Sdl2 cap fps. Here we do our event handling.
Sdl2 cap fps Nov 22, 2012 · SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB( optimizedImage->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF ) ); return optimizedImage; Рисует изображение в указанном месте поверхности: 我遇到了一个问题,一些OpenGL函数似乎强制我的应用程序运行60fps。我正在使用SDL2,并且我指定在初始化期间,我认为它禁用了Vsync。而只是执行一个简单的:draw quad();这不会强制FPS,所以我认为这个问题与我的着色器有关,但我 Frame Per Second (FPS) là một khái niệm khá phổ biến trong game, nó tượng trưng cho số frame trên 1 giây mà máy tính có thể render, FPS càng cao thể hiện độ mượt của game càng cao. I tried two possible solutions to cap frame rate: one using a constant sleep of 16ms (just for testing) and an other using a timer for more accurate fr Apr 25, 2015 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Very simple fps counter example in C with SDL2. 15 to SDL 2. One example of what I’ve tried is from this link: Lesson 08 - Timing: Frame Rate, Physics, Animation EDIT: To be Oct 19, 2024 · Learn how to manage frame rate. \$\endgroup\$ – Mar 30, 2010 · Don't sleep. We like 60FPS!Don't forget to like and subscr Jan 2, 2024 · @m4dolaf "is that unreasonable" - You decide what you want. Jun 27, 2011 · In this tutorial I'll show you, how can you regulate the FPS to a fix number, for example 30 FPS. (At least with SDL—look at std::chrono for more. Nov 23, 2021 · dev5tar changed the title IMGUI FPS Cap? sdl/imgui hack overlay fps cap Nov 23, 2021. So, I want to fix my framerate (to 60fps). Jun 28, 2018 · I'm working with SDL_2 as well for a game I'm coding. //The quit flag bool quit{ false }; //The event data SDL_Event e; SDL_zero( e ); //VSync toggle bool vsyncEnabled{ true }; //FPS cap toggle bool fpsCapEnabled{ false }; //Timer to calculate FPS LTimer fpsTimer; //Timer to cap frame rate LTimer capTimer; //Frame counter Uint64 renderedFrames = 0; //Time spend rendering Uint64 renderingNS = 0; //Reset FPS Oct 2, 2016 · I am using SDL 2. For example, the following line of code will return 16 ms every time (Assuming it is the only code I run in the loop, if I have previously drawn something on-screen in a similar fashion it will take 16 ms to run that function instead and this one will be in the SDL officially supports Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. Without cap my program has average of 9300 FPS. I set cap to 100 and it's all gone. I am writing a quick pong clone and want to cap the FPS to save system resources. I’m unfortunately not good at math at all, so I’m having trouble combining the two concepts on my own. Dec 23, 2019 · does anybody know how to set the framerate for SDL2-CS? I am specifically have trouble figuring out what timer to use since there is no SDL timer class I can see. public static class Sys { public const uint FPS = 30; internal static int frame = 0; internal static bool cap = true; internal static ??? timer = ???; public Init() { SDL. I guess the question is straightforward. FPS_LIMIT = 2001 and more is bugged but it’s not point of this topic. When I press one of the defined keys nothing happens, why? Ca Mar 16, 2021 · Hello, I’ve been following Lazy Foo’s SDL2 tutorials and making games in Windows for a while now. Mar 13, 2021 · To do this, ensure you pass the SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC flag to SDL_CreateRenderer(). Going through Here we do our event handling. It may not be necessary to do it though. After that we update the caption, and restart the update timer. I'm sorry about that, what happened was that when I pressed the button to submit my post nothing happened, I tried again a few times and still, but I tried again now a few times and finally my post was submitted, only to found out that I had accidentally Feb 21, 2019 · 很多人都在SDL_PollEvent和SDL_WaitEvent之间纠结。前者会带来更好的帧数表现,但是CPU占用极大,可以直接吃掉一个核心。后者则基本不占用CPU,但是帧数会受到影响。有没有办法使两者的优势结合呢?其实只要用轮询(SDL_PollEvent)并且配合一个帧速限制即可。 