Friends ghosted me reddit But when she first got a boyfriend a few months ago, she would ghost me and leave me on delivered/ read for days. Certain people, it might hurt. The message he ghosted me on was if he wanted to meet up. . All are welcome, please read and abide by the rules in our sidebar. For context, I met my best friend Ally on the first day of 6th grade. In the same day, she texted me “I’m fine” and kept it really As the title states, my closest friend ghosted me for absolutely no reason I can think. Learn about you. We hung out a lot during the start of Covid but I quickly realized we didn’t have a lot in common and I noticed myself not enjoying our time together/dreading hanging out. We were friends for 8 or 9 years before she ghosted me. We've always been pretty close and have never really had any major blowups. Here's why ghosting happens and how to find closure. She is generally a very insecure person and though she cares about other people, can be really self-absorbed at times. Excellent spot on!! In the past i was pretty clingy and when the only one friendship i had in hs ended, i was heartbroken. Real friends don’t do that. It's important to respect her decision and give her space. Although our friendship has been limited to video games, calls and video calls… we found out we went to high school together and have real life connections. He was such an idiot, all he realized he was doing was prove that he could have managed to make time for me, after all. I responded with love and compassion. We shared a few mutual friends, I went to see them. This friend has a pattern of responding to my messages after 1-3 days where he would always apologize for the delay until finally he did 2 months. Nov 19, 2021 路 We might have fewer friends, but they're more genuine. & If they ghost me etc馃し Sure. Dam that’s a lot and I’m sorry 馃槥 we’ll just know you did what was best for your mental health after reading this thread I’m feeling less guilty for not talking to any of my friends because I deserve to feel good and my mental health is my priority especially because I have a baby to take care of and texting and talking to friends adds stress to my already stressful depressed mom If can't trust me that much, idk what to say. TLDR: friend ghosted me on father's day after my dad died So my friend and I have been friends for about 9 years now. I can relate. I’m a guy. The whole thing blew up recently, and it was only until now that he realized he misread what I originally sent him. Today she's better, but when i met her she was basically super negative, complaining a lot. TL; DR: Guy friend went from talking with me everyday to randomly ghosting me. theres a ton of reasons someone may ghost for periods I can see he was trying his hardest to make things work. Even the guy who ghosted me started spreading rumors about me to this new guy, but he never bought it. he told me he got rejected by a girl after telling her that he cut ties with someone if something doesn't feel quite right. How am I supposed to approach him or this situation when it happens? I had a close friend who ghosted me when she had a miscarriage. We would The same thing happened to me about 3-1/2 years ago. This person ghosted me 5 years ago and I reached out this year, after getting over my recent ex (probably not the smartest thing), just to check on her because I still cared. I tried to wrap my head around it and figure out what I did wrong. From early on things seemed different, she was a more talkative about how she felt and seemed more empathetic. Currently I can count my friends on one hand and that’s ok. Lets fast forward Dec 17, 2024 路 Hey, sorry you have to think about this. She’s engaged so I immediately put her in a ‘friend’ box. She didn't point out what I did wrong. Well, he contacted me today, asking to reconcile. I was going through a tough time then and she helped me a lot, for which I owe her my life basically. He told my best friend but not me that he really likes me. So we started our friendship six months ago via TikTok/Fortnite. My mother and her mother were good friends and my mother got a job with CPS. I reached out to see how he was after not hearing anything for a while & nothing. I agreed and from there a great friendship developed. he cut ties with prople very easily. Oct 6, 2024 路 When a friend ghosts you and comes back looking for a second chance, the reason could be because they feel guilty. When I send message to 90% of my friends I get a response after 2 days or if I ask on the same day to make sure they are not at work and are available to react than I get a response when the night is 2/3rd over so my "friend" doenst have to make plans with me anymore because it's to late in the evening anyways. We invite users to post interesting questions about the UK that create informative, good to read, insightful, helpful, or light-hearted discussions. You had your chance. Fuck man, kids suck. No responses to texts or to my calls, I figured he was just super busy with work come to find he is actually seeing someone now. Noone would tell me what was going on,(but yes they knew). It can be many different