Account takeover hackerone. **Description:** Hii, While researching https://www.
Account takeover hackerone Normally, gnar_containerId is being set by the server however a vulnerable endpoint at gnar. the possibility to obtain the login-token of a user. On Collabs, Shopify's influencer platform, creator accounts could be hijacked if the following conditions were met: 1. Additionally, we have removed the ability to verify an email address prior to merging an I’m Muhammed Galal, a cybersecurity researcher, currently working as a hunter on HackerOne, specializing in web application and mobile application penetration testing. In addition, researcher found an endpoint which was vulnerable to CSRF. Therefore, it is advantageous to be able to design custom Login and change the email to the victim's email. Let’s get started! # SVG XSS. But since the oauth does not authenticates the Hello Team, I got a security issue in reverb ios application which allows an attacker hack all users account. The following cross-site scripting ## Summary: misconfigration in aouth 2. Steps to Reproduce ===== Create an account in hackerone E. It’s a banking app but uses AWS A pre-account takeover occurs when an attacker creates a user account using one signup method and the victim creates another account using a different signup method using the same email address. Since iOS application is not in the scope but still I am reporting this, because this vulnerability may compromise all users account. By exploiting an endpoint on the alternate site, ko2sec was able to copy a PHPSESSID cookie value from that site over to card. I have already reported 3–4 bugs to this program but only 2 Account Takeover Due To Unicode Normalization Issue When processing user input involving unicode for case mapping or normalisation, unexcepted behavior can occur. 2)Now enter the new password and Turn the Intercept ON. Hello All, Today, I will share an important write-up I found on a private bug bounty on Bugcrowd. So, I noticed the requests in the Burp’s history log and found an API request which Let's go to the main story. Cyber criminals may gain access to a victim’s online account through a variety of methods: Brute Forcing username/password 7- Finally i decided to test if i can do the Account takeover attack ,so i prepared the victim email :- victim00@gmail. I've tested this with Riders, the same might apply to Drivers or other user roles. Hackerone. But, I noticed that if we add another email in the request of forgot password through Burpsuite then both person will get the same password After starting bug hunting a little over 2 months ago, here is our first bug writeup, enjoy! We’ve been hunting on a private program on HackerOne for a couple weeks with a fair bit of success Account takeover vulnerability using HTTP Request Smuggling and Desync attacks, this time through Akamai en route to Zomato. Government agencies and automotive organizations saw particularly high incidences of IDOR reports, making up 15% of reports to government agencies and 11% of reports in the automotive sector. reddit. ## Impact The victim will receive the malicious link in their email, and, when clicked, will leak the user's password reset link / token to the attacker, leading to full account takeover. grammarly. 0 login with google account in "accounts. Imagine email address is something you can even get if you ask so its not a hard task. ## Summary: There is no protection against CSRF in changing email which lead to CSRF to account takeover on https:// /. If these two conditions were met, the creator account was vulnerable to being hijacked. Attachments I found that https://login. Just by knowing that we can takeover victim’s account so the impact here is quite high. Over 5,300 GitLab servers exposed to zero-click account takeover attacks Maximum-severity GitLab flaw allowing account hijacking under active exploitation Comment . when the app is unable to validate email addresses. Mail. After I changed my password successfully via password reset URL, I A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability was found on a TikTok endpoint which could have resulted in a full account takeover. An initial attempt to fix the problem did not successfully mitigate the problem, as the reporter was able to continue the exploit with minor Learn more about HackerOne. The victim then logs in through a third-party service, like Google or Facebook. fr. XSS Restction bypass on Hackerone program. Summary of the Account Takeover Bug. ko2sec was awarded a Account Takeover Via Cross Site Scripting Find an XSS inside the application or a subdomain if the cookies are scoped to the parent domain : *. yaml Of course, the selection of services in that template folder is not exhaustive. Nov 16, 2024. money` domain, using this payload `https://cs. /, I discovered that an attacker could exploit a CSRF vulnerability to perform a password reset and gain full control of any user's account. money///google. 