Pleco salt bath. Repeat every day until the infection clears up.
Pleco salt bath Epsom salt Salt baths can also provide an effective treatment for fin rot. They haven't bred for her, but she is sure trying. I personally picked this Jabukosu Aquarium Cave (link to Amazon). Because there are side effects. However, you do not need salt to treat whitespot. My friend has hastatus, hasbrosus, too. Flint is a bristlenose pleco. Thats when I noticed that he has some small yellow warty-looking growths on his lip. Jan 6, 2025 · Bristlenose Pleco salt bath treatment. That's 'Salts' are not limited to sodium chloride (table salt), which is probably what you're thinking of when it comes to harming scaleless fish. Bettas are still freshwater fish. The salt you're using is actually just sodium chloride, also known as table salt. I use Repashy 'grub pie' gel food to medicate, just add salts to boiling water, then powder to boiling water. Some sensitive fishes will also do better when salted if it's added so gradually. Feb 12, 2014 · Feel free to share your own personal recipe for epsom salt baths and share your accomplishments. This is a fairly common disease caused by water molds called oomycetes. I do believe salt can be harmful to catfish like plecos due to their scales. Sousa, 2 Henrique M. how much epsom salts per litre? (for a 20 ltire bucket). I’ve read that medicine alone is enough. Cdemeza Members. Neves, 2 Natalino C. High-quality diet: Feed nutrient-rich foods, possibly medicated, to boost fish health. Epsom Salt Magnesium sulfate (aka "Epsom salt") is often used to reduce swelling in humans. His right eye is also popeyed and cloudy. Elevated temperature: Gently raise the tank’s temperature by 2-3°F to aid in medication effectiveness. Should I quarantine him? Sep 21, 2022 · Many fish like Otos and loaches doesn’t have scales and don’t tolerate salt all that well but do tend to be ok with low rates that are therapeutic they would not do well in say a higher concentration in the tank or more intensive salt baths. May 15, 2022 · Salt Bath. 5 teaspoons (i. I’ve also ready to NOT combine salt with fish medicine. View Profile See their activity Jul 21, 2018 · I have been researching the epsome salt bath but I can’t find out how often to give him a bath. I would not use salt as a treatment method for cories/plecos myself but just a lil bit of salt can still be a support. I dislike the use of meds for ich unless necessary. 69 gram of salt per gal would kill the Pleco but I wouldnt do it. Limit protein: Offer Plecos foods like blanched zucchini or cucumber slices, reducing high-protein foods. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and… I read about people doing salt baths for their goldfish, adding salt to the aquarium and doing water changes later. Nov 16, 2013 · 15 gallon: 1 Pea puffer, 5 harlequin rasboras, 5 neon green Rasboras, Clown pleco, Shrimp. Turns out the tank had SOOO much algae it was very dirty!. weekly changes of 10% with food and waste cleaned daily Driftwood, planted with gravel substrate How to give your fish a salt bath to help with swim bladder problems:Until I changed her feeding regimen, my silver molly liked to eat anything and everythin Salt baths: Use 1-2 teaspoons of aquarium salt per gallon in a separate bath for 15-20 minutes to reduce swelling. Aug 25, 2023 · Salt bath: A salt bathtub can help to kill the parasites and limit the severity of the infection. A small amount as in 1/4-1/2tsp per 10g. In my experience, hypostamus species handle it better than other genera, but none of them need it or do better with it added. They are sensitive but you have to drip the salt in over a couple days. Salt can have side effects too, especially for fish like plecos and cories. Eliminating Internal Parasites. So instead of the nitrite attaching itself to the hemoglobin at the point of that exchange, the fish's gills, it gets blocked from doing so by the chloride ion in salt. Not sure I trust the epsom salt route. Couto, 3 Mauricio L. I was thinking of doing a saltwater bath 1 teaspoon Epson salt per quart of water for five minutes. I'm also scared I may hurt him if I try to capture him. You can kill whitespot by raising the temperature to 30C (86F) and keeping it there for 2 weeks. Pleco's were always my favorite freshwater fish and I would love to have one in my saltwater tank, but would hate to experiment ond put one through that misery. Also am I able to feed him during treatment? Thank you. Jan 23, 2012 · You can also reduce