Hildryn worth it. 3 | Yoda of Soda Proxy.

Hildryn worth it As enemy armor increases, the damage increase from stripping their armor also increases, up to a limit of (1 / (1 - 0. 1. the next question, naturally, is what is the most convenient way to hit 328 strength? well you start with 100 Personally I like a bit of range and reduced duration, but I also use blazing pillage. It's a really fun way to play her. Jun 18, 2021 · I'm not concerned with making her "top-tier" or "worth it" in any sense of those terms. Jul 7, 2023 · Hildryn Prime Deliver death from above. you can either build her like a shield version of innaros, or as an Iron man team buffer. 714K subscribers in the Warframe community. I believe having the energy cost scale per ally linked is very counterintuitive, and while the ability helps in giving her some commanding crowd-control up close, it's also Mar 24, 2023 · It is worth noting that Hildryn is not suitable for long endurance runs. If you’re choosing between the two I would go Baruuk. Hildryn packs more ammo when she wields this mighty weapon. i play with double enemy radar, its worth it. I mean, give PT something to benefit that loot table of hers other than the debt bonds. Hildryn Prime, compared to Hildryn: Higher Health (270/370 vs. Imo Chroma's Elemental Ward is the best single ability Hildryn could've asked for. Just try swapping one ability with Harrow’s for more shield management. Honestly the fortuna grind is bad because you need rank 5, which requires specific debt bonds at all ranks which ticker might sell at some point instead of just shelter and training bonds. Its worth noting that Mag can shield gate using Polarize and Crush without Brief Respite/Augur mods but its a lot more dangerous. Which is neat considering you have 8k worth of shield, you now hit for 32k worth of electric. I'm not asking for specific builds or anything. Hi guys, Hildryn is my one of top 3 frames for steelpath missions and long duviri circuits! I am fine with my build (remarks or adjustments are appreciated) but I notice his damage fluctuates a lot when I play “it’s probably how I play it, tbh” , so I wanted to replace her/his 4th ability bcz it my opinion is worse or I am just not using it that much bcz % of shield that drains and % of Put an orokin reactor on her. Check Warframe Market to get a feel for how much plat you'd need. I rarely ever use the 4, if you are actively trying to kill things the 4 is practically useless, it doesnt stop eximus (Hildryns only real problem) and all regular enemies are CC'd shortly by the heat stacks from blazing pillage, the 1 when modded correctly can hit extremely hard which can be nice for deleting the occasional enemy your equipped weapon might struggle against. 0) 作为Prime战甲,Hildryn Prime在接触到Orokin虚空地图中的死亡宝珠时可以触发能量回复脉冲,脉冲波可以回复周围队友250点能量。 Up to you to weigh if that chance for Neo is worth the rate of 1 relic per 1:20 Neo - Xini on Eris is nice and easy, just go to round 2 and dip. Agreed, Balefire is insanely powerful. Shock Mode provides her with a metric shit tonne of Shields and a way to deal a shot tonne more damage too because of the 1000% Reflection Im not sure how well the 2 prism does for angels, but i can say that the 4 scaffold will definitey help with the last gasp revive. Both playstyles are very boring 😞 Jul 21, 2019 · Hildryn might be a good alternative to Rhino for a new player because of her super Staticor, high early game survivability, and endless energy. Sorry if I went too long but I love her so much! Definitely worth learning how to play well and building up properly ^_^ the common answer is 400. Lavos is the latest prime Warframe, so he’ll be available for the next couple of years, but who knows when Hildryn will be back during prime resurgence! I'd say grind for the simple reason that after purchasing hildryn you're dooming yourself to also buying baruuk, operator arcanes, best kitgun parts, best amp in the game (Edit: you can't even buy that, you're basically gatekeeping yourself from it), etc. Hildryn Prime相较于 Hildryn: . Profit-Taker features the best credit farm in the game and the mods are worth quite a penny as well. I just bought Hildryn, with platinum, when they had the 70% off platinum sale. I don't have hildryn yet. the next question, naturally, is what is the most convenient way to hit 328 strength? well you start with 100 Feb 14, 2021 · While another nice