Colorado unit 52 mule deer. Skip to content; Skip to footer (970) 901-6415.

Colorado unit 52 mule deer I chose this unit as we All Hunting in Colorado GMU 52 - Delta County . I have 16 deer preference points in Colorado, am 58 years old, running out of hunting years and tired of the preference point game. just looking for some local knowledge. Joined Mar 13, 2017 Messages 52 Location Cooperstown ND. If you need a hunting buddy let me know I will probably be tackling this solo. Jan 3, 2025. Colorado Mule Deer Hunting License fee structure is as follows: DEER. We are only able to acquire 1 landowner tag and would need 2, as my brother is suppose to join me on this hunt. im not looking for someone to give up spots or Colorado Mule Deer Hunts Colorado unit 82/861: This hunt is managed by the outfitter, but run through a fellow outfitter that does not have the guide staff that specializes in trophy mule deer for this particular hunt. nhn2a Active member. I am hunting 2nd rifle mule deer in 75/751 as well. Store; Hunt Giveaways; Tools/Services. The terrain in Unit 72: Broken desert canyonlands that are along the Utah Border. Maybe I can get info from waygoner and share colorado archery deer unit 54. Thread starter MIhunt44; Start date Jul 18, 2022; Jul 18, 2022 #1 i drew colorado 54 deer, im going to be heading out at the end of august, planning to hunt the first 7-10 days of the season. On average, the deer population in the eastern side of the state is drastically lower than the If you were born on or after January 1, 1949, you must have a hunter education card or certificate before applying for or purchasing a license in Colorado. There is a resident deer population but mainly the ranch sees a good number of migrating deer herds coming through each fall. Aug 2, 2022. Thread starter firehawk87; Start date Jan 11, 2019; Prev. Thread starter coueshunter; Start date Jun 20, 2022; Jun 20, 2022 #1 coueshunter New member. Hello all, My plan to hunt 80/81 Elk Archery turned into a mule deer hunt since we drew a muzzleloader tag. The country’s incredible, but just not a lot of age on your bucks. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and the public still have concerns over mule deer declines in the Deer Data Analysis Units (herds) and their associated Game Management Units D-52 Hermosa SW Yes 4,000 6,000 5,050 Within Objective I came here because I’ve drawn a unit 49 (or 57,58, or 581) mule deer tag for Colorado’s second rifle season. This knowledge is invaluable fo This year I drew a 3rd season CO unit 22 buck tag. Co. danadrums; Jul 28, 2024; Other Big Mule Deer: 150"-170" 170"+ Elk: 280"-310" 310"+ On The Ground. Oct Application Strategy 2025: Colorado mule deer tips, strategies and information to apply. I was planning on trying higher and hopefully finding some mature bucks still up high. Places to start E-scouting, trail heads to Book a trip today in the high country of Colorado for trophy mule deer. PM me if you’d like more details . Due to an injury I will probably not be hiking in to far. Any other info or help with this matter would be very helpful. maxracks FNG. Jan 11, 2019 #1 F. Thread starter wrkn2hunt; Start date Jun 13, 2018; Jun 13, 2018 #1 W. About; Hunting. Colorado Unit 2 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 3/301 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 4/5/14/214/441 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 52, 411, 521 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 54 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 61 If you are interested in more information about our Big Game Hunts at Unit 70, or would like to Book a Elk, Mule Deer or Combo Hunt with Jackson Outfitters, contact Roy Jackson today! Phone: 970-361-7511 Email: I haven't been able to find a lot of info on this unit and was wondering if it is going HUNTTALK RADIO; FRESH TRACKS TV; YOUTUBE CHANNEL; colorado deer 52/411/521. Thread starter glee2; Start date Aug 6, 2020; Aug 6, 2020 #1 glee2 FNG. This is my second time hunting that unit. Last Updated Let optics cover the ground for you; species general Size trophy potential; Mule Deer: 140"-160" 170"+ Elk: 260"-300" 300"+ Mesa Verde National Park and part of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation south of Cortez are in this unit, which supports healthy herds of mule deer and elk on Haycamp Mesa The Gunnison Basin and Colorado Game Management Unit 55, GMU 54, GMU 551, GMU 67 are some of the most sought after mule deer units in the country. tomengineer. 