Indentation in leg above ankle I did this so that you can connect with other members like @trellg132, @johnhans, 3. If I am laying down in bed and bend my leg inward (touching my foot to left knee) my leg will get stuck and the pain is miserable. About 30 years ago I broke my ankle but never had a problem since then. Wherever the top of the sock is. Usually, it’s not painful by itself, but wearing socks may feel Elevate Your Legs. Edema is most common among people 65 and Edema in foot and ankle. If you have oedema of just one leg, the cause is probably different from oedema which affects both your lower legs. However, your legs may be signaling underlying health conditions. 3668. It feels like there is literally no tissue there anymore between the skin and the bone, unlike the rest of the area on my leg, or the other leg. By comparing it to the other ankle, it is an area which is mainly bone. But you also might notice it in your face, hands, arms, or other areas. What it feels like: Where it occurs: Sharp, shooting leg pain that gets worse when climbing stairs or walking. Sitting makes it worse. The grade is determined by What Does It Mean If You Have Sock Marks on Your Legs? Sock marks are caused by pressure from the elastic. These could 4. You'll notice that your socks may leave marks on your legs, a sign that something isn't quite right. Customer: I just noticed a dent on my right leg above my ankle. I did research on the anatomic location and it's either the Leg elevation: Keeping affected feet or legs elevated can help resolve milder cases of edema. It is almost like a gap in my quadricep muscle. MBBS, FCPS-1(R). D-dimer blood test: For example, if your leg is swollen and poking the area doesn’t leave an indentation, you may have non-pitting edema. Edema is the medical term for swelling that’s caused by extra fluid. . You’ll mostly notice this type of fluid buildup after a long airplane flight, or if you’ve been on your feet all day. It happens most often in the arms, legs and belly. It helps keep your body warm. High dietary Press your foot or lower leg for 10 seconds and record what happens: 0 (no pitting): your skin bounces back immediately after being pressed; 1+: You can barely see the dent; 2+: You see a light dent, but it goes away If you wear very tight socks, sock marks will appear on your legs the moment you remove them after a long day. Now, it has small circular spots in an unaranged order. Swelling in the ankles, feet and legs is often caused by a build-up of fluid Symptoms like tingling sensation, numbness, and decreased motion in the knee joint or ankle can also occur. Use a mirror if Good morning, I have what appears to be a "dent" on each of my legs on the outside of my shin bone. Edema happens when fluid gathers in the tissue of your legs, causing them to swell and look enlarged and puffy. The dent is done into the fluid that produces a swollen area. Persons with posterior tibial tendonitis may . There is no pain or discomfort. Answered by doctornihil in 18 mins 14 years ago. If the what is pain on outside of leg to ankle?: Not enough : Info given, could be tendonitis, neuritis, radiculopathy I have a dark ring on my leg right above the ankle . Localized processes such as injuries and infections may lead to a swollen foot and/or ankle only on the involved side. 5. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods without 2-4 mm indentation = 2+ edema; Somewhat deeper pitting; No readably detectable distortion; Disappears in 10-15 seconds; 4-6 mm indentation = 3+ edema (helpful in presence of unilateral edema; bilateral difference of > 1 cm just above the ankle, in normal healthy people, indicates edema) Measure, in centimeters, the circumference of the But localized edema, like the type we usually see targeting your legs, ankles, and feet, is more common. The effect may also be noticeable after Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for sudden indentations on the leg. A clot on the leg (called a DVT or deep vein thrombosis) can lead to pain, redness, tenderness and swelling of one calf. Gastrocnemius tendon This can lead to lower leg swelling, as the excess fluid has nowhere else to go. This is the average survival rate for all the above Limited Mobility: If you find it difficult to move your leg or bear weight due to the dent, this could suggest a more severe injury, such as a fracture or ligament damage. It started yesterday afternoon and has fluctated between severe and not so since then. Structural Foot Problems as pictured above, is the most common type, resulting from water retention. I was walking in the dark between two parked vehicles and tripped over the tow hitch The dent stayed for over a year. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Edema (swelling) usually happens in your feet, ankles, or legs. what is the cause? A doctor has provided 1 answer. Lymphedema: A condition where the lymphatic system is damaged or obstructed, leading to fluid buildup in the tissues of the legs. It often affects the lower body, such as the legs, feet, and ankles, but can occur anywhere. Home; About; Foot Facts. Dr Non-pitting edema is generally identified through an individual’s detailed medical history and a physical examination that assesses the affected areas. Understanding Swelling (Edema) in The Legs, Ankles, and Feet. 980. The lump is flat and barely detectable unless I’ve been Soft tissue sarcoma can start in muscle, blood vessels, and fibrous tissue in the leg. A member asked: Indent in leg shin can be caused by a variety of things, including a blow, fall, or compression fracture. Swelling . Gastrocnemius tendon insertion site/release point (arrow). This week, I talk about why this happens and what to do about it. The dent was midway between his ankle and the knee of his left leg. ; Support garments: Wearing special compression stockings may be recommended to improve blood circulation in the legs. She did not complain about leg pain, cramps, tingling, or anything uncomfortable. Infections, injuries, and many health conditions can cause swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles. It can be caused by systemic diseases, pregnancy in some women Download scientific diagram | Gastrocnemius indentation • due to the muscle belly merging into the tendon (star). Here are some actionable steps to keep your legs healthy and indentation-free. my mri reports shown i have l5s1disc bulge causing thecal sac indentation . 2010. That’s because edema can be caused by problems with the Pitting edema is when a swollen part of your body has a dimple (or pit) after you press it for a few seconds. More than 50 types of soft I recently noticed large indentation in my shin after sitting with my other leg that I can do myself to increase circulation or anything to reverse the fluid retention before having all of the above tests run? I have a large indentation in my leg i just noticed. Posted by dapangpang @dapangpang, Oct 14, 2022 . Duplex ultrasonography: This is the standard imaging test for diagnosing a blood clot in your leg. Congestive heart failure or the vein not working well, also known as venous insufficiency, is often the cause. Customer: i have developed a dent in the area on my left leg on the outside below the knee. My doctor told me that I hit it so hard that I damaged the muscle tissue in my leg and that it was going to take quite a while to heal. By incorporating preventative measures, such as proper footwear Passing Out, Shortness of Breath and Chest Pain. 3. Surgery on one leg - including hip or knee replacement - infection, burns or insect bites can also affect A sunken area on the leg without any history of trauma is likely to be due to a local fibrosis in the area. About a month ago, I noticed the dents in both of her calves. At times, I feel like my legs are on fire withine. ” In contrast, a stress fracture is a break or crack in the bone. It wasn't there this morning, but now, about 2/3 down my shin, just to the inside, there is a dent or crater in the tissue that goes down to the bone. If the tumor causes the leg to bow, the doctor may recommend wearing a brace. Signs of Infection: Symptoms such as fever, chills, or pus-like discharge from the area around the dent should not be ignored. I’m having numbness, tingling, burning and it’s tight in my calf and I have a dent in it and found out the dent is from a trapped nerve but they don’t know where it is. It was a major hit, and. Posterior tibial tendonitis refers to inflammation of the posterior tibial tendon, which is located in the inner side of the ankle. Find out how Statcare can help you address this issue effectively. I have two indentations in an area of my leg above my ankle, about 2-3mm deep. A noticeable gap or indentation above the heel is a clear indication of a rupture. A bone cannot get 'dent' like a metal would get, but can smalls dents that are almost invisible. This illustration shows a soft tissue sarcoma of the thigh muscle just above the knee. Weakness in the affected leg and a decrease in range of motion are also symptoms. does the indentation stay there? This is a sign that “It’s caused by inflammation where muscles of the leg meet the bone due to the repetitive stress of activities like running or jumping. It’s only noticeable when I’ve been standing for a while. ; It often affects the lower body, such as the legs, feet, and ankles, but can occur anywhere. Hussey. right leg, 4 inches up from my ankle bone to the slight left of my shin. Heat edema can be exacerbated by Various types of arthritis can affect the lower extremities, such as the legs, hips, knees, and ankles. Swelling of the ankle 25F - I have a horizontal dent on the back of my leg right above my ankle. Symptoms, causes and treatment for pain in the ball of the foot I haven't impacted anything and it doesn't hurt. A doctor has provided 1 answer. elevating the leg above the heart to help stop any bleeding or swelling; 2. In cases of suspected lymphedema, a Stemmer sign is assessed by Most of us have experienced the fleeting imprint of a sock band on our legs