the amount of Epsom Salts for a long term bath. Aug 18, 2003 · The dose goes in gradually over 36 hours to avoid shocking the filter (especially Nitrobacter, which results in a short Nitrite surge). For a common Pleco of 5 inches, a 6-inch long, 2-inch diameter pipe makes an ideal hideout. G. Dec 10, 2023 · Swim bladder caused by a number of things. However, what I would suggest would have to be ordered. Aug 7, 2006 · for when i use epsom salts for constipation i use 1tbsp per 20L for tanks without scaleless fish (plecos, khulis, clowns etc), and 1tbsp per 40L for tanks with them. Oct 13, 2017 · Hi i have a pleco that has white poo for a very long time. even the lower dosage seems to get most blockages thru bar severe ones. However, I don't know how it can relax muscles just by sitting in a bath of it, especially considering we don't absorb things through our skin. i saw her yesterday with bloat and her bum has gone swollen too. Cheers Slider45 No. Oct 2, 2015 · Hello, I have a new marble sailfin pleco that I purchased last week from a LFS. Honorato, 5 Peterson E. Feb 8, 2016 · They can die from a blockage, but also Plecos don't much like salt. Methylene blue baths for sick fish would be better in this case. Santos, 2 Mikaelle S. Jan 6, 2025 · I wouldn't recommend salt baths for bristlenose there are sensitive to salt what I would do is add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect if you notice the wound get worse then I would consider doing a course of maracyn2 @Cdemeza I've done some research and I'm afraid of putting medication in the tank since plecos have no scales and are really sensitive to chemicals. pleco; salt dip; 20 comments; 2,429 views; Aralia. 5 cups of coarse sea salt and 1/2 cup baking soda, then add 15-20 drops of essential oils and mix. Hi team, The worst news tonight. Feb 21, 2006 · I saw something interesting the other day about acclimating Pleco's to Salt water. Salt baths can help kill bacteria and promote healing to get your pleco back to full health as fast as possible. A few things to consider. Salt bath? Saltinthedesert · December 28, 2020 4 yr. Dissolve aquarium or pond salt in water and place your fish in the solution for several minutes. 3. Oct 15, 2022 · I'm just trying to get something conclusive regarding especially dropsy. Aug 3, 2021 · Don't bother with salt baths, just add the salt to their tank & Blue planet fungus cure. Apr 17, 2023 · Salt baths: One effective treatment for Dactylogyrus is a salt bath. There is not much change this quick But how often do I give the bath. Have the fish swim in the solution for 15 to 30 minutes. Replace your substrate with very smooth sand, put some aquarium salt in so that there isn't any bacteria or parasites growing on your gf's pleco's stomach, if it does grow, treat it with antibiotics, keep the water very clean, try to keep everything perfect, plecos are tough fish and get through basically anything, so you don't have to worry Jun 10, 2009 · The salt that is used for salt-tolerant livebearers (and other fish) is marine salt mix, not "aquarium salt. This ensures the fish is exposed to a controlled dose, preventing any drastic changes to your main tank’s water chemistry. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of aquarium salt per gallon of water and soak the fish in the reply for 5-10 minutes. what I would do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder what medicated tablets were you treating with Jul 3, 2024 · Betta fish don't need salt, but salt can offer an important boost to their health when given at the correct dosage. The bath should be left in for a minimum of 30 minutes, but up to an hour is better. The only other thing I consider right now is a salt bath - though I would prefer to put the salt inside the tank and not take him out to prevent stress. The reason pH isn't relevant is that pH is a measure of the ratio of H+ and OH- ions. constipation bacterial infection fish over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder. Apr 6, 2020 · The pleco we got a few months after the goldfish, maybe a year and a half ago now. tried a few meds like prazi levamisole and metro and non of them worked. Similarly, Brandão et al. To perform a salt bath, dissolve non-iodized salt in clean, dechlorinated water, and then submerge your pleco in this bath for 15-30 minutes. Do some water changes to get the salt out. How long can a fish stay in an Epsom salt bath? To give your fish an Epsom salt bath, pour half of the tank's water into