Fracture management in ayurveda. A case study of Ayurvedic management of Katishool with .
Fracture management in ayurveda jaydip Pawar, dr. today we are able to examine the fracutred bone directly In traditional Ayurveda practice, the fracture of bones and their treatment was first mentioned in SUSRUTHA SAMHITA – Chikitsa Sthana from the view of surgical management. sagar shinde ,prof. Varicose veins is a chronic disease, commonly afflicting the lower limbs, particularly the persons in higher age group, engaged in arduous work, or in prolonged standing jobs, etc. In the present article we try to explore the undercover AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF BONE FRACTURE IN SMALLER BONES: A SIN-GLE CASE STUDY 1Vishnu Damodar, 2B G Kulkarni, 3Varun T V, 4Shyny Thankachan 1PhD Scholar, Dept. Many of the new techniques are developed for the management as per the condition. It is a key component of several formulations for Bhagna management. uction, Ayurvedic texts have illustrated fracture as being the loss in the continuity of the bone due to pressure. " Modern definitions of a fracture include "a break in a bone's surface, either across its cortex or through Modern medical science gained excellence in the management of fractures. The treatment of the fracture includes treatment principles then specific treatment for different bones, clinical criteria's to assess bone healing, followed by Pathya Apathya (do's and don'ts). Laksha is a good bone healing so for the healing purpose internal Laksh Guggulu was given 1gm Ayurvedic Management of Non-Healing Fracture - A Case Study Author: Komal Sathavara1 Co Authors: Jigna Yadav2 and Anamika S. Principle aim of management of fracture is to restore the normal or near to normal The fracture of childhood becomes stable in one month, the fracture of youth in two months, and that of old age in three months. Evidence-Based Management of Fracture Healing through Sri Lankan Traditional Medicine: Case Series Gunarathna EDTP,1* Weerasinghe TRTD,2 Kulathunga RDH3 1 Senior Lecturer, 23 Professor, Department of Ayurveda Medicine and Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka Summary of article contents: Introduction. department of Kayachikitsa, Akhandanand Ayurveda College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India INTRODUCTION A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone1 & Non-union is thought to occur in approximately Ayurvedic Treatment for Tailbone Pain (Tailbone Pain): Tailbone pain, also known as coccydynia, can be caused by various factors such as injury, poor posture, or chronic conditions. The principles laid down by Sushruta The principal of management of fracture includes pain management, reduction, immobilization and rehabilitation. 2023,12(5), 5527-5534 5531 T et al 15 Ayurveda, Ayurveda medicine, Ayurveda in Sri Lanka, Ayurveda general medicine, Ayurveda fracture management, Ayurveda Orthopedics, Sri Lankan traditional med Osteoporosis is a generalized skeletal disorder of low bone mass and deterioration in its architecture causing susceptibility to fracture. 2024;15 (1):65-74. He was taken to a nearby hospital and was diagnosed with a bone fracture of the left forearm. Ayurveda offers several external therapies that can aid in the healing process. Initially, nonunion bone was immobilized The duration and type of rehabilitation treatment required following a fracture are related to the associated soft tissue involvement, as well as the location and type of fracture and the method of stabilization, Protocols for rehabilitation must be based upon stability of the fracture and fracture management (operative, non operative). Pain may radiate towards the muscles. Ayurveda has a rich tradition of using herbs to promote health and treat various conditions, including bone fractures. He has dynamically played a pivotal role in handling more than 100 plus patients through traditional fracture management techniquesnarrated in Ayurved Classics. e. Tejas V. A common scenario in day-to-day life, fracture is a main concern when anyone has a fall or is involved in an accident. This is a case of a 14-year-old boy who fell on his outstretched hand while playing cricket. Request PDF | Fractures: Ayurvedic and modern perspectives | The study explores the concept of Asthibhagna, the traditional system of fracture management, and compares it to the understanding of Get best ayurvedic treatment for osteoporosis in Kerala. net FRACTURE MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES IN AYURVEDA WITH CURRENT INTERPRETATION: A REVIEW Sanjeev 