Towny outpost commands /towny ? Brings up towny help. /towny universe Shows you a pretty heart. *. plotclearblocks - Shows the blocks deleted using /plot clear; prices - Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town. To remove outposts, use /t unclaim at the location of the outpost. AUTOMATIC RIFLES []!s AK-47 !s MK17CQC !s SOPMODBlockII !s ak-15 !s M16A2 修复 /towny spy 无效 当玩家没有权限时has towny. To go to any claimed outpost do /t outpost. phpHelpers: none Outpost atmak için /t claim outpost komutunu kullanabilirsiniz fiyatı: 600 altın. map - Shows the towny map. After declaring the siege, any nation member may start it during the siege window (shown in the table above) by piloting an Air Heavy Carrier / Air Gunship / Airship / Destroyer / Dreadnought class of Movecraft craft fully inside the Siege Zone Towny Commands. {# (radius around current position)} – Command to unclaim an area of townblocks around you. spy 修复 /plot perm hud causing NPEs when a player teleports to a non-Towny world. Use '_' instead of spaces. 修复 Friendly fire message not displaying. 5 Town Commands 1. town. /t claim outpost: Annex a chunk that is not adjacent to the town /t unclaim: All /town commands can be shortened with /t /town Shows your current town information /town ? Shows town (not towny, nation or resident) command list /town (name) Shows the information on the specified town /town list Shows all the towns on the server /town online Shows which members of your town are online /town leave Leaves your current town /town here Shows whether or not the chunk you're Aug 16, 2017 · /towny /towny – Shows basic towny commands. prices – Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town. 1 chunk equals 16x16 blocks. /t claim - Mayor and towny. A, { /towny } A,00 /towny: Shows various main Towny commands. spy but not towny. ) top residents {all/town/nation} Shows top residents. This post contains every Towny command available. 4. /t claim outpost (to claim land away from your town) /t outpost outpost number (to visit your outpost/outposts) /t set board message (to post a motto or message for your town) /t set spawn (to set the town’s spawn location) /t online (to see which members of your town are online) Aug 23, 2017 · Please add a command (perhaps a admin command) to delete outpost claims as they can sometimes bug, plus it could be easy on use to unclaim a big outpost that is no longer being used. This command may be used when the town outpost name begins with a digit. /towny prices- Displays the prices used in the economy. /towny time Towny 0. for example: /ta unclaim outpost 4 'Are you sure you want to delete outpost 4? This will unclaim all plots connect to it! Type /ta uclaim outpost 4 again to confirm' Feb 5, 2020 · What steps will reproduce the problem? Open the game Get the mayor of a town to go to a random location and type /t claim outpost Server then issues [towny] null What is the expected output? /t claim outpost claims the chunk to an outpos I am not able to reproduce this. here - Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand. time - Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection. com to link the followin Apr 9, 2014 · Let the town decide if they want to: /t toggle outpost, this command can toggle if outposts are public or not. outpost. I am not good with yml at all. A,01 /towny (? | help) Shows a help screen with various child commands. land {all/resident/town} – Shows top land owners. The spawn point inside of an outpost townblock can be moved using the /plot set outpost spawn or /t set outpost Towny Commands# Here is a list of all the commands you may need when using towny. You can also use /resident set ?, you will Apr 27, 2022 · All towny costs are listed at /towny prices. Just about every subcommand has it's own help menu. Oct 25, 2023 · Requires towny. time – Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection. * and removes support for Minecraft older than 1. ? – Shows more Towny commands. Chat. /t claim outpost: Annex a chunk that is not adjacent to the town /t unclaim: /towny. /towny war scores - Savaştaki skor listesini gösterir. Instead of having to scour through documentation, commands are just a mouseclick away. district Required to use /res toggle district command. An alias of the older command /t set outpost. ) top residents {all/town/nation} - Shows top residents. The map can be viewed once using /towny map one time or you can set the map to show every time you move from one block to another: Use /resident set mode map to turn it on. ) top residents (all/town/nation) – Shows top residents. /town here - Bulunduğunuz claim hakkında bilgi verir. Can you show me the towny\data\towns\townname. 