Ruger security six value 2020 Mar 23, 2020 · So I’m the happy new owner of a vintage 1976 Ruger Security six, and my only complaint about the revolver is that the DA trigger pull is not so great. Robust Filter products to compare by specs and price. Jan 6, 2010 · According to the: Ruger Security Six, Single Six, Service Six Serial Number History Here is a breakdown on the pics. But your last two groups were the best of the day and I'll bet you find it was more a matter of you getting used to the sights, feel, triggers, etc. 59 . Add to Cart Make An Offer Manufacture Period: The Ruger Security-Six was produced from 1972 to 1988. It still works but looks awful. Oct 1, 2020 · Nice Security you have there, having the non-scalloped recoil shield increases value some. 28BL PRICE: $765. My first Security Six I got in the late 80s, I traded a junk car for it, I think it was a 77 New Yorker that the guy wanted for Demo Derby. I had not been in the shop for several years. Click for more info Click for more info Jul 8, 2003 · I have a 2 3/4" barreled , stainless steel, Security Six. The U. Security-Six 1983 Ruger Security Six Mag Blue 2 3/4" *EXCELLENT SIX SHOT REVOLVER* KM07. The revolver takes up less room! Greg Nov 2, 2017 · As a two digit It was going into someone's collection, glad it is in my safe queen stash. The craftsmanship found in the Ruger Security-Six Revolvers are amazing. This was during the absolute height of the revolver’s dominance in the LE and civilian markets, and the Sixes were designed to compete heads up with S&W’s L and K frames. I just bought the same package minus the T-Grip last year and ended up all in w/shipping at $615 and felt like I got a screaming good deal on it. Dec 1, 2024 · Looking for some insight on value. 357 Service Sixes for $320-350 and it's not like people are sucking them up. $750. Serial number is 161-30xxx. That also assumes it is . '76 has that cool bicentennial mark on the frame and it also predates Ruger's ridiculous barrel billboard rollmark, which makes it more desirable. It comes as shown in pictures with a soft case. Typically, SS does fetch a bit more than blued steel. 357: Jul 24, 2022 · An adjustable sight Six series revolver is the Security Six, the fixed sight model could be a Security Six , Service Six or Police Service Six depending on when it was produced and the serial number. Ruger Double Action. 00 MANUFACTURER: Ruger May 4, 2011 · 200th Year of AMERICAN LIBERTY - RUGER Security Six 357 Magnum STAINLESS STEEL Description: AMERICAN LIBERTY - Ruger Security-Six 357 MAGNUM MADE IN THE 200TH YEAR OF AMERICAN LIBERTY This fine example is a Stainless Steel . As low as $54. ( 357 mag of course) . Mine was a four inch barrel in blue and I paid full price for it at $87 dollars. They're ALL great guns and I'm not complaining. 357 Magnum by RUGER. Finest double action Ruger ever made. Learn More. Jan 26, 2025 · That’s a fair price for a stainless Six Series with 4” barrel, in good condition, in my area. Mine were lost during a move or 2 or the Ex wife chucked them :O Picked up a set off E bay OEM used and they look almost new ! They said fits a fits a Security Six which they do or Service Six ! Feb 16, 2016 · I don't knowif they will do a security six, but a friend had them do an old 3 screw single six that was in pretty tough shape. Oct 26, 2024 · Ruger: GP100 (x2), Single Six (x2), Security 392 posts · Joined 2020 Very nice looking SS at a very good price. Store here bought a distributor lic and sold them wholesale. Every few clicks and the cylinder won’t rotate any more. 00: 776040-21-0015 3/16/2020; Mobile AL; Davis Industries P32 Pistol CAL:32 SN:P162345 $100. Ruger Security-Six Stainless 4" . 86 used. 17 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $558. 40 $ 74. The Security Six was available from 1972 until 1988, when it was finally discontinued by Ruger. The Missus has claimed the 4" Security Six Stainless, so I guess I will have to get a blue one now so it's easier to tell them apart. There were 84,831 Liberty guns made in 1976 that were in the Security-Six family. 357 Magnum Description: This is a beautiful, Ruger Security-Six Bicentennial "200th Anniversary Of American Liberty" Edition revolver. 00 MANUFACTURER: Ruger Saraland: AL Ruger Security Six Revolver CAL:357 SN:Obliterated $300. Used Price. 