Npp and test e cycle. The only time I had a dick issue was a deca/ test e cycle.

Npp and test e cycle 5mg arimidex. Since NPP is a nandrolone, I’ve always lived by the wisdom that you need to run 2:1 test:nandrolone to prevent ED. Been out of the scene for awhile and looking for a 4th cycle. Im about 3 weeks into it and I feel great, libido is way up there, and my strength is improving nicely. Feb 16, 2020 · I want to start a cycle to reach my goal of 200 and will do Test, NPP, Masteron and want to add in an oral or something else you suggested. Dec 2, 2016 · cycle experience: 6 weeks test prop cycle , no sides, 100mg eod 2 years ago - Week 1 to 12: Testosterone e @ 400mg ew - week 1 to 12 npp @ 400mg EW - Week 1 to 4: Tbol 50mg ED - Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3. Cycle Notes: NPP is often used as part of a steroid cycle with other substances to maximize muscle gains or fat loss. 8 how does this cycle look … 600mg test e p/w 100mg npp p/w 50mg of dbol per day , then lowering the amount 10mg per week ?? cheers guys Feb 25, 2025 · Current Cycle: My current cycle consists of EQ , NPP , Mast and Test - I have only been back on cycle for about 4 weeks with a health phase prior to this current blast - doses are as follows for week 4 on blast. In my past Test/Deca cycles ive done 500-600 test and 300 deca. I’ll post before, during and after bloodwork. Diet is excellent. Any advice/experience is appreciated. Consider Test/Mast for 12 weeks and the NPP for 10 weeks. Thinking about npp 600 and 700 test. From all the advice and scorn i have gotten from putting up my cycle i have decided to change Tren for NPP. NPP 400mg/wk Wk 4-10. It consisted of NPP as the base, tren, and Anavar as a pre-workout. A lean/cut cycle would be more like 375mg/wk of Test + 100mg/eod of Mast + 100mg/eod of Primo + winny for the last 6 weeks OR 375mg/wk of Test + 100mg/eod of Tren + 100mg/eod of Mast + 6wks of Mast. I’m on trt year round at 180mg. Feb 9, 2013 · Hey guys, I am looking to start a Test Prop (150mg/1ML), NPP (150 mg/ml) and Masteron Prop (150 mg/ml) cycle and was looking for some advice/critique so I can improve the cycle. Click to expand Could be your high test what results in high estrogen. 700 mg tren a/week 600 mg eq/week 200 mg test cyp/week 200 mg npp/week 200 mg mast e/week maybe and oral or two??-ideas would be great The test, npp, and mast are low. NPP is a great compound if you can tolerate it well. Is a 12-week NPP cycle too long for a first-timer? Def need a prop kicker, that npp is gonna reach peak plasma levels at day 10-14 max while the test cyp is gonna take 4-5 weeks, alot of time to have little to no test in your body and alot of nandrolone, which equals ed problems. I’ve even heard of some keeping it 3:1 test:nandrolone because of ED. / NPP / and EQ per week for 16 weeks. Previous cycles were in my early 20's. but i believe I should be doing more of the npp. Any thoughts here? Or does my idea of starting test e a few weeks earlier a better idea? Feb 21, 2024 · Boosting your muscle growth and strength gains, the Test E and NPP cycle sets a sturdy groundwork for improved performance. for an 8-week test prop/NPP cycle, you'd quit the nandrolone after Week 7. Eod. so my question is should I just do a test tren cycle for my next round or is there a benifiet to doing test p tren a npp also if my doseage was 60 test and 40 tren p/d. 5 e2d or as needed Week 9-14 Test E(250mg a week) Tren Ace(250mg a week) NPP (250mg a week) Cabergoline Sep 16, 2021 · I don’t know if it’s a problem using an old thread but I thought going to share my opinion on the upcoming test e + npp cycle. 1 lb Experience - 1 cycle test E 12 1-6wk- Dbol 60 MG daily split into 3 servings of 20mg 1-8wk- NPP 150 EOD 1-12wk-Test E 250 iu Feb 6, 2015 · I have ran Primo once and it gave me a nice polished look, i just got done running Npp and i love the fullness it gave me. Jan 23, 2024 · In an advanced Test and NPP cycle, Testosterone dosages may range from 600 to 1000 mg per week, while NPP dosages can be around 400 to 600 mg per week. This is a good lean/bulk cycle. Aug 29, 2024 · Discover the ultimate guide to Testosterone Enanthate (Prueba E) y fenilpropionato de nandrolona (NPP) cycle dosages. Also going to run 12. 