High level enchantments minecraft command. This means that the maximum enchantment level is 255.
High level enchantments minecraft command For example, “/enchant PlayerName sharpness 5” would add the sharpness enchantment at level 5 to the item held by the player. 13 /give command would look like: /give @p minecraft:iron_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:1}]} 1 Nov 17, 2024 · Make sure the enchantment is the one you want to level 255. g and the item/info. However, using commands, you can bypass this Enchantments: Most enchantments will only work on certain tools, weapons or armour. Minecraft ID is the Internal number for the enchantment. 20. On Java Edition, the level can be any integer between 0 and 2147483647. Here are some tips and tricks to help you This mod also allows for the /enchant command to work up to level 254, though there is sometimes enchants that for some reason do not support the /enchant command at higher levels, but do work with the books. All values obtained May 20, 2024 · Higher-level enchantments require bookshelves placed around the enchanting table. Let’s see how to use this cheat (in-game command) in-game or via a command block. This command can also be applied to other items that can receive a Sharpness enchantment, such as an axe. Mar 9, 2024 · This incredibly useful Minecraft command is: /enchant @s enchantment level; All you need to do is replace the word "enchant" with a valid enchantment and the word level with a valid enchantment level. When I use command: /enchant <player name> <enchantment ID> <level ID> If you want something that high of a level, you're going to have to use commands since you can't naturally enchant anything that high. Achieving Level 255 Enchantments in Minecraft -Make Enchantments To Be Found & Achievable in Vanilla Structures -Make Addon Prettier With Unique Fonts -Possibly Higher Level Enchantments (maybe)-Crafting Recipes (maybe) For Example I would make some enchantment books craftable, doing it like Sharp II + Sharp II = Sharp IV, & so on. 1. From the Minecraft Wiki: lvl: The level of the enchantment, where 1 is level 1 Mar 14, 2025 · Minecraft Version: While these commands generally work across different versions of Minecraft, there might be slight variations in enchantment IDs or command syntax, especially between Java Jul 27, 2020 · I got the idea to obtain a Looting 32 sword using commands, but it errors out and says that the max level is 3. Max Level is the maximum level that you can apply for this enchantment. Step 4: Level the Enchantment. No spaces except between . In Minecraft the syntax for enchanting the object a player is holding is : /enchant <targets> <enchantment> [level] Examples of how to use the May 22, 2016 · Btw with the /enchant command you can only enchant to the levels of a enchantment table. Also works on any mob or entity holding a weapon/tool/armor in its main hand. Is there a maximum level for sharpness enchantment? No, there is no maximum level for the sharpness enchantment in Minecraft. Nov 15, 2024 · Here’s how you add enchantments: the NBT section lets you define your enchantment and level. This can let you make strong weapons, such as a Shar Jun 14, 2016 · Step 1: Get Command Block Use /give @p command_block Step 2: Copy & Paste This Command give @p minecraft:diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:Type Here},ench:[{id:16,lvl:9000}]} Step 3: Adjust Command Change The Item, Name, And Enchantment Properties To Fit Your Needs. Adds an enchantment to a player's selected item, subject to the same restrictions as an anvil. You can also do this without commands by combining tools/armor and an enchanted book in an anvil. You can minecraft give sword with enchantments or minecraft give armor generator, choose those items from the minecraft give item list and choose enchantments from the advanced options. 17 as a ripoff of limitless, it now supports many more features than just increasing the max level of enchantments. Anvil Mar 16, 2023 · How do you Enchant With Game Commands in Minecraft? To enchant with game commands in Minecraft, you’ll need cheats enabled in your survival mode world or OP permissions in a multiplayer server. There are four ways to enchant an item in Survival mode: Through an enchanting table in exchange for experience points Nov 1, 2022 · For instance, a player in Minecraft may type the following command to summon a Netherite sword with 1000 Sharpness: /give @p netherite_sword{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1000}]} Other objects that may be given a Sharpness enchantment, such an axe, can likewise be given this command. The command is: /give @p netherite_sword 1 0 {enchantments:{Minecraft:sharpness:255 and it says that is right but if I try to put any brackets to finish it, it says it is wrong but it also says it is wrong without them. Step 5: Repeat the Process. An experience level is one entire bar filled. PocketMine-MP