Mini fridge curing chamber. Great setup and I hope it goes well for you.

Mini fridge curing chamber I’ve seen this done a few different ways, but generally with a fridge to utilize the evaporative cooling. When using old mini fridges look for ones that have minimal interior ‘accessories’ that can’t be easily removed and do not have a freezer component. You’ll need to ensure that you can control the temperature and humidity accurately. Mini-fridges - I tried this and found the humidity impossible to control. Some say yes, some say no. 25" opening, the chamber still seems to be affected by external RH. Punch out the 1/2 inch knockout out of the back of the backbox, put the male adapter in the backbox and thread the conduit nut (conduit nut goes inside the box and the smooth socket of the male adapter is on the back of the back box) on to secure the male adapter Buy SteakAger PRO 15 in-Fridge Dry Aging Chamber for Dry Aging Meat at Home, Steak Aging Kit for your Primary Refrigerator, Works in your Garage Fridge, Dry Curing Chamber – 15 lbs. Jan 13, 2020 · Work 1 outlet controls temperature; Work 2 controls humidity. I watch the humidity rise and fall in the fridge with the govee app on my phone. Setting Up a Primitive Meat Curing Chamber in a Regular Refrigerator. Feb 8, 2014 · After a little bartering with a friend, I found what I think may be the perfect type of fridge for the chamber. The Importance of Fridge Humidity Control in Meat Curing Chambers. Thermal and humidity controllers, humidifier and fan. I have a dehumidifier installed in the chamber but it’s rarely used. Feb 18, 2021 · So I decided to build a small curing chamber. I was able to get humidity under control for my fermentation chamber but it' not a case with controlling humidity for my curing chamber: I ordered and had to return back two humidify controllers (Inkbird IHC-200 In this video, you'll find more information on how I use a wine fridge at my house to dry cure meats. I have read mixed responses about whether you should use wine coolers, and mini fridges. Growing up we always smoked, Salmon, Venison, and Kielbasa but always wanted to get into Cured meats. Two weeks is the minimum, and you can certainly go up to a few months. It’s an all-in-one package that even includes a Truss shelf rack for easy beef preparation. The humidity however keeps climbing into the high 90 and that’s with out a humidifier. I'm a long-time smoker, wanting to dip my toes into the curing world. Nice small design for the weekend project or small apartment. - verbage/RPi-curing-chamber If I can make a suggestion, rather get a full-size fridge if space permits. 2K views 5 replies 3 participants last post by maryb Mar 23, 2019 Mar 8, 2018 · How to convert a refrigerator into a holding locker to cure meats. A full list of options is below. Apr 6, 2021 · We feel that for food safety and consistent results, a chamber is a must. The humidity control has really helped with case hardening issues, and the space holds temp within 2-3 deg and humidity within ~5 percent. If you're retro fitting a full size refrigerator, intermittent use of a humidifier is going to be necessary because normal humidities in there fall into the 40s or below. 98 $ 439 . It's not ideal because the freezer takes up space, but I do not have humidity issues. Repurpose a regular fridge or wine fridge. One thing to keep in mind is that these have much smaller volumes than full size fridges, and often have cooling elements directly exposed within the chamber itself (esp. It is inexpensive, allows for up to 10 pounds of meats to be cured at a time, and offers reduced electricity consumption. I suspect a drawer-type could work, but being able to situate things in the bottom (below the meat) and having clear access is the plus. The build is simple: an insulated box with cooling capacity (like a refrigerator or freezer) and a way to increase and maintain humidity. Space is a premium in our home and as such the hanging and drying process can be a bit challenging. I built a curing chamber out of a dorm fridge last year and with the temp/humidty mods it worked well. Aug 31, 2009 · I'm curious to see some responses. Mar 3, 2025 · Building a dry curing chamber (more on chamber design) is easy. I decided now is the time I picked up "The art of making fermented sausages" and "Great sausage recipes and meat curing" subscribed to the smoking meat forums and I decided to put my skills to work and build a dry aging cabinet out of a used commercial soda fridge that I bought for $100! This way I can dry age differen Dec 31, 2024 · Buy Cobalance Dry Aging Fridge for Steak, Dry Age Freezer for T-Bone,Chicken, Ham& Cheese up to 66lbs, 24” Meat Curing Cabinet Chamber Refrigerator,Meat Aging Fridge, Tender Aged Game in 21-46 Days: Freezers - Amazon. There are many options out there, from convertible fridge/freezer units, fridge only, freezer only, wine coolers, and combo fridge/freezers, all of which could be used to build a curing chamber. It’s been quite a few years since I started on my meat curing journey, and in that time I have worked with a number of different at home set ups. As I just started getting into