things-something happened, depression, but I will give my perspective coming from someone who is currently ghosting their friend of over 10 years. Background: About six months ago, I (30F) was ghosted by a friend (30F) who I had been very close to for more than half our lives. He never confessed or asked for forgiveness. One of my friend (actually my oldest friend) went through some bad stuff : she's had severe depression, she has autism, and she went through some really bad stuff during covid. She apologised for not getting back to me because she said that the last few months have been really intense for her but didn’t go into detail about it. TL;DR i(18F) had a friend (18M) of 5 years suddenly ghost me during summer, and i ghosted him back for a shorter period of time but then tried to rekindle our friendship but i was ghosted. We became fast friends and she welcomed me into her friend group which consisted of another friend, Courtney. he ghosted me like that 4 months ago. Dec 17, 2024 路 A lifelong friend just ghosted me this spring and I was wondering what my reaction would be when they reach out, which I am pretty sure they will. My best friend (26F) ghosted me 1 year ago. this ghosting was strange bc we would text and call everyday and he would call me his bestfriend all the time, but at the same time it wasnt strange bc he Yeah my best friend ghosted me when I got pregnant too. This is my first time posting on Reddit so I don't really know what I'm doing but please bear with me. We’ve been friends since freshman year of high school after meeting each other on an online chatting app. thing is , I dont know what I did wrong. Once I ghosted a 'friend' for standing me upfor the 8th timeand then casually behaving as if nothing was wrong. I had a friend who did this to me and it was very hurtful. I made an effort to make new friends through hobbies, commons but i talked too much about my circumstances, feelings so they ghosted me I had a close friend ghost me for about a year over something he misread in a message I sent him. Even though life pulled us in different directions, we stayed in close contact and texted back in forth frequently, sending small things like memes almost daily and having deeper conversations every week or two. I guess men / women ghost or walk away because of the confusion and the hurt, which is only natural to protect you’re own well being and mental health By this point, I obviously get that she’s not going to help me, so I call up some other friends who immediately come and get me after an exhausting night. My close friend ghosted me 9 months ago without giving me any reason and has just recently popped up to me asking how I’m doing. For me i didn't know if it just me that take some space from my friend or she ghosting me. A lifelong friend just ghosted me this spring and I was wondering what my reaction would be when they reach out, which I am pretty sure they will. The only one who knew my secrets and the darkest parts of me. and then he randomly didnt answer my texts for 2 days, and then i texted him to make sure hes okay, i didnt 24 votes, 24 comments. But my emotions are mine to deal with. All i know last time i talk to her. She was happy to be my friend when I was a mess, getting divorced, having bad dates. Take this time to do inventory of yourself. You shouldn’t have to wonder why your ‘friends’ ghosted you. We used to text everyday but it has gotten less frequent since I go to school and she has a job. I strongly recommend OP seek therapy for what is definitely a serious case of dependency on her husband. The story starts in January, where we became close friends. Yes, ghosted. She gave zero consideration of my feelings. My best friend from freshman year of college ghosted me right at the end of freshman year when I was struggling with my mental health. You will run yourself absolutely ragged coming up with reasons you failed as a partner. Still, they don’t want to admit to their mistakes and apologize for their actions. We've had a friend ghost out group before, we were wondering where they were but figured harassing them wouldn't help either after a little while. My best friend totally stopped talking/responding to me about two months ago, and I feel angry, sad and hurt. We instantly clicked and for the first time in forever I was able to confide in someone about things I never knew I could share with anyone. We’ve been friends for over a decade and though we’ve had our challenges we’ve always been friends until now. and he motivated me to actually do better at life stuff like school (i was doing terrible before) and we showed eachother good music. We fell off in eight grade when I went to mix with the popular kids. She just I walked away confused and upset. Pero if you want to save the relationship, you can say “Hey, I noticed things have changed… and can’t help but think/feel…” no question. Jul 6, 2024 路 I was ghosted by my best friend and even though our friendship needed to end because it was heading down a bad track, her ghosting me left me hurt. In that instant, my denial comes crashing down, and i see reality: this person is (thankfully!) alive, but they have 100% ghosted me out of their life without explanation or warning whatsoever. And then would come back and talk up what great friends we were. After 5 years of friendship. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Okay, so I have an online friend. It was the opposite with me. " Near the end of the school year, I finally confronted her about it all. In fact, I did not have a plan yet. We are also close with a third friend 27f who we will call L. Why are you suddenly interested now?” When I was 21 out of the blue she just stopped talking to me. But that didn't workout. If someone ghosted me, blocked me or stopped talking to me. What shocks me though, is that my best friend totally ghosted me after that. It took me a bit by surprise and whilst she's made subtle attempts at engaging and speaking with me I have remained cordial and for the most part tried to avoid her. I heard through a friend that he's planning on sending me an apology. Needless to say, I don't like being friends with someone who considers me a burden and who couldn't tell me that from the start. “You’re mad at me for not responding to you but it was okay that you ghosted me when we were in college? How does that make sense to you?” Or, “We haven’t been friends since you ghosted me in college. I did not have her in my plans, and nor did she. I never really had a true friend until my sophomore year of hs where I met my best friend Amy (fake name). One of the few people I felt comfortable trusting and opening up to. Friend 2 told me that friend 1 was always the listener but never the talker, and felt that there wasn't much trust between them. I've been torn about this for 5 days as to why she would ignore me. She disappeared on me for a month multiple times, would often ignore my texts for a week or two. It sucks to get ghosted but please find people who will respect you and not ghost you. We weren’t super close, like best friends, but we have shared some vulnerable things with each other. If you’ve been friends for quite some time you should be able to express how you feel. We were all just liars, and I'll never know how much I hurt him and never-ending gas-lighting. I was worried so I kept texting and texting her. After a year or so into our friendship, he ghosted me. Like if you don’t wanna talk to me just don’t. They know what they did was wrong and they’re trying to make things easier for themselves. And that’s pretty shitty to hear I know. I'd also just started to make new friends at the club. A woman was relieved when–-decades later— a friend who had disappeared This is a very late response. I was crying and frustrated a lot, she comforting me that time but then i never she her again and it's been aroung two year. What he did hurt me and I think he knows it did. I was ghosted by almost every friend I knew and no one, no matter how much I pleaded, would explain why. But this time it was really traumatic. Then I found a new friend and this guy has always been there for me. Jun 24, 2024 路 My friend of 3 (almost 4) years, who's been ghosting me has now blocked me. He texted me if we wanted to help each other learn each other languages. Took me 3 months to start feeling like myself again. Don't let it bring you down, everyone gets ghosted nowadays. It was a whole thing- real long story. Then out of nowhere my ex friend makes a sudden reappearance. I felt that she was my best friend, but I guess in her mind there were some issues, though I'm not clear on what they were. They may have spent those months analyzing your friendship and wondering what they did wrong to cause you to ghost them. As we grew older we bonded on common interests. Ultimately, we all left that job but all three of us stayed close friends and caught up regularly. My therapist thinks his shame was a big player in him walking away from me. Truly. Then she ghosted me one time when I said I couldn't babysit for her, a month this time. For her, that’s unusual. I don't know the reason. He never seemed like he was attracted to me or wanted any kind of intimacy with me. She drove from Louisiana to Texas (5 hours) to be with me and my family. We had know each other the past 3 years, but it wasn’t until January until we became very close. If they tell me why, I might know. Most of the time people are on their phones yes we have life outside of that and stuff does happen but think about it if they wanted to reach out to you they would. TLDR; decided to date someone I have a lot of mutual friends with. And she listened to me, gave me some advice and never judged me, supported me in my decisions and helped me. As soon as I met my husband she started putting some distance, she found an excuse to not come to my wedding and when I told her I was pregnant she started insisting that I quit my job to stay at home or TD;LR: Guy friend ghosted me even though we had a good friendship. Investing my time, energy, and interest in things I truly enjoy and things that make me feel the fullness of genuine, organic meaning allow for true fulfillment and self esteem, which keeps me genuinely interested and attracts more and organic friends, and helps you be less affected Posted