59 used . If it is heavily upgraded, it may be worth even more. Search the Guns. So if I had the ready cash, I'd give serious thought to jumping on that. 22 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $545. Mar 15, 2005 · While not terribly rare, the Adjustable sight Security Six is far more common in the longer barrel lengths. Sep 19, 2017 · People who really like the Ruger Six series pistols will say "If that Security Six is overpriced, I'll find another one, even if it takes a while. Feb 8, 2020 · First centerfire handgun I owned was a Ruger Security Six. It is not compatible with SR9® or SR9c® pistols. We've gathered data on new and used prices, fluctuations over the past year, and demand trends to help you make an informed decision when purchasing or selling this firearm. Feb 22, 2025 #1 WTS: - RUGER SECURITY 6 original price tag, warranty card, plastic Nov 4, 2019 · Security Six 4" made in 1978 (before the "WARNING" roll stamp was on the barrel!), bought in '79. 46 used . 94 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $549. Great revolver and a classic piece of walnut on it. The used value of a SECURITY SIX pistol has risen $11. This six shot revolver is in excellent working condition. And I haven't seen a lot of Six-series guns for sale around here, in any kind of condition. . In terms of new guns, Ruger fans lost the Security-Six, Service-Six and Speed-Six but gained the GP-100 and the SP101. RUGER Security-six . 357 Magnum Revolver is an essential addition for any firearm enthusiast. We are adventurists sharing the outdoors with everyone. Thanks, Ruger: GP100 (x2), Single Six (x2), Security Six, LCR, 19565 posts · Joined 2020 Add to quote; Only show this user May 8, 2016 · $350 is an excellent price, Security Sixes tend to get a little more than Service Six 4" guns, even the snub Service and Speed Sixes. It has muzzle wear both sides not real bad but wear and it has a turn ring on the cyl. I do want to have an era correct set of grips for it. Added the Siles grips right away. They're a reproduction of the original factory Ruger target grips. 52 used . used very good Used Price. 04 used . The 12 month average price is $543. ). 357 MAG Mar 16, 2018 · Pistol & Revolver Forum. Mar 8, 2007 · Got my Security six back. Reminds me allot of my 1/2 lugged Mar 22, 2021 · Ruger ~ Security-Six 200th Anniversary Special Edition ~ . Aug 19, 2020 · 89504 I think you're going to like those Herrett Shooting Stars on that old 150 series. " These buyers will pay a fair market value to get a Security Six. About a year ago GTs had one that was three inch and stainless with I’ll fitting Pachmayr grips. Feb 11, 2014 · There's some guy on there must've bought up every existing pair of Security-Six grips in the Known Universe. Price: $699. 78 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $502. It had rust spots all over it, had not been very well taken care of and they did a great job. 12 used. I would buy sec. However, the old Ruger DA Six's were outstanding guns in their own right and seriously under-rated. Thanks for looking. It took quite a while to find one in this condition:. The demand of new SECURITY SIX pistol's has risen 1 units over the past 12 months. I think it cost him about $125 plus shipping. security six & police six (serial # prefix 151 & above) overmolded ® rubber & nylon grips; hardwood grips; speed six (serial # prefix 151 & above) overmolded ® rubber & nylon grips; hardwood grips; sp101. The six inch gun pictured tips the scales at 37 ounces, compared to 41 ounces on our four inch GP100. Oct 4, 2017 · Guy at the last Lake of the Ozarks gun show had a six-inch Security Six that looked to be in about that same condition, on the table with a price tag of $650. I trust y'all opinion but if the house burns down the insurance agent is going to want to settle for 75- 80% of the firearms policy value anyway. 99 Manufacturer: RUGER Model: Security-six Caliber Info:. The 1985 is the closest to being a "collectible". The 9mm is a love or hate relationship in a Speed Six. 49/mo. Jul 29, 2015 · I keep seeing posts where people say the Security-Six is lighter than the GP100 …. How about some input all of you "RUGER-MANIACS",( which includes me). Jan 30, 2024 · While prices can vary, a typical Ruger Security Six is worth around $550, but the price range generally falls between $450 on the low end to as high as $600. Jan 28, 2025 · Fair overall condition Ex-Security Ruger Security Six. Feb 19, 2025 · Last night I received a pair of Security Six target grips. Invest in the Ruger Security-Six today and experience unparalleled craftsmanship and dependability. 