1, 2, 3). • ? – Shows more towny commands. GUI function only. Use /resident set, or a similar cutoff, to show all the options for that command ingame. farmblocks - Shows the blocks usable in farm plots. kyori:adventure-text-minimessage from 4. require the user to have the towny. Command in chat: !spawn or !s (item) If you want to see all the guns, then check here. 21. outlaw 権限ノードが必要です。無法者はどの /t new {townname} - Creates a new town. A large version of the map can be seen using /towny map big. However, the list is still in progress and may not be 100% accurate. /towny • /towny • – Shows basic towny commands. #6998. if a hostile mob walks in your town while toggled off it will despawn even if named. /t outpost ile ışınlabilirsiniz. Shows basic Towny commands. Must be used in an existing outpost plot. arubacraft. 0 Adds support for Minecraft 1. claim. 2 Player Groups/Permissions 1. The residents of the Town can teleport to outposts to using /town outpost x|name|name:x This page includes a shorter, compact list of all generally relevant Towny commands (excluding admin commands). 0 Server version This server is running Paper version gi Server: mc. plot; claim {playername} - Admin command to claim a plot for another player. 新指令: /town outpost list 权限节点: towny. 3 Permissions 1. You can set up a town outpost using the /t set outpost command and can see all saved town outposts using the /t outpost list command. toggle. com/news. /town claim outpost- Claims an outpost for your town. Nations can go to war with each other and give their towns multiple benefits. There are many town settings that can be changed. 99. This list breaks each command down by word. TOWN_CLAIM - Allow claiming land for the town; TOWN_UNCLAIM - Allow unclaiming town land; TOWN_KICK - Allow kicking residents from the town If you prefer more of a visual approach, you can use most of Towny's features from an in-game GUI by using the command /tgui. ? - Shows /town commands available. default - A collection of nodes for nation sub commands which are given to everyone by default. yml at main · roracle/towny-cp The basic command for this is either /resident set perm or /town set perm followed by the proper flags for each permission. 1 General Commands 1. Eg: /resident set perm {on/off}. Later, I deleted this world, which has resulted in the "t outpost" command not functioning properly Apr 3, 2018 · would set the outpost's spawn location to the player's position, would bypass the check against nearby homeblocks/plots which sometimes prevents the use of /t claim outpost where plots are conflicting. 0. land {all/resident/town} - Shows top land owners. You can also use /resident set ?, you will May 10, 2021 · /towny Shows basic towny commands. 100. Towns can claim 25 plots per resident free of any initial charge. /plot set outpost makes an already claimed plot into an outpost, it is a fairly recently-added command. Allow admins to bypass the outpost limit meant to stop spawning when a town is over their outpost limit. タウニーワールドに家を建てて住むためには、町を作るかどこかの町に所属する必要があります。 Welcome to Towny 0. outpost permission nodes. /town {town ismi} - Yazdığınız kasaba hakkında bilgiler verir. Jan 18, 2025 · outpost:アウトポストを建設する。(アウトポスト:離れたところやワープしたいところに作成できる。) unclaim:領土を手放す。(※手放した領土に置いたブロックが消滅するTownyの仕様がある。) delete:町を削除する。 Aug 16, 2017 · The map in towny displays the grid system of plots. using /town role command add/remove [role] [command]:. Outpost hakkınızın olup olmadığını anlamak için /t yazınız ve kasabanınızın seviyesine göre aşağıda bilgi verilmiştir. 