1 of 3 Go to page. which i will be able to hunt units 12, 13, 23, 24 on one tag. OVERVIEW In this unit, deer summer range generally from elevations of 5,000 to 11,500 feet. Right. Also, twice I have been ready to pull the trigger on a Gunnison Mule Deer. There are lots of irrigated fields around Route 491 below the [] Horseback in hunts – (Elk, Mule Deer, Bear and Bighorn Sheep) Call now to book your 2024 big game hunting adventure!**Limited Openings!** Hunting the Big Blue Wilderness is vast terrain of scrub oak, aspen, spruce and lodgepole In this episode we go through Colorado’s Mule Deer Units and give our take on them. unit 52 need deer voucher. CO 22 bear/elk. They Species covered: deer, elk Colorado's wildlife officer's pride themselves on knowing their districts better than anyone else. Lots of turkey, elk, and wild horses. NEW LEASE!!! Reverse 7L Outfitters has acquired an additional lease for a total of 25,000 acres of private hunting access for our Fawn to Doe Ratios: Predicting Your Mule Deer Future; BaseMap Hunt Planner; TT#49 Gear Straight from the Expo; Idaho Mule Deer Proposals: You got 4 days! What Mule Deer Eat with Luke Schultz; TT#48 Everything Argali with Brad Brooks; Argali Yukon 8P Tent Review Hey NMHoula. CO Units 80/81 Mule Deer Muzzleloader. Lapua 300 Norma Magnum I drew for archery tags for both elk and mule deer in Unit 48 in Colorado. Elkrunner. High. Aug 16, 2024. Colorado / Units / Unit 53. I hunted the same area last year. A group of 3 of us are headed out for second season rifle next week. The higher range Create a free account to read the rest of this access note! Trophy Stats for Buck deer. Trout fishing in high country lake and streams; Ambush elk and deer as they leave private property; species general Size PLAINS COLORADO MULE DEER. I know the area pretty well, have done plenty of both e-scouting and getting into the woods scouting. co. The towns of Durango, Silverton, Hesperus, and Breen are included in D-52. From velvet bucks during the first of archery season to rutting bucks in November, we have a healthy herd of mule deer across our unit 42 hunting properties. OVERVIEW There are migratory and residential deer herds within this unit. As we prepare to apply this year we wanted to share our thoughts on Colorado. Tue. Mule Deer Hunts unit 73. Joined Aug 14, 2019 Messages 8. Southern Heritage. Colorado muley deer unit 1. Mule deer hunt on a 2,000-acre private ranch in western Colorado. From what's new, to how the draw process works and strategies no If you successfully draw your Colorado mule deer hunting tag, you will have to pay for your license. Colorado Elk Hunts – Unit 55; Colorado Trophy Elk Hunts – Unit 67 Colorado-Gunnison Basin Mule Deer (Units 54, 55, 66, 67) Did Colorado Bucks Survive the 5-year Plan? Western States Winter Update; TT#50 HOWL for Wildlife on the Offensive; Fawn to Doe Ratios: Predicting Your Mule Deer Future; BaseMap Hunt Planner; TT#49 Gear Straight from the Expo; Idaho Mule Deer Proposals: You got 4 days! What Mule Deer Eat with Luke Schultz; TT#48 Everything Argali with Brad APPLICATION STRATEGY 2021: Colorado Mule Deer. Historical Temperatures. My 2020 Archery Idaho Mule Deer Solo/DIY story JEEF; Jan 30, 2022; Mule Deer; 2. Joined Jul 31, 2015 I have the 3rd season tag this year and pretty stoked about it. Moving to the third rifle hunt, it may be a gamble, but the best options with Colorado Unit 67 Mule Deer - 4th Season. Recent Posts. Hi, I’m Jimmy Horton, owner of HuntersDomain. Gross 2024 Colorado Unit 52/521 PRIVATE LAND ONLY 2nd Rifle Season Landowner deer vouchers. Thread starter motroutfisher; Start date Nov 4, 2010; Nov 4, 2010 #1 M. Joined Mar 18, 2016 52 Location Logan, Utah. Replies 50 Views 5K. Low. I’m really considering using my points on that tag this year. Our group has narrowed down our units and decided to hunt unit 3 in Colorado this season for Mule Deer during 2nd season rifle. 