49 In stock. The used value of a RUGER SECURITY SIX STAINLESS pistol has risen $10. What is a SECURITY SIX STAINLESS Pistol Worth? A SECURITY SIX STAINLESS pistol is currently worth an average price of $540. Jun 21, 2020 · I bought a security six a few years ago. :mrgreen: There are a whole bunch of people that have never experienced a Security Six, and Security Sixes at a show do draw a bunch of interest. RUGER SECURITY-SIX 1976 200TH ANNIVERSARY . 22/mo. It features a 6-inch barrel, 6-shot cylinder, original blued finish and walnut wood grips with Ruger emblem medallions. The used value of a SECURITY SIX STAINLESS pistol has risen $10. Nov 26, 2020 · Three years later I found a near-new 2 3/4" blue "Police Security Six" . They are harder to find in good condition. 357 Magnum Price: $999. 357MAG The used value of a SECURITY SIX STAINLESS pistol has risen $28. 4" Service Sixes are kind of down in price, there's a dealer on GunBroker selling a couple dozen 4" blue . New and certified used handguns, shotguns, rifles Ruger Security 6 357 Magnum Price - For Sale :: Shop Online :: Guns. The used value of a RUGER SECURITY SIX 357 pistol has risen $11. 75" bbl SS (1979 Manu) Hard to find in the 2. The revolver had been cerecoated. I tried it and worked smoothly. Bore is 90% or better. They’re great shooters, with a great reputation for being durable. SKU ECOM00412374. Early guns with fixed sights and square butt were also marked "Security-Six". Oct 27, 2013 · The "oversize" grips were both a standard issue on some of the Six series guns and were also sold by Ruger as an aftermarket part. New and certified used handguns, shotguns, rifles The used value of a SECURITY SIX pistol has risen $11. 357 Magnum is a highly collectible revolver that encapsulates a significant moment in American history. Doesn't appear to have been used much . And boxed w/shipper adds value. This magazine comes with a flush-fit floor plate installed. Oct 7, 2013 · That being said, the Security Six is positively svelte when compared to the later GP100. Gun is stainless with a 6" barrel, adjustable rear sight, Orange ramp front. 30 used . 75" bbl & Stainless Here is a used Ruger Security Six, 6-shot . Estimated Value To help you further understand the value of a Ruger Security Six Model 717, we provide a breakdown based on the firearm's condition: 100% (New, unfired): $300 Login / Register to view pricing 98% (Like new, minor wear): $255 Login / Register to view pricing Nov 30, 2013 · Looking to get your guys opinion on what is the best grain size to shoot 357 and 38 special out of a short barreled security six? Looking for the best accuracy at 15 to 20 paces. Manufactured in 1976 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of American independence, this classic service revolver is distinctively marked with the engraving "Made in the 200th year of Ruger ~ Security-Six ~ . Love it and it will pass on to one of my boys Question of the day is OEM grips. Not true, assuming you compare like types and barrel lengths. Congrats on finding one you like. There were about 15 customers waiting for back ground checks to be ap May 23, 2024 · I have a few Security Six's, most are good shooters. dollars!) for a pair of faux ivory Jay Scott grips for a 150-series Security Six. Every center fire revolver has a lifespan. security six with 6 inch barrel with adjustable sights. The gunsmith said he found a burr in the center pin hole where the thumb pieces push the center pin forward to release the cylinder for opening. 52 . The GP100 is an even more robust design that will take significant more punishment than the Security Six. Interested in purchasing this firearm? Give the Thornton, CO Cabela's a call! 303. Aug 22, 2022 · The Security-Six debuted in 1972 and was Ruger’s first DA/SA revolver. The 12 month average price is $536. 38 sp. . 357 Magnum Ruger Security Six 151 Prefix Stainless Steel Model Pre-Warning Apr 6, 2020 · The Speed Sixes are more popular than ever right now. 11 used. The only Security-Six revolvers that bring a premium are the snubbies. The demand of used RUGER SECURITY SIX 2 INCH pistol's has fallen 1 units over the past 12 months. About 1. 357 and not chambered only for . $1,499. Most of the post-1986 Sixes I see have the rubber Ruger logo grips. 74 . That is a great price on those Service Six revolvers you mentioned. The Ruger Security Six is one of the guns that helped put Ruger on the map as a serious firearms manufacturer. 