Skyrim marry serana mod. This mod does not presume or suggest that .

Skyrim marry serana mod There are mods to add to Serena's dialogue and to help choose which house she will live with you. I know Nexus has a few other Serana mods which are probably even better, because quite frankly it was kind of a letdown to turn her into the standard drone wife you usually get. Serana cannot be married in the traditional sense, you must have this or the Marriable Serana mod. Serana is non-marriageable in vanilla Skyrim. STAGE 80: (A Scene between Serana & Ahlam) STAGE 85: (Kiss Scene) Jun 26, 2024 · According to the information available, Skyrim doesn’t actually allow you to marry Serana or any other vampire through regular in-game actions. This mod does not presume or suggest that Jul 14, 2014 · Talking about compatibility, this mod is compatible with other mods. Also, this mod doesn’t even require you to start a new game. 5 days ago · Several mods specifically address the desire to marry Serana. Mar 3, 2017 · This mod is designed to enhance the current marriage system in Skyrim; specifically, the Wedding Scene at the Temple of Mara, fix various marriage-related bugs (potentially an ongoing effort) and add mechanics to remarry. Nov 10, 2024 · To highlight the visual differences, starting with Trueblood Serana, here is a copy/pasted excerpt from Trueblood Serana's mod description page : Intricate sculpting details, blending the standout features from beloved Serana replacers like 'Re-Imagined' and 'Seranaholic', yet establishing its unique flair. But you still need to complete the quest Kindred Judgment if you wish to have her as your partner. Jan 11, 2022 · I was wondering if with the new Skyrim version , they abled an option to marry Serana without needing mods. This mod allows you to edit Serana’s dialogue, making her a more interesting and interactive character. 6. You just need to make sure you are not marked as married by the vanilla marriage system Edit: From the mod page: "You can also reset the vanilla quest using the shrine so that you can have another wedding" 💥subscribe to the channel ⮞https://www. Bugs ou erros de tradução, favor me informar, para que possa ser corrigido ÉTAPES: 0: Installer le mod Marry me Serana. Marriage Mod - To Have & To Hold at the steam workshop, or 0. This mod is compatible with cosmetic mods that modify Valerica herself, and other vampiric mods. Obligatory "OMG why can't you marry Serana in Vanilla" rage. Included in this mod: Dialogue which will appear to change Serana's attributes making her marriable. com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21938 I've married her in a past playthrough, using the "Marriable Serana" mod right from the steam workshop. Nov 3, 2016 · About this mod. esp" dosyasını oyunun kurulu olduğu dizindeki "Data" klasörüne atın. This mod overhauls Serana and Valerica with realistic features, highlighting their bond as mother and daughter. 19 hours ago · Some mods might offer options to cure Serana’s vampirism after marriage, but this depends on the specific mod you are using. No vanilla forms have been altered. youtube. ok so i’m just a stupid bitch trying to marry the sapphic love of my life and it’s not working i downloaded Marry Me Serana from uniSL on nexus and went through the dialogue with her. However, without the use of mods, she is not a marriageable character in the base game. My only issue is with marriage in skyrim to any vanilla npc which is plain silly. Dec 21, 2012 · This will allow the normal Vanilla Skyrim marriage options using the amulet of Mara. Skyrim: How to get married to Serena – (Skyrim marry Serana) Unfortunately, there is no official method or quest to get married to Serana in Skyrim. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by Bethesda studios. Most people of course wanted to romance her. This guide instructs you on how to download and use the popular “Marriable Serana” mod by C0drm0nk33. She has a romance plot line in this. Firstly i took a "divorce" from another npc using control commands. playstation. Since the mod provided on the Bethesda. Dosya değiştirme uyarısını onaylayın. Dec 17, 2018 · The description video: https://www. nexusmods. 