curing (only done a couple duck proscuittos), time to turn it into a curing chamber!! I've already got the mini fridge. com Aug 23, 2012 · Portland Charcuterie Project said. If it has a glass front, you will probably want to tint it somehow. I've been doing some research and I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. Mini fridges are really small and once you add the humidifier you have even less space. Jan 9, 2020 · Hello, I am currently converting a small mini fridge into a meat curing chamber. The mini fridge has a glass door and I am installing LED strip lighting within, and also a small computer fan to bring in fresh air. It’s 67″H x 26″W x 26″D and it maintains temps of 42-66 degrees. Still going strong after 8 years. I have too many projects as it is. I have a mini fridge with a freezer. 👍 Feb 12, 2012 · I converted an old mini fridge into a meat-curing chamber. The circulation fan that is pushing the cold air will also work as a dehumidifier so that excess humidity is avoided. Jun 21, 2020 · Turning an old beat up mini fridge into a fermentation chamber for brewing. Fridge cord is labeled and plugged in here. Jun 11, 2024 · I’ve had 6 DIY dry curing chambers over a few decades, and I wanted to help you just get the right one the first time. 99 Beautiful. But give it a shot, all my keezers, fermentation and curing chambers use external devices to control heating/cooling and humidity so I can change them back with zero hassle. The problem is, it doesn't get the temperature below 18C (I've put a glass of water inside for 24h). The best wine fridge for curing and drying is the NutriChef 15 Bottle Thermoelectric red and white wine cooler. Temperature is working well but I cannot really get the humidity much below 80 percent, even though I have the controller set for 60 percent. Over Aug 25, 2016 · I build dry cure and fermentation (mini fridge) chambers and able to control temperatures perfectly using Inkbird ITS-308 controllers. I plan on converting the fridge portion into a ferment chamber by simply adding a Johnson Controls Temp Controller and building out the interior of the fridge to hold the FV's better. The idea is that it needs to be warmer than a fridge usually would be (50-70 degrees) and much more humid than the average room in my home (~50%) as well as having a little airflow. This for the conduit to go through. I recently bought all the necessary components and converted a mini fridge into a meat curing chamber. Easy and inexpensive to make, a quality meat curing chamber can be built in a day or two for less than $250; less than that if you already own an old but working refrigerator. This in-fridge meat curing chamber lets you savor the delectable taste of restaurant-quality dry-aged steaks right in your kitchen. ) This might be true if you're using a small wine refrigerator but a straight pan of water isn't going to solve the problem, even in a mini-fridge. You can also test conditions around to see if a wine cellar, shed, or garage would suffice. …without a curing chamber. bensound. Dec 30, 2019 · Hi, all! I'm new here. I am looking at mini fridge or use wine cooler. Hard wired out the thermostat and used my own controller. Hi friends! Finally I have a nice, big size commercial fridge and I'm excited to share it with you!In this video I will show you how I built my little bar fr Sep 15, 2020 · If the mini fridge works I’ll either buy a full size used refrigerator and convert it or build a drying curing cabinet and install a thermoelectric cooler. Where the three lines intersect drill a 1-1/8 inch hole through the wall of the chamber. Choosing the Right Refrigerator Oct 23, 2017 · Hi, first post, I've never done an arduino project, but Im comfortable with coding and electronics. Nov 14, 2018 · 5. The main costs are fridge, controller & humidifier. Picked up a nice mini fridge and a wired in a temp and humidity controller. ] Using a freezer instead of a fridge comes with the benefit that it can act within the 3 roles of a curing chamber, fridge, and freezer. Great setup and I hope it goes well for you. 99 $ 199 . Humidity regularly goes below 20%. I could not find a way to remove the humidity and after many tries gave up. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Jan 19, 2025 · Store whole pieces wrapped in butcher paper in the refrigerator. Frost Free type for refridgerators is key to being able to control the relative humidity (RH). 