2Sharma 1*, Suman Sharma , Manorma Singh 3 1Professor, P. A bone may get fractured completely or partially and it is caused commonly from trauma due to fall, motor vehicle accident or sports. Prof. The care of fractures in modern science includes reduction, immobilization of the broken area, use of NSIAD, calcium supplements, etc. Topic : fracture management Ayurvedic Treatment in kerala “Fracture” implies to broken bone. At my Ayurveda clinic, fracture is a common complaint. For the management of Colles fractures through herbal formulation, Planet Ayurveda provides the best herbal remedies to maintain the bone calcium level and also Prospects of management principles mentioned in Ayurveda are evident from the act that along with the general principles of fracture management an additional stress has been given on the local application of various Lepa & By using Ayurvedic protocols, polyherbal formulations effective pain management is possible and use of NSAIDs and opioids can be minimised. In this case, Ayurvedic management demonstrated effectiveness, Colles fracture is the commonest fracture encountered in orthopedic practice that demands prompt therapeutic intervention, and adequate follow-up to ensure complete healing. The spine, hips, ribs, and wrists are common The duration and type of rehabilitation treatment required following a fracture are related to the associated soft tissue involvement, as well as the location and type of fracture and the method of stabilization. etc. of Rachana Sharira, PIA, Parul University, Vadodara. [see source text or glossary: #Sthana#] This term means 'location' or 'chapter' in the context of Ayurvedic texts which discuss fracture management strategies. Modern medical science gained excellence in the management of these injuries. Keywords: Vertebral Compression Fracture, Low Backache, Katishoola, Panchakrama, Matrabasti, Patrapinda Swedana. of fracture factors of Ayurvedic and This article will explore the various B one Fracture Treatment In Ayurveda and bone fracture symptoms and how they work. J. The management of long bone fracture runs through the basic principle of fracture It is widely believed that Ayurveda fracture management is promising, thus herbs composite in Ayurveda treatments likely facilitate the bone growth at the fracture site. KEYWORDS-Ayurveda,Bhagna, Fracture, Management I. There are two main treatment approaches - conservative management involving closed reduction, immobilization and traction, and surgical management using open reduction and internal fixation. Bones are a kind of tissue that has a very complicated metabolism as well as a high capability for Definition of fracture: Bhanj Aabhanjane, according to Ayurveda, means "To Break. B. presence of at least one fragility fracture AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT: As we know allopathic drugs are not devoid of adverse effects . It may potentially cause paralysis. com. Medicine & remedies Since the bone becomes fragile and weaker, the risk of fracture can be definitely increased. Classical texts of Ayurveda viz. In Ayurveda, Sushruta Samhita describes Bhagna Chikithsa (treatments for fractures). Fracture is termed as Bhagna in Ayurveda which means break or break in continuity of bone. 2) Clavicle fractures are usually caused by a direct blow Ayurveda has a vast explanation of treatment of different types of fracture depending upon its site, here are a few common sites and treatment of fractures. At Vaidhyamana Ayurveda, every treatment is In this case report single case was presented having the fracture of forearm i. Acharya Sushruta described exclusively about fracture, its etiology, classification and various modalities of the management. 06 Sep, 2024 243. Among the different types of fractures, ancient Indian surgeons gave importance to the fractures of thigh, spines, shafts of long bones, and the pelvic region. Through Fairpharma's commitment to sustainability and fairness, individuals can access Ayurvedic remedies that address the root causes of back pain while promoting overall well-being. Pharmacophore. Sushruta Samhita, Vagbhatta Journal name: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Original article title: Management of fracture and dislocation in ayurveda The WJPR includes peer-reviewed publications such as scientific research papers, reports, review articles, company news, thesis reports and case studies in areas of Biology, Pharmaceutical industries and Chemical Rubia cordifolia, or Manjistha, is used in Ayurvedic fracture treatments. A comprehensive review of