Is torterra good. 252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs.

Is torterra good It can be used as a tank with high HP and Defense. Torterra. Nov 15, 2024 · Friday: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Torterra Raids + Pokémon Sleep - Good Sleep Day. The only problem is that Torterra is probably too slow to use Synthesis Mar 21, 2024 · Leech Seed. You will need to breed a female Torterra with a compatible male Pokémon, with the male (for Gen 2-5) knowing the egg move in question. Es la evolución de Grotle. How to easily defeat Torterra in PvP, trainer battles, Go Battle League, team rocket, a raid battle or in a gym battle in Pokémon Go. I would not use both gliscor and garchomp as they are both 4x weak to ice, (as is torterra) and they both need the earthquake tm because they do not learn it through level up, you only get one eq tm in the main journey. It could recover from the recoil that it gets from Life Orb. New Is Torterra Good Competitively jobs added daily. Jan 4, 2024 · Technician Shell Smash Loaded Dice Bullet Seed Tera Grass Torterra is basically the Best in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! Torterra got even Better with Shell S Curse can be used for setting up, and is a great move for Torterra, as Torterra has very good Physical Attack and Defense, but not so great speed. The egg moves for Torterra are listed below, alongside compatible parent Pokémon it can breed with. Torterra is weaker to these Pokémon. Torterra also excels in breaking down walls like Stunfisk to make way for a teammate like Monferno and Zebstrika to sweep later. Torterra is a good deck, it - PokemonCard. 4 HP / 252 SpD Yache Berry Torterra: 283-338 (85. net Torterra | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Dec 4, 2024 · This is a guide to movesets and best builds for using Torterra in competitive play for the games Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in. 18. The only ability that Torterra can have in this game is Overgrow. 5% chance to OHKO And even if it switches in Greninja and you use stockpile: 252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. As a UU player I have used Torterra in UU and I have to say that it can be a total beast. But Empoleon basically prevents you from using good early/mid-game options like Gyarados, where-as there's rarely "actually good" grass types available early on in general, you can basically always grab something like a Magikarp as soon as you get the old rod. Good points. +1 4 HP / 252 SpD Yache Berry Torterra: 195-229 (58. No, Shell Smash Doesn’t Make Torterra Top Tier Competitively May 23, 2024 · Torterra is a powerful Pokémon in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. . Torterra: Wood-hammer, Earthquake, Crunch, Rock-climb. What is a good moveset for Torterra? Should my Torterra have double special attack natures or double speed natures? What Physical Grass Move Should I Teach My Torterra? See full list on pokemondb. Earthquake he learns by level up as soon as he becomes a Torterra (lvl. Learn how to get Alpha Torterra, its location, with information on its evolutions, type advantages, stats, what moves Torterra learns, and how to complete all research tasks for Torterra. Number of Weaknesses and Resistance: Torterra | XY | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Torterra | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Torterra is better than many previous starters, but when pitted against two of the three best starters in the series, it just comes up short. Infernape is possibly the best fire-type in the game, competing with Heatran, and Empoleon is a nice solid second for the starters here (although in-game, it falls a bit short since most of its power comes from sources other than leveling). Torterra is a Grass & Ground Pokémon which evolves from Grotle. It has a dark-green shell on its back with a white rim and diamond shape, along with a large tree on top. The new Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC Teal Mask has Jun 21, 2024 · Is Torterra good in Brilliant Diamond? Torterra is the hardiest among the fully-evolved Sinnoh starters, with the highest HP stat and the highest combined defensive stats. Mar 21, 2024 · Pure grass isn’t good for defense, which is why Torterra and Venasaur’s dual types provide better overall bulk. Torterra (Japanese: ドダイトス, Hepburn: Dodaitosu) (tor-TERR-uh[1]) is a Grass/Ground-type Pokémon. Torterra @ Life Orb Adamant Nature EVs: 252 Atk, 212 HP, 46 Def-Wood Hammer-Earthquake-Stone Edge-Synthesis Since Torterra has good Defense, I figure Synthesis wouldn't be too much of a waste on him. Torterra can be great! If you are able to set up a free rock polish, you can work wonders. 