Sandvik dd321 manual. Die gut durchdachten Strukturen und bewährten .
Sandvik dd321 manual Feeds, Cummins Stage 5 Diesel. En utvecklingsrigg designad för effektiv underjordisk borrning, vilket säkerställer precision. Kompaktin kaksipuomisen Sandvik DD321:n hyvä suunnittelu, kestävät komponentit ja parannettu huollettavuus varmistavat erinomaisen työympäristön niin laitteen operaattoreille kuin kunnossapitohenkilöstöllekin. It reduces noise, thermal load and requirements for ventilation capacity, making the underground working environment safer for the teams in operation. 15° / 5° (according to EN 16228-2) For 10 - 16 ft rods and two shank 请访问 My Sandvik 网站 请访问 My Sandvik 网站 正在查找技术参数? 欢迎访问我们的下载中心,在该中心中,您可以查找有关山特维克矿山和岩石技术产品的技术文档以及安全数据表 (SDS) 和安全信息表 (SIS)。 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION KEY FEATURES Coverage area 41. Key specifications include a drill capacity of 19 pieces of 1 Sandvik DS221L es un empernador de cable de bajo perfil con automatización de un orificio. Sandvik DD311 is available in three different versions, including DD311D and DD311DE. Sandvik standard Documentation 2 x Operator’s manual 2 x Maintenance manual 2 x Technical manual (in English only) 2 x Parts manual (in English only) 2 x Toolman CD OPTIONAL ITEMS Feed *Feed length *Telescopic feed Rod retainer 12’, 14’, 18’, 20’ TFX6/12, TFX8/14, TFX10/16 TRR1 with TF or TFX feed (incl. It is a medium size, single-boom jumbo designed for fast and accurate drilling within drifting and tunneling of 40 m² sections. All dimensions in mm. 2) É fornecido um guia detalhado sobre identificação do equipamento, etiquetas de segurança, obrigações do usuário, limitações de uso e zonas de perigo. Têm de estar sempre disponíveis para os utilizadores. 1200. Sandvik DD321-40 is a compact two-boom jumbo for demanding conditions and multiple applications. Sandvik LH410 is compact in size, but yet it features advanced technical solutions, common with Sandvik large scale mining loaders and the intelligent i-series. KEY FEATURES Coverage area 40 m² Hydraulic rock drill specifications - Free download as PDF File (. 3/4. Sandvik and our vendors use cookies (and similar technologies) to collect and process personal data (such as device identifiers, IP addresses, and website interactions) for essential site functions, analyzing site performance, personalizing content, and delivering targeted ads. txt) or read book online for free. The Sandvik DD311-40C is a single-boom electro-hydraulic jumbo for fast and accurate drilling in drifting and tunneling of 40 m² cross sections. Las diversas opciones de este jumbo para minería lo hacen adecuado para una variedad de tareas, más comúnmente perforación frontal, perforación Boom surface drills TIMI FOR INCLINED HOLES AND HOLE DEPTH MEASUREMENT FOR BOOM SURFACE DRILLS Read more Este documento describe una perforadora Sandvik DD311-40C diseñada para perforación frontal, cruzada y taladrado de pernos. Jumbo Sandvik 2 Brazos DD321 aumenta la productividad en el desarrollo de minas y la excavación de túneles a pequeña escala. This is only a sample of the products we offer. Es un jumbo de un solo brazo de tamaño medio, diseñado para perforaciones rápidas y precisas dentro de desviaciones y tunelización de 40 m². Sandvik DD212 es un jumbo electrohidráulico versátil, de un solo brazo, para la tunelización y el desarrollo minero. Apr 30, 2023 · Additionally, it’s essential to use genuine Sandvik parts when replacing components, as they are specifically designed for use in the Sandvik DD321 machine and offer superior performance and durability. Sandvik DD321. This versatile rig is designed for vertical and inclined plane rings and fans, as well as parallel long production holes and long single holes. 666,2 Condición: Usado, Reportado en Buenas Condiciones Descripción: Sandvik DD321 es un equipo de perforación de desarrollo minero Perforadora de Desarrollo Sandvik DD321 [Inventory ID #1272159] Perforadora de Desarrollo Sandvik Marca: Sandvik Modelo: DD321 Año: 2011 Horas: 1. It is designed for development drilling in narrow veins, mass mining and tunneling, in cross sections up to 34 m². It is capable of face drilling, cross-cutting, and bolt hole drilling. DD321 operating manual and spare parts. 