1) Exploit a CSRF vulnerability in `/chat/user-settings`. instagram-brand. Doing so would have allowed a user to access accounts they did not own. InfoSec Write-ups. This means users can fine-tune which data they want to share rather than having Hi There are 3 issues on this report lead to account takeover. A big thanks to Zomato and Akamai for working with me to fix these issues in a timely manner. g: "admin " Request a password reset with your malicious username. Click on this URL: ### Summary There's a limitation that requires a validated email before going through the OAuth flow, however this is bypassable. ; Email & Password ##Summary: I found a social media account takeover Vulnerability at https://simfy. . com and gnar_containerId was one of them. upchieve. Enter any (wrong password) In current password filed. The target allows users to log in using two methods:. This usually happens A minor mishap in any of these features is likely to result in a critical account takeover vulnerability, which is why it's important to follow authentication best practices. Now the victim tries to reset the account password and successfully does so. By exploiting improper validation during the password reset flow, attackers can gain full control of accounts without needing the victim’s interaction. 1. but, I didn't find any results. com - Steps to reproduce :- -- 1 -Create two Badoo Account Takeover (ATO) is a critical cybersecurity threat where an attacker gains unauthorized access to a user’s account. #Details: When a user tries to link a gmail account with his account , after he authorizes badoo to ## Summary: I found an open redirect on `https://cs. Please resolve this quickly. I was invited to a Hackerone program a few months ago. Share. Because the email addresses are the same, the application connects the two accounts. africa/ which lead me to takeover the Instagram account of that website so when any user or visitor want to visit the company Instagram he will land at my Instagram page and from here i can start phishing or Spreading misleading information and that will break users trust in your platform ##Steps To Gitlab: Account Takeover via Password Reset (hackerone. This allows an attacker to insert a malicious host header, leading to password reset link / token leakage. Badoo. com The Email changing could lead to an Account Takeover because simply the attacker could request a reset password link which will be delivered to the new email (Attacker Email) and take over the Stored XSS to Account Takeover (ATO) via GraphQL API. ## Steps To Reproduce: 1 Critical Company Account Takeover CSRF. HackerOne Report Example; Account Takeover via Cookie Reuse: A food delivery app failed Potential security issues with OAuth implementation came to light after a researcher discovered a vulnerability on Periscope’s Twitter app, which could enable the takeover of users’ accounts. This 0-click account takeover vulnerability serves as a reminder that even seemingly minor flaws in user account security can have far-reaching consequences. Victim account: demo@gmail. starbucks. In the Hi , I have found a CSRF issue that allows an attacker to link his gmail , facebook or any social account to the victim's account and hijack the whole account. com called "/cookies" allows us to manipulate cookies set for *. 3)Capture the request & Send the request to Intruder and add a Payload Marker on the current password Summary: OAuth is a commonly used authorization framework that enables websites and web applications to request limited access to a user's account on another application. Create Account A (in my case Hi DoD team, I found a CSRF to account takeover in https:// / ## NOTE: Try to open the site in firefox because chrome sometimes is not allowing to open the site. In. a. November 24, 2019, 15:11 UTC: The leaked An XSS was reported combining AutoLinker and Markdown. The Host, Referrer, and Origin headers are By using Token leakage vulnerability , attacker can easily reset accounts password and get access over the accounts. As Hello Everyone here is my another blog for Account Takeover which I Discovered back in November 2019 on a Hackerone Private Program. sg. com] as the application allows us to make the account . Crucially, OAuth allows the user to grant this access without exposing their login credentials to the requesting application. ## Some backend services did not properly validate JWTs. Deliverable authentication as a useful Since the account takeover needs victim’s specific action to exploit the vulnerability, the severity is low. com" ## Impact: misconfigration leads to account takeover ## Steps To Reproduce Possible account takeover using the forgot password link even after the email address and password changed. com **Product / URL** https://en. 1- When the user requests a reset password link, server sends a link for the user via email, whenever the user click on the link for the first time redirects to ***Reset password page*** but if the user close browser or tab and click again on the link the user will redirect to the wrong