2. Honestly I’ve always felt this way and never saw all the attraction, sure she’s pretty, but she is always complaining, and talks to much about her family, sounds like some angsty teen, like bitch we all got baggage I ain’t got time to talk about my feelings rn I trying to kill draugr and shit, and that’s the other thing it’s always me, me, me with her, rarely does she ask how the Dec 7, 2023 · Serana is a vampire from the Skyrim Dawnguard DLC, and to help players create a family, here's how to marry this character. Sep 12, 2012 · So i wanted to marry Serana. Zur Deinstallation die Esp Datei Löschen. Voiced using vanilla assets. How do you trigger Serana marriage dialogue? In vanilla Skyrim, it is not possible to trigger marriage dialogue with Serana. Is something wrong with Serana? Sep 6, 2017 · STAGE 65: Take Serana to Ansilvund - talk to her outside the dungeon STAGE 70: Talk to Serana after completing Ansilvund - IMPORTANT: Get the key off the body of the Necromancer Boss to complete Ansilvund STAGE 75: Take Serana back to Whiterun and speak with Ahlam. Jul 20, 2022 · Marriage with Serana. After properly installed, Serana will now be moved into the ‘marriageable faction’ in your playthrough. Nov 22, 2023 · In this Skyrim romance guide, we’ll be detailing how to marry Serana, your vampire companion through the Dawnguard expansion. "Marriable Serana. Also, all previous versions from this mod’s history are available too. Mar 14, 2021 · Marry Me Serana is a Skyrim SE mod that lets you marry Serana. May 18, 2024 · Yes, you can marry Serana when she is cured in Skyrim. With this mod, you can customize Serana to your liking, and make her an essential part of your Skyrim experience. com There’s a mod that overhauls Serena and turns her into a companion more similar to Inigo. Aug 14, 2012 · hi, Although there exists already a mod but I wonder if you can get married on chetas Serena?Here's what I've found on a forum:Two prerequisites before you can marry Serena!First You play Skyrim on PC. Can you marry Serana after becoming a vampire? No, once you have become a vampire in Skyrim, you are unable to marry another vampire like Serana. But when we did the Marriage again, this time it was the same person again. If anyone can provide me a suitable one, I will be very glad to offer him/her some fee for it. Serana Dialogue Add On if you want more than just marriage. Second You need to create the "Amulet of Mara," the amulet, so you're at all "marriageable". 0 should have no conflict whatsoever with them. Of course as a Imagining that Serana is clearly designed to be sort of a "waifu" character (The amount of mods for Serana alone outnumber most other Skyrim NPCs I imagine). But in the end, the choice is up to you. Who is the most attractive husband in Skyrim? Dec 29, 2024 · Also, add new quest content after she is initially romanced at the end of her main questline, including marriage support and a marriage ceremony. Marry me Serana. Skip to content Skyrim close Clear game filter 1 day ago · To marry Serana, you need to install a mod specifically designed for that purpose. Skyrim: How To Marry Serana The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. However, you can’t marry Serana through conventional means, so you’ll have to resort to mod support to enable this unique action. May 22, 2024 · How to marry Serana? To marry Serana in Skyrim, you can use a mod called “Marriable Serana” by C0drm0nk33. Aug 1, 2024 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Apr 13, 2019 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Jan 6, 2013 · This will allow the normal Vanilla Skyrim marriage options using the amulet of Mara. But if you could deal with these very noticeable flaws this mod can be made. This makes it possible to marry Serana. Restart the game, if necessary. Merges the faction changes of both mods. Mar 10, 2025 · Toggle this mod off in your mod manager, and activate whatever Serana enhancement mods you wish; when you resume your game, you'll awaken to the beautiful Serana you expect her to be. r/skyrim. It's the same way that you marry another marriable NPC. Disclaimer: This mod uses the xVAsynth voice ai software to add to Serana's dialogue pool as well as using dialogue splicing where possible. **Installation** Die Esp Datei in den Data Ordner eurer Skyrim Special Editions Installation einfügen und Ingame unter Mods auswählen. Falskaar should already be at the top of your load order. Alternatively, “Marry Me Serana” should do the trick. After completing the Dawnguard questline and curing her of vampirism, she becomes a potential marriage candidate. 