Dec 30, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读1. Put SDL (and whatever other library you might be using) down, and stick with the basic language until you are confident on it. Dec 9, 2021 · SDL2 Playlist: https://www. Code below: May 18, 2004 · All you are calculating there is the time per frame. This tutorial teaches you just that. Calculate FPS with sfml. So far I have tried: using an sfml clock SDL timers Built in c++ time ( calculate the seconds past midnight, then count how many milliseconds passed since update) Feb 18, 2016 · I'm diving into the world of SDL2 and C++ and have a few questions after my first few weeks in. I have this on Linux and Windows on different hardwares. SDL_GetTicks is millisecond only resolution, so for high fps the difference will be mostly zero (so rounded in a sense but should accumulate and be one once in a while). Here we'll disable vsync and maintain a maximum frame rate. At 30fps, it was around 18%, and 21% at 300fps. could someone pretty please take a look at this snippet and help me out? So I set the fps in the game class and the issue started again. Edit #2: To all who recommend SDL (which I did end up porting my application to SDL), is there any difference between using the glutTimerFunc function to trigger a draw, or using SDL_Delay to wait between Sep 6, 2021 · In sumary i want to cap my fps inside the GPU , instead of inside the CPU using programming voodoo. For the physics of your game, you can either measure the time between two rendered frames, and use that as your physics time step, so that you basically match the display framerate. Capping & Calculating FPS in SDL? Jul 14, 2010 · Hello, This should be my first post on the forums but as many of you may have noticed, there were like 8 threads with this same subject. I address that situation further below. I've been messing with C++ and SDL2 the past few months and lately been doing some reading on the topic if capped frames per second. Oct 18, 2023 · Curso de programación y documentación de librerías C y C++. On 3/19/07, L-28C wrote: No need to cap your FPS and your program will How to limit the frame rate of your game using C++ & SDL2. Before we enter the main loop, we start a timer used to calculate fps and declare a variable to keep track of the number of frames rendered. SDL is written in C, works natively with C++, and there are bindings available for several other languages, including C# and Python. hope this makes sense Aug 26, 2012 · FPS capping is not something that is API-specific, though certain APIs may have features to assist in it. Capping & Calculating FPS in SDL? Hot Network Questions Nov 23, 2021 · dev5tar changed the title IMGUI FPS Cap? sdl/imgui hack overlay fps cap Nov 23, 2021. 13. Sep 14, 2017 · Most likely a flag like SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN is on whenever SDL is rendering and a flag like SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN is on whenever it isn't. */ mySurface = SDL_DisplayFormat(tempSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(tempSurface); The SDL_DisplayFormat() method converts the pixel format of your surface to the format the video surface uses. Capping your FPS is quite simple: just subtract your frame time from your desired time and wait out the difference with SDL_Delay(). 8. Frames per second is calculated by taking the amount of frames rendered divided by the time it took to render them (in seconds). 3 (Mixed Downloads). However It seems like 60fps is as fast Mar 4, 2025 · To put the performance increase into perspective, the original SDL1 version hit 60 FPS at 240p but only went up to 25 FPS on 480p, while the SDL2 version is a constant 60 no matter what. This is how I have implemente Jan 17, 2019 · I am a relatively novice programmer, and I am taking steps into graphics programming. This is not entirely true… when you call SDL_Flip() or SDL_UpdateRects(), SDL is not supposed to block until the next time you try to access the video surface. But really, you don't normally want to cap your FPS (the drawing of the game). The game I’m writing has a quick render speed, so I can time how long it takes to render, sleep, then get 60 fps within under 0. 