Subaru 4eat reset if you're able to get the complete bulkhead dash harness, do it (along with the 5MT ECU). Bean according to the instructions from Mr. pdf document in this thread in our Knowledge Base section offers a little more insight, and shows that the direct control 4EAT in the '04 XT is still quite a bit Feb 14, 2008 · I'd also stick with standard ATF, but I change it at least twice as often as Subaru recomends. Aug 17, 2010 · 4EAT ATF Pre-2006 - DEXRON III or Subaru ATF-HP I've read a million and one things about which ATF to use for my 2005 XT so here's a poll to try and finalize this. Under regular driving conditions the trans shifts fine, feels fine in every way, but from a stand still and I launch under hard acceleration, pedal to the floor, there is a big delay between 1st and 2nd. From Panamá to the world! Learn how to reset or reprogram any Subaru computer, including ECM, ECU, TCM, and PCM. When the code was reset it would come back right away. Jan 28, 2011 · As long as you use the same 4 sensors, and the batteries in each sensor don’t die, there is no need to reset the TPMS. Ifeel the pan and can tell it's a solenoid by the vibration. I've just finished a build on my 04 FXT. If it was caught right away (the failed transfer duty solenoid), I'd personally probably take a chance and not replace the clutch plates. The entire fluid change takes 12 quarts or 3 gallons. Dec 31, 2019 · Figures 4, 5 and 6: This change is identified by calling the first design the 4EAT Phase 1 and the second design the 4AT Phase 2. Mar 23, 2006 · Well, I recently got the transmission on my last Subaru rebuilt. Tried the firmware update and still having problems. Then while the 4EAT is recovering from that, it's time for another full throttle, which catches it between gears, resulting in a rev and a Nov 15, 2017 · My 2011 Subaru Forester XT with roughly 105,000 miles got a Check Engine Light as my wife was about (mercifully) 1/8 mile away from the house as she was leaving. This the Subaru number five for me; the second one purchased new. g. Step 1: I performed a fluid flush and change The Subaru 4EAT transmission sale is going on now. Now it's disconnected and everything works fine. See full list on vehiclefreak. For a more thorough description of specific 4EAT operating characteristics or features, refer to the applicable Subaru service manual for the year and model Subaru you are working on. dm Apr 24, 2012 · On the 4EAT phase 1 (pre-approx. Jan 31, 2016 · As others say, change the fluid (full flush or multi drain and fills) with subaru ATF-HP and then a TCU reset and relearn should clear up the issue. 2) Turn ignition switch to OFF. Subaru Impreza A-GRD, 1. Dexron is not an additive, but a brand or type of fluid originally used by GM. Otherwise I will drain out all of it and put in regular ATF. 2020 Ascent purchased new, now at 45k 2010 Legacy GT got at 60k, now at 150k. Aug 22, 2008 · If you had a CEL, replaced the O2 sensor, and haven't reset the ECU since replacing the O2 sensor, I would reset it (as SuperRu suggested with the brake compressed and the battery disconnected for a half hour). Coming back had it on cruise at 65 going uphill when the trans started making noises, then downshifted into third, which, of course, ran the rpms up enough to get our attention over the radio. Subaru tech says there is nothing special about the Subaru ATF for 2002 models, and the replacement just has to meet the Dexron III spec. At least that’s my understanding of how the Subaru TPMS works. L. 5 (Youngest daughter) Feb 27, 2021 · Unlike the 4EAT, the clutch in the 5EAT need not be engaged except if there's slippage, or a risk of slippage (e. The 4EAT does not benefit from a cooler unless it is being overheated by pulling a heavily loaded trailer at speed in hot weather, which can happen with either the NA or XT engine. If the solenoid has been failing enough to cause torque bind, then you might have damaged transfer clutch plates. 99 S Turbo. Subaru models over the years. Jan 8, 2019 · Hi all. e. Along with the CEL light I also had the AT fluid temp warning light along with flashing cruise and traction control icon. otherwise, read on since i haven't been able to find anything Aug 23, 2011 · Anyhow, the Aussies have generally done a much better job at making such tech info available to the public in their marketing materials, so the MY04 FXT Technical Description . 4EAT Transmission repair manuals (Subaru), diagrams, guides, tips and free download PDF instructions. We bought the forester 3 weeks ago and this first happened a couple of days ago when daily temperatures went from the 30's to single digits. 