a clean container. The Australian strain of BN is a mixture of at least 3 strains of BN and is slightly different to those found in other countries. You may also notice your pleco laying at the bottom of the tank or chasing the other fish around. I give you the full recipe and method below that you can save and print to refer back to later. e. If no plants, I use 1 teaspoon epson salt per gallon of water. Types of Aquarium Salt for Betta Fish. I haven't seen this before and it Sep 9, 2011 · The calibration solution can use either potassium chloride (KCl) or salt, (NaCl) you actually get pretty close with water softener salt or cooking salt if you can't get either chloride as a pure salt. In lieu of salt baths, tea baths can be administered, which are soothing to the axolotl and can help treat early stage fungal infections efficacy of salt to control leech infestation in ornamental pleco fish 1 Rudã F. com/ to buy aquarium plants, lights, fish food, and more from Aquarium Co-Op🐟 Buy fish at https://geni. Fujimoto Fungal growths look like white or grayish growths on the pleco's body, resembling cotton balls. Have dosed the entire 130L with 32. Jul 30, 2018 · Don't worry too much, it's easy to fix. The concentration of salt should be based on the type of fish you have, so it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or experienced fish keeper for the appropriate dosage. For the salt baths I used 5G epsom salt in 1/4 gallon of tank water for each bath - I might try starting with half or even 1/4 of that dose and seeing how he handles it if you decide to try giving him salt baths. Posted Monday at 10:16 PM · Edited Monday at 10:32 PM by Cdemeza. In RO (which is pure H2O) you have equal numbers of H+ and OH- ions and the pH is theoretically pH7 (this is the negative log of the H+ ion, so it means 10-7 H+ ions), however the addition of any alkali (H+ acceptor) or acid ions (H+ donor) will Jan 15, 2025 · The world of aquarium keeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, but it can also be a minefield of potential pitfalls and mistakes. i have some epsom salts too. Edit: found it! For my cichlid tank (with the pleco in it) I dosed 1g epsom salt per 30 gallons of tank water. S. Vaccine How to Make Homemade Bath Salts. I have also seen species like plecos do very poorly after salt was introduced into a tank. I don't think the 5. Another thing, I've never done it but see if you can look up information about epson salt baths. Pleco is going well as are all the fish ( loaches , spiney eel , Koolie loaches ) and the normal run of the mill comunity fish. A safe level of salt for most pet fish is 1-2 ppt. B. My 2 mollys had reaaally bad epistylus & I cured them in a couple days using that & a methylene blue bath & methylene blue in tank too. LungCan i treat my pleco's fungus with salt bath? No, you would burn it. Epsom salt draws fluids from the body and stimulates elimination, which is why it's used for bloat. Ingesting Epsom Salts acts as a laxative, a bath also helps to alleviate the fluid retention. I have no idea why the pleco attacked him last night after 8 months of peace. Plecos live in environments with temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. (2006) evaluated the transport stress response of Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) by using salt in closed system, nonetheless the authors have not observed influence on hematological parameters. But I found a 30 gal with everything. May 2, 2019 · Plecos aren't really fond of salt but can tolerate low levels for a couple of weeks. Salting plants can kill them, so it is definitely not the same kind that could cause harm to your pleco :) Nov 27, 2023 · I’ve been making my own bath salts for years, and I finally decided it was time to compile all my favorite bath salt recipes in one place for you. Often it occurs as a secondary infection to a skin problem. Jul 17, 2024 · Epsom salt baths are also believed to be beneficial for other conditions, including: Arthritis pain and swelling; Bruises and sprains; Ingrown toenails; Sore muscles after working out; Jul 6, 2009 · He is definitely eating and has taken Brine Shrimp, one remedy i have read about is a bath of Epsom Salts (if its related to constipation) not sure if that would work, have read that swim bladder afflictions can sometimes stay uncured and fish live out their lives with the issue. Encourage Movement: Adding new hiding spots or rearranging decor can stimulate plecos to move more, aiding digestion. Cheers