8-454 S-B. +358 205 44 121, Telefax +358 205 44 4771 www. Der Sandvik DD321 ist ein zweiarmiges, elektrohydraulisches Bergbauvortriebsbohrgerät, das speziell für anspruchsvolle Bedingungen und vielfältige Anwendungen konzipiert wurde. %PDF-1. Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy P. It has options for a variety of applications and conditions including two hydraulic rock drills and telescopic drilling feeds up to 16 feet. TFX 6’/12’ Telescopic Feeds. Sandvik DD422i has the widest range of automatic drilling functions, able to achieve reduced over-breaking with maximized pull-out per blast. 2020 Sandvik DD321-40C 2 Boom Jumbo, RD520 Drills, TF500 14Ft. 8/14 TRRI included safety wire Adds 35mm length of the TF-Feed TRS included TRR1 & Safety wire FOPS/ROPS (ISO3449 / ISO3471) ROPS , 15700 kg 2430 mm - 2930 mm 95. pdf. The drill’s various options make it suitable for a range of conditions and tasks. All service points on Sandvik DD210 are well-protected yet easily accessible, facilitating daily maintenance and ensuring optimal performance. 5 metros de ancho. Es un equipo de desarrollo diseñado para brindar una perforación subterránea eficiente que garantiza la precisión. Manual Perforadora Jumbo Dd311 Sandvik pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Manual fire suppression system ANSUL (6 nozzles) (2) OW30 O Sandvik DD321 é um jumbo compacto de dois braços capaz de operar em condições desafiadoras, graças à sua flexibilidade para satisfazer várias necessidades, como perfuração de face, perfuração de corte transversal e atirantamento. Optimal coverage is achieved with the robust Sandvik SB40 boom. The proven and robust SB40 boom provides coverage of 49 m2. Operating manuals and spare parts can be found on the My Sandvik customer portal. Jan 29, 2020 · At Sindesar Khurd mine alone, the Sandvik presence includes: 27 trucks including Sandvik TH663 and Sandvik TH550 models; 20 loaders including Sandvik LH517 and Sandvik LH621 models; 20 drills including Sandvik DL421 and Sandvik DL310 longhole drills and Sandvik DD421 and Sandvik DD321 development drills Instrucciones originales dd321 126 11 es 2012-12-31 Manual del operario Sandvik DD321-40 Drill Rig 113D23329-1 2013 110 380 50 130 21600 ADVERTENCIA PELIGRO EN CASO DE IGNORAR LAS INSTRUCCIONES A fin de evitar graves lesiones e incluso la muerte, TIENE que leer, comprender y seguir detalladamente los manuales de mantenimiento y del operario antes de instalar, inspeccionar, operar, revisar operando el equipo jumbo, operación de jumbo frotonero, aprende operar el jumbo de 2 brazos, jumbo en minería Sandvik DL411 is a longhole drill rig engineered for large-scale production drilling in underground mines. Este equipo de perforación avanzado combina tecnología y rendimiento para obtener resultados óptimos en las operaciones mineras. SANDVIK MINING / TS2-028:02/ENG ** Additional options features/components 10, 14, 16 ft TFX6/12. Experience efficient underground drilling with the DD322i drill rig by Sandvik. DD321 DD321 Drilling feed Radius (R) T-cross (C) TF500–12’ 6 300 mm 3 700 mm TF500–14’ 6 450 mm 3 850 mm TF500–16’ 6 600 mm 4 000 mm 4. Sandvik genuine spare parts and components ensures that you will meet the peak of your machine performance while protecting both the equipment and its operators. The Sandvik DS510 is ideal for civil construction tunneling and large underground mining operations. • Manual fire suppression system ANSUL, 6 nozzles • Pressure cleaning system (15 bar) with reel Sandvik DD321-40 Technical Specification. The various options of this mining jumbo make it suitable for a range of tasks, most commonly face drilling, cross-cut drilling and bolt-hole drilling. Manual de Jumbo Instrucciones originales dd321 126 11 es 2012-12-31 Manual del operario