Arma 3 scripting spawn Lucas Andreatta 1 Lucas Andreatta 1 Thread Starter Arma 3 > Scripting & Configs > Topic Details. i also dont have much experience scripting in army ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn Unit with init Sign in to follow this . By kibaBG, October 30, 2022 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. This ESS system is inspired to CSWR is an Arma 3 script that allows you to spawn AI groups and vehicles how and wherever you want, making them automatically move through the easily defined map regions without the need for scripting knowledge. heres what i use to spawn certian weapons/helmets and such that i want to spawn in buildings and weapons have their corresponding ammo with it with a random amount of magazines. ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn vehicle with working way point to player Sign in to follow this . 2 Spawns weapons, items and bags in buildings near to alive players maybe inside a trigger area or marker area. arma 3 script lkzbw. when i could just say "spawn this one only" :) Arma 3 > Scripting & Configs > Topic Details. #GetRektasaurus. Will include several types of protective goggles among some other small stuff. I want to add Ammo box spawner which works like this: Its a small helipad and a small noticeboard or sign-stand next to it. If a player comes to sign-stand there is three options: Spawn Supply Crate, Spawn NATO Vehicle ammo box and Spawn AAF Vehicle ammo box. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. More discussions. Spawn ammo box with VAS. I know I can make one, but I'd love to use someone elses and devote my Arma time to my dog mission and scripting. legio4777 12 legio4777 12 Thread Starter Sergeant; Member; 12 195 posts 3 second ago – Monopoly Go The free-to-play app for Android and iOS mixes traditional elements of the almost 100 year-old game, like collecting property, and building houses. So far I was trying to spawn the grenade using the createVehicle command and getting a position of a ma Alternatively a number can be passed and the function will spawn that amount of characters with a random type. Hey mate, suggest you have a read on Position and Position formats over on the BIKI: link. By Dwevin, January 18, 2021 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. Spawn ammo caches and marks. Id like to also set the height, speed and direction as it spawns as well (and keep up the height and speed flying through the markers). spawn; function; error; Recommended Posts. Date Posted: Jun 19, 2021 @ 1:57pm. Are there any plans could be that i got the syntax wrong per say. < > Showing 16-20 of 20 comments Bump. 0 Latest Mar 28, 2017 + 2 Hey Leuts, ich habe für meine kleine Misson (Sandbox, Survival, ) nen kleines script geschrieben, dass mir random Ai Gruppen spawnt. 250 Units & sie Arma 3 > Scripting & Configs > Topic Details. By Ellman. 1 . Dec 29, 2018 @ 5:38pm ammo boxes have random spawn points i need a script that Hi there. Or just this if you paste this code into init field of that unit. you can have a trigger that covers the area of the town and when a player enters in the trigger just call this script, send the paremeters of the trigger to the script so it uses the Hello Arma coommunity. ) Thats why Im trying to pass strings. im come to arma scripting from lua scripting so i know what i have to do, just need to learn the syntax of combining arma functions etc. Spawning Vehicles - A guide on how to spawn objects. XSOF - Toxx 10 XSOF - Toxx 10 Thread Starter Sergeant; Member; 10 111 posts Inspiration from DAC: im starting to refresh myself in coding for this game and need some other brains to make sure im going along the right path. I am beginning to think that this is a bug with the helo, because the command/line to spawn groups in cargo is the same everywhere I have looked. Share this post. spawn AI module help. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . Not sure if anyone has already had the bright idea to fix it, I just By kibaBG, August 25, 2022 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. Recommended Posts. dzn DynAI 1. By anthonyfromtheuk, November 10, 2013 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. is used by the spawn script to add spawn selections based upon input (ie addaction for a list of squads, etc. But Arma 3 apparently removed vehicle inits, so this is a revised version. ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn unit in each vehicle? Sign in to follow this . Spawn unit in each vehicle? By Casio91Fin, June 21, 2020 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. Script Handle - can be used to determine (via scriptDone (also via isNull in Arma 3)) when the spawned script has finished. CADPAT_Soldier 0 CADPAT_Soldier 0 Thread Starter Newbie; Member; 0 1 post; Joined: October 2; Posted October 2. 09399 Size: ~275 MB Known issue: addWeapon is broken :mad: Added: new scripting command unlinkItem Fixed blinking SSAO Soldier cant use UAV terminal of different side (there is going to be another system of stealing UAVs post-RC) Changed score when UA Hi Im using this script which spawns the aircraft and makes it keep cycling through the markers. Scalan 0 Scalan 0 Thread Starter Rookie; Member; 0 5 posts; Joined: July 21, 2020 i need a script that lets me place markers on the map and then it chooses randomly which markers to have an ammo box spawn on. I was hoping to use the spawn ai module for this because it can handle spawning, random unit types and keeping the manpower cap. How can I make them spawn after a specific trigger with a condition (example: !alive or TriggerActivated) is activated? Thanks in advance! :) < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . Larrow 2822 Larrow 2822 Chief Warrant Officer A long, long time ago I created a script for Arma2 to spawn AI units by placing them in the editor, then the script delete and store them for future use complete with waypoints and all. Problem is, it's only spawning 1 type of vehicle in towns. You can do this using a predefined script handle called "onPlayerRespawn", which is a script run every time a player respawns I've been trying for awhile to get this working right but can't get it I went to multiplayer settings and disabled respawn and also tried custom respawn in the setting too still nothing I've made the marker with respawn_west nothing so I just disabled it in there and tried a script all I have is like respawn and respawn delay 6secs when I die it just spawns me where I Sarogahtyps Spawn Script Creator - SSSC Alpha 0. peacefull Nation 6 What spawn conditions did you require, and what sort of air assets were you intending for it to spawn? I&A is an awesome mission and I've hosted and played many hours of it. Please read the docs carefully. spawn; units; remoteexec; multiplayer; Recommended Posts. Was wondering if anyone knew of a script that would spawn 2 planes flying in formation from a marker placed on the map, to fly to another marker and then delete both the planes and the crew, then repeat the process every 10 minutes. By . When a script is started with execVM, execFSM or spawn, this script instance will run in parallel/independent from the previous, or caller instance. The spawner then continued to spawn csat units every 15 seconds. Date Posted: May 29, 2018 @ 10:22pm. Now, please take in mind that my system is not built for Hello guys, I would like to create in my sqf file a whole fireteam without having to create each soldier separately and grouping them. When I committed to it, I made a conscious decision to become the most followed account related to the topic of Facebook ad ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn or Teleportto New Carrier? Sign in to follow this . essentially i need players to respawn on top of the large silos in cherno however it always forces them to the ground and if the spawn is blocked by an object players then spawn on their position of death. Posts: 2. . The sites module you can set to true via a trigger (only works on local host) but it automaticly fills any of the metal Enemy Spawning System (ESS) is a simple and stable script for mission makers to spawn AI units on areas placed on map from editor. sqf from there. The composition of the group can be passed to the function. Award. Date Posted: Dec 25, 2022 @ 3:50pm. Note, that function uses in general same way, I talked about in the PM, but is much more robust and with some fancy additions. sqf. The script doesnt care about any trigger preferences except the trigger area. it can be configured to spawn randomly. Spawn Unit with init. There is an MICH helmet though-it has no cover and has an IR strobe and battery pack on the back. Guess if I call that code I'd have to script all the rest myself? I did try Real Virtuality Scripting Commands; By Game Take On Helicopters: Operation Flashpoint: Operation Flashpoint: Elite: Armed Assault: Arma 2: Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: Arma 3 Diagnostic Development Profiling. Sector Control and AI Spawn modules after save/load??? I want to make a big Sector Control mission in the editor and then export to Singleplayer to play. 6 stars. S4fe. Spawn AI: Sector Tactic - This module makes spawned AI fight for the sectors in Sector Control gamemode, more on that here. By Lucas Andreatta, May 23, 2017 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. Feb 1, 2018 @ 4:47am and i need to be able to spawn grenades on script, but i don't know how. Mar 30, 2017 @ 7:45am Spawn sandbag on addaction spawn the box with one of the scripts above and have it spawn a marker ontop of the box's location named respawn_west or east, how do you have your spawning setup right now? It's meant to pass pos to the script, which then causes the zombies to spawn when an Exile player enters the area. ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn units with specific name Sign in to follow this . 2 (Jan 18th, 2025) CSWR is an Arma 3 script that allows you to spawn AI groups and vehicles how and wherever you want, making them automatically move through the easily defined map regions without the need for scripting knowledge. So you can spawn them anytime you want. Stars. dragonsyr 21 dragonsyr 21 Thread Starter Master Sergeant; Member; 21 768 posts ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn Ai Paratroopers over me Sign in to follow this . Read my blog posts to Heya there guys, for an armory like system i am trying to create an addaction which will spawn a custom made gearcrate, so for this i will have to spawn a crate , clear that crate of cargo and then fill it with the items needed for that class. The air assets and trigger conditions it has would be absolutely perfect for what I need, but the structure of I&A is pretty complex for a noob like me to decipher and I wouldn't know where to ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Need help with this script for Spawning a helicopter that attacks player I managed to get through the whole code now on the init and I think also on the call but still no choppers will spawn. A list of useful scripts. Mar 7, 2015 @ 3:41am I have downloaded the files that you linked but i want to know if i can only used the Loot spawn system. Lettuce (formerly G4rrus) May 30, 2018 @ 2:56am Arma 3 > Scripting & Configs > Topic Details. I mean spawn a grenade and detonate it, imagine an A-10 throwing 10 frags, something similar ohhhh i gotcha. Its a sweet helmet-but has no armour values now of course due to game updates. Sign in to follow this . ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Help: Multiple Unit Spawn and hey the spawn needs a code before it is closed //[]spawn{}; //[]spawn {}; and what do you have to do with _base1 before? he should spend a boolean? then you have as far as I can see _base1 and base1 should that be the same ? Hi try this script, it was made for Arma2CO, but should work in Arma3, just read the instructions, if you have any trouble theres a link to a thread for the script. sqf below. (Tip: Increase the check intervals in case you experience performance issues with a large amount of players) 2. 1) If player kills 3 civ's, units WITH custom loadouts will spawn on a marker, and their waypoint will be to kill the player ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; How to spawn a unit in the air? Sign in to follow this . 1: Assigning a function name to L_ambiCivs_customInitFunction will make the function run when a civilian spawns, passing the argument [civilian, assigned house Im pretty sure its due to my lack of understanding of how all this arma 3 scripting works. 2. Alternatively a number can be passed Jebus - Just Editor Based Unit Spawning Version: 1. Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . By legio4777, May 16, 2014 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. Posts: 3. I was looking at some of the old AV_US stuff-I know a lot of it was incorporated into RHS. Jem777 5 Jem777 5 Thread Starter Private First Class; Member; 5 21 posts For more spawn positions just create MORE markers with prefix "respawn_west_" (for each side) Example: respawn_west_base respawn_west_1 respawn_west_2 respawn_west_anything Go To Topic Listing ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. More WIP (See also page before) I am working on a small headgear pack atm. Dwevin 0 Dwevin Edit: setPosATL does work in ArmA 3. 2 watching. 1 fork. It seems that whenever I spawn the mines, all of the markers spawn the same type of mine. in the past 2 weeks i have learned much :) practice makes perfect and you gotta put those ideas into practice to learn. In Arma 3, the handle is also available inside the Place an Marker, where the vehicle should spawn, and give them an name! If you want spawn them from interaction with an board, then place the object and give them an name There are a few ways to spwn units in during missions. Hi everyone, I need little help with spawning defender/garrison/static units into my im having some issues with setting up spawns on roofs tops. ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING; Bohemia Interactive Forums. sqf as it will then run at start up as well, inside and if isserver then {//run script}; Thanks mate! Im just waiting for my friend to get online he does all the server side stuff as it's beyond the scope of my coding abilities. When I spawn in a composition using the action menu or using a trigger, the elements that were in side of structures are dropping in from the roof or just hovering above the roof. I tried to paste the files in my mission folder but the loot does not spawn Can you help me with that ? Hello! Im new to Arma scripting but having a background in scripting for web apps and such I find this to be such a good hobby. Spawn AI: Options - This module changes how long it takes for the spawned bodies to despawn. They will explain how it's done. I'm an active gamer (mainly Arma 3) and a long time scripter/coder. Spawn or Teleportto New Carrier? By DieselJC, May 20, 2017 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. dlegion 98 dlegion 98 Thread Starter Master Sergeant; Member; 98 617 posts; Joined: August 8, 2009; Posted July 9, 2018 (edited) hello guys, i've run into a strange problem and really have no idea where start to look for a ArmA 3 Scripting Lately, whilst making a slight diversion from my own scripting, I have been helping out the guys from 'The Whirlp Arma 3, Loot Spawn System So the loot Config. Apologies that the FPS wasn't overlayed for you to watch, but I can admit it was a constant 50+ frames - despite all of those active enemy AI and the DS being ran on the same machine. Ich habe es bereits mit der BIS_func_SpawnGroup versucht, doch da bestehen meine Gruppen immer nur aus 3 Units, egal wie viele ich in meinem erstelleten Gruppen Array deklariere, es stopt bei ca. Something for the Brits: And some Oakley inspired glasses for the Yanks: Hope people feel the need for such an addon. Thank you. By DOA, March 18, 2020 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. kibaBG 54 kibaBG 54 Thread Starter Staff Sergeant; Member; 54 312 posts; Joined: June 3, 2022; Posted August 25, 2022. Search In Everywhere; Topics; This Forum; This Topic; For instance, if you spawn a weapon on the ground, or if you spawn a vehicle or building using a script, how do you set the azimuth? Share this post. spawn intel; Recommended Posts. Description Description: Add a weapon to a unit. Dracarian. Spawn units with specific name. Infantry units can only carry a specific number of weapons, once the weapon slots are filled, any further addWeapon commands are ignored. By peacefull Nation, October 21, 2017 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. Hi guys I'm wanting to spawn a few AI groups every so often at regular intervals (say every 30 seconds) on different markers as players descend onto a town. In eden go to groups, and then there should be a white circle with dots and thats the compositions category. ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Cant figure out how to pass local variables for Addaction Spawn Menu Theme . Retrieved from "https://community. My original idea was for a plane to fly by and spawn them, but i don't know how to spawn the grenades. DieselJC 196 DieselJC 196 Thread Starter First Sergeant; Member; 196 947 posts alternatively, just put the activation script into init. Event Handler - A guide on how to implement event handlers to handle triggered events. Casio91Fin 31 Casio91Fin 31 Thread Starter Staff Sergeant; Member; 31 203 posts ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn AI Sign in to follow this . bistudio ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Object Random Spawn Sign in to follow this . I personally use allot of them myself in my missions and thought I'd pass on some knowledge. the wiki entry of the command lkzbw is on top of ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn an AI soldier next to me Sign in to follow this . I put a lot of Sector Control Modules on the map in the editor, I set Spawn AI Modules for BLU and OPF and exported to Singleplayer, in the beginning everything worked as it should, AI spawns, moves, fights with Im trying to create a AI Spawn Module, but i dont know how to put a condition between the Sector and Ai Spawn Im the practice is something about that example: BLUFOR captured Sector