99 Nov 17, 2011 · A buddy of mine just gave me an old Full-size fridge/freezer combo, the kind that the bottom 3/4 is refrigerator and the top 1/4 freezer. It's the tiny cube-style found in dorms, so very limited space, hence my quandaries. The versatile design fits seamlessly into any fridge, whether you prefer vertical or horizontal orientation. I have been wanting to convert a fridge to a curing chamber. Mar 21, 2019 · Homemade Curing/Aging Chamber Jump to Latest 1. The research shows that the cooler temps, specifically below 68, help to preserve terpenes and flavors. Another option might be to hang a decorative cloth/fabric in front of the unit (spaced out a few inches and not touching the unit) to help dampen the sounds it is making. To cure meat, it's important to keep the temperature and humidity constant, often as high as 15°C. Yes, a wine refrigerator or a mini fridge can be converted into a meat curing chamber. Indaswamp did a nice thread on how he built his first attempt at a curing chamber. The process of curing meat, an age-old method of preservation, involves controlling various environmental factors to achieve desired flavors, textures, and safety. The longer it goes, the more developed the flavor will become. A fridge with the freezer on the bottom, and the bottom being a door and not a drawer. To set the temp, press and hold the S key while pressing the up or down arrow until you reach the temperature that you want your curing chamber to remain. Apr 21, 2021 · Yes, this is a long video, I know! I really went through my whole process of turning this wine fridge into a pretty wicked curing chamber - my thought proces Jun 22, 2021 · How well they control the humidity? I have no idea. Apr 6, 2021 · The build is simple: an insulated box with cooling capacity (like a refrigerator or freezer) and a way to increase and maintain humidity. Rod wood/steel the same width as the fridge shelf (see pic, optional) to make a little meat-curing clothesline in your fridge Jeff's Books Smoking Meat: The Essential Guide Smoke. · Chamber – For this guide the recommendation is to use an old mini fridge or wine fridge as these can typically be easily found for a good price second-hand. If you use an Inkbird to control the fridge temperature, it turns the freezer part off too, making it effectively another fridge compartment. Raspberry Pi meat curing chamber and mini IoT/home automation framework Topics python raspberry-pi iot cpp reactjs internet-of-things dht flutter rf433 meat-curing-chamber Jun 8, 2014 · This Video is part of my series on Charcuterie at home. Has anyone here ever converted a mini fridge into a curing chamber, what temperature controller did you use and did you use a humidity controller, how was it all set up and how accurate was it. Most fridges can't do this, because their temperature controls are crude and they can't be set that warm. Nov 1, 2023 · Advanced dual-fridge meat curing and fermentation chamber that allows complete control of temperature and humidity for consistent results. I’ve gone back to using Umai bags to save space. it's hot in the summer (up to 100 degrees on a few rare days, but mostly Dec 15, 2020 · In preparation I have secured a wine refrigerator as my curing chamber. I’m Thinking about using a small display fridge for drinks as a chamber using ink bird controllers as well. We designed our first model around a standard under-cabinet refrigerator or mini fridge. It sits around 80-85% without me doing anything. Using a freezer instead of a fridge comes with the benefit that it can act within the 3 roles of a curing chamber, fridge, and freezer. If you don’t have an old fridge sitting around, check local yard sales or Craigslist to find one. charcuterie). A standard-sized, single-door Aug 21, 2023 · Best Wine Refrigerator for Curing Meat, Prosciutto, Jerky, and Drying Vegetables. My current setup is separate humidity and temperature micro controllers that turn on/off a Jun 18, 2024 · My curing chamber does operate a little bit drier, it’s a big double-door commercial fridge that I converted. Aug 16, 2015 · Surely, dry cured sausages were invented before the microchip? Mini fridge? Wine cooler? Cardboard box? What I'm looking for is some inexpensive, old-school way to hang and cure some salami or soppresetta without making it into another project. We shall May 18, 2017 · I'd love to build a homemade chamber, but until I can get someone in the area to part with a fridge without a freezer for a good price, I may have to settle with a freezer (I could even use a chest freezer, I'd be okay with that). Jan 13, 2020 · To create an incubating (heating) chamber for applications like yogurt, koji or tempeh), leave the fridge unplugged (from the wall and controller), and instead plug a heat source into the controller. There are computer-type fans both inside and outside (1x inside, 2x outside, 100mm). So I end up starting most dry curing at around 75 to 80% humidity for the first two or three days and then take it down to about 70% for most of the dry-cured projects I do like pancetta, braesola, Lonza or dry-cured and then cold Basement Curing Chamber Ok I hate to be that guy but my basement seems like the perfect environment to cure meats in. Feb 12, 2012 · I converted an old mini fridge into a meat-curing chamber. I want to build own curing chamber and had a few questions for those that may know. Wood. That's not always the case. Retrofit an old wine refrigerator for curing meat. Posted by u/jakopotamus - 19 votes and 8 comments So I've bought a small wine fridge, with the intention of converting it into a curing chamber. And now for the toys. (And I don't have a spare bathroom to use as curing chamber, either. Now those numbers are actually perfect for me. I am using an Arduino uno, a PIR sensor, and 2 relays. I’m thinking about making a meat curing chamber with an old min fridge. In this