Skywatcher esprit 100 image circle.
Jul 8, 2020 · 4) Esprit 100 image circle is 40mm vs.
Skywatcher esprit 100 image circle I wouldn't spend the money for a "better" focuser unless I was seeing problems with the stock focuser, which I am no Sky-Watcher Esprit 100-ED Triplet Super Apo Réfracteur de 100 mm de diamètre - Longueur focale : 550 mm - F/D : 5,5 Objectif : 3 lentilles (verre ED FPL-53 Ohara - deux verres Schott) - Barillet ajustable Sky-Watcher Professional ESPRIT 3-Element ED apochromatic refractors are instruments of the highest quality with optical performance rivalling or exceeding similar telescopes of even the most famous high-end telescope brands. Shop now. the Esprit 80's at 33mm. The camera I have used most with the Esprit 100, however, is the ZWO ASI294MC Pro. Astrophotographers seeking exceptional imaging performance should consider the Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED Triplet Super Apo refractor. Mar 28, 2018 · I don't for one moment believe that you will gain 3x better images from the Takahashi at 3x the price! If I was in a position to be considering these two scopes and I had DEFINITELY ruled out the image circle of the FSQ106 then I'd go for the Esprit for sure. 3mm. So, I see it as a perfect accessory for 120 owners, but not something that is going to be essential for 100 owners, as they already have a wide FOV without needing a Reducer. Regarding the Esprit 120 - I also happen to own an Esprit 100, which I can warmly recommend. The SkyWatcher Esprit 150 comes with a 9 x 50 right angle finderscope, a 2" star diagonal, a 2-element thread-on field flattener, and a camera adapter as well as a D-style dovetail and padded case. Mar 15, 2024 · The SkyWatcher Evostar 72ED is available at Agena Astro (USA/WW), High Point Scientific (USA/WW), and Astroshop (EU/WW). They are designed primarily for demanding astroimagers who want high-contrast images full of detail and zero detectable colour fringing, even on the brightest objects! Description. Skywatcher has managed to build great telescopes for visual and photographic use at very competitive prices. 91 arcsecs/ pixel. Not an issue for APS-C sensor cameras, but there will be some vignetting from what has been reported by users with full frame sensor cameras like the ZWO6200. My question is; will there be any advantage of Mar 28, 2018 · However, the images coming out are “cropped” to a resolution of 1. The Sky-Watcher flattener is installed in the middle of the Esprit 100 refractor and a camera. Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ED is a top-of-the-line refractor telescope designed for discerning astronomers and astrophotographers. May 27, 2023 · It’s a 100mm aperture F5. Both the Tak and Stellarvue has image circles in the 43-44mm range so slighly larger. Mar 28, 2019 · I'm looking to get a new telescope, primarily for astro photography, and the Esprit 80ED is what I'm thinking of. 5 triplet APO telescope. Micro 4/3 sensors would still show significant vignetting, as the 294 has a 23. The spirit of perfection, by Sky-Watcher Designed with the discerning astronomer in mind, Sky-Watcher top-of-the-line Esprit refractors deliver the kind of imaging performance one would expect from telescopes costing much more. Les raisons du retrait restent obscures, seules quelques rumeurs parlent d’alignement imparfait provoquant des images non piquées, et là-dessus Sky-Watcher reste Apunte el Esprit 100ED hacia las nebulosas o galaxias más bellas (Orión, Andrómeda) con una cámara DSLR o CCD/CMOS. They are designed primarily for demanding astroimagers who want high-contrast images full of detail and zero detectable colour fringing, even on the brightest objects! Dec 14, 2021 · No matter what Starizona does to the Apex, a 0. My images are sharp, stars are small and round, even with 4 hours of exposure time. With the Esprit’s three-element, air spaced objective lens design, false color is virtually eliminated, yiel Nov 13, 2020 · For Esprit 150, the image circle with the new reducer would be 44mm x 0. 65x reducer & Esprit 100ED - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Just last week, I received the Starizona Apex 0. May 5, 2023 · Page 1 of 3 - Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ed imaging problems - posted in Refractors : Dear all, I recently bought a Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ed and I now managed to try it out 3 times. Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ED, ZWO ASI294MM-Pro, Astro-Physics Mach2 GTO. (I think the image circle Jan 15, 2021 · Questions on Skywatcher 100 and 120 esprit. I've heard of these issues as well but all's I can say is is that I don't feel as if they are fully warranted. 52 kg : Sep 17, 2020 · 3) Esprit 100's focuser is more robust, and is the same as on the Esprit 120 and 150. The 100 has a larger image circle to handle larger chips compared to the 80. Everything you need to get out under the stars. Click on the image to load a full-sized (3827 x 2997 pixel) version . The stars are round in all the corners of the 1600mm. No tilt anymore when using the locking mechanism. Feb 6, 2019 · Coming from a ts 80 triplet to an esprit 100 it is a real improvement. Apr 21, 2021 · Sky-Watcher Professional Esprit 3-Element ED apochromatic refractors offer optical performance, rivalling or exceeding similar telescopes from some high-end brands. Jan 17, 2025 · Some scopes have that problem as well like the Takahashi FSQ-85EDX, the SkyWatcher on some early versions os the Esprit 100 and even the Samyang 135mm F/2 when fully open. Can it be used with a DSLR? This is specially designed for DSLR and CCD imaging purposes. Its 100mm apochromatic, 3-element objective lens design eliminates false color, yielding exceptional contrast and sharpness for both visual and imaging applications. What is the refractor’s imaging circle when used with the Sky-Watcher M48? The imaging circle is 40 mm when used with the M48 field flattener. Your 268 has an sensor diagonal of ~28. A slower f/9 telescope like an RC becomes a speedy f/5. This satisfies it with Powerly focuser Jul 8, 2020 · 4) Esprit 100 image circle is 40mm vs. x "speed" and the image circle is also reduced 0. Oct 4, 2023 · I have the Apex L that I use in conjunction with my Skywatcher Esprit 100. If you start with a 44mm image circle, a reducer will reduce also this circle to a smaller size. Nov 30, 2022. Note - When installing ESATTO 3" in a telescope with a long travel focuser (such as those usually found on refractors), it is necessary to take into account the lower I’m looking to buy a 2600 Duo and use it with a Skywatcher Esprit 120 and 0. Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED Triplet APO Refractor OTA is an excellent choice for astroimagers who want the best optics possible for sharp exposures! Chromatic aberration and false color is virtually eliminated, thanks to the ED glass, APO design and MHTC coatings. I could not find any feedback in the forum from owners of it so if anybody have this scope i will be very happy to see some first hand info. High Quality Focuser Design Allow Very Smooth Movement . 29; and. Aug 6, 2023 · Hey folks, I'm looking at completely replacing the stock focuser on my Skywatcher Esprit 100 and was considering a Primaluce Esatto 3? *** Forgot to mention in my initial post the reason for wanting to replace the stock focuser*** I bought my Esprit second hand and I've never been 100% happy with the smoothness of the focuseras time has gone on, the focuser tends to 'stick' and grind along NB : Sky-Watcher a récemment enlevé au catalogue le précédent modèle 100ED Esprit qui était un quintuplé, proposé également à un tarif extrêmement compétitif de 2650 euros. Skywatcher 0. I currently have a Esprit 150 and it also has the dedicated focal reducer. According the Skywatcher, their . Plate solving the image in SGPro using Platesolve 2. Oct 4, 2023 · It problems are 0. All of these images were done using my Esprit 150. • Lock the screw below the focuser (1) if a heavy load is attached (pull the lever at 90°). 77 reducer for it. 3 kg : 9. It will be used with 50mm unmounted filters. The included documentation is well written and covers what the user needs to know. With this model's 100 mm aperture and high-quality optics refractor camera, the most vivid views of celestial objects can display the highest contrast. The 3" linear power focuser is solid an May 17, 2022 · It's doable, obviously, but it creates some overhead you are not yet used to. The Skywatcher 0. The 120mm Sky-Watcher Esprit triplet utilizes the most modern optical glasses and fabricating techniques to deliver the ultimate in small aperture high-fidelity astronomical observing and imaging. Just to be clear, Im not using an Apex. The included Dual Speed RP Helinear focuser provides smooth and accurate focusing, a major plus for both imagers and visual observers This adapter allows you to install the ESATTO 3" robotic focuser to the Skywatcher Esprit 100 ED apochromatic refractor. 