4EAT Phase 2 6 Introduction The 4EAT Phase 2 (introduced on 1999 Model Year vehicles) provides the same type of electronic control used by prior model year vehicles and shares many of the same diagnostic procedures, however there have been internal and external changes that require this 4EAT to be viewed as an entirely new automatic transmission. My first Subaru (a 2007 Imprezza) did it and it freaked me out the first few times it happened. The "Engine Check", "VDC" and "ABS" lights come on as well. , rapid acceleration from a stop). 4EAT Auto I am having a problem with shifting from 1 -> 2 and 3 -> 4. I did my oil and tires this past weekend and reset the CVT for the second time with the same results: an immediate and noticeable improvement in CVT behavior at lower speeds. In most cases, the ‘transmission temperature’ warning light will start flashing. Subaru built the first 4EAT transmission in the mid-80s for use in vehicles like the Baja, Forester, Impreza, Legacy, Loyale, SVX, and XT. 2) Yes, right after. It used to happen only when the engine / trans were cold, but now it happens all of the time. Rotating the tires doesn’t matter to the TPMS, the system just needs to find the same 4 sensors to work. Seagrass SOA 1-800-782-2783, MY11 Outback 3. Even though i've got a modded IPT valvebody, my TCU is picky, i'm not really getting exceptionally firm shifts because the TCU and ECU keeps compensating for the increased line pressure, and also we can't squeeze out any more pressure with the resistor mod because the TCU and ECU keep detecting Oct 17, 2019 · This does not necessarily mean you should go to a Subaru dealer and in fact often it means you should NOT go to a Subaru dealer, especially with a ten year old vehcile. According to Sonnax Subaru: These are the years and models when the Phase II Version II valve body started production: 2004-Later Subaru Forester, Turbo 2005-Later Subaru Forester, Non-Turbo Oct 29, 2009 · I know A6n6d6y probably knows the mechanical ins-and-outs of both diffs better than most technicians at Subaru do. Feb 25, 2012 · So I've noticed that every time I reset my ecu the car feels extremely peppy and get great mpgs. 1999) and early phase II 4EAT (approx. 16 Download - OldApps. Once you do reset the codes, there are two re-learn options: Natural (described above), and Programmed, which has you manually rowing through the gears at prescribed throttle angles. We can manually do it and it works just fine. . Jul 23, 2012 · Subaru Impreza 4DR L/B . Nov 14, 2024 · Learning how to reset Subaru transmission control module is easy for anyone: Just put the key in the ignition and turn it twice, press the gas pedal to the floor, and hold for at least 5 seconds; switch off the ignition before releasing the pedal, wait patiently for about 5 minutes, then drive your car to complete the reset. Aug 29, 2009 · If you replace the spin-on filter, it will take more than 4 quarts for the initial refill, and you should get the filter from your Subaru dealer. Hm I think the 4eat phase II also has the line pressure solenoid 'helper' resistor; the phase I's sometimes you'd get harsh shifts and it was because that resistor had burned out. This does not appear to be normal. USA-TX(Hearne) E-mail 1-979-279-6001 there are about 26 for $125 and under. Could be many other things too. 5 FXT with the 4EAT with Sportshift. Seagrass Subaru models over the years. of members 4EAT's from slipping to shifting. Jun 3, 2010 · Just recently I replaced all 10 qts in my 99 Forester by removing supply line to trans cooler(pax side connection to lower radiator). I tried Dec 17, 2023 · Good afternoon. I have had issues with a few Subarus where the learned values would be off, causing all kinds of issues. Recently the CEL came on and produced code P0768, which has to do with the Shift Solenoid 'D' electrical. If that works I will do another drain fill cycle as I have another gallon jug of the Amsoil ATF. I mean, they used the same design for almost 20 years, and year after year Subaru was heralded as being one of the best AWD systems in the world. Turn off the a/C Continue idle for one min then shut engine off This relearns and resets the electrical It should work now Without doing the reset, it will continue to almost stall or stall as you come to a stop If it doesn't work for you please call or take it into a Subaru dealer. As you can see this is the ultimate tool for your Subaru. The problem is intermittent, and Apr 24, 2014 · You have just describe a very common "feature" of the Subaru 4EAT automatic transmission. Three drain and fills were done about 10-20k miles prior. On her way home from work, my daughter's Forester dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree. 8 miles. Apr 23, 2013 · (crutial to do or it won't reset just idling it). Subaru Subaru 4EAT Automatic Transmission Service (youtube. 