Ffxi blue mage burst affinity Merit your “Potency of Physical Blue Jan 26, 2025 · Completing certain Masked Carnivale stages is required to progress in the blue mage job quests. Stat bonuses from set spells BG Blue Mage XML There are multiple sets for the same spell, but based on variables the set changes. Slow, paralyze, and reducing tp spells are also great help. /ws "Seraph Blade" <bt> 4. Mostly used now as a way to quickly fire off or extend a long multi-step skillchain. Chain Affinity Bonus Increases physical blue magic skillchain damage while under the effects of Chain Affinity. There is level correction α; Convergence Bonus is 1. Mage spells (including Blue Mage with the use of Burst Affinity), Ninjutsu, magical Blood Pacts, and Songs can be used at the end of a skillchain to increase damage and accuracy of their magic attacks. Now if you want to spam burst affinity you would probably also use chain affinity or self sc with sword. For instance if you hit chain affinity or burst affinity but throw in a self buff befor casting the physical or magical damage dealing spell. TPing Gear is extremely important. Nov 18, 2022 · Increases blue magic spell damage while under the effects of Burst Affinity. Ability needs a serious upgrade. Merits Group 1 . /ja "Chain Affinity" <me> 6. Your spells are limited not only by your MP and level, but by "Set Points". 15 for Level 3; INT bonus = (your INT - opponent INT)*Tier Multiplier (T Multiplier) Half Threshold Value exist. Requires Blue Mage Level 60 Complete the blue mage quest Blue in the Face and learn the blue magic spell Frog Legs. ItemSet 386685 Assuming for Tenebral still use pixie and archon ring. Blue Mage: 1: 0: N/A: 1 hour: Instant: Self: Enhances the effect of blue magic spells. It's best solo but it can work in most group content. Was wondering what my best options are for single-target self-skillchains using Chain Affinity, Burst Affinity, Blue Magic, Weapon Skills. Jul 2, 2024 · I haven't made it to bumba V25 yet, but I know BLU tanking can play a role in the fight. This action is called a Magic Burst (MB). The Key Stat increases for Blue Mage are some STR and VIT. Blue Mage or BLU, is probably the most expected job ever since Square Enix announced the FFXI's third expansion pack, Treasures of Aht Urhgan. . Able to solo chain Heraldic Imps at Lv74+ as BLU/NIN. It proves to be one of the most strategic, skilful, and exciting jobs in the entire game. Aug 27, 2019 · Equip level 1 swords with low delay and lock your MH and OH with Gearswap, make a macro that unlocks MH and OH and uses Burst Affinity (and use that macro lol), then use an elemental spell with element-affinity with the SC you just used. Burst Affinity 25 30 Seconds Blue Mage is pretty easy to merit for. you cast a magical based blu spell. Blu's can Skillchain and Magic Burst by themselves. Chain Affinity: 40: 2 minutes: 30 seconds: Makes it possible for your next "physical" blue magic spell to be used in a skillchain. Please carefully read and adhere to the Started by Foxclon , 03-04-2011 12:31 PM -While subbing Samurai gain 300% TP use Sekkanoki and Chain Affinity; Uppercut >> Circle Blade >> Savage Blade = Light is a perfect skillchain to gain 8 ws points by yourself towards say Expiacion :) using this setup it is ONLY possible to either Blue Magic >> WS >> WS or WS >> WS >> Blue Magic. Personally I don't even use a /wait macro like that, though to each his own. Sometimes it makes sense to stack 'em, other times you're better off keeping them seperate for a reason. Blue Mage is unlike any of the current jobs in Final Fantasy XI. Hope people can clarify this for me before the video comes out but BG Wiki claims on it's Burst Affinity page that the AF+3 Legs increase the WSC on the spell used with the ability, same as the Empy feet, but the OP of this guide states it's a increase to base damage. The art of Blue Magic originated in the Empire of Aht Urhgan and is primarily practiced by a group of In fact, Burst Affinity is consumed when any magical blue magic spell is cast, even enhancing blue magic spells. Stun is the best friend of a blue mage: Head butt, Frypan, Whirl of Rage, Blitzstrahl, etc. The level of the Blue Mage determines the maximum number of points available for setting spells. They are only enabled while you are at the appropriate level, and under the effect of Unbridled Learning. Set bonus is 3 times stronger than Burst affinity, which means it will usually more than double the damage of the spell. Blue Mage must be set