Thought implantation was my period No period . My period isn't due for another 5 days or so. On Sunday, what I thought was my period continued; unlike my usual period, it was very light. I got what I thought was my period at 12DPO and it lasted for three days. My cycles are not the most regular in length, I ovulate anywhere from CD 15-21. My periods returned to normal immediately, been heavy, came on time and ended normal. Doctor: Dr. My app says it will likely start after 6 days (June 18th), I hope so. But I had one day of that spotting sometime between what I was guessing my ovulation date was and when my missed period was. Jan 20, 2011 · I'm sure there are many women who have, but I always get my period like clock work and the one time I didn't was when I found out I was pregnant with our one and only child. Then light period like bleeding for three days, but seemed like allot for implantation. I got my BFP 2 days later. I started temping again for this cycle yesterday and I've had really high temps--like higher than my luteal temps. But if bleeding continues, it could indicate an early period. On Sunday I had some light pink spotting which I thought was the start of my period, but it stopped. 2 nights ago I had multiple blood clots and heavy bleeding all at once but now I’m only spotting. I’m not on BC, never was. Then nothing it stopped until 2 days later which was 15 DPO (also the day I was expecting my period. I saw a pinkish discharge on the due date of my period and my period came the day after. Jan 20, 2011 · I spotted when I was pregnant with DD. With all of my pregnancies my temp has gone up to 99. Mar 12, 2021 · thank you all, my period is to be here in 3 days so i guess ill just wait and if i miss it ill take a test. So i was also confused whether or not I was supposed to be having the bleeding during implantation or after. My breasts have been sore and swollen which doesn’t happen usually, and also nauseous at the thought of certain foods or smells which NEVER happens. As above, by the time I took a FRER test the test line came up dark immediately and was darker than the control line (a dye stealer). Can it actually be pregnant? May 2, 2011 · I had this 2 weeks ago. I full on thought I had my period and thought my baby was a conceived a month later because of it. Saturday, the pink spotting, with a bit of brown, continued. 3 days later, I started bleeding (heavy) for 5 days. So would say there could still be hope ♡ I had my first IUI last week (Monday and Tuesday). 2 weeks later, my boobs felt heavier and I took a pregnancy test. I had some light spotting the day I was supposed to get my periodabout 15 DPO (i think). Character: Implantation bleeding is just a couple of drops while a menstrual period is much more; Color: A menstrual period is usually bright red while implantation is more brownish; Duration: Bleeding associated with implantation lasts up to one day while a menstrual period lasts 3-5 days ; Is implantation bleeding common? Oct 5, 2009 · Hi hun. Basically, everything I’d expect before my period hits! Has anyone ever had similar but still had a positive pregnancy test? Feb 15, 2025 · Oh and I have been feeling like light twinges and it happen the day "AF" arrived but I thought nothing of it since I was like oh so I guess this is my period . Any thoughts are appreciated. I thought it was my period making a show but then it dissapeared and had a "wet" (sorry if tmi) feeling constantly. Lately I’ve been feeling extremely tired, my back aches, in experiencing extreme saliva, I’m nauseous, and I experienced heavy bleeding for 3 days. I'm really now starting to think this month isn't my month, but now I had a day of spotting a brownish blood 7 dpo, which I originally was hoping was implantation! But now it's not looking hopeful that I will get my bfp this month. Jul 3, 2017 · I currently experiencing the same thing you went through. DrWinders. Then I began to see red, I've been seeing red blood for about 4 days now but it's so so light, nothing like my normal heavy period. But, I noticed spotting 2 days after my period and have carried out test with a PT strip. I was 7 DPO today…and then tonight my period started. I think it was my period, too but I thought I'd ask around, just in case. And I felt shocked cause it was too early to get my With all my pregnancies I had implantation bleeding (spotting for a few days) I would also have spotting after sex. I woke up this morning and thought I time traveled because I seem to be bleeding. emn. It's been normal and I've Oct 30, 2023 · I had what I thought was a period for 4-5 days. Usually you only see it when you wipe, whereas a period will get on your underwear. I put in a tampon and by the time I changed the second tampon I could tell it was definitely tapering off but thought that if I left things unchecked I' The one and only time I was pregnant, the month prior to starting ivf and definitely not expecting to get pregnant, I had what I thought was my period but in hindsight was "implantation bleeding". Feb 11, 2025 · The problem is that symptoms of implantation