5 mg EOD So, I have never ran any of these exact compounds before. Learn how to optimize your cycle for maximum muscle growth and strength gains, while effectively managing side effects with proper dosage timing, Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs), and prolactin control. Clomid 100/75/50/50 Nolvadex 40/30/20/20 for my PCT (with the HCG). . 5mg Arimdex per day Also my 1st 2 cycle didn't bring the best results because I kept hurting my shoulders between sports and lifting. Age-34 Height - 5'10 Weight- 230. Do I run it with npp or just use npp as a kicker? Dec 2, 2023 · I'm planning my second cycle for this winter, 350mg of Test E and 262. But yea, best results would be when used to kickstart a test cycle, gains are soooo much easier to maintain. And npp at 200mg for 5 weeks then 5 weeks if 375mg test and 300mg npp and then 5 weeks of 375mg test and 300mg npp with 30mg of anavaf daily. Looking for 14 weeks npp 16 test. 350mg/wk of NPP and 50mg/ed of winny for 6wks. Pin M,W,F I'm looking at putting on size (as is everyone) Bloods are looking good and I'm feeling great. 85kg. Start the Test E and MastE 2 weeks earlier than the NPP to give the longer esters a chance to start working fully. Stats: 26 years old. I've ran a Dbol, DECA, test E cycle twice over the last year and a half with great results. Any one who has recommendations on a good source friend me. Never ran EQ so trying to figure out best mix of how to throw it in there. Felt great and strong. Im not sure how much test E to run though I've heard a lot of mixed things about what to run it at, but from what I've Jun 1, 2018 · For NPP, as it is a short ester and clears quick, I would say to start on 300mg/week for 2-3 weeks and then up it from there. Jan 20, 2017 · I am a male that's 27 and ready to try a cycle of NPP and Test Prop Intention of cycle is to heal up previous injuries with collagen synthesis and add 10-15 lbs of muscle. Test E 500mg/wk Wk 1-10. Estrogen started rising higher than normal when I had it at 400 but at 200 I had zero issues. CJC/DAC(5mg a week) Aromasin 12. Thats a lot of Test to many but it worked better for Forum: 2nd CYCLE - TEST E, NPP & ANAVAR ~mistaspinn, 2012 Toggle navigation This is a nandrolone base cycle I ran for quite some time. Normal pct and hcg during cycle. Currently 42 and don’t ever come off low dose test, cruise at anywhere between 150 - 200 mg week cyp or sust or E. Last cycle was NPP 250 mg and test at 600mg for 10 weeks. I hear that npp kicks in sooner than deca. Should I dose the test E the Feb 14, 2025 · i am currently running test c , hgh and npp, i am about 5 weeks @100 mg of npp weekly (to aid in joint comfort) i have noticed the "clody mood" from the npp as im just in a dull mood all day compared to the "happy go lucky" mood i was always in from just test and hgh, I was considering adding in some Mast e to combat the npp blues, but at the same time i'm hesitant about adding "another Jun 14, 2017 · I am planning out my first cycle using NPP, Test-E and Dbol. The reason for the test is because this is the dose I can tolerate without having to use an AI above 0. Only cycle I've repeated as done everything I wanted from a bulk. Diet- I keep it Jan 23, 2025 · Water retention is almost certain with this duo, causing users bloating and muscle smoothness. 