Slider45 Jun 20, 2017 · Plecos eat algae but they also poop a lot which contributes to algae. They started dying before I even did the salt. The fish will start scratching and rubbing on objects when the salt level gets too high. If you don’t like that idea, place the fish in an Epsom Salt bath for about half an hour and then return him to his aquarium or quarantine tank. Here is a list of treatments that may help: Salt: A bit of salt in the tank water can aid in the osmotic balance of the fish by making the water salinity closer to the fish's blood salinity. Moved him to another bath with 1/4 tablespoon per gal for 5 min then back in his tank. Salt bath? BN Pleco is Bloated. us/LiveFish from our pr You use saltwater salts, as pictured here. Potassium Permanganate baths are also effective. I got her and the rest of the live bearers last Jun 12, 2023 · Epsom salt bath is something I’ve seen for this I’d do some research. in General Discussion. Saltwater salt is really a mix of several different salts, Calcium, and traces elements of certain metals like Strontium. When you kill of your bacteria you need to remain calm and do not add fish. My question is, is this safe for my Jan 6, 2025 · Watch our video on the rules of this forum. Oct 21, 2014 · I do salt for all my fish, I dipped all my other cories Pandas, Green cories, sterbais and plecos. I just did a bath with 1tablespoon per gal for 15 min. Reduce Organics: Vacuum substrate regularly and reduce feeding to once every two days to minimize organic waste, which can exacerbate fungal issues in Plecos. :-D Directions Epsom salt can be added to the tank but only a VERY small amount and not for longer than 7-10 days. and so it gets all the guck out of the tract. The easiest to buy or make is probably the 342ppm NaCl solution, this is 700 µ(micro)S and 448ppm TDS. However, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before using salt as a treatment, as excessive salt exposure can be harmful. I really Hi all, You can ignore the pH, the important part is the EC. by stopping all feeding you give the fish a chance to pee/poo out all the water—peas act like laxatives. Not really sure what to do got so much to deal with at the moment Betta fish help!! I’ve posted multiple times and got no answer, I’m starting to panic, my fish isn’t eating he’s breathing so heavily and is bloated, I gave him a salt bath, but it seems to made things worse stress maybe?parameters are normal, I’ve had him for two weeks, temperature is 26c Jan 10, 2017 · I was looking on kijijI for a 30 gal tank, which I found. I also turned tank up to 32 degrees celcius but unsure if that helped cure it or not lol. It has positive effects on betta fish, too. You can do 10 drops per 1/2 gallon for 30 minutes. Parasitic infections in plecos can cause May 24, 2024 · I treated by turning the water up to 86 for about a week and using copper safe. I don't use Focus with the gel food and my fish love the food. That helps the fish expel accumulated water. You should look into getting Prime and stability Salt baths: Prepare a bath with 2-3 teaspoons of non-iodized salt per gallon, immersing fish for 20-30 minutes daily. plan to do a salt bath (2006) managed NaCl (0 to 8g /L) salt bath exposures for 30 days. 1 day ago · Proper Usage of Epsom Salt for Plecos Epsom Salt Baths: The Preferred Method. My L273 didn't make it. . To treat fungus on plecs use methylene blue and start water changes after 24 hours, as leaving it at full strength causes the fish stress. Feb 18, 2016 · But, I did take chemistry so I can say with authority that Epsom salt is chemically magnesium sulfate and table salt and aquarium salt is sodium chloride. Some do say to use Aquarium Salt, NaCl (or Sea Salt), others say to use Epsom Salt (MgSO₄) and advise against using Aquarium Salt for unkown reasons. For example, it has a calming affect on fish, helps them tolerate high nitrites in the tank water, heals wounds, stimulates the immune system (slime coat) and most harmful fish pathogens are unable to tolerate Salt baths often cause more harm than good and end up stressing the axolotl further. Then I noticed there were 3 tetras and a 4 inch pleco in there as well!! they werent really moving- didnt appear to be doing too well Oct 20, 2018 · He's a dumbo halfmoon, his right fins are a mess and he's missing scales from his side. Jun 20, 2017 · Plecos eat algae but they also poop a lot which contributes to algae. However, they have not observed influence on erythrocyte count. The salt bath helps to draw the disease out of the fish and speeds up their healing process. When I got home tonight I found it under the driftwood and no longer breathing. Apr 10, 2017 · A solution of 3/4 tsp Epsom Salts to 1/2 cup water. 