is another app with lots of proper commands (/give /enchant etc. 3 (Max Enchant Your Gear!)Looking to create overpowered, decked-out gear that destr By using /give command, we can get a netherite sword with a custom level of sharpness. The maximum values can either be: the enchantment's minimum value plus a constant, the default minimum value of a generic enchantment plus a constant, or a constant level. In the textbox, type: /give @p ITEM 1 0 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:LEVEL}]} Replace ITEM with the name of the item you want with the enchantment, and LEVEL with the level of the enchantment. In Creative mode, items can be enchanted via an anvil and enchanted books, with no experience points required. The enchantment level can be reduced by placing torches or any other block between the enchanting table and the bookshelves, which prevents the In this Minecraft video Klippie will show you how to create the most powerful sword in minecraft and put Infinite Enchantments levels on any item in Minecraf A fleshed out enchant level increaser mod. For example, for a sword with sharpness 12 and knockback 5, you'd need to use: Nov 21, 2023 · I am using command blocks and the code I put in is right, for the most part. The item should be placed in your hotbar or in your inventory if you have no space available in your hotbar. ) and it generates an OKAY new world for you. Determining the best enchantment depends on your playstyle and needs. You can get the ID's from this list: Minecraft Wiki. Apr 18, 2016 · lvl: The level of the enchantment, where 1 is level 1. Can you get a sharpness 255 sword in survival mode? Feb 27, 2025 · Enchantments are typically acquired through an enchanting table or by trading with a librarian. By following these steps and tips, you can get level 1000 enchantments in Minecraft with commands. You can put other enchantments in here by replacing "minecraft:sharpness" with something else and of course the lvl tag is just the level of the enchant. To enchant items, do /trigger < Enchantment > < set | add > < Value >. You can find a list of numerical IDs and levels here. Sep 5, 2024 · A: You can check if you have a level 1000 enchantment by looking at the enchantment table or by using the /enchant command. The standard format for a level 255 item is /give @p {Enchantments:[{id: ,lvl:255}]} where is the desired item to be enchanted and is the ID of the enchantment you wish to place on it. Description is the description of what the enchantment does. com I hope I helped you! Cheers and good luck! May 21, 2024 · The command to use for unlimited enchantments in Minecraft is /enchant all. Jun 22, 2024 · The standard syntax in Minecraft to create a 1000+ Sharpness weapon is “/give @p {Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl: }]}. Here is a very good command generator that you can use to generate the give comand: mcstacker. Here are some of the best max level enchantments for your tools: Efficiency V: This is a must-have for any pickaxe. In standard Minecraft enchanting using an enchanting table and experience points, the maximum enchantment level is typically low – usually under 5 or 6 for top-tier enchants. Jul 16, 2024 · Read More : 5 Must-Have Enchantments to Supercharge Your Fishing Rod in Minecraft Best Enchantments in Minecraft. May 25, 2021 · How To Put Multiple Enchantments Onto 1 Item in Minecraft Learn how to spawn in any item with whatever enchantments you want! | by gwyneth sub for more Mar 24, 2021 · When ever i do this command: /give @p cgm:bazooka{Enchantments:[{id:Trigger_finger,lvl:10},{id:Quick_hands,lvl:5}]} 1 It gives me the item without any of the enchantments while still looking enchanted. The standard format for a level 255 item is “/give @p {Enchantments:[{id:,lvl:255}]}”, where is the desired item to be enchanted, and is the ID of the enchantment you wish to place on it. Additional Information: 1. This means that the maximum enchantment level is 255. The command is: /enchant <player> <enchantment ID> <level> This will enchant the item that the target player is currently holding. (too expensive will still be there). At level 30, there is only about a 3% chance to obtain Feather Falling on a pair of diamond boots; but using level 24 and 26, the chance is a much-higher 30%; at level 22, the chance is as high as 44%. However, in creative mode or Minecraft worlds with cheats enabled, players can use commands to Depending on your use-case, you might get away with the /enchant command. A special "glint" animation appears on items that are enchanted. 