video I detail the way in which I converted an old dorm refrigerator into a curing chamber th A dehumidifier is an essential piece of equipment for a meat curing chamber. The corner also will amplify the sounds the fridge makes and bounce them into the whole room, try placing the mini fridge in a different place. Jun 9, 2016 · While I think the mini-fridge is your best bet, if you choose to go full-on fridge, make sure it's not the side-by-side type, so you can get maximum space in case you want to venture into hanging larger pieces like prosciutto. The outside temp is about 28C. I set the refrigerator’s own control to maximum cooling. BANEBONE Stainless Steel Meat Curing Chamber Box Food Dehydrator and Drying Cabinet dry ager refrigerator for Meat - 10 Tiers, Perfect for Drying Meat, Vegetable & Fruit 1 offer from $19699 $ 196 99 SteakAger PRO 20 Ultimate Bundle - Home Beef Dry Aging Refrigerator, Enjoy Dry-Aged Steak Perfection at Home, Black and Stainless Steel with 20Lbs The biggest issue with upright freezers is the shelves are typically fixed and it may leave you with limited space. for small dorm fridges, and maybe less so with wine coolers). . that being said, 90% of the stuff I make ( proscuitto, salamis, coppa, lonzino) just gets hung up in my mancave ( my freestanding garage converted to living space a few years ago). Jul 3, 2020 · Hey All, Looking to get into sausage making. on Amazon. 98 Food Dehydrator Commercial 800W - Stainless Steel Small Meat Curing Chamber Box with 12 Hooks, 176°F Temp Control - Perfect for Drying Meat, Vegetable - Dry Ager Refrigerator for Meat Price, product page $199. Using an external temperature control that turns on and off the freezer can with a couple of button clicks transform the unit to what best suits your needs at the moment. If you pm me ill sent pics but I'm working now. Ergo, my current kegerator (mini fridge) won't be needed anymore. I used 2x4s and thin plywood, foam insulation covered with reflective insulation and the guts of a mini fridge. e. Sliced capicola keeps for about a week when stored properly. A complete curing chamber can be built for about $250 of parts. Install a small fan to maintain airflow and use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels inside the fridge. The reason is because of the condensation the cooling coil creates. I'm attempting to set up a curing chamber using my old mini fridge. Use a computer fan for air circulation in a wine fridge curing chamber. I’ve got the temperature dialed in to where I want. Price-wise they are also not that much cheaper than a full size fridge. I want to improve my meat curing chamber - essentially a humidity and temperature controlled box where you put salted meat inside for long periods of time (months) to turn the raw meat into deliciousness. Jun 9, 2016 · All that's left to do is to poke a hole in the skin, tie a piece of string through it and hang it in your curing chamber. It helps to maintain the optimal humidity levels for successful and safe curing, as too little or too much moisture in the air can lead to spoilage or even contamination of food. I barely keep the temps because the mini fridge compressor simply wasn't made for that much volume [approx 30 cubic feet. Any Aug 2, 2020 · Would a Eurocave wine fridge work as a curing chamber. Feb 27, 2021 · Though I placed some tape over most of the 1. Slice as thin as possible for the best texture. May 15, 2014 · How to build a compact meat curing chamber. Music: https://www. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create your primitive meat curing chamber: 1. Feb 5, 2014 · An old refrigerator converted into a curing chamber that I intend use for curing salami and salumi. Commercial Food Dehydrator with 12 Hooks, 800W Fully-Automatic LCD Touch Screen Stainless Steel Small Meat Curing Chamber, Smart Timer Dry Ager Refrigerator for Meat, Vegetable, Fruit Price, product page $439. It’s kinda kool to watch the humidity ( I like to think that my buds are breathing) go up then down slowly settling onto 60%. Jan 26, 2013 · The unit is in Celsius, so you’ll have to do a quick conversion. To create a cold chamber, you would simply plug the refrigerator into the controller, and let it regulate how much it would need to run to keep the desired temp. Thinking maybe just a humidifier Jul 29, 2007 · It will require some spare equipment and some small modifications to the equipment, as well as some money. wire, clothes pegs, etc. In my experience, i haven’t needed to warm a fridge, due to the ambient temperature in the UK and i’ve also never needed to artificially raise humidity in the chamber, as the small volume and presence of my curing projects means that its always above the desired RH75%. Let me also say, that I assume NO responsibility for anything that may happen, injuries or otherwise. 