Murivenna, an Ayurveda formulation Section A-Research paper Eur. Ācārya Sri Lanka has a well-established traditional fracture management system (Kedum Bindum Vedakama). Department of Shalya Tantra , Rajiv Gandhi Government. As per the condition Acharya Sushruta described Many of the new techniques are well developed for the management of fracture like as it’s etiology, classification, and various modalities of the management. There was no history of injury. Herbal remedies for bone fractures promote Review of Current Ayurvedic Drugs for Treating Fractures. D. Soni3 1,2,3P. Sushruta Samhita have a separate chapter for bhagna etiology, features, types, prognosis, Management by name of Bhagna-Kandabhagna-Sandhimukta. Res. So how does the bone recover after a fracture? What does Ayurveda treatment for fractures involve? Let’s take a look! In the vast literature of Ayurveda, orthopaedic condition is well elaborated in the name of Bhagna Chikitsa. The present review is aimed to compile the various concepts of fracture management as described in Ayurveda, their possible interpretation according to the modern science and to impress upon the practical utility of these principles in the management of the skeletal injuries. The main objective of any fracture management is to promote proper healing of the fracture without As regards treatment, modern fracture management requires hospitalization . Submit Search. The tailbone, or coccyx, is the small triangular bone at the base of the spine. In Ayurveda, bone fractures were classified into two types “dislocation (Sandhimukta) and fracture (Kandabhagna)”. The Ayurvedic term for fracture is Bhagna [6]. Dr. Vishwanath Sharma2, Dr. While the Sanjeev Sharma et al / Int. But in Ayurveda, also the fundamental principles are Generally conservative treatments after 24–48 months of follow-up are best implemented and effective before the onset of subchondral fracture [[18], [19], [20]]. X-ray reports showed nonunion of the humerus. Ayurveda offers effective treatment for rejoining bones and restoring them to their original form and strength. Fracture is a multifaceted pathology and its judicious management requires a rational and holistic approach . Sheshashaye3 and Dr. Ayurvedic texts have illustrated fracture as being the loss in the continuity of the bone due to pressure. Looking for an Ayurvedic support for fractures? Check out Dhanvantaram As surgery made fast development down the centuries, the treatment of fracture began to be studied as separate branch called Orthopedics or the art of correcting and preventing defor Fracture & dislocation is well described in Ayurveda. various modalities of the management. Expert in dealing Fracture cases, Spine related diseases, Knee, shoulder, ankle joint injuries & Sports injuries. According to Ayurveda, a fracture is known as Bhagna and can be brought on by many physical traumas such as Orthopedic conditions are well explained and documented in the literature of Ayurveda in the name of “Bhagna Chikitsa”. healing process, rehabilitations etc. HERBAL REMEDIES FOR FRACTURE HEALING BY PLANET AYURVEDA. Multiple etiological factors like physical, hormonal Conservative Ayurvedic management for Colles fracture promotes healing with adequate follow-ups and interventions. Protocols for rehabilitation must be based upon stability of the fracture and fracture management (operative, non-operative). Generally, 10 SREELEKHA ET AL AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF BOTH-BONE FRACTURE OF THE FOREARM -A CASE REPORT Kerala Journal of Ayurveda 2(2): 09–12 (2023) Samkshepana (Manipulative reduction) and andhana (bandage), which are practiced even today2. Blog +91 7304500869. Numerous native substances that can aid in the healing of the fracture have been described in ancient treatises. Toshikhane has treated more than 3000 patients of such disorders. But in Ayurveda also the fundamental principles of technical management of fractures loke first aid, re. BipulBorthakur. 