21. How do you enchant above max level? The only real way you can get above max level enchants is to use commands such as /give an item with any level of enchantment, though values over 32,767 overflow into negatives, and can have unintended consequences. Happy enchanting! On the official Minecraft Wiki page, it says this about mutually exclusive enchantments for swords: Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods are mutually exclusive. Jun 23, 2024 · 4. When using the /enchant command, you can specify the desired enchantment name and level. You can change the id to any Sep 8, 2020 · Replace the enchant_x with the desired enchantment(s) and num with the desired level. For example, if you'd like to enchant an iron sword with knockback level 255, you can use the command /give @p iron_sword[enchantments={levels:{"minecraft:knockback":255}}] for the command syntax. For example, you could add 5 levels of experience to the player called DigMinecraft with the following command: Jul 22, 2023 · How To Get Multiple High Level Enchantments on ONE Item in Minecraft 1. How To Put Multiple Enchantments Onto 1 Item in Minecraft 1. Below Are Enchantment Id's. Affix an s to the end of the number to mark it as a Short tag, to take up the least memory. Use a lot of XP : Level 1000 enchantments require a lot of XP, so make sure you have a lot of XP before attempting to enchant. I tried using these methods, but all have failed: /give @s diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:21,lvl:32}]} /enchant @s looting 32 Is there any way to obtain a high level enchantment using commands, without editing the game code? Nov 6, 2016 · . This command will apply every enchantment that can be applied to an item at its maximum level, as long as the player has the appropriate permissions. When attached to an item, that gives it Protection 10. Jan 9, 2025 · If you're playing on a server or in creative mode, you can use game commands to enchant items. It increases your Sep 20, 2024 · With the following modified command, players can obtain an item with four instances of the same enchantment at level 250 each, resulting in a combined enchantment level of 1000 for the item: Jul 10, 2024 · Open your chat window. The level requirement influences the quantity, type, and level of enchantments instilled in the item, with a higher experience level generally resulting in more and/or higher-level enchantments. If you want to have more than this, just add this string of code within the square brackets. ” placed in the game’s chat window. I requested the same thing, but also asked to remove item-based enchantment restrictions, so I could set up rare gear on a map I'm making that almost never breaks, as well as giving weapons slightly-above-max sharpness/protection, and make it like in the old console versions where players could enchant sticks and bones for interesting weapons (or give a sword channeling). Enter the command to obtain the enchanted item. com/en/how-to- The minimum values are all calculated using a linear function y = kx+m where y is the calculated minimum value, x is the current enchantment power level and k and m varies between different enchantments. Jul 4, 2020 · Today I am going to show you how to give items powerful enchantments with commands in Minecraft 1. This command applies the specified enchantment to the item in your hand. Multiple enchantments can be done like this: /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:20},{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:10}]} 1 Nov 19, 2024 · High-level enchantment commands could be your ticket to creating items of legendary strength, all by using simple command lines. Mar 29, 2023 · To add enchantments to an item, use the “/enchant” command followed by the player’s username, the enchantment’s name, and the enchantment’s level. Obtained via console command, certain The command to obtain a sword with level 255 sharpness in Minecraft Bedrock Edition is as follows: /give [playername] diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:255s}]} 1 Replace [playername] with your desired player's name or your in-game username. May 13, 2024 · Getting level 255 enchantments requires the use of commands. The give command is one of the most complicated and powerful commands in Minecraft. Be sure to choose the correct enchantments. You will see the enchantment as Sharpness X. This mod was original created for 1. Single Enchantment [edit | edit source] /give @p minecraft:netherite_sword{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:10}]} 1. 