Is bodybuilding a mental illness reddit. Nutrition, Recovery, and Mental Health.

Is bodybuilding a mental illness reddit It is the disagreement with the body over gender that causes the distress. However categorising dysphoria as a mental illness or not is not simply a scientific question. as far as accutane is concerned, my dry lips are my biggest concern. Im so sorry you feel so alone. in general it's been helpful for my sanity to have an obligation to myself to go to the gym and do something where I know if I work hard I'll I think it’s hard because a lot of mental health issues (especially mood disorders) are on a spectrum. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies. Which is bullshit, like you said. 51 votes, 19 comments. Now don’t get me wrong, I know bodybuilding competitions can be unhealthy and can cause EDs as well as health problems from… Now sure there could be other compounding mental health issues, but it seems like the issue is not being addressed as seriously as it needs to be, and it can’t be solved by pumping them full of hormones and allowing them to surgically transition. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! Dismissal of genuine mental illness as fake or attention seeking definitely constantly happens, but in this specific case it's also actually because what you posted was against the spirit of the sub. See full list on barbend. Funny enough, there used to be a mental illness (can't remember the name) that scientists later found was actually a genetic disease. experience with mental health & powerlifting: I have shitty mental health, specifically severe, treatment-resistant depression. That's the major rationale, but it's also based in the evidence. men in general are just more visual creatures. I'm Bipolar II, and it's like being in a room with one swinging, flickering light. So, I've been thinking about something & this may be a controversial opinion, but I've begun to consider mental illness isn't real. I hade a psychotic episode that was a mix of mental health and drug use, it was not fun. So what happened to it? It got removed from the DSM. There’s various subcategories of anxiety disorders but the main two are - generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) which is anxiety that has no specific cause and social anxiety disorder (SAD) which is anxiety about social situations. It is stressful. check any gay man's social profiles and he will be following far more jacked/roided out guys than the average woman does. I’m glad that mental state of misery is over… 83 votes, 170 comments. That’s just the nature of things. . In the case of mental health, an immediate revoking of a licence usually only happens if the driver is sectioned under the mental health act. I've never quite understood the blanket statement of "mental illness is not an excuse for x, y, z". Bodybuilding can be detrimental to long term health, especially when performance enhancers are brought into it. I’m glad that mental state of misery is over… As Aron Ra said, delusion is a mental illness, believing one thing despite clear evidence of the contrary. Ironically, a low-energy state also triggers muscle loss. Last October I started keeping track of my food intake, and decided I'd try to consciously be active at least 3 times a week. imagine all that invested time and mental energy spent into other intellectual pursuits. Basically, with what people call “mental illness”, I think there is usually something there that needs resolution, I just don’t think it’s comparable to physical illness, and I don’t think it can be “cured” in the same manner as a physical ailment (because, to some extent, my “mental illness” is who I am fundamentally as a Mental health issues I'm dealing with: MDD that is treatment resistant (in regards to medication), Anxiety, ADHD-C (so all potential criteria for disorder are met and I have all symptoms). A-Z Health. Bodybuilding can seem like a mental illness to some people if they develop Muscle Dysmorphia and lack body positivity to cope with the stress. The dvla can revoke a licence is if there is significant risk of harm or impairment because of a condition. When I'm at work, I'm anxious about it. Those questions should be directed to r/AskPsychiatry. Man, that term is incredibly broad. In conclusion, mental illness has always been here, it's just much more visible nowadays. Learning and Mentorship Opportunities: Bodybuilding often involves learning from more experienced athletes and, in turn, mentoring others Jul 25, 2021 · Bodybuilder Rob Lipsett highlighted the stigma surrounding eating disorders in a YouTube video about his own experience, admitting he "really didn't think it would happen to me. The fascinating world of bodybuilding is more than just the physical act of increasing muscle mass—it’s a psychological journey that fosters mental health benefits, often overshadowed by the obvious physical gains. Give this podcast episode a listen where a PhD and a pro bodybuilder discuss the health aspects of the drug use: Down syndrome is not a mental illness, it is a genetic disease. It's always these wishy washy, ill-defined, bullshit examples. Like pretty much every single autoimmune problem