Kotor 2 save editor ios Available Games: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. i will try the JKSV method and see what happens. If it's from Steam, it'll be in your Steam folder. ini Open it. Changes in 3. 6 2. How to edit your save files. Resetting skills:: STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic™ General. Is the issue you mention about. A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* Hey guys I've been trying to alter my characters appearance, more specifically changing her face. 0 introduces new useful features to edit the properties of the current module (map): Ability to change the player position: X, Y, Z Oct 14, 2023 · I've been reviewing my personnal repositories on github recently and thought you would appreciate me putting in public my KotOR Savegame Editor repository: https://github. I am full-on Lightside playthrough, and thinking of using the editor to get the influence maxed before it's too late into the game. zip (when XXX is the latest version) in the release section: link. Went through threads of people years old who had the same problem. A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A repository for the v4. You go to the cloud saves, copy the file you want to edit, go to the Kotor 2 main file, make a new file called "saves", paste the file, and link the KSE to the kotor main file. For Mac (via Finder), the location is usually "Library > Application Support > Knights of the Old Republic". you must rename that folder to the same format as your save files (i. Star Wars- KOTOR and KOTOR 2 Cheats | C. Killed Xor, now no further quest characters appear. Select it, then in the righthand panel set the value to 2, hit Apply and Commit Changes. The existing instructions I found either use the KOTOR Save Editor app, which is Windows only, or aren't detailed enough. 2/19/2023 0 Comments Nvidia is getting ready to announce its next-gen GPU architecture. Īfter opening the game files, if you're using KOTOR 1, you want to open the file "swkotor. Android; iOS; Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords. 3 - Feb 26, 2005 Better handling of 2da<->TLK file errors 3. You don't need to rename it to the correct number so long as the format is preserved. Could someone smarter than me help me Mod and use Save Game Editor on my iPhone? I’ve used iTunes on my Mac to move files between the two many years ago, but for the life of me I cannot remember how to do it. Feb 1, 2024 · A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 with a fancy interface and support for non-windows platforms SotOR: Saves of the Old Republic A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 Aug 24, 2024 · copy the folder to the corresponding save folder on your computer. Saw I could use a save editor to change things, YAY. It creates a zip with the previous version Nov 1, 2022 · >>>>> DOWNLOAD: KOTOR 2 Save Editor. Is it possible to use KSE on the computer to edit the saves from the iOS version of KOTOR 2? I’ve tried to copy over the saves from iTunes file share, but the save editor wants the swkotor2. . Knights of the Old Republic close Clear game filter; Games. A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* I downloaded the save editor that said it can work for KOTOR 1 and 2 but i cant locate the save files for the sith lords anywhere. Go to Apps tab and select KOTOR app in File Sharing. ini" with Notepad or any other text editor. Again, easily solvable by using tk102's KSE (KotOR Savegame Editor) Requires the v1. - KotOR-Save-Editor/kse. Steam doesn't make registry entries for the KoTOR games, however kse-3. I think I've figured it out because this worked for me. Run on Bioware, KOTOR 2 was Published by LucasArts, which is well known for its association with the Star Wars and Indiana Jones games. Description (in author’s own words): A Save Editor for KotOR 2, originally by tk102 and now maintained by myself, Fair Strides. e. The kotor save game editor automatically located my . Since I have been playing KOTOR II on PC for the last few months, I wanted to try to use my save games in the new iOS port. Kotor 2 saves- STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old. This uses up-to-date macOS and iOS, with a new game saved just after Trask joins you. Kotor Save Editor Ios; KOTOR Save Editor and Android: It Works! (and here's a guide) [SATV] Though I recorded this on the Shield TV this process should work with ALL android devices. 4. 5 - Fixed bugs and added ability to edit Equipment of player and party. seeing that PC to Switch is working, gives me hope i can do it. Android; iOS A Save Editor for KotOR 1 and 2, originally by tk102 and now maintained by myself, Fair Strides. exe file for the jade empire save game editor it can't find it. 5. Nvidia to announce next-gen GPU architecture in A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* Depends where you got KOTOR 2 from. This version has been "forked" from the latest release of @Fair Strides (Deadlystream link). Download the zip file named KSE_XXX. pl at main · Fair-Strides/KotOR-Save-Editor 3. 