Warframe melee overhaul. He's oftenly quoted as the most balanced frame yet.
Warframe melee overhaul Now there are much more interesting and powerful mods like the arcon mods or the galvanized melee mods then investing in an UMBRA forma. And he is a melee warframe, but you can't melee outside invis or you'll end dead. His spectral scream doesn't damage fast enough to really be satisf Sep 29, 2024 · Melee weapons don't need more slots, adding more slots does NOT fix the issues. Gun, Warframe, Movement and other system but when it comes to melee they seem in the dark. The inaptly named "Chargers" at the moment are more like Frolickers. It's one of my favorite melee weapons. Dec 14, 2013 · Damages should be given when melee is in contact with enemy. Currently, the melee is "Spam E", "Sometimes Hold E" and "Jump and E" with the rare "E after Wallrun". 0, and what is damage 2. I don't know if this was a deliberate nerf or if it is a bug introduced with the new mechanics, but I don't like it; the Magistar/Sancti Magistar h Apr 28, 2021 · Thus I can't do any justice for the arcane, so I decided to suggest having a weapon that creates energy for us and act like a "supporter" weapon that gives a helping hand as the dev did made other weapons that give natural hp regen, so does a weapon give the support of players who are invested to energy build on their warframe. Nevertheless, in the following post, I will attempt to make a case for a significant re-evaluation of Warframe’s movement system and offer a fleshed out gameplay mechanic to make movement in Warframe more than just a means to an end. Feb 27, 2016 · Chroma is a powerful Warframe but some of his abilities are lacking for a Dragon. In this regard, the negative feedback on the new Slicing Feathers stance is plenty in number. 1) Pressing "E" switches/equips your melee weapon. All other bonuses are removed, as Overload will take the lead as a personal buff. Thing is though, this would never run dry. But Channeling mods aren't working as its purpose and abandoned, forgotten for long time. Dec 26, 2024 · Allies within the aura gain 50% increased armor and melee attack speed that lasts for 10 seconds after leaving the bubble. Nov 24, 2023 · Of course, this is warframe forums after all. Trinity's issues, the least of the three, is simply Feb 8, 2020 · With a Melee equipped, Zephyr has a custom animation and adds a small amount of damage (after mods) to the ground slam based on her height. Mod Rank: 7? Mod Drain: 13? Mod Restrictions: Restricted to melee Mod Type: Melee Mod Polarity: Unairu Mod Rarity: Rare Mod Name: Mountain Defense Mar 8, 2019 · Not to be outdone by Dante and co, space-ninja loot n' shooter Warframe has finally rolled out the first part of its long-awaited melee overhaul. Stacks up to 7 times. It was one before Melee 2. The loadout stats for shadow claws is lying as well, i Aug 10, 2014 · 6) I don't know what can be done about stun lock with certain melee weapons (all slide attacks?), but it feels unfair that catching someone with that first strike is all you need to ensure their death. Help yourselves Hello, i come here, once again, to show/explain why is melee underpowered compared to all other weapon types. People who don't have access to steel path cannot use them. - Elect Nov 13, 2018 · The addition of moas as robotic companions highlighted many companion flaws (or at least brought them back to the foreground of our attention), so once DE is done with Melee 3. If it has high crit chance (20% or higher in my opinion makes a good crit based weapon), then I make a crit build. As such, I'd like to offer a set of ideas that will accomplish several things. You might think that im gonna complain that some of them are OP etc, but no. Warframe's first community-powered tier list, just click to cast your vote! Dec 18, 2013 · Ho Tenno!!!!, I was wondering when update 11. Oh don't get me wrong, it's not that she isn't strong or anything it's just that her abilities arewell. If Stalker's going to be his own playable character in normal gameplay, he deserves the full Warframe treatment. Fitting the role of a Melee based Ninja Assassin, Ashs Blade Storm as a Stance will put us in control of who and how we kill. Rebalancing and Buffs of staves, fist weapons, longswords, fist and foot sparring weapons, daggers, machetes, dual daggers and possibly whips and nunchucks. The current singular front flip and backflip although visually appeasing its quiet useless. Minor. Aug 7, 2020 · I remember someone staying that Xoris's infinite combo duration killed Naramon, and the responses being split between "it died when it lost invisibility" and "it can still combo well with Finisher related stuff like Arcane Ultimatum thanks to Executing Dash". This burst of energy will push back every enemy close to your warframe. Loki need defense increase as he got stealth speed nerf and nothing in return. They said the melee balance pass would be coming with 3. which makes it really hard to utilize some combos. 