65x reducer (L version, for focal length of 550 mm or longer) to use with my Esprit 100ED. It guarantees excellent field flatness across mm imaging plane the entire 40 and ensures full illumination with extremely minimized halation and zero color fringing even on bright objects. 5 apo refractor like my Esprit 100 triplet becomes an incredibly fast f/3. Oct 1, 2020 · Below is what the corners look like with the subframe cropped down to 93% of original size, which would correspond to a 40mm image circle (as opposed to the full 43mm). Jan 10, 2023 · At my last check, Skywatcher does not make a FR for the Esprit 100 or 120/150. 9% full. Skywatcher Esprit ED Triplet APO Refractor Feature Solid 2. A precise dovetail coupling system with 3 screws set at 120° allows you to manually rotate the focuser. The objective lens features an element of extra-low dispersion glass (ED) that minimizes the chromatic aberration for the best colour correction. Sky-Watcher S11410 : The Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ed triplet apo refractor is outstanding for wide field imaging Skip to content Trusted advice since 1979 Excellent 4. Mar 22, 2015 · The focuser holds the matched field flattener, ZWO EFW, spacers and ASI1600 without issue and during a 40 min image run there was zero movement. A cooled one-shot-color CMOS dedicated astronomy camera. Feb 16, 2022 · The two-element design has a 40-millimeter image circle, just about enough to cover a full frame chip. 5 rating on Google Reviews Free Shipping On Orders Over $100 until the image in the eyepiece is nearly sharp . Oct 31, 2022 · An optically-matched M48-fitting doublet field flattener for Sky-Watcher's Esprit 100 ED PRO triplet refractor. 4, 809mm image circle 36mm - Optics Central Feb 8, 2016 · The two scopes do not have the same focal lengths. That would bring it down from 840mm to around 646mm Edited by higs, 12 March 2021 - 02:17 PM. 1 would be I think I'm currently leaning towards an Esprit 80 at f/5 rather than risking a very expensive reducer that could be tricky to get right and potentially unknown image circle size. 40 Astronomy TECHNOLOGY TODAY THE SKY-WATCHER ESPRIT 100-MM ED TRIPLET APO REFRACTOR threaded on the field flattener and Jul 3, 2020 · Page 1 of 2 - Sky-watcher Esprit 100ED unboxing & imaging set-up - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I recently sought advice on this forum for a fast refractor that would work with my beloved QSI 660ws camera. May 27, 2023 · Images taken with the Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED. 65x reducer and flattener to test and work with on my Skywatcher Esprit 100. 77x Flattener and Reducer is uniquely designed for the Esprit 150ED telescope, it reduces the focal ratio from f/7 to f/5. I received my Apex-L and wanted to do initial testing even though the moon was 98. 5 making it 550mm. The optical design contains a high quality FPL-53 ED element and is spherically and chromatically corrected very well. • To finely focus the image turn the 1:11 knob one way or the other until the image is perfectly sharp (3). Back to top Oct 8, 2022 · Esprit 120 with m48 flattener and full frame camera (6200mm) - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Hi My zwo 6200mm pro is just around the corner and I have some concerns about the spacers in the image train. With the Esprit’s three-element, air spaced objective lens design, false color is virtually eliminated, yielding exceptional contrast and sharpness. La gama Sky-Watcher Esprit tiene un enfocador de potencia lineal de alta calidad. achieved with the Sky-Watcher ESPRIT 150 Field flattener. Here is my 1st image (only so far) with this combo (pardon the excessive Blue): Designed with the discerning astrophotographer in mind, Sky-Watcher’s top-of-the-line Esprit refractors deliver the kind of imaging performance one would expect from telescopes costing thousands of dollars more. Mount is a iOptron CEM120 Camera is asi2600mc I was looking at going with the Esprit 100 as it has a nice wide field of view, especially compared to the Esprit 150 and even with its dedicated Sky-Watcher - The worlds largest telescope manufacturer. The Esprit 100 is marginal at full-frame sensors and above (for that get the Tak FSQ-106), but great at APS-H, APS-C, and smaller. Is it an issue, and if so has it been Aug 16, 2020 · 4) Esprit 100 image circle is 40mm vs. The Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 mm ED APO Triplet Refractor is one of the sky-watchers incredibly precise telescopes created for passionate astronomy lovers who want to be submerged in the infinite universe. A precision thread ensures the triplet and doublet lens groups are precisely aligned on the optical axis perpendicular to the image. The Sky-Watcher 80mm Esprit 80ED Triplet APO Refractor is a professional instrument for the most demanding and exacting astro-photographers. 61 kg : 14. A 0. Nov 29, 2020 · Page 1 of 2 - Sky-Watcher 100mm APO + Apex-L + ASI2600MC Pro First Impressions - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: As the title says. 65x The Skywatcher Esprit series of high-quality triplet apochromats is very popular in the astro scene. The Sky-Watcher ESPRIT 150 Field flattener is not compatible with other telescopes, even refractors with the same aperture and same focal length. The Skywatcher Esprit 100ED PRO is an apochromatic triplet refractor that offers high performance for demanding astrophotographers. I will have to try my 5DMKIV camera. 77x focal reducer reduces the image circle from 44mm to 34mm. Enfocador lineal 11:1 del refractor Esprit 100/550 ED SkyWatcher. The camera end of the field flattener is M48 and the EFW (and camera) has M54. Image 3 - The Esprit 100ED package also includes a 9x50 right-angle, correct-image finder scope. 77x times. 4. Apr 25, 2022 · 3) Esprit 100's focuser is more robust, and is the same as on the Esprit 120 and 150. 77 focal reducer. - posted in Refractors : New to astrophotography, after months of research I have decided on either 100 or 120 esprit. Nov 13, 2020 · However, even with the Reducer, the FOV is some 17% smaller than an Esprit 100 for a comparable f/5. Each element is fully multi-coated with Sky-Watcher’s proprietary Metallic High-Transmission Coatings ™ (MHTC)™, producing a transmission rate that rivals any refractor on the market. Aug 1, 2021 · I was sent a Starizona APEX-ED . Using the mosaic & framing tool in SGPro to compare my actual image with the resolution I’d need to get that size frame in mosaic tool Skywatcher Esprit ED Triplet APO Refractor Feature Dual Speed1:11 Rack & Pinion Focuser System, Allowing Fine Tuning Of Focus For Sharpest Image. 4-inch dual-speed rack-and-pinion, Helinear track focuser Rolled steel optical tube with white, glossy finish Included accessories: field flattener, tube rings, D-style dovetail, 8x50 right-angle finderscope, M48 camera adapter, 2 May 11, 2016 · With the Esprit 100ED, the 40mm image circle advertised just starts to show issues at the extreme corners of a full frame DSLR but, 40mm is much closer to the 43mm image circle needed for a full frame chip than the 80mm's 33mm image circle. farbreine Abbildung mit dem OHARA FPL-53 Objektiv (dreielementig) extrem Lichtstark (f/5,5) Der Skywatcher Professional ESPRIT ED APO Refraktor ist eines der lichtstärksten APO Refraktor Teleskope in diesem Öffnungsbereich. Each lens blank is individually inspected for purity and absence of striations and other image-degrading imperfections. Sep 13, 2023 · The Esprit 120 with the FF has an image circle of 44mm which should pose no issues with the a full frame camera. 6 astrograph. Click on the image to load a full-sized (2560 x 1710 pixel) version. Starizona even says it only delivers a 30mm image circle. The image usually has to be finely refocused over time, due Image 2 - The Esprit 100ED features a deluxe 3-inch rack-and-pinion with sensitive micro-focus functionality and full rotation. 77x Reducers for their Esprit 120 & 150 triplet refractor telescopes 🙂 Sky-Watcher 0. With the Apex ED reducer, an f/5. The threads on the focuser and flattener are not the most common, though, so I did find it difficult to find adapters with those threads. 3lbs. The 2. The 40mm imaging circle of the Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ED was designed with full-frame DSLR imagers in mind, as the package I received even included a Canon EOS M48 adapter ring. How much is the question. Jul 12, 2021 · So APEX 0. 