Uptime kuma home assistant.
Change the URL of your Home Assistant instance.
Uptime kuma home assistant If connectivity is down I want to re-check every 30 minutes until fixed or and between 9am to 9pm. I can’t open web ui while using ssl. So, I have 1 line for cucumbers (frequent shorter watering cycles (31%-48% soil moisture), 1 for tomatoes (long Aug 3, 2023 · Hi folks Been using HA for roughly 8 months and switched from ConBee II to a SkyConnect - but I continue to face issues I cannot seem to overcome. tmjpugh (Tmjpugh) October 4, 2022, 5:03pm Uptime Kuma - Home Assistant Community Add-ons. Installed the HACS UpTime Kuma integration; I have restarted my HA - server. pspeirs (Paul) September 2, 2022, Feb 14, 2022 · @scriven33 The documentation for the official integration hasn’t been merged yet, but there really isn’t much there anyway. Is there any special need in the Settings? mqtt Server password port MQTT Thema mqtt Thema is any Topic on my mqtt Server - right? For my test right now “espresense” Greetings Dec 23, 2024 · Hi everyone! I’ve created a new add-on that integrates Homer Dashboard (Demo) with Home Assistant OS. The problem I have is that this causes a notification, even though I just want to run the automation. dell (Martin Dell) September 8, 2022, 7:38am Dec 29, 2022 · I have a template sensor that counts how many entities are in a specific state, using a wildcard: In this instance, I’m looking for how many Uptime Kuma entities are in a set state: {{ (states | selectattr('entity_id',… Aug 20, 2023 · Hello folks! I would like to implement an uptime card like to following, but I really dont know how to do that! I tried several solutions, but the closest one is represented by the following image: To do so, I used a custom stack in card, where I positioned two cards horizontally: an entity mushroom card, from which I take the icon only, and a custom uptime card. io) would be great to have a simple full tutorial for une sensor from kuma to uptime custom card for beginners like me, please Aug 8, 2024 · I am trying to monitor my Tailscale server, running on a RPi A little info on my setup… I have a raspberry pi running pihole, and Tailscale (same Pi) I have a second Pi running home assistant. Available for free at home-assistant. My example use cases: Monitoring - e. drive that’s running the show, I’m using an Argon One M. 11? It doesnt use my local network DNS, and since then it cannot resolve DNS queries about my local devices Aug 11, 2023 · You can use uptime kuma to monitor any zigbee device if it is using mqtt. com) martin. Contribute to hassio-addons/addon-uptime-kuma development by creating an account on GitHub. Uptime Kuma allows you to monitor many different services and set up notifications to various services to alert you if something goes down. Set environment variable UPTIME_KUMA_DISABLE_FRAME_SAMEORIGIN to TRUE, from the default unconfigured/FALSE setting. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. 🚀J Sep 10, 2023 · I’m using Proxmox on a N100 16GB RAM & 512GB SSD. I want to send notifications to Home Assistant when something goes wrong. You've been linked to the page that will open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store. In addition to those, because sometimes I forget to check on something, I wanted any currently down devices/services to display on my dashboard. My project is about automating my garden. I Minimalistic uptime card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI Topics. Mar 26, 2023 · Home Assistant is behind Cloudflare Zero Trust. You've been linked to the page that will show the dashboard of an add-on. json file (by creating that directory as well) but that Dec 13, 2022 · Hey trying to get my mqtt Server running in Kuma but it doesn`t work. Case. 155 commits 1 branch 28 tags 521 KiB Dockerfile 100% main. . In this article, I’ll show you how you can integrate Uptime Kuma into Home Assistant, what… 3 days ago · Uptime Kuma is something that I configured a long time ago, but never really configured until this past weekend. Uptime Kuma konfigurieren: Nach dem Neustart kannst du Uptime Kuma über „Konfiguration“ > „Integrationen“ in Home Assistant einrichten und anpassen. Third party integrations. The problem is somehow related to ssl. The second Pi runs Home Assistant OS, with the Kuma add on, and the tailscale addon. 10. Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring service that offers notifications, reports and statistics. But even when I purposely stop the add-on, uptime kuma is still able to reach the dashboard so it shows as up. It looks like you came back to this page after you clicked the link. pspeirs (Paul) March 28, 2023, 11:52pm Jul 25, 2021 · Does anyone know of a heartbeat capability in ESPhome? I am familiar with the binary_sensor of the “status” platform binary_sensor: - platform: status name: "${hostname}_status" But I’d like to get an indicator that shows if my code (the loop) that runs on the board is functioning…something like an input boolean that is turned on and off every x-seconds. Jul 17, 2024 · Learn how to install Uptime Kuma with Docker, integrate it into Home Assistant and monitor websites with screenshots. I have 16 Zigbee devices (1 SkyConnect, 4 routers dotted around the house, the rest are end devices). You specify a notification service and Uptime Kuma triggers a notification to that service. The host is running. Jan 4, 2023 · So im finding this Uptime Kuma platform pretty handy, just monitors uptime of devices and notify of any down time etc. I’m using the Remote SSH addon to remotely execute a reboot on the cameras, but i’m struggling to find a way to detect if the camera is just a black screen as it is in HA when the stream goes down. Readme Dec 18, 2021 · There seem to be some discussions of a known issue running in docker in the uptime kuma issues section on github. But what happens if internet is down or the Unifi gateway is down for some reason ? It happened to me recently and of course I wasn Feb 3, 2025 · I’m using the Homarr add-on and I’d like to back it up. Jul 15, 2024 · Both Zigbee integrations have configurable timeout settings in the UI to report a device as unavailable. It enables you to monitor services over HTTP/S, TCP, DNS, and other protocols and it can send you notifications of downtime or trigger an Home Assistant Du kommer också att behöva ett Home Assistant long lived access token för att säkerställa att Uptime Kuma kan kommunicera med Home Assistant på ett säkert sätt. I read (can’t find the link now) that it’s config / backup is saved under /share When I access HA via Visual Studio Code, I can’t seem to locate this folder, maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. I tried to open web ui using nabu casa remote access but I only get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT I have ssl cert generated by dynu dns addon ( it’s a copy of let’s encrypt addon). For Germany I selected the German keyboard and use the plugin "Dynamix File Manager" to create the directory and upload the “qcow2” file. Allowed fields: ["people_home", "lights_on", "switches_on"] . I’ve 5 VMs and LXCs (CTs) running: HA, ESPHome, CompreFace, Codeserver, Uptime Kuma. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. deanfourie (Dean) July 15, 2024, 9:31pm 1. using telegram if device is detected as offline. 前言. Oct 21, 2024 · Traditional uptime monitoring tools can quickly become prohibitively expensive or be more complicated to use than they should be. Zum Blog Artikel: https://sascha-brockel. I want to detect if a camera has stopped, and reboot it if it has. It probably seems to be a general issue with IPv6 networking in Home Assistant then and not a issue in Uptime Kuma. Change the URL of your Home Assistant instance. If your devices are configured with ie z2m then you can use uptime kuma to monitor availability topic for devices and report back ie. Here is the docs for usual linux setups: Configure remote access for Docker daemon | Docker Docs I tried using the deamon. Would anyone know where this folder is located in HA? Edits: Homarr is a dashboard that allows you to monitor your services/servers Jun 7, 2022 · hello is there a way to link uptime kuma to the uptime custom card from hacs please ? How to monitor servers in Home Assistant - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant. it goes down every so often. Dec 19, 2022 · Next Home Assistant 2022. For all the rest of my monitoring, the simplicity of setting up monitors and notifications--there are over 90 choices--makes this an ideal tool. This is the relevant code… automations. Is there Mar 3, 2024 · Home Assistant will take care of the authentication and the secure connection, so users can access the external resources without extra login. Many of us use Home Assistant OS not just for home automation, but also as a reliable platform for self-hosting various services. Mar 1, 2023 · Uptime is a locally hosted version of a monitoring solution. Diese erfüllt ihren Zweck und läuft bei mir bisher sehr zuverlässig. Now, my issues are 2: the Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. To add the Uptime service to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: Oct 30, 2022 · Hi, Im struggling with