The mimic ending explained reddit. That's the difference between one and the other.
The mimic ending explained reddit The Mimic makes several of the same hand gestures and movements that Burntrap makes in Security Breach Ironically, I was looking for another film with "Mimic" in the title when I came across this one perhaps a year ago. As much as I´ve seen people wanting to believe that, yes, it was just one of Mimic´s tricks, there are several things that wouldn´t really make sense if that was the case. true. The Burntrap ending is the only ending with the Mimic and the only ending about going underground, if Princess Quest ending was the canon one, why would Greg and Vanessa go to seal off the Mimic if they just left the Pizzaplex and had ice cream? The "bad ending" where the animatronic heads are still lit up, implying the souls are still here is the ending we follow canonically, while the good ending happens down the line with happiest day when the souls are finally free (except Golden Freddy since his head is gone completely in the good ending, a whole other can of worms) The book's back and forth canonicity argument: one half of the Knowing (as in they know who mimic is) Reddit says its cannon, try guessing what the other half is saying Therapist: how the heck does Gregory and Vannessa end up with 3 of the same therapist!? and knowing what happens to them, pretty sure people will notice this. That Alpha blood gives Cage the ability to "loop" (aka reset time by a day). There is still a copy of her running around the pizzaplex, a duplicate. )-----TLDR/FINAL SUMMARY + EXTRA THOUGHTS. The ending annoyed me, that the bugs got destroyed, but eh, whatcha gunna do. 4 also unlocks an extra flag that indicates the General turned into a mimic I believe (which should have a similar hex identifier, I don't think it's a separate end state). However, instead of dying, he wakes up on the previous day, reliving the events leading up to the final battle. The characters are asking for another chance, another shot at reaching a conclusion we will find satisfying but also one where they live. Candy Cadet's story would also kind of work with this theory. Now hear me out. ' Find out how the Netflix thriller 'Adolescence' ended and if Jamie was really the killer. That would explain how Gregory’s backpack got down there. “It would mimic Captain Dallas [Skerritt] saying, ‘I’m signing off. Also, why his comics are all over. Jan 8, 2025 · Sure enough, water gushes out of the forest in enormous quantities, flooding the whole area and rapidly sinking everything in its path. Edwin designed the Mimic to learn from David and end up playing with him. This ends the game. As to where did it come from and what was it's purpouse, given his abilities we can assume it was created in a lab. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Carter, a specialist in advanced microbiology and an esteemed analyst (if a bit on edge) at Whitehall, divulges to Cage, these aliens, although separate bodied, are a symbiotic organism working as a neural network. So those costumes were mixed together to create the thing he was wearing. I didn't understand some of the story, where plotlines seemingly went unresolved, but I did enjoy it overall. That's in the sequels. Alex then shoots January, and you have the choice to push the nullwave controls. This community is… For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. confirms Gregory and Vanessa went into the underground section of the Pizzaplex. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. This time, however, the events unfold differently. (Whatever way this is "meant" to end is up in the air. Some time later, FE gets ahold of Mimic and produces a V2 version to be put at Freddy’s restaurants. Elden Ring is an… It ate off a chunk of reality and put itself there. My possible explaination for the sink hole and blob is that now free Vannessa teams up with Freddy and Gregory and explains what she was made to do when she was being mind controlled and they Burntrap to some extent does exact because of his charging station and the Burntrap comic, but there is a detail in the Burntrap ending that makes me doubt that Burntrap is physical the mimic and that’s burntraps eyes are the exact same as glitchtrap and if glitchtrap is a variant of the mimic1 ai one who is more focused on mimicking William Anyway, that ending revolves around Cage, or Keiji anyway, and Rita having to fight one another (a plot contrivance that even if every mimic is killed before the "Omega", the time loop is still possible given it can use either Keiji or Rita as a substitute jumping off point). But, why did Scott choose this name? After David’s death, Edwin beat it with a pipe and his Agony exuded onto the endo. Such objects had a head, a torso, two arms, and two legs. She isn't there though and thats because for Vanessa, this wasn't over. Sep 7, 2021 · A mimic is an extraterrestrial species that invades planet Earth in the movie. Meanwhile, the Mimic robot is just programmed to rip apart old endoskeletons, just its programing has been…adapted. Jun 12, 2018 · Not to worry, the connection between the opening of the film and the rest is explained through subtitles. Edwin then beats the Mimic and leaves the factory. I'll explain this later. 