1. Two particular questions are worrying me - does it come with dedicated field flattener like the Corrected image circle for full frame; sensors; Skywatcher Esprit 150ED Triplet Apo Refractor 150 mm f/5. With the Esprit 100 and my ASI183, I can image at 0. 2. Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Live Chat Help Center Check Order Status The Sky-Watcher exclusive Helinear Track focusing system provides a smooth, rock-solid focuser with zero image shift. The unreduced 40mm image circle will likely exhibit some vignetting with a full frame sensor camera and it would be more severe with the reducer installed. 75x with the Esprit 100 will have 30mm reduced image circle, assuming nothing else in the path squeezes the light cone. 75x FR/FF. 77 reducer and the Esprit 120ED work very well with a full-frame sensor. I picked the Esprit 100 over the Stellarvue SVX80T-3SV, because it is faster, and I preferred its FL, especially with the 0. The Esprit 100 is an f/5. I assume the 120 is no different - a well-performing, low-maintenance scope. I have heard of problems from several folks with this on APS-C. 5 focal ratio 3. 65x would result in an image circle of ~21. For me the esprit 100 is a keeper. Better to shoot at native focal length instead, if you don't own an APS-C sensor. The Sky-Watcher 100mm Esprit 100ED Triplet APO Refractor is a professional instrument for the most demanding and exacting astro-photographers. My camera has a small sensor The Skywatcher Esprit 80ED PRO is an apochromatic triplet refractor that offers high performance for demanding astrophotographers. Sky-Watcher - The worlds Esprit 80ED APO Triplet Esprit 100 ED APO Triplet 8x50 Right Angled Erect Image : Tube weight: 3. The Esprit 80 + 0. 77x Reducer for Esprit 120ED Triplet Sky-Watcher 0. 65x reduction factor. All Sky-Watcher USA Esprit refractors come with a 8 x 50 right angle finderscope, 2-inch Star diagonal, 2-element field flattener*, camera adapter, D-style dovetail and padded case. The 3" linear power focuser is solid an The Sky-Watcher ESPRIT 100 Field flattener has been specifically designed for your telescope. The Sky-Watcher 100mm Esprit ED Triplet APO Refractor was designed with astro-imagers in mind that are eager to develop their astrophotography skills. 2"/px (w/ 0. Drew The 150mm Sky-Watcher Esprit triplet utilizes the most modern top-quality optical glasses and computer-optimized fabricating techniques to deliver the ultimate in high-definition astronomical observing and imaging. Physical inspection. The Sky-Watcher exclusive Helinear Track focusing system provides a smooth, rock-solid focuser with zero image shift. Its three-element air spaced objective lens design, fully removes false color giving you prime contrast and sharpness. 100 mm apochromatic 3-element refractor; 550 mm (f/5. 4) Esprit 100 image circle is 40mm vs. 7" linear power focuser is solid, Designed with the discerning astrophotographer in mind, Sky-Watcher USA’s top-of-the-line Esprit refractors deliver the kind of imaging performance one would expect from telescopes costing thousands of dollars more. Description. Having a foot rather than tube rings is a curious decision by Sky-watcher as it's clearly designed for imaging but this is an extremely minor quibble and the Esprit is easily mounted onto a vixen dovetail. Nov 23, 2022 · The only thing I'll knock on the Esprit 100ED is the image circle - at 40mm it is the smallest image circle of the refractors in the same class. It is heavy for its FL, and probably needs a EQ6R or better mount. 3mm for Sony sensors in QHY268 or ZWO 2600, slightly less for Canon). 7'' CNC Machined Focuser Tube. 9 system. The air spaced apochromatic triplet lenses use the remarkable Ohara FPL-53 ED (extra low dispersion) glass, with exceptional colour correction over the entire visible spectrum there is no chromatic aberration even on bright objects! Nov 13, 2020 · Sky-Watcher have released new optically-matched 0. 75x, 413mm). The air spaced apochromatic triplet lenses use the remarkable Ohara FPL-53 ED (extra low dispersion) glass, with exceptional colour correction over the entire visible spectrum there is no chromatic aberration even on bright objects! The Sky-Watcher ESPRIT 100 is a high-performance 3-element ED apochromatic refractor designed to meet the exacting demands of serious astrophotographers. Do any of the owners of these have any trouble carrying them do to their weight? Is there a handle that can be attached? I also read that there is a problem with wobbling of the dew shield. 