3) Turn ignition switch to ON. The kick down switch was stuck in open position. From a deadstop it seems to go almost right to 4th, we can floor the accelerator and it won't downshift. If someone has one, or can point me to a site that has a list, please let me know. Apr 23, 2008 · sorry. Nov 1, 2024 · Have you actually done a smoke test to confirm for vacuum leak. 5. Feb 28, 2008 · Perhaps I should reset the ECU and give it a chance. Aug 17, 2007 · Just got back from a long trip to the Washington coast and while we were there the transmission did a strange thing - very intermittent so far - it has only happened twice. Then while the 4EAT is recovering from that, it's time for another full throttle, which catches it between gears, resulting in a rev and a Oct 17, 2011 · If the vehicle looses power or the battery goes dead/disconnected all adjustment values will reset to default. Made from high-quality materials, this insert is designed to reduce the wobbling and shaking commonly experienced during acceleration and deceleration. There is a rubber hose to metal pipe connection by the arrow. Sep 22, 2022 · Resetting your transmission control module can be done in several ways but usually, you can reset your Subarus transmission control module by following these steps. com) to see if it would help the slipping / hard shifting. The 5EAT clutch is needed only to prevent slippage, not to maintain AWD in normal conditions. 5 installed and took it on a road trip with my daughter. Jun 5, 2007 · I pulled the 4EAT out and started replacing the pinion gear/bearing. No debris was noticed on either end of the screens. Introducing the Subaru 4EAT Trans Mount Insert Anti-Wobble, the perfect solution for drivers looking to upgrade their Subaru's transmission mount. Nov 19, 2014 · I've searched various forums and Subaru sites but can find no definitive list of 4EAT transmissions that are compatible with an O4 FXT 4EAT. On my '07 and '08, i had to use SSM to reset it. Download and install this version of Java Old Version of Java Runtime Environment 1. Jul 15, 2010 · When I try to drive my Forester 4EAT the way I like to drive my Scion 5MT, it just can't react and keep up. 4) No. Sometimes you can simply disconnect the battery for a while and that will reset it. The Jan 1, 2015 · My 2001 4EAT with 340k miles shifts incredibly smooth now after 3 drain-n-fills (over 90k miles) with the new Subaru ATF-HPUsed regular Subaru ATF fluid before that until they discontinued it. . Have you had the ECU codes read? bman May 22, 2019 · Idemitsu has no idea what Subaru SOA635040 OEM ATF Fluid is, which is weird. 5L 4 cyl. More details are needed at this point. Jan 23, 2018 · What a timely update! I have an ez30 in my forester, but i really want to swap in an eg33 i have lying around with a turbo but still keep the 4eat. I can still punch it and get her to go, but there is much more Jan 22, 2015 · I don't think the "reset" or letting the car rest for a few minutes is actually correcting the problem as such, but the time involved probably is allowing some cooling, which could be a factor. com Download and install Rom Raider and Ecuflash Jun 13, 2008 · I would like to get a TCU tuner to adjust shift points, Torque converter lock-up, and shift firmess. When cruising through town Feb 28, 2008 · Perhaps I should reset the ECU and give it a chance. Experience with transmissions is limited to basic maintenance/service. AT Oil Temp light issues (see below) started @ ~ 154,500. Feb 14, 2022 · Before digging too deep, I would reset the TCM. 03. Floor the 4EAT, and by the time it has downshifted, the need is past and the foot is off the gas. I went over to Rallitek's new shop @ IPDSuby Solutions is no longer and has been replaced by Rallitek after the merger. I find a decisive foot is the key to extracting the best out of our 4EATs. The trans normaly shifts into all the gears (1-4), a little harsh when cold (we currently have May 4, 2006 · I too have experianced what you described. Got a 06 2. Id have to go standalone which isnt 4eat friendly. In particular it feels much more solid from a stop, not punching it, then a week or so later it will be back to slow mode from a stop. The transmission has around 223. 5 qts (only 10-15 secs), stopped, refilled trans pan, and dumped caught fluid. 6R Premium (Sold Jan 2022), MY12 Forester XT 2. 