0 / Melee Overhaul Let me preface by saying that it is unusual that DE is so torn on how melee should, they have all their other systems mathematically working in top notch order e. The reason that melee is considered OP is because of the system that supports it. My two questions are when will the update be released? Aug 2, 2014 · - Another example would be that "vacuum" would become something where it gives a burst of energy whenever your warframe gets hit by a melee attack. And the whole exalted weapons category need an overhaul to bring them on par with normal weapons. Changes : Electric shield : - Electric Shield still gives a stackable +50% electric damage bonus. - etc. Sep 3, 2020 · Mod Type: Weapon Discipline / Melee Mod Polarity: Unairu Mod Rarity: Rare Mod Name: Denial of armor Mod Effect: Reduce Enemy Armor by 1 point on every hit for 7 sec. Feb 6, 2025 · Second point are the warframe abilities. Edited November 30, 2024 by ZiIIion Mar 4, 2013 · I would like to see somewhat of an overhaul of the Front Flip and the Back Flip Mechanics. As for the last point, the melee weapon could perhaps affect the abilities in more ways than just damage. The mechanics of fast movement and Warframe are not intended for PVP gameplay. 5 was coming out so i could prepare you know get more plat for slots and maybe new color scheme for the new frame. Second, the statistical variation is bland and laughable. It would be appropriate to add it as a drop from Scorpions or some other concrete acquisition method (like Snipetron always appearing as an offering from Nakak's Operational Supply during Operation: Plague Star). 0 process? Manny older weapons fr Mar 25, 2015 · radial blind increased crit chance on melee if you dont know, slash dash can be agility movement if you dont know, why bright light of radial blind still turn on when excalibur lower his melee that does radial blind? and radial javelin already stun enemies for limited time, if you increase power duration it will stun more, but seems like many excalibur users dont know about that since they Dec 13, 2013 · I think most of us can agree that the general consensus on melee combat in Warframe is that it is in a rather sorry state, and it has been for a while. I generally enjoy the concept of thrown weapons, and I think I'v Dec 1, 2019 · After the melee overhaul update the Sancti Magistar appears to have lost it's momentum property (which prevents stagger or knockdown while swinging). Now, Here's the Main problem - Channeling mods gives penalties like dragon mods but not effective as dragon mods. First, the absolute butcher done on gunblades, Bullet Dance lost its best, or at the very least, most comfortable combo (backward input combo) and added 2 rather unwieldy combos that make it very hard to land a Mar 8, 2019 · Hello, I use Xbox one controller on pc. Control Mar 2, 2018 · Mastery Rank 0-3 Serro. Correct me if I'm understanding incorrectly, but melee seems to be equippable like guns, and th Aug 7, 2015 · Salute Tenno,I had this in my mind for a while now, and with the recent overhaul of Excalibur, making him a top melee frame, I found that Saryn could also use quite a similar treatment. I'm fine with some of his abilities doing super-high damage, such as Slash Dash and Absorb. 0, melee was amazing, as a "rainbow" build would allow you to swiftly incapacitate an enemy and then chop them apart. I think that the Melee system itself should be slightly redesigned to allow for a bigger assortment of both attacks an Jul 12, 2018 · Glaive Melee: This is in it's own section because Glaives, more than any other melee weapon type function is a few ways that really isolates them from other melee weapons, and while the above changes would affect them in the same, positive ways, they have some quirks that need to be addressed separately. Right now they look dated and honestly quite goofy when sped up by buffs. A lack of new rewards hinders a sense of accomplishment in PVP, which could also apply to PVE in Warframe. I'll try to keep it simple and organized, therefore i'll only c Fuses with a Melee Weapon to unlock the Arcane Slot. Now, in my opinion, the root of this problem is that melee only has one button (unless you count blocking), so to fix this, I would do the following. Volt is seen as a potent Warframe by a good part of the community. Although the new RB augment is a pretty good idea to provide some survivability in end game. 5, 3. 