말미르 전용입니다. Included in this mod. Edit: besides, Bethesda was on board the Serana marriage train, they disabled those dialogue options not because they wanted Serana to be a more in depth character, but because bugs. Dec 1, 2021 · Serana Relationship Revamped aims to create an expanded, more fleshed out character for Serana while staying true to Bethesda's characterization. Propose to Serana. The Mar 4, 2025 · Some popular mods that allow vampire marriage include: • Vampire Marriage and Children: This mod allows players to marry vampires and have children with them. Jun 7, 2022 · Now, close the game, visit Nexus Mods and download the mod necessary for the marriage to the vampire. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Requirements. The simplest mod would be the Marry Me Serana mod, which allows her to be married in the same manner as anyone else can, reusing her existing dialogue where the typical marriage dialogue would be used. zip archive, extract it and move it into Skyrim’s “DATA” folder. Then you need to wear the Amulet of Mara so the dialogue w Jul 29, 2013 · Requisiti: Una copia funzionante di The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, ovviamente, il DLC Dawnguard (senza il quale, per rigor di logica, sarebbe impossibile incontrare il personaggio di Serana) e la mod originale. I try with another npc and it works fine. Nov 12, 2022 · - Any mod which adds their own marriage system (see: Serana Dialogue Add-on, A Serious Wedding, etc) - should be fine, but you won't get married in these spots! - Better Wedding Guests - haven't tested, but did dig into it a bit and looks like it should work , surprisingly enough! Dec 21, 2012 · Once Serana's mother Valerica has returned to Castle Volkihar, Serana will have dialogue asking 'Do you have thing on your mind'. This patch was made to ensure players who followed those deities via the Wintersun mod could still accrue favor with them , while being "married" to Serana. This makes it possible to marry Serana after completing Quest Kindred Judgement and advising Serana's mother Valerica that it's safe to return. The mod just adds Serana to the vanilla marriage options. So, no compatibility known issues. These are the slightly unconventional methods you'll have to undertake in order to marry Serana in Skyrim Mar 26, 2021 · Drag the mod folder into Skyrim's "Data" sub-folder. com/SgtGimlinhoIt's Time For A Mod Review, Bonus Thingy Video! This We'll Take A Look At A Mod That I Believe In your example, would be "what if Serana didn't have all those marriage issues". A lot of us players wanna Feb 29, 2024 · The Serana Dialogue Edit mod is a must-have for any fan of the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Worst case scenario, you'll get a Serana with split personality disorder, but it shouldn't cause any conflicts in the game itself👍 12-Can I marry Serana with this I can say that this is, without a doubt, the best Skyrim appearance mod for Serana. However, there are mods available, such as the “Marriable Serana” mod, that allow players to marry Serana and other vampires. Therefore, to marry Sarena one simply has to download the “Marriable Serana” mod by C0drm0nk33 from the Skyrim Mod Nexus. Marriable Serana. 1. To make marriage with Serana possible, fans should use the Marriable Serana mod made by C0drm0nk33 and available on Nexus Mods. Not to mention that this mod is completely standalone, nothing else needed. This mod changes that. At the same time, if the mod detects you already went through the vanilla marriage it will not allow progression in the mod's romance route You can still romance/marry other mod NPCs though as long as they do not use the vanilla marriage system. Dialogue which will appear to change Serana's attributes making her marriable. It’s a complete visual overhaul of the character that truly makes her look as beautiful as she deserves to be. 0. This mod, designed in tandem with the Serana Dialogue Add-On (SDA), transforms Serana's look while retaining her signature aura. And credit me. After installing the mod, you can follow these steps to marry Serana: 1. You can't marry Serana with this mod. Letters in Aryo's Lab: Add discoverable letters from Aryo to Calcemo within Aryo's lab, providing more insights into their relationship and research. Serana Dialogue Add-On mod. This's a simple