uptime kuma addon. Uptime Kuma works as long as Home Assistant is functioning. Home Assistant Integration Jul 15, 2024 · Home Assistant Community Realtime data from uptime kuma? Third party integrations. yaml ---------------- - id: '1629334608935' alias: connectivity_dvr description Sep 2, 2022 · Home Assistant Community Uptime Kuma Notification Schedules. But, my Home Assistant is behind Cloudflare Zero Trust so I could not use the Home Assistant notification type in Uptime Kuma. Rather than finding out that a motion sensor or switch is not available anymore when I use the device, I would like to get updated on my phone that I need to re(-)pair a device Apr 21, 2023 · Simple one really - and yes, I know the real fix is to replace the cheapo cameras I have. Oct 4, 2022 · Maybe, like uptime kuma, nabu casa could bring some information on home assistant availability. Restarting the Home Assistant: Start Home Assistant again to apply the changes. com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_homeassistant. 0. 11 options ndots:0 DNS at 127. I got close by (ab-)using a Jul 17, 2024 · Uptime Kuma ist ein selbstgehosteter Monitoring-Dienst, der die Verfügbarkeit von Websites und Diensten überwacht. de/uptime-kuma-in-home-assista Search for "Uptime Kuma" in the HACS store. Ich überwache hier inzwischen über 40 Geräte und Anwendungen. But i hope it is 😉 I had issue with my Uptime Kuma addon. May 26, 2023 · I use the Uptime Kuma HACS integration to get the Uptime Kuma sensors into HA - they appear as regular sensors with an up, paused or down status that you can react to. telegram account. I did have to build a docker image for Uptime Kuma adding MQTT but that was pretty straightforward. I’m running nginx ssl proxy. I rather have it in hours and/or days. I have B-Hyve valves and Ecowitt soil moistture sensors. Not real sure what I should use for “- service” under “sequence” key word. Router and end devices have different timeouts for both, so eg. You are seeing this page because you have been linked to a page in your Home Assistant instance but have not configured My Home Assistant. If you don't see it there, you can add this repository url as a HACS custom repository . I learned for instance that the cucumbers consume water is really different from the way tomatoes consume water. 2. Basically you enter the url and credentials of your uptime kuma instance and it populates binary_sensors for each uptime kuma monitor. HTTPS Download ZIP Nov 24, 2024 · Uptime Kuma has a number of notification options that can be set via its interface. May 13, 2019 · Hi, I put the uptime sensor in all my ESPhome configuration, works great but has a value in seconds, which is difficult to read (for me). Since I use some HA features for security purposes, it is very important for me to know Nov 4, 2024 · Home Assistant Add-on: Uptime Kuma Uptime Kuma is a powerful monitoring tool that tracks the uptime and performance of various devices and services in your smart home. See full list on smarthomescene. Everything runs like a charm. When adding a new Uptime Kuma server to Home Assistant, is it possible to either automatically add http(s):// to the start of the hostname, or change the prompt labelling in HA to note that the htt Jul 12, 2021 · In this guide, I’m going to show you how to monitor Home Assistant entities or network devices, and then display the status in a beautiful Lovelace card. Reload to refresh your session. 说到监控平台,自己有使用过 statuscake、腾讯云拨测等等。但是这些拨测平台都是使用自带的节点来测试的,如果想监测本地的网络情况,也就是相当于自建节点,就可以使用 Uptime Kuma 了 Uptime Kuma - Home Assistant Community Add-ons. 12 launches Matter with 2023 “the year of the voice” Sep 26, 2023 · 0x00. Z2M, uptime-kuma, file editor etc… Some parts of settings and other parts of the UI Jul 3, 2020 · Looks like we might see this as an official integration in the future: Add Uptime Kuma Integration by meichthys · Pull Request #67985 · home-assistant/core (github. I tried to setup uptime You will need to generate a long-lived access token for an existing Home Assistant user in its profile. You switched accounts on another tab or window. So here is my problem: The Observer URL is down. Conclusion. You can use uptime kuma and set all the monitoring you can think off. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":". It appears that docker configuration for DNS in this addon is a little bit weird: search local. I get the sensors, both of them for each monitor, and I’m trying to create some nice visualizations for them. github","path":". , especially those that have tailnet access (at least this is my layman’s explanation of the problem - as I was not able to run monitoring using Uptime Kuma via tailnet Aug 22, 2023 · Trying to monitor a device’s connectivity to my network. In diesem Artikel zeige ich Dir, wie Du Uptime Kuma in Home Assistant integrieren kannst, welche Funktionen es bietet und wie Du eine Website mit Screenshots überwachen kannst. In order to setup this integration you will need: A Home Assistant instance with HACS installed. provides a sensor that stores the timestamp (date and time) when Home Assistant was last started. xxx. com Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitor tool that can send notifications of downtime or trigger Home Assistant automation webhook. Embed Uptime Kuma into Home Assistant Dashboard using a Webpage Card. Is it possible to change it in hours/days with ESPhome code, if yes, how? Thanks Jul 31, 2022 · Uptime Kuma is a monitoring tool based on the popular site Uptime Robot. The CPU load peaks are at 45%. Mar 27, 2023 · Something that would show: Uptime, cpu and memory usage and IP Address - or any off-the-shelf way to link UptimeKuma with Home Assistant so we could leverage data from it? akeslo (makethishomesmart. g use Uptime Kuma to monitor a sensor (or sensors) value. Before you can start monitoring devices and entities, you need to add the PING to Home Assistant. Aug 16, 2023 · In this video, I show how to install and configure the Uptime Kuma add-on, how to configure it to monitor a Plex server, how to add an uptime card to the Hom Jan 15, 2025 · Dans cette vidéo, découvrez Uptime Kuma, un outil open-source simple et pratique pour superviser vos services en ligne, sites web, et équipements réseau. Natürlich kann der Raspberry-Pi, auf dem Uptime Kuma läuft, oder auch Uptime Kuma, ebenfalls ausfallen. Total CPU usage is mostly at around 10%. Custom HTTP reponse status would be a bonus. Optionally, if environment variables can be set within home assistant, enable a configuration option along with the Aug 16, 2024 · Hello, For starters, I love HA. Mar 28, 2023 · Home Assistant Community Uptime Kuma 2 versions installed. May 4, 2024 · Learn how to install and configure Uptime Kuma, an open-source monitoring software, within Home Assistant. Jan 19, 2021 · Thanks for that - very helpful. custom sensor card uptime home-assistant hacs hassio lovelace uptime-card Resources. You signed out in another tab or window. Search for "Uptime Kuma" in the HACS store. Abschluss Mit diesen Schritten hast du HACS erfolgreich in deinem Home Assistant installiert und die Uptime Kuma-Integration hinzugefügt. Home Assistant Integration Oct 14, 2024 · Gammu Wrapper : A simple way to send SMS locally (no internet connectivity required) Problem solved : I am using Uptime Kuma to monitor servers, docker instances, homeassistant status and also Internet connectivity. Home Assistant Community Add-on: Uptime Kuma Uptime Kuma is an open source monitor tools, which can be best compared to a self-hosted variant of a commercial service like "Uptime Robot". Integration for Home Assistant to fetch the Uptime Kuma API - schulzrobin/uptime_kuma_api Configure Uptime Kuma. Is this possible? I tried adding the entries underneath the working Rachio entry in my configuration. Started and addon runs. It used to be a dedicated PC - but have recently moved to a LattePanda Sigma Jun 10, 2018 · Hello; It could be the open source Uptime Kuma, but it needs a little more attention. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Learn how to install, configure and use this add-on from the GitHub repository. That’s where Homer comes Home Assistant Community Add-on: Uptime Kuma Uptime Kuma is an open source monitor tools, which can be best compared to a self-hosted variant of a commercial service like "Uptime Robot". Nov 29, 2023 · I really dont understand why are you complicating things. I installed addon from official repo. With these steps, you have successfully installed HACS in your Home Assistant and added the Uptime Kuma integration. Everything has been working smoothly for about a year now with this setup. Apr 29, 2023 · This is not really recommended though and lowers the "security rating" of the addon and you also can't simply modify the port of the webserver easily then. made a user with password on the Uptime Kuma instance’s WEB UI on http:10. I’d like to monitor the other add-ons directly via a docker socket integration, but until now i don’t see a way to expose it to uptime kuma. com) March 27, 2023, 10:30pm Jan 16, 2023 · Hi all! I’m not fully sure if it’s correct place to put question. One weird thing is thought, when adding devices for monitoring, in my case just via PING they do not