1) Proportional Damage System Jul 31, 2013 · Listening to the live-stream from July 17th There was a mention of adding combos to the melee system. Chroma needs a buff to his spectral scream and spectral scream augment. Each Melee Weapon has a single Melee Arcane Slot. Nov 27, 2019 · It'd be nice if you had titled your post "Game Overhaul" or "Overhaul for Warframe" since you try to change the game itself, not just Warframes. May 18, 2017 · Current: Wukong's Melee Combo Counter has a 66% longer duration (increasing the base combo counter from 3 seconds to 5 seconds). 0, and it still is now (though I still haven't been able to get my hands on a Gleaming Talon stance >. Option 1: Ability strength mods counted before the melee is added: [1. Vulpine Mask). 0 is this list 1. Find the Warframe community's best Melee Weapon builds! Sep 8, 2013 · Changes can be made to keep up with the fast paced action and enhance gameplay elements to keep players in the game, and melee weapons can have the potential to become a root of the big Warframe tree, instead of a branch. 0 is supposed to be the beginning of a brave new world for melee. The abundance of weapons should focus on PVE rather than PVP mode. So the elemental effects need some kind of overhaul as well, something like reaching certain number of stacks trigger different effects. Sep 12, 2015 · EDIT : new changes ! Okay, so : modified list of changes. Jan 30, 2024 · Excluding Garuda’s talons (seriously though, that’s just an exclusive melee), all of the exalted weapons have too much limitations for a warframe’s “signature ability. Primary and Secondary weapons are not the subject in this question And my answer to this is that it depends entirely on the type of build that the melee weapon lends itself to. • We want each melee weapon to have its own unique melee ability, similar to how the Dex Dakra has a unique slam. But, I've read some stuff about the upcoming melee overhaul that gives me an idea of what's going on. 0 that everybody is excited abt. Wield your Warframe's tactical abilities, craft a loadout of devastating weaponry and define your playstyle to become an unstoppable force in this genre-defining looter-shooter. Already counting with the U8 buff. a) The max rank Slash Dash does 500 damage. Warframe is probably the only game i can remember where characters don't have cooldowns on their abilities, except Lavos and some of the newest warframes. Jun 4, 2014 · So, let me prologue by saying that I love the Kestrel. Critical chance increases from 5% to 12% Mastery Rank 4-6 Broken Scepter Mar 18, 2018 · Melee 3. As it is now, melee content as a whole has just stagnated due to being in the transitional phase; you can't make Oct 14, 2016 · Perhaps this is only true for high level players, but I find Infested to be the easiest faction, and very easy to "kite" (shoot and run backwards). Mar 8, 2019 · Not to be outdone by Dante and co, space-ninja loot n' shooter Warframe has finally rolled out the first part of its long-awaited melee overhaul. Here are some of my suggestions for melee improvement. May 7, 2023 · Singular elements can be good but corrosive and viral is far better in practice than most others, you really need a special case related to the gun's gimmick like guaranteed impact to use hemorrhage etc. If Zephyr does not have a melee equipped, she simply performs the animation with a very small amount of damage; looking at the ground and pressing Melee still works even without a melee weapon equipped Jul 17, 2013 · It was fastest warframe, now its banshe who is the fastest. Im of the opinion that locking players out of basic functionality of characters is bad business. I know it all costs, it takes a lot of work, it would take some long and serious time to overhaul it and not to say a lot of people but think about it, by making game more inovative and interactive for players, there wouldn’t be so much loss of interest in it. Not the best, yet not the worst either. 2 days ago · I mean, they didn't give us anything for the companion overhaul with having to put forma into all of your pet's claws. It does not feel so beneficial and Mar 28, 2018 · Channeling supposed to gives melee some diversity for some cost of energy. Jun 16, 2019 · Currently, lot of hit scan weapons shoot "simple bullet" that we can't see most of times, and even when it is visible, it's too simple and not that satisfying imo. It would simply use melee damage as a base. I would like DE to take a look at some Olympic floor routines/exercises and try and incorperate some of the visuals and mechanics into Warframe. May 2, 2013 · Hmm, at first this sounded like a great idea, and I gotta admit you worked it out nicely, kudos. Here is what I propose, and what I think is currently fine: Good: -Foundry crafting from single weapons -Taking only 1 space in the inventory -Opportunity to get more mastery points Basically, it provides more convenience. • The strength of Warframe PvP is the powers and mobility and players can expect to see Conclave conserve that. Im suggesting that the damage of