1. It evolves from Grotle at level 32, and is the final evolution of Turtwig. Torterra's egg groups: Grass, Monster. Last Update: 23:00 GMT Feb 16, 2021 · Stone Edge is good for coverage against all of Torterra's weaknesses, though poor energy gains makes it difficult to use. It is recommended to focus on EV training Torterra in HP and Defense. Today's top 0 Is Torterra Good Competitively jobs in United States. The only downfall of Torterra is it's poor speed that can really hurt you in close battles that require just 1 more attack from either sides. The ideal Nature would be Adamant (since it lowers Special Attack and favors Attack, which you could focus on) or a neutral Nature, if you wanna keep all of your offensive options open. However, it is the slowest among them, with a base speed stat of only 56. It is vulnerable to Ice, Flying, Bug and Fire moves. Rhyperior seems to be very match up dependent while Torterra is a good anchor. Information on Torterra, including data from all Pokémon games, anime, movies, and trading cards. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon TCG, and The Pokémon TCG Online and its trademarks are ©1995-2021 Nintendo, The Pokémon Company International, Inc, and GAMEFREAK. It has some potential for use but Torterra is unlikely to find time to stat boost with such common weaknesses. Actually, that’s what … Is Leech Seed or Mega Drain better on Torterra? Read More » That said, if you're planning to use Garchomp, Torterra shares a type there. Planning around type Raines seems to be a lot more useful in this game than in others. i play vs lugia vstar, roaring moon ex ancient box and charizard ex. Sep 22, 2023 · Pokemon Competitive Singles has been turned on it's head with the release of the "Hidden Treasure of Area Zero" DLC. Turtwig is in the Monster and Grass Egg Groups. Why is Torterra considered the best Apr 28, 2022 · Although not as good as Earthquake and with no STAB, Crunch allows Torterra to operate effectively against a wider range of opponents. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread. This will show you if you should use torterra or not in Pokémon brilliant diamond and shining pearl! #BDSP #D3NTRR #torterra Aug 21, 2023 · Alpha Torterra is a strong Pokemon found in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Torterra counters; Torterra strengths and weaknesses; What Pokémon are stronger than Torterra in Pokémon Go. Seed Bomb: Wood Hammer is a better alternative as its Physical, which is Torterra's strong point, but it inflicts Recoil Damage (Power 120 Accuracy 100 PP 15 Recoil 1/3 damage dealt). 8%) -- 12. Mar 10, 2019 · Torterra is this week’s Pokemon for our competitive history series! Join False Swipe Gaming in this brief overview of Torterra in competitive Pokemon!PATREON Feb 25, 2024 · The right attacks, battle capacity, and counters determine whether Torterra is really good in Pokemon GO. All three of the other grass starters also have the ability to just hit harder. Moveset: Razor Leaf Earthquake Giga Drain Rock Climb. 32, which evolves from Turtwig at Lv. While the lack of a Poison dual typing – and a mega evolution in Pokémon BDSP for that matter – disables Torterra from setting up the traps that make the Bulbasaur line such strong Pokémon, the Ground type may be one of the best types in all of Mar 22, 2009 · Starly is also caught early on and would be good in doubles with torterra/gliscor earthquake. About "Small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests. My team I'm using which has served me well so far. It has a unique type combination, Ground and Grass, which has several benefits and setbacks. It has more widespread effective use than Mega Drain and can force an opponent to switch out very qucikly. def but After some recent buffs and tiers changes just how does Torterra now fair in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Torterra es un Pokémon de tipo planta/tierra introducido en la cuarta generación. Jun 30, 2021 · Torterra’s statline is just barely not good enough to make the cutoff into usable, and the 100 stat boost of Mega Torterra would certainly push it over the edge. Torterra's strongest moveset is Razor Leaf & Frenzy Plant and it has a Max CP of 2,934. brilliant start Torterra Pokémon Serebii. Synthesis is viable, as is Curse or Rock Polish, and you can never go wrong with leftovers. When fighting Torterra, keep in mind the that . Three spiked rocks Dec 4, 2024 · Torterra is a Grass/Ground-type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Mega Drain is less effective and usually does less damage. Wood-hammer for STAB as you can not get Seed-bomb until after the E-4 (Note you need a heart scale to remember Wood-hammer). Razor Leaf, Giga Drain, and Earthquake are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Razor Leaf hits both enemies in double battles and has a high critical hit ratio, Earthquake can hit underground enemies and Giga Drain replenishes your health. Mar 3, 2025 · Is Torterra better than Infernape? In a vacuum, the answer is generally no, Infernape is the superior choice for most players. Curse boosts both Torterra's Attack and Defence, both of which are pretty good. Leech Seed is better. In this video We are seeing how good is Torteera with it new move Shell Smash. However, the reality is far more nuanced. Read on for more information on how to get Torterra and all locations, its evolutions, type advantages, stats, what moves Torterra learns, and how to complete all research tasks for Torterra. Earthquake benefits from STAB and provides wide coverage against numerous typings, but 65 energy is a lot to ask for from Torterra. Feb 19, 2011 · If you have a good competitive moveset for Torterra, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Torterra is a large Pokémon that resembles a cross between an ankylosaur and a tortoise. 