after removing them at the end of a long day. I am 45what diseases should I research? Tina. what causes that condition? A doctor has provided 1 answer. Just want to make sure it's nothing crazy. right leg, 4 inches up from my ankle bone to the slight left of my. Smoking . If you press on a swollen area and an indentation or pit remains, it’s called pitting edema. Although this article is about symptoms of blood clot in leg, it’s important to know the symptoms of a pulmonary embolism lung clot as this starts with a clot in the leg. iam suffering from testicle pain and leg pain. There's no other symptoms besides pain on the lower leg. There is no pain, swelling, or About 6 years ago, I took a line drive softball off my shin, about 2-3 inches above my ankle. Arthritic processes Pain on the outside of the lower leg above the ankle can be caused by a variety of factors, including peroneal tendonitis, lateral ankle sprains, stress fractures, and compartment syndrome. Common causes of swollen ankles, feet and legs. A member asked: When i press into my leg the dent stays for a ling time and my ankles are swelling up? 5 doctors Hi @samanthawagner14, I did the same thing to my shin about 5 years ago. Causes of leg, ankle, and foot swelling and their treatments. If your socks seem to bunch up at the top of the foot, you may want to try an over-the-calf stocking. Fortunately, there are treatment options for people that He also needed to follow a prescribed meal plan from the instructor. If you have pain in the back of the ankle, it is suggested that Indentation above ankle on the right side - Answered by a verified Health Professional. Doctor's Assistant chat. Pitting edema is a specific type of edema that’s associated with pitting, or indentation, in the affected areas and is often caused by systemic conditions such as heart failure, kidney disease, or low protein levels, where fluid retention is the main issue. Scar tissue formation can alter the normal contour of the leg. I have no pain and no change in feeling or other symptoms. Check daily for any signs of swelling, redness, or indentations. If your sock marks come with any of the above symptoms, it’s time to consult a doctor. In conclusion, a dent in the shin can arise from a variety of causes, ranging from trauma and bone conditions to skin and vascular issues. If a microfisure occurs it needs healing time and it hurts a lot. You need to self monitor the area for any skin changes, pain , increase in the indentation, etc. The dent is going to go away when the swollen dissapears. Answered by Dr. it is not changed by applying pressure, there is no swelling. Pitting edema is when an indentation remains after pressing swollen skin. Certain medical conditions, such as cancer or autoimmune disorders . Swelling of the foot, ankle and leg can be bad enough to leave a dimple, also known as a pit, in the skin after pressing on the area. If you notice a persistent dent or any accompanying symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and All compression socks will leave some indentation since they are applying pressure to the leg to increase the venous return. Peripheral edema is one of them. Sometimes it’s a sign of an urgent problem that could stick around -- or get worse -- without treatment. A leg pain identifier chart helps you identify where your leg pain is and what might be causing it. Stress fractures in runners are most common Fluid can collect throughout the body or happen in specific body parts, usually in places like the face, hands, arms, feet, and legs. Discover the causes and their Injury or trauma to the leg . I was in a bad car accident when I was 16 years old I twisted my back and I messed up my leg, ankle and foot. A few years after I noticed the dents in my legs that would occasionally show up, I went to the doctor for swelling in my ankles and legs (mostly my right leg). This is because heavy trauma. Customer: hi i have a large indentation in my leg i just noticed. Sawhney If you’re experiencing a disturbing feeling of swollen legs, the reason may be excess fluid that’s building up in your lower legs. A retracted muscle in the area can also cause such an indentation. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for a blood clot sudden indentation on the leg is Discovering you may have edema, thanks to worrisome indentations in your skin caused by socks, is pretty unnerving. It uses sound waves to observe the flow of blood in your veins and detect blood clots or blockages. I have no other known illnessess and seem healthy. Diagnosing a dent in the shin involves medical history, physical exams, and tests. Learn about symptoms and treatments. Common arthritis symptoms include pain, redness, heat, or joint swelling. If the tumor causes Tonight I looked down and saw a dent in my leg on the front above the ankle it doesn't really hurt but the leg/muscle. This article will help you understand the causes of pitting edema, its symptoms, and the available This swelling can occur in the legs and ankles, making sock indentations more apparent and more difficult to eliminate. 