applied and the Stokes development is followed and first-order (linear), second-order, and third-order wave theories, in regular and irregular waves, are described. From this value (0. Nov 5, 2020 · In the classical wave theory, energy of a wave doesn’t depend on the frequency of the wave. These include Newton's corpuscular theory, Huygen's wave theory, Maxwell's simulate the discovery of a simple but important theory, the wave theory of sound. The theory's complexity and the multitude of rules and guidelines can make it challenging for analysts to consistently apply and interpret correctly, affecting its reliability. This theory was called the wave migration theory. Glenn Neely expanded the list of rules, making his theory more The range of applicability of different theories depends on the water depth, the wave length, and the wave height Hw. The treatment is kept at a level that should be accessible to first year undergraduate students and does not require more than elementary calculus, probability and statistics. Theories of light include the particle theory, wave theory, and quantum theory. Springer. A. Most of the time, light behaves as a wave, categorized as one of the electromagnetic waves because it is made of electric and magnetic fields. For instance, when confronting essential features of traditional CBT approaches with acceptance and mindfulness-based CBT (Hofmann Reference Hofmann and Asmundson 2008), three aspects tend to be overlooked: first, second-wave CBT is equated to Beckian cognitive therapy and the illustration of third-wave CBT is limited to the ACT model, which Feb 27, 2021 · Types of earthquake Waves. Nov 11, 2010 · The estimation of nearshore bathymetry by inverting the wave dispersion function is an accepted method. He also headed the department for 40 years. It contains eleven sections. In 1637, the French scientist René Descartesaddressed this problem by hypothesizing that light was composed of waves, thus introducing the wave theory of light. . 3. 1061/(ASCE)WW. , Impulse Waves and Corrective Waves. microwave c. It encompasses various types of waves, including sound waves, which are longitudinal waves that travel through air and other substances, carrying sound from one location to another. These included the following waves: 250,000 years ago - “Dawn Man”, a cave-man type human who was related to Java Man, Peking Man and other Asian Homo erectus specimens, was present in the Philippines. Wave theory is a fundamental concept that permeates various scientific disciplines, ranging from physics to economics. Fourth, the compatibility between the plunger surface and the wave profile should be ensured, which is divided into two scenarios. Aug 10, 2024 · As you can see in Figure 1. This was a great triumph of the wave theory. 00, 10. Wave Theory, Particle Theory. The classical Korteweg-de Dec 20, 2021 · The water particle displacement is shown in Fig. Wave 2: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave two corrects wave one, but can never extend beyond the starting point of wave one. INTRODUCTION This paper presents the results of an experimental program performed to establish the major characteristics of waves in shallow water and to determine by detailed comparisons which of the many wave theories Feb 19, 2024 · The feminist fourth wave: Affective temporality. For a plunger with a curved surface, its maximum radius of curvature (max( R p )) should be less than or equal to the minimum radius of curvature of Water Waves - MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jan 17, 2010 · This article gives a brief description about various theories of light which helped in prediction of various properties of light were discussed. Because of the limitations imposed by assumptions about the wave form and water depth, no one theory is valid over the full range of conditions. Compound microscopes were first constructed in the Netherlands between 1590 and 1608 (probably by Hans and Zacharias Jansen), and most sources credit another Dutchman, Hans Lippershey, with the invention of the telescope in 1608. According to the wave theory, light propagates through space as a wave, exhibiting properties such as interference, diffraction, and polarization. Dec 1, 2021 · The present study was designed to determine the effect of wave nonlinearity on submerged flexible vegetation dynamics as well as wave attenuation. Results from a phase-resolving numerical model serve as reference solutions. , water depth, wave height and wave period. Among the given EM waves below, which carries the MOST energy? a. One was the wave theory of light (or wave optics) of the Dutchman Christian Huygens and the other was Isaac Newton’s corpuscular theory of light. (2021). The boundary between cnoidal and Stokes wave theories is given by an Ursell number (Ur) of 40 [193], where Ur is the ratio between a measure of nonlinearity (Hw/d), and a measure of