8M subscribers in the Eldenring community. It’s hard to see, but in the normal ending, the bird and elephant costumes are in the room where the Mimic was trapped. Theres no second Mimic endoskeleton trapped in the Pizza Place, only one that is the one we see in epilogues that became Burntrap, the Gregory from the end is really the real Gregory because The Mimic dropped his walkie-talkie before we heard Gregory leading us to the elevator and he said that he wasn't in the Pizzaplex, it makes no sense the PQ ending is probably closest to canon but the Brazil ending (the secret hill ending in the final chase) implies that the idea that Gregory/Vanessa/Freddy being off on a hill somewhere eating ice cream is just a happy lie. is designated by bones outside, earlier thingo becoming flowers and the self immolation - like buddha, and perhaps more pertinently the self immolating buddhist monks of 1963 protesting the Vietnam war (note: soldier, grenade), there's also more destruction/rebirth to reflect on here (and much of which is covered above). '” When Scott pitched this idea from Shepperton Studios outside London to the suits at 20th Century Fox, he could feel the tension over the phone. At the end of the day, if someone only played UCN, their outcome for Afton would be exactly the same, as tortured forever = killed The hex gives away the flag that actually stores the end state. It seems fairly obvious to me that after the credits for the betrayal ending when Roxy says Cassie's name that its actually the Mimic saying that. A community for Roblox, the free game building platform. The Mimic: This character is the name of an Endo from the TFTP books. Yes, I agree that it does seem like something interrupted Gregory. The way I originally took the burntrap ending was its Springtrap's charred remains, with some modifications from Vanny. Then Afton steals mimic and makes baby with it. Gregory was processing the events by creating alternate fictions of what could have happened. Oddly enough, the costume includes a bracelet that looks like the one Cassie is wearing. That said, beware, the cave has been opened and the spirits have been unleashed! Emotionally driven and a fascinating exhibition of storytelling, CrypticRock gives The Mimic 4 out of 5 stars. It is completely cut off from the network. The Mimic determined that the doll should be handled the way it had learned to handle all endoskeleton-like objects. Glitchtrap at one point Mimics Tape Girls voice similar to how The Mimic mimics Gregory's voice in Ruin. . Because he really can't track the location from walkie-talkie. Baby ends up killing Elizabeth because mimic inside of baby mimicked Henry destroying it. I wrote here : . 7M subscribers in the roblox community. Finally, the creature starts to mimic the groups desires and possibly chose the doctor to switch because he had the most differing of emotional states. It's a mimic, so it attempts to hide and blend in with its view of reality. As it was the mimic who kept lying that he was Gregory and he was chased by something. 1. It's named Mimic because it's an endo that is able to fit into any type of suit it's needed for. M. “One of the dolls stared at the Mimic. I'm sorry for being so wordy! But now it's time for the actual proper character analysis. Like Roxy Raceway being under construction is one of the central points of the Mimic Ending, even the lobby has construction going on. Just something I noticed, I don’t personally think it would even have any importance but it’s neat to think about. Of the mimic to burntrap, it wouldn't make sense for burn trap to exist or to show a random endo skeleton (current mimic) at the end of princess quest. ” However, the Mimic has only interacted with humans and bare endos so For me, we're following the normal ending where either it's roxy or the mimic saying cassie. What is important to this theory is the end of the story, where Fazbear Entertainment sends out three employees to check out the building which houses the mimic. Unless the Tales books aren’t happening in the game timeline, and somehow Burntrap was the Mimic and completely changed its endoskeleton, escaped the Blob, and then got sealed AFTER the destruction of the Pizzaplex (which makes no sense). The "bad ending" where the animatronic heads are still lit