357 magnum cartridge and will stand up to it well. The 12 month average price is $537. The temptation is to change the trigger spring and make the Single Action lighter. I'd say 90-95% condition , original Orange an yellow box, grips. 40 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $526. Other than that the revolver functions and operates as normal. Elevate your shooting experience The new value of a SECURITY SIX pistol has fallen $0. The 12 month average price is $533. Its robust construction ensures durability, while the . 6054 . Add to Cart Make An Offer This item cannot ship to: AK, CA, CT, HI What is a RUGER SECURITY SIX Pistol Worth? A RUGER SECURITY SIX pistol is currently worth an average price of $545. A RUGER SECURITY SIX pistol is currently worth an average price of $549. The demand of used SECURITY SIX pistol's has risen 22 units over the past 12 months. It seems the Security Six you're looking at is a very late one, or someone added those grips later. Sixes all day long for $225. 36 used. The used value of a RUGER SECURITY 6 pistol has risen $6. In my opinion it's a great revolver. 00 I sent him a text and asked what his rock bottom price was he said if he didn't get $700. com database to shop for guns, ammo, mags, optics and more. My question concerns the correct Ruger grip emblem for my 1985 Security Six. overmolded ® rubber Manufactured between 1970 and 1985. The demand of new RUGER SECURITY SIX STAINLESS pistol's has not changed over the past 12 months. Think I will go to 2,000 on replacement value, I can not recall seeing very many nib security six low backs. The pistols finish must have been rough as it is pitted. They were offered for a short time without the warning on the barrel. UsedGuns. Oct 15, 2014 · The first asking price was $800. S. 00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $807. Pistol & Revolver Forum Feb 22, 2025 · Security Six. Dec 17, 2024 · Ruger Security Six: otis24: Firearms & Knives: Other Brands & General Gun Topics: 27: 12-15-2024 10:26 PM: Ruger Security 380 on the way: robrossk: Firearms & Knives: Other Brands & General Gun Topics: 16: 08-13-2023 09:24 AM: RUGER SECURITY SIX: Toyman: Firearms & Knives: Other Brands & General Gun Topics: 38: 10-05-2020 11:55 PM: Ruger Aug 29, 2021 · I had my S/S 6" Six since new! Got it in the 70s. 76 . The round butt model is and has always been the Speed Six with one exception, the prototype "Speed Six" was roll marked Security Six and only one Feb 3, 2015 · Ruger launched the Six-series, made up of the Security Six, Speed Six, and Service Six in 1972. Please refer to photos for condition. Light charring on forcing cone and face of cylinder. 5" Redhawk . It is Stainless with wood grips. Starting at 0% APR or $37. Note: Fixed sight guns marked "Security-Six" and round butt "Security-Sixes" with adjustable sights worth a Dec 29, 2016 · The GP-100 is a fine gun and in many ways an improvement of the earlier DA Six's. I have a 4" stainless 1/2 lug Security Six that weighs exactly one ounce more than my full lug stainless 4" GP100. Dec 25, 2024 · Ruger: GP100 (x2), Single Six (x2), Security Six 390 posts · Joined 2020 the quality of the Six's today and still offer them at a reasonable price. as it has been used but sparingly over the years. RUGER security six. Ruger Security-Six Stainless Feb 6, 2025 · Ruger Security Six for sure For my money, the Sec Six series are the finest double-action revolvers Ruger has ever produced For me, FAR superior to the GP-100 series I admit to being a proud Taurus hater I tried a few in the mid-late 80's and early 90's, over half turned out to be junk No more Taurus for me The used value of a SECURITY SIX STAINLESS pistol has risen $28. It can be converted back to a firing state by a licensed gunsmith as the barrel has not been blocked. It's 25 years old and like new condition. I am surprised with the quality of steel Ruger uses this would happen. When installed at the factory, Ruger called them Target grips. This is chambered in 357 Mag with a 4\" barrel. Feb 3, 2015 · Ruger launched the Six-series, made up of the Security Six, Speed Six, and Service Six in 1972. I would put it in the $650 range, you can possibly get more due the the climate of gun buying now. The Speed Six rides in the truck. The demand of new RUGER SECURITY SIX 357 What is a RUGER SECURITY SIX 357 Pistol Worth? A RUGER SECURITY SIX 357 pistol is currently worth an average price of $526. Lockup and action are very nice. Ruger also installed, at the factory, Pachmayr Presentation grips on some of the Sixes as well as Pachmayr compact grips on the Speed Sixes (IIRC). This is in Very Good Used Leather Quick Draw Shoulder Carry Holster For Ruger Security Six, Brown-Black Fully Adjustable Vertical Shoulder Holster, Right or Left Hand (143) Sale Price $74. Unlocking the true worth of a Ruger Security Six isn't just about understanding its condition, model, or included accessories. The demand of new RUGER SECURITY SIX 2 INCH pistol's has not changed over the past 12 months. 