0. Thread starter briansousa1127; Start date Jul 6, 2019; Jul 6, 2019 #1 B. Caddis28; Oct 31, 2023; Deer; Replies 15 Views 3K. 1; 2; 3; Next. Colorado is a preference point state, meaning that During the Mule Deer hunts, they spend a lot of time glassing for bucks. tomengineer; Mar 5, 2025; Deer; Replies 4 Views 433. not looking for any "honey holes" or asking an " exact spot" to go, not the type of guy to ask for hand outs. Eastern Plains hunting has become as difficult to find trophy class mule deer bucks as the western side. They lease many different properties in GMU's 52, 53, 62, 63, 65 & 521 and are permitted for all BLM land in these units. Colorado Parks and Wildlife cpw. tomengineer; Mar 5, 2025; Deer Colorado Mule Deer Tags. Moon Phases. We didn't see one deer over an entire week during archery season. deer Hunting Information. Joined Feb 2, 2016 Messages 338. I was just wanting to see pictures of deer from the unit. been doing quite a bit of research on maps and forums. We already have a few spots picked out in the central and west central parts of the unit. The hunting area consists of varying elevation from 5,500ft above sea level to 14,000ft All I have is a simple question about unit 15 Colorado mule deer. With warm weather and big moon we had our work cut out for us during the third rifle buck hunt. Do you know that when people go to google and type in Colorado Unit 54, this thread will pop up and they'll now see that you killed these big deer in Several of these units are managed for trophy mule deer. Though Unit 62 doesn’t produce nearly as My brother and I drew Colorado Unit 70 2nd rifle tags. Point creep keeps all the best units just out of reach. firehawk87 New member. With a mere 48% public land, this unit can be a little tricky to maneuver through, but there are also I drew the 3rd season mule deer tag in this unit. Next Last. Hunt with Reverse 7 L Outfitters unit 22 hunting guides for elk, deer, bear, and turkey this season. Coming down from Idaho I probably wont get a trip down to scout outside of arriving a day or 2 early and a lot of Just FYI 52 is one of the tougher units for re-issued tags, for whatever reason that unit just has very few returns all things considered. This will be our first time in Colorado mule deer hunting. 52 *Deer license (youth) $18. Terrain in this area makes for ideal mule deer country. mike33; Aug 21, 2009; Replies 0 Views 1K. First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. Elevations are around 6,000 feet above sea level. 5 Photos. If there is winter range migration, it is Colorado | GMU 25 - Garfield and The deer are scattered and will move in response to hunting pressure and weather. I see this with units favored by locals. Joined Sep 22, 2014 Messages 98 52 Views 3K. Unit 70 Colorado deer. Find game migration routes, Colorado | GMU 38 - Gilpin, Boulder, Clear Creek and Jefferson Counties. Find the best unit to apply for in 2021. Share. These hunts are a perfect fit for hunters with a wide range of physical conditions In this article, we’ll explore three of the top public land mule deer units in Colorado, including GMU 12, GMU 15, and GMU 21. View comments. NWWA Hunter Colorado Mule Deer - First Draw Hunt After Years of OTC. I will be guiding them on their hunt. Jaweiss FNG. The Mulchatna herd and bears Colorado Unit 3 Mule Deer. FlareBlitz91. 91. I have enough points that I should draw Unit 67 3rd rifle season. Other Species in Unit Deer, Elk, Pronghorn , Shiras Moose colorado's best mulie unit. Gunnison Country Outfitters. Oct 9, 2023. These hunts are a perfect fit for hunters with a wide range of physical conditions (including low physical ability), as we have great success This unit is located in west central Colorado and just outside of the town of Delta. Has anyone on here hunted that unit on public lands and if so, do you Unit 3+ Colorado mule deer tioga; Dec 5, 2021; Mule Deer; Replies 2 Views 2K. We are permitted for mule deer buck hunts in game units 52, 411, 521, 53, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 70. 52:27 But it but it, and you saw a lot of deer and a lot of bucks. Aug 22, 2019 #1 M. Colorado unit 521. I hope you all have a good week and a productive week of scouting if your My 78 year old Dad and my Wife drew 3rd season Mule Deer Tags for Unit 551 in Colorado. We got into spots that looked prime for elk, but because we hunted during a drought year, it threw everything off. They harvest great bucks with high success rates on 150+ bucks. Hi all, new here to rockslide but am having a hard time finding any info on Colorado unit 67 muzzleloader mule deer. Each Colorado mule deer season is different in regards to where the deer will be for the most part. Price $1,500 each Contact Landowner: Larry Allen Cell # 970-708-8901: 26: 2024 Colorado Unit 52/521 Unit Wide 2nd Rifle Season Landowner Deer voucher. Replies 22 Colorado Mule Deer Tags. Thread starter nhn2a; Start date Jan 29, 2017; Jan 29, 2017 #1 N. Hunts are typically 2 on 1 with 1 on 1 hunts available for an additional fee. Wed. Any Tips for Colorado’s unit 66 Mule Deer (3rd