Mcgill library catalogue. Alternative identifier(s) Standard number area.
Mcgill library catalogue Please note that the McGill Library website will be updated on Saturday, September 11, 2021, from 8 am to 4 pm. How to get more help: In addition to the resources listed here, you can always take a look at our E-books FAQ, and see if we have the information you are looking for. Library staff searched high and low for some of the best public domain content from McGill's ROAAr collections. We will check the publisher permissions and will upload it on your behalf. We encourage you to contact the archival repository directly or search our main library catalogue for published special collections material. The ILL system is integrated into the library catalogue/Sofia Discovery Tool. For more information, click on this link. Sofia is the McGill Library catalogue where you can find music recordings in the collection. To retrieve search results for a word with multiple endings, use the root with an asterix; for example, vote* will retrieve research related to vote, votes, and voting. . McGill Libraries Search. Catalogue includes links to scores; Works with Horn by Female Composers Catalog. These instructions apply to the McGill Library (Sofia) catalogue . His archival fonds is available as part of McGill Library and Archives’ collections. Instructors can use the McGill Playlist creation guide for creating course-specific Naxos playlists. There is a box in the middle of the page that allows you to search the catalogue, Sofia Discovery tool. Montreal: McGill University, 1984. - an anglais seulement Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) BAnQ ( on ne dit pas « La » BAnQ ) a des abonnements à plusieurs plateformes de livres numériques qui pourraient être utiles pendant la fermeture de la Bibliothèque des sciences The McGill Libraries have the largest collection in Quebec and are one of Canada’s most important academic libraries with access to 6 million monographs and 80,000 online journals and databases collected to support all disciplines represented at McGill. This maintenance work may result in catalogue-related links to Submit an ILL request. Catalogue includes solo and chamber music with horn (up to 12 instruments) by female composers from around the world; Includes free downloadable works The Sofia Discovery search tool is a great place to begin your search for information about BIPOC musicians and musical traditions. We are currently experiencing issues with off-campus access to the Library's The McGill Library Catalogue uses subject headings from the Library of Congress. Arabic lithographed books in the Islamic Studies Library, McGill University: descriptive catalogue. Please note: Print items that are available at other Quebec university libraries may be requested for pick-up at McGill via the Sofia Discovery Tool (Network Loan), without creating an ILL request. Available for in-library use in the Presbyterian College Library (open to McGill students). If you have questions you can also contact your departmental liaison. (Printed version held at the Islamic Studies Library; Call number: Z3013 M465)-----. If you have questions about the collections below, please contact staff at music. ~ Flowers Herbs Vegetables Flowers Library Catalogues are the inventory of materials, both electronic and physical, that can be found in a library. The McGill Library's Sofia Catalogue. Requesting a physical item from the McGill Libraries for pickup: Hold requests You can request to have any regular loan item owned by any McGill library location (including the McGill University Collections Centre) retrieved for you Search the library catalogue or an article database. Access points. The Sofia Library Catalogue searches McGill University's collection of resources, both print and digital: scholarly, technical and popular books; scholarly journals, magazines and newspapers; Discover and celebrate McGill Library's history through this vintage-inspired product line. During her six years in India, Elizabeth Previous to 2019, menu acquisitions by the library were catalogued individually in the McGill Library catalogue. Further information can be found on the Naxos website. McGill Library McLennan Library Building 3459 rue McTavish Montreal, Quebec Library Catalogue Links: RESOLVED (September 12, 2021). au:Cohen, Leonard; You can also keyword search for individuals' names (e. All brief results and Reserves records now display availability information correctly. Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the McGill Libraries digital collection. Find out how to use it and how to view and manage your ILL requests. The Sofia Library Catalogue searches McGill University's collection of resources, both print and digital: scholarly, technical and popular books; scholarly journals, magazines and newspapers; Although each library has a customized interface with its own colours, logo, and collections, Sofia is a window on the library collections throughout Quebec and around the world. To search for items about famous Montrealers, try searching the Library Catalogue for the individual's name as a subject with Last Name, First Name:. Fontanus Monograph Series VII. Find Books, Films, Music and MORE! Advanced Search. Below is a list of many of our health sciences ebook platforms that can also be directly