has a mental issue that comes along with it. Our bodies were made to move and finding a way to move and challenge mine feels good. 160lb kids on tik tok who use sarms and make fun of fat people and pose incorrectly to techno music are not bodybuilders, just to let you know. A July 2018 report in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism describes these effects, which include mental illness and hormone imbalance. and mental illness is not a bad thing to have and mental struggles are Not all bodybuilders are mentally ill, but it's very possible for a bodybuilder to have some sort of body dysmorphia. this "credible source" tells us that being gay is hard in our society, not that mental illness is the cause of being gay or that being gay IS a mental illness. g. If they were smart they would realize that gaining as much muscle mass simply to look good over your own health is pretty stupid long-term. Because if they changed it back to a mental illness today, yeah, I mean just look at you, dropped into a stage of mental breakdown and so many other people do the same. 5) and ever since we started dating, I made her aware that I had issues with depression and anxiety (part of it OCD related, part of it general anxiety). I think a lot of people would also be surprised at how tied together mental and physical health are. If it's dark, I can't do anything (depression, yay). News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to… Advertisement I’m on mobile, so I apologize if formatting is weird. I have so much more energy and stamina to get through workouts, I feel mentally sharp, my anxiety has been reduced from what I can tell (may have to do with increase in exercise), and my libido is through the roof. In my experience, drug use that stems from other mental health issues brings someone to a personal space where they aren’t seeing the world in the right way. Follow us. Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Although I’m not sure why BPD specifically came up as the answer because as far as mental illnesses go, the most severe case of BPD probably doesn’t stack up against the most severe case of insert serious mental illness name. There’s also social benefits in occupying this little niche. Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice. You'd find yourself thinking that mental illness causes cancer and being depressed causes you child to get killed in car crashes if you keep thinking about cause and effect the way you are! There are a lot of people who suffer from mental health problems and don't even realize it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It's a pretty unique perspective that could have some explanatory power. 3M subscribers in the bodybuilding community. Problem with this is that most people don’t even understand the definition of an mental illness. Mental health issues I'm dealing with: MDD that is treatment resistant (in regards to medication), Anxiety, ADHD-C (so all potential criteria for disorder are met and I have all symptoms). The mental health system is terribly underfunded and mental health issues simply aren't taken as seriously as physical disorders. You’ve got your own unique biochemistry at play, your current or past experiences and stressors weighing on you, and your own temperament and support system or lack thereof. concentration, mood, sleep? I can't afford to fuck this up, and if it means staying chubby fat for another 5 months then so be it. Im an alcoholic, so my mental health has been effed up for years upon years. Shilajit is quickly and vastly improving my physical and mental health I’ve been taking shilajit each morning for a week and wow. I did attempt 502 votes, 97 comments. It nearly killed me. Kind of like cosplay and such, I don't think it's a mental illness but if you're on all fours and barking outside that's mental illness. I do know that with BPD, a lot of people find it hard to see outside of themselves and By working on my mental health, by exercising and sticking to my meds I am making myself far more comfortable and far more ready to pray, to meditate on scripture or the rosary. No bodybuilder thinks bodybuilding is healthy. Getting massive can also limit mobility and cause a whole nother array of issues with joints, ligaments and tendons. " Understanding that bodybuilding is as much about inner strength as it is about outer appearance will help you maintain a healthier attitude towards your fitness journey. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! All are welcome here but this sub is intended for intermediate to advanced lifters, we ask that beginners utilize the weekly and daily discussion threads for your needs. Hope that things might improve, or at least not get worse. There's the mental illness that makes you view the world in a more realistic, objective way. Other subs would be fine though. In a roundabout way I see exercise then as a way of showing Our lord and Our Lady that I really want to spend time talking to them, and being with them by making myself I'm sure it differs between each mental illness. Every single one of us has our own unique way of viewing life The difference between someone who has a mental illness and someone who is "eccentric", is that the eccentric has not been professionally diagnosed based on DSM V criteria. We are not a subreddit to ask psychiatrists questions either about individual situations about psychiatry generally. 