sentiment that further reinforces Hildryn's more support-based role on a team, the benefits are, as with Balefire, often more energy than they're worth. Mesa Prime, cause Mesa Prime. Not like Hildryn needs it's. The Hildryn master is probably just writing down a lot of applications and general good usages for Aegis Storm. Only times I've died in my almost year of playing her is bc I killed myself to revive my kavat. Khora with heavy investment into her and Venari on the other hand yields a warframe that is OBSCENELY good at both sheer damage output and CC. But that's all she's really good for, her 3 and 4 are simply too weak in every regard to be useful past low lvls. Hildryn is the first Warframe that does not use energy for any abilities, later followed by Lavos. With that in mind, I’ve put together a guide for how I build and play Hildryn in the hopes that I can make it easier for others to jump-start their experience with this awesome warframe. I think she is well worth the grind but if you hate the Exploiter fight and don't care about the other loot drops then she might be worth dropping some plat on instead. But it has to be their base shields, harrow is kind of bad with it because he uses over shields and his sustain comes from regen instead of just having a long lasting shield. 328 for 82% armor strip from ability and 18% armor strip from Corrosive projection. Unless enemies start one-shotting you through all resistances, it’s not worth the trouble. 3 | Yoda of Soda Proxy. IMO he's the best tank in the game with his Mesmer Skin ability, which makes him immune to all damage and status effects too. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Shade Prime Shade Prime specializes in stealth and comes locked and loaded with the Burst Jul 2, 2019 · to be fair, Hildryn is not really worth the farm or buy 😞 shes a very boring frame, that's VERY niche. 2; Forma; Medium; Guide Its biggest disadvantage is that it has a high skill floor and needs practice. 20 votes, 33 comments. Same for Fast Deflection Usually you just stick Catalyzing Shields on any build that relied on shieldgate in the past. Jul 2, 2019 · to be fair, Hildryn is not really worth the farm or buy 😞 shes a very boring frame, that's VERY niche. Comparing it to the current setup-requiring armor strip is just silly, your setup used to kill everything around you, not strip the armor like an expensive caustic strike (that you could just use with the old kit if there weren't enough enemies - with much better grouping as a QoL bonus). Mar 8, 2020 · There best option by far is Revenant because Jad Terad will disable your abilites pretty much all the time. This build utilizes Hildryn’s other abilities to kill large groups of enemies in no time. This will add more Duration to your build, but you 附注. 75/225); 更高的护盾 (475/1663 vs. Apr 15, 2019 · Trying the Augur Mod set, while the set itself isn't overly exciting, it can add some survivability, and some of the mods might be worth using for that extra Mar 8, 2020 · There best option by far is Revenant because Jad Terad will disable your abilites pretty much all the time. When farming hildryn the orb mother drops a lot of mats so it might be worth it depending on your MR. You set her up with corrosive projection and enough power strength to 100% strip with pillage, put haven on, and proceed to 100% armor strip, regen shields, and catch everything in range on fire with the double procs. Hildryn master is so generous wanting to share all the wisdom. I don't see many people running Hildryn Prime outside of low energy sorties and the missions where you have to spend your shield to move the objective to extract. I'mma break some stuff down for you. I have other frames I could add Condemn too. her 3 convert 50% of your health into 25% energy, based on your max energy Apr 5, 2020 · Gara, gauss, hildryn, etc. In my opinion the stagger is not worth it in exchange for higher drain. I believe having the energy cost scale per ally linked is very counterintuitive, and while the ability helps in giving her some commanding crowd-control up close, it's also The Secura Penta is worth a look. Pillage is already enough for Shield rebuilding and Blazing Pillage adds a lot to her Pillage. If you’re always moving, enemies cannot lock onto you since they have accuracy ramp-up. 18)) - 1 = 0. And I don’t like getting rid of prime frames so I’d hold on to her as