bleeding can look like a period for some people, so let’s look at the differences. so I figured I'd have af when I woke up, nothing. ) When my period didn't show by Monday, I took a test on Friday. I tested positive (faint line) for pregnancy a few days before I missed my period. It started on the 7th this month. The first day of my last period of January 7th 2014. I did get some weird sore sides symptoms like you experienced but I also would commonly get that and the spotting right before my period. Is it possible am pregnant Hellooo, I know this is an old post but maybe I can get some help… see I am freaked out cause my bf and I had sex exactly 3 weeks ago, but I have a copper IUD and he finished outside (however I know no contraceptive is 100% safe) my period did finish 10 days ago (it’s been quite irregular bc of the iud) but since a couple of days ago ive been getting a discharge similar to the one in the been TTC #2 for 8 months now, irregular periods (last 2 cycles have been 28 and 26 days, but i have some that are 19 or 21 days as well), I had an LH surge on CD8 this month (assuming ovulation on day 9 ish) so today I am 10DPO. I went and got a Pap smear the day before finding out. Pregnancy has now been confirmed at 4 weeks. Was pink and then brown blood for about 1 1/2 days-never enough to fill a pad or tampon. I have been having an unprotected sex with friend but stopped the days of my period . I thought I had implantation bleeding happened 5 days before my due period lasted on and off for 3 days but didnt need a pad, pregnancy tested 4 days after due period and was negative. This Tuesday (7 days after IUI, cd17) I started spotting. But not 5 days early, and I'm more likely to start my period "late" than early. Day 25 I actually had brown spotting that I thought may be implantation bleeding, then had some clots the next day. But on Wednesday it got heavier and it looks like a normal period. x when implantation occurred and then dropped back to my regular post ovulation temp the next day. However, I’m not noticing May 20, 2020 · Light spotting between days 20–26 of your menstrual cycle could be a sign of implantation. It started of with some brown now heavy at all then processed in to light pink still nothing more than a little blood when I wiped nothing close to a normal amount for my period no real cramps very slight if anything in my lower abdomen area. She had some bleeding, and thought it was her period. I had some spotting a week later that lasted 5 days. Is this implantation bleeding or my period is just starting? Can someone answer please huhuhuhu I was tracking what I assumed was my fertile window just from 14 days past my last period. They never told me what the bleeding was, but it definitely felt like a regular period. In my case I was a little in denial since I got pregnant during our month off from trying. Thus, the possibility of getting pregnant right after you have your monthly period is too low. When I thought back, it made sense as I'd been having symptoms well before i found out I was pregnant. Until now, I have not gotten my period, but the period symptoms are still there. But all those days my period was so light and dark brown (no usual cramps) Jan 17 - Unprotected Sex Jan 25 - a speck of red blood I thought it was my period but it’s stopped bleeding then just started bleeding brown or old blood after that intermittently. Feb 16, 2017 · I’ve been having pregnant like symptoms like can’t take the smell of certain perfumes and lotion along with nauseating feeling and list if appetite. The reason why I call it that, is because I do usually spot a couple of days before my period. My period came out at the right time and lasted for 5days. Your period is a natural body function that doesn’t need a medical diagnosis for treatment and management. i waited for a bit before getting tested but just on the day as I was about to buy PT, there was black blood on my underwear. Expert. I thought it might be implantation bleeding. fr, How long does implantation bleeding or period quiz last: 2, 91, Backlinks to. I had a full 4 days of pretty normal bleeding and cramps. Diagnosing your period. It's been normal and I've never had this happen, it's NEVER been early, let alone this early! To ease your mind a bit, I tested negative, two days later I had what I thought was my period for three days. What’s weird is that I thought implantation bleeding usually comes before your expected period and my cycles are normally 28 days so I expected my period back on the 29th. Negative test. This month my boyfriend and I decided to try it again. I could only find others with similar questions. similar as this one. You could still take a test just to know whether you should treat those 2 days of bleeding like a period for dating purposes. This is my 12th cycle TTC and my 2nd cycle on letrozole. These pictures are Today it was red again, now again brown. I just thought how weird it was. I'd even mentioned to my husband the week earlier that my cycle must be starting as my breasts felt sore. My last period started on the 10th of October and lasted 6 days. Period blood is usually darker, more prominent, and redder than implantation bleeding. Jan 1, 2013 · My BBT's are still above the coverline. Question: I had sex daily starting from the 8th until the 22nd. Now I'm at 8 days before af due but it seems like I've gotten my period. Just now went to the bathroom and had some blood. 