72 used. An instant collection. Seems to me these fine older Ruger & S&W's are commanding quite a Colt Python 2020, E & I Frame, Small Panel Grips Ruger Security Six Revolver Grips FULL REFUND GUARANTEE FOR PRICE OF ITEM - BUYER PAYS RETURN SHIPPING FEES. The 6" Security Six makes a fine hunter. RUGER SECURITY-SIX MAGNUM DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER Ruger Security Six 6-shot . The revolver was dropped some time ago and the aluminum rear sight took a beating. When I rotate the cylinder clockwise without manipulation of the trigger or hammer. Jun 5, 2010 · He had always bragged that no Security/Service/Speed-Six trigger pull could match the nice trigger on his Model 19-2 Following are some photos of my slick shooting Service-Six-posing with my 5. Later termed "Service-Six" and so marked. Security-Six Ruger Security Shop for RUGER ~ SECURITY-SIX ~ . 357 MAG Description: Guns Listing ID: 473022 This is a really nice Ruger Security-Six. 00 Nov 17, 2016 · These grips will only compatible with ruger security six or police service six with square butt (s/n prefix 151 or higher) Product information Technical Details Jan 12, 2024 · Used Price. overmolded ® rubber & nylon grips; hardwood grips; sr22. Jim Mar 20, 2012 · Ruger just took the same gun and drilled one shorter to make it a 38. Firing pin hole was blocked to convert the revolver into a training implement. He makes a few reproductions as well as some original designs. 25 yards with fixed sight 4" handguns is a tough shot under any conditions. Thanks Jan 18, 2025 · Hogue Rubber Grip for Ruger Security Six/Police Service Six (87000). If the Security-Six had a full lug, you could add another ounce or two. Pic 1: Left-155X Pic 2: Left-155X Pic 3: 155X Pic 4: 155X Pic 5: 156X Pic 6: 156X Pic 7: 156X Pic 8: 155X Pic 9: Top 155X / Bottom 156X Pic 10: Left 155X / Right 156X . The used value of a SECURITY SIX pistol has risen $15. 357 MAG Description: Guns Listing ID: 1086575 We have a used Ruger Security-Six double/single action revolver for sale. 357 Mag. Feb 20, 2020 · The Security Six was designed to handle the . The demand of new RUGER SECURITY SIX 357 pistol Sep 25, 2017 · Great buy and a fine example! Most guns I have bought have not gone up in value too much. These were made by Dave Tillander at Tillander Custom Grips. 357 Magnum Description: Several light scratches and a few dings on whole of revolver. Mar 15, 2008 · I very much agree too, an early model and a late model Security Six side by side show many of the improvements and/or changes over the manufacturing span of 'Six' series revolvers. 00 then he came down to $750. Later on I put a trigger stop screw in the trigger guard and stoned the sear / hammer just a tiny bit. It's Nov 7, 2008 · The Security Six I have pictured on this thread, shows a "1973" vintage in 99++% . Help me decide - smith 28 or security 6 Mar 31, 2014 · A rarer model is the Stainless 2 3/4″ Security Six without the warning message, pictured below. 357 MAGNUM at Cabela’s, your trusted source for quality outdoor sporting goods. By comparison, the DA trigger on my gp100 match champion is quite a bit better. When it came back you couldn't tell where the old rust pits were. If I wiggle the cylinder it will rotate for a few clicks then stop. In this article, we provide a detailed analysis of the current market prices and trends for the RUGER SECURITY SIX (MODEL 117). 04 . $550 is a pretty good price these days for one in good cosmetic shape. The hotter the ammo and the more frequently it is used will shorten the lifespan in years. And there's one person on eBay asking $125 (yes, $125 genuine U. That said, and assuming the Six is in near mint or very good condition, it's probably worth at least $400 to $500. com A RUGER SECURITY SIX STAINLESS pistol is currently worth an average price of $558. I don't think you will find a much better deal (you could still get a Security Six later). 99 In stock. The 12 month average price is $535. 357 mag 2. 04 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $540. 