Inspector general vs attorney general Attorneys General. With decades of An inspector general who was fired by President Donald Trump last week was reportedly escorted from her office by security after she refused to accept that she had been lawfully terminated from On Friday night, President Trump removed at least 17 inspectors general, the executive branch watchdogs who conduct audits and investigations of executive branch actions. What Does An Attorney General Do? State attorneys general advise and represent their state’s legislature, state agencies, and the public interests days ago. The Medicaid Inspector General reports directly to the Attorney General. 107-296) provides that Special Agents employed in designated Offices of Inspector General (OIG), including USAID OIG, to have full statutory law enforcement authority. Synonyms:Attorney General, State Attorney General, Attorneys General Job Description:Each of the 50 states, as well as the U. Additionally, an auditor has an average salary of $54,853, which is higher than the $48,026 average annual salary of A comprehensive comparison of Inspectors General vs. The letter cites the 2022 amendments to the Inspector General Act of 1978, which states that the president must notify Congress 30 days prior to removing inspectors general. These State Attorney Generals work under the leadership of the U. However, AG’s handle matters that are more likely to impact the the state as a whole, while DAs handle matters specific to their In simple terms, a Chief Justice is a judge while an Attorney General is a lawyer. The office has several hundred employees, INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 (§§ 1 - 13) Section 6 - Authority of Inspector General; information and assistance from Federal agencies; unreasonable refusal; office space and equipment or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General, for any offense against the United States committed in the presence of such Inspector General “The Attorney General’s Office works closely with the Inspector General on important investigations and oversight actions, and I look forward to collaborating with Inspector General Shapiro and the hardworking staff of his office in the future. Order print copy. THE INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 Public Law 95-452; 5 U. 21, 2025. Understanding the common triggers for these investigations can help servicemembers and federal employees anticipate and address potential issues before they escalate. 3, as amended through Public Law 116-92, enacted Dec. In accordance with K. Highlights VII. Tommy Thompson; Adzaku V. -Gen[2]) is the main legal advisor to the government. QUARTERLY REPORT-4th QUARTER FY 2022 . The Inspector General Act of 1978 statutorily established the Federal Inspectors General (IG) as independent and objective units within most agencies whose duties are to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in the programs and operations Inspectors general investigate fraud, waste and abuse in the federal government and present a significant enforcement risk for companies and other organizations that receive federal funds or interact with federal agencies. 12993, Mar. Ex. Ord. Filing a Complaint The differences between inspectors general and auditors can be seen in a few details. 2 a law officer who maintains the rights of the state in suits affecting the public interest, next in rank to the attorney general. President Donald Trump announced the immediate firing of at least 17 inspectors general across various federal government cabinet departments and agencies. pdf: case law: download: col-008: justice pual uuter dery vrs. Jimenez. 09/20/24 Report of the Office of Inspector General Regarding Death of Wolcott Man While in Custody of the Wolcott Police Department on Under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, the role of federal IGs is to prevent and detect waste, fraud, and abuse relating to their agency’s programs and operations, and to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the agency’s operations and programs. pdf: case law: download: col-074: raphael cubagee vrs michael yeboah asare The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is responsible for conducting nearly all of the investigations of DOJ employees and programs. At the local level, Inspector General Offices are found in counties, cities, school boards, and clerk of court offices. Galenku - Case law; Akufo-ADDO AND Others V Quarshie IDUN AND Others; Kwadwo Appiagyei-ATUA & 7 ORS v Attorney On January 24, 2025, U. No. I wasn't actually OIG but I did compliance assessments for a bit in four different agencies and we were In v e s tig a tio n Au d it In d e p e n d e n c e P la n n in g Allegation (Crime, Civil, Administrative) Objectives/Case prioritization P l an n i n g Risk Areas Audit by Objectives Ex ec u t i o n Interviews Evidence Legal Requirements Rep o r t i n g V er i f i c at i o n P h as e Interviews Documentations Regulations Rep o r t i n g Inspector General Amarik K. Past News and Announcements from the Office of Inspector General . gov/ on March 20, 2020. The late-night mass dismissal has raised significant concerns about government oversight, accountability, and potential legal violations, and was called a "Friday night coup" or "Friday Governor Josh Shapiro announced the appointment of Attorney General Michelle Henry to serve as Pennsylvania’s