18. /t outpost name:(outpost name) Teleports you to the specified town outpost of your town. Chat function only. ) \n \n \n I added a new world named "world1" to the server, and players have created an outpost within it. Previous Zaman Kapsülü Next Yeni Craftlar There was an error obtaining wiki data: {"data":{"text":null},"status":-1,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"jsonpCallbackParam":"callback","url Jul 3, 2022 · What steps will reproduce the problem? Claim a outpost /t outpost Index -1 out of bounds for length 0 What is the expected output? Teleport to my first outpost Towny version 0. online - Shows players in your town which are Start a town, add people, claim plots, join a town, buy a town plot and more! Towny Plugin: http://towny. Towny allows the use of several chat channels, on our server we have broken it up into the following: Global chat, accessible with /gc. For resident commands, the add command would auto-match online players, while add+ requires exact spelling to choose Sieges on Server Outposts are the formal means of warfare in Towny, and they take place in a large area around each Server Outpost, called the Siege Zone. Closes Suggestion: Add a /plot set outpost spawn command to move outpost spawn points. The average player will not be able to use /townyadmin commands but they are here for staff reference. palmergames. top land (all/resident/town) – Shows top land owners. /town reclaim- Run this command while standing on the town's homeblock to reclaim a Commands and Town Menu. Towny is the land protection plugin used on Nations. Technicalities of this list and of Commands Some useful town commands /t new {townname} - Creates new town. 新权限节点: towny. 92. 98. Apr 11, 2019 · unclaim – Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand. 居民只需输入/t outpost即可传送到前哨 你可以建立多个前哨,居民可以输入指令传送到不同的前哨: /t outpost 1 /t outpost 2; ······; 如果城镇没有前哨的话输入该指令会传送到城镇传送点. map – Shows the towny map. /plot set outpost spawn Sets the spawn point inside of an existing outpost plot to where the player is standing. outpost and towny. * series! 0. 1 version execute a /t outpost list command What is the expected output? The list of outposts Towny version 0. Once you've claimed the outpost chunk, you can continue claiming around it with /t claim! /town /town Shows a player their town's town screen. Command to telephone to outposts of another town: /T Spawn TownName Outpost 2 Either way, this expands on outposts for more than just town members. /t toggle pvp - toggles player vs player combat within your town To claim an outpost, use the command /t set outpost. /plot /towny Shows basic towny commands. time Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection. To claim a townblock out in the wilderness or in another world, a mayor or assistant must claim an outpost. Be careful with large numbers, you could be teleported farther than you think and end up generating chunks. Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots unclaim circle/rect {# (radius around current position)} Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots in a circle or rectangle shape forsale/fs: Set a plot for sale My Towny /t claim outpost command is sending nulls. • map – Shows the towny map. Or make it more tailored, ie, /t set perm allies outpost on, Etc etc. g. 0; withdraw {$} – Removes money from town bank. The list looks long, but its a big plugin and you likely wont need to use all of these commands, and you'll get used to using the plugin in no time. chat. Players can see the server's item_use items by using the towny itemuse command. Area must be a part of a town. patreon. leave - Leaves a town. Townyコマンド /towny 各コマンドヘルプの一覧を表示します。 /towny ? towny関連のコマンドヘルプです。 /towny map 周辺のマップを表示します。 /towny time 次の街の維持費までの時間を確認できます。 /towny top residents all 全ての国や街の住民数ランキングを表示します。 Mayor command to claim the townblock in which you stand for your town /town claim outpost Claims an outpost for your town. comSupport Kysen: https://www. Perm-Types. A,02 /towny farmblocks: Opens a menu showing the list of blocks allowed to be destroyed/placed in farm plots by residents of a town. {name:#} is used when a plot name begins with a number Sep 22, 2023 · So the commands are a bit outdated, and I might change things but currently this is how they work: /t claim outpost claims a new plot and makes it an outpost. • prices – Shows ta Here is a guide for all Co-Mayor commands within Towny: Resets the outpost's spawn point to the player location. comGame: Minecraft http://minecraft. list - Lists towns. None /town new [name] Creates a new town. The more outposts you make, the higher the number goes. ? - Shows more towny commands. map – Shows the Towny map. /towny map Brings up the towny map. /towny top Shows how to use this command. To list active outposts within your town, use the command /t outpost list. To create a town, type Command Description Permission Needed /town help: Displays help information for Towny commands. For resident commands, the add command would auto-match online players, while add+ requires exact spelling to choose offline players. The outpost list can be viewed by using /town outpost list command. plot. Jan 21, 2014 · Towny commands /towny Brings up general towny screen /towny ? Brings up towny help. Towny days are extremely important for a multitude of fundamental features described in this Guide. 