up, implying the souls are still here is the ending we follow canonically, while the good ending happens down the line with happiest day when the souls are finally free (except Golden Freddy since his head is gone completely in the good ending, a whole other can of worms) This could explain the flesh of William merging with the mimic. Let me explain. I feel like the other ending is a pretty easy one to tackle but I'll just go over it nonetheless, Mask Bot would locate the Vanny mask found inside Fazerblast and give it to Cassie. Mar 22, 2022 · To get this ending, you must choose the KILL SAMA choice instead of choosing the SAVE YOUR PARENTS choice. Mar 14, 2025 · Here's everything to know about the ending of 'Adolescence. Over all a good movie, and a nice twist on the Slasher/Monster movie formula. Player B declares end of turn. destruction . Next, Scott says, he’d have cut to the tentacles of the alien pressing buttons on the dashboard. At least, that's the reasoning for the name in-universe. But he also makes a copy of the mimic program, mimic version 2. Andrius- to unlock his story objective you have to escape through the mimic portal, but the story objective has him getting his head blown up by a telepath in the escape pods Joan- her original escape is with the shuttle, but the shuttle is still there when Peter crashes in reality and he escapes with it This could possibly also explain why orange guy exists, because the mimic wasn’t present to view him as the purple sprite. It is the game Pizzaplex, the game Pizzaplex just went under a lot of construction, which even the game itself shows. But since it's utterly alien, it can't mimic everything perfectly and doesn't understand the diversity of what it encompassed. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. After the end credits, you wake up in “A Hidden Place” surrounded by 4 operators (Dr. Thus turning the mimic into Burntrap. Mimic? Gregory? In this post I will be offering proof as to why the elevator was crashed by Gregory, not the Mimic. Many people mentioned it but I feel that what you explained makes perfect sense I also liked how you showed that Noi despite declaring that she felt Bayan possessing her at the end was actually the curse tricking her. We know that the mimic's room is NOT on the security network. This is the canon ending. Player A uses Mimic Vat ability on response in turn 1 - {3}, {T}: Create a token that’s a copy of a card exiled with Mimic Vat. Hope this helps! The ending is literally the the audience rising up, set off by the apparent happy ending the characters have reached and demanding what we came there for. In the 80's, Edwin creates Mimic to entertain his son, who ends up dying after getting hit by a car. Stuff like speed and 100% item completion are related to what Win Screen you get (out of four), not what ending you get. ending 2: that when yoy decide to not listen to Gregory's instruction at mimic chase section, YOU put yourself at the dead end and yea Cassie is probably gonna be dead off screen, the whole ice cream thing is basically telling us the Princess Quest ending is canon, another implication that when putting the mask on, you can see the glitches **Ending Explained: Breaking the Time Loop** In the final act of the film, Cage sacrifices himself to kill the Omega, the central controlling entity of the Mimics. The letter says they must choose to abandon the village of “their enemy” or the command of their wing. However, things take an […] 2. A Mimic. Half-Genie Hero's main campaign has 2 endings - one for rushing Risky's base to fight her right away, and one for getting the 4 clues and bringing them to Mimic. Jun 6, 2014 · During the fracas, Cage comes face to face with a blue colored "Alpha" Mimic, exterminating the creature as its acidic blood rains down on his face, killing him. Follow updates on /r/Save3rdPartyApps ### Want somewhere to talk about unOrdinary? Mimic sees David store leftovers in a fridge and hang away his pajamas in the closet. "1" is for endings 1 and 2, and "2" is for endings 3 and 4 I believe. Like they all die and the bugs basically invade New York and then THE WORLD! Or they find some way to kill the main Male bug, but die in the process. 