👉 How to make your Minecraft server: https://andgamingforall. Once you reach the 30th enchantment level, you will receive more Enchanting is a mechanic that augments armor, tools, weapons, and books with one or more of a variety of "enchantments" that improve an item's existing abilities or imbue them with additional abilities and uses. The best enchant I have managed to get so far was at level 21, which had silk touch, unbreaking III and efficiency II. Tips and Tricks. Open the Chat Window. {id:"minecraft:enchant_name",lvl:num} Make sure you add commas between each enchant block. g ITEM_NAME_OR_ID_WITH_UNDERSCORE,enchant1NoUnderscore:Level,enchant2:Level etc. You can also use /enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level] where <player> would be yourself, <enchantment ID> would be the numerical ID of the enchantment, and [level] would be the maximum level of that enchantment. Original essentially a ripoff of limitless, now with more features. The game control to open the chat window depends on the version of Minecraft: Jul 8, 2024 · For Minecraft players looking for a truly overpowered mining experience, using the command console can result in the creation of a pickaxe with an Efficiency level way above the standard maximum You're going to have to use a command block. Values are clamped between 0 and 255 when reading. Comma is the separator for enchantments. . What is the no enchant limit? The No Enchant Cap mod changes some features related to enchanting in Minecraft. A powerful and simple to use minecraft give command maker, with enchantments, color name text, lore and advanced attributes. How can I generate a command for giving enchanted items? Online Minecraft Jan 2, 2025 · Game Command: If you're playing in creative mode or have cheats enabled, you can use the /enchant command to apply max level enchantments directly. I hope this helps. 13+ Update. This tool is a simple Minecraft give command generator for generating complex commands. When you use the L attribute with the /xp command, you add experience levels to a player. Then simply use the following formula in the chat box: /enchant <username> <enchantment> <level> Find out the full details in the guide above! Aug 3, 2024 · Although a sword with a Level 1000 Sharpness enchantment can't be acquired in vanilla Minecraft by ordinary means, it can be created to decimate any target. Click on the "Level" button to level up the enchantment. It's easy and fun to mess aroun Jun 13, 2023 · Open your chat window. To remove enchantments, set the value of the enchantment level to 0. Remember that not all enchantments benefit from higher levels. The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. Note that high enchantments will be displayed weirdly (but are fully functional). Share How to Enter the Command 1. For example, to enchant an item with Knockback level 2, you can use the command: /enchant @p knockback 2 Enchantment is what the enchantment is called and (Minecraft ID Name) is the string value used in the /enchant command. 5. Armor: 0 Protection 1 Fire Protection 2 Feather Falling 3. The generator needs updates but there are tons of Sep 5, 2024 · Advanced enchantments: 31-40: High-level enchantments: 41-50: Very high-level enchantments: 51-60: Extremely high-level enchantments: 61-70: High-level enchantments with increased duration: 71-80: Very high-level enchantments with increased duration: 81-90: Extremely high-level enchantments with increased duration: 91-100: Maximum enchantment Nov 21, 2024 · What command allows for enchantments above normal in Minecraft? You can use commands like /give [player] minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:255}]} 1 to apply enchantments up to level 255. The level will increase the enchantment’s effects. Repeat steps 1-4 for each item you want to enchant. Java Edition enchant <targets> <enchantment> [<level>] Bedrock Edition enchant <player: target> <enchantmentId: int> [level: int] enchant <player: target> <enchantmentName: Enchant> [level: int] JE: <targets>: entityBE Minecraft Give Command Generator. i made this tell raw but only copy paste the commands in the tell raw not the whole thing, you can replace diamond sword and things with other items and change the id, to do that change were it says id:0 change the 0 to any number, the number represents an enchantment example: 0 is sharpness I would like to make a fishing rod with Lure level 2000 and Luck Of The Sea level 2000 but its not working in the command block, here is what I have been trying to use : /give @p minecraft:fishing_rod {ench:[{id:61,lvl:2000,id:62,lvl:2000}]} please help!! 2 days ago · For example, if the third enchantment listed is a level 30 enchantment, the player must have at least 30 levels, but pay only 3 levels and 3 lapis lazuli. The /enchant command. The weakness of this approach is that it targets a player, who would need to be holding the item in their hand to receive the enchantment. Enchantments like Smite, Sharpness, and Efficiency are highly valued, enhancing combat effectiveness and efficiency. However, the command to obtain a sharpness 255 sword is not available in the vanilla game and requires the use of commands or mods. Mods like "Enchantment Plus" or "Too Many Items" can provide you with the ability to customize your enchantments beyond the vanilla level cap of 30. This may or may not affect you. These specify an enchantment. The standard format for a level 255 item is /give @p <item>{enchantments={levels:{"minecraft:enchantment":255}}] where <item i made this tell raw but only copy paste the commands in the tell raw not the whole thing, you can replace diamond sword and things with