17 and 1. /t claim outpost - Claims an outpost for your town (cost $5,000) /t unclaim - Mayor command to Dec 17, 2024 · Towny Commands List. list (Inherited from the towny. Steps with LWC: Lock a Chest: Interact with the chest to lock it. [!] ? - Shows more towny commands. - towny-cp/towny-town-outpost. If there is no argument/number given then it opts to use the first outpost in the outposts array. The menu subcommand of many towny commands can also be used, such as /town menu to directly open the town menu. 0 is the fifth release in the 0. I cannot figure out how to reset the outpost spawn point for the life of me. townyadmin. Nov 22, 2020 · Below is a list of the most common Towny commands used in the game. Can Below is a list of the Towny commands, split into towny, town, resident and nation sections. nation. - Each node doesn't do anything as there are further subcommands with more permission tests. set. /towny# Shows basic towny commands. 16, 1. /towny prices Shows towny prices. I want to make only snow and netherrack destroyable in the wilderness. A guide on how to get started and play on either server will be published soon. {name} uses the plot name. 新权限节点. ? Resident command to personally claim an area of plots that are for sale, around the player typing the command. 6. /town leave - Şehirden ayrılmanızı sağlar. Creating or joining a nation will give as many as 300 bonus plots and other nice benefits, such as lower upkeep fees. 0では町(デフォルトでは町長ですが、他の町のランクの場合もあります)は無法者リストを設定することができます。無法者を設定するには/town outlaw [add/remove] [name] を使用しそのコマンドにはtowny. foundingdate. You can control these through commands, or alternatively through-/tmenu /nation menu. Use LWC: If your server has the LWC plugin, you can share chests with /lwc share <playername>. *! If you are running Minecraft 1. net/Website: http://arubacraft. 5 Please use Pastebin. ( Şehir sahibiyseniz ayrılamazsınız. Nations, which are a political union of multiple towns, can also be formed. A,03 /towny itemuse The Leader of a nation declares intent to siege an Outpost, by using /declaresiege (outpost name). /t claim outpost - Claims an outpost for your town /t unclaim - Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand /t deposit {$} - Adds money from player to the town bank This page includes a shorter, compact list of all generally relevant Towny commands (excluding admin commands). command. The following is a list of all commands from the towny plugin. prices - Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town. plots 用于 /town plots {城镇名} Shows basic Towny commands. /town merge- Merges a town with another town. {town} - Shows a player another town's town screen. None /towny map [option] Shows a map of nearby chunks (big or hud). ) /town Command Function towny Shows basic towny commands. town node, no added permission required. map Shows the towny map. jar. The following Guide may explain some functionalities only present in CCNet. All Towny commands as well as the Towny plugin itself are more fully explained in the other two, complete articles of our Wiki: Nov 22, 2020 · /t claim outpost - Claims an outpost for your town (cost $5,000) /t unclaim - Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand. ? – Shows more towny commands. Towny 0. If you have more than one outpost please put the number of the outpost at the end of the command. outpost in their permission node group. all – Mayor command to unclaim all townblocks. 6 Nation Commands These are general commands used for towny Jul 18, 2012 · This is my plugin. Towny Commands. itemuse - Shows the items in the item_use_ids list. /t claim outpost - 将你脚下的区块视为前哨. * - towny. /t spawn {town} - Warps you to another town's spawn (note this requires a 5-10 dollar fee). For resident commands, the add command would auto-match online players, while add+ requires exact spelling to choose offline players. If you want to get a feel on how Towny functions please check out the official guide here. 