address Through the endpoint at /rt/users/passwordless-signup it is possible to change the password of any Uber user, given knowledge of their phone number (or by just enumerating phone numbers until one is found that is registered with Uber - not too hard given the number of Uber users). Barath Stalin. com. ## Summary: Hi Security team members, Usually, If we reset our password on https://app. com user's account knowing their email. Self-serve Account Takeover Protection - by Dan Moore Comment . com [ Given that victim has an account with victimishacked@gmail. As a result JWT validation could be bypassed by setting the expiration date claim to a unix timestamp in the past, and abusing this for account takeover. This behavior can frequently lead to account takeovers in 3rd parties since they often use the email as an Vulnerability: Missing Rate Limit for Current Password field (Password Change) Account Takeover Steps to reproduce the bug: 1)Go to Profile > Password. Bytesnull. com, and the attacker email :- attacker00@gmail. Bug Bounty . Host Header Injection. Once the legitimate user validates the SMS code for that session token, the session would have become valid for both the legitimate user and the attacker. A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability was found on a TikTok endpoint which could have resulted in a full account takeover. Ru) to create and login to badoo accounts. This scenario can only be performed on a previously unlinked apple ID account with Glassdoor. Hard-Coded credentials in Android app. yaml tilda-takeover. After I changed my password successfully via password reset URL, I Exploiting Weak Authorization Token for Account Takeover. a. Bugcrowd--- This HackerOne report details how a misconfigured OAuth can lead to pre-account takeover: Attacker creates an account with a victim’s email address and the attacker’s password before the victim has registered on the client application. PII Leakage via IDOR + Weak PasswordReset = Full Account Takeover InfoSec **Summary:** A cookie based XSS on www. Perform CSRF to Update Attacker Email/Phone in Victim Account b. How Vulnerabilities in Authorization Tokens Can Lead to Account Compromise and Data Breaches. Google Login — Employees can sign in directly using their Google accounts. However, when the user changes this information, the application does not verify the CSRF The most useful way to increase the impact of an XSS is by stealing the victim’s session id which will result in full account takeover. Bypassing this means the target site assumes your email is validated, and actually ends up signing you in with an non-validated email. The endpoint allowed to set a new password on accounts which had used third-party apps to sign-up. Today, I want to share my experience of discovering an account takeover (ATO) vulnerability through password reset link poisoning. The story started when I was going to reset my password on a private HackerOne program, and I found something interesting. HiHackers welcome back to my Hello this is regarding an account takeover via import image from facebook option, when we import fb photos a link with a token generated which is valid for any user and it can be use to replace user linked fb account to attacker fb account And then login via fb to takeover account Note: I tested it on https://m. This can happen through: This can happen through: Leaked credentials (Data breaches, phishing, keylogging) Weak authentication mechanisms (No multi-factor authentication, session hijacking) Session hijacking and cookie theft Brute-force Account takeover by Response & Status code Manipulation : When an attacker sends a request to the server and is able to modify the server’s response, the attacker is able to bypass authentication. Account Takeover An account takeover was detected with our sign-up with Apple flow where an email parameter was manipulated in the request flow to our servers. ## Step-by-step Reproduction Instructions ## I have made a video POC in which I have shown OAuth to Account takeover. sg and then see user information, update the password and perform an account takeover. This vulnerability found on hackerone Plateform. Human-powered security testing, as exemplified by platforms like HackerOne, provides valuable insights into the vulnerabilities within authentication logic, helping I discovered lots of OAuth misconfiguration pre-account takeover bug in past and this is only the bug I found the most, in almost every program that i hunt on which has login feature via Oauth, i Register on the system with a username identical to the victim's username, but with white spaces inserted before and/or after the username. # I discovered lots of OAuth misconfiguration pre-account takeover bug in past and this is only the bug I found the most, in almost every program that i hunt on which has login feature via Oauth, i got OAuth misconfiguration pre-account takeover because Oauth function is not easy to implement securely so developers always do mistake in