4 1PG Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Shri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Bengaluru. A case study of Ayurvedic management of Kitibha Kushtha with special reference to Palmoplantar Psoriasis. G. Prospects of management principles mentioned in Ayurveda are evident from the act that along with the general principles of fracture management an Patient was asked to follow orthopedic clinic but defaulted and presented to Ayurveda management. Osteoporosis is often known as a silent one, because a person can’t feel bone weakening. sunil fracture can be either in the form of cracking (as in a hip fracture) or collapsing (as in a compression fracture of the vertebrae of the spine). In paste form, it is applied to injuries to aid in healing, reduce swelling, and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Saurabh Agrawal4 1M. Clavicle fracture and its management . ijrap. An effort has been done to compile and describe the principles of fracture management with possib le interpretation according to the modern medical science. The basics Fracture is the complete or partial break or discontinuity in a bone in the body. On further examination and investigations, it was diagnosed as collapse compression fracture of D12 vertebral body. Hence, once applied on the Vatavidhvamsana rasa (VVR) is a well-known herbo-mineral formulation explained in classical ayurvedic text Yogaratnakara and also quoted in Ayurveda Formulary of India (AFI) and is mainly Introduction: A Female patient aged 76 years approached our hospital with severe low back pain, inability to sit or stand since 2 weeks. colles' fracture. Abhyanga (Oil Massage) This traditional Ayurvedic treatment involves Ayurvedic Management of Non-Healing Fracture - A Case Study Author: Komal Sathavara1 Co Authors: Jigna Yadav2 and Anamika S. AyurWakeUp provides 100% authentic osteoporosis treatment in ayurveda. Acharya Sushruta, the father of Surgery and the pioneer of Sushruta Samhita has described absolute about fracture’s etiology, classification and various techniques for its management. He has extensive knowledge in the management of Anorectal Disorders like Piles, Fistula, Fissure. External Therapies: Ayurvedic Treatments for Fracture Recovery. 1) The clavicle is the most commonly fractured bone in the shoulder girdle. 2Professor & HOD, Dept. Chem. Hence, once applied on the MANAGEMENT OF FRACTURE AND DISLOCATION IN AYURVEDA Dr. INTRODUCTION- Bony fracture is one of the worst disorders that can develop after a bodily injury. Traumatic events like injuries, accidents, or fights cause them. In Ayurveda, the treatment of fractures and dislocations is known as Bhagna Chikitsa, and it falls under the categories of surgery and para-surgery. Various types of fractures, methods of reduction, and healing have been explained in the classical Ayurveda texts. After proper union of fracture, it is desirable that the joints regain normal functions and shape, which is why rehabilitation is an inevitable treatment principle in fracture management 1. Bull. *1, Dr. Materials and Methods: A set of treatment protocols including Vasa Prusta Principle aim of the management of fracture is to restore the normal or near to normal structural integrity and physiology of the fractured part at the earliest, without complications or with minimal complications. Fracture not only restricts the physical movements but also cuts the social, economical, Fracture is a multifaceted pathology and its judicious management requires a rational and holistic approach . Clavicle fracture and its management - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 1. Asthibhagna (fracture) means physically handicapped in general assumptions but it is more than that. r. Bhagna in ancient period and surgical management and complications and their management. These are typical in those who do sports or stunts. Pariseka (Sprinkling) Prior to embarking on the subsequent stages, Acharya Sushruta recommends adhering to a general treatment regimen. Ayurvedic Approach in the Management of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Annular tear – A Herbal Remedies For Colles Fractures By Planet Ayurveda. The management of fractures, referred to as 'Bhagna' in Ayurveda, is a well-documented aspect of traditional Indian medicine. G. . Initially, nonunion bone was immobilized for six Acharya Sushruta has mentioned detailed diagnosis and management for all orthopedic injures under the heading bhagna. Ayurvedic AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF COLLE’S FRACTURE A CASE STUDY Dr. Fracture of bone is a condition in which a patient experiences unbearable pain and if not cured in the right way can cause major trouble to the patient and can lead to lifetime Murivenna, is an Ayurvedic medicated oil used for acute injuries like contusions, fresh wounds and in fracture management. Gout-An increased value of uric acid in the blood may also cause knee painOsteoarthritis-It is due to aging and wear and tear on the joint hence causing knee pain. Widely regarded as the best Ayurveda hospital in Kerala, Vaidhyamana combines centuries-old traditions with modern therapeutic practices to offer a holistic healing experience. These herbs promote bone growth, reduce inflammation, and improve bone health. 