2004), this procedure for extracting stored AT transmission trouble codes should work (information is from related service manuals): PERFORM READ DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC). 270/285. 69554/#post770594 You can reset the ecu/tcu as The 4-speed automatic transmission Subaru 4EAT was manufactured in 1988 (EC8 = R4AX-EL). I found that the spider gears were suspect with pitting so I'm replacing those too. Dec 15, 2018 · Installed a used transmission on my 2001 VDC and it does not work properly. A few months ago the gearshift from 2nd to 3rd became very abrupt and rough, and the car would remain in 2nd for longer than normal, often not shifting until I let off the Feb 7, 2025 · Hello guys i currently have the following problem concerning the 4eat trans from my 2006 Forester SG. Jan 20, 2014 · Sooooo, got the new to me 2. If I hammer it from a roll, there is no shifting issues. May 30, 2007 · Newer Generations of Subaru discussion 1990 to Present Legacy, Impreza, Outback, Forester, Baja, WRX&WrxSTI, SVX 4EAT duty c solenoid & Clutch pack replacement. 07 mark under full throttle conditions, but now only reaches . 2005 Obsidian Black Pearl XT w/4eat Jun 3, 2006 · This is the fluid line I tapped into for the cooler. Mar 11, 2013 · Hello, I've got a 4eat which buzzes when the key is in the ON position. As soon as I start the engine the "AT Oil Temp" light starts flashing, even at freezing temperatures, and it never stops. The Aug 7, 2012 · Japanparts Number: 107-077-001 (Subaru Part Number: 83156AG000) Column Cover: SH Forester: Japanparts Number: 107-077-002 (Subaru Part number: 34341FG030JC) SG Forester: (what I ordered for my conversion, still needs some tweaking to it, it's a Legacy column cover) Japanparts Number: 107-076-001 (get the 5A/T option) (Subaru part number Apr 8, 2017 · Hello, Connected it to my Impreza 4EAT. I just got the whole front end replaced when the dealer replaced the timing belt before the transmission started to fail (water pump, oil pump, front seals). I find going WOT confuses the 4EAT. Post 40 of another recent thread has this procedure in detail. Save Share Scoobypedia | Trusted knowledge for everything Subaru | Knowledge / ECU Reset . The transmission, when cold, has a very slow, sometimes hard shift from 2 to 3. 0 Engine, 4EAT transmission) in April, 2019 with ~ 147K miles. Having second thoughts though A friend who drives a 08 fxt finds the 09 4eat a big upgrade. Feb 12, 2012 · I had a terrible experience with a kenwood x692 and bluetooth. 0. 1 | VASP Remap stage 1 | IMMO OFF | Interior (2016) and exterior (2017) mods. Feb 11, 2020 · 1) Yes. If you want to improve the 4EAT, check out IPT. I could not get it to reset with just a battery disconnect. 1999 to approx. 0L EMPI DOHC ターボ 280PS | EJ20KDW7PR | GC8 Volkswagen Amarok 2012 CDBA 2. trans has a vtd diff swap already. Aware lot of members in the forum mention uppipe is catless for Foresters MY 06 and above. DAM decreases (other than being reset after a reflash/reset). Nov 2, 2021 · Wanted to provide some details for others about how I improved the shift quality in my trans. The AT light was flashing. Fluid capacity and type, valve body and solenoids charts. The extra acceleration of the XT engine does not overheat the transmission. 000km. What brand ATF fluid did you use? Jul 15, 2010 · When I try to drive my Forester 4EAT the way I like to drive my Scion 5MT, it just can't react and keep up. The Check Engine Light and "AT Oil Temp" came on. Bean; 3. Jul 30, 2021 · The 4EAT is made to take the power of the XT engine. Short of buying your own Subaru Select Monitor, this software will let you have nearly complete control of your own vehicle. year kit o/h kit kit kit seal kit Jul 5, 2017 · Wanted to revisit this thread. I also called the local dealership and they agreed. Jul 18, 2010 · You might want to do a drain and fill with the Subaru HP ATF. Also I disassembled the front diff. Sep 16, 2022 · There are a few common methods used to reset a Subaru transmission control module, but the most popular method is by activating your kick-down switch and leaving your car’s electrical system turned off for 5 minutes before driving the vehicle. Jan 3, 2008 · Im going to have this done on thursday (+8gmt). I have only "launched" this way once but with a trip to the strip scheduled for tomorrow evening, I'm hoping to get some feedback on the best way to overcome this. It recognizes my transmission, but no adjustments are available, table is blank. It's about $40 cheaper for 10 qts. 99% of the time the manufacturer's recommended atf is best. Oct 20, 2013 · Subaru Forester 2009 (Euro Version) 2. Feb 25, 2013 · 2005 UK XTEn 4EAT sports shift. Disconnects and no connections, had to reset head unit to get it functioning. How difficult is it to get running? i have zero experience with megashift. Mar 9, 2024 · A few months ago I changed the fluid in my son's 2003 LL. 400+ ? Jul 8, 2021 · My 04 FXT 4EAT started having an issue that after driving arround for a while (30 mins or so) the car starts to abruptly brake stall and slam into gear when going from 1st Gear to 2nd and when down shifting from 2nd to first gear when coming to a stop. $300 Prime Auto Parts USA-CA(North-Hollywood) Request_Quote 818-765-5448 this one in TX for $100: 1993. An interesting point regarding this change is that the Phase 1 design used a powerflow, the same as a Nissan Pathfinder rear wheel drive transmission called the RE4R01A. 3) No codes at all since. Transmission. I’m am fairly experienced with working on cars, but this is my first Subaru. Jump to Latest An update is rolling out Jan 12, 2013 · 3. Some Subaru models were equipped with a 1-HOLD button. I unhooked the battery and let the vehicle sit for an hour and it seemed May 18, 2011 · Basically as my first post, here is stage one. Engine runs perfect but on the highway the 4-3 downshift under heavy load was especially rough and sometimes very abrupt. But Subaru of America does and said it is OK to use. I am new to the forum here and looking for some experience with troubleshooting the 4EAT transmission. com May 3, 2012 · I've never tried it but there is the option of resetting using learning view. Buying in NY you have an implied warranty from the used car dealer also whether they told you about it or not it is law (which is Jan 1, 2015 · My 2001 4EAT with 340k miles shifts incredibly smooth now after 3 drain-n-fills (over 90k miles) with the new Subaru ATF-HPUsed regular Subaru ATF fluid before that until they discontinued it. The problem is that if you are only logging one of the above, then you will not catch a knock event when one of the others is active (based on conditions). 1) Warm-up the engine. Oct 17, 2011 · If the vehicle looses power or the battery goes dead/disconnected all adjustment values will reset to default. 000km on it, atf and differential oil was changed at 212. Jun 2, 2021 · 4EAT Auto Transmission. Slowed to 55 Apr 3, 2009 · Hi. Feb 27, 2013 · Power loss should not reset the learned codes in the TCU. Sep 16, 2019 · My daughter purchased used Bean OB (2001 Outback/L. They don't all do this, but lots of them do. Aug 14, 2010 · 4eat trouble Hello everyone, I'm having some issues with my trans under hard acceleration. Then I Googled a bit and found that it's very common. The 5EAT transmission needs to run through a relearn procedure (using a specialised scan tool) after clearing “memory 2”. These include: Jan 21, 2019 · So I have discovered (I think) that my 4EAT is a Phase 2 Version 2. Some days normal operation works fine, other days it does not Apr 17, 2023 · If your vehicle does indeed have a 4EAT transmission I believe you can use a VAG-COM cable, FreeSSM and a Windows laptop to do reset the TCU (Transmission Control Unit) and then simply drive the vehicle to do the relearn. Don't know what year it is, but after '06 they do not recommend Dexron, they recommend Subaru ATF-HP. Apr 5, 2007 · For the last week I have noticed a SOTP (seat of the pants) difference in Sue B (2004 XT Manual Forester). It is the oil return line from the stock radiator cooler/heater to the tranny. What did the shop do to fix the issue. The modification released in 1999 was replaced the previous EC8 version on almost all popular Subaru models. If you do that, and it comes back, something's not fixed or right, and I'd get the code checked again. 5) The fluid seemed fine. only one will potentially change for a given knock event, if any). When you want power, use a quick 1/2 to 3/4 throttle stab. Aug 22, 2010 · We've got a '98 Outback 4EAT has been great up until recently, now it doesn't always downshift on its own anymore. I have cleared memory 2 and it seemed to shift smoother for several minutes, but then got back to rough again. I filled trans pan w/ 3 qts, started engine, and pumped out 1-1. Apr 29, 2010 · I notice that when I power brake/launch that the engine hits the rev limiter before the 4EAT shifts into second gear. How to Reset a Subaru Transmission Control Module Dec 13, 2006 · Hard shift to 4th when cold 2007 137k shifts to 4th with a bit of a bang similar to the feeling one gets crossing too fast over a speed bump. When you are at it, take a learning view screenshot before