25mg eod Standard Pct. Weeks 10 -20 tren E at 500 mg and test Just finished my 1st test tren cycle. Mar 29, 2021 · Test and eq fall into the same category of drug (test derivative) so only run the test e at 250mg for 5 weeks. My stats are 23yo, 6'0", 175lb and around 10%bf. 10-11% BF. I got test e and tren a on hand so will start off with 500 test and in the second half of the cycle halve the test dose and add in tren a @ ~150mg per week and if all is good (big if), further lower the test and increase tren a to 210mg (30 a day), will probably run proviron alongside, still have to Jul 2, 2024 · This is a great cycle. Apr 8, 2018 · Test E(250mg a week) Tren Ace(250mg a week) NPP (250mg a week) Cabergoline (0. ad. You'll also want to run hcg 250-500iu 2x/wk to make recovery easier, especially after running a 19-nor. believe me, the first 3 weeks of my cycle wasnt fun and I was running a prop kicker, it just wasnt giving the Jun 15, 2012 · Running 175 Test E 140 Mast E 100 NPP Mon & Thursday 2 iu's hgh ED. This will be my 5th cycle,but my second within the last 5 months. I have p5p on hand just in case. Aug 23, 2023 · my first time with it I ran it at 500 test 400 npp then second time was 300 test 200 npp and saw amazing results with both of those. High protein, complex carbs and healthy fats ONLY Aug 18, 2016 · Hey so im thinking of starting my next cycle and I was gonna run Test E and npp for 10-12 weeks. Aug 21, 2017 · Previous cycle: Test E @400mg/week I have done tons of searches on different cycles and originally wanted to go with Deca, but after researching about NPP and how it's a more efficient and better version of Deca, I decided to go this route. Can I use it with tests e twice a week? Stats 40yrs old, 240, lift 4 days a week, love being on test/ deca with a dbol kick. Anyways, my first cycle was a 10 week cycle consisting of 250mg test enanthate 2 x per week ( 500 mg weekly for weeks 1-10), dbol at 30mg/day for weeks 1-4, aromasin daily for weeks 1-12, weeks 12-16 the usual nova and clomid. Testosterone levels are likely to shut down post-cycle, so an aggressive post-cycle therapy protocol is needed. Jan 9, 2021 · Curious on your opinions on 350 mg test E with 200 mg primo and possibly 200 mg NPP/deca. My protein intake wasn’t 1 to 1. Learn how to optimize your cycle for maximum muscle growth and strength gains, while effectively managing side effects with proper dosage timing, Inhibidores de la aromatasa (Ais), and prolactin control. May 30, 2024 · Looking for advice on my current cycle. Or even possibly Tren? These are some of my own cycle thoughts: Test eth: 200 eod Ment : 50mg eod Npp: 100mg eod Or Test: 200eod Ment: 50 eod Ive ran several NPP/Test p and Tren A/Test P cycles and never a prolactin or ed problem. 10 mgs Cialis pre workout Went from 235 lbs to 250lbs within 90 days. If you want to go higher than that, I would recommend bumping your test up a bit. I have read that test tren and npp is an even better combination . 5mg of Aromadex ed for the entire cycle. Oct 6, 2008 · I have 40mls of Test Prop and 40mls of NPP. 6% body fat. 25mg twice a week Oct 17, 2020 · I’m running 400 mg test c and 300 mg NPP a week along with 40mg var a day. Ive ran npp and test p 50/50 and never a problem. Was thinking DBol but not 100% sure Each week on cycle I am doing 500mg test (200mg is test E (dr prescribed), 300 is from test sus) 500mg Masteron 300mg NPP Primo/Test E/Npp Cycle . Ran 600mg test E 600mg NPP 400mg mast E split into 2 jabs a week. Test p 300 NPP 300 Primo 300 . Mast 400 mg/wk Wk. For example, my typical stack is test, NPP, and masteron p and typically at a dose of 600, 300, 300. Run each compound at the same dose between 300-400 mg/week. I also will be cutting the Sust down from 800mg week to 600mg week. Dec 8, 2022 · Test Primo NPP Cycle. This is what i was thinking : 50mg test Prop or Tpa EOD 100mg Primo EOD 100mg NPP EOD 12. I made great progress with it until I didn’t tolerate it anymore. So far I have constructed the following cycle and would like some input. Hey guys. I go up with the test up to 300 and also the npp to around 300ish. But what else have y’all ran alongside the Ment? Was thinking between npp or Mast or both alongside test. Jun 17, 2013 · I'm planning on running 600mg of Test P. 5 grams per pound of body weight but I did my best on my budget. I plan to take 75mg of NPP every other day and 175mg of Test e twice a week. I don’t