7a version of KSE. I am currently on Dxun, and I'm concerned that there might not be enough time to gain maximum influence with HK-47 and Mandalore. Jan 4, 2015 · 3. A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* I recently wanted to re-play KOTOR 1, but edit the save files to give my main PC outrageous stats. Also there are bugs, probably. Nov 7, 2013 · Download Changes in 3. 7: 1. Sep 4, 2022 · KotOR 2 Savegame Editor is a mod for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords, created by Fair Strides. Watch Now; Kotor Save Game Editor Tutorial I've read a few discussions about using the Savegame editor mod to increase the influence of your characters. Also, Steam is kinda weird about the saves, so your save file is actually in the cloudsaves folder, NOT the saves folder. Thought I’d go for a second run of KOTOR 2 to pass the time. I have my portrait changed, but in KSE on the… KotOR Savegame Editor is a Perl/Tk application used in the editing of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic savegame files. 000002 - Game1). ( I didn't tried those weird force powers). A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* Hi. Posted by u/W1ntermu7e - 3 votes and 1 comment Jan 31, 2024 · A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2. well first i need to find out how to get the iOS save off of my iPad lol This edits you saved games I'd say it's a pretty handy mod tool Before you edit a saved game file I suggest that you make a back up copy For safe keeping This works on both KOTOR and KOTOR 2. 0 This version 3. I read a post saying that the only way to fix this is to save edit your game and set K_XOR_AMBUSH to 3. 7a is a free saved file editor for Star Wars: The Knights of the Old Republic that lets you change certain variables. You’re also able to fix your stance on good or evil, while you can add force or experience points. I have no damn clue how to reset this. 4 - Feb 27, 2005 Obscure 2DA bug fix where feat. 3 allowed you find them manually. Knights of the Old Republic demo from E3 2001. In your KOTOR 2 folder where you should've installed the save editor, there should be a . exe to start editing. Added an external INI-Generator from Chev Chelios. ; Unzip this file in a folder of your choice. The following fields are currently editable: - Savegame name - Player name - NPC Name - Appearance (player and party) - Portrait (player and party) - Attributes - Skill Ran. ini file you exported called kse. Playing kotor on Android and after some research discovered I have the notorious Juhani quest glitch. It was really simple. You can alter player or NPC names, or adjust the stats and attributes. Aug 30, 2020 · Kotor Savegame Editor - Recompiled with extra functionnalities - nadrino/kotor-savegame-editor Simplifying KSE. This allows éditing the saves fór either game ánd is a véry versatile tool. Save to your desktop. exe not found. 3. Yeah now when I play I use the save game editor I always give my character a high persuade I never understood why Bioware made it a scoundrel only Jul 30, 2021 · Download kotor save editor kotor save editor ios How To Download Kotor Save Editor For Mac Download 4 days ago — Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for Mac Gameplay (HD) - OneClickMac [ MAC] How to install mods for Kotor 1 & 2. Aug 30, 2020 · KotOR Savegame Editor v3. May 9, 2016 · A Save Editor for KotOR 1 and 2, originally by tk102 and now maintained by myself, Fair Strides. 2da extracted with KT and placed in the TSL override would not read correctly 3. res) 3. Thanks to community members uulca for finding this deal. 6: 1. Dec 2, 2022 · All Party Members have been leveled up as they progressed too. Does anyone have a solution or a link to a save editor for just KOTOR 2. Kotor 2 Save Editor Help! kotor - reddit. Feb 23, 2004 · 1. Feb 6, 2025 · found this thread when searching to see if i can transfer my iOS KOTOR save over to the switch version. com/nadrino/kotor-savegame-editor. 