4. Paixão and 5 Rodrigo Y. Pleco’s and salts don’t mix very Dr. To prevent health problems and keep your Royal Pleco in optimal condition, follow these recommendations: Maintain a clean and stable environment by keeping up with regular tank maintenance, including water changes and substrate cleaning. For tuberculosis, adding salt to the water can help to kill the bacteria that cause the disease. Epsom Salt Bath: A brief bath in a solution with 1-2 teaspoons of Epsom salt (link to Amazon) per gallon can help alleviate constipation in plecos. Posted by u/slimey_frog - 10 votes and 3 comments Jun 19, 2023 · Effective treatments include using a fish-safe anti-parasitic medication or a salt bath. Whether you’re looking to relax sore muscles, detox and sooth tired feet after a long day, repair and moisturize your skin, make a fun bath for the kids, or just get some calming alone time, I Jun 17, 2022 · Hi jake93. Jun 26, 2022 · A salt bath is an effective way to treat ich, or white spot disease, in fish. Recovery Hi all, Recently got my first tank white spot infection. Repeat every day until the infection clears up. Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt for every 1 gallon of water. Also, I recommend Methylene Blue for finrot, do a bath in a separate container. Do a 75-90% water change and gravel clean the substrate before raising the temperature. I read the wiki here and I just want a group consensus on treating ich. I do know some hobbyists have kept these species with salt and had it work out ok, but that is not always the case. The standard recommended dosage for Epsom Salts is 1 tsp/gallon, but recommendations can vary too. Mar 12, 2007 · I have a Pleco in my tank not sure witch one it is and i have salt in my tank as a preventive measure, also i use epson salts as well . Constipation causes this so you need to get him disimpacted so unshelled peas are definitely something I’ve seen used for fish especially gold fish. Mixing it into your tank doesn't create saltwater as much as it creates salty water. In general, you’ll mix 3 cups of Epsom salt with about 1. Aggression in fish leads to erratic swimming and crashing into the tank. i have good exp with treated with epsom salt solution soaked to the food with other fish, but i know pleco are more problomatic with saltso i wanted to ask if you Jan 26, 2008 · Epsom salts are Magnesium sulfate, which is used to help constipated fish and it's meant to be a muscle relaxant if you take a bath in it. Plecos being one of many exceptions to the scaleless issue. Edited September 14, 2024 Sep 14 by Chick-In-Of-TheSea Mar 26, 2013 · Salt won't work with the pleco- he can't handle the level salinity needed to treat the tank/goldfish. (2006) managed NaCl (0 to 8g /L) salt bath exposures for 30 days. Basically all sources say that salt (low concentration) helps reduce the osmotic pressure and fluid excretion. I've begun turning up the temperature - aiming for 28c, but currently at 27. Add it slowly and predissolve in water, don't just pour it in. Improve Water Quality Feb 13, 2011 · And half dose salt. These chemical compounds are used in aquariums for different reasons. " Completely different product, and absolutely not something you want to be putting in an aquarium containing pure freshwater species like neon tetras. May 17, 2005 · Epson salt has been used (I've used it and actually keep it in the goldie water) for swim bladder. Dias, 2 Márcia V. Children under 60 lbs: Add 1/2 cup of salts to a standard size bath Individuals between 60-100 lbs: Add 1 cup of salts to a standard size bath Individuals between 100-150 lbs: Add 1 1/2 cup of salts to a standard size bath BN Pleco is Bloated. Salt Baths: A bath using aquarium salt (1 tbsp per 5 gallons) for 15 minutes daily can help alleviate fungal symptoms. i have a 20 ltire bucket i could use. I have him in a hospital tank right now and have treated with a quick salt bath. For a bath, add 1tsp/g for 15-20 mins then remove the fish back to the tank. 1 albino bristlenose pleco 2 flame tetras The reason this tank exists is because I treated my 10 gallon tank with aquarium salt and it killed 2 of my 3 original ghost shrimp and original bristlenose Also, when the ich is cured I'm moving the tetras into my main tank 