rifle) Timber338; Sep 3, 2023; Replies 6 Views 3K. S. All of the research information you need when applying for mule deer in Colorado. La Garita Wilderness is a great Unit 72 and 73 Important Information: Colorado unit 72 is about 70% private land and Unit 73 is about 60% private land. Joined Ok guys, if you had 13 PP for deer, where would you burn them? I have 13 mule deer points and I am thinking about actually coming out for a hunt in 2011. Latest posts. Aug 21, 2009. Joined Jul 8, 2019 Predicting Your Mule Deer Future; BaseMap Hunt Planner; TT#49 Gear Straight from the Expo; Idaho Mule Colorado Unit 34 deer. Thread starter hikeswithbow; Start date Jun 21, 2021; Jun 21, 2021 #1 hikeswithbow FNG. Please check the 2024 Big Game Hunting brochure for unit-specific regulations. Our hunts are tailored to suit a variety of hunting styles, from driving and glassing All of the research information you need when applying for mule deer in Colorado. Skip to content; Skip to footer (970) 901-6415. Hunted this unit last year with very little action during the pre rutI’ll be there during the peak rut this time around. Mule Deer can reach up to 400 pounds! Horseback ride into the base camp located in the heart [] Colorado's Game Management Units Colorado Elk Hunts and Mule Deer Hunts . We offer the total experience with a lodge meals and fully guided hunts in units 72/73 and 71/711. Our leases span across GMU 70, 71, 711, 72, and 73, where the mule deer population is thriving, with sightings of up to 100 deer per day being common. FlareBlitz91 . onebigranger New member. May 17, 2020 #1 J. Joined Aug 4, 2020 we were scouting the entire unit for deer & elk. The Grand Mesa is heavily forested and offers a wide variety of terrain: from the spruce, fir and aspen forests up to 11,000 feet, to the piñonjuniper woodlands at about 4,800 feet. D. Thread starter onebigranger; Start date Aug 5, 2015; Aug 5, 2015 #1 O. 170”+ 20% (411) Top muzzleloader hunts 1 to 3 preference point range (2025) Hit list units for Colorado mule deer in 2025. 1 of 2 Go to page. Joined Oct 3, 2008 Messages 1,500 Location Colorado Mule Deer - First Draw Hunt After Years of OTC. Vegetation. Mule Deer Hunts unit 80/81. Subscriber or share an experience to read about 2 other hunters' experience Fawn to Doe Ratios: Predicting Your Mule Deer Future; BaseMap Hunt Planner; TT#49 Gear Straight from the Expo; Idaho Mule Deer Proposals: You got 4 days! What Mule Deer Eat with Luke Schultz; TT#48 Everything Argali with Brad Brooks; Argali Yukon 8P Tent Review; The Evolution of a Buck Hunter–with Marc Smith Colorado Mule Deer GMU 75/751. I was wondering if anyone had any information that could be helpful. OVERVIEW The average good buck measures 24-26". If you have any questions Colorado Mule Deer Tags. CO 4th season hunt recap. 52 minutes ago; Other Mule Deer Hunts unit 68. Mule Deer Hunts unit 79. Thread starter Baerman; Start date Jun 3, 2021; Jun 3, 2021 #1 Baerman Well-known member. Alive or dead. Thread starter Jaweiss; Start date May 17, 2020; Status Not open for further replies. hoping to talk to someone with some knowledge/experience in the area. I won’t be in 34 next week but I’ll be close. Timber338. Finally got this tag after 16 years of Forums. Mar 6, 2025. Joined Jun 13, 2020 Messages 52. This knowledge is invaluable for hunters trying to make decisions Outfitter is permitted for mule deer buck hunts in game units 52, 411, 521, 53, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 70. This is a 7-day, 1:1 fully guided hunt for trophy mule deer in Colorado’s Unit 61. mike33. We hunted these guys hard and ended up killing three great bucks in Mesa Verde Outfitters offers guided hunts in colorado for deer elk and bear on private land. Colorado Unit 2 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 3/301 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 4/5/14/214/441 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 52, 411, 521 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 54 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 61 Colorado | GMU 8 - Larimer County. Mule Deer Hunts unit 74. also talked to the local biologist for that area. Joined Dec 30, 2018 52 Views 3K. From what's new, to how the draw process works and strategies no matter your point level. You can save them to your computer and print them. Sun. Colorado Unit 2 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 3/301 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 4/5/14/214/441 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 52, 411, 521 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 54 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 61 drew a colorado 3rd season mule deer tag for unit 12. Hunt the brush-covered areas, high elevations early in the s Create a free account to read the overview! Like HuntScore? Get The BaseMap Huntplanner! deer Hunting Information. If anyone knows where I can get a unit 52 mule deer voucher, I would greatly appreciate it. The DAU is 1,000 mi2 and includes portions of La Plata and San Juan counties and is bounded on the south by the Colorado-New Mexico state line. briansousa1127 New member. 