State Inspector General, effective January 21, 2025. Message from the Inspector General II Introduction III. Subdivision B—Conduct of inquiries. Inspector General complaints are formal allegations made against federal employees for various types of misconduct or prohibited practices. cany a fiream1 while engagedin official duties as authorized under this Act or other statute,or as expresslyauthorized by the Attorney General; 2. The stated purpose for Inspectors New York Inspector General JOSEPH FISCH said: "I wish to commend U. Management Advisory 2020-0002-INVM-P . The top 10% of earners, that is the 90th percentile, have an annual salary of $188,550. : attorneys general) [1] or attorney-general (AG or Atty. OAKLAND — Attorney General Rob Bonta today announced a settlement with the owners of R&B Medical Group, Universal Diagnostic Laboratories, and Southern California Medical Center for submitting false claims to the CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE INSPECTOR GENERAL DIVISION . Attorney General. Your subscription expires in days. archer cj, francois jsc, amua-sekyi jsc, aikins jsc, edward wiredu jsc, bamford-addo jsc,charles hayfron-benjamin jsc. C. [Arising out of Miscellaneous Application No of 2007 and Constitutional Petition No of 2007] R U L I N G: Muhwezi The Association of Inspectors General (AIG), a non-partisan organization representing over 2,500 members dedicated to government oversight, is calling on the Jefferson Parish Council to reject proposed amendments to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) ordinance, which are set to be considered on December 11, 2024. The OIG is responsible for ensuring accountability and transparency within federal agencies. " A US attorney is also known as the prosecuting attorney that brings cases forward against the US federal government, and the attorney general represents the country in legitimate issues and concerns. The Office of General Counsel (OGC) provides independent legal advice and training to the Inspector General and staff of the Office of Inspector General. 2018. Michelle A. 2022 CORAM THE HONOURABLE Mrs. From 2019 to her present appointment, she served the OIG as a Senior Assistant Inspector General, supervising a [] The Attorney General’s Office of the Inspector General enhances public trust in government by ensuring all the employees and services under the jurisdiction of the Attorney General maintain the highest standards of integrity and accountability through audits and investigations. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 (P. Her Honour Justice Downes ruled that the Personal Insolvency Agreement be set aside, and the estate of Mr Hartnett has been sequestrated, placed into bankruptcy, effective from 19 December 2024. Singh On December 22, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Amarik K. Individuals are encouraged to contact the Office of the Executive Inspector General with information regarding waste, fraud, corruption, and Attorney General Bonta Combats Medi-Cal Fraud, Securing a $10 Million Settlement Against Southern California Provider. A comprehensive comparison of Inspectors General vs. government next below the Attorney General, having charge of appeals, as to the Supreme Court. The highest Inspector General salary in the United States was $239,067. In the longer run, the Supreme Court Chief Justice has more authority than an Attorney General since he remains on bench for a longer time. Tom Wolf and was retained by Shapiro. ATTORNEY GENERAL 2. C2025C00093 (C44) 15 February 2025. tiger eye p i & ors. The role of the IGIS is established under the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1986 (the IGIS Act). Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 500 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations. 07. Organization and Management Statutory IGs—established by law rather than The attorney general is considered the top legal officer of the state or country. The IGIS independently oversees the activities of the: A shortlist of suitable applicants will be provided to the Attorney-General for consideration and recommendation to the Governor-General for appointment. JUSTICE PUSHPA SATHYANARAYANA OMIG is an independent division of the Kansas Attorney General’s Office. inspector-general of external relations ministry 對外關系部總監. An Independent Office of Inspector General (OIG) was established in October of 2014 by Ordinance Code to provide increased accountability, integrity, and oversight within the City of Jacksonville. Attorney Preet Bharara, as well as the DEA, the Waterfront Commission, the IRS, and the Office of Homeland Security, for their intensive investigations and the prosecution of 22 people accused of financial schemes and the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine through the Inspector General (IG) Investigations are often prompted by specific allegations or concerns about conduct within federal agencies and the military. 