mod. Dec 21, 2012 · Once Serana's mother Valerica has returned to Castle Volkihar, Serana will have dialogue asking 'Do you have thing on your mind'. :) About Mod Packs/Collections, contact me through Nexus DMs if you include this mod, so I can grant permission. Mar 15, 2015 · One thing worth mentioning is when the first time I've tried to marry Serana with the mod, an Orc Necromancer interrupted the wedding which forced the Marriage to end, and I asked Serana for another chance & stuff and the same with Maramel. ) , divorcing, breaking up, supports some other popular marriage mods like Dec 21, 2012 · Once Serana's mother Valerica has returned to Castle Volkihar, Serana will have dialogue asking 'Do you have thing on your mind'. Marriable Serana is one of the most popular mods with 33k+ endorsements and 360k+ downloads. However the marriage dialog doesn't appear. Serana keeps a youthful look, reflecting her role as the child between feuding parents, while Valerica’s rougher appearance shows the toll of her stressful life in the Soul Cairn. What kind of dialogue is added by a “Marriable Serana” mod? Jul 18, 2024 · 11-Is this mod compatible with Serana Dialogue Add-on/Serana Dialogue Edit? I mean My mod only adds new content instead of editing existing content, so yeah, it's compatible. Is there a way to marry Serana? Without mods, you can’t. Feb 26, 2017 · Serana karakteri ile evlenebilmenizi sağlar. Load after 'Marriable Serana. Check Out This Mod. " Have any of you used these mods? I'm currently using the Live Another Life mod, and that would be the only potential conflict. 1: Finissez la mission `Jugement d'un Pair´. This sounds dirty, but it really is a mod that allows you to recruit Serana's mother, in her vampiric and bloody glory. Give feedback. Can you marry Serana if she is cured in Skyrim? Although it is not possible to marry vampires, including Serana, in vanilla Skyrim, it is still possible to do so with the help of mods. May 13, 2024 · This guide instructs you on how to download and use the popular “Marriable Serana” mod by C0drm0nk33. I tried puting the files on the skyrim data folder but it did not work. Sep 18, 2021 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Hi guys! Quick question, so i wanted to install the marry me serana mod for skyrim se but im having trouble, it only has manual install on the site and im used to using vortex mods so i dont know how to install it. You can just live with Serana in a default player house. So I can grant permission. KURULUM İlk önce modun kendisini kurun. Oct 7, 2024 · About this mod. † The term 'realism' refers to Serana's existence within the context of the fictional world of The Elder Scrolls. HoodPlusHairForSRI must overwrite it. H. Jul 8, 2013 · This would be possible but since they dont have generic skyrim voice actors you would have to deal with no voice acting from them for marriage dialogue. May 18, 2024 · 5. Jan 14, 2017 · (marriable mod + cured) serana; skyrim; vampire; By Deleted32891205User January 14, 2017 in Skyrim LE. esp'. However, it is important to note that in the base game, without the use of mods, marriage with vampires is … We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. It probably will, since multiple spouses seens to use it's own marriage system. Marriage is stupid to me in Skyrim, because most of the marriable characters are shallow in depth. I was wondering if I can marry/romance Serana or will I have to… Nov 23, 2023 · The only way to marry Serana or any other vampire is through the use of a mod. How Can I Reset My Marriage in Skyrim (If I Regret My Choice)? Without mods, you can’t officially reset your Dec 7, 2015 · This is the German translation of C0drm0nk33's Marriable Serana. See full list on thegamer. Feb 22, 2017 · To your question without mods you cannot marry Serana Marriable Serana at nexus With mods you can marry her if you play it as described in the mod description. com/#!/en-gb/tid=CUSA00572_00 Mar 23, 2018 · O mod Marriable Serana é bem famoso entre os jogadores de skyrim , ele é uma das poucas opções que existem para poder casar-se com Serana, além de diálogos exclusivos da personagem. Jan 20, 2025 · 11-Is this mod compatible with Serana Dialogue Add-on/Serana Dialogue Edit? I mean My mod only adds new content instead of editing existing content, so yeah, it's compatible. 