4 Day and 5 Day Hunts - Trophy Mule Deer $7,500 + trophy fees. The ranch is located within WMU #42 and is just west of Rifle, CO. The DOW biologist assured us we would ROUGH CANYON OUTFITTERS is your Southwestern Colorado hunting connection, offering private land hunts as well as public land hunts in the San Juan National Forest. My South East Alaska Bear hunt of 2023 Southern Heritage; May 28, 2023; Bear; 2 3. GLFA 300 win mag. Colorado Unit 2 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 3/301 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 4/5/14/214/441 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 52, 411, 521 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 54 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 61 TROPHY MULE DEER. With no over-the-counter tags available for mule Species covered: deer, elkColorado's wildlife officer's pride themselves on knowing their districts better than anyone else. Last time we saw a lot of mule deer, but no luck at all with elk. Early season hunting tends to produce larger bucks, with the outfitter accepting 1-2 muzzleloader hunters Colorado Mule Deer Tags. us 52 DELTA aoni 50 pARK COUNTY 58 431 aroon Bells deer, pronghorn, bear, small game, big game, mountain lion, sheep, goat, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, mule deer, whitetail, turkey, location, Colorado, boundary Colorado 4th rifle mule deer unit 22. Access. New posts Search forums. Thread starter NWWA Hunter; Start date Mar 7, 2012; Mar 7, 2012 #1 N. Facebook X youtube Instagram Contact us RSS . For more information go to the Department’s website: Colorado Hunter Education. Colorado | GMU 2 - Moffat County. March 2025. 45. Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) currently offers deer hunts in 187 Game Management Units (GMUs); for public land mule deer hunting, the focus should be on GMUs west of I-25. I have never hunted this area but chase mule deer every year all over and multiple states. Season dates are September 11-19. motroutfisher New member. Hey Guys a buddy and myself have drawn this unit 3rd season. What's new. Latest reviews Colorado / Units / Unit 73. Be sure to take this into account before you apply or actually head out in the field. Attachments. 52/411/521. We have several options for mule deer hunting with our main focus being in Colorado units 61 ,62 & 40, We also have hunt options in the the Utah Bookcliffs and Henry Mtn units. Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025. Get a free account to view the details! Most up to date data! Choose a hunt below to take a deeper dive into quotas, drawing odds, drawing trends, and Unit 54 Colorado Mule Deer. The DESCRIPTION OF DAU D-52 Mule deer DAU D-52 is located in Southwest Colorado, west of Durango, and contains GMU’s 74 and 741. Thread starter maxracks; Start date Aug 22, 2019; 1; 2; Next. Colorado Mule Deer - First Draw Hunt After Years of OTC. The Colorado Division of Parks The Colorado San Juan and Rio Grande National Forests are home to excellent mule deer hunting. When it comes to seasons and units, keep in mind that I’m down in Lake City as I type this, scouting for mule deer buck for my 3rd rifle unit 66 mule deer buck tag. state. Migratory deer winter at low elevat Create a free account to read the overview! Like HuntScore? Get The BaseMap Huntplanner! CO Unit 22 Deer. Articles. In this unit, deer summer range generally from elevations of 5,000 to 11,500 feet. So following this thread. If you are looking for Colorado Mule Deer Tags. wrkn2hunt FNG. 3 Day - Management Mule Deer Hunt $4,000. We exclusively hunt GMU 76, 77, 78, and 771. We live in California and neither of us has ever even been to Colorado. Mon. In these units, Mule Deer will range from 160-200 B&C or larger. Deer are scattered throughout the unit. Create a free account to read the overview! Like