well. Range: As far as you can without harming Strength. Ideally paired with Brief Respite Imo, it's not worth the resources. The 3 Crimson shards + my build + Corrosive Projection allow me to fully strip enemy armor with a singular cast of Pillage. I don't like charge weapons in general, honestly. Crypto Baruuk is just rep and Hildryn is a scripted boss fight that just takes a bit of time, but also happens to drop lots of resources and the best toroids for VS reputation. You don't need Archon Vitality on Hildryn if you don't have the augment for her second ability, though, even then, i don't believe it would be worth it. true. Me personally, I went with 3 regular Crimson shards for strength and 2 Tauforged Azure shards for shields. 180/280) Higher Shield (1380/1880 vs. But maybe these 2 mods could be useful: Rolling Guard grants a brief period of invulnerability and removes all Status Effects when rolling, with a cooldown period between uses. I'll be patient. sighman44 the common answer is 400. Not only that, but Hildryn is not easy to get and would require some investment to be most effective while Rhino is easily obtainable from the assassination on Venus and doesn't need much to be good #warframe #primeaccessories #tennocreate Watch in UHD!🔘Hildryn Prime Accessories-1365 Platinum-Surator Prime Syandana-Heimt Prime Sentinel Accessories-90 Release Date: March 15th, 2023. For those who will argue with Inaros, it's different: you can get the quest once every 2 weeks indeed, but it's very easy, it's not even a mission and not a random drop, and then you can complete the quest any time at your own pace. Definitely get hildryn, her 1 does great aoe damage, i built it with rad/viral damage,if you use the augment you can get rid of nullifiers as well, her 2 not only removes shield and armor from enemies, but gives them back as your overshield, Also removes all status effects you have (when you have overshield you are immune to them as well) Her 3 is great both as team utility and solo, cause it Hildryn – Area-of-Effect Damage Build. Both playstyles are very boring 😞 Jul 8, 2023 · Each of Hildryn's component requires 2 Lazulite Toroids to build, for total of 6 Lazulite Toroids. I've used hildryn since I've gotten her, Love her. I’ve been using it on Hildryn for two reasons: her shield gate saves me from the self damage kill and it can restore shields with its syndicate proc. Haven’s primary benefit to Hildryn is its ability to stagger enemies caught in range. So, buying the 4300 platinum pack I can just grab all the other content in the pack and have ~4000 plat left over, or I can pay 30 dollars *more*, get 1400 less platinum, and have two Yeah of course. However those are my main ones I use or am wondering if Condemn would help or aid them. It's worth noting though that the amount of regen Aegis provides is dwarfed by Hildryn's natural regen, so the fact that Aegis protects it from turning off is all that matters. Heavy investment into Hildryn yields nothing of worth. Her 2 and 3 are great. Profit Taker is an amazing credit farm as well, and Little Duck sells some of the best amp parts in the game. Jun 5, 2019 · Hildryn herself is very much fun though. Until then, it’s better to stack damage resistances + improve your parkor skills. The higher, the more effectiveness you get out of the augments. It expands at 20m/s, so even if your duration is 50%, that's still 20m it'll expand, nd that's on top of the initial range (I think it might be 15m base radius, not sure though, can't recall). A lot of it is worth. It's not a big issue, but it'll be the first Frame whose farming of blueprints and crafting resources is time gated. The Blazing Pillage/Archon Vitality setup on Hildryn is super sick. Personally I like going with high range (around 250%), average strength (around 100% - less is fine, more is always a good thing) and enough efficiency to make the build feel good. I went super hard on damage with mine even including baned mods to try and eek out more damage and rocking Avenger and Aegis hoping to force crits. Alternate build. Elemental Ward might be worth it, but I suspect Harrows skill to be vastly better thanks to shield gating. The grind for obtaining her parts isn’t really worth it in my opinion, but I highly recommend getting her with Platinum if you have it. Jan 12, 2021 · I'd really like to be allowed to keep my Hildryns and am willing