👑 Towny Nedir? 🏠 Towny Kasaba / Krallık Sistemi Nedir? 🏕️ Kamp Nasıl Yapılır / Nedir? 💴 Vergi ve Outpost Nedir? /t outpost <outpost number> - teleports player to the given outpost number of their town /t toggle - toggles aspects of your town /t toggle mobs - toggles hostile mob spawning in your town. 1 Server version 1. During Outpost sieges, players fight to represent their nation, against players from foreign nations. /t add {resident} - Mayor and assistant command to add residents to your town. None /plot perm hud: Display Plot Permissions None Shows taxes you need to pay (automatically deducted from /bal, check /towny time for countdown till new day for tax collection) 🏠 Alternatively, use /t for town commands prefix A town consists of one or more players. /towny; Shows basic towny commands. Bump net. It allows you to create towns, which you can invite other players to. “Nations” (capitalized and by itself) refers to our Nations gamemode and “Towny” (capitalized by itself) refers to our Towny gamemode. {# (radius around current position)} - Claims an area of townblocks around you for your town. ? Shows more towny commands. New Permission Node: towny. prices Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town. kyori:adventure-text-serializer-plain from 4. allowedblocks - Opens a menu where you can check what blocks might be allowed to be built/destroyed in; itemuse - Shows the items in the item_use_ids list. I am sent to the town's first outpost when I use /ta town NAME outpost. ) top residents {all/town/nation} – Shows top residents. /towny map big An enlarged version of /towny map /towny prices Shows towny prices. The owner of a town is called its mayor, whilst the members of a town are called its residents. hud - Activates the map in the player's scoreboard. /t kick {resident} - Mayor command to remove residents from your town. It focuses on your current location and shows all claimed and unclaimed area around you. Chest Protections To grant a player access to all your protections, utilize the /trust add [player] command, and then choose either /trust confirm or /trust deny to approve or reject the trust request. Towny is a large and complicated system, if you need help with commands ask us in game or in discord! Commands which are the most frequently used and important to know are marked with [!] /towny /towny Shows basic towny commands. Players can see the server's switch blocks by using the towny switches command. This channel is for everyone /towny \n: Shows basic towny commands \n \n \n /towny ? \n: Shows more towny commands \n \n \n /towny map \n: Shows the towny map \n \n \n /towny prices \n: Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town \n \n \n /towny top \n: Shows top residents \n \n \n /towny time \n: hows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection. Towny is the plugin that manage the towns and nations. Sep 22, 2023 · This is a list of commands used for the two primary servers of SMPEarth Public, Siege and Towny. /t claim fill This is a list of commands used for the Towny server of SMPE. /towny /towny - Shows basic towny commands. 4 Resident Commands 1. /t set outpost sets the spawnpoint of an Dec 10, 2011 · Introduction to Towny Commands Introduction to Towny Commands Master List /resident /town /plot /nation /townyworld /towny /townyadmin Chat Commands This list breaks each command down by word. top land {all/resident/town} Shows top land owners. /town reclaim- Run this command while standing on the town's homeblock to reclaim a If you want to claim an area that isn't directly connected to your town, you'll need to make an outpost, which costs £15000. yml in the Towny. Alrighty so I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to towny commands, I've been in towny servers for more than a decade, and I know my way around specific permissions However. towny. Towny commands /towny – Shows basic towny commands. Players can open the main menu using /townymenu or one of its aliases. None /plot perm hud: Display Plot Permissions None Thought about starting up a town on Socialcraft? Do you even know how? Well here is a quick command list showing how to use the commands in Towny to start, r Feb 4, 2025 · Основные команды Towny Города (/town или /t) /t - показать основную информацию о городе Aug 27, 2014 · Outpost(あうとぽすと) 直訳で前線、前衛ですが、Townyでは町から離れた区画のことを言います。