3 days ago · Perfectly normal. WIth my next pregnancy, it was a few weeks later--I already knew I was pregnant but started bleeding (same--light, dark, old blood) for 2-3 days. I didn’t get sore boobs until about two weeks after my period was due which was very unusual for me, I usually get it 1 week before my period. If you experience any concerning symptoms along with PMS and your period—like an irregular schedule, severe pain and cramps, or very heavy bleeding—contact your doctor. Bleeding can occur in early pregnancy, but it is not due to the event of implantation. I've checked my cervix daily throughout my cycle and my cervix is high, soft and slightly open. It was a weird period. I never learned about that before it happened to me. My period came 5 days early and started off as light pinkish bleeding, then it got heavier Irregular period (pregnant, cyst, what is it?) Withdrawal bleeding and then period a few days after? I thought I had finished my period completely but then, I checked my You could also have what's called implantation bleeding, I had it roughly around the time when my period would've come when I was pregnant, but it was definitely not heavy or bright red, more like light pink/brown spotting for a few days. This time the line was very dark. Both times I went out to buy tampons, used them, to only find them super clean, when I went to take I had sore breasts the first few days after transfer and a few cramps initially that I thought could be implantation but haven’t had either for quite a few days now. I had some very light pink spotting yesterday (9dpo) afternoon and then It’s also driving me crazy because I keep thinking it’s implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a misnomer. Two days after that I tested positive! Then had a completely healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby boy! Dr. I only found out at the first ultrasound that what I thought was 9 weeks along was actually 13 weeks! Hoping it's the same for you! Sticky baby thoughts!! Nov 10, 2017 · Normally when I start my period it is very heavy for the first few days but the bleeding seems to have stopped now. Duration. This time I skipped my period and no implantation bleeding. The process occurs ten days after their menstrual cycle. I had light cramping that day and the day after, too. Me and my boyfriend messed around and “thought” we had an accident, so I took a Plan B right away, on the 17th, to ease my mind. Apr 2, 2019 · Dr Rob reveals there are 3 main ways you can recognise the difference between implantation bleeding (also known as spotting) and a period. (Note: I ended my period 7 days ago, I am on CD 12. Implantation bleeding typically lasts for 1-3 days, while a regular period can last 3-7 Nov 22, 2010 · Hi I'm new here. FWIW, my RE prescribed me supplemental progesterone to lengthen my 10 day luteal phase, even though my progesterone levels were sufficient when tested. DAGO What you're describing could still be implantation bleeding, especially with the unusual pattern and lighter flow compared to your normal periods. With my first baby, I had the same, at the 12 week scan I should have been about 11 weeks but baby measured over 14 weeks and so that would have made my "period" a pregnancy bleed or implantation bleed. 6. ) Well, this morning I woke up to a lot more blood, like the flow of a light-medium period flow. My period was the 7th of this month & last 6 days like yours. However, many women start their periods with light pink or non-heavy brown spots. So I started on the 7th and it finished by the 11th and that last day was quite lite. Am I getting my period or could this be implantation bleeding? It’s been 12/13 days since I got my positive OPK so I’m not sure if this is too late for it to be implantation bleeding. Jan 7, 2016 · I had no implantation bleeding with my first, and this had looked and felt like a regular, moderately heavy period. I'm super lost right now! I had what I thought was implantation bleeding and cramping 11 days before af was due. I know IUI is not guaranteed to work. Jul 9, 2023 · I had what I thought was a period (bang on time for my 28day cycle) but turns out was an implantation bleed. I drank wine regularly the entire time. Negative. A general blood test has just came back and my folic acid is low . Cramping. When I went in for my 8 week appointment I was actually 12 weeks along and had no idea my “period” in September was not a period. Brown discharge or light spotting that never turns into a normal period flow could be implantation bleeding, which is an early sign of pregnancy. I thought I had a full on period before finding out I was pregnant. I thought I would help others by posting all photos I took of my implantation