think you want to run a 16-20 week cycle if you plan to PCT. Jun 2, 2020 · My thoughts were that if NPP becomes active fast, the lack of elevated test for the first few weeks may spell some type of trouble. By combining Test E and NPP, you can experience enhanced endurance and quicker recovery times. Some will say too low. 420 a week of NPP and 525 of Test Prop. I'm planning on running 500iu's of HCG every 5 days for the entire cycle, even through my 4 weeks of PCT. Proposed cycle 4-6week max Npp-200-300 mg a week eod or e3d TEST PROP 200mg a week with the NPP, same syringe. This will be my 6th cycle. So 600mg/week total. ? Guys plz help if any suggestions what should I take with May 6, 2020 · Looking for a nice Lean Bulk. My question is, how should my dose frequency look? I was thinking M,W,F with NPP at 100mg. Also I'm trying to get a hold of some caber or bromo or I won't start the npp if I don't have it by then. Any helpful tips or suggestions I am grateful of! 8 Weeks Cycle & 4 Weeks PCT 10mg Dbol morning 30mg Dbol 2 hours before training Monday / Wednesday / Friday 0. 195lbs and 9. Wk 1-10. I was just wondering on how I should take these. 5mg of NPP per week for a total of 12 weeks. Much better cycle and more sustainable than DHB. I'm going to start a bulk cycle in about a month. Cruise 150 Test E for 4 months Second cycle was 500 Test E and 400 Mast E Now on a cruise again for 3 months and wanting to start my 3rd cycle. I think the combo of all three would be a great summer stack for staying hard and full. Really bad acne. 5 days (500 iu/week total) - Week 1 to 12: armidex 0. Nolva and clomid for 4 weeks Age 38 Weight 195 lbs Height 5' 8" Bodyfat : 12-13% Have completed 8 cycles. Thread starter Dmax889; Start date Dec 8, 2022; D. I’ve ran NPP a few times with great results but adding Mast for the first time. If this OK? Any info will help Aug 28, 2012 · SD is a great kickstart to a test cycle, so I would save it for another test cycle. Aug 29, 2015 · The reason why is because NPP is pretty suppressive, so you can keep your libido going by running the testosterone just a little while after the NPP – i. I’m on TRT (Test C) and I’m about to start my cycle Test E and NPP. 0. I am looking to bulk up somemore. Im currently on week 4 of this cycle, but i think i could possibly raise Test by 100mg weekly, lower Masteron by 150-200mg? Current cycle: Test E 400mg Masteron E 600mg NPP 150mg. But I will run out of it faster an be only on test cyp. 25mg every 3. Dosage I was thinking npp @375 each week, so 125mg pins mon/wed/fri. I hear many mixed opinions on primo being Jul 21, 2021 · Cycle length: 8-10 weeks Test P: 300mg / wk Mast P: 600mg / wk NPP: 300mg / wk Aromasin: 12. However, I really don't want to run a long cycle this time, I've never ran a short ester. I did between 150mg - 200mg of Test P eod and 500mg/week of Test E. Jan 30, 2020 · Need to collect your thoughts on this new cycle. and of course i have ran test. I'm thinking about whether to add MK677 due to its appetite-boosting effects. Aug 29, 2024 · Discover the ultimate guide to Testosterone Enanthate (Test E) and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) cycle dosages. A-dex. I have never used Mast either. On Monday I pin 200mg of text c with 100mg of NPP and on Wednesdays and Friday’s I pin 100mg of each. I am very satisfied with the results. May 24, 2021 · Keep it simple. That's why I added NPP this cycle for some joint support. I'm thinking 500 Test E and 300 NPP. Here is my reasoning; I want just Nov 22, 2020 · Hi guys I am planning to run a lean gain cycle but I m confused. I decided to stack TEST + NPP + PRIMO but which test should I use E, C, or P and I will take Arimedix for Estrogen but still confused should in run caber along with Arimedix for prolactin as NPP is there or should I wait and see if I got symptoms then I start taking caber. The only test I have ever used was Test E, and I did run Deca, but never NPP. Thanks guys. 50mg/day Wk 1-10. The only time I had a dick issue was a deca/ test e cycle. only managed 12 weeks due to a shoulder injury but was pleased with the results. e. Aug 23, 2023 · Sounds like a good cycle, NPP made me emotional and weird so I’m staying away from it, but I ran 50mg EOD with test 650 weekly. I ran test/npp/primo at 600mg/400/400 a year ago and got to a lean 240lb. I have npp 100, test cyp 250 and test cyp 300. My main question is, does NPP make sense in this cycle? Feb 8, 2025 · Some history. 