44) Stiffness: After a fracture heals, stiffness is a common issue as it limits In traditional Ayurveda practice, the fracture of bones and their treatment was first mentioned in SUSRUTHA SAMHITA – Chikitsa Sthana from the view of surgical management. Discussion: In this case study we are focusing in the management of low backache due to wedge compression fracture through Ayurveda oral medicine along with Panchakarma to further deterioration of Download Citation | Ayurvedic and modern perspective of bhagna- a conceptual study | Acharya Sushruta has mentioned detailed diagnosis and management for all orthopedic injures under the heading The disease management options available with the modern system are. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF FRACTURES Pain at the site of the fracture Tenderness Bleeding Swelling Pain may radiate towards the muscles. Consultation Assessment of outcome following Ayurveda treatment protocol was done in a complicated case of spinal fracture with motor dysfunction and having a past history of Pott's disease. The doctor suggested an open reduction, but they Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are the most common complication of osteoporosis, affecting more than 700,000 Americans annually. Discussion: In this case study we are focusing in the management of low backache due to wedge compression fracture through Ayurveda oral medicine along with Panchakarma to further deterioration of the condition of the patient. Traditional medical system is esteemed to own plenty of effective herbal preparations that are capable of increased fracture healing activity and antimicrobial properties. Shailaja S. Ayurveda Pharm. Pramod Kumar Mishra2, Dr. Hence, once applied on the It is widely believed that Ayurveda fracture management is promising, thus herbs composite in Ayurveda treatments likely facilitate the bone growth at the fracture site. The bone should be treated quickly if it is fractured. Discover the world's research 25+ million members Nestled in the serene landscapes of Kerala, Vaidhyamana Ayurveda stands as a beacon of authentic Ayurvedic healing and wellness. Annapure explore the principles of fracture management as articulated by Acharya Sushruta, emphasizing their significance in modern contexts. Scholar PG Department of Swathvritta and Yoga, PGIA, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Specialization in Asthi and Marma Chikitsa, Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (Nangelil In the current traditional system of medicine in Sri Lanka, the fracture management is combined with Ayurveda and native orthopedic system. The bone break produces intense pain, inflammation, numbness, and tingling. 5 There is a specific management protocol for different Bhagna in Āyurvedic texts, which is practiced nowadays. It is classified into Sandhimukta and Kānḍabhagna. Ayurvedic View of bone fracture treatment in ayurveda In ayurveda, bone fractures are caused by an imbalance in the Vata Dosha, which controls the movement and communication of nerve impulses in the body. In Ayurveda, fracture is termed as Bhagna. It can be of two types Sandhimoksha (dislocation)and Kandabhagna 1(bone fracture) . Planet Ayurveda has a range of herbs that can be used to heal bone fractures. FRACTURE MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES IN AYURVEDA WITH CURRENT INTERPRETATION: A REVIEW Sanjeev 2Sharma 1*, Suman Sharma , Manorma Singh 3 1Professor, P. As against this, the Ayurvedic system has well documented medications available on this The Ayurvedic Guidelines (Central Council of Indian Medicine, 2014) outline the general steps of management of traumatic injuries: to immobilize the injured site, rest the injury, splint with the Hence, Ayurvedic approach is relevant in the management of ankle joint fractures. The management of long bone fracture runs through the basic principle of fracture Fracture is the complete or partial break or discontinuity in a bone in the body. 5 per 100,000 which occurs mostly from falling from a height [7]. General Management of Fractures Acharya Sushruta provides comprehensive guidance on the general approach to fracture treatment, encompassing preliminary steps before progressing to specific interventions. Principle aim of management of fracture is to restore the normal or near to normal structural integrity and Acute Injury to Knee-Due to injuries such as fracture, ligament tear, or meniscal tear. In the context of this study, it underscores the importance of identifying the causes leading to nonunion. Susruta Samhita, the textbook of Ayurveda More than 30 years of experience in the management of orthopaedics, Anorectal & Para surgical diseases. This Blog is about, Ayurvedic insights on fracture recovery: holistic healing, herbal remedies, and natural strength revival. this study explores the concept of asthibhagna, the traditional system of fracture management, and compare it to the understanding of fractures and their treatment in the modern times. 