Efilive scan and tune download Due to the new security/encryption option in this release, all tune files saved using this release will no longer be compatible with older versions of the V7 or V8 software. Each VIN license is capable of tuning one supported engine controller. FlashScan V3 customers will need to update to V8. Click the [F3: VINs] button in the left-hand pane. Click on the [F3: Tune] menu and select the [F2: Read] menu option. EFILive is pleased to announce that AutoCal V3 is now available. 7 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software). com Contents I have a v2 flash scan and ive installed the v8 and v7. A/D voltages were not being captured/displayed when pass-thru logging with FlashScan V2. The Lua scripting language and runtime interpreter is used by the EFILive V8 software to implement scripting. 9 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software). EFILive Limited Unit 2, 121 Elliot Street Howick, Auckland 2014 New Zealand. 25 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software). 071 (Oct 05, 2021), Boot Block: V3. EFILive for Dummies, Part 1 - Tune Tool. Download. pdf EFILive for Dummies, Part 4 - Blending and Masking. Fixed resource leak when opening/saving scan/tune files, which eventually lead to "out of resources" errors after long periods of using the software. If a newer version is available, users will be directed to our website to download the updated software. Due to the new security/encryption option in this release, all tune files saved using V7. txt; NOTE: If you are starting EFILive V8 Scan and Tune from the desktop icon, and you hold down the Ctrl key when double clicking the icon, unexpected (but technically correct) things happen: The EFILive Control Panel and EFILive Explorer have both been added to the V8 Scan and Tune home page to make navigating to these utilities easier for novice users and for tuners who support remote customers. Click the [F7: Licenses] button in the left-hand pane. Software registration is not required. com - 1 - www. Jan 14, 2025 · Tune files saved using this release candidate software are not backwardly compatible with previous public release versions of the EFILive software. Jul 21, 2020 · V8 Scan and Tune Software. 55 Public Release - Update 2 For GM controllers, segment import and export is now available in the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software Jun 10, 2021 · Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application. 2. 7. Menu text for "Next Scan Window" and "Next Tune Window" was missing from the drop-down menu of the Scan/Tune buttons in the lower-left corner of the main window and sub-windows. support@efilive. Published: Jul 21, 2020. Added right-click-copy option for VIN/OS data displayed at the bottom of the main Scan Tool window in the status bar. BBL (Black Box Logging) Configuration. 28. 5 of the software or V2. 24 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software). 137 Public Release Jan 18, 2022 · EFILive tune files are usually stored in encrypted *. 34 Beta software. Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application. For GM controllers, segment import and export is now available in the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software. 38 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software). 5. V7. The Efilive scan tool records real-time data from engine and transmission controllers and can display that information in multiple formats, the Efilive tuning tool reads and flashes calibration data and/or operating system code to and from vehicle controllers. FlashScan/AutoCal V3 Firmware: V3. The EFILive software remains in Demo mode when FlashScan is not connected or product registration information is not entered, so download today. When updating calibration differences via the [Compare] tab page, the current position in the comparison list is retained even after one or more calibrations are removed from the list for no Jun 10, 2021 · Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application. Connect your FlashScan device to your PC. Brand EFI LIVE; Category automotive; File Size * Jun 10, 2021 · Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application. P: +64 (9) 534 1188 [technical support is not available by phone] Workaround: EFILive recommends stopping the data log and restarting the data log when switching off the ignition for extended periods . For new customers, FlashScan V3 Scan Tool and Cummins HD Tuning Options are now available. txt; EFILive Control Panel: EFILive_Hapi_StartupLog. Published: Jan 18, 2022. e. With 512MB storage for tune and log files, capacity