by u/starin_thevoid - 1 vote and no comments Another group of friends are telling me to give it up and move on. I’m waiting to see what happens next time we meet. Friend ghosted me, suddenly returned 2. I was nervous about starting a new school and she was too. I have lifelong friends. Pretty much everything you said. His main reasons for ditching me: "I felt like I was putting myself down. She gave her condolences for my cousin who passed away and It was nice hearing from her again. How your friend responds should dictate your next steps. I’ve been where you are before. I don't have many friends as well and since I shifted, I don't have friends near my house now. He ghosted me three weeks ago. So i have, or had, this friend 300km away who is/was like a sister to me. Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. Or check it out in the app stores My online best friend (36F) of 2 years ghosted me 34F about 2 An old friend of mine recently reached out to me who I’ve ghosted for a year and a half. The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. When covid started we started becoming friends again. My friend has done exactly this to me before. Which is understandable since we each have our own lives. To make things worse, he started spreading rumors about me to my other friends behind my back. but me and this person would stay up all night texting and we had such a good friendship and stuff. Maybe some of them have changed numbers or something and some of them might be busy and forget it until later, but I guarantee you they'll respond. Her best friend said that she’s taking her to a nail appointment to get her out of the house and that she’s fine. As in, this song didn’t exist online before mid-March. He doesn’t even read my messages even though I’ve seen him active online many times. Then she ghosted me for five months when she found out she was pregnant (unwanted, but it ended up all working out for her) and it was hard for her. He’s always been an honest and straightforward person with me so this is very uncharacteristic. And I spinelessly forgave her again. I've ghosted people, just because sometimes people are just overwhelming. My best friend (25F) ghosted me during a very big event in my life (for privacy, I would prefer not to disclose this). My (f19) best friend (20f) and I have been friends since 2021, and for the past few months she would text me all the time, sending me voice notes, videos of what she is doing, and we would talk pretty often. When I was in high school I’ve had people who I thought were friends do this to me. Enjoy you. I (22f) have severe social anxiety and always struggled making friends or having “friends” that just use me anyway way they could before leaving. I sometimes felt like he was ashamed to talk to me and has pretty big walls up. This friend was the first & the last friend I have opened up to. She said a couple insensitive things to me and I started feeling like she really wasn’t much of a friend. Dude practically stalked me, trying to win the 'friendship' back. Because he lived far away from me we would text and later started to do video calls. It's no wonder that losing a friend can be a tough blow to recover from. May 16, 2017 路 For those who are pondering what they did to cause them to be ghosted, it may help to know the answer may be: nothing. true. I ghosted a friend. (Sorry for any grammar errors, it’s literally 4am and I’m typing on my phone) But around 2 weeks ago, she ghosted me for like 2-3 days. I struggle to understand why. We were fucking stoked when they popped back up again. I ghosted a “close friend “ not too long ago. But we stayed friends. Turns out my friends mother was poisoning her youngest daughter (like 4 at the time?) just enough to keep her sick and in hospital frequently. When she contacted me a few months ago (through a phone call, well really a voicemail) I was really tempted to respond and ask why. We are both at different colleges, so we didn't see each other in person a lot, but we texted and facetimed a lot. I did not know which path to take that I SERIOUSLY wanted. Me, being an immature asshole, asked her if she would at least make more time I look a little more and see another song we both listened to, but this album came out mid-March. Just express how you feel then see what she does with it. The three of us did everything together. Why did I ghost someone who’s never wronged me, though I’ve hurt more than once? Idk. I’ve grown apart from a childhood friend. We all used to hang out and really spend time together. I knew him since we were kids, he used to be my bully when we were kids not exactly bully but he used to boss me around. We worked together at a job he got me after we had been friends for a couple of years. A real friend for me would at least explain. 