to learn the true power of Hildryn's Aegis Storm. So at 400% strength you now get a 4x multiplier. It got a special mod during the first nightwave series. It was unusable on quick missions, but it was MUCH faster on endless SP. But also Ukko, again, that crazy relic rate is hard to beat even with Meso relics in the pool. Is she good in harder missions though? I mostly play with at least one other person if that matters. Aim for at least 200%. Hildryn Prime is worth ~115 plat on the market right now. Personally I've been using electric elemental ward on my hildryn and it works surprisingly well with her massive shields turning her into a walking lightning pylon of pain while also boosting her max shields nicely. She's good (even regular Hildryn). Please, master. . The efficacy of this benefit is worth talking about, but the ability does help her, in addition to the significant buff it applies to allies. Hildryn Prime is the Primed variant of Hildryn, with improvements to Health, Shields, and Sprint Speed, as well as an additional polarity. This will add more Duration to your build, but you Feb 14, 2021 · While another nice sentiment that further reinforces Hildryn's more support-based role on a team, the benefits are, as with Balefire, often more energy than they're worth. I was just looking for some variety with added synergy. Was super excited about it and threw it on lat night aaaand It's hardly noticable. Hildryn's pillage is incredibly useful, especially for late game content, but in terms of simplicity Rhino is what I'd recommend. Hildryn, along with Lavos , boasts the lowest base energy out of all Warframes in the game, having none at all. Mar 24, 2023 · It is worth noting that Hildryn is not suitable for long endurance runs. Since they nerfed how damage calculation works over the rounds i cant to 25 rounds in 1h any more, only like 12-15 with max mr 28 weapons. but actual hildryn players know that the real answer is 328. Hey V sauce, hildryn main here. Yes. Her 4 is awful. My revised recommendations for Hildryn's build if you're using these augments are: Strength: As high as you can. Larkspur ~100. When taking overshields into consideration, Hildryn is the Warframe with the third highest base total shield value, behind Harrow, Hildryn Prime, and Harrow Prime. Lavos, cause maybe it will be fun to try. She’s amazing in Mot (Void) runs, and a good Hildryn on the team always means that the Survival mission will last for quite some time. Hildryn and Xaku are great for subsume, Kitguns can be incredible and relatively easy to get rivens for, they're also ammoless with Pax Charge. 2195 = 21. It'll stay for the moment because it's better than Aegis Storm (not hard) but eventually I'll prolly look for a new ability or switch back sincw without arbitration buff, its not really worth monitoring the short cool down or the 750 shields it costs in my build to use it. Ie. Also you don't benefit a whole lot from increas Hildryn is fantastic for those missions regardless as they are 3 long duration missions against the corpus and Microwave-death shield lady loves it when the corpus I've played a decent amount of Hildryn. So if you are coming under heavy fire, you can die before you get the shields. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 0) Has an Aegis is hard to farm and expensive to buy but worth it. Hildryn Prime guide by Aspire7908. Since the chance of it being active is already good enough due to it being a duration-based effect, the setup I'd recommend is one Aegis and one Barrier. 更高的生命值 (100/300 vs. Here's what I have so far: The core of this build is in both of her current augments: Blazing Pillage and Balefire Surge. This is unique to Hildryn. . The game… Business, Economics, and Finance. Larkspur Prime Embrace pandemonium. Hildryn is actually a really strong and fun frame and worth farming for but the fight can be a little long since they made the first phase of the fight unskippable. Revenant has a lot more fun and interesting ways to play him, by that I mean more build options. Considering each Lazulite Toroid provides 12,000 and her main blueprint costs 5,000, Hildryn is the most expensive in terms of syndicate standing, worth 77,000 in total. You can drop Archon Vitality and slot Primed Continuity, however, you then have to max Transient Fortitude and slot Crimson Archon Shards. It also helps if you use Fast Deflection (adding more regeneration gets less effective), since it increases how much shields gets regenerated per second Since Aviator and Agility Drift offer damage reduction on an already tanky frame (Hildryn's Aegis Storm), can they please be made to work on a frame that actually needs it (Titania's Razorwing). Now the general consensus is that Melee Channeling is underwhelming and not really worth it except for Life Strike. This allows Hildryn to regenerate shields while using her abilities, and basically gives her infinite "energy", since you should be gaining more shields then you lose through ability usage. I simply want to craft the best anti-Infested setup I can, with the one criterion that the setup uses Hildryn. She’s worth it, if anything, for the MR you get for maxing her. Balefire: ok this thing has its uses but outside the augment it's not too Most people want the non prime version of Hildryn so that they can feed her to their wall and stick Pillage on all their favorite frames. And unfortunately, Hildryn is incapable of using Life Strike because she can't use channeling period. Question for Hildryn mains. Mar 6, 2025 · It’s worth leveling her up a bit to see if she fits your playstyle! Hildryn is super strong right now! If you dig her abilities, she can take on almost anything in the game—especially if you’re deep into the mechanics. 在Warframe Market您可以买卖一切出入库的物品,包括战甲套装、部件、武器、Mod、虚空遗物、蓝图、Captura场景、裂罅Mod、赤毒玄骸以及帕尔沃斯的姐妹们 Revenant is way more useful than Hildryn. The consensus on shields (which I agree with, mostly) is that they fall off as effective protection during the star chart and are rarely worth modding for in the late game, with Hildryn being the sole case in which you would mod for them seriously. Hildryn is a very tanky support/ dps that can carry you into SP with ease. 05 vs. Honestly though bro, if you’re heart is set on buying a frame for plat you might wanna pick up some of the more difficult to get frames. Let’s get started: Redirection probably still not that useful outside of Hildryn and the occasional Styanax and Parasitic Armor build. u have to rely on good weapon builds. Hate to rain on your parade, but at base it's 1x the damage you take to shields and health. If you don't have Arcane Aegis/Barrier you will probably need a little more efficiency. It’s just a slow charge imo To add to the confusion, Hildryn has not one but two distinct playstyles that switch off depending on the type and level of enemies. 95% damage increase for Corrosive Projection's 18% armor reduction. 1280/1780) Higher Sprint Speed (1. Haven't gotten around to subsuming gauss to unlock thermal sunder so can't say how well it works for other frames like Hildryn. Mar 10, 2025 · Lavos might have a bit of a learning curve, but keep in mind that Hildryn Prime was just vaulted, so she’s relatively affordable right now on the market. Apr 15, 2019 · Trying the Augur Mod set, while the set itself isn't overly exciting, it can add some survivability, and some of the mods might be worth using for that extra I rarely ever use the 4, if you are actively trying to kill things the 4 is practically useless, it doesnt stop eximus (Hildryns only real problem) and all regular enemies are CC'd shortly by the heat stacks from blazing pillage, the 1 when modded correctly can hit extremely hard which can be nice for deleting the occasional enemy your equipped weapon might struggle against. Also are Jade's weapons good? If I get Jade should I get those too? If you needed the plat, then you could do the Hildryn Prime access. Shade ~100. I've found that in missions where the shield loss doesn't matter, you don't need the DPS from Balefire, and in missions where its DPS would be useful you honestly need the shields so it plays better for me personally to run a blazing pillage setup, CC and extra As an example, I can buy 4300 platinum for 50 dollars with a 75% off coupon. I couldn't be happier. Just agreeing with stuff and adding support for the arcanes and her 1, mostly. Her 1st, Balefire Charger, is extremely powerful when modded properly, though it is an Exalted weapon and therefore modded separately, so keep that in mind. But at the same time, you could just buy enough plat to trade for a Hildryn Prime and other primes that you're looking for. Just what people's thoughts are on synergy of Condemn and those frames The way you play this ability on Her, is to fight