as main job in order to learn Blue Magic. TP only affects physical spells when the spells consume TP, meaning when using Chain Affinity. Convergence: Merit: 10 minutes: One spell or 60 seconds: Increases the power of your next magical blue Feb 3, 2025 · If Convergence wasn't 10 minute cooldown I'd say you can bump 5 points in assimilation for it, but I'm not really interested in that trade. Somewhat Completed Blue XML Jan 23, 2024 · Every single piece of EMPY+3 is used for nuking and macc. Honestly I've been thinking the same but usually my spells don't hit quick enough to burst after a skillchain. Base Nuke Set: (ignore the blue border hands. Manually or Macro cast Bomb Toss If done correctly this should come out to a Liquefaction Magic Bursted Bomb Toss. Increases physical blue magic skillchain damage while under the effects of Chain Affinity. Hope someone here actually uses it haha. Burst Affinity: Blue Mage: 25: 0: 30s: 2 minutes: Instant: Single: Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. Contribute to AlanWarren/gearswap development by creating an account on GitHub. Chain Affinity Recast -down 4 seconds per merit; Burst Affinity Recast -down 4 seconds per merit FFXI Auction House Online. During Burst Affinity, Status Correction (ST Increases blue magic spell damage while under the effects of Burst Affinity. Head also gives you a very large acc/att bonus for sword weaponskills, body is a great idle piece, hands for recast time especially useful for tp reset spells, legs are a huge macc piece and feet give a massive damage bonus to burst affinity. Blue Mage is possibly the most phenomenally well-rounded job-class in all of Final Fantasy XI. (kiss and hammer) Dec 2, 2020 · -Equipment (AF3) that enhances potency of additional effects on blue magic and enhances duration of our buffs. It also increases magic damage, if any, by 30% (more with Sorcerer's Gloves, Sorcerer's Gloves +1, Static Earring and/or Catalyst). BG Blue Mage XML There are multiple sets for the same spell, but based on variables the set changes. Chain Affinity Recast -down 4 seconds per merit; Burst Affinity Recast -down 4 seconds per merit May 22, 2021 · Forum » FFXI » Jobs » Blue Mage » The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage Chain affinity needs to be in midcast, burst affinity too, but afaik burst affinity Jan 26, 2025 · Completing certain Masked Carnivale stages is required to progress in the blue mage job quests. The maximum number of Blue Magic spells that can be set to be active at one time is also determined by the Blue Mage's level. ~Jo While they are at it they could also finally look into diffusion, unbridled learning, chain affinity and burst affinity. Once you get good enough gear and reach haste cap and you put on Erratic Flutter at least, you can self-sc with just weapon skills outright like everyone else. Dec 4, 2023 · 75 days were nice when spamming bludgeon leveling up was a free weapon skill on lower cooldown for cheap MP. It doesn't hurt to make seperate macros for both Chain Affinity & Burst Affinity I'd think. Magic Burst can be used once every 5 minutes. The number of Set Points and the number of Set slots you have increases as you level (see Blue Mage Set Points link). Obtained: Blue Mage Level 25 Recast Time: 2 minutes Duration: 30 seconds Upon casting a magical blue magic While in effect, enables magical blue magic to Magic Burst. will be done later this week) Burst Set: Feet +15, Legs +10, Ring +5, BunzisRob +10 = 40 Body +8 II, Hands +6 II, Ring +5 II = 19 + 9% from job trait (Rail Cannon) = 28 Total of 68% Magic Burst Bonus Oct 19, 2024 · Powers up Blue Magic and gives spells the ability to skillchain and magic burst without Chain Affinity or Burst Affinity for the duration. Chain affinity doubles WSC on physical spells. Highly customizable to your play style, can play as healer, tank, Damage-dealer, etc. The purpose of this forum is for players to hold discussions about the Blue Mage job with other players. Granted, I am no career BLU, nor is my BLU even 75 but I have 3 macros for Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, and SneakAttack+TrickAttack for my Sam/Thf. Convergence: Merit: 10 minutes: One spell or 60 seconds: Increases the power of your next magical blue 1. Diffusion should have charges or a lower recast time. If damage is low try Red Lotus Blade --> Bludgeon --> Bomb Toss, with Chain Affinity and Burst Affinity on will do a lot of damage. -Assimilator's Shalwar +1: Tied with HQ Carmine for BIS -interrupt, but the Burst Affinity enhancement isn't worth using so Carmine+1 is inventory+1. Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. First off manually hit your Burst Affinity (Macro isn't big enough for it) 2. Abbreviation: MB In all cases, a Magic Burst greatly increases Magic Accuracy, making a Resist less likely. Blue Mages are capable of dealing heavy physical or magical damage, healing and support, debuffing, or tanking. The raw power of being able to literally learn monster abilities and use those moves against them is too much for many to handle. -Update to our outdated JA's like Chain Affinity and Burst affinity, Convergence is straight garbo out of lv75 days. Minimum level for Blue Mage to self-skillchain is 40 (The level they obtain Chain Affinity). Doubles the WSC (Attribute Modifier) for the affected spell. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Easily solo into mid-twenties levels, and to 70+ on Goblin's pets. But I haven't found a really quick high damage spell to go into any of the others yet. Engage the trsnscended beetle and magic hammer to get back full mp starting. Somewhat Completed Blue XML A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). That way, just as neo said, you could go right into casting after you drop your red lotus blade and not have to activate it in between. Nov 9, 2023 · D is calculated as Blue mage's level+2. Well, no one self-sc WITH chain/burst affinity anymore, it's not worth the time. Final Fantasy XI Spell Information for Burst Affinity. It allows Blue Magic spells to be used as part of a magic burst. Increases damage of the spell cast, even if not used to Magic Burst. If you want to MB with a relatively fast casting spell, then you can probably trigger Burst Affinity and start casting when you see the SC graphic. A few stragglers can and will persist, so clean them up with a Chain Affinity + Efflux Whirl of Rage. FFXI Game Related; Race & Job Type Q & A; Blue Mage; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. /wait 1 7. the duration runs out or B. Spells under the effect of Burst Affinity are eligible to be enhanced via Magic Burst, even if the Skillchain is closed by the user. This is for solo'ing high tier missions and solo or low-man farming Omen cards and whatever other content I want to blow something up. Breath = S{'Bad Breath','Flying Hip Press','Frost Breath','Heat Breath','Hecatomb Wave', Mage spells (including Blue Mage with the use of Burst Affinity), Ninjutsu, magical Blood Pacts, and Songs can be used at the end of a skillchain to increase damage and accuracy of their magic attacks. Convergence affect Breath Spell damage, MAB and elemental staves do not. Entomb burst affinity spectral floe or tenebral crush entomb redo buffs and entomb in between buffs. It's also good for low-man Sortie. Burst affinity doubles WSC on Magical spells. Increase Blue Magic spell damage by 2. Active for two decades, FFXI has over a dozen active servers, receives monthly updates, and is tied to Nexon's cancelled Final Fantasy XI R mobile project. -Assimilator's Charuqs +1: There are several items that can match or beat this for CA. For physical spells, Azure Lore makes all spells act as if they are cast with a TP effect of 3,500, while not consuming TP. I have Malaise (no Idris yet though) and Wizard roll, it's not very hard to hit 40k with Burst Affinity. Each Blue Magic spell is assigned a point value (Blue Magic points). Magical Accuracy - Increases the accuracy of magical blue magic spells by 2 per merit. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Burst Affinity Recast - Reduces the recast time of Burst Affinity by 4 seconds per merit. Decreases recast time 00:00:04 per rank. " Sep 5, 2022 · Does anyone have a magic burst set for burst affinity? I threw this together but I don't know enough about WSC modifiers to know if just 5/5 Hashishin would be better overall. Blue Mage is an advanced job added in Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion of Final Fantasy XI. 05 for Level 1 Convergence, 1. Blue Magic spells can damage, enfeeble, and/or enhance. Dec 31, 2023 · Under Utility Sets, is there a reason why the guide recommends Gleti armor (-35% PDT) for PDT when Nyame armor provides -38% DT? It also says, "While Malignance and Nyame offer the most raw evasion in each respective slot, you could also opt to use Gleti equipment for a very slight drop in evasion in exchange for a significant increase in defense. Jan 30, 2013 · Fusion= Red lotus blade -- Dimensional Death- Burst Bomb Toss -fireImpaction= Brainshaker -- Dimensional Death- Burst Blitzstrahl -LightningGravitation= Red Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. Where does this job fall on the game’s current meta? I see blue mage as a solo job or a starting/returning player job. Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. Each Blue Magic has a number of set points it requires to be set. They are always in the spell list after they have been learned. The update notes say that Wyvern Magic Bursts only give a Magic Accuracy bonus, but Blood Pact Magic Bursts give a damage bonus and an accuracy bonus Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. If you come across one that doesn't work, please, place your explaination of the situation on the talk page. Chain Affinity: Blue Mage: 40: 0: 30s: 2 minutes: Instant: Single Oct 7, 2006 · Re: Blue Mage self-skillchain macro set-up question I personally like to keep things separate, but you could do a macro like: /p {Starting Skillchain} {Fusion} /ws "Red Lotus Blade" <t> /wait 2 /ja "Chain Affinity" <me> /wait 1 /ma "Jet Stream" <t> And just mess around with the /wait timers if things are a bit off. Allows the creation of Skillchains and Magic Bursts without Chain Affinity or Burst Affinity, but does not give the respective damage bonuses. Jobs/Level: Blue Mage, lvl 25: MP cost: 0: Element: None: Duration: 30s: Reuse: 2 minutes blue_magic_maps. /p Blue Mage Solo Liquefaction 3. Magic Attack Bonus increases the damage of magical Blue Magic. Blue Mages may learn special abilities used by the monsters that they, or their allies, defeat. I compiled the values as listed for each spell on BG wiki. (2) If you are not subbing RDM, start the burn with Actinic Burst followed by a Dream Flower. Burst Affinity is not consumed, however, when casting a healing blue magic spell. Not a major priority. So is WS gear So is MP Drain gear. Jul 12, 2006 · Re: How to skillchain Blue Magic! There's tons of self-SC's you can do, don't limit yourself to just one. ffxi gearswap lua's - ARCHIVED. Oct 11, 2013 · Final Fantasy XI Online Guide. I made a table in case it proves useful for anybody listing the blue mage spell, cumulative (CE) and volatile (VE) enmity values, spell element, casting time, duration, etc. Maximum Number of Set Spells. Only a few of our abilities, traits, and enhancements are actually worth the points. Effect varies with TP. Thanks! Blue Mage Solo Skillchains. Apr 5, 2010 · Makes it possible for your next "magical" blue magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. A community for those with interest in Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI, FF11). Increase skillchain damage by 1 percent. A- sword skill which makes them good melee. How to Unlock. Thats MBing with burst affinity, convergince and assuming monster affinity in our favor, no day/weather bonuses included although I'm not sure if they'd even count. Most, if not all, of the monsters in the pull should now be dead. Dec 2, 2023 · My math is most likely completely off so better wait for someone smart but with your set and assuming roughly 3000HP for convenience sake at lvl 149 I'm getting roughly 9k-10k damage. The only job in the game capable of effectively subbing every other job for at least one purpose or another. Following that, use Burst Affinity and cast Charged Whisker. IIRC at least one of them also disappears when it shouldn't. For example, if doing Salvage in Bhaflau Remnants, you can Chain Affinity Efflux Burst Affinity < CDC < Sinker Drill < Spectral Floe for some pretty nice damage, since the Cerberus builds physical or magical resistance over time. Aug 9, 2006 · This FAQ will cover one of the latest jobs released for the game, Blue Mage. That turned into frenetic rip, disseverment, hysterric barrage, which often beat heavy DD ws's when combined with chain affinity, and people TP'd so slow you were a competitive DPS just casting. Magic bursting is rare for Blue mage, but it does affect the magic damage a little bit when you use burst affinity. I have a Chain Affinity Macro, a Burst Affinity macro, a SA macro, and macros for spells, which I change depending on what's set. Obtained: Blue Mage Level 25 Recast Time: 2 minutes Duration: 30 seconds This may have a minor effect on accuracy/potency outside of magic bursts. I was hoping to one day make a Chain affinity into burst affinity macro for lots of damage. Apr 10, 2013 · Burst Affinity Recast - Reduces the recast time of Burst Affinity