1. Fire. 6. Since this is a key component, you can also use these chambers for many other food-related projects as well. Aug 11, 2022 · I too tried to use an old chest freezer as a curing chamber. I've been taking temperature and humidity readings and It's pretty locked in at 55-57 degrees and 57% humidity which is right around the ideal temperature. Since Kid came along I sold all the competition BBQ stuff and need to find another hobby. Similar to many other people using mini-fridges for curing chambers, the temperature seems easy to maintain but the humidity values swing wildly when either the humidifier or dehumidifier is used. Smoker Recipes: Vol. I have read that light causes problems. BIGGEST TIP Get one that is FROST FREE. com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders Nov 6, 2020 · 🍖 Building the meat curing chamber. I'm in the process of moving to a 4 tap keezer. The lowest temp the factory thermostat will register is 52(F) so disabled the thermostat as I will be managing via my Inkbird TC. Lastly, you can purchase a professional curing chamber. I like the idea of the glass door and no freezer unit like many of the mini fridge style units. Serve at room temperature for optimal flavor. I live in Southern California and our summers are hot and we get very little rain with common dry patches. From the start, I had a re-vamped mini fridge turned into a curing chamber, the construction of which I have detailed on this site. But fully understandable if space is a problem. I am mounting the PIR sensor so that whenever I wave my hand in front of the door, I would like the LED strip lighting within Dec 19, 2018 · I’ve looked around a little to see if anyone else has done something like this, in the way I’m thinking. Since refrigerators are self-regulating, most of them will hold temps at around 35 to 37°F, with Oct 8, 2021 · Looking into getting a mini fridge to build a curing chamber per the two guys and a cooler website but had a few questions theft weren't addressed in their post Can anyone recommend good manufacturers to keep an eye out for? Any recommendations on minimum size to accommodate the humidifier Basic Python script for interfacing with Google Sheets to monitor temperature and humidity, and control humidity, in a mini-fridge used for dry curing meats and sausages (i. Mar 18, 2017 · Lots of people are using small fridges or wine coolers for such efforts. One critical aspect of this process is maintaining the right humidity levels, especially when curing meat in a Dec 30, 2023 · How Much Does a Curing Chamber Cost? A normal fridge can be used for certain meat curing projects or building a curing chamber costs $100-300 USD. Basically making a curing chamber boils down to modifying a home Jun 1, 2016 · Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. Turning a standard refrigerator into a meat curing chamber can be an excellent DIY project for enthusiasts looking to dry-cure meat at home. Apr 9, 2015 · kosap, I have the EXACT same problem with the higher humidity in my little wine fridge drying chamber. I can literally see water dripping down the rear of the fridge from it. I’ve got a couple of WiFi I’m using this wine fridge for storing cocktail ingredients, wine, and a small rack for curing. I keep my curing chamber in the low 60s Fahrenheit, so 18C is the corresponding setting. Food Dehydrator Commercial 800W - Stainless Steel Small Meat Curing Chamber Box with 12 Hooks, 176°F Temp Control - Perfect for Drying Meat, Vegetable - Dry Ager Refrigerator for Meat Price, product page $199. 1 Feb 15, 2016 · After years of wanting to create a curing chamber I Finally pulled the trigger. For the wine cooler that Nov 21, 2014 · Learn how to convert a refrigerator/freezer into a meat curing chamber Oct 10, 2014 · * 180cm tall big fridge (first one had cooling element inside the chamber and I thoughts that's what is causing too much humidity as it got periodically frosty and then defrosted; my second fridge has the cooling element in the fridge wall) * DHC-100+ humidistat (which looks identical to Willhi WH8040) Mar 8, 2022 · Im a longtime grower of both indoor and outdoor. #shastacollegeculinary #meatlocker #charcuterie #curing sausage #agedcheese #diymeatlocker Mar 9, 2025 · Fridge (or below 50°F/15°C), a cool breezy area can suffice ; Twine/strong string/butcher twine – for hanging the meat; S hooks or some other hanging method ie. Eventually picked up an old refrigerator with a working compressor and failed controller for $25 on Craig's list. Essentially, I was going to purchase a temperature controller and humidity controller. Should I purchase a dehumidifier as well. I'll take you through the process from start to finish This is exactly the same video as my previous video on building a curing chamber - however, as per the request of some subscribers I have removed the backgro Today we are looking at the Pro Smoker Dry Aging Cabinet "Reserve"This cabinet claims to be able to dry age meat as well as dry cure meats as well. The actual chamber's dimensions are 22"x18"24" so you'll get around 6 cubic feet of storage, but in ham terms I'd estimate fitting at least 4 hams comfortably. But more often than not, people like to put the humidifier and in the old fridge or curing chamber. The trick is to use a frost free fridge ( a must!!) and once you’ve got the fridge loaded, shut the door and don’t open for 3 weeks. ismn rclmtay dmzolqc flnnk xynb yunrptxn jbao zfmf hgqod cpozr iuhrnp vdcbfkhs ndy vvtp zkjs