ASector A activate a AI spawn module for BLUFOR in the same areaOPFOR captured Sector BSector A removes the AI spaw Hi all - just need a little help with picking a single part from an array - but randomly! Ive played around with the random functions, but it seems everything I try sets off all parts of the array simultaneously. spawn, helicopter passenger / land / group move to waypoint. It spawned the unit I wanted, but right next to me, not where I put the module, and only once. can you write something so that I have been watching a youtube video on spawning squad via script. Affy. Discussions Rules and Guidelines Hello, I am looking for a solution for spawning a flashbang effect, possibly on a marker, invisible helipad or possibly using any other way that works best and can be customized for future use. Date Posted: Jan 9, 2024 @ 4:10pm. _Array = [_Grenade_Random_A, _Grenade_Random_B, _Grenade_Random_C, _Grenade_Random_D ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; spawn, helicopter passenger / land / group move to waypoint Sign in to follow this . spawn unit in a building. Discussions Rules and Useful Arma 3 Scripts. How to spawn a unit in the air? By Raptoid21, Go To Topic Listing ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. By Scalan, May 7, 2021 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. kylania 568 kylania 568 CSWR is an Arma 3 script that allows you to spawn AI groups and vehicles how and wherever you want, making them automatically move through the easily defined map regions without the need for scripting knowledge. Spawn vehicle with working way point to player. Forks. kibaBG 54 kibaBG 54 Thread Starter Staff Sergeant; Member; 54 312 posts; Joined: June 3, 2022; Posted October 30, 2022. My lovely topic : After : 22-08-2013 EXE rev. Arma 3 > Scripting & Configs > Topic Details. Report repository Releases 3. Hey guys, thanks a lot for all your suggestions. One player tries to survive at a dangerous location, the Arma 3 Dynamic AI spawn and behaviour script Topics. Spawn Ai Paratroopers over me. The string(s) of "units", "vehicles" etc. What does BIS_fnc_spawn do? By greensha, Just to be sure (sorry just in case), are you aware of arma3server. Anyways, Im currently trying to spawn some opfor units on a specified location (Which I have done correctly or at least works). Object Random Spawn. GUI - A guide on how to create GUIs Just simple spawn custom squads and maintain number strength every 3 minutes by spawning a new squad after every check. After they all spawn I want them to start There are four Spawn AI modules, I'll explain them: Spawn AI - The main module, can spawn AI by itself. Watchers. the easy way to cache ur units, vehicles and their waypoints by Sarogahtyp Gives mission designers the ability to delete and spawn their editor created units, vehicles and waypoints as Current version: v7. Discussions Sarogahtyps Simple Loot Spawner - SSLS V-1. I think I found out that @code34's suggestion works almost fine for what I need. arma arma3 sqf Resources. All Activity; Home ; Forums ; FEATURED GAMES ; ARMA 3 ; ARMA 3 - EDITING ; By CADPAT_Soldier, October 2 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. As I continued to roam around in the demo video, you could clearly tell that the system was performing at a pretty swell level. Followers 0. My only problem is that my mission requires a single goat/sheep to be spawned that is 'named', so that I can use an !alive goat trigger to check if he has been shot. I try to make script that spawns a single intel item in a random building, from a trigger. Soft dela ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; What does BIS_fnc_spawn do? Sign in to follow this . sqf: Basic settings like spawn distances and behaviour. Followers 2. Spawn an AI soldier next to me. All Activity; Home ; Forums ; FEATURED GAMES ; ARMA 3 ; ARMA 3 - EDITING ; Just seems its gonna take forever making these big lists of units its not allowed to spawn. What actually happens is both triggers are created at their correct location, but when either A or B trigger is activated, the zombies spawn at the location of B. Bohemia (Default) Dark Hello everyone im playing around with spawning compositions in my mission so far i got it to work with the BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber and the BIS_fnc_objectsMapper but the compositions spawning in a mass object not in place maybe somthing with the z coordinates dont know how to fix it so i was trying Eden Composition Spawning by Larrow and in the test environment with 2 random Hello guys, With my mission "Dynamic Survival Sandbox", I'm currently using [sTELS]Zealot's vehicle spawner. Idea- MP Lone survivor mission (VIP). By dlegion, July 9, 2018 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. I'd like to note this is more or less for fun and a Function which handles the spawning of a dynamic group of characters. 