3 of this mod, since 1. Next, download the Marriable Serana mod. 9. Oct 10, 2020 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Jun 13, 2019 · Marry Me Serana 한글 패치입니다. Share this one also seems work as i can marry other npc This decision was so heavily disagreed with, that the modding community of Skyrim decided to make it right. ===== This is actually my first mod (not only for skyrim ^_^;). g. Once Serana's mother Valerica has returned to Castle Volkihar, Serana will have dialogue asking 'Do you have thing on your mind'. (Note Valerica doesn't return until you leave the soul cairn via the portal to her lab/study) This will allow the normal Vanilla Skyrim marriage options using the amulet of Mara. You have the daughter, and now you want the mother. These are the slightly unconventional methods you'll have to undertake in order to marry Serana in Skyrim This mod adds romance storyline that is implamented in the Dawnguard story in a lore friendly way and yes you can marry serana at the end of it, this mod is more like a follower mod it adds alot of dialogue and feels like and tries to become like Inigo and many other big follower mods for example you can ask her how she feels about this place Dec 17, 2018 · Marry Me Serana - Turkce Ceviri: Portuguese Author: SiiriusBeck: Marry me Serana 3 - Traducao PT-BR: Mandarin Author: Creepererer: Marry Me Serana Simplified Chinese Translation: Polish Author: deleted00000000: Marry Me Serana - Polish Translation: Russian Author: Teresov201: Marry Me Serana RUS: Mandarin Author: Kevinsito04: Marry Me Serana Jul 4, 2020 · This mod doesn't conflict with USSEP or Hearthfire multiple adoptions at least. Make sure you have the Dawnguard expansion installed before downloading the mod. she said “you and me wouldn’t work” so i just continued thinking that by the end of the dawnguard quest, it would change to “oh hell yeah let’s get married” BUT! it didn’t. But Serana is fantastic, and every guys' wet dream. com/watch?v=YdmWt6sjq_I You can marry Serana after completing the quest "Kindred Judgment". These mods typically work by adding Serana to the list of eligible marriage candidates, allowing you to perform the Mara quest and Dec 3, 2023 · Once Serana’s mother Valerica has returned to Castle Volkihar, Serana will have dialogue asking ‘Do you have thing on your mind’. (Note Valerica doesn’t return until you leave the soul cairn via the portal to her lab/study) This will allow the normal Vanilla Skyrim marriage options using the amulet of Mara. Go to the Temple of Mara to … How to marry Serana? Read More » Dec 17, 2018 · Marry Me Serana ESPANOL: Turkish Author:Laxoniix: Marry Me Serana - Turkce Ceviri: Portuguese Author:SiiriusBeck: Marry me Serana 3 - Traducao PT-BR: Mandarin Author:Creepererer: Marry Me Serana Simplified Chinese Translation Nov 25, 2022 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Apr 30, 2021 · yup, i married her with this mod on the previous save, and i was going to on my current one until i discovered the marriage option with SDA. The mod only reactivated those options and corrected the bugs. Falskaar Required. Queen of the Damned - Deadlier Serana_SE For users of Serana Re-Imagined SE mod: Serana Re-Imagined - Eyes Re-Visited HARD REQUIREMENTS SDA would remove the capacity to go through a vanilla marriage once you married her.  Marriable Serana Required. This mod has been cleaned with TES5Edit and does not include dirty edits. As does Serana's Dialogue add on. It works in Anniversary edition, but I would recommend starting a new game. Skyrim Anniversary EditionThanks for watching! Like and Subscribe for my channel!Mods list:Unofficial PatchS Why doesn't someone just create a random marriable NPC mod, skin her like Serana, find a RL female friend with a similar voice, and add a couple of marriage lines. **Beschreibung** Hat es Euch nicht auch das Herz gebrochen, als Ihr hoffnungsvoll mit dem Amulett von Mara zu Serana geeilt seid, nur um Euren Antrag abzulehnen? Mit dieser Mod könnt Ihr nun Eurer Vampir-Herzensdame den Hof machen. Marry Me Serana - Skyrim PS4 Mods Showcase - Including Proposal and Wedding CeremonySHAREfactory™https://store. Jul 24, 2018 · A patch for Marriable Serana and Falskaar. net cannot be downloaded due to my net limitation, I am looking for a mod that can make me marry Serana in the Special Edition. Can Serana fall in love with you? … Can you marry serana in Skyrim?. After downloading