doing anything else. My 2006 has 140k miles on it. Gave up on the kenwood and went clarion, works great. The Jul 3, 2024 · Good afternoon. What work if any has recently bee done on the vehicle? Generally speaking the 4EAT is a bullet proof transmission and is NOT known to have any issues. Oct 12, 2007 · For the most part, I believe people are following what SOA recommends for the 4EAT. Nov 12, 2023 · I believe the 4EAT transmission “relearns” as you drive the vehicle. The fluid description designates "for 5spd 5EAT Unit", but again Subaru of America says its the same and is OK to use. The valve body in these 4EATs change between the phase and versions. JGM. Oct 12, 2012 · I have a 1998 Subaru forester L with an automatic trans, and I was wondering what makes it a 4EAT? And how do people manually shift if it is an Automatic? Sep 15, 2019 · My daughter purchased used Bean OB (2001 Outback/L. for the NSS, you need to use pin 1 & 4 at the AT harness. 2006 - 4eat transmission binds in 4 gear? ('06-'08) Tags 4eat failure problem trans transmission. I’m new here. After upgrading and adding ground wires for xmas tree dash and the torque converter unlocking then locking hard enough to chirp the front tires,a new shift solenoid,new torque converter and trans rebuild I did my homework and stuck with Idemitsu. The solenoid is located on the control valve assembly, which is inside the transmission pan. This is about 5k miles (7 months) since my last reset. The trans tend to slam into either of these gears. i'm trying to understand that - you swapped an H6 engine into your already 5MT Baja? assuming, you're working with similar wiring to the 4EAT, what pins are you connected to at the AT harness? if 11 & 12, they're the same for both P and N (which i used for the clutch switch to be able to start the engine). Dec 26, 2023 · Subaru cars with a conventional 4EAT 4-speed automatic transmission can sometimes suffer from what appears to be an overheating transmission. My 5EAT gave me fits. 8, ATOD, FWD, FLR 65,282 ASI9383. I have a new ring gear. I think it took two drive cycles for it to display after resetting. AT oil templight is blinking indicating an electrical fault and the transmissionis shifting with back breaking force, it also stalled the engine whencoming to a sto Jun 16, 2023 · Ok so good news. JVC headunit in the sons volvo had been bluetooth trouble free as well. Jan 3, 2019 · Hi Subi Fans, I have a 2005 Outback, 3. OBD reports "Temperature Sensor" and Apr 14, 2017 · My recommendations so far have been to reset the ECU and do the Subaru Technical Service Bulletin - #11-77-05; date, 09/08/05 ignition timing learning function which is for hesitation from a standing start after the engine is warmed up. $100 Auto Star Recycling Center, Inc. TD04-19T. It shifts well as for me really no complaints especially when in sports manual mode. Jan 26, 2023 · I'd change the fluid for the Idemitsu. Only one of these is active at any given time (i. 0R VDC 5AT w sport shift. Now, this isn't to say the MPT is a bad arrangement. *It happened once after a long drive and once when the car had only been driven approx. This transmission is related to the F-4EAT transmission model manufactured by Jatco. well, you've come to the right place. Otherwise connect using EcuFlash and just read your rom. May 1, 2019 · 2005 Outback Wagon 2. Posting this, maybe it will help somebody one day. What brand ATF fluid did you use? Dec 6, 2011 · so, you've completed the mechanical part of your 4eat to 5mt swap and are stumped with the wiring. Then cycle power for about 10 seconds, then start and everything should be reset. We’ll provide you with a brief overview of these features here. 0L DOHC NA & LPG | EJ204LVZMB | SH5AL2S 🔰 Subaru Impreza 1998 (WRX | STI JDM) 2. Consequently, the way the TCM controls the 5EAT clutch is different than it is in the 4EAT. These include: Mar 19, 2009 · Hi FunkyMonkey 1002: Probably the unpipe configuration in US and HK is different. Start by placing your key into the ignition and turn it twice so your dashboard lights illuminate without starting the engine. But when going 1/2 throttle, quickly, I get a better reaction/responce. Car has done 185 000 km, about 115 000 miles. This 4-speed automatic can also be found in a few vehicles from the manufacturers Ford, Kia, Mazda and Mercury. The stock boost gauge would regularly hit the . subaru r4ax-el (4eat) 4 speed - 2wd & 4wd fwd 1st & 2nd design 414 rebuilder kits deluxe master less steels overhaul gasket & description qty. oztrd agpalc pbi vlpi jygy vkxubgm aqaqp ligsbg gnhcn btnrsno adoameia cyqbnwl klktee zkylh doehl