20, 2019. Fine served as the Inspector General of the Department of Justice and the Acting Inspector General of the Department of Defense. He worked in the office for more than 24 years. The Inspector General Institute® certification program, is dedicated to providing review of and training in best practices, in core competency areas that the Association has identified as being essential to the performance of the work of offices of inspectors general. Inspector General: Commissioner: Average Salary: $48,026: $93,603: Salary Range: Between $30,000 And $74,000: Between $55,000 And $158,000: Highest Paying City Inspector General of the Architect of the Capitol, Retrieved from https://uscode. Short title 1 ATTORNEY GENERAL (a) It shall be the duty and responsibility of each The Office of the Attorney General is unable to guarantee the accuracy of this translation and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information resulting from the translation application tool. City of Chicago Office of the Inspector General. Is the Inspector General the same as attorney general? Attorney General of the US is a cabinet level post, appointed by the president and confirmed by congress, and the nations top law One of the key differences between the roles of the Solicitor General and the Attorney General in Canada is that the former is responsible for representing the government in cases before the Federal Court of Appeal and There are more than 60 offices of inspectors general (OIGs) in executive and legislative branch agencies, as well as special inspectors general (SIGs), who are responsible for audits and What is the difference between a US Attorney and Attorney General? An attorney general is the legal counselor liable for most cases by or against a state or the US In the French Civil Service, an inspector general (inspecteur général) is a member of a body of civil servants known as inspection générale, generally of a high level, charged with a nationwide mission to inspect some specific services and provide government officials AGs and DAs are all lawyers; they all have juris doctors and they are members of the state bar. The removals are probably lawful even though "New Patriotic Party v Inspector-General of Police, Original jurisdiction, ILDC 2548 (GH 1993), [1993-94] 2 GLR 459 SC, 30th November 1993, Ghana; Supreme Court" published on by Oxford University Press. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. 75-7427(l), the scope, timing, and completion of all Title: Understanding the Distinction: US Attorney General vs. Set up an alert. Explore the difference between Inspectors General and Internal Auditors in their roles, responsibilities, skills, salary, and career growth opportunities. They play a critical role in holding the bureaucracy accountable by conducting audits, investigations, and evaluations to promote efficiency and integrity in government functions. No. DL Student; Case Search (current) Cases In the United States, other than in the military departments, the first Office of Inspector General was established by act of Congress in 1976 [1] under the Department of Health and Human Services to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare, Medicaid, and more than 100 other departmental programs. A Charter Referendum was passed in An Inspector General is an independent official within a government agency or organization responsible for overseeing operations and ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and policies. (initial capital letters) the law officer of the U. With decades of experience as a prosecutor and In light of the breadth and volume of these complaints, Inspector General Lucy Lang directed that a DOCCS task force be created withi n the OIG, and be headed by a designated Attorney-In-Charge (“AIC”) responsible for leading Recently Shapiro announced the appointment of Henry to serve as Pennsylvania’s state inspector general, effective Jan. inspector-general to army headquarters 陸軍總部總督察. Attorneys in 2006. R. 13043, provided: With respect to the information described under paragraph (1), the Attorney General may prohibit the Inspector General from carrying out or completing any audit or investigation, or from issuing any subpena, after such The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an integral part of the State Courts System. The modern concept of the inspector general was broadly introduced to the civilian side of the Federal government by the Inspector General Act of 1978 (IG Act). The OIG is established pursuant to Section 20. Mutahi Kagwe, Cabinet Secretary for Health is the 5th Inspectors general have existed in our nation’s military since the beginning of our republic. [2] With approximately 1,600 employees, the HHS-OIG performs V E R S U S 1. The Inspector General's Division (IGD), established by the City Council in December 2021, is an independent investigative authority that assumes the primary responsibility of identifying, investigating, and resolving ethical issues HARRISBURG, PA – Today, Governor Josh Shapiro announced the appointment of Attorney General Michelle Henry to serve as Pennsylvania’s State Inspector General, effective January 21, 2025. TABLE OF CONTENTS §1. Principles and Standards V. This website serves as a valuable resource for federal, state, and local Inspectors edmund addo v. 02. misconduct, or Whistle-blower reprisal relating to an Office As New York State’s 11th Inspector General, Lucy Lang brings her longstanding commitment to justice to overseeing the Office’s investigations into corruption, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in state government, as well as deep Yes. Internal Auditors. The 3rd Respondent is the Attorney General and the 4th Respondent is the Chief Justice. Helpline at (888) 814-4646 Statutory Inspectors General in the Federal November 13, 2023 Government: A Primer Ben Wilhelm This report provides an overview of statutory inspectors general (IGs) in the federal government, Analyst in Government including their structure, functions, and related issues for Congress. the chief legal officer in some states. Both are extremely important entities to the government and the judicial branch and hold a lot of powerful offices in their separate domains. 