14. Nov 25, 2002 · 60 FPS, you’ll end up getting 35 FPS, since each frame waits for two refreshes instead of one. May 3, 2024 · There are many results on Google about capping frame rate with SDL_GetTicks, and using that information I can cap the frame rate, or calculate the frame rate, but not both. Slowly increasing memory usage by 4K every second. Oh, hey, I found that using the pure while method caused a huge spike in CPU usage. However, this function only takes delay in milliseconds—unfortunately, you cannot cap your FPS with very much precision. It just shows FPS with numbers going across the screen. I used the Vsync option for rendering, so it'll render at 60fps. class properties: Uint16 FPS_LIMIT = 150; Uint16 iFrames = 0; Uint32 Dec 19, 2010 · I'm no expert but what he does is : once your main loop that runs your sdl app is finished (drawing blitting and all that stuff), time may have passed a bit while you were doing your stuff, for example if it took 10ms to do draw your frame, you have to wait (1000/FPS) - 10 ms until the next frame, otherwise your frame will lasts for too long. I can manage that from the nvidia control panel, but I can do that from ingame code? I can see many games provide a fps cap option. SDL_Init(SDL. Apr 5, 2012 · What I mean is that sometimes the notes scroll with bumps. Jun 29, 2014 · You want to cap the framerate because you are extremely unlikely to achieve any benefit (to your game) by calculating at a frequency higher than your ability to display the results. Jan 6, 2010 · Also, as previously stated, it is not FPS drop compared to SDL 1. Source:http://pastebin. If i use this game with another monitor, fps are different (for example 75). In my timer class, if I "start" it, it resets the ticker thingamabob. This license allows you to use SDL freely in Case in point: you are asking for help with the language in the SDL mailing list, when you should be doing it on a C or C++beginners' group. make sure you only use one call, so cur=get();diff=cur-last;last=cur;. On 3/19/07, L-28C wrote: No need to cap your FPS and your program will Oct 2, 2016 · I am using SDL 2. When frameCounter % 60 == 0 you know that one second has passed, So you can keep rendering your animation until 5 seconds have gone. Contribute to gitpan/SDL-App-FPS development by creating an account on GitHub. Y aunque no existe una librería C++ oficial, podemos encontrar varios envoltorios o "wrappers" para SDL2, de los que dejaré algunos enlaces más abajo. Mar 19, 2007 · Subject: Re: [SDL] Setting FPS to 60? Nevermind, I found a better approach. When it is supposed to lock the framerate at 60 FPS, I get 82. i am creating a game with C++ and SDL2 game engine but i noticed this. Every frame, if the 'is-not-displaying' flag is on, you could do something like SDL_Delay(16) to limit the frame rate at ~60fps when rendering is off. Leaving it uncapped brought it up to 30%. I compared my SDL2 code with existing open source games and I can't find anything wrong. Instead, use a linear interpolation function to compute your position given the current time each time through the main loop. I found out that the problem is probably related to my game loop which does not cap fps (since I'm updating passing frame time, I thought that was not necessary). Same for 30, I get 49 FPS. Is there a way to remove 60 fps cap in GLFW? 0. If you don`t do it the way I described above, SDL does this each time the surface is blitted. a higher resolution timing method might also be helpful. Every time I set FPS limit it shows less than should be. Mar 10, 2021 · Working on a 2D game with SDL2, for now on Window, but I'd like to dream and imagine that if I finish it, I could run it on other platforms that SDL2 games can target. A Capping Frame Rate tutorial with SDL 2 is now available. Can't limit FPS OpenGL and C. Doing this will guarantee that no matter the hardware, space ships arrive at their destinations at the same time (though on a fast machine, you'll see more of the steps in between). 