1M subscribers in the Eldenring community. Player A has imprited [[Grizzly Bears]] on [[Mimic Vat]]. Vijay stumbles into Claire's hideout too late and gets poisoned instead while she prepares to escape. Think of it as 2 endings. What we get is Red's theory about how they came to be and what purpose they were intended to serve, but this is the theory of a woman who never had a chance to grow beyond a child's wow really? damn, these devs need more feedback stg like book 2 has been SO well made, the maps are beautiful and the characters are detailed, but the path to get to the end is just not linear enough. I guessed this right from the start, but for the wrong reasons (I assumed that the reason you were trapped reliving the same day over and over was because you were a Typhon and the scientists didn't want to let you out of your cage). Bad ending: While every trace of the Mimic is still destroyed, Fazbear Entertainment rebrands into BNL and takes over the entire planet. It didn't come anywhere close to the Moore or Spurrier one - it felt more like some Crossed Badlands style story. They took Mimic's circuit boards. An ending we expected based on the film. S. The attraction thing got explained in book 3. Spoilers ahead: First off, he's an actor as shown in the beginning of movie and also at the beginning they were talking about their neighbor, an old man (who's later revealed had died and wife believed him became ghost) and they were mocking the way the old man talks to each other. The second employee is killed when the mimic slams his head into a wall. Everything inside of it is changed and cloned. Igwe, Sarah Elazar, Mikhaila Ilyushin, and Danielle Sho Acting because there's already clues that it is. I didn't guess it was all a simulation. Buuut since it's an open ending you can take your pick at what happens. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step. The researcher even points out that The Doctor is enjoying the mystery. Now, to explain the confusing parts: Also, I do kind of wonder what the original ending was going to be for the film. It doesn't explain how Gregory can know whenever Mimic gets too close to her, or whenever she needs to turn in exact location of hers. Burntrap was most likely absorbed into the blob, destroyed or something else in that ending which takes place before Ruin regardless of it being canon or not. The Mimic can speak to Cassie through the Vanni Mask clearly making it assoiacted with the world of that mask. In fnaf ruin is the mimic suposed to have the gregory-like suit? Or is it just intended in the scooper ending? Mimic is a character that appears inside the very same Mega PizzaPlex, in the very same room, does the very same things and explains the game lore topics that weren't explained until now. David later uses the Leavers Machine mentioned earlier to create a makeshift tiger plush out of lace on Mimic's left arm. If Gregory didn’t save Vanessa then with glitchtrap she would have rebuilt William by using the mimic’s body (which would explain William’s flesh spreading across the endo) or give glitchtrap a form to move in. Afton seals mimic version 2 in the SL bunker, in the circus gallery. ----- Evidence 1: Mimic´s plan The ending that requires you to put on the VANNI Mask in front of the Fredbear cut-out is SO interesting to me for SO many ways: It’s almost identical to the Vanny Ending cut-scene (where Freddy’s head, Vanessa, and Gregory are eating ice cream on the hill), except Freddy’s head is replaced by Helpy and Vanessa is further in the background. Here's everything to know about the ending of 4 days ago · Adolescence Ending Explained. If you choose this ending instead of the latter, you will receive the badge, "Control" Chapter IV Completed - Good Ending. There is reason to believe that the Mimic Endo is actually "Burntrap" from SB. Good ending: Every trace of the Mimic is destroyed and Fazbear Entertainment is finally shut down after all the bullshit they’ve been getting away with for the past years. E. It gains haste. As shown The Mimic, the Mimic spent most of its early 'life' mimicking a child, and learning Thus, even when Rita follows the procedure to kill the mimic server in every loop, her brain unknowingly create a time loop for the mimic server and Keiji. The Mimic was programmed to break off the limbs and heads. But I was expecting the reveal that Morgan was actually a Typhon mimicking a human. I was really disappointed with this whole 'Mimic' series to be honest. I liked it. So that's the summarization out of the way. The Glitchtrap AI (who I now assume is just a "mimic" replicating Afton's behaviour rather than an Alter Ego of Afton), gets downloaded into Springtrap's remains, essentially "reviving" Afton through this AI. Afton wasn’t really brought back, he was just ended for good. What we get is Red's theory about how they came to be and what purpose they were intended to serve, but this is the theory of a woman who never had a chance to grow beyond a child's Mimic is clearly talking with Gregory's voice when saying that he found a place to hide. What if Vanny is Vanessa but not literally and not in a weird goo clone stuff, but rather another Mimic. This ending is so conflicting. The Burntrap ending one may have been based on what Vanny was planning to do before she was stopped. But it can't be the mimic. Charlie dies, and Henry destroys