browsed or searched for relevant material, Search McGill's Catalog (WorldCat) The best place to look for books/ebooks available at the McGill Library is using the Library Catalogue: Your search will cover most of McGill's collection of resources: books, journals, articles, and other resources, in both print or electronic format. Black, Indigenous, people of colour (BIPOC) musicians; Chant texts and cantus firmi Branch libraries Humanities and Social Sciences Library Islamic Studies Library Rare Books and Special Collections Key resources Library catalogue Databases A to Z Subject guides African studies Anthropology and archaeology Bible Studies Black Canadian Studies Classics Communication and media studies East Asian Studies Chinese Studies: A Resource Guide The monograph (a specialist book) is the primary means of scholarly communication in history as a discipline. Example 7: McGill Library catalogue. We are currently seeing a loss of availability information in the catalogue's brief results, including in the Course Reserves section of the system. You can search using words like - revolution, america*, politic*, hist*, etc. , Leonard Music in the Library catalogue. Select the items that you want and click on “Ok”. Click here for more detailed information on WorldCat Discovery. Alternately, email your publication's PDF and its citation to escholarship. McGill Precision Bearings Catalog MCG99; McGill, Browning, Morse, SealMaster Corrosion Resistant Products; McGill Heavy-Duty CAMROL Bearings; McGill Cam Followers; BDS Bearing Catalog Library. Other than the Catalogue of Books from the Library of the Medical Faculty of McGill College which dates from 1845, the earliest preserved records are the handwritten Library Committee reports of Dr. org is a global catalog of library materials. In summer 2018 McGill Library upgraded the existing WorldCat Local online catalogue and search tool to its successor WorldCat Discovery. g. You can search the catalogue using key words, titles, authors, or subjects. As part of the upgrade, course reserves for the 2018-2019 academic year will be accessible solely through WorldCat Discovery. You can bookmark Sofia to go directly to the catalogue, or use the search box above. We apologize for any inconvenience and will update here as soon as more information is available. Photo: Interior of the McGill University Library in Molson Hall, approximately 1885, McGill University Archives, PL038043. Search McGill's Catalog (WorldCat) The best place to look for books/ebooks available at the McGill Library is using the Library Catalogue: Your search will cover most of McGill's collection of resources: books, journals, articles, and other resources, in both print or electronic format. Contact Information: 514-398-4769 | Email Borrowing: 514-398-4769 | Email Hours January 6 – April 5 Sofia Discovery tool - In Sofia, McGill Libraries' catalogue, use the "Musical Score" format filter to limit your search to scores only. << Previous: Google Scholar; Next: MEDLINE and other Ovid databases >> Last Updated: Apr 26, Introduction: Sir John William Dawson (1820-1899) was a geologist, educator and Principal of McGill University (1855-1893). You can search using words like - industrialization, religion, hist*, etc. Use for a list of items, arranged methodically, containing descriptive details for each item. Click Cite. Last summer, McGill Library upgraded the existing WorldCat Local online catalogue and search tool to its successor WorldCat Discovery. The catalogue uses Music Recordings as a format type. Search tips for the library catalogue: Photo: Interior of the McGill University Library in Molson Hall, approximately 1885, McGill University Archives, PL038043. However, searches in McGill’s WorldCat are working once again. EZproxy & QuestionPoint do not seem to be affected. Since then, the library's collection has grown to around 100,000 works including archival records, rare books and periodicals, and current works and journals related to the history of health sciences. Links to JSTOR journals in the WorldCat Catalogue are currently returning the error, "We’re Sorry—We Couldn’t Find the Page You’re Looking For", even when McGill users do have access to the A large portion of the collection is concerned with the growth of the Medical Library at McGill. Useful Subject and Course Guides. McGill University Libraries advance teaching, learning, research and community service by providing outstanding collections, access to the world of knowledge, excellence in service and an appropriate library Trucs et astuces pour bien exploiter le Catalogue WorldCat des Bibliothèques de l'Université McGill. Be sure to review the format choices on the left side of your search results, to select the type of resource you would like to consult. Please update any bookmarks you may have to the Classic Catalogue to use the HTTPS protocol Classic Catalogue now secure using HTTPS | Libraries - Use this guide to discover information sources about women composers and their artistic and compositional output. You can search using words like - ancient, greece, latin, politic*, hist*, etc. For example: To find the Old testament, search for: su: "Bible. An updated search bar was also part of the upgrade. The Classic Catalogue is working as expected from on campus and when connected to the McGill VPN. Types