Sandvik DD321-40 Drill Rig 113D23329-1 2013 812 49 17MB Read more. El cargador Toro™ LH202 está diseñado para minería de vetas angostas, al priorizar la productividad en condiciones subterráneas. Compruebe la eficiencia de la perforación subterránea con el equipo de perforación Sandvik DD322i. 3 Instrucciones originales dd321 553 9 es 2012-01-19 Manual de mantenimiento ADVERTENCIA PELIGRO EN CASO DE IGNORAR LAS INSTRUCCIONES A fin de evitar graves lesiones e incluso la muerte, TIENE que leer, comprender y seguir detalladamente los manuales de mantenimiento y del operario antes de instalar, inspeccionar, operar, revisar, comprobar, limpiar, transportar, guardar, desmontar o eliminar el Sandvik DD2710 is a compact, single-boom electro-hydraulic jumbo. Die gut durchdachten Strukturen und bewährten Sandvik DD312i is an advanced single boom development drill for underground mine development and small scale tunneling. It excels in narrow vein operations, allowing for better control of dilution, improved face and tunnel profiles, increased drill performance and lower total cost of ownership. Sandvik DD212 is a versatile single-boom electro-hydraulic jumbo for tunneling and mining development. The Sandvik DD321 is a compact two-boom jumbo drill for demanding conditions and multiple applications. Sandvik DD321 is a compact two-boom jumbo for demanding conditions and multiple applications. O. It is designed for vertical and inclined plane rings and fans, as well as parallel long production holes and long single holes. Brake release Manual hand pump Centralized greasing points Specification TS2-463 Tramming alarm Standard Colour scheme Sandvik Documentation 2 x Operator’s manual 2 x Technical manual (in English only) 2 x Parts manual (in English only) 2 x USB key of manuals (PDF files) 1 x Online Parts manuals (MySandvik) 3. SANDVIK. Accessible service points. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. Incluye especificaciones del equipo, descripciones de los módulos, componentes de perforación como la perforadora HLX5, y procedimientos de mantenimiento para las vigas de perforación TFX500. El equipo Sandvik DD411 es un jumbo electrohidráulico de un solo brazo diseñado para ofrecer una perforación rápida y precisa en tareas de tunelización con secciones transversales de hasta 90 m² (con SB90). 31° 26° 5500. SANDVIK DD321 - DEVELOPMENT DRILL Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology reserves the right to make changes to the information on this data sheet without prior notification to users. make: sandvik model: dd321-40 year: 2012 serial number: 112d18921-1 unit hours: 1,833 fire suppression: yes - ansul engine make: mercedes benz engine model mb904la (110 kw) tier 3 transmission make: spicer transmission model: t 20 000, hydrodynamic power pack #1 left hrs 4036 powerpack #2 right hrs 4035 compressor hrs 4217 DD321. 3) O documento destaca a importância de ler e seguir todas as instruções para evitar acidentes. Sandvik DS210L-MD. It lists 35 pages with descriptions of the circuits covered on each page such as the supply, power packs, lighting controls, and other systems. Instrucciones originales dd321 126 11 es 2012-12-31 Manual del operario Sandvik DD321-40 Drill Rig 113D23329-1 2013 29 1 17MB Read more Descubra la versatilidad en la perforación de desarrollo con el equipo de perforación Sandvik DD210. The jumbo is capable of face drilling, cross-cut drilling and bolt hole drilling. Sandvik DD321 is a two-boom, electro-hydraulic mining development drill rig engineered to excel in demanding conditions and multiple applications. Mejore el desarrollo minero con el equipo de perforación Sandvik DD321. The jumbo is capable of Manual pump Shell Naturelle HFE46/HFE68 Manual de Operación-AXERA DD321 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Impulsado por nuevas y eficientes perforadoras de roca, robustas plumas y una amplia selección de alimentadores, ofrece una cobertura óptima de 49 m2. Tramming. 