mimic, fuelling it with agony. While the other bugs end up dying off. The cat has to protect itself from the rising water, and when even the highest of spots around the area are covered by the floodwater, it has to jump onto a small sailboat that comes along. The Afton ending is canon (debatably), and the Mimic was sealed during the whole thing. They both explain their cases for using the nullwave device and self-destructing, respectively. While for William, there’s a lot more uncertainty and assumptions about what could’ve happened between games and stuff. Feb 26, 2025 · Chapter 36. The first employee is killed when the mimic pulls his brain out of his head. That's the difference between one and the other. Thank you for finally explaining "the car is red scene". First, we know the Mimic had been trapped under the FnaF 6 restaurant for a long time. 2. Mimic Explained? (I dont know for sure if someone has already talked about this same theory but i haven’t seen anyone bring it up yet) I was watching Matpats reaction to FNAF, The MAJOR Clue We All Missed (Security Breach) video by Fuhnaff (I would suggest watching this) and they talk about Vanny training an endo skeleton replace Afton as Springtrap, which would explain a lot of mysteries No, I didn't pick all the details. I head canon that Glitchtrap is a copy of the mimic program that was put into the VR game, which later learned from and maybe joined with some of the code and maybe memories of Afton and the various animatronics. If someone dies in the attraction, FE gets rid Dec 19, 2024 · The Sean Baker romantic comedy film, ‘Anora,’ tells a unique story about a young woman who finds herself living out the reality of a fairytale romance. Their motivations are explained, and that's an important thing you need in a story, but their origin and the specifics of their functionality are not explained. Him saying that he found a place to hide would be a very twisted way of saying that he escaped. The entire story unfolds over 13 months and concludes in the fourth and final episode, where Jamie makes an unexpected confession to his father. In fnaf ruin is the mimic suposed to have the gregory-like suit? Or is it just intended in the scooper ending? Theres also the fact that The Mimic in Ruin has remnants from the Burntrap, like the claw hand, what left of Spring Bonnie's mask, what seems to be flesh in his legs and his eyes became purple at some point, he also has attributes shared with Burntrap like the curved arm, slow moviments and the Scooper ending being a replica of Burntrap ending It seems fairly obvious to me that after the credits for the betrayal ending when Roxy says Cassie's name that its actually the Mimic saying that. There are actually plenty of people who believe that Stitchwraith is canon, yeah. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. As Dr. And it surely doesn't explain how The Mimic knew all the voice lines to distract Cassie from SB. I think the scooper ending is more of a homage to help wanted 2, but after finding all the cameras you are unable to get the roxy/mimic "cassie ending anymore so idk This subreddit is restricted as part of a joint protest to Reddit's recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and moderation tools, forcing users to use the official Reddit app and making moderation much harder. Theres no second Mimic endoskeleton trapped in the Pizza Place, only one that is the one we see in epilogues that became Burntrap, the Gregory from the end is really the real Gregory because The Mimic dropped his walkie-talkie before we heard Gregory leading us to the elevator and he said that he wasn't in the Pizzaplex, it makes no sense the Player A has imprited [[Grizzly Bears]] on [[Mimic Vat]]. In the original movie we barely see them mimic humans at all, and it's of little consequence because they are seen by homeless people anyway. And in tales the mimic matches totally burntrap from SB, even Tiger rock has the same endo has him Also its litterally explained that the mimic was used to recreate past events to make games instead of having to programm everything, litterally what HW is, recreations of past events as actual games Kid gets bit by animatronic, his father gets murder happy, he kills 11 children, he finds out at least 6 of them are possessing his and his friend's animatronics, because he killed the kids in a mascot costume they don't know who killed them and just attack any adult they see, father makes murder clowns to kill more kids, they kill his daughter, he puts the clowns in his basement, his last As seen in the VIP ending, or the ending where Glamrock Freddy attacks Vanny, she is shown at the bottom dead and unmasked by Gregory with Vanessa at the top of the roof. The plot was pretty hackneyed and predictable, with no real