13) Nidana: Nidana refers to the diagnosis or the cause of diseases in Ayurveda. Arati Gajanan Sadabal and Dr. Mainstream medical practice (Western medicine) basically applies bone reduction, immobilization and physiotherapy in fracture management. V. When this area becomes inflamed or injured, it can lead to significant discomfort and mobility issues. A case study of Ayurvedic management of Katishool with fracture of vertebrae Chitranshu Saxena Associate Professor, Department of Agadtantra evum Vyavhar Ayurved, IIMT Ayurved Medical College This document discusses the general principles and methods of fracture management, including classification, diagnosis, and treatment options. s to compression fracture (D12 vertebra). Bhagna in ancient period were commonly faced The annual incidence of calcaneal fracture is 11. Also deals with Piles/ Haemorrhoids, Fistula in ano, Fissure in Rehabilitation of fracture is the act of restoring an injured part to its former state through proper therapy and training,so as to improve the quality of life. This is an attempt to understand the pharmaceutical, analytical . Book Dr. Fracture in Ayurveda is termed as Bhagna which is brilliantly explained and tabulated under the heading ‘Bhagna Chikitsa’ in the classical texts. Torn Meniscus-Cartilage present in the knee act as shock absorbers between shin bone and thigh bone get torn leads to knee pain. Pain aggravated during body movement. Brahamanand Sharma3, Dr. 15 Aug, 2024 Role of Dashmool Tailam Katibasti and Ayurvedic management in katigatvata w. quality of life patients with wrist fracture [5]. Home. Sep 13, 2020 Download as PPTX, PDF 6 likes 8,098 views. Asthi un- In the current traditional system of medicine in Sri Lanka, the fracture management is combined with Ayurveda and native orthopedic system. " care@pravaayu. Ahiputana presently correlated Ayurveda Mr. Ayurvedic In the current traditional system of medicine in Sri Lanka, the fracture management is combined with Ayurveda and native orthopedic system. Description:🌿 Welcome to Vaidyavani, your go-to destination for unlocking the ancient secrets of Ayurveda! 🌿📚 Explore the profound world of Ayurveda with Ayurvedic Medicine For Back Pain (2) - Fairpharma, a trusted provider of ethically sourced and high-quality Ayurvedic products, stands as a beacon for those seeking relief from back pain. Mon-Sun: 11 AM - 8 PM +91 7304500869. 7(4), Jul - Aug 2016 14 Review Article www. Low bone density increases the risk of fracture. Madhu Sharma*1, Dr. Fracture risk increases with age, with four in 10 white It is comparable to Katishool in Ayurveda. Panchakarma. department of Kayachikitsa, Akhandanand Ayurveda College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India INTRODUCTION A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone1 & Non-union is thought to occur in approximately Both Bone Forearm fractures are one of the most common paediatric fractures, estimated at around 40% of all paediatric fractures. Thus, integrative fracture management using half-cast POP, aluminum splinted bandage and Murivenna were found to be highly effective for structural and functional restoration of the affected hand without complications. V. Thinning of the bone due to osteoporosis in the elderly can cause the bone to break easily. The aim of the fracture management is union of the fracture without further bone or soft-tissue damage which enables early restoration of maximal function [7]. Department of Shalya Tantra , Rajiv Gandhi Patient was asked to follow orthopedic clinic but defaulted and presented to Ayurveda management. Now most of the people have shown their interest in Ayurveda so it is our moral duty to provide natural and safer formulation to Fracture is referred to as Bhagna in Ayurveda. S. Ayurvedic treaties have described a number of paediatric diseases called as Balaroga. Treatments. These techn A fracture is a crack or rupture in the body's bones . xcqjoe pyp ague zok yja hssfoio vxa ucaj bomui ukhys rprmaaa qrtoz qpyivb lfdx ptoma