通常土地を得るには町に隣接したTown blockしか購入できませんが、離れた区画をOutpostとして購入することができます。 Plot(ぷろっと)/小区画 =Town blockです。 Dec 19, 2023 · What steps will reproduce the problem? Claim a plot in a town (either using /t claim or /t claim outpost) Try to set it to an outpost, regardless of it already is one (using /plot set outpost) "An Oct 18, 2023 · What steps will reproduce the problem? Install 0. 16. 0 to 4. All Towny commands as well as the Towny plugin itself are more fully explained in the other two, complete articles of our Wiki: For the long, detailed, and full list of Towny commands, click here. 1 Plot Commands 1. All town mayors may request a page, requirements below. Dec 17, 2024 · Towny Commands List. /t spawn - Warps you to your town's spawn. Eğer birden fazla outpostunuz var ise /t outpost 1 - 2 - 3 ile ışınlanabilirsiniz. 3. Listed below, beginning with their prefixes, are the different Towny Advanced commands. txt file of the town you're testing with? Towny (タウニー)とは・・村や国を自分で作ったり他の人が作った町に所属したりできる機能です。. outpost <#|{name}|{name:#} - Claims an outpost for your town. In order for players to claim outposts, the config must be set to allow_outposts: true and players require towny. 19. /t here - Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand /t add {resident} - Mayor command to add residents to your town /t buy bonus {number} - Buys that amount of additional claim chunks /t kick {resident} - Mayor command to remove residents from your town /t spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn /t claim This list breaks each command down by word. None /town [TownName] Displays the status of the specified town. ¶ Claiming Commands /town claim- Claims the chunk you are standing in. The spawn point inside of an outpost townblock can be moved using the /t set outpost command. And use /resident set mode reset to turn it off. #3906. tpplot {world} {x} {z} - Teleports an admin to the Towny chunk coordinates seen in the /towny map command. 建国 Command Description Permission Needed /town help: Displays help information for Towny commands. This list is taken from the official Towny website here. unclaim . 18, you will not be able to upgrade your Towny to this version! Claiming an outpost costs 800G and once you claim it with /t claim outpost you can then claim land around it like normal. Outposts are named automatically using numbers (e. ? - Shows more towny commands. resident. Oct 19, 2024 · Towny Komut Rehberi Genel Komutlar /town ? - Kasaba ile ilgili basit komutları gösterir. {name:#} is used when a plot name begins with a number. /t deposit {$} - Adds money from player to the town bank. co /towny war stats - Süren savaş hakkında bilgi alırsın. It also shows which direction you are facing. spawn. ) 列出城镇的前哨, 显示数量, 土地名 (如果有的话才会显示), 所处世界和坐标. Just about every subcommand has it's own help menu. Closed Hornetro opened this issue Apr 13, 2020 · 1 comment Closed Control Panel for Towny using Command Panels, PlaceholderAPI (with Player and Math expansions), and Towny. /town reclaim- Run this command while standing on the town's homeblock to reclaim a /towny /towny - Shows basic towny commands. The green bits is what goes into chat as commands. Stand in the chunk you'd like the outpost plot to be in (the area you'll teleport to), and type /t claim outpost. Last updated: September 22, 2023 by User:FrozoneCoolAsIce These are general commands used for both servers. If you are still unsure of something first check /towny ? for a list of all commands or don't hesitate to ask a member of staff. outpost – Used to unclaim glitched outposts on MySQL Towny servers pre-0. The spawn point inside of an outpost townblock can be moved using the /plot set outpost spawn or /t set outpost command. Siege Zones are denoted by black squares in the Dynamic map (seen in the image on the right). Jun 13, 2024 · Towny doesn’t natively support container locks, but many servers offer plugins to help: Use Trust Commands: Some servers have a /trust command to grant access to specific players. unpka hpzhbtjg gtjvra jdxqv hcf omaykee rhmpw iyc horfydkk ktlqi hgd egoqkxx nufmb dssrf cden