29 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $549. 38 at a really decent price locally and acquired it (with the aid of a little domestic perjury. Designed for reliability and precision, the Ruger Security-Six . Ruger 357 mag. The used value of a RUGER SECURITY SIX pistol has risen $15. It's not goin' anywhere except to the range! Dec 27, 2007 · They are great guns but for some reason, just never caught on with collectors. Security-Six Ruger Security Six May 21, 2022 · Ran into a pretty clean Security six today. 357 mag revolver made in 1979. Ruger® Security-6 revolver in 357Mag caliber. This is the 200th Anniversary edition manufactured in 1976. Jan 6, 2010 · For sure some ammo will be more accurate that others but the extreme spread you describe is a bit high. The fixed sights do well for that. May 11, 2020 · Anything is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. This black oxide alloy steel, 10-round, 9mm Luger Genuine Ruger® Factory Magazine is compatible with the Security-9® pistol and the PC Carbine™ with the SR9®/Security-9® Magazine Well Insert installed. 357 Magnum caliber delivers exceptional stopping power and accuracy. Ruger stopped making them in 1988 to start What is a RUGER SECURITY SIX 2 INCH Pistol Worth? A RUGER SECURITY SIX 2 INCH pistol currently has too little sold data to calculate an average price. 99 Metal Condition: Excellent/Very Good Jan 28, 2014 · Forums. With our low price guarantee, we strive to offer the lowest everyday prices on the best brands and latest gear. The used value of a RUGER SECURITY SIX 357 pistol has risen $5. Starting at 0% APR or $27. My blued 4” Security Six is 45 years old and has always been flawless in the time I’ve had it. 40 The Sturm Ruger Security-Six Bicentennial edition in . Filter products to compare by specs and price. Thread starter Apr 18, 2008 Messages 87 Location Lafayette. 00 MANUFACTURER: Ruger Aug 13, 2020 · Looking to thin my herd and would like any insight on prices for a couple Ruger's. Any day without learning is a day of backing up. 73/mo. 46 . Security-Six RUGER SECURITY SIX-6 INCH On March 15th as the virus stampede was ramping up I stopped in a shop in Las Vegas. Mar 25, 2013 · The GP100 and SP101 series handguns, designed around similar concepts as the Service Six, Speed Six, and Security Six, are the current flagships of Ruger’s double action revolver line. The used value of a RUGER SECURITY SIX pistol has risen $35. Apr 29, 2010 · Ruger grips I firmly believe the Pachmayr-type grips with the Ruger logos are in fact made by Sile for Ruger. 65 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $558. It spawned a number of models, including the Service-Six and Speed-Six. 30 . 00 that it was going back into his gun safe! He was the original owner and this gun was just as mint as the Security Six was. I have a number of Ruger handguns (1962 to 2022) with various emblem styles. 625. Border Patrol issued this Ruger back in the day, so to speak. This includes Speed-Sixes and Service-Sixes, so they aren't a scarce model by any means. 5 million Security-Six models were built and used by various LE agencies. Prices listed only for adjustable sight and square butt "Security-Six" models. Features a 4″ heavy barrel with excellent bore, red ramp front sight, black adj rear sight… Features a 4″ heavy barrel with excellent bore, red ramp front sight, black adj rear sight, satin stainless finish with a few light rubs… Oct 28, 2024 · The Six-series guns are climbing in value as people have begun to realize how excellent they truly were. SN 150-52XXX. Are these rear sights availble anywhere? Can a rear from the GP100 be used? Thanks Chief Feb 27, 2020 · Remember the Security Six series guns were created to take the law enforcement contracts from S&W, so the improved grip frame design was critical to a quick (accurate) first shot and fast follow-up shots on a kill zone-sized target. Jan 1, 2025 · I use the Service Six as my regular work around the place gun. If you don't reload, Buffalo bore makes a stout 38 load similar to a 357 load. Fits: Ruger Security Six and Police Service Six (Serial # Prefix 151 or above). com Estimated Price Range $397 – $640 Price ranges are based on the most accurate values of used items sold online and millions of transactions in hundreds of independent stores. $555. His grips are molded from high impact resin. handall ® beavertail grip sleeves; p85, p89, p90 & p91. cwlwmte goqsl saqqng xhheu mys fbjsqo xtxmfle hgytsb bbyn owgr sfmwsfua vrbtq qnef kpsxffp agsly