configuration which is the 📌 Timeline of the Incident. The root cause of this issue is that the backend does not verify whether the email provided is a confirmed one. If any doubt regarding this blog, feel free to ask me. November 24, 2019, 12:48 UTC: A Security Analyst accidentally leaks a session cookie in a report comment. ie: victim. We thank @s3c for reporting this to our team and confirming its resolution. Hacking----Follow. It highlights the need for strong Hello hackers, Today, I want to talk about one of my findings in a private program at HackerOne it’s an IDOR Vulnerability That Leads to the Disclosure of PII, modify any user Information, and 0 ## Summary: I found when login and go to changing password, there is no rate limit on that function, which leads to takeover the account. com exists due to reflection of a cookie called gnar_containerId in DOM without any sanitization. HackerOne report #2293343 by asterion04 on 2023-12-20, assigned to H1 Triage: Report | Attachments | How To Reproduce By just knowing the victim email address used on GitLab, you can takeover his account by changing his password without user interaction since the attacker get the same email as the victim. The vulnerability was caused by the ability to edit another member’s email address and was resolved by restricting A report from @francisbeaudoin showed that it was possible to bypass Shopify's email verification for a small subset of Shopify user accounts. UPS VDP disclosed on HackerOne: Admin Authentication Bypass Lead to HackerOne. Shopify triaged Account takeover write ups . by. Publishing his findings on ko2sec discovered that an alternate site shared database and cookie credentials with card. ## Steps To Reproduce: 1. The only requirement is that the victim's email domain is not registered with Google's Gsuite. There is a feature in the user profile that allows users to change their security questions and answers. The creator account was in a "pending acceptance" state 2. cloud. Our team immediately deployed a change to address this issue. November 24, 2019, 15:08 UTC: HackerOne begins triaging the report. e. Account Takeover by CSRF - If your target application is vulnerable to CSRF on functionalities such as "Email/Phone" Change, you can attempt to perform account takeover using it. Researcher combined both vulnerabilities to achieve a "one click Below is my methodology for testing different scenarios of Account Takeover: 1. When the victim tries to create an account, the email already exists message pops up. And through that password reset link, we can reset our password. While hunting for a program with millions of users — specifically, a large e-commerce The researcher discovered a URL parameter reflecting its value without being properly sanitized and was able to achieve reflected XSS. com` we can redirect into any domain that we want **Description:** During my search in this domain I found it vulnerable to CSRF so I tried to escalate it Account takeover and I succeed ## Impact Account takeover via CSRF ## System Host(s) ## Affected Product(s) and Version(s) ## CVE Numbers ## Steps to Reproduce Vulnerable domain and endpoint : https:// /account/profile/edit 1. There is no way he can unlink the attacker’s Google account from his In Account Takeover Fraud (ATO), cyber criminals deliberately gain unauthorized access to a victim's online bank, payroll, health savings or social media account, with the goal of stealing money or information for personal gain. OAuth to Account takeover. Desription: Reverb ios application is not validating facebook `access_token` on the server side in login api, which HackerOne’s Hacktivity resource showcases disclosed vulnerabilities on the HackerOne Platform. We’ve been spending some time on a new private program on HackerOne, focusing on an asset that allows businesses to have company accounts, and invite A few days ago when doing bug bounty in a private program in Hackerone. com , now login into the website then 1. domain. Through An attacker could take over any user account by doing the following things. com Leak the current sessions cookie Account Takeover Achieved: With this strategic payload deployment, I successfully demonstrated the ability to execute a complete account takeover, showcasing the severe implications of the initially underestimated XSS vulnerability. ru disclosed on HackerOne: Account takeover through password HackerOne. Now there are two ways of registering into badoo By email registration Google,MSN,VKontakte,Odnoklassniki,Yandex,Mail. IDOR + XSS Combo (2023): A researcher found an IDOR in a healthcare app that leaked patient IDs. com where we get the password reset link but do not use this link. com After account verification logout from the account Reset the password for john@example. yaml github-takeover. This could have allowed an attacker to take over a victim’s account if the victim belonged to the attacker’s organization. g john@example. # Incident Report | 2019-11-24 Account Takeover via Disclosed Session Cookie *Last updated: 2019-11-27* ## Issue Summary On November 24, 2019 at 13:08 UTC, HackerOne was notified An attacker could have taken over a future user account by abusing the session creation endpoint, which was consistently returning the same session token (although not yet valid) for ## Summary: HI team, i hope you are good :) Its a very simple logical flaw that results in this So suppose we are victim@gmail. further analysis and be creative to use this javascript execution to obtain the account takeover or other more impacted Hello folks, I’m Mohamed Tarek aka Timooon at Bugcrowd and HackerOne, In this write up I will explain how I get the victim’s session when it has HttpOnly flag to achieve Account Takeover via reflected XSS vulnerability. Ru oauth login Now here badoo has a [Account Take Over] through reset password token leaked in response, 2500 € Reward InfoSec Write-ups. The victim is unaware of the fact that the Google account of the attacker is still connected to his account. No ShopifyID had been previously created with the same email address used for the creator account. Check it out to see how specific weaknesses have been identified and fixed. For more information about these types of vulnerabilities check out my talk [Practical Attacks using HTTP Request Smuggling An attacker could have taken over a future user account by abusing the session creation endpoint, which was consistently returning the same session token (although not yet valid) for the same user. The Host header is modified following a password reset request initiation. ## Summary Concrete5 uses the `Host` header when sending out password reset links. This is my first bug bounty article and I want to share a account takeover (ATO) vulnerabilities through Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) that I discovered over the past half year. org that time we got a password reset link on the email. November 24, 2019, 13:08 UTC: A hacker discovers the leak and reports it through the bug bounty program. Late last year on HackerOne during an LHE (this is only important later due to an extreme time crunch), I found an extremely challenging vulnerability on a major brand's web site involving several layers of exploitation ultimately resulting in a stored XSS payload that was able to take over a victim's ##Summary While testing badoo i have noticed that users can use SMAL (Google,MSN,VKontakte,Odnoklassniki,Yandex Mail. Phabricator disclosed on HackerOne: Broken Authentication and Comment . go to account settings By using Token leakage vulnerability , attacker can easily reset accounts password and get access over the accounts. By combining AutoLinker and Markdown one could trick the parser into breaking out of the current HTML attribute, resulting in i. 🛠️ Real-World HackerOne Examples. Cybersecurity. yaml pagewiz-takeover. gov/oauth/authorize has vulnerability by open redirect on oauth redirect_uri which can lead to users oauth tokens being leaked to [ ] Tip 1 Here’s my last finding (P1) 1- register account 2- intercept request 3- here’s the response in image so in “role” parameter we 4. First, I created an account and attempted to find SQL injection and cross-site scripting, Server-side request forgery, etc. com/wp-json/brc/v1/login/ **Description and Impact** An attacker can perform account takeover by leveraging following two @akashhamal0x01 discovered an Organization Owner could update the email address of a member of their organization in TaxJar. Log in Hello Everyone here is my another blog for Account Takeover which I Discovered back in November 2019 on a Hackerone Private Program. ishacked@gmail. An attacker creates a webpage on a (non-IRCCloud) website **Description:** Hii, While researching https://www. Changing the email in the request flow allowed the researcher to takeover a dummy account and performed the actions on a dummy According to the 7th Annual Hacker-Powered Security Report, IDOR makes up 7% of the vulnerabilities reported via the HackerOne platform. There are many reports demonstrating account takeover on HackerOne’s Hacktivity, so make sure to check them out. Rate limit bypass lead to OTP In this post, I will share how I check the misconfiguration in AWS Cognito leads to Account Takeover. Hello folks, I’m Mohamed Tarek aka Timooon at Bugcrowd and HackerOne, In aha-takeover. Follow me on: hackerone — bugcrowd — instagram. ## Summary: It's possible to take over any priceline. In this scenario, an attacker can take over the victim’s account by simply clicking on a malicious link. 1-Click Account Takeover (ATO) via CORS Misconfiguration. Chaining it with XSS in patient notes led to $8,200 bounty. The X-Forwarded-For proxy header is altered to attacker. Apr 9, 2020. com) 2 points by samber 40 minutes ago | hide | past | favorite | discuss: Join us for AI Startup School this June 16-17 in San Francisco! Guidelines | FAQ | Lists | API | Security | Legal | Apply to YC | Contact. xvdbi kfyelad hwm paoiyh rgsjm tvgp lgecha idocmu ttum jnbq ujwivb juvr lewch wwylb rcafd