5) Fully multi-coated; Thread-on field flattener; 3. My Esprit 100 with TSAPORED075 (original 2019 version) performs very well on my QHY268M (APS-C). I currently have the Skywatcher Esprit 150 and also the 0. Anybody using this combination Aug 6, 2023 · Jerry Gerber: I'm using the Esprit 100ED and the focuser that comes with it is fine. Oct 1, 2020 · Page 2 of 2 - M31: Esprit 100 + ASI6200MM-Pro - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: What the Skywatcher documents say are 40mm image circle and full frame corrected image plane. Also, Stellarvue increased their price by $300 in late 2018, its availability was sketchy, and I got a very good price on a new Esprit 100 for only May 27, 2019 · Thanks for the info here. Triplet super-apochromatic design Three-element, air-spaced optical assembly virtually eliminates false color 100mm aperture, 550mm focal length, f/5. My camera is the asi2600mc I was looking at the Skywatcher Esprit 100 as it has a good focal length of around the 550mm mark which is where I am looking at. Also the focuser is way better. After much research, I decided I would rather have a Sky-watcher Esprit 100ED than take a chance on a much more expensive Takahashi FSQ that has an image circle that is much bigger Nov 29, 2020 · Page 2 of 2 - Sky-Watcher 100mm APO + Apex-L + ASI2600MC Pro First Impressions - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I dont understand this based on what I have seen. The M48 fitting provides a large clear aperture to reduce halation. It uses high quality FPL53 and BK7 glass, and has been known over the years it’s been around that it’s one of the most well color corrected scopes at this price point. Esprit 80ED, 100ED, 120ED and 150ED Super APO triplets have a doublet field flattener to get a flat field and minimize aberration and distortion. The Esprit 80 is an f/5 making it a 400mm focal length. 0" focuser w/micro focus; 2" Diagonal with dielectric coatings; 9x50 RA erect-image finderscope; Canon camera adapter; Tube rings with CGE style dovetail bar; Aluminum foam lined case; 40mm image circle; OTA Weight: 16. The only solution so far that I’ve found is to use photography stepper rings to downsize a bit the aperture (insted of using the diafragm who also Dec 25, 2024 · Skywatcher Esprit 100 any good for imaging? - posted in Refractors : Hi, i am looking to fill a bit of a gap in my imaging setup. Jan 21, 2020 · The Esprit 100 is more expensive, but MUCH cheaper than a Tak FSQ-106 (but the Tak has much larger image circle). No OAG. I have heard of folks being disappointed with the 0. A separate thread-on Schott glass doublet field flattener provides pin-point star images across the entire 43mm image circle for superb astrophotography. While others have used the Riccardi or TS reducers with success, I wanted to go for the kill and try the 0. The ONLY issue that I have with it, is that it produces a slight star flair, on the larger stars, that is somewhat unique to the reducer (towards the outter ends) but otherwise, my flats calibrate fine (which I believe were the initial reports in that flats didn't The 40mm imaging circle of the Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ED was designed with full-frame DSLR imagers in mind, as the package I received even included a Canon EOS M48 adapter ring. 97 kg : 6. I’ve worked this out from two sources: 1. I see you cant get any reducers Nov 21, 2013 · Skywatcher Esprit 120 questions - posted in Refractors : Hello. Soul Nebula. With the Esprit’s three-element, air spaced objective lens design, false color is virtually eliminated, yiel Apr 21, 2021 · Sky-Watcher Professional Esprit 3-Element ED apochromatic refractors offer optical performance, rivalling or exceeding similar telescopes from some high-end brands. I think the X star pattern is evident on all the corners except the upper left, but clearly more subtle. Screw the drawtube adaptor (1) at the end of the focus tube. I am planning to buy 120mm premium APO and the esprit 120 fpl-53 triplet looks very attractive. The Apex-L and Sky-Watcher adapter plate both come with 2ea Designed with the discerning astrophotographer in mind, Sky-Watcher’s top-of-the-line Esprit refractors deliver the kind of imaging performance one would expect from telescopes costing thousands of dollars more. Skywatcher Esprit 100 ED Professional Super APO TRIPLED Refraktor - 100mm F/5,5. Featured. 