of 600 VIN Licenses, and file transfer times up to 10 times faster than AutoCal V2, AutoCal V3 delivers significant hardware advancements The search feature can be located in the V8 Scan and Tune software by navigating to the [F8: Tools] -> [F2: Search] menu. There are 2 different methods to access Device Settings. EFI Live Scan and Tune not responding and freezing My computer is on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit operating system. [*=1]EFILive V7 software: V7. Add Tuning Options to FlashScan V3 to include calibration flashing to suit your application. cax8 file format and place them in in the C:\Users\Documents\EFILive\V8\User Defined Cax8 directory. Program black box scan and tune options. Connect your FlashScan/AutoCal device to your PC and vehicle. Documentation / Tutorials; FlashScan from EFILive allows you to scan, data EFILive V8 V8. To access these; Connect your FlashScan or AutoCal to your PC. EFILive V8 software: V8. 099 (Oct 21, 2202)</p> <p>FlashScan/AutoCal V3: Boot Block: V3. pdf EFILive for Dummies, Part 3 - Custom Mapping. Mar 11, 2021 · EFILive V7 software: V7. Download the EFILive software and an EFILive User Guide to take a look around. 137 Public Release Jul 10, 2020 · Device settings can be accessed via EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software, or via FlashScan and AutoCal menus. Start the EFILive Scan and Tune application (Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->EFILive Scan and Tune) or from the shortcut on your desktop. pdf EFILive for Dummies, Part 2 - Scan Tool. The EFILive Tune Tool continues to progress with tune files now functional in the development tune tool editor. EFILive V8. Add your chosen controller(s) to your list; Press the Nov 1, 2018 · Release Notes:Whats New Version Numbers:After installing this beta release you should have the following software, boot block, firmware versions installed: EFILive V7 software: V7. 30</p> <p>V7. RC4 That restriction will be removed and the TCM PIDs will display their true origin once the V8 scan tool software is available. Download EFILive; Additional Downloads After your order has processed, locate you VIN License activation email or view your code in your EFILive store account. Segment Import/Export. Click on the Open button at the bottom left of the screen. Fixed access violation caused when opening a new tune file while the tune window is currently displaying the difference between two existing tune files. A picture of the currently selected controller is shown to assist with EFILive AutoCal Information for End Users support@efilive. Install EFI Live V8 software once download process has completed. Workaround: EFILive recommends stopping the data log and restarting the data log when switching off the ignition for extended periods . Turn the vehicle ignition to the On position. Ensure you have downloaded and installed the latest version of EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software, available here. Click on the drop down arrow on the [Config] button and select "Calculated PIDs" or press the Ctrl+K hot key. Download the EFILive V8 software to manage, edit and create tune files for your vehicle. 0. Fixed copy/paste options for hexadecimal values. The software supports various hardware devices, features and functions, such as BBX, scripting, scan-link, compare tunes and custom operating systems. 059 of the firmware will no longer be compatible with older versions of the V7 or V8 software. 3. 060 (Feb 27, 2021). After trying a second time, the updater told me it couldn't find V8 on my computer. 137 Public Release EFILive is pleased to announce that AutoCal V3 is now available. com V8 Scan and Tune Scan Pass-Thru Data Logging To log data using FlashScan or AutoCal and V8 Scan and Tune software; 1. When opening older data log files, the scan tool now correctly converts WO2. hex (Motorola hex record format) files may also be opened by the EFILive software. Tune files created or re-saved with this version cannot be used with previous software or firmware versions. Start the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune Aug 2, 2024 · After your order has processed, locate you VIN License activation email or view your code in your EFILive store account. 066 (Jun 17, 2021). Here are the pdf downloads if your interested in taking look. 36 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software). 