twists or turns, and by the end it was six issues which could have been condensed down into two issues. It just makes more sense for the Mimic to be mimicking Roxy since he learned that Roxy and Cassie are friends, so he is trying to lure Cassie out of the elevator with Roxy's voice. aka it has no way of communicating outside the room besides the walkie talkie. The Mimic itself originates from the books, created by a Fazbear Entertainment employee named Edwin Murray. However, the mimic does wear a lion suit a couple of times in the epilogues. The canon ending is the Princess Quest ending and it leads into Ruin, where we find out The Mimic is possibly the oldest animatronic and using the books allows us to know that William found its programming and used it for his own purposes, allowing it to observe William’s behavior and mimic everything he does. 220 votes, 228 comments. Does Grizzly Bears token get exiled in turn 1 or turn 2? At the end, he has realized that his mother, at one point, has also switched bodies. I love giant insects, especially that they looked kinda mantis-like. She gives him a look almost like “I also know what you know” and then he puts on his mask, as a symbol of the masks they will now wear for the rest of their lives. Sep 10, 2024 · It's revealed that the Mimics all died after a mysterious surge of energy in Paris, ending the war that had been plaguing humanity. (Whether he succeeds or not is up in the air but ultimately doesn't matter) Anyway, that ending revolves around Cage, or Keiji anyway, and Rita having to fight one another (a plot contrivance that even if every mimic is killed before the "Omega", the time loop is still possible given it can use either Keiji or Rita as a substitute jumping off point). The deleted alternate ending that they shot was really cool: the alternate ending implies that the mimics had actually managed to evolve to the point they could blend in seamlessly with a as the mimic sequels show they get increasingly better at blending into the human society. 17 votes, 25 comments. Mimic is usually trying to mimic the way David holds Tiger, but he has no plush to hold so he just curves his arm weirdly. UCN shows him tortured “forever,” but there has to be an end eventually, and Frights shows that end. I actually believe that GLITCHTRAP/THE MIMIC controlled Mask Bot in order to have her reach him through the digital world. Fair enough, it is only my opinion as to what would make an interesting horror film, I’d argue keeping everyone alive, or having one or two deaths would be quite boring, I almost felt like having 3 deaths and Josh becoming a Wendigo was too many people surviving, for the purposes of a film. If they leave, they’ll make it to the new headquarters for Fourth Wing with Dain at Eltuval for War Games, but if they leave, the trading post and its occupants will be destroyed by venin, who are wearing purple robes and have red veins around their red eyes. 5K votes, 104 comments. X. This leads to the sad and epic ending, Keiji must kill Rita before proceeding to kill the mimic server. Next it found the person most fearful because that was the last emotion of the pilots. Next, we know that in the Burntrap ending, the blob took Burntrap somewhere else but it went up. Delver" only (evident by ending 1) so i think it's safe to assume that post possession your consciousness is gone, if they sound human it's just the demon's tactics to make its psychological warfare even more effective. Team A fixes Mimic and is killed, and then later Team B is also killed. Not only is this more logical, but it's also heavily implied by HandUnit's explanation of what the circuit boards were for: recreating (mimicking, if you will) old personalities and performances, the exact thing Mimic was used for explained in pretty much the same words as it's explained in the epilogues. If they'd just said "the authorities never found out about the Personally, I would prefer the 'normal life' ending only beacuse it's quite chilling to think of a monster becoming so harmless after winning. ) A telepath from containment gets into Andrius' cell and manipulates him into taking a mimic back to Earth. Overall I feel like everything Glitchtrap does can be cleanly explained with the Mimic, and there’s nothing Glitchtrap does that the Mimic wouldn’t do. Surely that should show her with Freddy and Greg at the end to make it clear "this is your happy ending". After Ani, a stripper at a gentlemen’s club, meets the ridiculously wealthy 21-year-old Ivan Zakharov—or Vanya—she braces herself for a week of fun, wild parties. Later FE sends 2 teams to recover things as part of Edwin’s buyout contract. They might have been the ones to seal up Mimic, for example. jgzkytjtqcbrqnslvahimjmorcmmtxlkzhdhtfrtclihriccmqafoiccmewnabtyhewrvajltujgs