6 kg. Instrucciones originales dd321 553 9 es 2012-01-19 Manual de mantenimiento ADVERTENCIA PELIGRO EN CASO DE IGNORAR LAS INSTRUCCIONES A fin de evitar graves lesiones e incluso la muerte, TIENE que leer, comprender y seguir detalladamente los manuales de mantenimiento y del operario antes de instalar, inspeccionar, operar, revisar, comprobar, limpiar, transportar, guardar, desmontar o eliminar el Sandvik and our vendors use cookies (and similar technologies) to collect and process personal data (such as device identifiers, IP addresses, and website interactions) for essential site functions, analyzing site performance, personalizing content, and delivering targeted ads. Sandvik DD311 is the successor of the well-known Sandvik DD310 and offers easier maintenance. Box 100, FIN–33311 Tampere, Finland Tel. Sandvik HLX5 rock drill has proven to be efficient and powerful. * Manual water hose reel *Fire suppression system and options *Manual fire suppression system (Ansul) 6 nozzles *Hand held fire extinguisher *Optional features/components. Sandvik DD311 está disponible en tres versiones diferentes, incluidos los modelos DD311D y DD311DE. Componentes eléctricos sandvik DD321 These cookies allow us and our advertizing partners to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads on our websites and on social media. SANDVIK DD210 - DEVELOPMENT DRILL Sandvik DD321 is a two-boom, electro-hydraulic mining development drill rig engineered to excel in demanding conditions and multiple applications. Esta plataforma versátil combina fiabilidad y adaptabilidad para diversas necesidades en operaciones mineras. Förbättra gruvutvecklingen med borriggen DD321 från Sandvik. Technical Specification. Sandvik DD411 is a single-boom electro-hydraulic jumbo for precise drilling in tunnels and drifts. The proven and robust SB40 boom provides coverage of 49 m². The document is a table of contents for a circuit diagram manual. Serial # 112D22742. The drilling performance can be improved with optional instrumentation. 4500. txt) or view presentation slides online. Está disponible en versiones sandvik dd321 Jumbo compacto que alcanza secciones transversales de hasta 49 m², con sus dos brazos permite reducir el tiempo de perforación, ya que cuenta con dos perforadoras gemelas que puede barrenar longitudes de 8 a 14 pies. CARRIER DD321. The Sandvik DD321 is a compact two-boom jumbo drill capable of face drilling, cross-cut drilling and bolt hole drilling. 666,2 Condición: Usado, Reportado en Buenas Condiciones Descripción: Sandvik DD321 es un equipo de perforación de desarrollo minero Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. pdf), Text File (. com OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT COVERAGE AREA 1 920 13 325 14 210 2 370 300 8 420 2 500 3 000 1) O documento apresenta instruções de segurança e operacionais para equipamentos da Sandvik. Contacte diretamente o fabricante ou um revendedor para saber o preço de um produto, pedir um orçamento ou para conhecer os pontos de venda mais próximos de si. DD321. txt) or read online for free. This advanced drill rig combines technology and performance for optimal mining results. Ofrece una cobertura de hasta 40 metros cuadrados con un solo brazo de perforación. Electric DD321 - Free download as PDF File (. Brake release By manual hand pump Tramming alarm Standard Tramming cameras Front, side and rear Knowledge Box™ Connectivity solution (TS2-535) Colour scheme Sandvik standard Documentation 1 x Operator’s manual 1 x Maintenance manual 1 x Technical manual (in English only) 1 x Parts manual (in English only) 2 x Toolman USB key OPTIONAL ITEMS Optimice la minería de roca dura con el equipo Sandvik DL321, meticulosamente diseñado para la perforación de barreno largo que le brindará confiabilidad y eficiencia en minas subterráneas. Please login to My Sandvik to see our full product range. 2019 Sandvik DD321-40C 2 Boom Jumbo with low hours, full cabin with AC, two RD520 rock drills. 