show in HA as entities, so I cannot add them as graphs. Nov 15, 2022 · Mit Uptime Kuma lässt sich recht einfach eine Überwachungslösung im lokalen Netzwerk integrieren. To monitor the Z2M network for devices, you add an MQTT monitor to Uptime Kuma. Hi, I have everything set up in Home Assistant and Uptime Kuma, but when I go to add it as a card the only option/ entity for Uptime Kuma is status, when I add it it just says up-to-date not the dashboard. Nov 6, 2024 · Hi, I’m new to Uptime Kuma, but I’ve managed to set it up. Or mobile message. I have 3 watring lines with that setup. I can monitor other services with Kuma, for example zigbee2mqtt via a TCP port monitor, or the pihole itself via a Jun 27, 2024 · Hi. I installed the Uptime Kuma integration in Home Assistant which gives me binary sensors for every monitor. Jul 17, 2024 · Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring service that monitors the availability of websites and services. Sep 19, 2021 · In Uptime Kuma, select notification type: Apprise (it will show if you are running the docker version), then see this: https://github. I’m using Frigate as well as the Nov 19, 2024 · You signed in with another tab or window. It enables you to monitor services over HTTP/S, TCP, DNS, and other protocols and it can send you notifications of downtime or trigger an Home Assistant Uptime The Uptime integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. If you want to use Uptime Kuma to monitor uptime, the best way to self-host is to utilize Docker. a router device will be reported as unavailable after a couple of hours, but an end device will only report as such after a day or 2 (depending on the integration defaults). Whether you’re running media servers, network monitoring tools, or other applications, keeping track of them all can be challenging. I also tried setting up to using HTTP keyword and included words I see on the dashboard only when the add-on is running, but that didnt change anything. Step 1: Add PING to Home Assistant. Du behöver även tillgång till terminalen på din Home Assistant -enhet, samt en webbläsare för att konfigurera och hantera Uptime Kuma . It runs now since 1 1/2 years. Juste stat of connection and health, and maybe send mail. Uptime Kuma notification config. Uptime Kuma is an open source monitor tools, which can be best compared to a self-hosted variant of a commercial service like "Uptime Robot". The SkyConnect is plugged into a USB 2 port on a 2 meter extension. After installation, setup the integration via the web UI like any other integration. All Home Assistant addons are not available anymore. Nov 27, 2024 · However, Uptime Kuma was not able to reach the remote HA using <Tailscale_IP:Port_number>, presumably because it is separate from some of the Home Assistant Core layers - i. I use Uptime Robot for a few monitors to look from an outside-in perspective. I want to do the same for Nginx Proxy Manger and Uptime Kuma. Dec 2, 2024 · Überwache deine Webseiten und habe sie durch Home Assistant auf einen Blick verfügbar. I’d like to be able to monitor the Mar 2, 2024 · Hello 🙂 I hope someone can help me with that, because I am at the end of my knowledge. May 1, 2024 · From a SD card ? It’s an M. github","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"uptime-kuma","path":"uptime Aug 19, 2022 · So I am running HA on a Raspberry Pi 4 right now (I plan to get an HA Yellow when there is more availability), and I followed the Rachio Integration Docs and have a link that launches the Rachio app in an iframe within HA. Music Assistant 是一款為 Home Assistant 設計的音樂管理附加元件,它能夠整合並管理多個音樂來源,讓您從 Home Assistant 介面中控制和串流音樂。 它支援不同音樂服務,如本地音樂庫、網路電台和線上串流服務,並可設定多房間播放和播放清單。 Dec 5, 2016 · I know that it’s possible to monitor the uptime for the system on which homeassistant is running (using the system monitor template sensor), but I have homeassistant running in a Docker on a Synology device – restarting the homeassistant Docker instance doesn’t change that sensor’s value (which monitors the duration since the last Synology reboot). If you have seen "Uptime Robot", then Uptime Kuma might look a bit familiar to you. CI/CD - use something like release August/ArgoCD to check installed integration versions and potentially follow up with updating integrations in HACS/Add-ons. Find a file. It enables you to monitor services over HTTP/S, TCP, DNS, and other protocols and it can send you notifications of downtime or trigger an Home Assistant automation webhook. Up to a maximum of four custom states and/or templates can be queried via the custom property like in the example below. io. If you don't see