5 year later like nothing happened, what would you do? My very close friend of many years was battling depression, sent me an email 2. eventually I started gathering the courage to date again but I could feel a change in myself. He moved to Texas for a petroleum engineering job, and the last time we hung out was awesome. I have a diverse group of friends and very independent. That's actually how I ended up here. If no one explains anything verbally, I often just miss things. I don’t know what happened and just want to learn to move on from this situation. I had a friend do this to me recently. Then in Feb of 2023 for the first time I felt Mark putting distance with me. It is an event where close family and friends are expected to be there for you. I hear every 5 seconds from a friend or coworker how their friend or tinder date ghosted them. I was one of the only people who knew he was gay and that he was addicted to benzos and pain killers. You gotta understand that when you ghost someone, you leave them open to a lot of their own personal insecurities. I have a hard time reaching her when I need her, but she always knows how to reach me when she finally needs me. I have a friend who I've known for nearly 10 years now. [new] So I've been best friends with this girl for 6 years now, she was literally like my sister all these years and the one constant in my life. Luckily, she just happened to be there for me when my Dad passed away three years ago. & I cannot control what other people do. Been in this same boat recently and realized I needed to fulfill myself. He came back into my life about 6 months later and told me everything. 2 years ago we rekindled and reconnected on Facebook and we were back to being best friend. he was rather proud about it. Amy and I had a lot of similarities and things in common she was also shy and had sa. I want to keep this as short as possible so please let me know if there is anything I should explain further or clarify. So y'know If they wanted to say hi they would. I would just like some insight on a situation. Honestly you should ask yourself how much you value yourself. I'm not a high maintenance friend. We've been friends for about 8 years, but we got really close about two years ago. The feeling of abandonment and rejection could not be worse when you don't have an explanation. A close friend completely ghosted me throughout the whole wedding process and I don’t know what to make of it Relationships/Family For context, I used to live with this friend for a few years until we moved to separate apartments—me with my now husband and her with another friend of ours. I’ve posted about M before. It really sucks especially after finding out that they were just talking to me to be nice and I wasn’t picking up the cues that that is what was going on until they ghosted me and then later told me directly. And spineless lonely me forgave her, again. This post is a little old so hopefully you were able to process things and get some closure. I don't know if it's what I said, or maybe she's uncomfortable around me, or what it might be. I don't know why she ghosted me, I really don't know why. " "I felt like I wasn't able to speak with my other friends. My guess is they didnt want to be the one to tell me that she doesnt like me that way, but the whole thing was and still is bizarre. The one I could be honest with, because I always thought she'd always be honest too. I met my guyfriend over a language speaking app. She said that she felt like I always around, that she felt like she had to "take care of me", and she had wanted me to find my own friend group. So no interactions with anyone other than my family. I explained to my allistic friend from home that, when this happens its a gut punch every time regardless of how many times it's happened Hello all. Last I saw him, he ghosted me out-of-the-blue and never bothered to explain why. I’m new to reddit so apologies if I’m not doing something right here. It resonates with me perfectly. Its made things super awkward. For years we kept in touch as we both changed to different schools but lost touch since she left for college in another country. One of my best friends from 4th grade (10 years old - we're now almost 40) suddenly ghosted me and all our other mutual friends from back home. She ignored me for almost two years and before any of that I considered her my best friend. So yeah i don't think its coincidence. Hello Reddit, my(27f) friend (27f) (let's call her K) and I have been close ever since we met about 5 years ago at work. An interesting conversation I had with another mutal friend (friend 2, I'll call them) was that my depressed friend (friend 1) was great friend material but not really s/o material. I would just say fine Sure. Also, this is long. It made me really question a lot in myself in my life etc. Yes, a spouse can be your best friend and you can spend lots of time with them BUT your partner and you as well, should be able to go away for a trip and enjoy yourself/themselves without the partner acting like a clingy and needy 15 year old girl. It still hurts because I really did see him as a good Best friend of 6 years (25F) has ghosted me out of the blue, and it's breaking my (25F) heart. I recently found out why my best friend of 7 years ghosted me when we were in 8th grade. We have been best friends since we were 12 and we are now in our early 40 I got a friend request from my old friend from 8th grade. But looking back, we didn’t need to have a