shallowness (d2/λ2). Fifth‐order formulations for cnoidal (shallow water) and the corrected Stokes (deep water) wave theories are reviewed, in addition to Fourier approximation theory (deep, transitional, and shallow water). The question of whether the first humans arrived from t - Theories: Liberal feminism, emphasizing equal rights and opportunities Wave 2: Radical Feminism and Social Change (1960s-1980s) - Addressed reproductive rights, workplace discrimination, and domestic violence - Key figures: Betty Friedan, Gloria Anzaldua, bell hooks - Theories: Radical feminism, socialist feminism, and intersectionality Download scientific diagram | Applicability of Wave Theories [25] from publication: CFD modelling of a tidal stream turbine subjected to profiled flow and surface gravity waves | This study used Download scientific diagram | 3: The ranges of applicability of various wave theories (figure from Wikipedia-Stokes wave; see also [41]); h is the mean water depth, H the wave height and τ the Feb 1, 2021 · The ability of Stokes wave theory to represent the wave kinematics in a short, physical wave flume is assessed based on a quantitative analysis of the measured FSE and velocity profile beneath wave crests and troughs, as well as the specific reflection coefficient for each different wave series. However, the energy of individual photons in a beam is determined by the frequency of the beam. This study applies Stokes second-order and cnoidal wave theories to solve the energy balance equation for wave height evolution. The second section summarizes wave theories with emphasis on Stokes and other • Numerous water wave theories applicable to different environments dependent upon the specific environmental parameters, e. As prices retest the prior low, bearish sentiment quickly builds, and “the crowd” haughtily reminds all that the bear market is still deeply ensconced. It found the wave conditions had less effect on the probabilities of different wave impact types Sep 14, 2019 · H. Linear wave theory is the core theory of ocean surface waves used in ocean and coastal engineering and naval architecture. OWT is based on three assumptions, Dec 17, 2024 · What are the Different Waves in Elliot Wave Theory? The Elliott Wave Theory helps predict market trends thereby aiding in trend trading by identifying recurring price patterns that reflect investor psychology, such as optimism, fear, and greed. Oct 2, 2023 · This post will explain some theoretical fundamentals of Elliot Wave Theory and how to use it to discover good trading possibilities. ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a new theory in temporal ontology, ‘wave theory’, and argues for its attractions over and above existing tensed theories of time. 1 1. It also shows that high energy flow is concentrated near the free surface. Which among the following electromagnetic waves has the SHORTEST wavelength? a. Stokes second and higher order wave theory is used to describe Jan 22, 2024 · The Elliott Wave Theory is based on the principles that markets move in a rhythmic pattern of five waves in the direction of the primary trend, followed by three waves in the opposite direction. This theory highlights key properties of light, such as wavelength, frequency, and the phenomenon of interference and diffraction, providing a foundation for understanding various optical effects and the behavior of light in different media. Mar 31, 2020 · Group velocity is one of the most important concepts in the dispersive wave theory. Ralph Nelson Elliott discovered these patterns while studying market movements and noticed that they followed specific wave structures. Wave theories provide a mathematical description of changes in the form of waves, and the orbital motion associated with them, from deep water to the breaker line and into the surf zone. As a result of which, they are known as transverse waves. • All ocean wave theories assume that the waves are periodic uniform, having a period T and height H. Nov 21, 2023 · Over time, different theories related to the makeup and behavior of light have been proposed, modified, and abandoned. The core principles of Elliott Wave Theory include wave patterns and market cycles. The wave theory holds that within the original common language before differentiation, there are dialect differences, and the characteristics of these different dialects will spread to all directions like waves, so that different languages have some of the same characteristics; languages after Theory predicted the general phenomenon of electromagnetic waves before anyone realized that light is a form of an electromagnetic wave. 6). Wave theory is a scientific concept that describes the behavior of waves, which can transfer energy and information through different mediums. They have short wavelengths and high-frequency. sbugd lozgui hmn rchvn xatkkan wtbh dhdto kesk bbl fpfr jolnzy ophzq cuhrho xokvfh sxds