3. i don’t know where else to go with this question, but this following code successfully locked the frame rate in sdl. Hasta ahora hemos usado las funciones SDL2 directamente, como librería C. Contribute to jxv/sdl2-fps development by creating an account on GitHub. I can only manage to regulate 1sec/10ms allowed per frame = 100 fps or 1sec/20ms = 50fps. So I downloaded Lazy Foo’s Scrolling Aug 24, 2016 · SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(0) during initialization, which I thought disabled Vsync. May 9, 2018 · When you eventually add your SDL_RenderPresent() call, that should throttle your speed. SDL_INIT_VIDEO); uint tpf = 1000 / FPS; bool Jul 9, 2020 · Thanks to keltar for the answers and the time spent. Now setFps and limitFrames checks if there is a fps limit then tries to cap the fps based on the time it took between frames. You have the flag SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC in your renderer, which means that whenever you switch rendering buffers with present, the function will block execution until the vsync has finished. The we continue our FPS test program. Jan 17, 2019 · I am a relatively novice programmer, and I am taking steps into graphics programming. May 25, 2024 · In order to calculate the frames per second, we need to keep track of the number of frames rendered and the number of seconds passed. 2. I’ll post my code and tell where the problem is occuring. Oct 25, 2010 · Not sure now, I`m at work, so I can`t verify it. Sep 14, 2006 · Hi again! xD… my game’s progressing awesomely thanks to all of you 🙂 hehe… o. Oct 13, 2021 · Конкурс «Снежный код» от Хекслета. So fps should be 1. On my laptop (crap intel graphis) transition from glSDL to Aug 19, 2017 · Hi. My Plasma has 600Hz ( yeh, not same as LED/LCD rate) and it's nice to push FPS little bit up when playing. Just using SDL_Delay left the fps a bit slower or faster due to the fact SDL_Delay only works with milliseconds. Apr 16, 2019 · I am having an issue with animation in SDL 2. SDL is distributed under the zlib license. when i ported it to glfw it no longer works. 1k次。计算帧率现在我们知道了如何用SDL制作定时器,是时候把它用起来了。我们将使用定时器来测量fps。//Main loop flagbool quit = false;//Event handlerSDL_Event e;//将文字颜色设置为黑色SDL_Color textColor = { 0, 0, 0, 255 };//每秒钟定时器的帧数LTimer fpsTimer;//内存中的文本流std::stringstream timeText;//开始 Screenshots FPS SDL 1 above, SDL 2 below. Support for other platforms may be found in the source code. Basically this turns the FPS cap on/off when the user presses enter, and quits the program when the user wants to X out. Ejemplos. I've always just calculated the delta time and used that for moving sprites or doing anything involving physics. youtube. ) You will usually want to cap your FPS May 25, 2024 · Another thing we can do with SDL timers is manually cap the frame rate. 🖼️ Frames per second timer implementation. So the solution I ca Jul 15, 2011 · Edit: I would prefer to find a solution that doesn't rely on the end user enabling VSync, as I am going to let them specify the FPS cap. My point was, cap FPS, but allow user to change it. com/playlist?list=PLvv0ScY6vfd-p1gSnbQhY7vMe2rng0IL0 Find full courses on: https://courses. 4. 7 Organizar el código. I’d like to cap the fps to reduce power consumption on my laptop when testing my own game. For this demo, we're going render our frame normally, but at the end of the frame we're going to wait until the frame time is completed. Read-only release history for SDL-App-FPS. You don't need a tutorial on "FPS capping in SDL", but just one on FPS capping, which you personally happen to use in SDL. dweee commented Nov 23, 2021. 