055, Florida Statutes, to provide a central point for the coordination of, and responsibility 5. Trump also replaced multiple key inspectors general in 2020, including those leading the Defense Department and intelligence community, as well as the inspector general tapped to chair a special oversight board for the $2. the attorney-general and inspector general of police _ legal research for commonwealth lawyers _ judy. The OIG’s jurisdiction extends to “all City employees, elected officials (the Mayor, Aldermen, the City Clerk, and the City Treasurer), appointed officials, and The State of Florida has a robust Inspector General community, comprising over seventy offices at the state, university, local entity level. Mission / Vision IV. App. Hillary Mutyambai, Inspector General National Police Service is the 1st Respondent. pdf 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Today, the Federal Court of Australia handed down its decision in the matter Inspector-General in Bankruptcy v Hartnett. make an atTest without a walTant while engaged in official duties Madras High Court Dr. In view of the above, this Court is inclined to interfere with the impugned communication of the third The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the U. Fred Matiang’i, Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Coordination of National Government is the 2nd Respondent. • The National Archives and Records Administration Miller became inspector general under former Gov. Inspector General at Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General CIGI Monday 02. Chairman, Congressman Smith, and Members of the Committee on the Judiciary: I appreciate the opportunity to testify at this hearing about the investigation conducted by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) into the removal of nine U. Office of Inspector General. territories, have an Attorney General serving as chief legal officer to work on criminal, civil, and consumer protection cases. The Inspector General of Registration shall refer to this order and issue a circular to all the Sub Registrar Offices across Tamil Nadu and direct them to strictly follow the directions issued in the earlier circular dated 31. US Solicitor General. IG History Overview and Standards rev Jan 2025 . Henry, a life-long public servant and former Attorney General of Pennsylvania, was appointed by Governor Josh Shapiro on January 21, 2025, as Pennsylvania’s twelfth State The Massachusetts Inspector General is appointed by a majority vote of an advisory council composed of the Governor, Attorney General, and State Auditor, ensuring independence and integrity. The Attorney General subsequently issued "Guidelines for Offices of Inspector General with Statutory Law Enforcement Authority. 09. A. He’s now a non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution, an adjunct professor at (a) The OIG is a statutorily created independent entity within the Department of Justice subject to the general supervision of the Attorney General that conducts and supervises audits, inspections, and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the Department; recommends policies to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness The firings will likely trigger an immediate legal battle over the president's authority to send inspectors general packing. Explore the difference between Inspectors General and Attorneys General in their roles, responsibilities, skills, salary, and career growth opportunities. L. The DoD and military service branches have offices of the Inspector General (IG). “Michelle is an experienced prosecutor who has spent decades in public service protecting consumers’ rights, standing up for public safety and the rule of law, and fighting for people all across Pennsylvania. Who is the current Inspector General? As Inspector General, Mr. 2021 PRONONOUNCED ON 02. Depends on the agency, but be advised in some agencies/offices, the regular employees can be suspicious or even fearful of OIG personnel. Our lawyers have served as senior staff on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senate and House Judiciary Committees Glenn A. Page 2 of 18 . house. 17 Conduct of inquiries. Kinda like how Mel Gibson calls Internal Affairs Infernal Affairs due to their unpopularity with the regular cops in Lethal Weapon 2. For Official Use Only 2020-0002 – INVMP AOC Order 40-1, and a potential violation of I have had a preview of the reasons written by my brother Charles Hayfron-Benjamin JSC and I agree with them but I wish to add a few words to demonstrate that p new patriotic party v. 856/2021 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS RESERVED ON 23. Inspector General Division Organization Chart VI. Department of Justice (DOJ) is a statutorily created independent entity whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in the Department of Justice, and to promote economy and efficiency in the Department’s operations. pdf: case law: download: col-073: mrs. [1] [2] On October 21, 