180lbs,5’6”, 10% BF, macros on point for constantly “lean bulking” (I hate that terminology). 5 days Feb 19, 2018 · I basically want to see what NPP can do at higher dose with low test, and how lean the gains will be compared to what I’m running now. Therefore, we see this cycle commonly taken during the off-season when a person is optimizing for mass instead of aesthetics. NPP: 100mg. 5mg EOD, Caber 0. I was thinking about doing the npp. First cycle was 400 Test E for 12 weeks. The winny I've moved down 2 weeks and have it end now when my test cycle ends. 5ml Test-E 1ml NPP 12. Originally this cycle was going to be test/EQ only with the tbol kick start however I have recently read from several trusted sources that You can run a low dose of npp (200-250 /wk) mainly for the therapeutic benefits of nandrolone without the long estered side effects from deca and as I have had several surgeries on both of my 50 mgs npp pinned daily (6 days a week) = 300 mgs weekly 200 mgs 2X’s weekly test e =400 mgs weekly. Critique away please. Jan 17, 2025 · Keep your test higher than the NPP and no lower than 1:1 and you’ll have a solid cycle. 5mg mon/wed/fri - week 1 to 12 caber 0. Week 5 I would stop npp and just do test prop and use hcg. Follow me on Instagram @paulkb Dec 5, 2011 · I’ve started my first cycle. If results are ok (which I expect they will be), I’ll start my second AAS bulking cycle shortly: NPP + Test Prop, in the following layout: Week 1-10: NPP 100mg, Test Prop 100mg 3x a week (M/W/F) Week 1-10: Aromasin 12. BP got high but no other sides. I hope I won’t need any drug to combat the sides. Proviron. May 19, 2018 · 200mg/wk of Test E + 175mg/wk of Test P = 375mg/wk of Test. NPP is 300 due to injection schedule and control prolactin sides. 5mg Aroamsin EOD Jan 3, 2025 · Post Cycle Therapy (PCT): To restore natural hormone levels, implementing PCT after an NPP cycle is crucial. I prefer to do 1 cycle in 1 year. Dmax889 New member. Have extensive experience with tren, NPP, winstrol, dbol and var. 50/100, 50/100, 25/50,25/50. Was thinking about doing the same here, like 300-400 test and 300 NPP, and then probably upping the test after This will be my third official cycle. 5mg/e3d) GW-501516(To counteract the cardio Side Effects) MK677 (25mg a day) Last month of mk677 since I been on 6 months already. Hey just looking for some advice on this cycle im thinking of doing. Jul 1, 2023 · At the end of August, I’m going to start 200mg/week of Test C, Mast E and NPP. I was thinking about using Test E with the NPP since I will be coming off my cycle back onto my TRT dose. For PCT, Nolvadex and Clomid. Test - 400mg / week Mast - 400mg / week EQ - 900mg / week NPP - 200mg / week Jan 15, 2011 · So here is my proposed cycle: Week 1-4: Test e- 500 mg Dbol 50 mg week 5-12: test e 750 mg Npp 350 mg Test will be injected 250 mg at a time for 2-3 times a week depending on dose Dbol will be popped consistently thru the day with a double dose preworkout Npp will be 100 mg eod Jun 24, 2011 · NPP can be dosed at 100mg M/W/F along with your test e for a total of 300mg/wk. I’m currently doing some reading about it but is it worth the money? Money isn’t really an issue to me but I rather not triple the price of my cycle for no reason. I really enjoy DECA, but it doesn't really start to kick in with me until about week 8. OP’s 200mg NPP and 300mg Test E seems pretty underwhelming IMO, I don’t think he will see great results and it might influence his opinion of NPP, when really it is just because he is running such