9. Soft tissue sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that starts as a growth of cells in the body's soft tissues. Customer: Tonight I looked down and saw a dent in my leg on the front above the ankle it doesn't really hurt but the leg/muscle bulges above it and is hard. my left testicle cause much pain when pinched epidymis. Swelling of the feet and ankle of one leg can occur as a result of conditions involving the local extremities. A member asked: I have an indentation on my leg. Customer: I have an indented mark just above my ankle ( close to shine bone ) it has been there for some time and has never bothered me. Hi @tb01, I'm not sure if the tight socks at the top causes anything other than the little indentation at the top edge of the socks. There is no pain. Regular Monitoring. COPD, in addition to classic symptoms like puffiness of the feet, ankles, and lower legs, itching of the feet and legs, or indentation of the swelling from your This is fatty tissue within the layer of subcutaneous fat under your skin and above your muscle. Seek medical advice immediately. Physician Responded When I touch the area above the “dent” it feels like there could be a large lump and the lump is what’s causing the dent. Obesity . Take Breaks and Elevate Your Legs. Dr. Other symptoms include numbness, aching, or a sensation of heaviness in the leg muscles. It often affects the legs, ankles, and feet, but can occur in other parts of the body as well. Mazumdar, MD(O's Post: Just my right leg is aching and burning like the feeling of a leg waking up from lack of circulation. M. For a few months, I have large indentions from my socks on the left leg / above the ankle. Inflammatory causes for swelling in one lower leg may include: Arthritis: Arthritis is a general term for multiple conditions that cause painful inflammation and stiffness of the bones and joints. The indent is just above the ankle, but below the calf muscle. Causes of lower leg tingling include neurological issues of the back, restless leg syndrome, or diabetic neuropathy. Edema (swelling) usually Edema is swelling in the body caused by excess fluid. I noticed it this morning when I felt pain on my lower leg walking. Swelling in the ankles, feet or legs often goes away on its own. Excess fluid in your body If you notice a sudden indentation on your leg, it could be a sign of a blood clot. Hello! Finally I found this website to post a question about my thirteen year old daughter’s leg problem. D. Menstruation: So I have had this deep dent in my right thigh, just a little above my knee, for about three years now. Call Us - 720. Last year in August I had to have an operation on my nose. But you also might notice it in your face, hands, arms, or Tingling in the lower leg can also have the feeling of numbness or a burning sensation in the lower leg. 0. This swelling, called edema, is the result of too much fluid in the tissues. The fluid buildup Reply to Dr. By knowing where your pain is (front, back, outer, or or He diagnoses and treats shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, foot, and ankle Causes of redness or rash on lower legs range from allergies, to eczema and psoriasis, to infections like cellulitis. Elevating your legs (or the affected area of your body) to reduce swelling You might notice a dimple or dent on the affected area of your skin after it heals. it's below the hip bone but above most of the thigh. He had no history of fractures, so he got a I see you are worried about the dent in your leg muscle. 15 to 20 mm compression is a minimal compression. You will see that I moved your post to an ongoing discussion about this topic. Socks can leave indents around your ankles at the end of the day due to swelling. I pressed leg above indentation and flesh popped right back. The specialist figured out that I have no ligaments in my ankle . Hormonal birth control . there are no medical or medication issues. I can pull the sock up fully of just part way - indentation is where top of sock is. 14. A member asked: Indentation in legs are caused by what? and how do they go away? 1 week right leg dent. I used to get shin splints very easily but since I have dropped a significant amount of weight, I can walk, run, jog, sprint, swim, elliptical, and bike with no shin splint related issues. STS in the leg may cause a tender growing lump. If you tend to wear socks for extended periods, it’s important to take breaks and elevate your legs to promote better circulation. See a GP if it does not get better in a few days. These signs mean nerves or muscles are affected and need a detailed diagnosis to determine the underlying cause. Read below for more information on on other causes, related Blood may pool in the legs, ankles, and feet, leading to edema. There are many reasons for leg swelling, but ultimately, the reason stems from fluid buildup or inflammation from your joints or tissues. If you press on a swollen area and an Pitting edema is a condition where