the melee weapon be added to that damage either before or after the ability mods take effect. ” A normal melee will always outperform an exalted melee, and those melees aren’t able to clear Steel Path content on its own (not including augments or stat sticks). Decisive Judgement) or free walking pace (i. Jan 31, 2019 · There have been posts like this in the past, I aware. wonky Trinity and Valkyr are the same but not quiet as bad as Saryn. First, melee weapons will be segregated into distinct damage and p Dec 15, 2013 · Hey everyone, Before I start, I just want to say that I haven't actually watched Livestream 19 yet. Daggers will naturally hit less enemies due to the hitbox size and polearms will naturally hit more. Using mods are not Apr 28, 2014 · Out of all the warframes I've played Saryn is the least satasfying. so many stances are really old, with 2 combos, and then there is the no melee weapon equipped punching Jul 31, 2013 · level 1 mob has 50% resist rifle/pistol/melee damage. Can be purchased from Bird 3 for 50,000 Standing 50,000 Feb 28, 2016 · All Activity; Home ; Community ; General Discussion ; Which frame / power would you overhaul Dec 16, 2024 · IMO the only change Excalibur needs is having RJ scales to melee mods and arcanes. This only affects the base combo counter. With a number of her current abilities being rather conflicting, e. The fact that no melee is truly single target, the way many guns are, due to follow-through and radial damage, and the fact that they have a ramping mechanic that allows for significantly more power incredibly quickly, makes them simply easier and more effective than Nov 1, 2019 · I am loving this melee overhaul, however I cannot say that I love it a 100% as it has it's flaws and unwanted, unnecessary changes. Takes seconds to get down under fire. Now it seems this is more aimed towards situational play activate, take threat, have allies recover. Using melee will revert to hover mode. All the ideas here are cool, except this one but I think you know it dear ^^ "Volt's sprint speed increase depending of how much energy he have. Like staves (including blunt weapons like Silva prime), they used to go Nov 25, 2022 · I think the sprint/walk, walking while carrying a bow, gun or melee animations need an overhaul overall, drifter or frame. I'm fine with Dispel. Can we get some elemental effect, beautiful trail with light color like melees do? It could be problematic for visibility, so prefera Warframe Melee Weapon Tier List. Feb 28, 2021 · Point of clarity, this is actually not true. He turned into a paper. May 19, 2013 · Basing the skill on melee damage does not mean it deals exactly melee damage. This bonus will work with throwing weapons as well. So I'd recommend: get Excalibur if you want a melee weapon with good range, try rhino for a tanky warframe who can use any melee effectively, and go from there. I hope Zorencoptering dies in a burning hole. Jun 1, 2016 · Also, The current question is Status vs Crit in MELEE. • Coptering is staying, but stamina cost and fling range may be adjusted. If you want more "build diversity" then ask DE for an overhaul to the modding system. Molt and Miasma - both based on duration, Jan 11, 2025 · This week I went to teshin to claim the UMBRA forma and I thought that for a long time this forma does not feel so important. Critical chance increases from 5% to 12% Tonbo. 0 they should seriously take a look at overhauling the companions as well. Loki could survive a litte outside invis - now he can't. Part of what makes a boss fight more challenging ( to me anyways ) is running out of energy and having to take out the last half of the boss by hand and gun. I propose that all melee weapon stats be Jun 27, 2013 · Given the amount of melee weapons they bring out on a regular basis, the game's melee mechanic is comparatively lackluster. Currently there are multiple different combos for each stance, but due to the fact that there's just one melee button all the combos are just E, E, E, hold, E etc. It could, say, be 500% of melee damage. By the time they catch up to you, if th May 30, 2013 · Just like how Ember, Frost, and Trinity have ways to maximize melee play Iron Skin makes Melee more of an option the only difference is the "God-Mode" this was my opinion before the nerf. Standard config. Just as a reminder this overhaul Aug 2, 2014 · - Another example would be that "vacuum" would become something where it gives a burst of energy whenever your warframe gets hit by a melee attack. Sep 11, 2019 · Remember when primaries and secondaries got an overhaul, where many weapons got either buffed, nerfed or received some slight changes? Not sure if this is already in the plans but could melee weapons also receive the same treatment with the melee 3. It's all about the way they are being used. He's oftenly quoted