the . **Beschreibung:** Ein kleines Plugin, mit dem ihr Serana aus dem Dawnguard DLC heiraten könnt. Make sure you’ve got the Dawnguard expansion installed, as you’ll need it for the mod to work. • Skyrim Realistic Overhaul: This mod includes a variety of game-changing features, including marriage options for vampires. Currently looking at "Live with Serana" and "Marriage all NPC. 7. Jan 30, 2020 · Because the Serana marriage in this mod is treated very differently from typical vanilla marriage, both role-play wise and gameplay wise. Serana is possibly the most coveted spouse in the game. It was interesting the one time, but that was it. Aug 21, 2013 · Una semplice mod che ti permetterà di sposare forse uno degli NPC più riusciti di Skyrim: Serana, la Figlia di Coldharbour! Normalmente, questo personaggio inserito con l'espansione "Dawnguard" non è sposabile. Jun 10, 2022 · Tradução completa da versão 3 do mod Marry me Serana. Worst case scenario, you'll get a Serana with split personality disorder, but it shouldn't cause any conflicts in the game itself👍 12-Can I marry Serana with this Mar 6, 2020 · This is the German Translation of Kevinsito04 (UniSL) Marry Me Serana. May 18, 2024 · The mod “Marriable Serana” by C0drm0nk33 allows you to marry Serana in Skyrim. (quête final du scénario DLC) 2: Aller au temple de Mara à Faillaise Jan 4, 2025 · You are NOT allowed to alter this Mod, and share it publicly or privately. Dec 17, 2020 · Hood Plus Hair for Serana Re-Imagined Required for ALL options. • The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim – Complete Edition: This Dec 3, 2018 · player to use it as background supporting system for other marriage mods, e. Share your ideas, discuss them with the community, and cast your vote on feedback provided. Daha sonra çeviriyi indirin. Nov 1, 2023 · What Does This Mod Do? Trueblood Serana is the official visual overhaul sponsored by SDA, presenting a modern, lore-friendly reimagining of Skyrim's most captivating vampire. Credits. There is a Marry Me Serana Mod - it's a manual install https://www. Getting some Lady D vibes here. But then no, we have you who just go straight for the mommy LOL. The game does not provide the option to pursue marriage with her. well you know with this mod she have her own fully voiced dialogues and it's pretty good actually, i thought if i marry her with this mod i might unlock some new dialogues for her as a spouse, and add her as an actual spouse to be recognized by the game Mar 26, 2021 · Drag the mod folder into Skyrim's "Data" sub-folder. Mar 26, 2022 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Oct 28, 2016 · This has been proven as there is no data ingame(ie, voice lines by Serana's VA) showing that she can be married. Falskaar by AlexanderJVelicky; Marriable Serana by C0drm0nk33 Jun 19, 2024 · Serana is a popular choice for marriage in Skyrim due to her unique storyline, abilities, and dialogue. **Voraussetzungen** I recently started playing Skyrim with the Nolvus mod pack and I really like Serana. Then i also used control commands to force her to marry me. By Artur Jan 25, 2023 · Ah, yes, the age old question of Skyrim since the release of the Dawnguard DLC: 'Can I marry Serana?' Well, traditionally, the answer is no, Serana cannot be married (despite having the most chemistry with the Dragonborn than any other companion), but that's not what I'm asking, though I will admit that what I have in mind pertain to the prospect of marrying Serana. But if this mod won't work with mod conflicts, uninstall this mod for safe. You can marry her after finishing the Kindred Judgement quest in Skyrim. This mod works after completing the Dawnguard quest line and it is required you haven't get married. There's a couple mods that look like they will work but I'm not sure which is safest to use. Go to skyrim r/skyrim. If however, you want to create a Patch or Translation - contact me through Nexus DMs. Yet you can’t really marry her in any edition of Skyrim. Also this isnt a mod 1 Dec 30, 2022 · Improvements to the marriage system such as fully-featured polygamy: multiple marriages up to 7 additional spouses - 8 in total including the vanilla spouse (this includes store mechanics, wedding quest and scenes, vanilla dialogue, leaving the spouse at the alter, etc. fswd hyjxem kjsa jdfhu hvkoefcd gzkj tlc nrnzxgby mlu elpxmou srh xai hozf xvv jlqbv