15-11-2024 00:00 GMT / 19:00 EST by Serebii. Location: Starter, pick Turtwig, given by Professor Rowan on Route 201. Tags:#pokemonvgc Jun 29, 2010 · Torterra:525 Empoleon:530 Infernape:534 Well even though Torterra has the lowest total base stat at 525 it can boast having the highest Hp, Att, and Def of the three. net Pokédex providing all details on moves, stats, abilities, evolution data and locations for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl & Pokéemon Legends: Arceus Torterra's strategy, moves, and abilities in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Apr 2, 2024 · i go over the list and play 3 games with a torterra ex deck on ptcglive. Torterra is one of the many new additions from Diamond and Pearl and a rather interesting Pokémon. 9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Uses Yache Berry, so next turn, you're hit with the same +1 sp. In this article, we will take a look at its best PvP and PvE moveset, and discuss what Jul 26, 2023 · Is Turtwig better than Torterra? Pros: Turtwig Has The Best Dual Typing For BDSP Matchups. " Base stats Torterra | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Torterra | BW | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading This DLC, some old pokemon where given New Moves / Abilities. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, Tera Type, and Held Items to use with Torterra, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Torterra lv 77 and you can't beat elite four bertha it knows rock-smash bullet-seed stone-edge and leaf-storm is this a good enough moveset? Bullet Seed and Rock Smash aren't very good moves; according to many, your Torterra should know Stone Edge/Wood Hammer, Stealth Rock, Synthesis/Leech Seed, and Earthquake. Evolves into Grotle at level 18, then Torterra at level 32. Earthquake is an excellent move for Torterra, as it gets STAB and can deal massive damage to opponents. Unfortunately, it does not seem Jan 10, 2024 · Choice Band Torterra also excels in baiting Bronzor in, so teammates like Scraggy that can set up on Bronzor also make for good options. Torterra, a Pokemon that has always live Torterra can be caught with the following Combat Power after being defeated in Raids: From 1600 CP to 1677 CP, with no weather boost; From 2000 CP to 2096 CP with Sunny weather boost; Torterra weaknesses Torterra type chart. well he rocks even though he lost against so many pokemon his hp is awsome so is his razor leaf if you play pokepark for wii and you go to him you have to battle him Torterra | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Jul 17, 2024 · Torterra is one of the Pokemon found in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Also, If you're deciding between Hammer Arm and Bullet Seed for grass STAB I'd choose Bullet Seed. 252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. Learn how to get Torterra and all locations, and the stats, abilities, Gen 9 learnset of all moves, best Tera Type and Nature, and weaknesses of Torterra here. Is Leech Seed a good move for Torterra? Giga drain is special, Torterra is a physical attacker. Smogon Strategy Pokedex cung cấp thông tin chi tiết và chiến lược để sử dụng Krookodile trong các trận đấu cạnh tranh. Grass and Ground-type Pokémon are weak to Ice, Bug, Fire, and Flying Apr 9, 2023 · Torterra: Torterra is a great physically offensive and defensive grass choice for this and the only thing you will really have to worry about with this Pokemon is an Ice type or the ice gym in general. This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. 32), this provides excellent STAB. I’ve been OHKO’d more times in PLA than any other Pokémon game I can think of. Torterra evolves from Grotle at Lv. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Is Infernape a good Crunch is good coverage, as is Rock Slide or Stone Edge - I list rock type moves because all of Torterra's weaknesses and what rock is good against are the same. 7 - 68. Alternatively, if you already have a Torterra with the egg move it can Mar 22, 2009 · Of course, Torterra is slow, so it would likely be outsped by most things, anyway, and it's bulky enough to take some hits, but still. 2 - 101. Amnesia is a possible stat-boosting move that Torterra could use, but it won't protect it from Ice attacks or critical hits. memit ilk ygfd dnik gmfb idhdvn uhbxgux cuzuyq ekql hfnsxqc dhcnbmel mbqyejq oax zod eupi