a low dose. I’m hoping for strength increase as well. I’ve been doing 1 ml of cyp a week and 1 ml of n pp per week. 172cm. Has anyone does a cycle like this before? Test 350mg per week NPP 350mg per week Tren 225mg Per week Nov 29, 2019 · Only i am not going to run npp but tren a. Apr 22, 2024 · last cycle 300/300 NPP and test-e split twice a week. Stacking should always be approached with caution and knowledge of each steroid’s properties. How would I go about making my own blend, consisting of Test P, NPP, and Masteron Prop? My next cycle I am wanting to run these 3 compounds, but I want to avoid drawing from 3 different vials every time before I inject. Im on TRT so my Aug 29, 2024 · Detailliertes Testosteron Enanthate (Prüfung E) und Nandrolon Phenylpropionat (NPP) Informationen zur Dosierung des Zyklus. You could use it alone, but the sides friggen suck without test, so if you wanna use it outside of a test cycle, I would say def use a test base. May 7, 2012 · hello everyone. But Apr 16, 2022 · Do I start w my eq then add NPP later? Or use both at same time? Week 1-14 test cyp/e 750mg NPP wanting to be ran at 400mg EQ wanting to be ran at 400 as well (NOT SURE WHERE TO PLACE THE NPP AND EQ, THATS WHY WEEKS ARENT LISTED) Week 1-2 anadrol 25 mg Week 2-5 anadrol upped to 50 mg Again need assistance w where to place the eq and NPP. Apr 16, 2024 · Hi guys looking for a bit of advice , I’m thinking of running a 10 week cycle I’m 5,9 32 years of age and 12 stone 8 body fat 10. Bei der Planung eines Zyklus mit Testosteron Enanthate (Prüfung E) und Nandrolon Phenylpropionat (NPP), Mehrere Faktoren müssen sorgfältig abgewogen werden, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, Wirksamkeit, und das Management möglicher Nebenwirkungen. Reactions: richardbrown. Meals didn’t count macros but 5 meals daily, inconsistently. I want to use shorter esters to see if I have better results. only issue i had was i was expecting NPP to kick in sooner than the 8 weeks it took. I was going to do 60mg ED of NPP and 125mg EOD of Test Prop. Jun 28, 2018 · Mentioned it loads on here, best cycle I've ever done, put on more weight than i ever managed on Tren, felt great, sex drive insane, joints felt amazing. Running anavar at 16% to trim fat is a waste of var IMO. Almost out of NPP so when that happens I am going to Kick up the Test and Mast to see how that works and might even throw in some Var toward the end. 300 keeps me from having elevated levels. On my last tren cycle tho i dropped my test lower and kept the tren high and had much better results and less side effects. I started Tuesday with 50 mg npp and going to pin EOD for the next 4ish weeks than I’ll escalate the dose. I’ve run 400 test with 200 deca and 125 EQ with some good success. 1mg anastrazole did well for me at lower doses of npp, but everyone’s bodies are different so bloods will help more with answering e2 questions. These elevated dosages are chosen based on the individual’s response to previous cycles, their specific body composition, and the goals they aim to achieve. I have used Test E and and I am currently finishing up my first month of accutane. Nov 20, 2018 · Ill be doing 12 weeks TestE and 8 weeks NPP. Now as far as how high to dose the NPP and Mast I was thinking, hmm NPP @ 700mg Mast E @ 800-900 (I have a full head of hair) Test @250 Hgh 5iu Var 60mg Oct 30, 2013 · What do you guys think of this cycle. 1-4. Apr 2, 2022 · I already expect test cuz I’m firm firm believer as test always being the base of everything. Would it be more beneficial for growth to modify my cycle to: Test E 500mg Masteron E 400mg NPP 150mg In my opinion, the best thing to do is run test prop + Provi for the 10 weeks. Keep the gear simple and work the hardest in the kitchen, fasted cardio, 3etc. luki7788 Well Jan 29, 2019 · I’m now in my last week of a mini-PCT and will be getting another blood test when done. mtn jfn hmgtrk gemdtym tkwzhrd yxwxw dpcgdswx plsha wudzikxp vpycud eqnz mom kfybenzd iqyubxy dsmov