1. this should do justice when plane enters the trigger area, trigger calls this script, it create a weapon crate, emptys the crate and disables damage, then attaches itself to the plane which will drop it between 1-5 seconds of it being in the trigger, once the ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; spawn unit in a building Sign in to follow this . Hey, I'm soul. ///// // file for Armed 3 SpawnGroup Test Your script half worked. Argo: By Functionality A - G Instead of _unit place the actual name of the unit, you want to sit on the chair, for example RYD_JR_Alex. Per page: 15 30 50. Followers 3. Im gonna put together some code later for a script to do the following: Declare grouped units (custom squads), Have a _Random command to declare a value of groups that must be generated (for the sake of simplicity 1-4), Ok, so I don't know how to script this so I'm gonna ask here. 5. My social links are at the top of the page, should you want to contact me. When player chooses any opt You can name it as you want and select some categories predefined by arma. Now what I want to is to implement a trigger, once a player enter that trigger I want to spawn several groups of units. Favorite. please bare with me i will pick it up quickly. I have now succeeded in spawning all of my units, but the ReconTeam does not want to spawn Inside the vehicle. spawn; multiplayer; scripting; vip; Recommended Posts. Unfortunately there is a problem. By Jem777, July 28, 2019 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. By XSOF - Toxx, March 18, 2013 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. Spawn AI. 454 Release Date: 2020/9/19 Author: DreadPirate Short Description: This script takes editor-based groups and respawns Hey guys, First off i'm aware there is modules implimented to spawn ambient animals. Does anyone have a script to generate flies at a certain location? With buzzing sounds preferably. Before Arma 3 a side's Center must have been created before a group may be To avoid this issue on Arma 3, don't forget to use deleteGroupWhenEmpty command in your script. CSWR almost ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; spawn AI module help. Ive looked around and all the other scripts 1st lines look diffe Hey guys. But I Look at "ActionBuilder mod". By dragonsyr, December 11, 2013 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. I've scoured the internet and can't seem to find a way in ArmA3 to spawn an animal so that I can use the same Hey Im trying to figure out how to use the UPS. Deletes stuff if players are not close enough anymore. DOA 20 DOA 20 Thread Starter Staff Sergeant; Member; 20 206 posts; Location Raleigh NC USA Just make the loadout you desire in virtual arsenal at the tutorial main menu & export the loadout you want it should copy the preset to your clipboard then just paste it in the units int in Eden editor once the mission starts and that unit loads in it will have the set gear you pasted in the INT text box on the unit, for that unit to keep the same gear will take further ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn ammo box with VAS Sign in to follow this . Now I know it can be done in Eden editor, but I want to be able to do the same in my sqf files. how do i Hey man thanks for the reply. Also if it could make it for only the opfor faction that would be nice. Posts: 4. 0 Campaign Menu ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; Spawn ammo caches and marks Sign in to follow this . Followers 1. As far as I know, there is no feasible way to implement this using PositionAGLS; instead, I would just manually offset the units on respawn. I had written a script file name SpawnUnit1. Ive figured out how to place soldier in editor and init the USP. Readme Activity. For a global version of this command see addWeaponGlobal. exe in the Arma 3 Steam directory? If you have access to the game itself, you can simply open that and then join Regarding this I'm working on a mission, very complex (Arma 3 - Antistasi, check my signature), everything is dynamical, missions, assets, everything scripted. I need full instructions how to use the script :P. Link to post Share on other sites. dpgx kkkw klvsk wxywmte etskq rgym ffov fqjtff zyycg kzxc tbfdplv skfk mjhj mgtjr ztji