of accepted material We accept publications from Elizabeth and Mary were prolific letter writers and their correspondence with family and friends in England (now in the British Library MSS Eur C240) includes descriptions of Indian culture and British life in India. Please contact the Music Library staff for login credentials. Music students and faculty: Please consult the Music Library’s Music streaming resources (audio & video) guide for additional music-specific resources and information. Search tips for the library catalogue: The Music Library databases/sites below are in the process of being migrated to new platforms. The final stage of the upgrade currently underway will amalgamate all back-end applications needed to manage a library, including acquisitions, circulation, metadata, resource sharing, license This summer, the McGill Library will upgrade the existing WorldCat Local online catalogue and search tool to its successor WorldCat Discovery. Below are samples of subject headings used in the catalogue for Bioresource Engineering and related topics. For opening hours, go to: https: Fill out our online form. Search tips for finding information about women composers in the McGill Library catalogue WorldCat. You can use the Libraries to find whatever information you need! Reference: Encyclopedias | Dictionairies | Writing tools | Biographies | More » Subject guides Course guides, Course Readings Service eExams E-books Reference materials Newspapers Mobile apps Data & statistics Government information The monograph (a specialist book) is the primary means of scholarly communication in history as a discipline. McGill Library Guides Guides to help you make the most of the Library and find what you are looking for Services at the Collections Centre Book Retrieval Service How it works: Library users can request items using the online catalogue. The upgrade to WorldCat Discovery goes live mid-August. The subject heading used for Black Canadians is Black people -- Canada. You can search using words like - Canada, Quebec, hist*, etc. The Library created a detailed LibGuide that offers a helpful overview of the newly branded Sofia catalogue to the McGill community. Access to the collection: Records for the holdings are in the McGill Library catalogue. That's it! The publication will be live on eScholarship@McGill. The priorities are available to view on a Libraries web page, which links to a Microsoft feedback form. Report a problem All library resources (e-resources and physical items) can be found in the WorldCat Discovery catalogue. Click on the title of the item. Puzzles, notecards, magnets and mugs Photo: Interior of the McGill University Library in Molson Hall, approximately 1885, McGill University Archives, PL038043. Gertrude Whitley Performance Library catalogue Update, September 17, 2019: The issue affecting brief availability display in the catalogue has been resolved. Links to JSTOR journals should now resolve properly. There are two ways to create an ILL request: Schulich School of Music; Schulich School of Music Performance Archive; Topic guides. There's no limit on the number of items you may deposit. These descriptions have been merged into the Menu Collection MSG 1269 and new menu acquisitions beginning mid-2019 Expo 67 Official Guide is also catalogued in the McGill Library Catalogue. Standard number. Below are samples of subject headings used in the catalogue for Agricultural Economics Last summer, McGill Library upgraded the existing WorldCat Local online catalogue and search tool to its successor WorldCat Discovery. To find bibles in the Library Catalogue, conduct subject searches using su:. Search. Search tips for the library catalogue: The catalogue also includes a list of women composers who have composed brass quintets; Trumpet Music by Women. In the meantime, some information about these resources can be found on the Library's Music Special Collections guide. Place access points. Find tips on searching, filtering, viewi Search the McGill WorldCat/Sofia discovery tool, then select Bibliothèques universitaires du Québec for the facet Held By Library to expand your search to all Quebec university libraries. The Library has more than 6 million books and just over half of Find Books: Suggestions to find books in the McGill Library catalogue; Find Articles: Key secondary source databases; Find Primary Sources: Databases with digitized primary sources . Open with EndNote. McGill's Sofia contains records and links describing the Library's collection of books, journal, articles, DVDs, and other resources. The library supports the teaching, learning and research activities of staff and students in the Faculty of Arts, the Desautels Faculty of Management, the Faculty of Education, the School of Religious Studies, and the School of Social Work. La référence Banque des données juridiques With a recent update to the Sofia catalogue, the “Author/Creator” search filter now sorts on the record count of the search query. McGill Library McLennan Library Building On Monday, March 20 the Macdonald Campus Library will be opening up the Seed Library for online orders. Francis Shepherd, dating from 1880. Learn how to use WorldCat Discovery, the main catalogue for all books and other media available through the McGill Library. Search the Sofia Discovery tool for McGill's collection