9M subscribers in the bodybuilding community. These societal standards and values are being challenged in the modern society. This distress may lead to mental illness, but in-and-of-itself, I do not believe it is. Mental disorders are common symptoms of a LOT of treatable illnesses. Diet until you look the way you want to look, if the way you want to look is healthy. I've dealt with suicidal thoughts since I was 6. I'm also recovering from a depression, a crippling mental illness that made it hard to even get out of bed in the morning. Hope that clears things up. I feel that no matter how hard I try, I can do nothing right. Dismissal of genuine mental illness as fake or attention seeking definitely constantly happens, but in this specific case it's also actually because what you posted was against the spirit of the sub. Knowing that Jesus paid the price in full with His blood, then why worry about the box anymore. Now that does actually describe the gender dysphoria, which is listed in the DSM-V, but not being transgender itself. Being trans is not a mental 926 votes, 59 comments. Me and my ex were together for 5 years (married for 3. The question is this - will cutting at a rate to lose 1-2+lbs a week affect my mental performance - e. A guy with body dysmorphia is looked as a gym rat or a meat head, yet a woman with it will cause people to want to help her. gay porn is full of jacked guys, you can see all the headless torsos on grindr, etc. I remember in some of my psych classes in college they talked about how there's actually some debate over mental illness (particularly schizophrenia) and homelessness—a "chicken or the egg" debate. I am proud to say that response data has been analy Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! All are welcome here but this sub is intended for intermediate to advanced lifters, we ask that beginners utilize the weekly and daily discussion threads for your needs. Those things still happen but using mental illness to excuse it is inappropriate. I have mental health struggles and to top it off I was diagnosed with a chronic illness during Fall semester. So first of all let's look at a definition of mental illness Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Studying the conditions that can promote it and replicating them as broadly as possible should be our first task as mental health professionals and licensed physicians. Fuck those people, they never give any legitimate definition of depression. really it depends on how severe your mental illness is, and if you have a good support system. Clearly clinical depression can't be completely overcome by going to the gym, but acting like you can't do things in your day to day to improve your mental health is retarded. But at this rate with the current doctors waiting lists and my health deteriorating, nature might beat me to it and do the job for me. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to… Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice. I feel like this misconception about mental illness comes from how it’s often portrayed in media. Hello! My name is Donald MacPhail and back in June, I informed this subreddit about a research study I was conducting that looked at aspects of mental health among the bodybuilding, powerlifting, and weightlifting communities. That’s it. com Sep 19, 2022 · Muscle dysmorphia, or 'bigorexia,' is a psychological disorder marked by an obsessive desire for a muscular physique, exacerbated by social media. People who have genetic dispositions towards it can end up developing it under stressful conditions, and it makes them much less employable. I also am a bodybuilder and certain steroids im taking elevate levels of aggression and depression . As to whether ADHD is a disorder at all, or just a variance on the normal, that's a much more controversial topic. As it has been getting worse it is something we have talked about more and more. Men are more prone to suicide, yet no one seems to do anything about it. Archived post. My mental health began to decay due to constant financial stress, work overload from classes and my job. Proper nutrition and recovery are critical components of successful bodybuilding, and they also play a significant role in mental health. I'm about to turn 28, and I've dealt with mental illness since I was 6. Find a physical hobby you enjoy. 2. Perhaps the secret lies not only in the physical transformation but in the mental metamorphosis that accompanies it. It’s way too easy to push yourself as hard as possible until you’re miserable and then cracks start forming in your mental foundation. I already mentioned mental health benefits. Jan 25, 2014 · Dietitians consider such a state dangerous as it has many negative effect on the person's health and well-being. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to…. Seven different disorders in particular: -ADHD -Anxiety -Autism Spectrum Disorder -Bipolar 2 -Binge Eating Disorder -OCD -CPTSD Mines been okay but its always been up and down. And actually, I’ve been producing better content as well lately. I’ve dealt and struggled with mental illness my whole life. However, religion gets a pardon, because it's a big group of people. Sarcopenia is a subtle killer after all. Yes anxiety is a recognised mental illness. Intermittent Fasting (IF) is way of eating that restricts *when* you eat, usually on a daily or weekly schedule. But at this point, I'm honestly starting to feel like my happiness, self esteem, and overall mental health are not worth the Yep. Just because a person is narcissistic, doesn’t mean they have NPD. Feel free to vent, ask a question, or start a debate. It just means there’s a defect. People engage in IF to reap the many benefits to health, fitness, and mental clarity. As someone whose mental health issues were the reason my very committed relationship (marriage) ended, I want to share this with you. A few decades ago, challenging the standards was much more taboo. This is a societal problem in general. It's interesting to me that when a swimsuit model works out not at all or perhaps 2 hours a day, women are quite vocal about that type of body being unattainable, but when Henry Cavill, Hugh Jackman, or the Rock describe 6 days a week of working out 6 hours a day and dehydrating themselves 2 days before the shoot and having a migraine, those same women have, as far as I have ever heard r/bodybuilding A chip A close button. I’ve gotten a lot better in the last year myself by starting to prioritize my health and happiness over pure views and money. I have a large scar on my wrist from that episode. A quick primer on Reddit: The site is made up of thousands of communities called subreddits, each centered on a specific topic - music, sports, news, cute animals, whatever - each with its own rules, moderators , and subscribers. nothing wrong with it. When I'm not at work, I'm anxious about going to work the next day. Thanks guys! A community for all trans people to express themselves freely, openly, and honestly without fear of being banned or downvoted. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! That's just not true when it comes to a cut, because a lot of the things that could be happening to your emotional and mental state could be due to the fact that you've been dieting for a long time, not that you're at a low body fat. But it’s hardly as if all these benefits are unique to natural bodybuilding. So many people try to justify their behavior due to mental illness instead of working on it. I'd suggest asking for an assessment for autism if this hasn't already been investigated as a lot of what you've described aligns with that. They may well be suffering from a mental illness, but until they seek professional diagnosis they will be unable to start treatment for one. "Mentally ill people" . It’s all subjective really. And then there's the mental illness that removes you from reality entirely. It has no effect on the suicide rate. You keep putting words in my mouth that I haven't said. Men's mental health is never discussed or looked at. Basketball and boxing obviously carry risks from injury. I developed that mental illness as a result of cramming myself into a number of boxes, not just the gendered ones. It is so hard to keep up relations when juggling chronic illness and not all friends understand this. There’s a lot of misconceptions here and poor sterotyping. The extreme dedication and work it takes to achieve the things he did in bodybuilding + powerlifting is something very few people have in them, or even want, and then he suddenly becomes "trans" and starts dressing in tight womens clothing and posting pictures all IMO, if the focus is on Christ, then why not lump all of the sins together in a box, both small and great, mentally speaking. I currently have a prep client who, since starting prep, their mental health has steadily declined. In those cases where distress/impairment is observed, one would have to imagine that something else is causing it (if not a mental illness), and then prove that whatever is causing those issues is somehow not a mental illness yet by definition, something found to be causing those symptoms would probably be labelled a mental illness Mental health problems like anxiety and depression can be things that you can be more active in recovery, but mental illness, unless already under control can really spiral beyond your ability to do anything about it. My grades have been decent but because I switched schools, my current GPA really sucks and I'm struggling to get things done on time. The interconnection between bodybuilding and mental health is profound, offering numerous benefits for managing stress and building mental resilience. Here are some signs that your mental health might be declining: You feel more irritable, stressed/anxious or down than usual. gay men like muscles. autism and depression. I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and borderline personality, but I would not trade up for a psychotic disorder. I've begun to consider that, "mental illness," is either a result of a toxic/abusive or traumatic environment, especially given how many people with, "mental disorders," come from dysfunctional/chaotic or abusive households/environments. We're a community created for psychiatrists and others in the mental health field to come together and discuss our field. I am completely at its whim. Definitely speak to someone at your local Mind Centre (or check the website for more information). sometimes, someone with an anxiety disorder who has a bad support system can struggle way more than someone with schizophrenia who has a great support system so it really depends. A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. If it is classified as a mental illness, insurance often has to pay for treatment. I make decent money, which is why I'm still there. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! I doubt any places will willingly add any sort of mental illness to that list for a while. If you think that you might be suffering from a mental health problem, it is important to seek help. ASD is a developmental condition, not a mental illness, although it is possible to have both e. and mental illness is not a bad thing to have and mental struggles are Basically, with what people call “mental illness”, I think there is usually something there that needs resolution, I just don’t think it’s comparable to physical illness, and I don’t think it can be “cured” in the same manner as a physical ailment (because, to some extent, my “mental illness” is who I am fundamentally as a Not all bodybuilders are mentally ill, but it's very possible for a bodybuilder to have some sort of body dysmorphia. The real issue with mental illness is that it is not widespread enough to cause a potent rupture in consensus reality. getting. I've been powerlifting kinda seriously for about a year and change now. Sure, in some instances, the person is just being an asshole and needs to be called out for their behaviour, but as a total blanket statement, it just does not hold up. However, it’s important to approach this form of exercise with a balanced mindset, emphasizing self-care and understanding your limits. If it is true that some people try to address psychological deficits by focusing on their physical form, rather than focusing on addressing their psychological deficits directly, it is easy to see how that may reflect or exacerbate mental illness. Mental illness when you’re not already on top of your medication requires outside help. IMO, if the focus is on Christ, then why not lump all of the sins together in a box, both small and great, mentally speaking. It may explain whats happening but just because I am manic doesn't mean I can speed down the street at 100 mph. Ergo, if was never a mental illness in the first place. It’s good to know the distinction between the two- many people will meet a person with narcissistic traits and diagnose them incorrectly as having a mental illness, but they are entirely two different things. Trying to combat I ask for specific things they are enjoying, what they are looking forward to, I try to offer tips for mindset mindfulness and positivity, they are The thing is that there is a line that you have to cross. Get app Get the Get the Reddit app No, this is full on mental illness. Plus my dad passed away during my first year in university after I transferred… I can say that I resisted the temptation to simply end my life multiple times throughout engineering school. Also content warning: Mental illness, mentions of SH, and su!cide. Depression meds, which often work when used correctly, don’t do as well when you mix them with weed or booze or even ADD meds. Mar 4, 2024 · Positive Social Environment: Being part of a community that values health, fitness, and personal improvement can provide a positive and motivational social environment, which is beneficial for mental health. If you’re intimidated by ACTUAL bodybuilders and you’re projecting, than that’s on you. Being assigned an ill fitting gender or religion can cause mental illness. Mental illness is classified and categorized solely based on societal standards and values. This is a place to share success, support each other, ask questions, and learn. There is also the issue of subjective reality. In TV shows, mental illness is often used to try and make its characters more interesting, whether it’s making a depressed character seem tragic and introspective or having a schizophrenic villain who’s wacky and fun to watch. The biggest issue with bodybuilding is that people fail to monitor their health correctly and buy into the “more tren” attitude of the steroids sub. I am aware that it is flickering, it is bothering me, but I can't fix it. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! honestly i hate stereotypes but this one i'm going to say is very true. If you are a furry as just a kind of "hobby". Apr 23, 2018 · However, Reddit does have at least one positive trait: It can help people cope with mental disorders. They aren't comparable. Nutrition, Recovery, and Mental Health. Cuz society thinks mental illness isn't that bad or serious as physical or some shit. So no two people are exactly alike. Really not trying to offend anyone, but this could be a sign of mental illness. nnyt pviq vwslyse emqmwm ffrwv lxciyv ucxdy gifww affld gkhu bpcvvtg shcco oqfluqv mnzyv bouw