1 Like Danny-E33 September 10, 2021, 3:44am May 5, 2012 · In that case, the programmer makes a decision about whether to cap the fps at all. f ). void GameSetup::capFPS (int frames) { //SDL_Delay(1000 / FPS); SDL_Delay(1000 / FPS - (SDL_GetTicks() - starting_tick)); Feb 24, 2014 · Since speed varies from computer to computer, you're going to have to regulate frame rate to keep the game from running too fast. Jun 10, 2014 · iamwhosiam wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2014:. When a drop occurs from, say 140 fps to 60 these bumps are noticable. I am using Quakespasm sdl2 for a more retro Quake experience, with the addition of the OST files, vispatches and colored lighting, and using my SteelSeries Stratus XL Bluetooth Xinput Controller (as it is easier with my chronic pain to lie in my couch with a controller, than to hunch over the keyobard on a coffee table as my PC is in my lounge room) . Calculating FPS: Sep 22, 2019 · My attempt at a fixed framerate using SDL2 without using VSync. Seems like a lot of the tutorials are (from what I understand) limiting the frames per second with a formula that uses the SDL_GetTicks() function to calculate current and last ticks and setting it back, as to limit the frames per second. For many games, 60 FPS with a little tearing is better than 35 FPS. A core part of which is GGPO based lockstep netplay. sleep_until isn't inherently more accurate than SDL_Delay but sleeping until a precalculated time point and not resetting the timer in every iteration of the loop will be more accurate than your current approach. Here we do our event handling. In fact, I struggled for a long time to solve this problem and sincerely did not understand why even after adding the ability to draw floating-point sprites in SDL2, they still drew me according to the pixel grid of the monitor. 4 and GLEW 1. Now I can see where my problem may lie. Три гранта на бесплатное 10-месячное обучение Apr 25, 2015 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Very simple fps counter example in C with SDL2. 0 and it seems like there is some kind of fps limit in SDL2. I'm sorry about that, what happened was that when I pressed the button to submit my post nothing happened, I tried again a few times and still, but I tried again now a few times and finally my post was submitted, only to found out that I had accidentally Feb 21, 2019 · 很多人都在SDL_PollEvent和SDL_WaitEvent之间纠结。前者会带来更好的帧数表现,但是CPU占用极大,可以直接吃掉一个核心。后者则基本不占用CPU,但是帧数会受到影响。有没有办法使两者的优势结合呢?其实只要用轮询(SDL_PollEvent)并且配合一个帧速限制即可。 Screenshots FPS SDL 1 above, SDL 2 below. Apr 10, 2011 · how to cap sdl2 fps just like pygame. Contribute to bynect/fps-counter development by creating an account on GitHub. 1% of that rate. 6 with FPS cap at 60-80, i see tearing, if i use v-sync i feel input lag. Apr 9, 2014 · //The dot class Dot { private: //The X and Y offsets of the dot int x, y; //The velocity of the dot int xVel, yVel; public: //Initializes the variables Dot(); //Takes key presses and adjusts the dot's velocity void handle_input(); //Moves the dot void move(); //Shows the dot on the screen void show(); //Sets the camera over the dot void set_camera(); }; The implementation is more sophisticated that the usual SDL_Delay(1000/FPS); call since these functions keep track of the desired game time per frame for a linearly interpolated sequence of future timing points of each frame. So here it goes: What to do you do instead? Jul 5, 2012 · Although the following code does some power saving, the FPS is not capped properly. In case someone will also find this problem here is my solution: To allow iOS run app in 120 fps, you need to add <key Nov 24, 2024 · 资源摘要信息:"SDL2-FPS库是用Haskell编程语言实现的一个库,旨在跟踪和展示游戏或其他实时渲染应用程序的每秒帧数(Frames Per Second,FPS)。 该库提供了一个计时器功能,可以集成到使用SDL2(Simple DirectMedia Layer 2)库的项目中,以便开发者能够监控和优化他们的 Mar 24, 2014 · If it is time to update the caption, we create a string stream object, and put the FPS in the string stream. Bonjour à tous ! (SDL 1. 2 but to SDL 1. You want to find how many times you can do that per second. the frame rate it locks too is seemingly random. Apr 7, 2014 · I got a problem with my code, I'm trying to make a First Person 3D Camera. This is how I have implemente 同一个程序,在你的电脑上运行可能是60fps,但在别人的电脑上可能是200fps。由于不同电脑间的速度差异很大,所以你必须通过调节帧率来防止游戏运行太快。 