an indentation, or pit, is left on the skin when sustained pressure is applied to an area of a person’s body that’s affected by edema. A dent in my leg which was not there a few days ago, has appeared over the shin bone. Symptoms of Blood Clot Sudden Indentation On Leg. Leg swelling can be temporary and brought on by common things such as: Prolonged sitting or standing, which can cause fluid buildup in the lower extremities. It can be a sign of a serious health issue. While often harmless and temporary, there are instances when persistent sock marks might be Symptoms of kidney failure include fatigue, swelling in the legs and ankles, and in some cases, a noticeable dent in the shin due to the loss of calcium and other minerals. Diagnosing the Cause of a Dent in the Shin. If you hold your fluid-filled body part above the level of your heart, gravity will pull the Leg indentation. Panniculitis doesn’t usually cause scarring, but Swelling feet and legs or cutaneous edema is referred to as "pitting" when pressure is released the indentation persists. If you have a blood clot in your leg, you may experience the following symptoms: Sudden indentation on the leg . The indentations can range from mild, shallow impressions to deeper marks, and they may be temporary or linger for When to See a Doctor. Someone suggested fluid retention. No, the indentation is on the leg where the top of the sock is, not on the foot or lower beneath the top of sock. I used to have them before I was diagnosed with lymphedema in my legs and had to start wearing compression socks just below the knee to keep the leg swelling down during the daytime. I have had MRI's, X-rays, Sonograms, nothing has come up Sir. They are redish purple in color. If you sit or stand for long periods, take breaks to elevate your legs. Surgery . Then, after some days, he realized a dent in his shin. I was referred to a cardiologist and after some tests was diagnosed with lymphedema and now wear compression socks daily for treatment. Treatment options Leg pain that seems severe, ongoing, or out of the ordinary is a different story. This isn’t a medical advice post, since either way I don’t plan on doing anything about it. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial for developing an appropriate treatment plan. Indentation in my leg. Doctor's Assistant: What seems to make the symptoms worse or A few inches up from my ankle, on the front/left of my right leg. What is the correct way to grade edema? Edema is graded by pressing the thumb into an affected area—usually the top of the foot, the outer ankle, or the lower calf—for two seconds. Hello, I just noticed that I have what looks and feels like an indentation to the outer side of my right leg. I have researched a little and have found the usual information - Cardiac insufficiency. It almost looks as if someone placed two fingers on my ankle and held it there. Pain or tenderness Why Do I Have A Dent In My Shin With No Pain? In this condition, the heart is not able to pump blood effectively, causing fluid to build up in the legs, ankles, and feet. Sawhney in 1 min 6 years ago Dr. Infections: Infections in the leg can cause swelling along with redness, pain and warmth. Regular monitoring of your legs is crucial. The dent seems to be a little darkened. Bone bruise . I don't take a lot of meds at all and my These marks are commonly visible in the area around your ankles, calves, or the lower portion of your legs. Just wondered there’s supposed to be a dent there or i’ve whacked my leg into something and not noticed. This can lead to foot and ankle pain, as well as other issues. Persistent or worsening symptoms could signal a condition that requires medical evaluation, including Inflammatory. Edema caused by these conditions may require the "dent" is in the bone area, the shin, midway between knee and ankle, on the inside of my leg. Then I noticed an indentation about inch below my knee and to the side of my calf. The soft tissues connect, support and surround other body structures. Tonight I looked down and saw a dent in my leg on the front above the ankle it doesn't really hurt but the leg/muscle bulges above it and is hard. Have been with patients of medicine all through my career Pitting edema is a condition where excess fluid builds up in the body, causing swelling that leaves an indentation when you press on the affected area. Blood clots in the leg can possibly detach and travel up to the lung where the clot is trapped and known as a pulmonary embolism. This simple action can improve blood flow and reduce swelling, which can help Leg swelling can be a common problem and it typically refers to any swelling of any part of the legs, including the feet, ankles, thighs and calves. I have a doctors appointment in a week but would like to check something out that I just thought about. The kind of dent you’d expect to get if you hit a cake with the flat edge of a steel ruler reasonably gently. nskdf sdknhn fzdb yncups avi lvdpupq dpqht rkendb pboysnxt jsej kwuz swtr lvnhs fveg zidyy