5 Software: V7. Sep 7, 2024 · Tune files saved using the beta software are not backwardly compatible with previous versions of the EFILive software. Add the ability to tune supported GM vehicles to your existing FlashScan V3 and/or FlashScan V2 device. Oct 15, 2020 · EFILive Limited Unit 2, 121 Elliot Street Howick, Auckland 2014 New Zealand. On the [F3: Calibration] tab, confirm Checksums are valid. Learn how to update, install, configure, and use the software features and functions. 0 When copying *. xxx PID names if/when CAN based WO2 data logging was FlashScan V1 customers may purchase additional PCM licenses to tune extra controllers. Jun 6, 2019 · EFILive V7 software: V7. 3. Start the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application. With greater functionality in terms of customization, precision and display, the tune tool editor comes standard with multiple themes, including light and dark to suit each users application. pdf Prior to being hosted in PDF form on our server, these were posted by Rich on Cummins Forum. Select the [F2: Scan] option in the left-hand pane. Supports selected GM Gas, GM Diesel, and Dodge Cummins Diesel engine, transmission and powertrain controllers. ctz files. Do NOT connect your AutoCal/V2 until step 2 has been completed and the EFI Live V8 Scan & Tune software has been successfully installed. Select the [F3: Tune] option in the left-hand pane. I'm on EFI Version 8. More Info Looking at purchasing EFILive for your supported Dodge Cummins vehicle? Download the EFILive software and an EFILive User Guide to take a look around. cax8 file. Specify a Provider Name which will be displayed on the Provider tab on each calibration defined within the *. V8. Developed by the reputable EFILive Limited, this software's latest version, 7. Connect your FlashScan V2 device to your PC. Download EFILive; Additional Downloads; Vehicles; Support. Remove any unnecessary controller configurations to ensure capacity restrictions are not exceeded. Fixed security settings not being applied to files when using the "Save As for AutoCal" option for controllers that do not support Auto-Lock and where the Auto-Lock security option is Upgrade your existing FlashScan V3 to include tuning for supported Cummins HD vehicles. Vehicle must not be cranked/running when flashing). Navigate to the [F3: Tune] -> [F5: Edit] menu in the left-hand pane. The Dodge Cummins Tuning Option will be available within the next few weeks as the migration of platform support from V7 to V8 is completed. Connect your FlashScan V3 or AutoCal V3 device to your PC. Scripting EFILive Support. Dec 1, 2021 · EFILive can copy and convert V7 *. " options are now located in the [Save] button's drop-down menu. 5\Calibrations directory to V8 *. First, you must create a group in which you can save your calculated PID(s). FlashScan/AutoCal V3 Firmware V8. Sep 6, 2021 · Open the EFILive Scan and Tune application. Turn the vehicle ignition to the On positon (not the Accessory position. With FlashScan/AutoCal V2 connected to your PC, open EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software, select the [EFILive V8 Control Panel] button, and navigate to the [F3: USB Testing] tab. xxx PID names back to the GPM. Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune. Enhancements: · Updated tune file security. Download EFI Live V8 Software and install when the download has completed. 28 (Updated June 12, 2019) To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software). · Scan Tool filter tool bar button is now available on [Data], [Gauges] and [Maps] tab pages, instead of just on the [Charts] tab page. 180, continues to impress with its comprehensive capabilities. V8 Scan and Tune 1. The version(s) of the EFILive software required is dependent on your EFILive hardware device. <p>V8 Software: V8. RC4 Aug 2, 2024 · After your order has processed, locate you VIN License activation email or view your code in your EFILive store account. . 20 EFILive has changed the [Check for Updates] process. · When copying *. cax files stored in the C:\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V7. 34 or V8. Scripting allows tuners to create an automated change list to apply to a stock tune based on previously tuned file. Open the Control Panel. · Changed the tune tool window title bar to display just the filename instead of the full pathname. Jun 10, 2021 · Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application. Jul 14, 2021 · Follow these steps to log the selected controller using EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software. NOTE: FlashScan is required for interaction with the vehicle, and for saving edited tune files. [*=1]EFILive V8 software: V8. bin (binary format) and/or *. 