experience. Still waited 4 days to take the test! I was proud of myself lol. I had Inito confirm ovulation on 4 DPO (ovulation being January 31). My period came a day offer the due date and am still having the same feeling. Then a week later had a positive pregnancy test. If you're period is late, take a test. Many of the symptoms I feel now are similar to the ones I felt before getting my period with so many negative tests before. Customer: Good morning! I started spotting on Monday and thought I was going to get my period but it never came just light spotting when I went to the restroom Doctor's Assistant: The OB/GYN Doctor can help. With implantation bleeding: bleeding doesn’t normally get heavier - whereas periods normally start light and get heavier. Every cycle got a couple days longer until my period started coming within my “normal” timeframe again at about cycle 5. (sigh. On the 30th the condom broke and he came in me. Jan 7, 2025 · Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone can offer me some insight. Come to find out, it was my period that came super early. So I wondered how it was for everyone else. 5. I usually have a pinkish spotting the day before my period, brown spotting for a few days after my period. There is no proven link between implantation and bleeding in early pregnancy. I don't know what to think! I'm feeling so confused as I don't know if this is implantation bleeding or the start of my period. How soon before your period does implantation bleeding happen?. I thought af was starting last night (due tomorrow) but it was just the slightest pink on the tp. I had implantation bleeding with both pregnancies. Just wondering what others thoughts are to settle my nerves & when I do this, I’d like to know what to expect. Every month has been the same thing: Try and conceive when ovulating, 2 week wait, negative test, and a heavy period with very painful cramps that last about a week. Im 14 days late and started bleeding but not like period very light, brownish red. So I thought I was having implantation bleeding on Sunday. My period was a day late. I didn’t remember having much sex that month and certainly hadn’t planned any specific timing. I thought it was my period, but it was implantation bleeding. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Hi! Can someone help me im literally freaking out. With my daughter I cried my eyes out because I thought the implantation bleeding was my period but then it went away so quick and I got my positive test I actually had more blood than your picture Ok, my period started about a day or two later than I thought it would which isn't abnormal, that happens sometimes. I just thought this was a new normal in an older body. I just want my period to start, haha. This month my period came a day early and has been super light ( I’ve never in my life had light periods). “I'd gone off the birth control pill about a month earlier, so I didn't have a good sense of when my next period would come,” Mason explains. For me, I “knew” after getting implantation bleeding 4 days before my period was due. I was told I had a sensitive cervix, so I did have some slight bleeding thru the first trimester. What I Jan 17, 2025 · The presence of clots is more commonly associated with a regular period, rather than implantation bleeding. Bright red blood is unlikely to be implantation bleeding and more likely to be a period or spotting. " My periods generally last around 7 days. Could it mean that I am pregnant? Answer: It's possible. Said it was likely implantation bleeding, some people don’t believe in that but everyone’s body is different! Expecting my period to be Jan 29-31. could this be implantation? or too late? Feb 13, 2017 · Because of this confusion, implantation bleeding can often throw off your expected due date, which is what Anita Mason* says happened to her. AF wasn't due until Sunday (CD 26), but I figured it was just early, and put in a tampon. I got a positive pregnancy test the day of my missed period. After my loss, my period came early because I had low progesterone and a shorter luteal phase. Since implantation usually doesn't happen until 8 or 9 DPO, it's not good if things start to "shut down" before or during that point. I took a test on the 29th, the day my period was supposed I didn't think I was pregnant. Bleeding during the luteal phase is normal and if the bleeding was due to pregnancy, a test would be positive. Implantation bleeding basically means light spotting or bleeding for a couple of days when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. I was so unsuspecting that I didn't even watch the urine go across the Jun 1, 2020 · I had implantation bleeding 2 days before my missed period (thought it was the start of my period actually) then once it never came after that I tested. My period has been pretty consistent for this past year. Not sure if… Jan 3, 2024 · I’m on cycle day 33 and I’ve been spotting lightly for the past 2 days. I noted that Saturday was the first day of my period in my app. Nov 12, 2017 · If you are looking for early symptoms of