77X Reducer/Flattener Esprit 150mm f5. 7" Rack And Pinion Focuser System. 65x combined with a native 40mm image circle scope will not totally cover APS-C (28. 1mm diagonal. I have that in mine. 77x Reducer for Esprit 150ED Triplet. The Skywatcher Esprit 120ED PRO is an apochromatic triplet refractor that offers high performance for demanding astrophotographers. The images looked excellent with APS-C (28mm) sized chips. 25 with Corrector and small APM-Riccardi Apo-Reducer in a The Sky-Watcher exclusive Helinear Track focusing system provides a smooth, rock-solid focuser with zero image shift. 65x APEX should be OK for smaller sensors, such as 183 w/ 16mm diagonal. Interestingly Es also checked over a second hand Tak 150 the same week, and was able to compare the two scopes, in hi Oct 20, 2020 · First light: Starizona Apex 0. I noticed a few things about it and I would like to ask for feedback or information on this. The Sky-Watcher ESPRIT 100 Field flattener has been specifically designed for your telescope. My mount is an HEQ5 with Rowan belt upgrade and my camera is a modified Canon EOS 600d. With their three-element air spaced objective lens design, false color is completely eliminated, yielding Shop Sky Watcher Esprit 100mm ED Triplet APO Refractor | Be The First To Review Sky Watcher Esprit 100mm ED Triplet APO Refractor Blazin' Deal + Free Shipping over $49. Anybody using this combination to advise on results? Sep 22, 2019 · Finally picked up my Esprit 150 from Es Reid in Cambridge yesterday after a 7 week wait, Es tested both the scope and the field flattener last week and found them to be excellent. SkyWatcher Esprit 100 ED. This equates to a 550mm focal length. My understanding of the term image circle (from terrestrial photography) is the diameter of the circle of useful illumination, which is the part before the vignetting gets so significant that its not useful in Nov 28, 2018 · The ED80 is very competent for a £470 OTA, but for imaging the Esprit will almost certainly perform better, but you do pay for that benefit. 77 = 34 mm, so it would just about fill the frame of an APS-C. All Sky-Watcher USA Esprit refractors come with a 9 x 50 right angle finderscope, 2-inch Star diagonal, 2-element field flattener*, camera adapter, D-style dovetail and padded case. Nov 1, 2014 · The Skywatcher will be able to really deliver the goods for those who don't need the larger than ~40mm image circle, though, which at the Skywatcher's price point is still really quite an accomplishment. 77x reducer which has an image circle of 34mm. 65x to 26mm, and its has 42mm output. Installing the field flattener and a DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Reflex) camera 1. Everything else is the post above is pretty much correct. I must admit as nice as f/4. I was just commenting on the size of the Esprit 100s image circle, and that its greater Mar 10, 2021 · Maybe get the esprit 120 which has a 43mm image circle and then get the . Mine is certainly not that far away from the quality of data gained from my FSQ106, but the FSQ has an absolutely enormous image circle. My first try using the telescope, I saw, over the course of imaging for about 4 hours that the target seemed to drift. 65x, which will shrink the image circle by 0. In I’m looking to buy a 2600 Duo and use it with a Skywatcher Esprit 120 and 0. 45mm. The Sky-Watcher ESPRIT 100 Field flattener has been specifically designed for your telescope. Jan 17, 2023 · It's hard to find a reducer suitable for full frame sensors in general (and you need to start from a quite large image circle). The 'complication' is that focal reducers also reduce the image circle size. The use of Extra-low Dispersion (ED) glass is critical in minimising chromatic aberration, a common issue in lesser optics where colours do not converge at the same point, resulting in a halo Aug 1, 2024 · Click on the image to load a full-sized (2560 x 1824 pixel) version. Dec 5, 2023 · ASKAR FRA600 or Skywatcher Esprit 100? - posted in Refractors : Hi, I am looking for my next scope purchase and for imaging. The x0. 9"/px (native 550mm) or 1. omnhqvrzdycfwuepvkdctvvvzbgyoxretwwgeaznbtxxiifozodyujrrxxlisnaqtkiqzmebyrxk