it there, you can add this repository url as a HACS custom repository. The uptime monitoring tool pings every 3 minutes from different countries and notifies you by e-mail. If the link didn't work, make sure your instance URL below is correct and check our troubleshooting steps. I sat down, added all of my important servers, services, networking equipment, security cameras, and basically anything that I actually want to stay online, then configured notifications, and now I have a functional monitoring service running inside of Docker. If the link didn't work, make sure your instance URL below is correct and check our troubleshooting steps . Instead, there is an application called RobotAlp that you can use for free indefinitely. Uptime Kuma can check the availability and status of your devices and services and send notifications to Home Assistant or other services. Configure Uptime KumaAfter restarting, you can set up and customize Uptime Kuma via "Configuration" > "Integrations" in Home Assistant. 11:3001; setup up a couple of monitors. rjchu (rjchu) February 11, 2022, 3:27am 34 Dec 2, 2024 · Überwache deine Webseiten und habe sie durch Home Assistant auf einen Blick verfügbar. Proposed changes. Uptime Kuma - Home Assistant Community Add-ons. You can then use Event triggers to run an action based on that notification happening. Configuration . io nameserver 127. And while you have other options to monitor services both Mar 1, 2021 · Short answer = Yes Long answer = See Below If you wish to connect to web services [ like Home Assistant ] outside your network without HTTPS then the only way that you could secure this connection properly would be a local-to-outside VPN connection … you could create a reverse proxy without SSL certification but I strongly advise against this since you’re leaving your network open for attacks. hass. Setting Change the URL of your Home Assistant instance. yaml, but Aug 13, 2022 · The latest version of Uptime Kuma has added the ability to send a notification directly to home assistant. de/uptime-kuma-in-home-assista Aug 18, 2022 · In the 42 minutes since I made that post, it seems that using MQTT may be easier. First up: My Home Assistant Instance runs on a Raspberry Pi4 4GB via USB to Sata SSD. Use HA states to Jan 6, 2022 · I am using uptime-kuma in an internal network and would like to display the status page inside "Home Assistant", which works via iframe Currently I receive an err_blocked_by_response - this seems to be due to a x-frame-options setting Jan 5, 2023 · Installed an UpTime Kuma instance on my HA server via Settings Addons ( host: a0d7b954-uptime-kuma ). I am looking for a system that allows me to know when my Home Assistant instance goes offline, especially when I am away from home. e. We use Uptime Kuma to monitor our website and services, such as Home Assistant, that we run locally. The biggest benefit of Proxmox is that you can make snapshots and backups. I have been highly recommended Uptime Kuma, which is great, but it does not serve the purpose I am looking for. Show the dashboard of an add-on in Home Assistant. It offers customizable alerts and rich visual dashboards to keep you informed about any disruptions. Jan 27, 2025 · Hi people of home assistant, I just installed uptime kuma as an add-on. I am using Uptime Kuma to monitor a bunch of my websites. For how to use, see GitHub - lovelylain/hass_ingress: Home Assistant ingress feature, add additional ingress panels to your Home Assistant frontend. Apr 17, 2024 · Is there a way to target all devices for a status change trigger, without having to individually list them? The number of devices in my smart home is increasing steadily and every so often a device becomes unavailable. I found uptime kuma and set it up to reach the dashboard. By default, the notification I use is Pushover. Dec 1, 2022 · I am trying to see when my Zigee2MQTT goes down. For all the stuff I run in my home network, this is a must! I Recently Uptime Kuma has been added to growing list of Home Assistant AddOn's - thanks to @Frenck . You can also configure it to send you notification on ie. Jan 23, 2025 · I am trying to install uptime kuma integration, however I am getting DNS error, but the name can be resolved in the HA command without a problem. Hi is it possible to retrieve Dec 15, 2024 · I would like to create a webhook automation and return data of my choosing. Unable to install package pyuptimekuma-hass: error: Failed to fetch: http… Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Instead, I had to use Webhooks. zgjwskymdienmarnrzkbximyqnphnvslsznyfoxtwsvcomuueuclfufuudtczzkozlctdml