6 in - 105. It covers its wide coverage, powerful rock drill, ergonomic controls, advanced drilling controls, daily maintenance, and rockbolt types. Es handelt sich um ein Vortriebsgerät, das für effizientes Untertagebohren konzipiert ist und Präzision gewährleistet. The document provides a technical specification for the Sandvik DS421-C underground drill rig. Sandvik DL311 is a longhole drill rig engineered for small and medium-scale production drilling in underground mines. 3 in Operator station: 95 db(A) SB40NV instead of SB40 Packages Regional As informações de utilização são este manual, as etiquetas de segurança na maquinaria, o manual da máquina transportadora e outras informações para utilizar devidamente e em segurança esta maquinaria. The DD321 offers improved serviceability and usability over previous Sandvik models through its new design and optional features. The new rock drill RD520 provides smooth and efficient drilling. 2012 Year of Manufacturer. Extra manuals. The boom’s 360° rotation and wide tilt angle make it an excellent fit for many drilling applications. SANDVIK DS421 KEY FEATURES Hydraulic rock drill Sandvik HL510 Bolting head Sandvik CBH Boom Sandvik TBR60 Cablebolt length 25 m Turning width (T-section) 4,100 mm Transport / bolting width 2,735 mm / 3,975 mm Transport height 2,455 mm / 3,200 mm Transport / bolting length 11,955 mm / 12,415 mm Total weight 25,000 kg depending on options Perforadora de Desarrollo Sandvik DD321 [Inventory ID #1272159] Perforadora de Desarrollo Sandvik Marca: Sandvik Modelo: DD321 Año: 2011 Horas: 1. It’s the ideal choice for underground mine development and small-scale tunneling. Durch die verschiedenen Optionen eignet sich dieser Bergbaubohrwagen für eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben, vor allem für Vortriebs-, Querschlags- und Ankerlochbohrungen. 5 %âãÏÓ 471 0 obj > endobj 481 0 obj >/Encrypt 472 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[9DF0177EFA28E54B844C0D12E5306088>]/Index[471 22]/Info 470 0 R/Length 66/Prev Verbessern Sie mit dem Bohrgerät DD321 von Sandvik den Vortrieb in Ihrem Bergbau. sandvik. DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供隧道大型钻机产品详细信息。规格型号:DD321 ,公司品牌:Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选隧道大型钻机产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。. DD321 DEVELOPMENT DRILL Sandvik DD321 is a compact two-boom jumbo for demanding conditions and multiple applications. The drill rig is specialized for installing cement grouted cable bolts up to 25 meters long in underground mines and tunnels. The jumbo is capable of face drilling, cross cut drilling and bolt hole drilling. Está construida para ser resistente y confiable en la minería, y garantiza productividad con su taladro de alta potencia y controles fáciles de usar. This document provides detailed information about the Sandvik DS510 Underground Drill Rig, including its features, specifications, and capabilities. SAHR type, fail save wet disc brakes 16 km/h (Horizontal) 6 km/h (14%=1:7=8°) Max. The Manual boom control Direct control Fully proportional jumbo sandvik dd321 - Free download as PDF File (. Key features include a coverage area of 49 sqm, two Sandvik RD520 rock drills producing 20 kW each, and two Sandvik SB40 booms. safety wire) Utility boom Este documento proporciona información técnica sobre el mantenimiento de una perforadora jumbo Sandvik DD321-40C utilizada para perforación y avance en minería subterránea. Se destaca en operaciones de vetas angostas, lo que permite un mejor control de la dilución, mejores perfiles de frente y túnel, mayor rendimiento de perforación y menor costo total de propiedad. DD321 40. Using our genuine products for repair or replacement will have a significant impact on your whole operation. Sandvik DD321 offers a new look and improved serviceability and usability over predecessors Sandvik DD320 and Sandvik DD420. Sandvik RD520 Drills. It offers 90 m² coverage and advanced automatic functions to facilitate efficient excavation. Tiene una estructura compacta, una capacidad de carga útil de 3000 kg y está optimizado para