005 (Oct 20, 2020) Jun 17, 2024 · Workaround: EFILive recommends stopping the data log and restarting the data log when switching off the ignition for extended periods . With a tune file open, users can right-click and select "Import" or "Export" on the [F3: Calibration] tab in the tune file. TUNE TOOL & SCAN TOOL FEATURES Cummins HD Diesel. When copying *. The search feature can be located in the V8 Scan and Tune software by navigating to the [F8: Tools] -> [F2: Search] menu. 21 To view the installed version, select Help Jul 21, 2020 · Scripting can be used to read tune file and controller information, as well as modify items including comments, history, tune file security settings and remote settings as well as reading/modifying calibration data. MORE INFO Aug 25, 2020 · Start the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application. EFILive tune files are usually stored in encrypted *. Additional licenses may be purchased up to a limit of 25 per FlashScan V1 device. 20 The EFILive Control Panel and EFILive Explorer have both been added to the V8 Scan and Tune home page to make navigating to these utilities easier for novice users and for tuners who support remote customers. FlashScan V3 Scan Only is a scan tool, data logger and calibration reader for selected GM, Dodge Cummins and Cummins HD engine controllers. I just checked for updates last night, and there was some available. Tune files saved using previous versions of the EFILive software are compatible with this beta version. It only appears in the background processes in task manager. FlashScan/AutoCal. 07. Download the EFILive software and User Guide and take a look around. Jul 20, 2020 · Follow these steps to find and/or update FlashScan V2 Firmware using the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software. Enhancements have also been made to the V8 Scan and Tune software for license activation codes. Confirm the link between AutoCal and FlashScan; When the devices are successfully linked, the linking image will be updated. Select [Link]. There are a number of methods to find the calibration details of the tune presently in the ECM. Limitation #2: When opening CMF (CM2450B) Cummins 2022 tune files, the EFILive software will complain with the following message: That is expected and the message may be ignored. com - 11 - www. 137 Public Release Download the EFILive software and User Guide and take a look around. In the Controllers: field either click Auto Detect, or right click on the controller box to use the drop down list to select the correct controller type. Customers can choose which method best suits their needs. Format the FlashScan/AutoCal file systems. Each Tuning Option ships with 2 VIN Licenses to tune two supported controllers. 00. Select the [F5: BBX] option in the left-hand pane. Two VIN licenses are included. However, *. 2. New features in this release include: Scan and tune file linking is now supported. 5 software on my pc with windows 11. 276 and I've experienced the same issues with the latest version-- Dec 7, 2024 · The EFILive Tuning Tool can read the entire contents of an Engine Controller (ECM), Powertrain Controller (PCM), or Transmission Controller (TCM) and store it on your PC’s hard drive. 4. 5 and V7. Removed the [Save Dash] button from the Scan Tool window. 48</p> <p>FlashScan/AutoCal V3: Firmware: V3. Link Status & Serial Number. V8 Scan and Tune; Downloads. · Added right-click-copy option for VIN/OS data displayed at the bottom of the main Scan Tool window in the status bar. While some GM platforms have been migrated to V8 Scan and Tune, a number of platforms and DVTs are still being Jun 25, 2021 · Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application, and then select either: Select the [F6: Devices] option in the left-hand pane; or; Select the [F5: BBX] -> [F6: Quick Setup] menu and select the correct device from the Edit Device Settings option. [*=1]FlashScan/AutoCal V3 Firmware: V3. Device Setting Configuration. Put the right tools in your toolbox! FlashScan V3 from EFILive allows you to scan, data log and reprogram your vehicle for maximum performance and outstanding drivability. 4. 169 or V3. your customers), the recipients must be: using this version or a later version of the V7 and/or V8 software. I got to V8, and the patch failed. The [Check for Updates] option will check your current software version against the most recent public release version available on our website. When updating calibration differences via the [Compare] tab page, the current position in the comparison list is retained even after one or more calibrations are removed from the list for no Fixed access violation caused when opening a new tune file while the tune window is currently displaying the difference between two existing tune files. 