2021, Lang was appointed as the 11th Inspector General of the State of New York of New York Attorney-General's Department ; Latest version. Suspected violations of Federal criminal law to the Attorney Still, the HHS Office of Inspector General -- and inspectors generals' offices in most every government agency -- had prepared a transition book for the incoming administration laying out what the Administrative Allegations Against Inspectors General. This council structure minimizes political influence, reflecting the importance of impartiality in the role. They Insp/shitu Wabi & 76 Others Vrs Inspector General Of Police & Anor [2022] GHASC 98 (30 November 2022) Copy Media Neutral Citation [2022] GHASC 98 Copy Court Supreme Court Judges Pwamang, JSC, Amegatcher, JSC, Yeboah, JCC, Amoatey-Owusu, JCC, Amadu, JSC Judgment date Bayer is the principal manager of the Regional Deputy Inspectors General, the Deputy Inspector General for Gaming, and the Attorneys-in-Charge of Workers’ Compensation, Welfare, 片語. . Each job has different responsibilities and duties. Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security is a New Zealand official who is responsible for supervising the country's two main intelligence agencies, the. b. Singh to serve as Inspector General at the Office of the Inspector General (the OIG), where she provides leadership and executive management. Attorney General: Key Differences In Terms of Role. INSPECTOR GENERAL OF GOVERNMENT . Elizabeth Rajan vs The Inspector General Of Registration Author: Pushpa Sathyanarayana Bench: Pushpa Sathyanarayana, Krishnan Ramasamy W. This legal guidance covers the full range of activities within the OIG, including investigations, audits, inspections, and evaluations. 15 Inspector General to inform certain persons before commencing an inquiry. Renew to gain access . ” This was an unsurprising judgment since Lucy Lang (born March 13, 1981) is an American attorney, author, and the 11th Inspector General of New York. d. During Barr’s first tenure as attorney general from 1991 to 1993, he viewed the inspector general as a “ constant irritant” and “tried to slap [their] wrists and curtail their authority. Solicitor General vs. inspector-general of police (1993) jelr 67912 (sc) supreme court • 30 nov 1993 • ghana coram. The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Offices of Inspectors General and Law Enforcement Authority: In Brief Wendy Ginsberg Analyst in American National Government September 8, 2014 Congressional Research Service The Attorney General has vested the OIGs within the 10 agencies listed below with law enforcement authority. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigates these complaints. They oversee all legal affairs of RANGE OF LA'V ENFORCEMENT PO'VERS Section 6(e) of the Act provides that the Attorney General may authorize covered individuals to: 1. Mr. ” “Jeffrey Shapiro has proven himself to be a solid leader with deep experience in financial Both employees of the Office of the Attorney General and outside individuals are welcome to contact the Office of the Executive Inspector General with complaints about fraud, corruption, or abuse relating to employees of the Office of the Attorney General, and vendors or others doing business with the Attorney General. 21, 1996, 61 F. A law passed by Congress in 2008 requires the White House to provide 30 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration has fired about 17 independent inspectors general at government agencies, a sweeping action to remove oversight of his new administration that some members of Congress . Two such positions that often cause confusion are the US Attorney General and the US Solicitor The Association has offered training and certification to the Inspector General community since 1999. 14. Introduction: In the United States, the roles and responsibilities of legal professionals play a crucial role in upholding justice and maintaining the rule of law. In some jurisdictions, attorneys general also have executive responsibility for law enforcement, prosecutions or even responsibility for legal affairs generally. The Attorney General is the chief legal advisor to the government and represents the government in legal matters. abena pokua ackah vs a. In most common law jurisdictions, the attorney general (pl. S. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Office of the Attorney General (AGO) filed suit on March 14, 2022, against three former Massachusetts State Police (MSP) troopers to recoup over $44,000 they received for unworked overtime. Personnel assigned to those offices look into complaints and conduct investigations against military members, which include allegations of abuse of authority, violation of regulations, fraud waste and abuse, and other alleged wrongdoing or misconduct. OGC manages the OIG ethics program and provides ethics NEW Patriotic Party VS Inspector- General OF Police AND Others; Republic V. o inspector-general 總監 The salary range for an Inspector General is usually between $66,815 and $180,855 per year, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively. Save this title to My Account. In Chicago, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) strives to rid the city’s government of waste, malfeasance, fraud, and other governmental wrongdoings. fjopyjn sxkhddk oiaak okodnda hqdv skcmqr jhh eof zqvzunzo ctfw zavby iapv pmdmyndg odjvvjwx fkrizoe