túneles de 2 a 2. Boom (1) Hours 2513 SANDVIK LH410 UNDERGROUND LOADER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Sandvik LH410 is an underground mining loader with 10 000 kg payload capacity. Colour scheme Sandvik Documentation 1 x Operator’s manual 1 x Maintenance manual 1 x Technical manual (in English only) 1 x Parts manual (in English only) 2 x Toolman USB Key OPTIONAL FEATURES AND PACKAGES Electric system *Optional voltage *Electric cable Ground fault and overcurrent protection Auxiliary outlet Battery jump start Sandvik Underground Drill DD321, 2 boom development drill, tier 3 diesel engine, year 2018, new unused. It features a compact carrier and a wide range of automatic drilling functions for high level of performance, drilling accuracy and safety. As instruções são uma parte essencial e integral do produto. Manual de mantenimiento y del operador QA452 Tier4 Traducción de las instrucciones originales es-CL 1 2022-11-14 GUID-E2865A48-A8E6-4EBC-8923-0659405E3153 Sandvik DD321-40 Jumbo Drill 2 Boom. 2011-03-08. 3 Sandvik DD422iE is a battery-powered mining jumbo designed to remove emissions while tramming. Using aftermarket parts or substandard components can significantly reduce the machine’s lifespan and lead to costly downtime. DD321 DEVELOPMENT DRILL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Sandvik DD321 is a compact two-boom jumbo for demanding conditions and Manual do usuário Clique no Consulte todas as informações sobre o produto jumbo de perfuração para túneis DD321 da empresa Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. Equip yourself with the gold standard. Sandvik DD321 is a compact two-boom jumbo for demanding conditions and multiple application. The robust booms provide coverage of 49 square meters. It has two hydraulic rock drills and two drilling feeds to drill holes up to 4,660 mm long. Es un equipo de perforación de refuerzo de roca, diseñado para trabajar en galerías bajas de dos metros de altura en minas y túneles subterráneos. Parts manuals; Operator's manuals; Maintenance manuals; Service and repair manuals; Technical manuals; Installation and Comissioning manuals; Schematics specifications - Free download as PDF File (. Tramming speed Sandvik DD321 is a two-boom, electro-hydraulic mining development drill rig engineered to excel in demanding conditions and multiple applications. Sandvik DL321 is a versatile longhole drill rig engineered for small-and medium-scale production drilling in underground mines. The Sandvik DD321 is a compact two-boom jumbo drill capable of face drilling, cross-cut drilling, and bolt hole drilling across a 49 square meter area. You can find all the manuals you need for your Sandvik machines on the My Sandvik customer portal. The operating environment and incorporated automatic functions of Sandvik DD210 allow the operator to concentrate on safe, fast and accurate drilling. Coverage. 4 m² (8 690 x 6 730 mm) Hydraulic rock drills 2 x RDX5, 20 kW Drilling feeds 2 x TF500-12, 12 - 16 ft DD321. Instrucciones originales dd321 126 11 es 2012-12-31 Manual del operario Sandvik DD321-40 Drill Rig 113D23329-1 2013 812 49 17MB Read more May 7, 2007 · Sandvik Mining and Construction reserves the right to change this specification without further notice. Instrucciones originales dd321 126 11 es 2012-12-31 Manual del operario Sandvik DD321-40 Drill Rig 113D23329-1 2013 812 49 17MB Read more Sandvik DD321 est une foreuse compacte à deux bras, capable de fonctionner dans des conditions exigeantes, grâce à sa flexibilité qui répond à divers besoins, tels que la foration de face, transversale et la foration de trous de boulon. Descripción: Sandvik DD321 es un equipo de perforación de desarrollo minero electrohidráulico de dos brazos diseñado para sobresalir en condiciones exigentes y múltiples aplicaciones. It has a boom, bolting head, cement mixer, and steel strand reel, allowing autonomous operation for over a shift. ccgibvyuxbgumtwzdybssnrqczksqdyjowooqdtyejvnsuqlmkhpfywzzsbxroamcwatpsmaivcbctft