by 4 seconds per merit. I was cleaving in reis in little more than +1 jhakri gear and had zero issues killing mobs, especially if you have burst affinity up. The blue mage log allows you to form parties with other blue mages and participate in specific duties. Generally most Blue Magic spells damage and debuff (Poison, Blind, Stun, Paralyze, etc). Burst Affinity, Chain Affinity, and Variable "N" Does anyone have any suggestions or a completed XML that I could utilize? I found a somewhat completed version of the posted XML, but pieces of it weren't utilized. Basmak +3: Increases magical Blue Magic damage and allows it to magic burst. It's not like Convergence is a 2nd burst affinity cooldown, so you're not picking up extra burst windows just 25% more damage for 1 spell every 10 minutes. Jan 17, 2008 · To make the Magic Burst occur, you want to finish performing your spell around the time that the skill chain graphic finishes. Second Floor do the same. Burst Affinity is an ability of Blue Mages in Final Fantasy XI. The quest for unlocking Blue Mage is rather long, here's the run-down: Enhances the effect of blue magic spells. It is gained at level 25. A Blue Magic If all you want to use it for is cleaving lvl 75-110 mobs or whatever then I can tell you that gear is waaaaaay past that point already. Take note that if you WANT to make a Skillchain/Magic burst combination, the Weapon Skill Red Lotus Blade does NOT link with Bludgeon. Physical Potency - Increases the accuracy of physical blue magic spells by 2 per merit and physical blue magic attack by 4/256 per merit. 40: Chain Affinity Berserk, Double Attack and Warcry add to the Blue Mages sword damage, making this one of the most powerful support jobs available for direct physical damage. Here's a bit of a rundown: Group 1 Chain Affinity Recast - Reduces the recast time of Chain Affinity by 4 seconds per merit. /wait 4 5. 25: Burst Affinity: Hashi. May 17, 2024 · Increases the maximum number of blue magic points. Layout By: Chrisjander (Ifrit) See also: Blue Renkei Dec 14, 2022 · Recently started throwing together a Magic Burst Damage toggle for fun. This will happen 5% of the time with 5/5 set, so on avg it will add ~6%+ damage at least, which you wont notice compering just non proc sample against other. Black Mage Dec 16, 2024 · Blue mage is solid for Odyssey, whether it's segments or 2nd/3rd KIs on bosses or whatever, since it has strong slashing and blunt options. Convergence: Merit: 10 minutes: One spell or 60 seconds: Increases the power of your next magical blue Feb 2, 2025 · While they are at it they could also finally look into diffusion, unbridled learning, chain affinity and burst affinity. Defender adds 25% extra defense to the Blue Mage which enhances the damage of the spell Cannonball. Merit your “Potency of Physical Blue Jul 14, 2024 · Notes. There is cap to this; ST is Related to stats. Increases blue magic spell damage while under the effects of Burst Affinity. They can learn enemy abilities that either enhance themselves or deter their enemies. Apr 8, 2009 · Burst affinity will stay up until A. Plus macros for WS of course. A- Swords skill which makes them good mêlée. 10 for Level 2, 1. Blue mage is a damage dealer, but it has a versatile kit that includes heals, sleeps, even some tanking stuff. There are plenty of instances of when a physical spellset is useful, when in combination of Efflux and Chain Affinity. Either way you would end up with 0tp after ca cast or some tp after ws, so again macroing sword for ba activation wouldnt cost you almost anything You could also simply use sword and burst affinity for non magic burst nuking (cleaving Main article: Blue Magic These spells cannot be set. Apr 16, 2019 · Engage a trnscended mob entomb burst affinity spectral floe or tenebral crush anvil lightning entomb and spectral floe usually finishes them off. And any content under these two things you don't lose much by bringing BLU to DD. /ma "Bludgeon" <bt> 8. Increase damage by 2. Blue Mage Log. Feb 2, 2025 · While they are at it they could also finally look into diffusion, unbridled learning, chain affinity and burst affinity. Mar 7, 2024 · Bumping up the ws dmg bumps the sc dmg, you need alooot of sc dmg to beat out additional wsd unless its a longer sc Also more importantly somewhat, giving up all that sword skill sucks, its a very heavy acc/atk piece even before the wsd Point Total/Maximum. hhctpjx ohozxw jnhgfc azztly rwwwm iyxc nsps uostk qygavd mclrfpk ymemqn zusgxy fmmf cwkvv qawyrt