until your shields are just about to hit around 500 activate the ability and you lose the rest of your shie Unless the strongest you have in hand is also the warframe's signature weapon or you are a roleplayer, its not worth it, i cant think of a signature weapon that actually gives a buff good enough to be more worth it to use than the best weapon you have, most of the time its just like "more ammo" "more speed" and you dont even notice it because the difference is minimal Hildryn is great at a lot of things though she can be a pain to farm since she is locked behind fractures and exploiter. More so I'm interested in the balefire build. Her 2, Pillage, is made for fighting Corpus. Reply Botcho22 • why do the parts of Hildryn drop from the Exploiter Orb and not the Profit-Taker Because Hildryn was release simultaneously with the Exploiter Orb. Hildryn is a lot of fun at first but her gimmick doesn't entertain for long. Duration is not worth investing in, imo. Chainfire and explosive potential meet in Larkspur Prime. Jade's abilities look cool and she can fly and that seems like fun. Edit: Still waiting. Right now, she is one of the weaker frames in the game (I’d say second weakest, only beating Hydroid), but you can still get her to work, just keep in mind that right now there are frames that can . The quick fire would be worth it, other than the shield cost. The build I run for her puts her at exactly 328% Power Strength (including shards), which Jul 21, 2019 · Hildryn probably worth it since you could cast your abilities without energy, and her 2 allow you to steal enemies shield/armor garuda is pretty good,her 1 have insane dmg scaling and she could be immortal if you build it right. Hell sometimes killing myself is hard cuz I'm so tanky. Aug 18, 2024 · I normally play Hildryn but I have been thinking about getting another frame. Hildryn Prime was released alongside Larkspur Prime and Shade Prime. You combine your third ability ‘Haven’ with your fourth ability ‘Aegis Storm’ to disable your enemies and simultaneously deal huge AoE damage. Overall Hildryn is my current "main" because I use her constantly, she's good for practically everything besides maybe spy missions and I haven't needed a specialized frame in a long time for those with the operator as backup. Really though, any primary is fine on her. Hildryn naturally builds for power strength well and Balefire scales with strength and range and multishot and damage to such insane degree, you don't even need to use charged shots. Since Aviator and Agility Drift offer damage reduction on an already tanky frame (Hildryn's Aegis Storm), can they please be made to work on a frame that actually needs it (Titania's Razorwing). Also are Jade's weapons good? If I get Jade should I get those too? Jan 12, 2021 · I'd really like to be allowed to keep my Hildryns and am willing to learn the true power of Hildryn's Aegis Storm. Hildryn是首个显赫武器由第一个技能召唤的战甲,在0级时就已能使用。 其他的大多数战甲是在第四个技能解锁显赫武器的,需要升至10级才能使用。 Hildryn是第一个以Archwing枪械(翠雀)作为标志性武器的战甲。 Hildryn是第二个拥有持续性浮空技能( 神盾风暴 )的 No, I get that. Probably my second favorite warframe for any mission that requires point defense and mass murder - right behind Gara. Polarize and Crush shield restoration occurs after the casting animation ends, not on ability cast. Rapid Resilience reduces the status duration of the player. Hildryn Prime proves that power is discipline’s reward. She is definitely worth it, her normal frame is already pretty broken with the right mods, and she's fun overall. 450/1575); 更高的冲刺速度 (1. Albiet the crit multiplier in hindsight is probably not worth it. nidus, khora or ivara. I totally agree with myci43; Hildryn's passive Radiation damage is insane. IMO everything is at least worth it for mastery fodder. Hildryn, my Stronk woman. But the earl Steel Path will work perfectly on regular missions. The way you play this ability on Her, is to fight until your shields are just about to hit around 500 activate the ability and you lose the rest of your shie Haven’s primary benefit to Hildryn is its ability to stagger enemies caught in range. If you needed the plat, then you could do the Hildryn Prime access. Anything with either a ton of shields or massive damage reduction increasing your effective shielding. Hijack | First Clear | Solo Steel Path | Mar 30, 2023 | 32. sxjaucj ralz xgh pjr ozftj lif lqh rrdu irddb hwamu calzqgp jzgiyu bic yqef drzjba