of resources including books and eBooks. McGill Library McLennan Library Building 3459 rue McTavish Montreal, Quebec Mission statement. Select Course Reserves on the catalogue’s navigation toolbar. When you find items that interest you, click on the folder icon in the top right corner of the page. We encourage you to contact the archival repository directly or search our main library catalogue for published Ebooks are listed in the Library Catalogue (McGill WorldCat), or they may be searched by individual collection/provider, for example:CAB eBooks Access ebooks in the subject areas of agriculture, animal science, environmental The monograph (a specialist book) is the primary means of scholarly communication in history as a discipline. Description: Catalogue of the Gregor Malantschuk Søren Kierkegaard Collection in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. Enter the words that describe your topic into the Sofia Discovery search box. The final stage of the upgrade currently underway will amalgamate all back-end McGill students and faculty may order articles or book chapters that are not owned by McGill Library or other Quebec university library through the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. Librarian: Christopher Lyons, Head Librarian (e-mail: On Monday, August 6, the Library upgraded the existing WorldCat Local catalogue and search tool to its successor, WorldCat Discovery. Sofia is part of the Shared Services Platform (SSP), a project overseen by BCI (Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire). Searching for Audio / Visual Items in the Catalogue To schedule an information session contact us at discovery. Montreal, McGill University Libraries. You can search for books, music, video, articles and much more at libraries near you. ca. The search tool provides access to a wide range of sources in both print and electronic formats, including books, articles, music scores, recordings, videos, and archival materials. Library catalogue The Libraries provide access to a wide range of primary and secondary resources. library@mcgill. McGill Library McLennan Library Building 3459 rue McTavish Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C9 Intranet (staff only) Contact information A-Z site index Update, March 30 3:10pm: Our partner company is continuing to investigate the causes of today’s WorldCat service interruption. Search tips for the library catalogue: The Humanities and Social Sciences Library is the largest library at McGill. The monograph (a specialist book) is the primary means of scholarly communication in history as a discipline. ; Gertrude Whitley Performance Library materials . Are you having trouble reading e-books on your e-reader or computer? If you are having difficulty getting an e-book working on your device, here are a few suggestions of where to get help. Please add your card again, or add a different card. Subject access points. This page provides tips and tricks on how to search the library's catalogue. The item and its corresponding bin are identified in the system at which time one of While much of the material relates to North America in general, there is material relating to Canada and Montreal. (2005). Records for the holdings are in the McGill Library catalogue. Also, take a look at our help page on setting up McGill links in Google Scholar . Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies Resources relevant for researching Quebec law. For a better searching experience, the Sofia Discovery Tool allows The Library's Classic Catalogue, and Library Account sign-in form are now fully secure, using HTTPS. The Performance Library catalogue (staff access only) includes most of the large ensemble scores and parts in the collection. Upcoming sessions January 16, 2019 - Dean of Libraries presentation at Senate meeting Past sessions December 5, 2018 - Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering Advisory meeting November 26, Search the McGill catalogue, WorldCat Discovery, to find more ebooks: Individual ebook titles are catalogued and available through Sofia, the McGill Library Discovery Tool. su:Cohen, Leonard; To search for items by a famous Montrealer, search instead in the author field:. Browsing the McGill Library Catalogue with Subject Headings You can search the catalogue using key words, titles, authors, or subjects. Library users will benefit Icons Key Icon Meaning Growing level: Beginner Growing level: Intermediate Growing level: Advanced Needs full sun Tolerates partial shade Attracts pollinators Attracts beneficial insects Suitable for container gardening Heirloom seed Seed grown in Québec ~Actual availability of seeds may vary as website is not updated in real time. Centre d’accès à l’information juridique (CAIJ) Portail d'information juridique qui dépouille plus que 1,5 million de documents, incluant la législation, la jurisprudence et la doctrine, y compris des livres électroniques publiés par Wilson & Lafleur en accès gratuit. Alternative identifier(s) Standard number area. The library catalogue is the collection of all the materials available through the McGill Libraries, whether it be books, articles, movies, or any other resources. Ask a librarian at Moving towards a single library catalogue. This evolving guide facilitates access to select resources available to members of the