other items and change the id, to do that change were it says id:0 change the 0 to any number, the number represents an enchantment example: 0 is sharpness Feb 26, 2021 · If you want to enchant an item with very high enchantments that are not supposed to be allowed, like sharpness 6, you'd need to use /give. Enchantment levels cannot be set in the negative values or values over 32767 and will not change the player's enchant level if done so. Best Max Level Enchantments for Tools. I don't recommend farming level 50 and enchanting with a high level enchant, the highest I have used legitimately is 38, and I only got unbreaking III, so it's not usually worth it. Mar 31, 2017 · If you mean putting different high level enchantments onto the same item using the /enchant command, run the command twice, each time with a different enchantment and they will stack. The command above will give you a netherite sword with Sharpness 10. Additionally, the sharpness level can be raised. Is 30 the max enchantment level in Minecraft? Yes, in Minecraft, the maximum level for enchantments is 30. Here is what a 1. Also removes the level cap on anvils. To obtain the highest level of enchantment, you will need a total of 15 bookshelves. Let's talk specifics. Is there anything else I should put? Feb 2, 2021 · /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness", lvl:1000}]} 1 is usually the command to give a item/object a enchantment with a crazy high level. Jan 30, 2021 · How To Get Multiple High Level Enchantments on ONE Item in Minecraft! (2024)#minecraft #minecraftenchant #sharpness1000Hey there! Do you want to know How To Oct 19, 2024 · Install Mods or Use Commands: The first step to achieving level 1000 enchantments in Minecraft is to install mods that allow you to access higher levels of enchantments. The syntax for enchanting an item with a command is: /enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level] For example, to give yourself a diamond sword with Sharpness V, you would use the command: /enchant @p sharpness 5. 16!Learn how to spawn in any item with whatever enchantments you want!COMMANDS USED IN THE VIDEO: Nov 21, 2018 · Also really important to note is where the NBT data is now placed, and the omission of the data value (the 0 just before the NBT in your example). In this video I'll show you how you can enchant at level 1000 in Minecraft 1. The level has to be a number, but you don't have to follow the normal Minecraft enchantment limits (you could make a tool with efficiency 100). bimbimma. i made this tell raw but only copy paste the commands in the tell raw not the whole thing, you can replace diamond sword and things with other items and change the id, to do that change were it says id:0 change the 0 to any number, the number represents an enchantment example: 0 is sharpness May 13, 2024 · The Basics of Level 255 Enchantments. For example, if you wanted a player to receive a diamond sword with Sharpness V, the command would look like this: /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:minecraft:sharpness,lvl:5}]}. Forget the constraints of traditional gameplay, where enchanting involves tedious trials. To get higher enchantments you can use the /give command and add some NBT data to the item (could be any item). May 22, 2024 · What is the standard level for an enchantment in Minecraft? The standard level for an enchantment in Minecraft is level 1. 2. 4. You can get one by typing: /give @p command_block Once you've got it, put it on the ground, and right click on it. Specifically, we‘ll use the /give command to generate the enchanted item directly. Apr 23, 2023 · This video shows you how to get a high level enchantment on any tool/weapon using commands in Minecraft. Jun 19, 2024 · How to get high level enchantments in Minecraft with commands? Open your chat window and enter the command to obtain the enchanted item. When you add an experience level, you will see the experience level counter for the player increase. Here is the command syntax (replace ITEM and ENCHANTMENT): For example, to get a Sharpness 255 diamond sword: Sep 5, 2024 · Use a command block with a high-level enchantment: A command block with a high-level enchantment can increase the chances of getting level 1000 enchantments. Here is a list of variables: Apr 8, 2023 · What is the max level enchantments in Minecraft command? When enchanted with the /give command, the maximum enchantment level is 255 on Java Edition. Feb 18, 2024 · You can enchant an object owned by a player at any time by using the Minecraft command /enchant. If commands are used to have two or more of these enchantments on the same item, the effects will stack. 18 and future versions too. 19 hours ago · The maximum enchantment level that you can obtain with normal enchanting table mechanics in Minecraft is 30, achieved with 15 surrounding bookshelves. vmuiyixtugphegjrnqevuybwgetydncvfzholzzlwzatlpmrhmmkqlpciqwysgiycomus