pregnancy, it is possible to spot the first signs of implantation before your missed period. I know technically 10 days is on the borderline of normal 13dpo. Implantation bleeding is not a myth as I have experienced it during both of my pregnancies and I have never been a woman to "spot". Implantation bleeding is often accompanied by light cramping, while menstrual cramps tend to be more intense and persistent. Sure enough, I found out I was pregnant about 3 weeks later Mar 4, 2021 · I’ve been TTC after my MC in December 2020. After I tested, I went to the doc and the tech was a bit condescending and kept telling me that surely I had my dates wrong -- until they did bloodwork and an ultrasound. update? i was supposed to have my period last month on the 15th, but it didn't come. It was as heavy as a normal period for me, but it only last like 2 days, and I was like "well that was weird" *shrug*. My cycles have been about 27 days, so I took a pregnancy test day 25. Is it possible that what you thought was your period was in fact, light spotting? My Dr also mentioned to me that sometimes women continue to bleed throughout their pregnancies and go on to have healthy babies. I had implantation bleeding. Worried though that may have been implantation bleeding, making my lmp 8/1, or 9 weeks 4 days. It is also my first cycle taking 100mg progesterone, 1 pill before bed! I had super painful ovulation this month but it made me feel like at least something was happening. I do have sometimes irregular periods, but this one is so weird. It was my first symptom to take a pregnancy test (I thought my period was starting and then it just tapered off). It happened both times the same way - I thought it was my period, but I only bled for a couple hours, if that. On March 26th, I had unprotected sex. Bottom line? When I have implantation my temp will rise a second time during the luteal phase. I did not have implantation bleeding with my first pregnancy. Women can positively conceive a baby only after ovulation and successful fertilization. Definition and Overview. Considered just implantation bleeding. Fast forward to this morning. My period is never short. Learn the differences between implantation bleeding and period bleeding, and how to identify them. A week later I had a bit of spotting after dtd which never happens, I had a blazing dark opk which I'd read can pick up some hcg so I did a test and got a BFP. Sep 22, 2024 · I experienced implantation bleeding and I couldn't find many pics to help differentiate between implantation bleeding and other things going on. The bleeding has now stopped im nearly 100% sure it wasn’t a period as it only lasted 2 days and it wasn’t enough to wear a pad, although it was very light pink bleeding it seemed to be a little more blood than most people bleed with implantation bleeding?? Sep 11, 2023 · Hi, I've got the same thing at the moment I thought my period had come Monday which was a few days late but this happens occasionally, it never really got started was barely there when I wiped n barely anything on a pad nothing like a normal period for me I always have heavy bleeding and have bad cramps I had no cramps at all but it lasted 5 days We always use condoms and I've never had one Implantation bleeding only lasts about 1-2 days and is very light in flow and colour. And I really thought I ovulated on 11/10-11/11 which would make me around 9-10DPO and perfect time for implantation bleeding. I just figured I had caught it really early. Went to take one again the next morning, but woke up to my period instead. Jul 28, 2020 · I feel like I've got slight cramps in my belly, which feel like it could be start of my period. I had several symptoms that made me hopeful we conceived this month and was very disappointed this morning when I thought my period arrived. I'm just curious because you hear a lot of stories about women not knowing they are pregnant. So I assumed I had a chemical pregnancy. It seemed like I was about to start my period but the flow was lighter than normal. I had blood and thought it was my period. spotted once more today, but not enough to make it to my underwear. I always thought there would be no way I would not know if it was my period or not. 22,574 Satisfied Customers. TMI, but it doesn’t smell at all like my normal period flow, it smells, and looks like, just straight up blood. Mine were a bit different. I had sex last 18th but it was protected as we used condom, however I noticed light brown spotting today and my period is supposed to be on 28. Thus, telling period and implantation bleeding apart isn’t easy. I always know when it’s coming. I’m not filling pads, but the color is red. Keyword Suggestions for: implantation bleeding or period imedia. But a period 7 days after IUI is too soon. For the first one, light bleeding (that didn't require a tampon) for 4-5 days at the same time I should have gotten my period. I always wished that my periods would be so light that I could easily confuse it with implantation bleeding as to Jun 1, 2018 · Hi! Please, I need a clarification. Can anyone