long talk or meet face to face for the friendship to end. Hi, a friend did this a while ago, well few months, he just stopped replying completely, we had been friends for over 20 years, long distance, I sent 1 message after a week, then after a month and the last one after 2 months, I understood that for whatever reason he did not want/could/was able to keep talking to me and that was it, I don't Mark was there for me. Why has this been tough? It’s been a hard change for me since I spoke to Mark almost every day for a decade. I’ve (25F) known her for 14 years since primary school. Most recently we both applied to a role of a police officer and both passed the 1st exam in March , the 2 and 3rd he passed and I didn’t. When she had no one she regarded you as her best friend then biglang ganyan because of a new guy. But it hasn’t affect me as much because I didn’t take it personally. I referred to it as her putting me on and taking me off a shelf like a toy to play with at her leisure. This really beat me down (probably the toughest time for me). anyway. I personally think when someone goes through a tough time in life, all they need is space. While I usually agree on the latter, this friend has been with me for years now and has always been patient with me when it comes to my issues. Here's my take: you're right! You invested a lot of energy to come to a state where you don't care anymore and are ok with the situation. I ghost when depressed, mostly bc I feel to overwhelmed and cant handle the added responsibility of maintain a friendship, sometimes it bc a certain friend tends to trigger me more for example, one would blow up my phone, and the massive amount of calls and texts would send me into a panic. However, I'm just done. Someone who I called a friend, who also called me a friend has ghosted me. But. She told me before that she wants to finish college first, so she asked me if I can wait for 7 years. I’ve (M28) only had one person who ever ghosted me (F31) and it messed me up bad for the past two years. I did not know yet. one thing I need to say about this friend. 5 years ago that they were struggling as a response to not answering my basic happy new year email. Gradually, friends i made during middle school leave. Since we looked similar we considered ourselves triplets. I’m used to weeklong silences but not monthlong ones. Y'know Yeah, I had a friend who ghosted me a while back. You may have overwhelmed them, with your symptoms or coming on too strong. I have a friend that I consider to be somewhat close with, and we’ve been friends for about a year no i have bad attachment issues so it made me rlly sad. I could tell there was an initial happy to see me, followed by, clear awkwardness. Just feel like dying at this point. She didn't tell me why. I felt comfortable with Noone else. At least that’s what I did when my friend ghosted me. My best friend totally stopped talking/responding to me about to me about two months ago, and I feel angry, sad and hurt. I even texted her best friend to see if she’s okay. It kept going on. Online friend ghosted me We've been texting on Insta for more than a year and she always said that she loves to talk to me and so on but suddenly out of nowhere she started to ghost me, I don't even know why. We talked everyday, i stood by her through her bad times always, never judged her, always had time for her venting, put aside my own stuff to help her. Then in March he ghosted me. I assumed it was because I was a burden (a bad mindset I find myself in sometimes), but I found out this year (our junior year) when she drunkenly stumbled into my dorm room that she stopped talking to me due to her own mental health issues and shame she felt My best friend who I knew for almost my entire life ghosted me 2 years ago. I feel like I owe him the favor in being patient with him even though I really hate being ghosted. Our friends (who don’t know that we dated, and still think that we’re just good friends) have recently been making plans that include both of us. I have a bit of an idea, but not sure if I'm projecting my own issues and completely off-base, or what. Basically I (18F) have been friends with this girl (18F) who we'll call Liz (not real name). And that constantly reaching out to ask if theyre ok is not going to be helpful. He was stealing from me and other co-workers. Should I mention that he introduced me to one of his other friend and one other friends that used to be part of my old friend group. If you feel comfortable, you can try reaching out one more time to express your feelings and ask for clarification. Now, she isn’t texting me back and it has been months. My ex dumped me without explanation (but at least told me he wanted to break up) and then ghosted me as soon as we moved out when i was your age. It's tough when someone you considered a friend suddenly ghosts you without explanation. My INTJ friend ghosted me Hi there. I have been friends with Liz for years, ever since we were introduced by our then mutual friend Michaela (18F) in our sophomore year of high school. fro rspvb wwobr qnrx vsdtx tdy eanps dwswlk xyava gfsceoy wkoiq uuzqf vrmamr frymt ysos