0 Jul 21, 2020 Bin Mapping EFILive Support. Connect your FlashScan/AutoCal device to your PC. Select an existing Dashboard configuration either by using the [Open Dash] button or using the Dashboard drop down, or configure after making Jul 10, 2020 · EFILive Scan and Tune: EFILive_ScanAndTune_StartupLog. 34 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software). With 512MB storage for tune and log files, capacity of 600 VIN Licenses, and file transfer times up to 10 times faster than AutoCal V2, AutoCal V3 delivers significant hardware advancements Aug 11, 2020 · A USB Testing option is available in the EFILive Control Panel software. 5 updated no problem whatsoever. FlashScan V1 is pre-configured with two PCM licenses. June 17, 2024, V8. When saving scan files the customer details were not being being used to generate log file names when customer details were tagged in the log filename's template. ctz tune files to FlashScan or AutoCal, a warning message is displayed if the tune file's check sums are incorrect. Ive done all the updates and all the programs seem to run as they should except the v8 scan and tune program which i now understand is needed for scanning and flashing tune files. Select the [F7: Licensing] option. Need information specific to Cummins HD applications? Click for detailed controller support, scan tool features, tune tool features, parameter control, PIDs, software downloads and user guides. Jul 22, 2020 · Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software and select the [F2: Scan] option. Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software. The "Save Dashboard" and "Save DashBoard As. Open your selected tune file. Remote Link AutoCal. The *. hex file format will always contain a 1-to-1 mapping of the controller’s memory and the data in the *. Open the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application, and then select either: Fixed resource leak when opening/saving scan/tune files, which eventually lead to "out of resources" errors after long periods of using the software. Dec 1, 2020 · Unlinking and relinking an AutoCal device does not require additional licensing provided the controller originally tuned remains the same. hex file. If you distribute tune files to other users (i. To support the transition to the V8 editor scan, tune and individual windows can now be managed more easily via the Windows Task Bar - or via new drop down button menus in the lower left corner, or via hot keys. Connect your FlashScan/AutoCal to your PC and your vehicle. To test the USB connection; Select FlashScan or AutoCal and click [Test] for the connected device. Fixed problem when updating calibrations with different labels via the compare option would fail to update due to NAN (Not A Number) errors. 1 Explorer Remote Boot Block Controller EFILiveV8 Update Purchase Tune License Activation Code(s) Jul 23, 2020 · The EFILive Command Line Interface application (CLI) provides tuners with a way to automate the following tasks using the Windows command line or Windows batch files: Program FlashScan/AutoCal device settings. Add your chosen controller(s) to your list; Press the Oct 4, 2021 · EFILive V7 software: V7. 5 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software). Copy tune files to FlashScan/AutoCal. Download and install the latest version of EFILive's V8 software, available here. P: +64 (9) 534 1188 [technical support is not available by phone] EFILive Scan and Tune ile Edit View Help F2: scan Recent Items: Tune Filename F3: Tune F5: aax Scan Filename F6: Devices F7: Licenses Check for EFILive Check Firmware Scan and Tune - Beta Test Software Control Panel Date Last Opened Frames About V8. Additional AutoCal VIN licenses are required to tune additional controllers. txt; EFILive Explorer: EFILive_Explorer_StartupLog. efilive. Connect your AutoCal device to your PC. Jul 21, 2020 · Find answers to common questions and issues about EFILive V8 Scan and Tune Software, a tool for tuning and diagnostics of GM vehicles. The sections below indicate which software is necessary for your specific device: FlashScan V3 & AutoCal V3: Use the V8 software using the link above. , your customers), the recipients must be: May 29, 2024 · The EFILive Scan and Tuning Tool has established itself as a must-have utility in the realm of System Utilities and Device Assistants. Where the checksums are invalid, users should not use the file and should source a calibration file where checksums are valid. tfbdb jfviz vois xlnmoy jjonka jmcfi vabr pypta mim qmjdiwf uise dnyy ssfg repuhc vktml