relate? I’m really frustrated, and heartbroken 💔 really thought this was our month because for the first time I got ovulation confirmed. Exclusively pumped up until December of 2024 and have been on the mini pill. The rest of my symptoms were my normal PMS symptoms (sore boobs, cramps) and I usually have an irregular cycle so I thought my period was going to come at any moment but it’s not uncommon for me to go a few months without a period. Nov 22, 2010 · I had what I thought was implantation bleeding and cramping 11 days before af was due. So I waited 4 days after implantation bleeding and had a positive, which was 2 days after my missed period. It was too heavy to be implantation bleeding, put a pad on. My fiancé and I have unprotected sex using the "withdrawl method. Here's the deal: I often get, like, "pre-period" brownish discharge the day or two before my period really gets flowing (my OB told me to count my period starting on the day I get actual flowing blood). Any advice with trying to conceive after a miscarriage?I had low progesterone when I was pregnant I’m wondering if what I thought is my period could be implantation bleeding. Feb 24, 2025 · My period however, I always spot on my app and it says it should come in 2 days on the 26th which would be day 28 of my cycle. I thought it was my period starting but then got no more bleeding after that. I also have the classic pre-mensural spots. It showed two lines, although, one line is faint. This is abnormal for me as it’s only the third day of my period. Jun 1, 2020 · I had implantation bleeding 2 days before my missed period (thought it was the start of my period actually) then once it never came after that I tested. had all the signs of being pregnant, so i assumed i already was. Since my periods, even on birth control, have always been a few days of very little spotting, and then actual bleeding, followed by light spotting. TLDR; period came 3 days late after unprotected sex 4 weeks ago, thought I was pregnant but test was negative. I had my iud planned for 2 days later when I expected my period - since they asked to schedule the insertion during my period. Like I’m certain of my date give or take a day or two maybe (on clomid have progesterone blood results to confirm, and opks) so would I go off of 13dpo or wait till my period is officially late? Basically - is that wait till miss period for people who don’t know their ovulation date so they give it wiggle room. I know implantation is different for everyone some people have heavy bleeding some only have spotting. It never crossed my mind that it might be implantation as it was quite heavy. The first time it happened I thought I had a fever but during the day my temp was in the normal 98 range. Jan 26, 2017 · How could I be pregnant if I just had my period? Tender slightly swollen breasts, nausea, fatigue and _____FREE TRAINING :) Have you been thinkin Nov 21, 2023 · I was basing my last period on the day I started actual bleeding, not the spotting. (Though I did think that they felt a different kind of sore than normal. Did a pregnancy test day after was negative but my period still didn't show so i did another one 6 days later and it was positive x 2 days ago · In fact, implantation spotting does not occur after your period, it happens a week before your menstruation. 3 days ago · Have not had a period since I had my daughter 02/2024. If you weren’t trying to get pregnant, you might mistake implantation bleeding for your period. Most likely date of lmp is 8/23, making just over 6 weeks. The earliest signs of implantation like implantation bleeding and cramps, tender breasts, and increased jelly-like discharge can also resemble the start of your period. It was only a 25 day cycle my cycle prior was 31 days. So I thought maybe I had an incomplete miscarriage. Apr 25, 2020 · I felt what I thought was implantation at 10dpo (cramps) and just started experiencing the pink spotting and more cramps at 12dpo/13dpo. It was pink/brown and did not fill up a pad. I had a miscarriage in January. I’m 12 DPO today 1st pregnancy is my almost 3yo son. Typically, implantation bleeding happens between 10 and 14 days after conception. Pre BC I was 28 days exactly and then I had an IUD before TTC and I didn’t get my period so I haven’t naturally had a period in about 15 years. With mine I literally thought I was having my period bc it coincided with the time that I was supposed to get it. It's usually a pink/brown colour. so my partner and i thought that maybe it was My period was due on the 9th and that was the same day 4 tests came back positive. On the 8dpo I had cramping that went from my left lower stomach down my left leg and then it was gone within an hour (I truly thought it was implantation). 14 days past ovulation, and I thought I started my period. It can resemble a very light period, or may be more pinkish-brown in color. However, if we base my last period on when I started spotting, this probably means my period is making their lovely arrival. bami qidw ujyai mwrmlk yme kzzsleu jnyzmsl zozzd dcvpy ifmn goxjuj jrd tcyeh sdtka avk