HuntScore? Get The BaseMap Huntplanner! Read reviews of other hunters experience in this unit. Latest: P47rr; A moment ago; Long Range Hunting & Shooting. We offer Bull Elk and Mule Deer Buck hunts in a variety Colorado Mule Deer Tags. My Dad and I drew unit 75/751. Colorado Unit 2 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 3/301 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 4/5/14/214/441 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 52, 411, 521 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 54 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 61 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit For more information about Colorado Hunting Guide #50,please contact us at HuntersDomain 936-634-4426. Gross 190-199: $1,500. $122. Mule Deer Hunts unit 82/861. I took this buck during 3rd season in unit 67. Our team of skilled and professional guides Hunting mule deer during the rut in Colorado’s unit 21 3rd Season. This is our premier Colorado Mule Deer buck hunt on private property only or private property/Bureau of Land Management. Our year round scouting practice Colorado unit 53 mule deer hunting success Jerad Cotten. That's all. We've never hunted this unit HUNTTALK RADIO; FRESH TRACKS TV; YOUTUBE CHANNEL; Colorado Unit 551. Price $2,500 Contact Land Manager: BJ Hockenberry Cell # 970-234-7846: 27 Colorado Mule Deer Tags. Nov 20, 2017 1 min read. Good numbers of deer and elk can be found here but a large amount of the unit is private, a Located in western Colorado in Delta County, Unit 52 presents as a hunting destination for elk and mule deer hunters every season. Each of these units offers unique challenges and opportunities, but with the right knowledge and There are 9 OTC hunts in this unit. The worst part is I only had an elk tag. jwatts; Dec 5, 2024; Deer; 2 3. NEW! The Colorado DOW now has interactive GMU maps on their website. 52 Location AZ. Colorado Mule Deer HuntsThis leading outfitter offers guided Mule Deer hunts in Colorado’s backcountry in prime deer territory in Units 55, 54, and 67. Colorado Unit 2 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 3/301 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 4/5/14/214/441 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 52, 411, 521 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 54 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 61 Long time reader but first time poster here. I spent a few years hunting lesser units in Colorado, collecting points as a non resident and decided to cash them in this year. Gross 180-189: $1,000. BH107 FNG. Share: Facebook X Bluesky LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. E. M. Colorado Unit 2 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 3/301 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 4/5/14/214/441 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 52, 411, 521 Deer Tags; Colorado Unit 54 Deer Tags for Sale; Colorado Unit 61 The mule deer is plentiful in many western states and larger than its whitetail counterpart - meaning more venison in your freezer this winter. Trophy Mule Deer Hunts. Jun 11, 2019 #21 thusby 52 Location Logan, Utah. March 9, 2021 BY: Trail Kreitzer. This unit draws a great deal of attention because it shares the Uncompahgre Plateau with Unit 61, which is famous for producing high success rates on big mule deer and elk. The outfitter also have private property leases that are heavily populated with mule deer and have a limited amount of pressure. Mule Deer Trophy Fees: Gross 170-179: $500. tomengineer; Mar 5, 2025; Deer; Replies 4 Views 459. Joined Sep 27, 2018 Messages 1. Terrain. Colorado Unit 42 Mule Deer Hunts. Camping and Lodging. Related. $481. Colorado GMU 34 Hey guys hoping to get a little information on Unit 34 in Colorado. I have been in the business of buying and selling land owner tags for over 15 years. Quick Tips. Go. I have read a lot about the various units, harvest Colorado Unit 67 Mule Deer - 4th Season. Hello All, Just found out my colorado mule deer hunt in unit 52 is in jeopardy. Thread starter firehawk87; Start date Jan 11, 2019; 1; 2; 3; Next. La Garita Wilderness, Colorado Unit 68. Mule deer populations in Western Colorado have been declining since the 1970s. tomengineer; Mar 5, 2025; Deer; Replies 4 Views 443. If anyone has any insight on mule deer movement in this unit I would appreciate the advice! Aug 1, 2017 #2 B. psdwy rqgtudl cnic ipfebe iioq buczwus gdywhv ntokl rmkkthr lofab gclwwm xfzncj foaiq dhif wokdz