McGill community. This file contains four McGill Library annual reports detailing library news and information about services, facilities, funding, collection develo For the best off campus experience, access e-resources via the Library catalogue or through the Databases A-Z which contain links using EZproxy. Limit the format type to retrieve all types of recordings, or select one of the subcategories: Excellence in service and outreach to the community is at the heart of the Library’s mission. In-library use; Catalogue record; Search Tips! The Basic Search is the default search for the McGill Library WorldCat homepage. The ILL system is integrated into the Sofia Discovery Tool (library catalogue). Course Reserves displays e-resources, as well as print materials, on reserve for Check the full text availability of the volumes and issues in the databases. The seed catalogue will be made available to McGill students, faculty, and staff on opening day. Please note that there is a Osler's private library originally comprised approximately 8000 titles listed in a catalogue known as the Bibliotheca Osleriana. Persian manuscripts in the libraries of McGill University: brief union catalogue. Dawson was an internationally renowned scholar who authored more than 200 publications relating to geology and paleobotany. These include recordings that you can listen to online and physical formats that you can take home. Course Reserves. We encourage you to contact the archival repository directly or search our main library catalogue for published Update, January 20, 4:30pm: Previously reported problems with JSTOR links in the WorldCat Catalogue have been resolved. Thousands of students, staff, and faculty members have taken part in Library interactions like research consultations, workshops, and tours. Respondents to the form will need to log in The Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Engineering supports the teaching, learning, and research of the staff and students of the Faculties of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences, and Science. The McGill Library website is your portal to all of the collections and services offered by the branch libraries. You can also transfer only one item by clicking on it and reaching the page about it. Since 1829, McGill Library has advanced teaching, learning, research on campus. The library catalogue contains McGill Library Archival Collections Catalogue provides a single interface for searching the library's archival holdings, including those from: The catalogue contains descriptions of our collections This series consists of 399 incoming and outgoing letters and postcards, administrative and financial papers, catalogue lists, bookplates, and manuscripts pertaining to collection Guides to help you make the most of the Library and find what you are looking for Use this guide to discover jazz performance and research information sources. We encourage you to contact the archival repository directly or search our main library catalogue for published Guides and resources to help you find the information you are looking for. Agricultural biotechnology. This evolving guide facilitates access to important resources, documenting the impact of women composers on all musical cultures. We are currently experiencing difficulties with the Library's WorldCat Catalogue & our link resolver. All guides Subject guides A-Z: An alphabetical listing of all guides See also Course guides Find the databases, journals, and other resources needed for your specific course Liaison librarians Contact the librarian for your subject area Guides by subject Agriculture & environmental sciences Art, architecture & urban planning Education Engineering Health & biological sciences Browsing the McGill Library Catalogue with Subject Headings. At the McGill University Library, our library uses the Sofia Library Catalogue that is also used by all of the Creating Naxos Music Library World Playlists: Video tutorial. The final stage of the upgrade currently underway will amalgamate all back-end applications needed to manage a library, including acquisitions, circulation, resource sharing, and a single-search discovery interface for library users. The request in the catalogue places a hold on the item and connects with McGill Library’s retrieval system, adding the item to the queue of requested materials. Search tips for the library catalogue: Research individuals. The McGill Libraries have developed draft strategic priorities for 2025–2030 in consultation with key stakeholders and are now inviting current McGill students, faculty members, and staff to help guide the final version. Modern critical works on Kierkegaard complement the original works by Kierkegaard. It contains many helpful tricks for using the Find the best library databases for your research. Skip to main content. These subject headings act like hashtags by categorizing books and other resources according to topic, and can be used effectively as search words for finding material. Search The library card you previously added can't be used to complete this action. enviro* finds environment, environmental, etc. Basically, a library catalogue is the search engine to finding materials owned or subscribed to by any given library. papqghnjhnayxkznycvoozmctgohotuvuzsapxogvkkyurvyhvvwesdfodstukdturivgqwmempusiju