6 - Added support for a . exe file no problem, but when I specify the proper location for the . This should be at C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop. ini and adding K1_SavePath to specify custom save A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I downloaded the KSE and . Hello everyone kotor save editor kotor save editor ios kotor save editor android apk A simple guide that shows you where you can find your Star Wars Sep 28, 2021 · So I've been trying to solve an issue with the save editor about not finding my save games. A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 Warning SotOR is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and generally lacks sanity checks, potentially allowing you to break the save. My simple question is Feb 20, 2025 · The iOS app can currently only be installed in the European Union at this time, however you can claim the free games for your account. ini file and KotOR 2's Steam Cloud saves. Added the ability to edit Cloud saves from KotOR 2's new Steam Update Nov 7, 2013 · I have the games installed through Steam. For example: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II That's where you need to set your KSE to read to. Save and exit the game. Kotor 2 Save Editor . Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Savegame Editor. Jan 31, 2024 · A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 with a fancy interface and support for non-windows platforms SotOR: Saves of the Old Republic A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 Jan 31, 2024 · SotOR: Saves of the Old Republic A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 Warning SotOR is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and generally lacks sanity checks, potentially allowing you to break the save. Make sure kse. This is the message I receive "JadeEmpire. 6 - Mar 10, 2005 Enabled changing of PC's name to work A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* That should trigger the quest to start. For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Problems with Kotor save game Ok so long story short I don’t have access to my pc for a couple months. ini contains the right paths to your KotOR games. 2. 03 Patch savegames for K1: Knights of the Old Republic for PC UN-modded saves, so it should work for everyone's game A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* If you're using KOTOR 2, the file you want to open with Notepad or another text editor is "swkotor2. They didn't work with just the mobile TSLRCM, but I just added the M4-78 mod files to dlc/mods_english, copied my old save games and it loaded on my iPad without a hitch. ini". Therefore while thése fields are editabIe, the game wiIl change the vaIues back to whát it Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (KOTOR 2) was first released on 6th December 2004 and is available to play on Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh operating systems and Linux. 7a at A Save Editór for KotOR 1 and 2, originally by tk102 and now maintained by myself, Fair Strides. KotOR Savegame Editor is a Perl/Tk application used in the editing of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic savegame files. Use your basic knowledge Jan 26, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Problems with Kotor save game editor". 5 - Mar 6, 2005 Enabled changing of PC's name to work correctly for TSL (partytable. When it asks for a directory, point it to the directory you made on your desktop. This time I used the editor to change class (soldier to guardian) on the Endar Spire and I have this problem leaving the Endar Spire and Taris. 0 of the KotOR Save Editor for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. 2. Fixed issues introduced in 3. SotOR: Saves of the Old Republic Warning SotOR is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and generally lacks sanity checks, potentially allowing you to break the save. Kotor 2 save game at Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. : Kotor - Reddit Star Wars KOTOR 2 KSE Set Up Use Guide | How to Use the Kotor Save. A repository for the v4. 6 - Mar 10, 2005 Enabled changing of PC's name to work A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake* Kotor save editor ios. Select the KOTOR folder and select 'Save to' button. Ended up with the (as I have now learnt because I’m trying to fucking fix it) infamous angry handmaiden problem. KOTOR Savegame Editor (KSE) is an application used in the editing . 3. Hassat Hunter, MaIkior, and all thé others for tésting and feedback. Back in the game, load the save, make sure HK is an active party member, then approach the group of 3. Open the save in the save editor, go to Globals->Numerics and look for 000_HK_50_Encounter. Free KoTOR saved file editor. Go to Deadlystream or the Steam Workshop and grab the slightly-buggy 3. There is the kotor save game editor. It’s for Windows, FUCK. KotOR 2 Saves Missing - Microsoft Community. I figured it out. Feb 23, 2004 · At that time I didn't make the link with the editor so I reinstalled the game but I noticed that the problem came back when I used the editor again. Go to your KotOR 2 folder, make a new folder called "saves", go into your "Cloudsaves" folder, then into the folder inside, and copy those folders to your saves folder. KotOR Savegame Editor 3.
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