as the most balanced frame yet. They can't really pre-install arcane adapters for a few reasons. And one last thing, there's a point on which playing too much of a game will eventually get the players bored, either temporarily or permanently, that's the nature of it, it's not like you're supposed Feb 11, 2013 · The current system for dual weapons is a bit awkward. With the new melee update I noticed that if you have melee weapon out (press b button) and then press y (Primary, Secondary switch button) it will go through the slow animation to switch from melee to primary (or secondary if that's what yo Jan 30, 2014 · I know that melee 2. Feb 5, 2015 · Simply put melee statistics need an overhaul. Feb 9, 2019 · The thing is that there is not JUST an overhaul of melee classes coming up. May 22, 2014 · TL,DR at bottom. 2. Note Mar 8, 2019 · More information on Warframe’s melee overhaul is available on the game’s official forums, and you can get the rundown of everything else that’s new with Operation: Buried Debts on the Steam Apr 2, 2017 · Hello Warframe Community and Devs! My friends and I were discussing focus and what it means to Warframe, and with a SoonTM rework of the focus system on the way, we thought about how focus could be improved and how it could be better integrated with operator mode. < ). Instead of a majestic clinic, you can make a streaming ability that will enhance the damage of melee weapons, and add an augment to make it work for the team. Although there is plenty of hit-and-miss content, I have had a satisfying experience thus far as the changes and additions have been refreshin Apr 12, 2019 · It's already been a while and very little has been talked about regarding the current state of the system or any future changes to the system, such as what is coming next, if anything. What I'm not fine with are his damage-sponge stats, instant spawning and shooting without the stand-up-from-crouch posture Jan 4, 2013 · I like this a lot. Oct 30, 2024 · It's mostly about melee kills Voruna synergizes greatly with anything health orb related because of this, turning her into an infinite energy tank with one ability. Until we get a modding rework, no amount of mod slots will fix the current issues. Your Warframe is waiting, Tenno. In-Game DescriptionThe Melee Arcane Adapter is a special item that can be fused with a Melee Weapon to unlock a Melee Arcane Slot, which is a special additional slot that can be slotted with Melee Arcane Enhancements for Melee Weapons. 0 Dec 28, 2017 · Every gold-colored stance should GUARANTEED have at least one melee combo that has a lunge (i. -exilus slots on archwings (with new appropriate mods added) -aura slots on archwings (with new appropriate mods added) -warframe aura mods no longer affect archwing mode Nov 12, 2019 · With the melee overhaul, it's about time we see this weapon make a proper, permanent return. For a melee faction, they are very slow. It's no surprise if you saw the 67th devstream last friday. Since the advent of d2. Join the Tenno and defend an ever-expanding universe. Feedback works, and exists for a reason. This is a old "topic", been discussed multiple times, been "semi-fixed" some times aswell. Apart from the fact, that, mechanically, every longsword is practically a Skana reskin without a unique fighting style and thus not justifying a different weapon slot in my arsenal, my main problem is the unnatural feeling of my main gun teleporting to my back or Apr 18, 2018 · For me, what i really want to see from a melee rework or overhaul or 2. Feb 17, 2014 · Part of the movement system is being implemented with melee 2. Headshots are simply a weaker alternative, but you really want to get those health orbs Dec 14, 2017 · Mastering two-handed melee weapons might give improved quick-shot or weapon swap options, dodge-to-charge-attack transition tricks Warframe Mastery might enable certain tricks Warframes can perform, to be added in a Mod-like manner to other Warframes. One thing I didn't notice anyone mentioning is the proc. e. Jan 25, 2016 · Along with Mag, Volt is one of the next Warframes in line for a rework. Mar 14, 2025 · Warframe offers a fast-paced power fantasy that excels in PvE but struggles in PvP. (with or without small/big cooldown). Jun 6, 2019 · I said it back when the first batch of melee overhaul changes came out and I'll say it again since these never got followed up on despite an official reply, I really hate how "depowered" some of the updated melee sounds are. Is it Mar 19, 2014 · What is melee 2. First off melee weapons are ineffective at higher level missions. Sep 7, 2013 · I think this problem is detrimental to warframe, as without the melee system, warframe is just a third person shooter. Dec 14, 2013 · Anyone Else Excited About The Melee Overhaul? By _Absolom_, December 14, 2013 Sep 15, 2022 · After testing for some time (I tested it with and without the crimson shard multiple times) , the crit damage buff doesn't affect Sevagoth's exalted melee, whereas other warframes with exalted melees (Excal, Baruuk, Valkyr) works as intended. In damage 1. 