651K subscribers in the Aquariums community. Feb 26, 2013 · Well my twenty gallon which currently features seven platies and five guppies as well as three albino BN plecos is the stage for a breeding project in order to supply my puffers with live foods. I only mentioned temperature because you quoted such a difference between the heater and the thermometer, and I wondered which was right. Salt should be of the non-iodized table salt variety, or an Aquarium salt recommended by the Pet Shop. But I'm sending the pleco to a friend's pond. Martins, 4 Claucia A. Trichlorfon is probably safe as well but is toxic if left to long or too high dose. Sep 12, 2024 · Salt baths or dips are sometimes used as a treatment for plecos with certain health conditions, such as parasites or bacterial infections. Salt Baths for Minor Wounds: For cuts or scrapes, a brief salt bath using 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 3 gallons of water can help Plecos heal. 7c. Salt baths are a common treatment for many diseases of fish. Has anyone heard about or done this. 10 gallon: 2 betta's and a snail 10 gallon: 1 Pea puffer, two Guppies and 6 Panda loaches and shrimp. I’ve noticed most of my fish are looking much better, but my common Pleco and my Koi betta are still pretty well coated in it. Praziquantel and Fenbendazole are safe for catfish and used for treating flukes. Apr 16, 2011 · Fishmates: 8 Pakistani Loaches, 3 Histrionic Loaches, 1 Hong Kong Pleco, 2 bristlenose pleco Water: Amonia nil, Nitrate and Nitrite trace, PH 7 Aquarium salt added one teaspoon for each 5 litres for each 5 litres changed. This is the conversion factor for KCl. parasitic infections. I was not really looking for fish or pleco or anything. Also Read: Pleco Fish Tank Mates. 1 teaspoon per 4L) of aquarium salt. The bath helps to relieve constipated fish. Mar 14, 2024 · Other than a salt bath try to feed peas and nothing else. Sep 14, 2024 · found blog post on a pleco forum where the user did epsom salt baths and claimed it cured the pleco, but the pleco died a few days after. If you take magnesium in large amounts, it can give you the runs. Should I quarantine him? January 6; 6 replies Bristlenose Pleco salt Feb 16, 2024 · If you notice that your pleco fish floats because of constipation, give it an Epsom salt bath. The usual treatment range is at least 2-3ppt, but I have read there have been cases the ich still remained alive 5ppt or so. 🌱 Visit https://aquariumcoop. However, a female guppy is beginning to pine cone. Bloating aka dropsy is when the kidneys in a fish fail so the water is put back into said fish. He is finally calm/happy enough to start swimming around and sucking on the sides of the tank. Jan 8, 2025 · Bristlenose Pleco salt bath treatment. I've never done a salt bath so again would hope someone with more experience of this can comment. Salt or a mixture of salts ( minerals) containing calcium and magnesium is used to raise the mineral content/ the GH. After 3 days of epsom salt baths I'm happy to say the fluid swelling has gone Jan 12, 2010 · The chloride ion of rock salt simply acts as a specific block to the uptake of nitrite And that happens at the gills. Good luck! Oct 14, 2007 · Plecos do not like salt. Salt is an irritant, which causes the fish to increase slime coat production. Sep 29, 2024 · Nothing standing out in the pictures how long have you had him any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly white stringy poop loss of appetite full list of water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature would be helpful do you use a water dechlorinator like prime when doing water changing @Plecos_and_Fish May 29, 2012 · Aquarium salt or any regular salt (sodium chloride) that hasn't been processed with added anti-caking chemicals has definite advantages. Cdemeza replied to Cdemeza's topic in General Discussion. The best method for administering Epsom salt to plecos is through a short-term bath. Feb 14, 2023 · Your pleco may also be stressed due to their tank mates. Below is a procedure for the treatment: Feb 20, 2025 · Here are some quick instructions on how much you should add to your bath. Feb 9, 2024 · Treatment of ich with salt requires lots of salt actually. One of the most common and potentially devastating mistakes that aquarium enthusiasts make is adding aquarium salt to their tank, unaware of the potential risks it poses to certain fish, including plecos. kxqnkluoywqcnnctwvcbrhehcjoguajocltcbwenillecawzxahxdlrgiuwjjjebtppdktefm