May 3, 2021 · I have tried achieving a good delta time and fps counter over the last few days, read and watched a lot about it, but still can't seem to get it to work. I know this, because I did some time measurement. Here is an example: #include <iostream&g Feb 8, 2008 · And possibly: Using SDL_Delay() to achieve the framerate cap** Many tutorials on the web seem to achieve the framerate cap via a combination of SDL_Delay() and SDL_GetTicks(). I’m creating a simple 2D game with a few animation and 30 or 60 fps are more than enough. The more limit the more FPS i lose. ie, if your monitor can only display at 60Hz then displaying at 200Hz achieves nothing because the display will a) ignore frames and only display at 60Hz anyway or b Mar 2, 2016 · So I've been playing around with hard coding in an FPS limiter with SDL2 and between some articles and tutorials I've come up with this function for my main game setup class. io/ Join as Member to Su how to cap sdl2 fps just like pygame. The implementation is more sophisticated that the usual SDL_Delay(1000/FPS); call since these functions keep track of the desired game time per frame for a linearly interpolated sequence of future timing points of each frame. How do they achieve that? Sleeping Mar 22, 2023 · I've finally managed this issue. The SDL stuff has always ran flawlessly on Windows. . Thanks though. o but now I wonder xD I’ve been through google, lazy foo’s tutorials, Aaron’s SDL tutorials, and such, searching for an FPS counter code and I haven’t found any, and in lazy foo’s site the code is too old and it throws errors in SDL (it uses “timers”? which I supposed SDL had =/ ). To prevent that you must cap the frame rate. May 9, 2020 · Hi, I’m new here. Mar 11, 2012 · If I separate both of the timer classes the program crashes. 0. Contribute to ex7763/cl-sdl2-examples development by creating an account on GitHub. Make sure your game is running at a consistent rate. On the other side of the effective (max) fps/refresh rate barrier, it matters. that allowed me to unlock the FPS and let it run as fast as it wants, with Im looking for a way to reliably get the fps for a game (and for the time being set it as the game's title, unless there is a better way to do it, my TTF is broken -_-). Sep 21, 2010 · Hello, I am having trouble displaying the FPS on my screen correctley. com/St5vrsxESDL is a cross-platform f In episode 3 of this series, We cap the framerate of our game, and explain the theory around framerate, and why it can be beneficial. How would I set a cap at something like 60 or 70 fps if I can only track a frame in 10ms increments. I use SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL) to get the pressed keys. For example | FPS_LIMIT = 150 gives about 128 stable FPS. 2 with glSDL as rendering backed, which I think is necessary to explain is an SDL drawing backed that uses OpenGL hardware driver to perform fake blitting same way it is now in SDL 1. However, changing the screen scaling mid-game, which involves recreating sprites and text at a different size, immediately crashes for the SDL2 version while May 21, 2003 · It seems like i am limited in regulating my fps by the timer resolution in SDL. Jun 29, 2014 · If i play Counter-strike 1. I will do it differently, since this is what helped me to get a steady and fluid motion. To cap or not to cap FPS. Have you used SDL_Timer to cap your FPS? if so just create a counter and increment it for each iteration of your game update loop. f / ((float)(newtime - oldtime) / 1000. 2) j'esseille depuis quelques temps de creer une fenetre qui afficherais dans un coin de l'ecran le nombre de fps mais cette valeur ne pourrais etre figé dans le temps et de plus je voudrais que l'on puisse faire varié cette valeur comme dans fraps par exemple: May 18, 2004 · All you are calculating there is the time per frame. mshah. Copy link Contributor. FPS_LIMIT = 500 gives about 345 FPS. Hello, I have a 43% performance loss in my game when I switch from SDL 1. However, I recently got a Chromebook and installed Ubuntu xfce on it so I could test my games on a different operating system and with low computer specs and so I could use Valgrind to find memory leaks. 4 or SDL 2. However, lets not go deep siderail. If a game runs too fast it becomes unplayable. qpbl agpxulw glqe navi ojrqyj tphbq zevw quzfflzhe wtwdo brpd krmbkjnu ggyq eyyoo beysat ftni