4) Enemies will react more to melee strikes (Potentially the return of enemy stagger) Aug 22, 2013 · An idea that I've been playing around with for a little while. g. We need a complete mod standardization pass done to make actual meaningful modding choices. Saryn is destroying the rooms! Dec 20, 2014 · 1. Then add elemental damage mods to your weapons. 84 times Ability Base Damage(ABD)]+ABD + Melee Weapon Damage(MWD) = Total Damage Of the Ability(TDOA) Jul 23, 2018 · The camera can still be moved around to view surroundings, but your targeting reticle will not follow. Chroma needs a few buffs and a new skin to really make him more dragon-like. Augment: Eternal War - While active, extends warcry's duration by 2 seconds for each melee kill. 0, notably the frame air physics. Quick Attacks: Dec 14, 2013 · From what I watched and understood, some of the new Melee changes possibly include: 1) Being able to equip the melee weapon (like a melee mode) 2) Adding more depth to melee (blocking and parrying) 3) Melee enemies that do more than just berserker rush at you. Nov 16, 2024 · Overhaul him with a new look and four new abilities and then we'll talk. Mar 24, 2016 · The global idea is really pretty, as a Volt lover I wanted a overhaul, but a real overhaul. Mastering Ivara might unlock the Pickpocketing Trait Melee combat gets new button which makes it easier to use the combos in the stance attacks. Digital Extremes have banished the dedicated melee stance, replaced by having full access to all your combos through your melee quick-button. God knows how long it'll take them, but there's also supposed to be an entire sweeping balance pass of all of the melee weapons, like the one that happened for primaries and secondaries last year. My suggestion is to make melee a bit more complicated (just a little), to make it more than just semi-autonomous spamming. There are no true-crit or red crit melee weapons and status effects are a joke anyhow. If you're brand new, you'll want to level up your fury and pressure point melee mods. 0 Apr 19, 2016 · The only reason I think a Stance rework is best for Ash is mainly the fact it relates to the Warframe wikia triva I have linked multiple times. . Enemies within the aura are slowed by 25% for 15 seconds and have their defenses stripped at a rate of 12% per second. Dec 25, 2024 · Excalibur is a melee master? Add skills to him, which will further enhance his weapons. Warframe specific animation sets would be nice too, it would give them more character and make them feel real and unique. " Dec 14, 2015 · And instead of Primary, Secondary, and Melee, it'd be Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary? If you'd really want to fit the whole space ninja aesthetic to a tee (yeah, I know guns are cool, but I thought this might be just as interesting), you'd probably have a Glaive, a Fang, and a Kogake. However, consmetic items, customization options, quality of life enhancements, and minor boosts to periferal functionality are all things that, in past games, have been monetized effectively without infringeing on the core gameplay of the user. Feb 9, 2015 · Greetings! I have loved Warframe since I started playing (early 2014), and am generally impressed by the frequency and quality of new updates to the game. Allowing to streak heavy attacks for a more stamina efficient damage output. lvl 100 has 150% resist rifle/pistol/melee damage The problem is, you can't make your melee damage scale as you can on a rifle/pistol, since serration goes up to 165%, hornet strike goes up to 220% and melee goes only up to 120%. Mar 31, 2014 · My opinion of the Stalker's current implementation is mixed. DE could S#&$ on a plate and the naysayers/contrarians would say it's the best thing since sliced bread, or try to justify its existence with mental gymnastics so awe-inspiring it'd make an olympic gymnast look like a beginner in comparison. Channeling Overhaul change how it functions, Jul 31, 2013 · Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × Sep 22, 2019 · Just really, really wish that melee had a full on overhaul, alongside the new melee updates coming "soon" every stance refreshed to have much more fluid feels, more combos, and stylized attacks. Addition: Wukong has a 3% chance to disarm enemies with melee attacks, affected by combo counter. That seems more of a tank now but I still like melee play Mar 12, 2022 · But Warframe at the moment is not in the place where it should be. 0 and damage 3. plcix gfccdi ippxh nmdu roorbuu notelg aenbnq uhmh bcx jsrj jjt zmvmjlj pkusa iuwzzw hxwl